Saiyiduna Muaviah and Conervation of Quran

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Engineer Ali Mirza made some objections on the claim which is given below:= If doubts are made in the Character of Saiyiduna Mu”aviah RD: or His Religious Status, a diubt in the received Text of Holy Qur’a:n is implied; Since Saiyuiduna Mu”aviah RD: is a Katib AL Vah:y. This is a very sound argument. How ever “Ali Mirza of Jhelum have made some Anti-Arguments against this Argument.They are in Essence and In Substance given below:= .α] Saiyiduna Mu”aviah RD: is not a Katib ‘Al Vah:y. .β]If it is assumed that He Was a Katib ‘Al Vah:y then there are proves of events when a Katib ‘Al Vah:y became a Kafir or a Murtadd. If a Katib Al Vah:y can become Kafir, then such a person can also become a Fasiq but still remaining a Muslim. This might be the case with Saiyiduna Mu”aviah RD:. But worst of all is the following response of Engineer Ali Mirza.

ALL-H Subh:an-hu: Va Ta”:la: Himself Have promised to Conserve and to Protect the Textus Receptus Of Holy Qur’a:n. So Qur’a:n Doeth not require any Katib’Al Vah:y for its Perpetual Conservation. For the α OBJECTION We have written some articles and a refutation of this by Muh:aqqiq ‘irshad ‘Al Haqq ‘Athari. After the refutation of this dogma the dogma of “Ali: Mirza that Saiyiduna Mu”aviah was not the Katib of Vah:y is nullified once for ever. For the second dogma it must be noted that with out a solid evidence of Fisq from the Text of a S:hi:i:h: H:adi:th: [ Khabar/Marfu:”] no such claim is acceptable. There is no H:ADI:TH: [MARFU”/KHABAR] which informs about the fisq of Saiyiduna Mu”aviah. Uptill now what Engineer “Alio Mirza has only presented his own interpretation of some [at least one] OF SOME traditions [Khabar and Marfu:”] with his own commentary. So both of the objections are not only unproved but disproved . ACONUNDRUN:=


A number of Correct /S:ah:i:h: Traditions Khabar/Marfu;” are narrated by Saiyiduna MU”AVIAH RD:. If Saiyiduna Mu”aviah is to be doubted then doubts are implied in a Number of S:ah:i:h: Marfu:” and Khabars as well as in S:ah:i:h: “Athar or Mauqu:f. So this implieth that “Ali Mirza disbelieve in thses S:ah:i:h: Traditions. As It Is Reported From Some Former Followers Of The Engineer That “Ali Mirza Of Jhelum Hath denied The HJoly Tradition Of Holy Bukha:ri , which contains the Marva:n as a reporter or a narrator in the chain of reporters and narrators .


But we request the present followers of “Ali Mirza that for the sake of “ALL-H and Rasu:l decide and judge themselves, that if it is assumed for sake of arguments that Saiyiduna Mu”aviah RD: is not the Katib Of Vah:y , Is He [RD:] also not the Narrator/ Reporter of a Number of S:ahi:i:h: Traditions [Rava:ya:t]? Decide your selves before accepting or rejecting the argument of “Ali Mirza Of Jhelum. MayALL-H make him to revert to truth of True Sunnism. How ever in this article we investigate a for more dangerous Axiom of “Ali Mirza that Conservation Of Qur’a:n is Independent Of Human Efforts and Is Divine Promise is independent of Efforts of S:ah:abad and Tavatur of S:abah; an implied consequence of the answer of “Ali Mirza the Engineer. So please read your selves and decide your selves whether it is a conspiracy behind an answer or we have incorrectly claimed it to be. REFUTATION: Engineer “Ali Mirza hath claimed that “As ‘ALL-H Hath HimSelf Promised for the Perpetual Consevation and Protection [H:IFZ:,H:-FA:Z:AH] of the Text Of Qu’ra:n then Qur’a:n Requireth Not the Reliability and Credibility of any Katib Al Vah:y [Writer/ Copyist Of Revelation/Aspiration]”. See lectures 116:a,b,c;131 etc. The Protection and Conservation of Received Text of HolyQur’an by Sjupreme Being “ALL[-H himself Doeth not meant the falsification of the claim “ If Katibu:n [Writers/Copyists] Of Vah:y or S:ah:abah BE doubed, then doubts are implied in the Text of Holy Qur’a:n.


Since ALL-H is Omnipotent and Omniscient , AND there are Infinite Many Possible Ways to save, to conserve to Protect, to guard the Text Of Qur’an. Out of infinite many ways ‘ALL-H Hath chosen the way of Tava:tur [Consecutiveness] of Qur’a:n in the Generations from the Ist Generation of Muslims [S:h:abah] to consecutive generations , one after an other, till it is conveyed to the Present Generationand is received by the Present Generation, and the same process shall Continue in future , till the day of Qiya:mah. As this Perpetual Process is a Continua and the Continuum of the Conveying and Recieveing Process is with out any discontinuity , the Divine Protection Doeth not contradict it rather this is one of the infinite many numbers of Possible Divine Protection, with the difference that it is Chosen By The Divine Supreme and Omnipotent Being to be in the line of Actualization.


Sot the claim is fasified. That is also the reason THAT IF A Person disbelieve in the Tavatur [Consicutiveness] Of Qur’a:n then such a person is a denouncer of the Qur’a:n even ifn he believe in the Text of Qur’a:n on some other reasons of his own, Since he is a denouncer of the Attribute “Naqlan ‘Ilaina Mutvatiran” Conveyed to Us With Connectivity]. Unfortunately the Engineer inspired by some Apostate and heretic groups is preaching this dogma. Unfrfortunately the basic Axiom of Engineer Ali Mirza is borrowed from an apostatical minded Gormani who wrote a book namely “ Hafva:tul Muslimi:n” in 1922 AC. A copy of this book is secured in Panjab University. It appears that Engineer “Ali Mirza HAS READ this book and borrowed the basic principle from it . How ever he used this principle with his own theological background instead of the theologial and sectarian background of Gormani. We shall first produce some of the necessary contents of the work of Gormany and then shall shew the basic Principle behind the ALLEGED results of Gormani. 1:= “Holy Prophet used to adopt PROCEDURES by His Own Self. That is Hde used to Emphasis by His Sayings. He made S:ah:abah to write Qur’a:n; and Educate [Make Read] some S:ah:abah (Who liked To); and for their Motivation, made the Army Chief and the leader of Prayers ,who knew More Qur’a:n than his subordinates; As an Example Mu”a:dh: Bin Jabal was made a Judge in Yaman for He Was the Memorizer [H:a:fiz:] of Hply Qur’a:n. So if God was the Conserver [Protector/Savior] of Qur’a:n then what was the Necessity for the Prophet to Motivate, to Attempt, and take steps [for Qur’a:n].” [Hafva:tul Muslimi:n page# 47,48;2 nd edition]. 2:= The act of Apostle [PBUH] informs [us] that according to the belief of the Prophet [PBUH] ,Holy Prophet [PBUH] Had No trust on the Divine Promise ; and S;ah:bah [RD:] also did not hold the belief according to your Self Proclaimed Belief, for they also spread [Circulated/Published] Qur’a:n and Taught Qur’a:n , Not Trusting On Divine Promise. [Hafva:tul Muslimi:n page#,48;2 nd edition].


3] And if You Say it that the efforts [‘Ihtima:m] {for the} Conservation of S:ah:abah is the Conservation Of God, then you have just heard the H:adi:th: that He the conserver,Savior ,Teacher of Qur’a:n [I.e The Prophet] forgot some of the Verses [‘A:ya:t] and S:h:abah used to forget ‘A:ya:t multitutudes of time. [Hafva:tul Muslimi:n by Mirza ‘Ah:mad Sulta:n Gorma:ni page #48;2 nd edition].

The basic principle in these two quotations of work of Gormani is as follow:=


After the Promise made by DIVINITY ‘ALL-H there is no need of any attempt and any effort to conserve and to protect the Text Of Qu’ra:n. Gormani using this Principle Gormani tries to shew that ALL-H Subh:an-hu: Va Ta”a:la Hath not Promised the Perpetual Conservation Of Qur’a:n [‘Astaghfarullah & Na”u:dh:ubillah]. Engineer “Ali Mirza borrowed this Apostatical Principle from Gormani and used it differently . He argued that after the Promise stated above S:h:abah may be considered as irreliable even Katribun of Vah:y and Qur’a:n may be believed independent of them. [‘Astaghfarullah and Na”u:dh:ubillah]. In other words using the principle of Apostate Gormani , “Ali Mirza tried to shew that:= If The His Divinity A-LL-H Subh:an-hu: Va Ta”a:la Himself Hath Promised To Make Conservation OfHoly Text Of Holy Qur’a:n, then then there is no need to believe in the Credibility, Trustworthiness ,Reliability and Righteousness of S:h:abah in general and Katibu:n of ‘Al Vah:y in particular in believing of Text Of Qu’a:n. This is just an other form of denial of the Credibility of the Text of Holy Qu’a:n. How ever a similar argument was used by a number of Denial of H:adit: , who claimed that Words of Holy Prophet are Not H:ujjah [ Not Authorative] and only Qura:n being the Words of Divinity is Authorative.. There fallacious argument was refuted by a very powerful argument which is as follow:= If the Words and Sentences of Holy Prophet Peace Be Upon Him are not authoritative, then when Holy Prophet Claimed that Qur’a:n is revieled Upon Him, this claim is also not , and this authoritative imlieth that Qur’a:n is also Not Authoritative [Na”udhubillah].


How ever the principle used by them is still the same that if His Divinity ‘A-LL-H Hath promised to make the conservation of Qu’a:n THEN there is no need of any Created Person in order to make Qur’a:n ‘s Conservation, not even the Holy Prophet HimSelf <<<< Na”u:dh:ubillah and ‘Astaghfarullah>>>>. This does shew that Gormani was not only a denouncer of Had:th: but also a denouncer of Qur’a:n . Latter Munkir of Hadith: how ever used this Gomani’s principle to make a response to the Objection that “ If Words Of Holy Prophet are not Authoritative then this does negate the not only the credibility and reliability of The Text Of Qur’a:n but also the Authority and Authenticity Of Text Of Holy Qur’a:n as well”. <<<<’AstAGHFARULLAH AND VA”UDHU:BILLASGH>>>>. The declared that they believe in Qura:n on the Divine Promise. But is response is ILLOGICAL,IRRETIONAL,UNREASONABLE AND INVALID, since the Verse that reports the Divine Promise of Conservation stated above is also conveyed to Us from Holy Prophet.


Similarly the first Generation Of Muslims convey this verse to the very next Generation with connectivity and consecutiveness [Tava:tur]. So of S:ahabah are not trusted the Entire Text of Qur’a:n beomes doubtful. A POSSIBLE RESPONSE OF ALI MIRZA:= After answering Ali Mirza one may suggest the possible response of Engineer Ali Mirza. He may resdpond that he only said that is Mu”aviah his doubted then the doubt in the Credibility of Qur’a:n is not implied since ALL-H is the Protector and Savior of the Book Of Qur’an as He Hath Promised in Verse . But the Argument of Ali Mirza is that as ALL-H is himself the Savior then any Problem or weakness ascribed ascribed to Mu”aviah doeth not implicate any doubt in the Text of Qur’an. But if this argument is correct similar argument can be used against any other Katib Of Vahy: in particular and any S:ah:a:bi in general. So the Entire chain reaction of doubt activates. One S:ah:abi: after an other can be declared as untrustworthy by the same or similar or both types of Arguments ,and thus no S:h:abi remains trustworthy. Even Saiyiduna “Ali Bin ‘Abi T:alib may be doubted on the reasoning that he is not required for the Conservation of Text Of Qur’a:n. Even it can be said that The Holy Prophet Himself is not Required after the Divine Promise. [‘Astqghfarullah Va ‘A”udh:ubillah]. Once the chain reaction begins it cannot terminate till each and every member of the Chain is nullified resulting in doubts in the Credibility of Tava:tur of Text [MTN] of Book Of Qur’a:n. Doubt in one S:h:abi implieth a doubt in any other S:ah:abi: and this each and every S:ah:abi becomes useless . The portal of doubts if opened shall open the debate on the Canonization of Qur’a:n and the “Uth:mani Text [Mus:h:af ‘Al “Uth:ma:ni] Itself. As for Real Sunnis where they be Muqallid or Ghai Muqallid, ‘Al Mus:h:af ‘Al “Uth:mai: is the Same and Exact Qur’a:n that was Preached and Taught by the Holy Prophet PBUH Himself.


For skae of Argument let it be supposed that Zaid Bin H:arith: be doubted by some one say X or else . Now if this implies a doubt in the Text of Qur’an. If Ali Mirza responds that there were several or multitudes of Memorizer of Text of Qur’a:n and they could identify such corruption if it had been done, one may accuse the very same thing to these H:uffa:z: [Memorizers ] of THE TEXT OF QUR’A:N. So this is correct that to attack one S:aha:bi IS TO attack every other S:AH:ABI, regardless of the first one , who so ever he may be. This falsifieth the possible response of of Ali Mirza which is suggested above.


It is just like to break a Castle or a fort. No one can break the enire Castle or a Fort by a A Single spade yet, it can be broken be breaking an brick after another. It may consume a large period of time yet it leads to this ultimate destruction by just a single spade. How ever this process consumes a long period of time. This is exactly what engineer “Ali Mirza is doing. He is trying to shew that any doubt in Mu”aviah shall not effect the Credibility and Reliability of the Text Of Holy Qur’a:n. [ It appears that time is not an issue of Engineer “Ali Mirza] .Similarly it can be said to each and every S:AH:BI in general , Each and Every Katib Of Vah:y and Each and Every H:afiz: Of Text Of Qur’a:n in Particulars, resulting a total disbelieve in the Tavatur of Qur’a:n. This is to revert the Qur’an from Tava:tur to Ghair Tava:tur and from Qat:”I to Z:anni. Engineer “Ali Mirrza who accuse ‘Imam Ibn Taimiah RH: as A DENOUNCER OF A Mutva:tir H:adith just on the alleged research of Semi Ahlul H:adith: Zubair Ali, himself approaches to denounce the Tava:tur of Qur’a:n. [ ZUBAIR ALI ZAI IS NO MATCH FOR IMAM IBN TAIMIAH AND IN CASE ZUBAIR ALI ZAI DIFFERS FROM IMAM IBN TAIMIAH, ONE CAN SAFLY STAND WITH IMAM IBN TAIMIAH DECLARING ZUBAIR ALI ZAI AS IN GROSS ERROR]. This How ever be the case that “Ali Mirza is unaware of the implications of his invalid argument. But it is beyond doubt that this is Possible yet it is not Probable. Since a person who is so intelligent that he makes conspiracies against S:ah:abah and attempts to inject the viruses of Ravafid: in the blood of ‘Ahlul H:adith: in highly unlikely to be ignorant of the consequences of his invalid argument which he presents as if it is a valid one to his audiences. So it is necessary to cite some quotations from the denouncers of the Conservation and Protection of Received Text of Qur’a:n. Example 1: Khali:l Q-ZV-INI writes in S:afi Sharh: Kafi: as follow :=


“To claim that the Qur’a:n is the same at it is in the Famous copies [M-s:a:h:if] is difficult , and the argumentation on it by the Efforts of S:ah:abah and People of ‘Isla:m is extremely weak, after the knowledge of the fact that what acts were did by ‘Abu Bakr ,Umar and “Uth:ma:n” [Rad:I yallahu “Anhum].

ASTAGHFARULLAH Example 2 Muh:ammad Muh:sin Ka:shi: writes in Tafsi:r ‘Al Kafi: as follows := I say to the claimant [ of Conservation of Qur’a:n] , that as the Reasons and Causes [‘Asba:b] of the conservation of Qur’a:n were in multitudes, ,Similarly the causes of


corruption of Qur’a:n were [also] in Multitudes from the side of hypocrites who altered the Testament of the Holy Prophet for the Qur’a:n was against their opinion; And the corruption in the Qur’a:n occurred PRIOR to the STRICT Conservation , and this Strict conservation is posterior to the Corruption, so there is no contradiction between the Strict Conservation and the Corruption.

ASTAGHFARULLAH Muh:ammad “Ali Mirza must have studied these two works and cannot be ignorant of the fact that to doubt in S:h:a:bah is to doubt in the Textus Receptus of Qura:n. [Latin, received text : textus, text ; receptus, past participle of recipere, to receive.] Thus iT is proved ThaT To doubT in s:ah:abah implieTh doubTs in The Qur’anic TexTus recepTus [ received TexT of Qur’a:n]. The promise of conservaTion cannoT be used if The TavaTur is neglecTed since The verse is jusT a parT of The enTire TexT of The holy Qur’a:n. one who doubTs in The ebTire TexT also doubT in The verse. logiclally if some one disbelieve in The whole cannoT be convinced by any parT. Now one who doubts in any one of the S:ah:a:bi chosen arbitrarily can doubt in each and every S:ah:abi, Since to doubt in one S:h:bi implieth doubts in any other S:ah:a:bi: chosen arbitrarily and this implieth to doubt in each and every S:h:abi including Saiyiduna “Ali Bin “Abi T:alib RD: . LOGICAL PRESENTATION:= IF A1 IMPLIETH A2 ,A2 IMPLIETH A3, A3 IMPLIETH A4 AND SO ON TILL AN IS IMPLIED, AND IF AN IS IMPOSSIBLE THEN A1 IS IMPOSSIBLE.


Thus we do come to the conclusion that Engineer “Ali Mirza does know the resultant consequence of his argument yet he does not acknowledge this consequence since he wants a natural chain reaction to occur in the mind of his audience so that the reach this consequence independent of him at some time in future. He his too loyal to his apostasy. An other objection := One who disbelieve in the Qur’anic verse can produce several arguments against th Belief of Conservation of Text of Holy Qur’a:n. Below we are presenting a commentary of Farma:n “Ali Commentator of those who do not believe that Qur’an is conserved and also of those who believe that the Conservation of Qur’a:n is Z:anni [Probable/ Probability] and not Qat:”i: [Certain/Cetainty].


Farma:n “Ali Writes [In His Commentary On The Verse { ‘INNA NAH:NU NAZZALNA: ‘ADH: DH:IKRA VA ‘INNA LAHU: LAH:AFIZ:U:NA} (Surah H:-j-r :9) ]:= One Intended meaning of the of the word Zikr is Qur’a:n which I have chosen in the Translation , then the conservation means “ We Shall Not Let Qur’a:n To Be Destroyed and Distructed”. So if a Single Copy in the Entire World is in its original state then it shall be correct to state It [ I.e Qur’a:n] is Conserved. It Certainly does not mean that there is no alternation and [no] Mutation is possible since it is evident that a Number Of Mutations (changings) have occurred upto this time; At least the order [of verses] is completely altered; this verse does not mean that each individual [copy of Qur’an] is conserved [Protected] ,for Hundred of pages of Qur’a:n are destroyed in printing presses. The second Intended meaning is it [ i.e the Word Zikr] means the [Person Of the] Prophet. In this case the meaning shall be “ God Shall Save the Prophet from the Mischievous acts of Infedels” [pg 417;Muhammad Ali Chaulah and Company Limited Campbell street Karachi:2] Farma:n “Ali’s attack on the belief of Perpetual Conservation of Holy Qur’a:n is Twofolds. 1] He attempts to shew from irrelevant examples that if Only a single copy of Qur’a:n is conserved in the entire World [Universe] then the ‘Ayah is correct. Thus he generates grounds for all those who deny in the conservation and protection of Qur’a:n. 2] He attempts to shew an other meaning which does not mean the conservation of Qur’a:n but Saving of Holy Prophet. If this meaning is probable even in the least probability the certainty of conservation of Qur’an reduces to Probability, that is Qur’a:n is not certain but probable. Remarks:


If Divine Protection is some thing which is independent of Tava:tur and if the role of S:ah:abah is denied then not only Saiyiduna: Mu”aviah but even Zaid Bin H:arith: can be accused for making coruuption in the Text of Qur’a:n. For an example there is a person of this view who ascribes to Ali Bin Musa Bin Ja”farThe following :=

“The first of that is the words of Allah: And warn your nearest relations [26, 214.],and your loyal family in this manner it is in the recitation of Ubay b. Ka‘b, and it has been established in the copy of the Qur’ān of ‘Abd Allah b. Mas‘ūd.

However, when ‘Uthmān ordered Zayd b. Thābit to collect the Qur’ān, he omitted this verse.


And this is an exalted position, great excellence, and lofty honor when Allah, the Great and Almighty, meant the family (āl) by that. This is one (verse). (Baqir Sharif Al Quraishi in his book “Life of “Ali Ibn Musa:, in the chapter “ The Imam’s debate Concerning the Family Of Prophet)

The point is not be noted that if S:ah:bah are not trusted then one can doubt in the Received Text [Latin Term:= Textus Receptus] of Qur’a:n. If Saiyiduna: Mu”aviah is not amongs the Katibu:n of Vah:y as alleged by “Ali Mirza, even then Engineer “Ali Mirza cannot deny that Zaid was amongs them. If not Mu”avah RD: then Zaid can be accused , and the claim of Divine Protection can be restricted to a single copy in the entire cosmos/world. Or it may alternatively be said that the claim PROTECTION is not for the Holy Qur’a:n but for the The Holy Prophet. It is likely that Engineer “Ali Mirza who is very eager to criticize any Great Sunni Scholar if he accidently wrote some weak expressions , is perfectly silent on such person as if he had not studied there works. It is highly improbable that this Engineer “Ali Mirza is unaware of these works yet his intelligent scheme is to remain silent on these works , so that he may misguide his audience and followers who do not know such works in details and unfortunately trust this person.

A number of people try to defend such denouncers of the Conservation by making the confusion between the traditions of Naskh At Tila:avah ‘Aya:t and the concocted traditions of Tah:rif. It is unlikely that “Ali Mirza does the same. Yet if he does in then it shall be an other irrefutable evidence and an unanswerable proof that “Ali Mirza makes a Conspiracy against the S:ah:abah as well as against the Very Holy Qura:n Itself. A number of anti -Islamic sites likeAnswering Islam have also used this technique to deny the Uniqueness of the Text Of Holy Qur’a:n. But they all have to criticize the S:ah:abah first for their allegations. They may differ in their allegations yet they all have a common principle.



It must be noted once for all times that The Necesasary and Sufficient Condition for the belief in Conservation of the Text Of Qur’a:n is the belief that Each and Every S:ah:abi is trustable and credible and any report of any


event that produceth a slightst doubt in the credibility of the S:ah:abah. Those who attack the Tava:tur Of Qur”a:n or the highest degree of Tava:tur attacks the S:ah:abah as examples are provided ; see above. If it is assumed that some S:ah:bah are not reliable [‘Astaghfarullah] even then Qur’a:n is conveyed to latter generations with Tava:tur , then this Implieth that the Maximum Degree of Tava:tur i.e a Tava:tur such that each and every member of the Tav:atur is perfectly realable is not attained even in the first Generation Of Muslims. Any Tava:tur less than this is not acceptable. A REQUEST TO THE FOLLOWERS OF ENGINEER “ALI Mirza:=


For the sake of ‘ALL-H please do not attend the lectures and sermons of “Ali Mirza since he distort truth and misguide his listeners who do not know his conspiracy and scheme. How ever if you insist to attend his lectures then study


things in detail and you shall ‘INSHA:‘ALL-H find that “Ali Mirza is just distorting the truth,



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