History of conversions of Mirza Ali in light of some reliable sources and narrators

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THE UNTOLD HISTORY OF CONVERSIONS OF ENGINEER “ALI: MIRZA: JHELUMI THE FOUNDER OF JHELUMIAH /ENGINEERIAH/ALIMIRZAIAH SECT. Engineer “Ali Mirza: always declares any one as speaker of falsehood [liar] ,who makes objection on him or reports any thing about him which can expose his dangerous truth. It is there fore highly probable that Engineer “Ali Mirza: of Jhelum SHALL declare our investigation about his several conversions as false and untrue. But it must be noted that declaration of any accusation as falsehood and untrue on “Ali Mirza of Jhelum by “Ali Mirza : Himself is certainly not reliable . Since Engineer “Ali Mirza has proven himself unreliable and irresponsible. Since “Ali Mirza: has distorted S:AH:I:H: MUSLIM [S:M], as we have discussed in an article: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ If such a person who can speak falsehood against one of the Most Famous Books [MFB] like HOLY S:AH:I:H: MUSLIM [H:S:M] ,is certainly not reliable [CNR]. So whether this story possesses historicity or not is another issue , and directly depends on the the reliability and credibility of the reporterswho have narrated this story to us , but one thing is certain that its truth or falsehood does not depend upon the acceptance or rejection by Engineer “ALI Mirza since he has proven himself unreliable and untrustworthy in his declaration. History:= “Ali Mirza converted six times accprding to reliable sources where “Ali Mirza himself claims to convert to different sects and cults four times. Two disciples of “Ali Mirza: who reverted to their initial sects after living with him as his followers for some years have reported that “Ali Mirza confessed that he converted six times to different sects or religions.

A] Barailvism . This is the initial or mother sect of “Ali Mirza. He was a Barailvi by birth. TYhen he was converted to a particular cult of Baraislvism, namely Da”vat e ‘Islami. We do not consider this as a major conversion. So we discard this sub-conversion from our list. Since it is an internal conversion inside Barailvism. B] Deobandism:= Ali Mirza does claim that he was converted to Deobandism [‘Ahlussunnah Deoband]. But this is a distortion truth. He actually became a follower of Dr ‘Isra:r Ah:mad [TANZI:M AL ISLA:MI ] Sect or Isra:ri sect. [ Followers of ‘isra:r “Ah:mad may please be renamed as I’sar:ries and the sect as ‘Ira:riah]. Dr ‘isra:r “Ah:mad is not a Deobandi ,rather a person of his own views like Maulana Maudu:di. Of Jama:”atul ‘islami:.``

But Engineer “Ali Mirza constantly distorts his conversion to ‘Isra:ria as Deobandaism. IT MUST BE NOTED THAT DR ‘ISRA:R AH:MAD IS NOT A DEOBANDI NOT IN THE LEAST MEANING/SENSE. He is a founder of a new Sect which we have renamed or named as ‘ira:riah . C] ‘Ith:na:;”Ashrism. “Ali Mirza: then converted to “Akhba:ri ‘Ithna “Ashrism. How ever he now tries to hide this conversion just by saying that he remained with ‘Ith:na: ‘Ashrites instead of being converted to ‘Ith:na: ‘Ashrism. It is however reported that his disputes began with ‘Us:u:li ‘Ith:na:’Ashrites on several ‘Issues and then he converted to ‘Ahlul H:ladith. D]’Ahlul H:adi:th: . It is implied that Engi”Ali Zai a Semi “Ahlul H:adith: , ‘Ali Mirza Converted to ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: from Barailvism. This explodes the false claims of the three or four conversions by “Ali Mirza, himself. A PIECE OF NEW INFORMATION BY TWO FORMER FOLLOWERS OF “Ali Mirza:= It is reported that “Ali Mirza was converted to Mirza:’iah Qa:dianiah from Barailvism. Then he was converted to Mirza:iah La:horiah [Lahorites] from Mirza:’iah Qa:dianiah. How ever these two conversions were just for very short period of time. For four months he remained Qadiani Mirzai and For two months he remained Laro:hi: Mirzai. Then he became what we term as ‘isra:ri [ which is incorrectly claimed to be Deobandi by “Ali: Mirza of Jhelum]. THEN HE WAS CONVERTED TO ‘Ith:na: “Ashrism . Two Reports:= “Ali Mirza: while he was in a debate with a Qa:diani Mirzai was unable to respond to a the Q:adiani Debater and became Qa:diani. But then he became aware of the proper response and he immediately converted to Laho:ri: Mirzai but then to ‘Isra:ri cult. But then he was converted to ‘Akhba:ri sect of ‘Ithna: ‘Ashrites based one his own struggle since ‘Arba:rites are not found in Subcontinent particularly in Pakistan. He began to dispute with ‘Us:lites sect of ‘Ith:na: “Ashrism. Then he was reconverted to his initial sect Barailvism . This time he was not a Da”vati. Then came in contact with Semi “Ahlul H:adi:th: Zubair “Ali Zai who differed prom the main stream line of “Ahlul H:adi:th and deneyed that ‘Ima:m Shuka:ni, ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah , Sha: “Isma:”i:l RAH:MATULLAH “ALAIHIM were ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: .

Zubair “Ali Zai was also an opponent of Muh:aqqiq ‘Irsha:d “Al H:aqq “Ath:ari: . But under immense pressure ,he was compelled to say that he accepts Muh:aqqiq ‘Irshad ‘Al H:aqq “Athari as “Ahlul H:adi:th: , This annoyed “Ali Mirza: and he almost broke all ties with Zubair “Ali Zai. Yet he did maintain some weak ties with Zubair “Ali Zai,not a total annihilation of all contacts. “Ali Mirza then made one last great meeting with “Ali Zai. Details are different , and are not reported from reliable sources. But the reporter says that he did hear “Ali Mirza saying that “Ali Zai said to him” What I do not have courage to say, say it exactly as I taught you”. 1] When the tahqeeq of Shaikh Albanee is mentioned Zubair Ali Zai is quick to add “I have ikhtilaaf with him on thousands of Hadeeth”. Mirza “Ali only takes those remarks of ‘Ima:m ‘Alba:ni RD: which are seconded by Zubair “Ali Zai. 2] Zubair Ali Zai has a severe hatred for the Salafis connected to the Maktabah Salafiyyah whom are known for their clarity on manhaj and their connection with the Kibaar Ul-ma: . The same is true for “Ali Mirza 3] He [Zubair “Ali Zai] was expelled out of Jamia Athariiya in Jhelum for saying that “whoever says that three utterances of talaaq are equal to one has given a fatawa for Zinaa”. This was witnessed by the raess of the Jamia, Shaikh Abdul Hameed and Shaikh Abdullaah (both are graduates from Jamia Islamiyya, Madinah) and others. Ghulam Mustapha knew the fatawa of Shaikh ul Islaam Ibn Taymiyah. The same view is held by “Ali: Mirza: . 4] Zubair “Ali Zai considers Sha:h ‘isa:”i:l as Kafir [‘ASTAGHFARULLAH] on several issues in particular and on the Divine Omnipotence on Falsehood. The same is the view of “Ali Mirza about Sha:h ‘isma:”i:l Rah:matullah “Alaih.. 5] Zubair “Ali: Zai considered Vah:tatul Vuju:d.

Sha:h ‘isma:”i:l Shahi:d as Kafir and Murtadd on the issue of

The same view his held by “Ali Mirza: . 6] Zubair “Ali Zai considered all the great Scholars of ‘Ahlussunnah Deoband as Kafir like Maulana: ‘ashrafn “Ali Tha:nvi etc, Ali Mirza: also followes him. 7] “Ali Zai consider great ‘Ahlul H:adith “ULma: ‘ as Kafir or atleas Not Ahlul H:adith: like Nava:b Siddi:q RH: , Maulana Nazi:r Dahlivi: , the same is the view of “Ali Mirza: .

Zubair “Ali Zai initially declared Muh:aqqiq Nazi:r Dahlavi as Mushrik, ON THE ISSUE OF Vah:tadul Vuju:d and his respect of Shaikh ‘Ibn “Arabi , but on immense pressure he began to doubt the reports which informs about the views of Maulana Nazi:r Dahlivi: about Vah:datul Vuju:d and ‘Ibn ‘Al “Arabi. These dosuggest that although “Ali Mirza was not a regular student of Zubair “Ali Zai be followed him on several issues . THE POINT OF DISPUTE:= Zubair “Ali Zai inspite of all his differences from the main stream of ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: did not declared Siyiduna: Mu”aviah RD: as Fasiq, But “Ali Mirza argued with him several times . Although simple minded Zubair “Ali Zai never said any thing disgracing to Saiyiduna: Mu”aviah RD: , “Ali Mirza ascribed to him may things which Zubair “Ali Zai could not say to Saiyiduna: Mu”aviah RD: in his wildest dreams. So it is the version which we received from reliable sources about “Ali Mirza.

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