Catalogue al rowad 2013(2)

Page 1

Welcome to our 2013 Catalogue ‫ما قبل املدر�سة‬ Pre-K pages 6 - 30

Literacy / ELT pages 31 - 36

, L alphabétisation Les livres de français pages 37 - 42

Science pages 43 - 48

Mathematics pages 49 - 52

‫احلا�سوب‬ ICT Books pages 53 - 63 ‫اللغة العربية‬ pages 64 - 69

‫الق�ص�ص‬ Readers pages 70 - 83 A&A pages 84 - 91

‫«لي�ست الفكرة ما يهم‪،‬‬ ‫ولكن املهم هو تنفيذها ب�إتقان‪».‬‬

International Standards

‫املعايري العاملية‬

Interactive Learning

‫التعليم التفاعلي‬

International Partnerships

‫ال�شراكات الدولية‬

Supplementary Resources

‫امل�صادر التعليمية‬

For ten years we have been the leading publisher of ELL preschool, Primary Arabic and French language curricula, helping teachers to teach and students to learn. We understand that in our changing world, we must continually assess and adapt our products to meet the needs of students in today’s societies. Education has the power to change people’s lives and give them a better future, and we are keen to be facilitators in this dynamic process.

‫‪Our products and books were developed by a team of‬‬ ‫‪expert authors, featuring integrated and motivational‬‬ ‫‪curricula in Arabic, English and French languages.‬‬ ‫‪Through comprehensive lessons and high-interest‬‬ ‫‪activities, children are actively engaged as they meet‬‬ ‫‪their learning goals.‬‬


‫باتباعهــا الو�سائل التعليمية احلــديثة ‪ ,‬وا�ستخ ــدام الر�س ــوم‪ ،‬والتــدرج‬ ‫يف تقــدمي امل ــادة العلميــة‪ ،‬وكيفي ــة �إتق ــان ربطه ــا بالبيئة املحيطة‬ ‫نر�س ُـم منحنـى آ�خــر يف �إ�صــدار الكتــب املنهجي ــة بـ ـ�أن جنعله ــا عم ـ ًال‬ ‫م�ش ـ ِّوق ًا وحمب ًبــا للأطف ــال‪ ،‬وو�سيلــة يعب ــر فيهــا الطف ــل عمــا يج ــول‬ ‫يف داخل ــه م ــن �أفكـ ــار بن ــا َءة‪ ،‬وردود �أفع ــال للمـ�ؤثــرات املختلفة يف‬ ‫بيئت ــه املحيطـ ــة‪.‬‬

‫ حماولة جريئة وجديدة بني الر ّواد للن�شر والتوزيع وهيئة التعليم يف دولة قطر‪،‬‬‫لطرح ا�سلوب متميز يف التعليم ملرحلة الطفولة املبكرة ريا�ض االطفال‪.‬‬ ‫ ال يجمعها كتاب واحد‪ ،‬وامنا هي على جمموعة من الوحدات التعليمية‬‫التطبيقية‪ ،‬حتفظ يف املدر�سة‪.‬‬ ‫ تتكون كل وحدة من جمموعة من اوراق العمل املت�صلة واملقابلة ليتم ف�صلها‬‫ب�سهولة‪.‬‬ ‫ تغطي كل وحدة مهارة �أو اكرث من مهارات اكت�ساب اللغة العربية من حيث‬‫التهجئة‪ ،‬القراءة‪ ،‬التفكري واال�ستنتاج‪ ،‬الكتابة‪ ،‬والتحدث وامل�شاركة‪.‬‬ ‫ حمتوىامل�صادر‪ ،‬تراعي املبادئ اال�سالمية وقيم املجتمع القطري وما عك�سه‬‫ذلك على طريقة عر�ض ال�صور واملحتوى ليتنا�سب مع مبادئ الدين‬ ‫اال�سالمي والبيئة القطرية‪.‬‬ ‫ ت�شتمل كل وحدة على‪:‬‬‫ معلومات ومهارات ثقافية‪ :‬ق�ص�ص و�أنا�شيد‪.‬‬‫ مهارات لغوية‪ :‬يف القراءة والكتابة والتدريب‪.‬‬‫ مهارات علمية‪ :‬يف مفاهيم العلوم البيئية‪.‬‬‫ مهارات اجتماعية‪ :‬يف الرتبية الوطنية واالجتماعية‪.‬‬‫ مهارات فنية‪ :‬يف الر�سم والتلوين‪.‬‬‫ ُتق ََّد ُم هذه الوحدات التعليمية‪ ،‬ب�إ�سلوب حم ّبب للأطفال‪ ،‬يجمع اللعب والتمثيل‬‫واحلركة والتقليد‪ ،‬والر�سم‪ ،‬وور�شات تعليمية تعتمد على التعاون وامل�شاركة‪.‬‬ ‫املعلم‬ ‫�أ�سماء الوحدات ‪:‬‬

‫‪ - 1‬الألوان والأ�شكال‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 2‬رو�ضتي‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 3‬طعامي‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 4‬احلج‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 5‬ج�سمي‪.‬‬ ‫‪� - 6‬أ�سرتي‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 7‬ف�صول ال�سنة‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 8‬وطني‪.‬‬ ‫‪� - 9‬أ�صدقائي‪.‬‬

‫معلوماتي ومهاراتي وخرباتي االجتماعية ‪ /‬قطر‬

‫معلوماتي ومهاراتي‬

‫خرباتي االجتماعية‬ ‫كتاب عملي حياتي‪ ،‬يعر�ض جمموعة ايجابية من امناط ال�سلوك‬ ‫والعادات والتقاليد يف البيئة القطرية‪ ،‬باال�ضافة اىل جمموعة هامة‬ ‫من االطر العامة التي حتدد الهيكل اخلارجي للبيئة القطرية والرتبية‬ ‫الوطنية واملجتمعية للطفل ليتعزز بداخله مفهوم (�أنا قطري)‪.‬‬

‫‪ - 10‬احليوان‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 11‬النبات‪.‬‬ ‫‪- 12‬املالب�س‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 13‬املاء‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 14‬املو�صالت‪.‬‬ ‫‪� - 15‬إجازتي‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 16‬ال�سوق‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 17‬املهن‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 18‬كتابي وق�صتي‪.‬‬

‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذه الوحدات ‪:‬‬

‫تعـليميــا جـدي ًدا‪ ،‬ال يجمعه كتاب‪ ،‬و�إمنا �أوراق عمل‪ ،‬ي�سهل تطبيقها‬ ‫أ�سـلوبـا‬ ‫ً‬ ‫� ً‬‫والتفاعل معها ‪.‬‬ ‫ُقـدم للأطفال‪ ،‬تُراعي م�ســتواهم وخرباتهم‬ ‫ ثقـافـة ً ومهارات ٍ ومعلومات ٍ وا�سـعة ً ت ّ‬‫والفروق الفردية بينهم‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -‬حر ّية ًوا�سـعة ً يف ربط وتكوين العالقات وات�صالها بني فروع التعليم واحلياة ‪.‬‬


‫ت�ساعد هذه الوحدات الطفل يف �أن ‪:‬‬

‫ يكت�سب مهارات لغوية وثقافية وعلمية وفنية ‪.‬‬‫ يعـبرّ عن ر�أيه وتفكريه فيما يقر�أ وي�سمع‪.‬‬‫ ي�شـارك �أقرانه‪ ،‬ويتعاون معهم يف تطبيق املهارات املعرو�ضة ‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬يتعلم ب�أ�سلوب تعليمي مفتوح ‪ ،‬ولي�س من كتاب‪.‬‬

‫‪ô£b/»JGQÉ¡eh »JÉeƒ∏©e‬‬


‫‪∫h’G Aõ÷G / QOÉ°üŸG áÑ«≤M‬‬ ‫‪ÊÉãdG Aõ÷G / QOÉ°üŸG áÑ«≤M‬‬





‫‪ô£b/á«YɪàL’G »JGQÉ¡eh »à¨d‬‬ ‫‪∫h’G Aõ÷G / QOÉ°üŸG áÑ«≤M‬‬

‫‪á«YɪàL’G »JGÈN‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬

‫‪á°VhôdG‬‬ ‫‪9789957378622‬‬

‫‪á°VhôdG‬‬ ‫‪9789957378202‬‬


‫‪…󫡪àdG‬‬ ‫‪9789957378639‬‬

‫‪…󫡪àdG‬‬ ‫‪9789957378219‬‬


‫معلوماتي ومهاراتي‬

‫معلوماتي ومهاراتي‬ ‫ حماولة جريئة‪ ،‬لطرح ا�سلوب جديد يف التعليم‪.‬‬‫ ال يجمعها كتاب يحمله الطالب يف حقيبته‪ .‬بل هي جمموعة من الوحدات‬‫التعليمية التطبيقية‪ .‬حتفظ يف املدر�سة‪.‬‬ ‫ تتكون كل وحدة من جمموعة من الأوراق املت�صلة‪ ،‬والتي ميكن ف�صلها‬‫ب�سهولة‪ ،‬ليحمل الطفل �إىل البيت �أوراق املهارات التي تعلمها وطبقها‪.‬‬ ‫ ت�شتمل كل وحدة على‪:‬‬‫ معلومات ومهارات ثقافية‪ :‬ق�ص�ص و�أنا�شيد‪.‬‬‫ مهارات لغوية‪ :‬يف القراءة والكتابة والتدريب‪.‬‬‫ مهارات علمية‪ :‬يف مفاهيم العلوم والريا�ضيات‪.‬‬‫ مهارات اجتماعية‪ :‬يف الرتبية الوطنية واالجتماعية‪.‬‬‫ مهارات فنية‪ :‬يف الر�سم والتلوين‪.‬‬‫ ُتق ََّد ُم هذه الوحدات التعليمية‪ ،‬ب�إ�سلوب حم ّبب للأطفال‪ ،‬يجمع اللعب والتمثيل‬‫واحلركة والتقليد‪ ،‬والر�سم‪ ،‬وور�شات تعليمية تعتمد على التعاون وامل�شاركة‪.‬‬ ‫�أ�سماء الوحدات ‪:‬‬

‫‪ - 1‬الواين وا�شكايل‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 2‬الكائنات احلية‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 3‬و�سائط النقل‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 4‬ف�صول ال�سنة‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 5‬رو�ضتي‪.‬‬ ‫‪� - 6‬أ�سرتي‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 7‬حوا�سي‪.‬‬


‫‪ - 8‬الكرة الأر�ضية‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 9‬الغذاء‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 10‬املهن‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 11‬ج�سمي‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 12‬بيتي‪.‬‬ ‫‪� - 13‬أنا‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 14‬بلدي‪.‬‬


‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذه الوحدات ‪:‬‬

‫تعـليميــا جـدي ًدا‪ ،‬ال يجمعه كتاب‪ ،‬و�إمنا �أوراق عمل‪ ،‬ي�سهل تطبيقها‬ ‫أ�سـلوبـا‬ ‫ً‬ ‫� ً‬‫والتفاعل معها ‪.‬‬ ‫ُقـدم للأطفال‪ ،‬تُراعي م�ســتواهم وخرباتهم‬ ‫ ثقـافـة ً ومهارات ٍ ومعلومات ٍ وا�سـعة ً ت ّ‬‫والفروق الفردية بينهم‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -‬حر ّية ًوا�سـعة ً يف ربط وتكوين العالقات وات�صالها بني فروع التعليم واحلياة ‪.‬‬


‫ت�ساعد هذه الوحدات الطفل يف �أن ‪:‬‬

‫ يكت�سب مهارات لغوية وثقافية وعلمية وفنية ‪.‬‬‫ يعـبرّ عن ر�أيه وتفكريه فيما يقر أ� وي�سمع‪.‬‬‫ ي�شـارك �أقرانه‪ ،‬ويتعاون معهم يف تطبيق املهارات املعرو�ضة ‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬يتعلم ب�أ�سلوب تعليمي مفتوح ‪ ،‬ولي�س من كتاب‪.‬‬

‫معلوماتي ومهاراتي‬


á«fÉãdG á∏MôŸG

¤hC’G á∏MôŸG

»JGQÉ¡eh »JÉeƒ∏©e





ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc QOÉ°üŸG áÑ«≤M

‫�سل�سلة زهرة‬ ‫–‪â‬‬

‫زهرة العربية‬

‫زهرة العلوم‬

‫الكتاب‪:‬‬ ‫كتاب يتم ّيز وينفرد ب�أ�سلوب تعليمي حديث‪ ،‬يعتمد يف عر�ض مادته‪ ،‬اللعب والأداء‬ ‫التمثيلي واحلركة‪ ،‬والق�ص�ص والأغاين‪ ،‬امل�سجلة على �شريط من (ال�صور املتحركة)‪،‬‬ ‫ويتيح للطفل حرية التفاعل والتعبري وامل�شاركة‪ .‬ولي�س فيه كلمة واحد لي�س لها �صورة يف‬ ‫ذهن الطفل وبيئتة‪.‬‬ ‫كما يحوي الكثري من الن�شاطات التفاعلية املنا�سبة‪ ،‬مما ّ‬ ‫ميكن الطفل من �إطالق خياله‬ ‫وتفكريه وقدرته اللغوية‪.‬‬ ‫مت ترتيب احلروف العربية على النحو الألفبائي‬


‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذه الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫ �إمكانية وا�سعة للإعداد والتح�ضري‪ ،‬من خالل الن�شاطات والتوجيهات يف الكتاب‬‫ودليل املعلم املرافق‪.‬‬ ‫موجهة‪.‬‬ ‫ جماالت وا�سعاً لتعويد الأطفال على التعبري واملناق�شة‪ ،‬وابداء الر�أي‪ ،‬بحر ّية ّ‬‫ جماالت �أو�سع مل�شاركة وتفاعل الأطفال يف تطبيق مادة الدر�س‪ ،‬مما ي�ساعد على‬‫اال�ستيعاب والتفكري‪.‬‬

‫‪᫪«∏©àdG IôgõdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬

‫‪᫪«∏©àdG IôgõdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬


‫‪dG‬‬ ‫‪™Ñ£‬‬

‫‪∫hC’G ¿ÉÁE’G IôgR‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG ¿ÉÁE’G IôgR‬‬




‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل على ‪:‬‬

‫ اكت�ساب ثروة لغوية ممتازة‪.‬‬‫ فح�ص الق�ص�ص امل�صورة‪ ،‬واحلديث عنها‪.‬‬‫ اال�ستمتاع والت�سلية املحببة من خالل اال�ستماع للق�ص�ص وترديد الأنا�شيد ‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬القدرة على املواجهة‪ ،‬والتعبري وابداء الر�أي‪ ،‬مما يك ّون ال�شخ�صية القوية اخلا�صة‪.‬‬

‫‪∫hC’G á«Hô©dG IôgR ᫪«∏©àdG IôgõdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬


‫‪ÊÉãdG á«Hô©dG IôgR‬‬

‫‪Ωƒ∏©dG IôgR‬‬




‫‪∫hC’G äÉ«°VÉjôdG IôgR‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG äÉ«°VÉjôdG IôgR‬‬



‫“‪ᣰûfGh øjQÉ‬‬ ‫‪º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬



‫�سل�سلة زهرة‬


‫زهرة الإميان‬


‫‪dG‬‬ ‫‪™Ñ£‬‬

‫‪dG‬‬ ‫‪™Ñ£‬‬

‫زهرة الريا�ضيات‬


‫يهدف هذا الكتاب بجز�أيه‪� ،‬إىل تثبيت التعاليم الإ�سالمية يف عقول الأطفال‪ ،‬باعتبار‬ ‫�أن هـذه التعاليم هي العامل الأ�سا�سي يف حتديـد االجتاهات الدينية الالحقة‪ ،‬كالإميان‬ ‫املطلـق باهلل ‪ ،‬وكتابــه الكرمي‪ ،‬ور�سولــه حممـد (�صلى اهلل عليه و�س ّلم)‪ ،‬والتم�سك‬ ‫بالأخالق احلميدة‪ ،‬كمـا يعتمد الكتاب املزج بني الرتبية الإ�سالمية والوطنية واخللقية‪.‬‬ ‫يحتوي الكتاب على قر�ص مدمج‪ ،‬حيث درو�س الكتاب بنمط الكرتوين‪.‬‬ ‫املعلم‬

‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذه الكتاب ‪:‬‬


‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل على ‪:‬‬

‫ التعرف على �أن اهلل خالق كل �شيء ‪ .‬وهو واحـد ال �شريك له ‪ ،‬نعبده وحـده ‪،‬‬‫ونتم�سك بدينه ‪ ،‬و�س ّنة نب ّيه الكرمي‪.‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫التحلـي بالأخـالق احلميدة ‪ ،‬عن طريق االقتداء ب�أفعـال الر�سول الكرمي وال�سلف‬ ‫ ّ‬‫ال�صالح ‪ ،‬و�آداب امل�سـلم ‪.‬‬ ‫ التعرف �إىل �أركان الإ�ســالم‪ ،‬وتطبيق بع�ض الأن�شطة املرافقة ‪ ،‬وحفظ بع�ض ال�صور‬‫القر�آنية ‪.‬‬

‫مب�ســطة‪.‬‬ ‫ ماد ًة �سهل ًة ّ‬‫ �سهول ًة يف حت�ضري و�إعـداد املادة‪.‬‬‫‪� -‬أن�شط ًة عملي ًة مـرافقة‪.‬‬

‫‪᫪«∏©àdG IôgõdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬

‫‪᫪«∏©àdG IôgõdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬

‫‪᫪«∏©àdG IôgõdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬

‫‪∫hC’G ¿ÉÁE’G IôgR‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG ¿ÉÁE’G IôgR‬‬



‫‪∫hC’G ¿ÉÁE’G IôgR‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG ¿ÉÁE’G IôgR‬‬



‫‪õdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬

‫‪dÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪DVD‬‬

‫“‪fGh øjQÉ‬‬ ‫‪º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬

‫‪Ωƒ∏©dG‬‬ ‫‪IôgRäÉ«°VÉjôdGÊÉãdG‬‬ ‫‪IôgR‬‬ ‫‪∫hC’G á«Hô©dG‬‬ ‫‪IôgõdG‬‬ ‫‪á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÊÉãdG‬‬ ‫‪IôgRá«Hô©dG ∫hC‬‬ ‫‪’G äÉ«°VÉjôdG‬‬ ‫‪IôgR IôgR ᫪«∏©àdG‬‬ ‫‪᫪«∏©àdG‬‬ ‫‪IôgõdG‬‬ ‫‪á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dGÖdÉ£dG‬‬ ‫‪ÜÉàc ÜÉàc‬‬

‫‪9789957377809‬‬ ‫‪9789957377787‬‬ ‫‪97899573779159789957377892 9789957377795‬‬


‫‪∫hC’G äÉ«°VÉjôdG IôgR‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG äÉ«°VÉjôdG IôgR‬‬



‫“‪ᣰûfGh øjQÉ‬‬ ‫‪º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬




‫�سل�سلة الرباعم التعليمية‬ ‫هي �سل�سلة حديثة لأطفال مرحلة ماقبل الرو�ضة‪ ،‬حتتوي على درو�س يف اللغتـني العربية‬ ‫واالجنليزية‪ُ ،‬‬ ‫وك ّرا�سة ر�سم لتدريب الطفل على اكت�ساب املهارة يف التحكم بالقلم‪ ،‬ومن ثم‬ ‫الكتابة �أو الر�سم‪ ،‬ومعرفة الأ�شكال وتلوينها‪.‬‬

‫براعم الريا�ضيات‬ ‫يتناول هذاالكتاب الأرقام من ‪ ،10-1‬حيث يكت�سب الطفل املهارة بكتابة الأرقام بطريقة مي�سرة ت�ساعده‬ ‫على التحكم بالقلم‪.‬‬

‫براعم العربية‬ ‫ُي َعــدّ هذا الكتاب من الكتب املب�سطة يف تعليم اللغة العربية لأطفال ما قبل الرو�ضة‪ ،‬فهو يقـدِّ م مادة �سل�سة‪،‬‬ ‫و�أ�سلوبًـا جيدًا‪ ،‬ي�س ِّهل التعليم لدى االطفال با�ستخدام ر�سو ًمـا حمببة لهم‪.‬‬

‫طبعة خا�صة لدولة الإمارات و ُعمان وليبيا واجلزائر‬

‫‪᫪«∏©àdG ºYGÈdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬


‫‪á«Hô©dG ºYGôH‬‬

‫‪äÉ«°VÉjôdG ºYGôH‬‬



‫‪…õ«∏‚G äÉ«°VÉjôdG ºYGôH‬‬ ‫‪9789957374334‬‬

Playgroup Educational Series

Playgroup Educational Series is for prekindergarten learners. The resources in this series are invaluable for building the young learner’s literacy skills.

Funny Numbers

Kids English ‫ تعليم احلروف الإجنليزية‬، Kids English ‫ينتهج الكتاب‬ ‫ تالئم مرحلة ما قبل الرو�ضة وت�سانده ر�سوم‬،‫بطريقة مب�سطة‬ .‫حم ّببة للأطفال ب�شكل عام‬

is a unique series for pre-kindergarten learners aged 3 - 5 . This series focuses on how to hold a pencil and how to form letters and numbers. This series also develops skills in differentiating, recognising, and identifying letters, numbers, shapes and colours.

Funny Numbers 9789957374648


Kids English 9789957370718

¿Éæa ÉfG 9789957371418

᫪«∏©àdG ºYGÈdG á∏°ù∏°S

ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc

‫�أنا فنان‬ ‫ فيكت�سب بذلك القدرة على‬،‫يت�ضمن عدة �صور يقوم الطفل بتلوينها‬ ‫ وحتديد الأطر اخلارجية للأ�شكال املختلفة م�ستعينا‬،‫التمييز بني الألوان‬ .‫بال�شكل امللون‬

‫�سل�سلة املنهج التعليمية‬

‫–‪â‬‬ ‫‪G‬‬ ‫‪d‬‬ ‫‪£‬‬ ‫‪™Ñ‬‬

‫املنهج يف االميان‬

‫املنهج يف اللغة العربية‬ ‫الكتاب‪:‬‬ ‫كتاب يتم ّيز وينفرد ب�أ�سلوب تعليمي حديث‪ ،‬يعتمد يف عر�ض مادته‪ ،‬اللعب والأداء‬ ‫التمثيلي واحلركة‪ ،‬والق�ص�ص والأغاين‪ ،‬امل�سجلة على �شريط من (ال�صور املتحركة)‪،‬‬ ‫ويتيح للطفل حرية التفاعل والتعبري وامل�شاركة‪ ،‬كما �أنه ال يتبع ت�سل�سل احلروف هجائيا‪،‬‬ ‫بل يبد�أ ب�أ�سهل احلورف لفظ ًا للطفل‪ ،‬ولي�س فيه كلمة واحد لي�س لها �صورة يف ذهن‬ ‫الطفل وبيئتة‪.‬‬ ‫كما يحوي الكثري من الن�شاطات التفاعلية املنا�سبة‪ ،‬مما ّ‬ ‫ميكن الطفل من �إطالق خياله‬ ‫وتفكريه وقدرته اللغوية‪.‬‬ ‫مت ترتيب احلروف العربية على رح�سب�صوتيات احلروف والنطق‪.‬‬ ‫ومن اجلدير بالذكر‪� ،‬أن جميع كتب «�سل�سلة املنهج»تت ّبع نف�س الأ�سلوب يف تقدمي املادة‪.‬‬


‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذه الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫ �إمكانية وا�سعة للإعداد والتح�ضري‪ ،‬من خالل الن�شاطات والتوجيهات يف الكتاب‬‫ودليل املعلم املرافق‪.‬‬ ‫موجهة‪.‬‬ ‫ جماالت وا�سعاً لتعويد الأطفال على التعبري واملناق�شة‪ ،‬وابداء الر�أي‪ ،‬بحر ّية ّ‬‫ جماالت �أو�سع مل�شاركة وتفاعل الأطفال يف تطبيق مادة الدر�س‪ ،‬مما ي�ساعد على‬‫اال�ستيعاب والتفكري‪.‬‬

‫يوجد طبعة خا�صة بخط الرقعة‬ ‫‪᫪«∏©àdG è¡æŸG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬


‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬

‫‪∫hC’G á«Hô©dG á¨∏dG ‘ è¡æŸG‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG á«Hô©dG á¨∏dG ‘ è¡æŸG‬‬












‫“‪ᣰûfGh øjQÉ‬‬ ‫‪º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬ ‫‪CD+ ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪DVD+ ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬










‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل على ‪:‬‬

‫ اكت�ساب ثروة لغوية ممتازة‪.‬‬‫ فح�ص الق�ص�ص امل�صورة‪ ،‬واحلديث عنها‪.‬‬‫ اال�ستمتاع والت�سلية املحببة من خالل اال�ستماع للق�ص�ص وترديد الأنا�شيد ‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬القدرة على املواجهة‪ ،‬والتعبري وابداء الر�أي‪ ،‬مما يك ّون ال�شخ�صية القوية اخلا�صة‪.‬‬

‫�سل�سلة املنهج التعليمية‬

‫املنهج يف الريا�ضيات‬ ‫الكتاب‪:‬‬

‫كتاب يتميز وينفرد ب�أ�سلوب تعليمي حديث‪ ،‬يعتمد يف عر�ض مادته‪ ،‬اللعب والأداء‬ ‫التمثيلي واحلركة‪ ،‬والق�ص�ص والأغاين‪ ،‬امل�سجلة على �شريط من (ال�صور املتحركة)‪ ،‬ويتيح‬ ‫للطفل حرية التفاعل والتعبري وامل�شاركة‪.‬‬ ‫املنهج يف الريا�ضيات‪ ،‬يحوي الكثري من الن�شاطات التفاعلية املنا�سبة‪ ،‬مما ميكن الطفل‬ ‫من �إطالق خياله وتفكريه وقدرته احل�سابية‪ .‬ومن اجلدير بالذكر‪� ،‬أن جميع كتب «�سل�سلة‬ ‫املنهج» ت ّتبع نف�س اال�سلوب يف تقدمي املادة‪.‬‬


‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذه الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫ �إمكانية وا�سعة للإعداد والتح�ضري‪ ،‬من خـــالل الن�شاطـات والتــوجيهات يف الكتاب‬‫ودليل املعلم املرفق‪.‬‬ ‫ جما ًال وا�سعاً لتعويد الأطفال على التعاطي مع مادة الريا�ضيات ب�إ�سلوب فريد وم�ساحة‬‫وا�سعة من التعلم عن طريق اللعب والتطبيق‪.‬‬ ‫ وجما ًال �أو�سع مل�شاركة وتفاعل الأطفال يف تطبيق مادة الدر�س‪ ،‬مما ي�ساعد على اال�ستيعاب‬‫والتفكري‪.‬‬ ‫الطالب‬

‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل يف �أن ‪:‬‬

‫ اكت�ساب ثروة ح�سابية ممتازة‪.‬‬‫ فح�ص ال�صور‪ ،‬واحلديث عنها‪.‬‬‫ اال�ستمتاع والت�سلية املحببة من خالل اال�ستماع للق�ص�ص‪.‬‬‫ القدرة على املواجهة‪ ،‬والتعبري و�إبداء الر�أي‪ ،‬مما يكون‬‫ال�شخ�صية القوية اخلا�صة‪.‬‬

‫طبعة خا�صة لدولة الإمارات و ُعمان وليبيا واجلزائر‬ ‫‪᫪«∏©àdG è¡æŸG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬

‫‪∫hC’G äÉ«°VÉjôdG ‘ è¡æŸG‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG äÉ«°VÉjôdG ‘ è¡æŸG‬‬






‫‪CD-Audio + ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬




‫الرواد التعليمية‬ ‫�سل�سلة ّ‬


‫هي �سل�سلة تعليمية حديثة لالطفال‪ ،‬ذات م�ستوى متقدم ومتم ّيز‪ ،‬تخاطب الأطفال‬ ‫وتنمي لديهم القدرة واملهارة يف التع ّلم‪.‬‬ ‫بعقلية واعيـة‪ّ ،‬‬

‫رواد العربية‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الكتاب‪:‬‬

‫يركز الكتاب ب�أجزائه على �أن اللغة يف مرحلة الطفولة املبكرة‪ ،‬هي و�سيلة تفاهم وتوا�صل‬ ‫بني الطفل والآخرين‪ ،‬وهي و�سيلة ال�ستيعاب القيم الروحية والوطنية والأخالقية‪ ،‬وو�سيلة‬ ‫لنقل واكت�ساب املعارف واملهارات ولو ب�صورة �أولية‪ ،‬و�صوال �إىل بناء الفكر املنطقي لدى‬ ‫الطفل‪ ،‬حيث �أن العالقة وطيدة بني الفكر واللغة‪.‬‬ ‫ويحتوي الكتاب على قر�ص مدمج‪ ،‬ي�ستعر�ض درو�س الكتاب بنمط الكرتوين‬ ‫املعلم‬ ‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذا الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫ تدريج االنتقال من اخلربات احل�سية‪ ،‬اىل ا�ستخدام التعبري الكتابي‪.‬‬‫ التعبري عن اللفظ‪ ،‬باحلروف والكلمات‪.‬‬‫ ا�ستثارة خربات الطفل ون�شاطه الفكري‪.‬‬‫الطالب‬ ‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل يف ‪:‬‬

‫ التعبري عن نف�سه‪ ،‬وما يحيط به‪.‬‬‫ ت�سمية الأ�شياء ب�أ�سمائها‪.‬‬‫ اكت�ساب مفردات لغوية مما ي�سمع‪.‬‬‫‪� -‬إعادة �سرد الق�ص�ص والأنا�شيد‪.‬‬

‫‪᫪«∏©àdG OGhô‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬


‫‪᫪«∏©àdG OGhôdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬

‫‪∫hC’G á«Hô©dG OGhQ‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG á«Hô©dG OGhQ‬‬

‫‪ådÉãdG á«Hô©dG OGhQ‬‬







‫‪º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬



‫‪CD-ROM+ ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬



‫‪dG‬‬ ‫‪™Ñ£‬‬

Al-Rowad Educational Series

Alrowad Educational Series is a modern educational series for preschool learners. It includes advanced and modern methodologies through which students can master basic skills.

My ABC is a two-level kindergarten series that provides very young learners with the skills to identify, recognise, and write letters of the English alphabet. Attention is given to both uppercase and lowercase letters. Each letter is accompanied with several related beginning sound pictures, therefore doubling the series as an excellent vocabulary builder! Components Each of the two levels consists of: - Pupils Book - Teacher,s Book - Cassette - Poster - Activity Book [Level 2]

My ABC Book Series



Teacher Support includes many exercises and activities to engage the student and extend learning. These activities incorporate songs, crosswords puzzles, audio, and poster activities to stimulate and entertain the students while learning! Student Book Students for this series will enjoy the colourful pictures and activities. The series builds confidence through a systematic and incremental approach. The axiom, “Practice makes perfect” is judiciously applied, encouraging mastery the of English alphabet.

KG 2

My ABC Book Series


KG 2

Small Letter S.B.


Student Book


Small Letter/CD


Student Book/CD


Capital Letter S.B.


Acitivity Book


Small Letter S.B. + CD-Rom


Student Book + CD


Teacher’s CD-Rom


Teacher’s CD-Rom


‫الرواد التعليمية‬ ‫�سل�سلة ّ‬

‫رواد الريا�ضيات‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الكتاب‪:‬‬

‫يهـدف هذا الكتاب بجز�أيه‪ ،‬مبادته ال�سهلة‪ ،‬وطريقة تقدميها‪� ،‬إىل الت�أكيد ب�أن الريا�ضيات‪،‬‬ ‫علمـا جاهـ ًزا ي ُـلـق ُّن للأطفال‪ .‬بل يجب �أن يكت�شف الطفل بنف�سه‪ ،‬وميـار�س‬ ‫لي�ست ً‬ ‫ن�شاطه الذاتي‪ ،‬حيث يبد أ� تع ّلم الطفل للريا�ضيات بطريقة تلقائية مع خرباتــه الأوىل‬ ‫يف بيئته‪ ،‬و�ألعابه التلقائية بجمع الأ�شيـاء وتنظيمها وفرزها‪ ،‬وهي اخلطوة الأوىل يف تنمية‬ ‫تفكريه‪،‬وتكوين املفاهيم لديه‪ .‬ويحتوي الكتاب على قر�ص مدمج‪ ،‬حيث درو�س الكتـاب‬ ‫بنمط الكرتوين‪.‬‬


‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذه الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫ الرتتيب املنطقي للمفاهيم والعالقات ‪.‬‬‫ عمليات ريا�ضية لبناء وتنمية التفكري املنطقي لديه ‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬االنتقال من اللفظية والإطار النظري‪� ،‬إىل توظيف احلوا�س ‪ ،‬وخربات الأطفال‪.‬‬


‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل يف ‪:‬‬

‫ تنظيم ممار�ساته التلقائية‪ ،‬واجتاهاته الفطرية ‪.‬‬‫تلم�س املفهوم الزماين واملكاين ومفاهيم �أخرى ذات عالقة ‪.‬‬ ‫ ُّ‬‫ �إجراء املقارنات‪ ،‬واكت�شاف العالقات ‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬ممار�سة �أن�شطة واقعية‪ ،‬تعتمد على التحاور مع املح�سو�س ‪ ،‬والتحليل والرتكيب ‪.‬‬

‫طبعة خا�صة لدولة الإمارات و ُعمان وليبيا واجلزائر‬ ‫‪᫪«∏©àdG OGhôdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪∫hC’G äÉ«°VÉjôdG OGhQ‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬


‫‪ÊÉãdG äÉ«°VÉjôdG OGhQ‬‬






‫‪CD-Rom+ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬



‫‪º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬



‫‪ådÉãdG äÉ«°VÉjôdG OGhQ‬‬ ‫‪9789957377076‬‬

‫‪Al-Rowad Educational Series‬‬

‫رواد الإميان‪/‬‬ ‫ّ‬

‫طبعة خا�صة لدولة ليبيا‬


‫يهدف هذا الكتاب بجز�أيه‪� ،‬إىل تثبيت التعاليم الإ�سالمية يف عقول الأطفال‪ ،‬باعتبار‬ ‫�أن هـذه التعاليم هي العامل الأ�سا�سي يف حتديـد االجتاهات الدينية الالحقة‪ ،‬كالإميان‬ ‫املطلـق باهلل ‪ ،‬وكتابــه الكرمي‪ ،‬ور�سولــه حممـد (�صلى اهلل عليه و�س ّلم)‪ ،‬والتم�سك‬ ‫بالأخالق احلميدة‪ ،‬كمـا يعتمد الكتاب املزج بني الرتبية الإ�سالمية والوطنية واخللقية‪.‬‬ ‫يحتوي الكتاب على قر�ص مدمج‪ ،‬حيث درو�س الكتاب بنمط الكرتوين‪.‬‬ ‫املعلم‬ ‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذه الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫مب�ســطة‪.‬‬ ‫ ماد ًة �سهل ًة ّ‬‫ �سهول ًة يف حت�ضري و�إعـداد املادة‪.‬‬‫ �أن�شط ًة عملي ًة مـرافقة‪.‬‬‫الطالب‬

‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل على ‪:‬‬

‫ التعرف على �أن اهلل خالق كل �شيء ‪ .‬وهو واحـد ال �شريك له ‪ ،‬نعبده وحـده ‪،‬‬‫ونتم�سك بدينه ‪ ،‬و�س ّنة نب ّيه الكرمي‪.‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫التحلـي بالأخـالق احلميدة ‪ ،‬عن طريق االقتداء ب�أفعـال الر�سول الكرمي وال�سلف‬ ‫ ّ‬‫ال�صالح ‪ ،‬و�آداب امل�سـلم ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -‬التعرف �إىل �أركان الإ�سالم‪ ،‬وتطبيق بع�ض الأن�شطة املرافقة ‪ ،‬وحفظ بع�ض ال�صور القر�آنية ‪.‬‬

‫رواد العلوم‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الكتاب‪:‬‬

‫يقـدم هذا الكتاب بجز�أيه للأطفال ‪ ،‬مادة �سهلة يف �صور ّ‬ ‫جذابة‪ ،‬ليـدركوا �أهمية �صحة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫اجل�سم‪ ،‬وقواعـد االهتمام بال�صحة العامة‪ ،‬وليتعرفوا �إىل البيئة من حولهم‪ ،‬مبا حتويه من‬ ‫مكونات‪ ،‬وكيفية التعامل معها‪ ،‬واحلفاظ عليها‪ ،‬مبا يتنا�سب مع خربة الطفل‪ ،‬وتفكريه‬ ‫وا�ستيعابه‪.‬‬ ‫املعلم‬

‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذه الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫ �صو ًرا وا�ضحة تعك�س املعنى املطلوب‪.‬‬‫ مفاهيم �صحية وحياتية منا�سبة للأطفال‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬ن�شاطات مرافقة منا�سبة‪.‬‬


‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل يف ‪:‬‬

‫ التع ّرف على �أجزاء ج�سمه ‪ ،.‬وموجودات البيئة من حوله‪.‬‬‫ اكت�ساب �سلوكات �إيجابية يف ال�صحة العامة ‪ .‬والتعامل مـع مكونات البيئة املحيطة‪.‬‬‫ ممار�سة �أن�شطة عملية‪ ،‬تعـ ّزز ا�ستقالليته‪ّ ،‬‬‫وتتحكـم يف �سلوكه‪.‬‬ ‫‪᫪«∏©àdG OGhôdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬

‫‪∫hC’G Ωƒ∏©dG OGhQ‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG Ωƒ∏©dG OGhQ‬‬





‫طبعة خا�صة لدولة ليبيا‬ ‫‪᫪«∏©àdG OGhôdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬

‫‪∫hC’G ¿ÉÁ’G OGhQ‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG ¿ÉÁ’G OGhQ‬‬






‫‪CD-Rom+ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬



‫‪º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬



‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬


‫ال�سل�سلة الذهبية التعليمية‬ ‫هي �سل�سلة تعليمية حديثة ملرحلتي الرو�ضة‪ ،‬حتتوي على املواد الأ�سا�سية‪ ،‬ينتهج‬ ‫الطالب من خاللها التعليم ب�أ�سلوب متم ّيز وخمتلف‪ ،‬جتعله قاد ًرا على نهل املادة‬ ‫جمه‪.‬‬ ‫وتنمي فيه مدارك ومواهب ّ‬ ‫ب�سال�سة‪ّ ،‬‬

‫الأرقام الذهبية‬ ‫الكتاب‪:‬‬

‫وا�ضحا يف تدري�س مبادىء الريا�ضيات للأطفال‪.‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫يقدم هذا الكتاب بجز�أيه‪� ،‬أ�سلوبا �سهال ً‬ ‫ويعتمد الت�صنيف والفرز واملقــارنة وترتيب العالقات يف ذلك‪ ،‬مبا يتنا�سب مع اخل�صائ�ص‬ ‫النمائية للأطفال ‪.‬‬


‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذا الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫الكثري من املفاهيم الزمانية واملكانية واللغوية‪.‬‬‫ مراعاة ً للتكامل وال�شمولية واملرونة‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬ن�شاطات مرافقة لتنمية قدرات الأطفال‪.‬‬


‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل يف �أن ‪:‬‬

‫ ي�شارك �أقرانه‪ ،‬ويتفاعل معهم ‪.‬‬‫ يتق ّبـل ذاتـه و�صفاته و�إمكاناته‪.‬‬‫ يرتِّـب جمموعة من الأ�شياء تب ًعـا لنمط معينّ ‪.‬‬‫ين العمليات احل�سابية ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -‬يفهم معا َ‬

‫طبعة خا�صة لدولة الإمارات و ُعمان وليبيا واجلزائر‬ ‫‪᫪«∏©àdG á«ÑgòdG á∏°ù∏°ùdG‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬


‫‪∫hC’G á«ÑgòdG ΩÉbQC’G‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG á«ÑgòdG ΩÉbQC’G‬‬





Golden Educational Series

is a new series for young learners. It ensures smooth transition of kindergarten children to the primary stage.

Golden English

is a two-level kindergarten course that provides the essential prerequisites for learning, such as letters and numbers. It provides a systematic, incremental approach with numerous opportunities for practice. The extension and practice activities are part of the learning cycle that leads to mastery of the essential literacy skills. This series is designed to bridge learning and develop a smooth transition to elementary school, diminishing the frustration and anxiety that young learners often face when moving into a more structured learning environment.

‫احلروف الذهبية‬ :‫الكتاب‬

‫ حلبة ال�سبــــاق للتم ّيز يف كتب اللغـــة العربية لريا�ض‬،‫يدخل هذا الكتــاب بجز�أيه‬ ‫ ويحر�ص يف ذلك على‬،‫ هي لغتنا العربية‬،‫ للغـة ٍ ذهبية‬،‫يقـدم حروفًـا ذهبية‬ ّ ‫ فهو‬، ‫الأطفال‬ .‫الب�ساطة واملتعة يف تقـدمي مادته‬ ‫املعلم‬

Level 1 students learn to differentiate letters as well as recognise and identify letter names.The series continues with forming letters, giving special attention to the correct way to form letters, including differentiation of right and left, and writing in a left to right direction.

: ‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذا الكتاب‬

.‫ وب�ساطة الأ�سلوب‬،‫ �سهولة الكلمة‬.‫ االنتقال ال�سل�س من املح�سو�س للمج ّرد‬.‫ ثروة لغوية جيدة للأطفال‬-

Level 2 builds on the skills learned in Level 1 by extending the learning to include capital letter formation, differentiating between lower and upper case letters and identifying high frequency words. All books in this series implement developmentally appropriate skills, exercises, pictures, and methodologies that the student will find both familiar and appealing.

‫الطالب‬ : ‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل يف‬

Teacher Support Golden English includes frequent step-by-step exercises that develop and sharpen student confidence and sense of achievement while mastering basic literacy skills.

.‫ تكوين بيئة خ�صبة للتوا�صل مع �أقرانه‬.‫ تنمية قدرته على التعبري‬-

Student Book Golden English provides activities and exercises that develop, enrich, and stimulate learning and skill mastery.

Golden Book Series Student book


Golden English 1

Golden English 2

ÊÉãdG á«ÑgòdG ±hô◊G

∫hC’G á«ÑgòdG ±hô◊G







᫪«∏©àdG á«ÑgòdG á∏°ù∏°ùdG ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc º∏©ŸG π«dO

‫�سل�سلة الب�ستان التعليمية‬ ‫هي �سل�سلة تعليمية حديثة لالطفال‪ ،‬حيث الأ�سلوب ال�سهل وال�سل�س يف اي�صال‬ ‫املعلومة ال�صحيحة للطفل‪ ،‬مع مراعاة ال�سن والبيئة املحيطة به‪ ،‬والأ�سلوب‬ ‫التعليمي والعلمي املتبع يف كربى املدار�س وريا�ض الأطفال‪.‬‬

‫ب�ستان العربية‬

‫ب�ستان الإميان‬



‫يركز هذا الكتاب بجز�أيه على املبادىء الأ�سا�سية للثقافة الإ�سالمية‪ ،‬عن طريق الفطرة‬ ‫والت�أمل والوجـدان والقـدوة‪ ،‬كما ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب على ت�شكيل اجتاهات الأطفال‪،‬‬ ‫وفق القيم النبيلة‪ ،‬والنظرة ال�سليمــــة للحياة‪.‬‬ ‫املعلم‬

‫ الت�سل�سل املنطقي ال�سهل لعر�ض املـادة‪.‬‬‫ االهتمام بالأهـداف ال�سلوكية‪.‬‬‫ تن ّوع �أ�ساليب التدري�س‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬الو�سائل الإي�ضاحية املنا�سبة‪.‬‬


‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل يف ‪:‬‬


‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل على ‪:‬‬

‫التعرف �إىل خالق هذا الكون وما فيه ‪ ،‬واملبادىء والآداب الإ�سـالمية‪.‬‬‫ حفظ بع�ض ال�س َور القر�آنية‪ ،‬والإملام مبعانيها‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬فر�صة الت�أمل ‪ ،‬واحلركة ‪ ،‬والتعبري عن الذات ‪ ،‬والتعامل مع الآخـرين بطريقة �إيجابية‪.‬‬

‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬



‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذا الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫ت�أكي ًدا للمفهوم القائل ب�أنّ ّللـغة دو ًرا ها ًّمـا يف التفاهم والتوا�صل‪.‬‬‫ كلمات �سهلة ً ‪ ،‬و�صو ًرا وا�ضحة معـبرّ ة‪.‬‬‫أ�سلوبـا �سهال يف العر�ض‪.‬‬ ‫� ً‬‫‪� -‬أن�شطة مرافقة منا�سبة‪.‬‬

‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذا الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫‪᫪«∏©àdG ¿Éà°ùÑdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬

‫يهدف هذا الكتاب بجز�أيه �إىل متكني الطفل من احل�صول على ر�صيد لغوي متم ّيز‪،‬‬ ‫وت�شجيعه على التعبري وامل�شاركة اجلماعية التعاونيـــة‪ ،‬وتعويده على ُح ْـ�سن اال�ستماع‬ ‫واملالحظــة‪ ،‬والتمييز بني الأ�صـوات‪ ،‬وممار�سة �ألعاب التحليل والرتكيب يف الكلمات‬ ‫واحلروف‪.‬‬

‫‪∫h’G ¿ÉÁ’G ¿Éà°ùH‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG ¿ÉÁ’G ¿Éà°ùH‬‬





‫وا�سمـا‪ ،‬وكتابةً)‪.‬‬ ‫ �أن مييز بني احلرف‪� ( ،‬صو ًتـا‪ً ،‬‬‫ �أن يربط بني ال�صورة والكلمة الدالة عليها‪.‬‬‫عما يريد بطريقة �سليمة‪.‬‬ ‫ �أن يعب ِّـر ّ‬‫‪ -‬ميلأ الفراغات‪ ،‬ويل ّون الأ�شكال ‪.‬‬

‫‪᫪«∏©àdG ¿Éà°ùÑdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬

‫‪∫hC’G á«Hô©dG ¿Éà°ùH‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG á«Hô©dG ¿Éà°ùH‬‬





Garden Educational Series

is a two-level kindergarten literacy course for children. It provides developmentally appropriate opportunities for child-directed learning of letters and numbers.

English Garden In Level One, the children learn capital letter recognition and formation through simple activities such as ‘Look and Say,’ ‘Practice,’ tracing, colouring and matching. Level Two expands these practices to include capital letter and small letter discrimination exercises as well as vocabulary that relates to the language a kindergartener needs and uses. Components Level 1: -Student Book -Teacher’s Guide -Audio Level 2: -Student Book -Teacher’s Guide Teacher Support English Garden combines fun and learning into one! This series focuses on literacy and development of critical thinking while engaging students in enjoyable activities and lessons.

English Garden Book Series

English Garden 1

Student book


English Garden 2 9789957370343

S.B Small Letter


S.B Capital Letter


Student Book Students will take pleasure in and benefit from the stimulating pictures and entertaining songs that have been carefully selected to support their academic, social, and physical stages of learning.

‫�سل�سلة الب�ستان التعليمية‬

‫ب�ستان الريا�ضيات‬ ‫الكتاب‪:‬‬

‫ِّ‬ ‫يركز هذا الكتاب من خالل �أن�شطته ومادته‪ ،‬على ا�ستثارة الن�شاط الفكري للأطفال‪،‬‬ ‫وتنمية قدراتهم العقلية عن طريق ت�سخريها يف �إدراك املفاهيم‪ ،‬واكت�شاف العالقات‪،‬‬ ‫وبناء اخلربات‪ ،‬نتيجة جهودهم اخلا�صة‪ ،‬وحثِّهم على البحث واملقارنة واال�ستنتاج‪ ،‬والعمل‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫املنظم‪.‬‬ ‫املعلم‬

‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذا الكتاب ‪:‬‬


‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل يف �أن ‪:‬‬

‫ التعبري عن الكميات بالأعداد ‪ ،‬والتعرف �إىل هذه الأعداد ‪.‬‬‫ اكت�شاف خوا�ص الأ�شياء ‪ ،‬واملقارنة بينها ‪.‬‬‫ حتـديد مواقع واجتاهات الآخـرين ‪.‬‬‫حـب العمل اجلماعي التعاوين ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ِّ -‬‬

‫ مادة ً �سهلة ً تنا�سب قــــــــدرات وخربات الأطفال‪.‬‬‫ بناء عالقات بني الأ�شياء‪ ،‬من حيث التجميع‪ ،‬واملقارنة يف الطول �أو الكمية‪� ،‬أو املكان‬‫والزمان ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -‬الأداء الفردي واجلماعي املحبب للأطفال ‪.‬‬


‫‪ÊÉãdG ¿ÉÁ’G ¿Éà°ùH‬‬

‫‪∫h’G ¿ÉÁ’G ¿Éà°ùH‬‬



‫‪᫪«∏©àdG ¿Éà°ùÑdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪Studant book‬‬

‫طبعة خا�صة لدولة الإمارات و ُعمان وليبيا واجلزائر‬ ‫‪᫪«∏©àdG ¿Éà°ùÑdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪∫hC’G äÉ«°VÉjôdG ¿Éà°ùH‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG äÉ«°VÉjôdG ¿Éà°ùH‬‬





‫�سل�سلة اجلوهرة التعليمية‬

‫مب�سـط وجذاب‪ ،‬يكت�سب‬ ‫هي �سل�سلة تعليمية حديثة للأطفال‪ ،‬ذات م�ستوى ّ‬ ‫الطفل من خاللها املبادئ الأ�سا�سية للتعليم يف املناهج املعتمدة لهذه املرحلة‪ ،‬مع‬ ‫مراعاة اختالف الفروق الفردية من طفل لآخر‪.‬‬

‫جوهرة العربية‬

‫جوهرة الإميان‬


‫ــــد هذا الكتاب من الكتب املتقدمة‪،‬يف تعليم اللغة العربية لأطفال الرو�ضة‪ ،‬فهو‬ ‫ُي َع ّ‬ ‫ور�سومـا جميلة حمببة‬ ‫واحلياة‪،‬‬ ‫الواقع‬ ‫من‬ ‫أمثلة‬ ‫�‬ ‫و‬ ‫ا‪،‬‬ ‫د‬ ‫جي‬ ‫ـا‬ ‫ب‬ ‫أ�سلو‬ ‫�‬ ‫و‬ ‫ة‪،‬‬ ‫غنيـ‬ ‫مادة‬ ‫يقـدِّ م‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫للأطفال‪.‬‬

‫كتاب ديني للمرحلتني‬


‫يع ِّزز هذا الكتاب فهم الأطفال لوجود اهلل ع ّز وجل‪ ،‬ويركز على اخللق والإبــــداع‪،‬‬ ‫وتعداد بع�ض نعم اهلل‪ ،‬وتعليم مبـــادىء الدين الإ�سالمي احلنيف ‪ ،‬و�أخالق و�آداب‬ ‫الإ�سـالم‪.‬‬ ‫املعلم‬

‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذه الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫ مادة غن ّيـة حول حقائق الكون ‪.‬‬‫ قي ًمـا �أخالقية و�سلوكية لرتبية الأطفال‪.‬‬‫إح�سا�سا بامل�س�ؤولية‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -‬دقة ً يف املعلومة‪ ،‬و� ً‬


‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذه الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫ال�سهلة‪.‬‬ ‫ املفردات اللغويـة ّ‬‫ النتاجات املطلوبة واملرغوبة‪،‬‬‫واملتوقع �أن يحققها الطفل‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -‬مهارات كتابية منا�سبة‪.‬‬


‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل يف ‪:‬‬

‫ يط ِّور مهاراته يف اال�ستماع للغة وفهمها ‪.‬‬‫ ي�شارك يف حمادثة ‪ ،‬ويعـبرِّ عن ر�أيه ‪.‬‬‫اجليـد ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -‬ي ُـطبق �آداب اال�ستماع ّ‬


‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل على ‪:‬‬

‫ �أن يظهر وع ًيـا بوجود اهلل تعـاىل‪.‬‬‫ �أن ي�شـكر اهلل ويحمـده دائ ًمـا‪.‬‬‫ �أن ي�ضبط �سلوكه‪ّ ،‬‬‫ويتحكم فيه‪.‬‬

‫‪᫪«∏©àdG Iôgƒ÷G á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬

‫‪¿ÉÁ’G IôgƒL‬‬ ‫‪9789957371371‬‬

‫‪᫪«∏©àdG Iôgƒ÷G á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬

‫‪∫hC’G á«Hô©dG IôgƒL‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG á«Hô©dG IôgƒL‬‬




‫�سل�سلة الب�ستان التعليمية‬ ‫هي �سل�سلة تعليمية حديثة لالطفال‪ ،‬حيث الأ�سلوب ال�سهل وال�سل�س يف اي�صال‬ ‫املعلومة ال�صحيحة للطفل‪ ،‬مع مراعاة ال�سن والبيئة املحيطة به‪ ،‬والأ�سلوب التعليمي‬ ‫والعلمي املتبع يف كربى املدار�س وريا�ض الأطفال‪.‬‬


‫جوهرة الريا�ضيات‬

‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذا الكتاب ‪:‬‬


‫يعترب هذا الكتاب بجز�أيه‪ ،‬من الكتب التي حازت على ر�ضـا معلمـات ريا�ض الأطفال‪،‬‬ ‫لأنه ي�ستخــدم املح�سو�سـات يف فهم العمليات احل�سابية‪ ،‬وي�ستخدم كذلك �أدوات وطرقًـا‬ ‫خمتلفة تعني على الفهم واال�ستيعاب‪.‬‬

‫ �إدراكا وا�ضحا ملفهوم املقارنة‪ ،‬من حيث فرز الأ�شياء‪،‬‬‫وترتيبها‪ ،‬واكت�شاف العالقات‪.‬‬ ‫وا�ضحـا ملفهوم الأمناط (ال�صوتية‪ ،‬الرقمية‪ ،‬اللغوية‪ ،‬الب�صرية)‪.‬‬ ‫ �إدراكا ً‬‫‪� -‬أمثلة و�أن�شطة تو�ضيحية‪.‬‬


‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل يف �أن ‪:‬‬

‫ يتعـ ّرف على مفهوم العـدد‪.‬‬‫عمليـا ينا�سب عمره‪.‬‬ ‫ ُيـظهر فه ًما ً‬‫ ُيـطابق‪ ،‬و ُيـقارن‪ ،‬و ُي ِّ‬‫ـ�شـكـل جمموعات مطلوبة‪.‬‬


‫‪ÊÉãdG ¿ÉÁ’G ¿Éà°ùH‬‬

‫‪∫h’G ¿ÉÁ’G ¿Éà°ùH‬‬



‫‪᫪«∏©àdG ¿Éà°ùÑdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪Studant book‬‬

‫طبعة خا�صة لدولة الإمارات و ُعمان وليبيا واجلزائر‬ ‫‪᫪«∏©àdG Iôgƒ÷G á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪∫hC’G äÉ«°VÉjôdG IôgƒL‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬


‫‪ÊÉãdG äÉ«°VÉjôdG IôgƒL‬‬ ‫‪9789957371326‬‬

JEWELS Educational Series

Jewel of English series is the simplest and the most attractive modern series for preschool learners.Through this series, students will master the four basic skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing in English and Arabic.

Jewel of English Jewel of English series is a two-level is a two-level literacy program for KG children aged 4 - 6 . Level 1 begins with recognition and formation of both upper- and lower-case letters. Level 2 broadens the learning with exercises in differentiation, recognition, and identification of letters. High frequency sight words, relevant to this age group, are presented, along with a variety of related pictures, in order to increase the student’s vocabulary and to begin the building blocks of reading. Teacher Support Jewel of English is a modern English series that develops literacy. Simple and effective exercises are combined with stimulating and engaging activities such as writing, colouring and tracing activities.

Jewel Book Series

Jewel of English 1

Student Book


Jewel of English 2 9789957371265

S.B Small Letter


S.B Capital Letter


Student Book Jewel of English includes letter formation exercises, colourful pictures, and stimulating exercises integrated throughout this course book for an enjoyable and engaging way to develop basic literacy skills.

‫ال�سل�سلة االجتماعية‬


‫حياتي‪ ،‬يعـر�ض جمموعـة �إيجابية من �أمنـاط ال�سلوك والعادات والتقاليد‬ ‫عملـي ٌ ّ‬ ‫كتاب ّ‬ ‫التي يجب �أن يتعلمها الطفل ويتعامل مبوجبها‪ ،‬فهو يعي�ش يف جمتمع الأ�سرة والأقارب‬ ‫واجلريان‪ّ ،‬ثم الرو�ضة‪ ،‬فال ّبد �أن يتع ّلم كيفية التفاعل مع الآخرين ب�إيجابية‪ ،‬والتحكم‬ ‫ب�سلوكه‪.‬‬ ‫املعلم‬


‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل يف ‪:‬‬

‫ معرفة ذاته ‪ ،‬و�صفاته ‪ ،‬و�إمكاناته ‪.‬‬‫ ح�سـن التعامل مع الآخرين ‪ ،‬وطلب امل�ساعدة وتقدميها ‪.‬‬‫ تعـزيز �صلة الرحم ‪ ،‬والعالقات االجتماعية ‪.‬‬‫بحـريـة ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -‬التعبري عن �أفكاره وم�شاعره ّ‬

‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذا الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫تهم الطفل‪.‬‬ ‫ مناذج خمتلفة من ال�سلوكيات والعادات‪ ،‬التي ّ‬‫ تعـزي ًزا للقول (�إنّ الرتبية هي احليـاة)‪ ،‬ولي�ست يف �صفحات الكتب فقط‪ ،‬بل هي‬‫ممار�سات وتع ّلم وخربة مكت�سبة ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -‬ن�شـاطات مرافقة تو�ضـح املفاهيم وت�ؤكدها‪.‬‬

‫‪᫪«∏©àdG OGhôdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬


‫‪,‬‬ ‫‪L alphabétisation‬‬

‫خرباتي االجتماعية‬

‫‪∫hC’G á«YɪàL’G »JGÈN‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG á«YɪàL’G »JGÈN‬‬





Literacy / ELT

includes loveable characters that will delight young learners and give them a confident start at learning English. Amusing stories, fantastic songs, motivational activities and carefully-chosen, relevant topics encourage children to think about the world around them and integrate other subjects in their language learning.


New English Splash 1-2 is a complete, delightful alphabet curriculum for preschool and kindergarten children. It aims to lay the foundation for early learning success by developing essential prereading and writing skills, especially letter and number recognition, capital and small letter discrimination, word recognition and phonemic awareness. Components Level 1 -Student Book 1: Capital letters -Student Book 2: Small letters -Teacher’s Guide -Audio -Resource Pack -Flashcards

Teacher Support Splash effectively helps children master the alphabet by providing activities for independent work in class and at home. Extra practice exercises are included to challenge more experienced language learners and extend learning outside the regular classroom instruction. Brilliantly coloured illustrations and engaging activities will have students learning and having fun all at the same time!

Level 2 -Student Book 1: Letters and Numbers -Activity Book -Teacher’s Guide -Audio -Resource Pack -Flashcards

Splash 1

Student Book In Splash, students will develop skills in letter recognition and letter formation, essential for acquiring phonemic awareness. Students using Splash will *demonstrate competence in letter recognition and forming capital and small letters. *master literacy skills early and without anxiety or frustration by an incremental step-by-step approach, which helps learners gain confidence in their abilities and become self-motivated learners. *love the entertaining pictures representing letters and numbers and the full-colour stickers in the student book.


Splash 2




English Splash Book Series

Splash 1

Small letter 9789957371555


Capital 9789957371562 letter


Student9789957372880 Book Activity9789957991524 Book 9789957372873

Splash 2

English Splash Book Series


Capital letter S.B. +CD



Student Book +CD


Small letter Flashcards Capital letter Flashcards


Splash 1

Small letter S.B. +CD

Splash 2

English Splash Book Series

Splash 1

Small letter S.B. +CD 9789957372408



Capital letter S.B. +CD



Student Book +CD


Teacher’s Book


Audio CD

Small letter Flashcards 9789957991777





Capital letter Flashcards


Small letter S.B. +CD 9789957372408


Student Book Flashcards

Capital letter S.B. +CD


Student Book +CD


Student Book Flashcards



Back Up

Back Up


is a six-level series specifically designed for Arab primary students, with themes and topics carefully selected for their usefulness, relevance, and cultural appropriateness. Components Course Book with Workbook Teacher’s Book CD Audio Resource Pack Flashcards

Teacher Support Back Up is teacher-friendly and designed to provide students with logical exercises and activities. Organized around thematic units, teachers will welcome the systematic way the series sequences listening, speaking, reading and writing activities and exercises. These exercises make the course easy to plan and implement. They will also enjoy the interactive enrichments in the Back Up series, such as role playing and dialogues for acting out, that enliven both teaching and learning. This specially-designed and illustrated series centres on and complements the Arab community, including culturally appropriate topics related to the students’ own lives. Student Book Students will enjoy the colourful pictures used to present new material and create situations ripe for language development. Students will memorize and internalize the target language skills through the pictures, songs and rhymes that are included throughout the units.The many games and puzzles included in the student book will be motivating and enjoyable to students. The application exercises that follow ‘Presentation and Practice’ will give students the opportunity to express themselves and build confidence in their language ability.


Back Up

Back Up 1

Back Up

Back Up 4

Course Book




Course Book












Teacher’s Book




Teacher’s Book




Back Up 2

Back Up 3

Back Up 5

Back Up 6


Carnival 1-6 is a six-level integrated course for elementary students that develops the four language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Each level in this series consists of units organized around a central theme or communication function that is closely related to the interests and characteristics of the student. Components Student Book Workbook Teacher’s Book Resource Pack -Flashcards -Posters Audio files Readers -Two readers (Grades 1- 3)

Teachers will appreciate the eclectic approach and its easy-to-follow exercises, requiring less teacher planning time. Additionally, teachers will value the specially designed illustrations as well as situations and topics that are closely related to the students. They will then identify with the characters and internalize the skills more readily as they become self-motivated learners. Varied exercises and games are easy to implement, even in large classes. Student Book Carnival series students will be motivated by the relevant and interesting topics and activities. The colourfully illustrated units are presented in familiar context to this age group and grade level. Students will enjoy learning English through thematic units such as school, friends, sports, home and animals.The students will enjoy the variety of songs, poems, games and puzzles included as they enliven the course and make learning a fun experience. Reader Carnival series includes readers that reinforce and supplement the student book. These originally designed readers are an excellent source of enjoyment for students and create confidence in their reading ability.

Carnival Readers


Teacher Support Carnival’s supporting components include colourful flashcards and posters that facilitate teaching and capture students’ attention.

Carnival 3


Carnival 1

Carnival 2

Student Book




Student Book


Carnival 4


Carnival 5


Carnival 6









Teacher’s Book




Teacher’s Book


























My Grammar

My Grammar is a three-level series which offers young learners focused practice on the fundamentals of English grammar. With its classic ‘Present and Practise’ format and lively, illustrated exercises with colourful charts and tables, it is the perfect workbook or course supplement to boost levels of achievement in English.

Teacher Support Teachers will find *the systematic, clear presentation of content with self-guided exercises that facilitate lesson planning and make exercises easy to administer. *varied, comprehensive exercises at each level, usable for class work and homework *that the series may be used in parallel with English textbooks for students to receive extra support or for remedial work. *that the series provides special emphasis on developing students’ writing skills with many opportunities for students to apply relevant grammar rules and structures when expressing themselves in writing.

Student skills Students will find *ample motivating, contextualized practice that makes it easy for students to learn and remember the concepts presented in the book. *learning enjoyable through the clear and colourful presentation. *a sense of achievement and greater confidence from the carefully levelled exercises and interesting, varied practice, ranging from structured to open-ended exercises. *that they develop language competency through the contextualized application exercises.

le ab n ail ditio v A tE li Sp

Full Edition My Grammar Student Book

Split Edition My Grammar 1 9789957374358

My Grammar 2 9789957374365

My Grammar 3 9789957374372

My Grammar Student Book

My Grammar Student Book


My Grammar A 9789957374389

My Grammar D 9789957374426

My Grammar B

My Grammar C



My Grammar E

My Grammar F




Pioneers Handwriting is a three-level course for primary students, which provides a step-by-step, incremental approach to teaching handwriting. Level 1 starts with left-to-right hand movement practice, followed by letter recognition and formation exercises, with attention given to both upper and lower case letters. In levels 2 and 3, learners practise cursive writing, with exercises on how letters are joined in different positions in the word.

Student Book Pioneer Handwriting provides scores of practice opportunities to develop fine motor skills and master clear and neat handwriting. In addition, students will improve reading skills through the ‘Read and Write’ exercises, since writing reinforces and strengthens reading proficiency and comprehension.

Teacher Support Pioneers Handwriting follows an analytical methodology that teachers will appreciate in regards to writing both new and familiar words. With the structured format of Pioneers Handwriting, students will begin to recognize letters in the word, later learning to read and write words, followed by sentences and finally, paragraphs. Teachers will find the series helpful when teaching students how to hold a writing tool, develop fine motor skills and orient their literacy skills from left to right. This series can also be used in conjunction with textbooks that do not give enough attention to handwriting. It can also be a valuable tool for remedial handwriting practice.

Pioneers Handwriting

P.Handwriting 1

P.Handwriting 2

P.Handwriting 3

Student Book





, L alphabétisation

La boîte enfants donne aux élèves un début confiant pour apprendre le français et rend les leçons plus jolies pour les enseignants. Les personnages aimables raviront les jeunes apprenants car ils introduisent une nouvelle langue à travers des histoires amusantes, des chansons fantastiques et des activités. Les sujets sont soigneusement choisis pour encourager les enfants à réfléchir sur le monde qui les entoure et à des niveaux, ils sont liés à des niveaux, ils sont liés à d’autres domaines dans le programme scolaire.

, Vive l amitié

, Vive l amitié , e est une méthode d enseignement du Français Langue Étrangère et de la lecture en français, destinée anx enfants de 4 - 6 ans, Vive , , l amitié s adresse directement aux enfants en traitant de leurs , préoccupations quotidiennes ; l école, la maison, les amis. Cette , méthode fait partie du nouveau cursus pour l enseignement de base du français. Cette méthode constitue un ensemble pédagogique complet pour enfants débutants en français. , , Vive l amitié se compose de deux niveaux, c est une méthode , , d apprentissage complète qui offre à l élève la possibilité de , communiquer rapidement en français. À la fin de ce livre, l enfant , , doit écrire toutes les lettres de l alphabet et savoir lire l ensemble des mots et des textes présenté dans ce livre.

Les objectifs et les principes - Faire le point sur les valeurs de lettres. , - Permettre à l élève de distinguer lettres et sons composant , , les mots. Ainsi, d une leçon à l autre, il reconnaîtra de plus en plus de lettres et de sons et finira par lire des mots entiers. - Entraîner les élèves à écouter, à répéter et à comprendre. , , - Offrir un entraînement à l oral et à l écrit - Encourager les élèves à faire régulièrement le point sur leurs , connaissances et à s auto-évaluer.

Le matériel , Vive l amitié comprend : , - Le livre de l élève, à utiliser en classe sous la direction du professeur. , - Le CD classe reprenant tous les dialogues, exercices d écoute et , chansons du livre de l élève. - Le CD élève reprenant uniquement les chansons du livre de , , l élève et les activités d écoute. , - Le guide pédagogique propose les corrigés du livre de l élève, les transcriptions des enregistrements. - Encourager les élèves à faire régulièrement le point sur leurs , connaissances et à s auto-évaluer. 4



L’alphabet français !


Écoute et chante.

L a c h anso n d e l'a l p h ab e t



A B C D E F G, H I J K L M N O P, Q R S T U V, W X Y Z,


Maintenant je les connais, Toutes les lettres de l'alphabet !


Maintenant je les connais,




C'est une trousse.

C'est un livre.

C'est une gomme.

C'est un cahier.

C'est un cartable.



Toutes les lettres de l'alphabet !


C'est un stylo.



A B C D E F G, H I J K L M N O P, Q R S T U V, W X Y Z,


Les objets de la classe



Maintenant, chantons tous ensemble !


Observe et écris.


Bravo les amis !


La classe


Maintenant je les connais, Toutes les lettres de l'alphabet !



Observe et écoute.


A B C D E F G, H I J K L M N O P, Q R S T U V, W X Y Z,




Connaissez-vous la chanson de l'alphabet ! Allez ! C'est à votre tour de la chanter.







P C'est un pupitre.


Vive l'amitié

Vive l'amitié 1

Vive l'amitié 2

Vive l'amitié L’alphabet français

Le livre + Le CD





C'est un crayon.

C'est une règle.

gomme 23


, L amitié Nouvelle édition

, L amitié

Nouvelle édition

, est une méthode d apprentissage du français destinée aux enfants, ce livre constitue un ensemble pédagogique complet pour enfants , débutants en français. L amitié peut être utilisé tel quel ou bien complété ou adapté en fonction des nécessités du groupe-classe. Cette méthode se compose de six niveaux, chaque niveau , , se compose de dix unités, c est une méthode d apprentissage , complète qui offre un entraînement à l oral (livre + CD audio) , et à l écrit , (cahier d exercices). La grammaire, au service de la communication, est traitée de manière inductive.

Édition spéciale pour le Royaume d'Arabie Saoudite , , * Engager les élèves à s exprimer et à parler d eux-mêmes, de leurs goûts, de leur environnement immédiat, de leurs souhaits, de leurs activités réelles ou imaginaires. * Encourager les élèves à faire régulièrement le point sur leurs , connaissances et à s auto-évaluer. * Entraîner à la communication en proposant des activités où la langue est mise en action, pour accomplir des tâches, pour agir, pour convaincre. * Impliquer les élèves : leur permettre de parler de leur vécu, de leurs aptitudes, de leurs mais ; mais solliciter aussi leur imaginaire , et leur faire vivre des situations où ils s inventent de nouvelles identités et de nouvelles activités. , * Préserver la joie de découvrir, de comprendre et d apprendre, en offrant un contexte à la fois motivant et rassurant.

Le matériel L,amitié comprend : , * Le livre de l élève, à utiliser en classe sous la direction du professeur. , * Le cahier d exercices pour réviser et renforcer à la maison, en autonomie, les différents points vus en classe. , * Le CD classe reprenant tous les dialogues, exercices d écoute , et chansons du livre de l élève. * Le CD élève reprenant uniquement les chansons du livre de , , l élève et les activités d écoute. , * Le guide pédagogique qui propose des pistes d exploitation du , livre de l élève, et apporte des informations culturelles. * Les cartes lexicales et les fiches pour chaque unité. * Les deux histoires qui accompagnent chaque niveau. Les objectifs et les principes * Entraîner les élèves à écouter, à repérer des indices dans les messages sonores et à comprendre.

, Autres supports d apprentissage , * Les images et les cartes lexicales fournies permettent d introduire , un grand nombre d activités individuelles. , * L écran de télévision propose un « cadre » qui sert de mise en scène ou de prolongement à une activité. Ce cadre concentre , et motive l attention de tous.

Édition spéciale pour le Royaume d'Arabie Saoudite , L amitié Nouvelle édition


, L amitié 1

, L amitié 2

, L amitié 4

, L amitié 5

Méthode de Français




, L amitié 3




, L amitié 6

Cahier d’activités







CD Audio







Le Jardin

Le Jardin , est une méthode d apprentissage du français destinée aux , enfants de l école maternelle, il constitue un ensemble pédagogique complet pour enfants débutants en français. Le Jardin peut être utilisé tel quel ou bien complété ou adapté en fonction des nécessités du groupe-classe. Cette méthode se compose de deux niveaux, chaque niveau se compose de dix , , unités, c est une méthode d apprentissage complète qui offre , à l élève la possibilité de communiquer rapidement en français. , À la fin de ce livre, l enfant doit écrire toutes les lettres de , , l alphabet et savoir lire l ensemble des textes présenté dans ce livre. Le matériel Le Jardin comprend : , - Le livre de l élève, à utiliser en classe sous la direction du professeur. , - Le CD classe reprenant tous les dialogues, exercices d écoute , et chansons du livre de l élève. - Le CD élève reprenant uniquement les chansons du livre , , de l élève et les activités d écoute. , - Le guide pédagogique qui propose des pistes d exploitation , du livre de l élève, et apporte des informations culturelles.

Le Jardin

Le Jardin 1

Le Jardin 2

Le livre + Le CD



Le guide pédagogique



Morsure par Morsure


Karl et Karla


La Perruque sur le Couvercle


Les objectifs et les principes - Faire le point sur les valeurs de lettres. , - Permettre à l élève de distinguer lettres et sons composant , , les mots. Ainsi, d une leçon à l autre, il reconnaîtra de plus en plus de lettres et de sons et finira par lire des mots entiers. - Entraîner les élèves à écouter, à répéter et à comprendre. - Encourager les élèves à faire régulièrement le point sur leurs , connaissances et à s auto-évaluer. Les histoires Ce sont des séries pour les petits ; avant la grande école qui se présente d’une façon systématique la phonétique en trois lettres pour aider les petits de lire facilement avec joie et avec plaisir.


, L amitié

, L amitié

, est une méthode d apprentissage du français destinée aux enfants, ce livre constitue un ensemble pédagogique complet pour enfants , débutants en français. L amitié peut être utilisé tel quel ou bien complété ou adapté en fonction des nécessités du groupe-classe. Cette méthode se compose de six niveaux, chaque niveau , , se compose de dix unités, c est une méthode d apprentissage , complète qui offre un entraînement à l oral (livre + CD audio) , , et à l écrit (cahier d exercices). La grammaire, au service de la communication, est traitée de manière inductive. Le matériel L,amitié comprend : , * Le livre de l élève, à utiliser en classe sous la direction du professeur. , * Le cahier d exercices pour réviser et renforcer à la maison, en autonomie, les différents points vus en classe. , * Le CD classe reprenant tous les dialogues, exercices d écoute , et chansons du livre de l élève. * Le CD élève reprenant uniquement les chansons du livre de , , l élève et les activités d écoute. , * Le guide pédagogique qui propose des pistes d exploitation du , livre de l élève, et apporte des informations culturelles. * Les cartes lexicales et les fiches pour chaque unité. * Les deux histoires qui accompagnent chaque niveau. Les objectifs et les principes

, L amitié


, L amitié 1

, L amitié 2

, L amitié

, L amitié 4

, L amitié 5


Le livre





Le cahier d’exercices






Le guide pédagogique











La cassette




La cassette




Les cartes lexicales




Le cahier d’ecriture




Le livre



Le cahier d’exercices



Le guide pédagogique



, L amitié 3

* Entraîner les élèves à écouter, à repérer des indices dans les messages sonores et à comprendre. , , * Engager les élèves à s exprimer et à parler d eux-mêmes, de leurs goûts, de leur environnement immédiat, de leurs souhaits, de leurs activités réelles ou imaginaires. * Encourager les élèves à faire régulièrement le point sur leurs , connaissances et à s auto-évaluer. * Entraîner à la communication en proposant des activités où la langue est mise en action, pour accomplir des tâches, pour agir, pour convaincre. * Impliquer les élèves : leur permettre de parler de leur vécu, de leurs aptitudes, de leurs goûts; mais solliciter aussi leur , imaginaire et leur faire vivre des situations où ils s inventent de nouvelles identités et de nouvelles activités. , * Préserver la joie de découvrir, de comprendre et d apprendre, en offrant un contexte à la fois motivant et rassurant. , Autres supports d apprentissage , * Les images et les cartes lexicales fournies permettent d introduire , un grand nombre d activités individuelles. , * L écran de télévision propose un « cadre » qui sert de mise en scène ou de prolongement à une activité. Ce cadre concentre , et motive l attention de tous.

, L amitié 6

La Joie

La Joie s’adresse à un public de jeunes adolescents débutant leur apprentissage de la langue française. Il couvre environ 80 heures d’enseignement. Ce livre a pour objectif de développer chez les élèves leur compétence à communiquer dans des situations élémentaires de la vie quotidienne tout en leur faisant découvrir différents aspects de la culture française et francophone. Ce livre est composé d’une unité de départ suivie de sept unités de huit pages. Le matériel En complément du manuel, La Joie comprend : - Un guide pédagogique complet donne à l’enseignant des idées d’utilisation, des réponses, des corrigés, des explications sur les documents utilisés, les photos présentées. - Un cahier d’exercices riche et varié complète le manuel et propose de nombreuses activités complémentaires écrites et d’écoute. - Des cassettes ou CD audio pour la classe, supports de toutes les activités orales avec des dialogues animés et des poèmes. - Un CD élève reprenant les dialogues, les poèmes et les activités orales de chaque unité du livre élève.

Les objectifs et les principes - Entraîner les élèves à écouter, à repérer des indices dans les messages sonores et à comprendre. - Engager les élèves à s’exprimer et à parler d’eux-mêmes, de leurs goûts, de leur environnement immédiat, de leurs souhaits, de leurs activités réelles ou imaginaires. - Encourager les élèves à faire régulièrement le point sur leurs connaissances et à s’auto-évaluer. - Entraîner à la communication en proposant des activités où la langue est mise en action, pour accomplir des tâches, pour agir, pour convaincre. - Impliquer les élèves : leur permettre de parler de leur vécu, de leurs aptitudes, de leurs goûts; mais solliciter aussi leur imaginaire et leur faire vivre des situations où ils s’inventent de nouvelles identités et de nouvelles activités. - Préserver la joie de découvrir, de comprendre et d’apprendre, en offrant un contexte à la fois motivant et rassurant. C’est une méthode motivante par la variété de ses activités, l’attrait des fictions Une méthode claire par sa présentation Une méthode efficace : • les savoir faire communicatifs sont privilégiés, en particulier par la place importante donnée aux activités orales; • les compétences sont évaluées et constatées pas à pas.

La Joie

La Joie 1

La Joie 2

La Joie

La Joie 3

La Joie 4

Le livre



Le livre



Le cahier d’exercices



Le cahier d’exercices



Le guide pédagogique



Le guide pédagogique










Les cartes lexicales




Le cahier d’ecriture






is designed for ages 11- 14 and offers flexible, differentiated resources with a highly accessible approach that appeals to pupils of different ability levels. Key Features 1- Clear ‘Learning Objectives’ and ‘Outcomes’ provide a basis to monitor pupils’ progress. 2- ‘Summary Questions’ at the end of each topic. 3- ‘Practical Activities’ develop thinking skills and stimulate scientific discussion and debate. 4- Highly accessible for all abilities.

Science for Us

Science for Us


is a six-level series that develops and reinforces, throughout the primary grades, awareness and appreciation of earth sciences, physical sciences, biology, and chemistry with age-appropriate methods. Components Textbook Workbook Teacher’s Book Resource Pack *Flashcards *Interactive CD *Teachers Source Backing CD *Posters Each unit consists of *investigations, vocabularies and lessons. *supporting illustrations or pictures that reinforce concepts. *self-assessment for students to evaluate their learning. *supporting flashcards, transparencies, and student activity CD. Teacher Support The Science for Us teacher’s guide assists teachers in presenting material with modern and proven methodology. The teacher will find ideas and methods for assessing students’ retention of concepts, as well as ease in lesson planning.

Science for Us

Science for Us 1

Science for Us 2

Science for Us 3

Science for Us

Science for Us 4

Science for Us 5

Science for Us 6

Textbook + interactive CD




Textbook + interactive CD












Student’s Interactive CD




Student’s Interactive CD




Teacher Resource Pack




Teacher Resource Pack





Science for Us

Science for Us/ Oman Localised Edition Science for Us Omani Special Edition is a six-level primary course that: 1 - Adapts existing curricula in private bilingual schools for the Omani environment. 2 - Creates organized and unified schemes of work among bilingual schools. 3 - Emphasizes issues like: safety at home, school, road and labs, and importance of technology in our lives. Components Textbook Workbook Teacher’s Book Resource Pack *Flashcards *Interactive CD *Teachers Source Backing CD *Posters Teacher Support The Science for Us Scope and Sequence for Grades 1 - 6 in private bilingual schools was based on the QCA (Qualifications



and Curriculum Authority) schemes of work for grades 1 - 6 in UK. Some changes have been introduced to these schemes in order to meet the requirements of the Omani environment and issues of safety and technology.Teachers can vary the sequence of units and topics in a flexible way between two successive grades in each phase, but they should complete all the units and related outcomes from grades 1 - 6 at the end of grade 6. Implementation: Schools are requested to follow the scope and sequence starting from academic year 2007 - 2008.The implementation process will need additional resources ( textbooks).

Science for Us

Science for Us 1

Science for Us 2

Science for Us 3

Science for Us

Science for Us 4

Science for Us 5

Science for Us 6

Textbook + interactive CD




Textbook + interactive CD












Student’s Interactive CD




Student’s Interactive CD




Teacher Resource Pack




Teacher Resource Pack




Science Basics

Science Basics/ Full Edition is a six-level science course for elementary to intermediate students that offers flexible, differentiated resources with a highly accessible approach that appeals to pupils of different abilities. Teacher Support Teachers find it easy to present scientific material using the easyto-read text that integrates the well-designed illustrations and strongly reinforces concepts for students of all ability levels. The proven scientific method of discovery is utilized throughout the series instead of lecture-based learning, thus providing a more effective method of instilling conceptual understanding of scientific facts.

1-6 Student Book Organised around themes, Science Basic’s student book employs a combination of the five-step scientific process together with illustrations, investigations, and discovery projects that reinforce and solidify scientific concepts. Students will grasp scientific facts easily through illustrated, text-reduced units that capture the attention of students while connecting pictures with information.

Teachers will value the activities in the series, and students will enjoy the interesting ways the series incorporates learning and exploring. Teachers will become facilitators of learning, helping students to explore and discover the world around them.


Full Edition Science ScienceBasics Basics

Science Science Basics Basics 11

Science Science Basics Basics 22

Science Science Basics Basics 33

Science ScienceBasics Basics

Science Science Basics Basics 44

Science Science Basics Basics 55

Science Science Basics Basics 66

Student Student Book Book

9789957371593 9789957371593

9789957373818 9789957373818

9789957373825 9789957373825

Student Student Book Book

9789957372279 9789957372279

9789957372545 9789957372545

9789957372552 9789957372552

Teacher’s Teacher’s Book Book CD CD

9789957992187 9789957992187

9789957992194 9789957992194

9789957992200 9789957992200

Teacher’s Teacher’s Book Book CD CD

9789957992217 9789957992217

9789957992224 9789957992224

9789957992231 9789957992231

Poster Poster

9789957377861 9789957377861

9789957377878 9789957377878

9789957377885 9789957377885

Science ScienceBasics Basics

Science Science Basics Basics DD

Science Science Basics Basics EE

Science Science Basics Basics FF

Student Student Book Book

9789957375478 9789957375478

9789957375485 9789957375485

9789957375492 9789957375492

Science ScienceBasics Basics

Science Science Basics BasicsA A

Science Science Basics Basics BB

Science Science Basics Basics CC

Student Student Book Book

9789957375447 9789957375447

9789957375454 9789957375454

9789957375461 9789957375461

Science ScienceBasics Basics

Science Science Basics BasicsG G Science Science Basics Basics HH

Student Student Book Book

9789957375508 9789957375508

9789957375515 9789957375515

Science Science Basics Basics I I

Science Science Basics Basics JJ

9789957375522 9789957375522

9789957375539 9789957375539


Science Basics

Science Basics/ Essential Edition is presented in a clear, fun and visually appealing manner and is accessible to lower-ability Students from for elementary to intermediate levels Science Basic’s is the result of extensive market research among teachers around the world. Student Book - Student books are packed full of activities, and discussions to fully engage Students of all levels. - Practical experiments and activities use everyday materials encourage Students to explore the world of science with a handson approach, while regular quizzes and assessments reinforce the knowledge theybhave learned. - Each book includes a wide variety of illustrations and full-colour photographs that develop in style as pupils mature. - Workbooks provide assistance for pupils for in-class activities as well as further opportunities for encouraging independent work outside of school. - The course consists of ten pupil books, one for each grade level starting from ages 6 - 7, and a corresponding Teacher’s Guide and supplementary resources for each year.

Teachers Book Teacher Guides at all levels provide the teacher with not only the scientific knowledge required to help deliver the science material , , effectively, but also show how the Scientific Enquiry strands of the syllabus can be woven in to everyday science lessons. with detailed guidance on conducting science activities that, the guides also provide comprehensive practical activities can be adapted depending on the available facilities of the school.

Science Basics

Science Basics 1

Science Basics 2

Science Basics 3

Student Book




Teacher’s Book CD

Poster Student Book

9789957992187 Science Basics 1 9789957377861 9789957371593

9789957992194 9789957992200 Science Basics 2 Science Basics 3 9789957377878 9789957377885 9789957373818 9789957373825

Teacher’s Book CD








Science Basics

Essential Edition


Science Basics

Science Basics A

Science Basics B

Science Basics C

Student Book




Science Basics

Science Basics A

Science Basics B

Science Basics C

Student Book




Science Basics

Science Basics 4

Science Basics 5

Science Basics 6

Student Book




Teacher’s Book CD

Science Basics

9789957992217 Science Basics 4

9789957992224 9789957992231 Science Basics 5 Science Basics 6

Student Book




Science Basics D 9789957992217 9789957375478

Science Basics E 9789957992224 9789957375485

Science Basics F 9789957992231 9789957375492

Science Basics

Science Basics D

Science Basics E

Student Book

Science Basics

9789957375478 Science Basics G

9789957375485 Science Basics H

Student Book



Science Teacher’s Book CDBasics Student Book

Science Basics

Science Basics G

Science Basics H

Student Book



Science Basics F 9789957375492 Science Basics I Science Basics J 9789957375522


Science Basics I

Science Basics J



Pioneers of Science


Pioneers of Science is a two-level course for students aged 4 - 6. The series encourages students to develop a positive attitude about themselves and their environment. Level 1 introduces the student to categorization: parts of the body and their functions, living and non-living things, animals, fruits and vegetables, and means of transportation. Level 2 builds on Level 1 by solidifying and expanding Level 1 topics. Teacher Support While teaching Pioneers of Science, teachers will appreciate the simple language and colourful illustrations that make it easy for primary students to achieve the target skills. Teachers will also find that Pioneers of Science effectively contributes to the development of their English language skills.

Pioneers of Science Student Book

Pioneers of Science 1 9789957374310

Student Book In Pioneers of Science, students will clearly enjoy the colourful and imaginative illustrations, as well as easy-to-do activities. Pasting fun stickers from the back of the book, colouring, and circling activities are just a few of the entertaining and charming ways students can combine learning with fun!

Pioneers of Science 2 9789957374327



is designed for primary schools teaching a UKbased curriculum. The series is written by experts in primary mathematics teaching, and tailored to the needs of primary students from a range of backgrounds who want to be well-prepared for secondary-level mathematics. The course is designed to enhance conceptual development and reinforce learning through written and practical activities and discussions. Key Features: 1- Comprehensive coverage of terms. 2- Clear colour illustrations to highlight the relevant area. 3- Clear links made for using mathematical concepts in everyday situations. 4- Related terms highlighted in bold for easy crossreferencing. 5- Useful examples that support the concepts being taught, the essential reference for anyone studying mathematics.

New Pioneers Graded Maths

le ab n ail ditio v A tE li Sp

New Pioneers Graded Maths is a graded series of ten course books for primary to intermediate students that focuses on fundamental maths skills. The series not only covers computation, but also caters to the developing child’s mathematical reasoning through mental maths and critical thinking. Pioneers of Maths contains ample learning opportunities and practices through an incremental and cumulative program. Teacher Support Teachers can appreciate the simple but precise language used in the presentation of new information and skills. The series is organised sequentially and systematically, combined with imaginative and creative illustrations and models to help the student move through the mathematical concepts without risk of losing interest. Student Book In New Pioneers Graded Maths, students will be taken from basic, mechanical maths to more challenging situations, problems, and exercises. Step by step instructions and sample problems allow the student to progress steadily and with confidence as s/he encounters new and more complex exercises. Students learning with New Pioneers Graded Maths will become increasingly more aware of formulae, how to use them and why they work. Models and illustrations also guide and facilitate learning in an entertaining and engaging way.

New Pioneers Graded Maths Student Book

N P G Maths 1

N P G Maths 2

N P G Maths 3

New Pioneers Graded Maths




Student Book

N P G Maths 4

N P G Maths 5

N P G Maths 6




New Pioneers Graded Maths N P G Maths 1 N P G Maths 2 N P G Maths 3 New Pioneers Graded Maths N P G Maths A N P G Maths B N P G Maths C

New Pioneers Graded Maths N P G Maths 4 N P G Maths 5 N P G Maths 6 New Pioneers Graded Maths N P G Maths D N P G Maths E N P G Maths F

Student Book Student Book

Student Book Student Book

9789957371531 9789957371548 9789957371586 9789957375546 9789957375553 9789957375560

New Pioneers Graded Maths N P G Maths N PAG Maths HN P G Maths N P GBMaths I New Pioneers Graded Maths N PGG Maths Student Book Student Book

New Pioneers Graded Maths Student Book

P G Maths J N P GN Maths C

9789957375607 9789957375614 9789957375621 9789957375560 9789957375638 9789957375546 9789957375553

N P G Maths G

N P G Maths H



N P G Maths I

N P G Maths J



9789957372293 9789957372521 9789957372538 9789957375577 9789957375584 9789957375591

New Pioneers Graded Maths Student Book

N P G Maths D

N P G Maths E

N P G Maths F





Perfect Maths

Perfect Maths

y Ke er ble w s a An vail A

is an innovative, four-book series that incorporates skills with mathematical concepts. Perfect Maths transitions the student from the book to life by providing activities that explore mathematics skills with authentic situations. Teacher Support Teachers will quickly recognise the ease with which the book exercises can be integrated with real-life maths situations. Perfect Maths concepts are presented in an organised, developmental manner that facilitates teachers’ instruction and planning. Student Book Perfect Maths is an ideal series for those with strengths in mathematics and logic. Engaging and stimulating real-life situations help the students relate maths learning to situations they encounter in daily life.

Perfect Maths


Perfect Maths 2

Perfect Maths

Student Book



Student Book



Student Book With Key



Student Book With Key



Perfect Maths 1

Perfect Maths 3

Perfect Maths 4

Pioneers of Maths

Pioneers of Maths is a two-level kindergarten course for teaching children to recognise and identify written numerals as well as count in English, necessary skills for all kindergarteners preparing for elementary school. At Level 1, students first learn how to group and categorise items by their properties such as colour, shape, size or position. Next, numeral recognition is taught through colourfully illustrated pictures, simple tracing, colouring, and matching activities-all which are appealing to children at the kindergarten level. Teacher Support Pioneers of Maths supports the instructor with an abundance of activities, practices, and revision pages to guide the students toward mastery. Pioneers of Maths gives teachers the abundance of material they need to engage and encourage their students to be life-long learners. Student Book Students will find it easy to learn numerical mathematical concepts through vibrant pictures and simple text. Each unit employs a variety of developmentally appropriate activities and exercises, ensuring retention of concepts and skills.

Pioneers of Maths Student Book

Pioneers of Maths 1

Pioneers of Maths 2




ICT Books

These easy-to-manage ICT books provide the best materials possible for teaching ICT to students of ages 11 - 14 . Each lesson begins with introductory material to give students a background in the material to be presented in that lesson. ICT Books includes: 1- full-colour student books, specially designed to be utilised whilst working on a PC. 2- step-by-step, age-appropriate activities created to help students put theory into practice. 3- explanations of key words. 4- an organised format of units subdivided into several lessons.

‫�سل�سلة ر ّواد احلا�سوب‬

‫ر ّواد احلا�سوب‬ ‫هذه ال�سل�سلة املكونة من �ستة م�ستويات يف جمال احلا�سوب‪ ،‬تـز ِّود التالميذ مبهــارات رخ�صة‬ ‫تقـدم جمموعة من الربامج مثل (وندوز‪ ،‬ورد‪� ،‬أكـ�سِ ل‪� ،‬أك�س�س‪،‬‬ ‫القيادة للحا�سوب‪ ،‬حيث ّ‬ ‫بوربوينت واالنرتنت)‪ ،‬باال�ضافة اىل الربامج املتخ�ص�صة بقواعد البيانات (‪ )V BASIC‬وبرامج‬ ‫الت�صاميم املختلفة (النا�شر املكتبي‪ ،‬فرونت بيج‪ ،‬ادوبي فوتو�شوب‪ HTML ،‬وغريها)‪.‬‬ ‫وت�ساعد هذه ال�سل�سلة الطالب وتوفر لديه البنيه اال�سا�سية ليكون قادراً على العمل يف‬ ‫املجتمع املحلي بكفاءة وقدره عاليه‪.‬‬ ‫املعلم‬

‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذه الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫ مهارات �سهلة التطبيق واال�ستخدام‪� ،‬إذ مت اختيارها بعناية‪.‬‬‫ تقـدمي املادة عرب �شا�شات عر�ض ملونة‪ ،‬مما ي�ساعد التالميذ على الربط بني ما ي�شاهدونه على‬‫ال�شا�شة‪ ،‬وما يقر�أونه يف الكتاب‪.‬‬ ‫ �أ�سئلة للتقومي واال�ستخدام يف نهاية كل وحـدة‪.‬‬‫ حتديد النتاجات وادوات التقومي‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬مـواكبــــة الـــتطورات ال�سريعـــة يف جمـــال تكنولوجيا املعلومات‪.‬‬

‫‪܃°SÉ◊G OGhQ á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪CD-ROM‬‬

‫‪+ ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬




‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل على ‪:‬‬

‫ ان يكون قاد ًرا على العمل يف امل�ؤ�س�سات وال�شركات الكربى من خالل املهارات‬‫املعرو�ضه يف الكتاب بعد االنتهاء من ال�سل�سله‪.‬‬ ‫ تنمي املادة املعرو�ضه يف الكتاب التعلم الذاتي لدى الطالب‪.‬‬‫ ت�ساعدة على ااالبداع واالبتكار‪.‬‬‫ حتفيزه لتحقـيق مهارات تعتمــــد على قـــ ّوة الرتكيــز لديه‪.‬‬‫ ال�شعور بالر�ضـــا جتـــــاه التقدم الذي يحرزه الطفــــل‪ ،‬بح�سب م�ستواه‪ ،‬وذلك ببيان‬‫الإجناز الذي حققه للأهداف املتوخاة‪.‬‬ ‫ ال�شـعور مبدى الإجناز‪ ،‬من خالل �أدوات تقييم رئي�سة ثابتــة‪( ،‬ادوات التقومي‪ ،‬املو�ضوعة‬‫بهدف حتقيق كل مهارة)‪.‬‬

‫‪∫h’G iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪ådÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

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‫‪¢SOÉ°ùdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

























Pioneers of Computer

Pioneers of Computer This series consists of six levels about the field of computers. The series gives the students skills for the Computer Driving License.This series provides information for utilising a wide variety of popular software such as Windows, Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. In addition, students are introduced to skills for using the internet, database management programs such as V Basic, and design software such as Page Publisher, Front Page, Adobe Photoshop, and HTML. This series provides the student with the needed information and skills to be a highly capable and competitive participant in today’s job market. Student Book This book will help the students to: * acquire the skills needed to be competitive in today’s job market. * become self-motivated learners. * invent and create new technologies. * learn the necessary skills in an organised, systematic way. * attain satisfaction through successful completion of assigned objectives. * see measurable growth in their knowledge through the taskoriented examinations.

Teacher Support The teacher will find the following in this book: *a carefully selected, easy-to-use scope and sequence *projection sheets for the overhead projector, an excellent tool that gives teachers instant visual aids for their lessons *examination questions at the end of each unit *clear objectives for each unit and suggested means for assessing achievement of the objectives *tools to guide students to efficient and effective skill acquisition in technology

Pioneers of Computer


Level 4

Level 5

Student Book


Level 1


Level 2


Level 3




Level 6


Level 7


Level 8


Level 9


Level 10

Teacher’s CD






















Student Book + CD-ROM 9789957374846










‫�سل�سلة ر ّواد احلا�سوب‬

‫ر ّواد احلا�سوب‬ ‫هذه ال�سل�سلة املكونة من �ستة م�ستويات يف جمال احلا�سوب‪ ،‬تـز ِّود التالميذ مبهــارات رخ�صة‬ ‫تقـدم جمموعة من الربامج مثل (وندوز‪ ،‬ورد‪� ،‬أكـ�سِ ل‪� ،‬أك�س�س‪،‬‬ ‫القيادة للحا�سوب‪ ،‬حيث ّ‬ ‫بوربوينت واالنرتنت)‪ ،‬باال�ضافة اىل الربامج املتخ�ص�صة بقواعد البيانات (‪ )V BASIC‬وبرامج‬ ‫الت�صاميم املختلفة (النا�شر املكتبي‪ ،‬فرونت بيج‪ ،‬ادوبي فوتو�شوب‪ HTML ،‬وغريها)‪.‬‬ ‫وت�ساعد هذه ال�سل�سلة الطالب وتوفر لديه البنيه اال�سا�سية ليكون قادراً على العمل يف‬ ‫املجتمع املحلي بكفاءة وقدره عاليه‪.‬‬ ‫املعلم‬

‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذه الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫ مهارات �سهلة التطبيق واال�ستخدام‪� ،‬إذ مت اختيارها بعناية‪.‬‬‫ تقـدمي املادة عرب �شا�شات عر�ض ملونة‪ ،‬مما ي�ساعد التالميذ على الربط بني ما ي�شاهدونه على‬‫ال�شا�شة‪ ،‬وما يقر�أونه يف الكتاب‪.‬‬ ‫ �أ�سئلة للتقومي واال�ستخدام يف نهاية كل وحـدة‪.‬‬‫ حتديد النتاجات وادوات التقومي‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬مـواكبــــة الـــتطورات ال�سريعـــة يف جمـــال تكنولوجيا املعلومات‪.‬‬

‫‪܃°SÉ◊G OGhQ á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪CD-ROM‬‬

‫‪+ ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬




‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل على ‪:‬‬

‫ ان يكون قاد ًرا على العمل يف امل�ؤ�س�سات وال�شركات الكربى من خالل املهارات‬‫املعرو�ضه يف الكتاب بعد االنتهاء من ال�سل�سله‪.‬‬ ‫ تنمي املادة املعرو�ضه يف الكتاب التعلم الذاتي لدى الطالب‪.‬‬‫ ت�ساعدة على ااالبداع واالبتكار‪.‬‬‫ حتفيزه لتحقـيق مهارات تعتمــــد على قـــ ّوة الرتكيــز لديه‪.‬‬‫ ال�شعور بالر�ضـــا جتـــــاه التقدم الذي يحرزه الطفــــل‪ ،‬بح�سب م�ستواه‪ ،‬وذلك ببيان‬‫الإجناز الذي حققه للأهداف املتوخاة‪.‬‬ ‫ ال�شـعور مبدى الإجناز‪ ،‬من خالل �أدوات تقييم رئي�سة ثابتــة‪( ،‬ادوات التقومي‪ ،‬املو�ضوعة‬‫بهدف حتقيق كل مهارة)‪.‬‬

‫‪∫h’G iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪ådÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪™HGôdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪¢ùeÉÿG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪¢SOÉ°ùdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

























Pioneers of Computer

Pioneers of Computer This series consists of six levels about the field of computers. The series gives the students skills for the Computer Driving License.This series provides information for utilising a wide variety of popular software such as Windows, Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. In addition, students are introduced to skills for using the internet, database management programs such as V Basic, and design software such as Page Publisher, Front Page, Adobe Photoshop, and HTML. This series provides the student with the needed information and skills to be a highly capable and competitive participant in today’s job market. Teacher Support The teacher will find the following in this book: *a carefully selected, easy-to-use scope an sequence *projection sheets for the overhead projector, and excellent tool that gives teachers instant visual aids for their lessons *examination questions at the end of each unit *clear objectives for each unit and suggested means for assessing achievement of the objectives *tools to guide students to efficient and effective skill acquisition in technology

Pioneers of Computer

Level 4

Level 5

Student Book














Student Book + CD-ROM 9789957376857











Teacher’s CD


Level 1


Level 2

Level 3

Student Book This book will help the students to: * acquire the skills needed to be competitive in today’s job market. * become self-motivated learners. * invent and create new technologies. * learn the necessary skills in an organised, systematic way. * attain satisfaction through successful completion of assigned objectives. * see measurable growth in their knowledge through the taskoriented examinations.

Level 6

‫�سل�سلة ر ّواد احلا�سوب ‪ُ /‬عمان‬

‫ر ّواد احلا�سوب ‪ /‬طبعة خا�صة �سلطنة عُ مان‬ ‫طبعة حديثة ل�سل�سلة رواد احلا�سوب للمرحلة ‪10 - 1‬‬ ‫مت تطوير الطبعة بناء على م�صفوفات وزارة الرتبية والتعليم مل�ساق احلا�سب الآىل اخلا�ص‬ ‫باملدار�س اخلا�صة واالهلية‪.‬‬ ‫ طرح املادة العلمية ب�إ�ستخدام �أوف�س ‪2010‬‬‫ درو�س عن كيفية �إ�ستخدام االنرتنت �إعتماداً على مواقع الكرتونية ُعمانية‬‫‪� -‬صور وحمتوى من البيئة العمانية ولها يف �سلطنة ُعمان‪.‬‬


‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذه الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫ مهارات �سهلة التطبيق واال�ستخدام‪� ،‬إذ مت اختيارها بعناية‪.‬‬‫ تقـدمي املادة عرب �شا�شات عر�ض ملونة‪ ،‬مما ي�ساعد التالميذ على الربط بني ما ي�شاهدونه على‬‫ال�شا�شة‪ ،‬وما يقر�أونه يف الكتاب‪.‬‬ ‫ �أ�سئلة للتقومي واال�ستخدام يف نهاية كل وحـدة‪.‬‬‫ حتديد النتاجات وادوات التقومي‪.‬‬‫ مـواكبــــة الـــتطورات ال�سريعـــة يف جمـــال تكنولوجيا املعلومات‪.‬‬‫الطالب‬

‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل على ‪:‬‬

‫ ان يكون قاد ًرا على العمل يف امل�ؤ�س�سات وال�شركات الكربى من خالل املهارات‬‫املعرو�ضه يف الكتاب بعد االنتهاء من ال�سل�سله‪.‬‬ ‫ تنمي املادة املعرو�ضه يف الكتاب التعلم الذاتي لدى الطالب‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬ت�ساعدة على ااالبداع واالبتكار‪.‬‬

‫ حتفيزه لتحقـيق مهارات تعتمــــد على قـــ ّوة الرتكيــز لديه‪.‬‬‫ ال�شعور بالر�ضـــا جتـــــاه التقدم الذي يحرزه الطفــــل‪ ،‬بح�سب م�ستواه‪ ،‬وذلك ببيان‬‫الإجناز الذي حققه للأهداف املتوخاة‪.‬‬ ‫ ال�شـعور مبدى الإجناز‪ ،‬من خالل �أدوات تقييم رئي�سة ثابتــة‪( ،‬ادوات التقومي‪ ،‬املو�ضوعة‬‫بهدف حتقيق كل مهارة)‪.‬‬

‫‪: »JB’G ¿Éª oY áæ£∏°ùd ÊhεdE’G iQƒ°ûdG ¢ù∏› ™bƒe‬‬

‫‪: »JB’G ¿Éª oY áæ£∏°ùd ÊhεdE’G Éæfɪ oY ™bƒe‬‬

‫‪܃°SÉ◊G OGhQ á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪CD-ROM‬‬

‫‪+ ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬



‫‪,√ôFGódÉH á°UÉÿG Ö«°SGƒ◊G Iõ¡LCG ≈∏Y äÉfÉ«ÑdG øjõîJh ádhódG ôFGhO ™«ªL áÑ°SƒM‬‬ ‫‪.᫪«∏©àdG ¿Éª oY áæ£∏°S áHGƒH ™bƒe ô¡¶j »JB’G πµ°ûdGh‬‬

‫‪∫h’G iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪ådÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪™HGôdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪¢ùeÉÿG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪¢SOÉ°ùdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

























Pioneers of Computer / Oman

Pioneers of Computer / Oman Localised Edition *New edition of the ICT series ( Pioneers of Computer ) for primary 1 - 10 . *Updated now in accordance with the scope and sequence of the Ministry of Education in Oman. * Step-by-step lessons for the latest release of Microsoft Office. * New sections describing the use of Microsoft Office 2010. * Internet lessons based on localised and Omani websites. * Revised images and content. Teacher Support The teacher will find the following in this book: *a carefully selected, easy-to-use scope and sequence *projection sheets for the overhead projector, and excellent tool that gives teachers instant visual aids for their lessons *examination questions at the end of each unit *clear objectives for each unit and suggested means for assessing achievement of the objectives *tools to guide students to efficient and effective skill acquisition in technology

Student Book This book will help the students to: * acquire the skills needed to be competitive in today’s job market. * become self-motivated learners. * invent and create new technologies. * learn the necessary skills in an organised, systematic way. * attain satisfaction through successful completion of assigned objectives. * see measurable growth in their knowledge through the taskoriented examinations.

- Sultanate of Oman Majlis A’Shura Website.

- The following website for the Sultanate of Oman : Omanuna

Pioneers of Computer

Level 4

Level 5

Student Book














Student Book + CD-ROM 9789957379099











Teacher’s CD


Level 1


Level 2

Level 3

The educational website for the Suitanate of Oman called ( Educational Portal ).

Level 6

‫�سل�سلة ر ّواد احلا�سوب‪ /‬االنرتنت ومواقع التوا�صل االجتماعي‬

‫ر ّواد احلا�سوب‬


‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل على ‪:‬‬

‫هذه ال�سل�سلة املكونة من اربعة م�ستويات يف جمال احلا�سوب‪ ،‬تـز ِّود التالميذ مبهــارات‬ ‫تقـدم جمموعة من الربامج مثل (وندوز‪ ،‬ورد‪� ،‬أكـ�سِ ل‪،‬‬ ‫رخ�صة القيادة للحا�سوب‪ ،‬حيث ّ‬ ‫�أك�س�س‪ ،‬بوربوينت واالنرتنت)‪ ،‬باال�ضافة اىل الربامج املتخ�ص�صة بقواعد البيانات (‪V‬‬ ‫‪ )BASIC‬وبرامج الت�صاميم املختلفة (النا�شر املكتبي‪ ،‬فرونت بيج‪ ،‬ادوبي فوتو�شوب‪،‬‬ ‫‪ HTML‬وغريها)‪.‬‬ ‫وت�ساعد هذه ال�سل�سلة الطالب وتوفر لديه البنيه اال�سا�سية ليكون قادراً على العمل يف‬ ‫املجتمع املحلي بكفاءة وقدره عاليه‪.‬‬

‫ ان يكون قاد ًرا على العمل يف امل�ؤ�س�سات وال�شركات الكربى من خالل املهارات‬‫املعرو�ضه يف الكتاب بعد االنتهاء من ال�سل�سله‪.‬‬ ‫ تنمي املادة املعرو�ضه يف الكتاب التعلم الذاتي لدى الطالب‪.‬‬‫ ت�ساعدة على ااالبداع واالبتكار‪.‬‬‫ حتفيزه لتحقـيق مهارات تعتمــــد على قـــ ّوة الرتكيــز لديه‪.‬‬‫ ال�شعور بالر�ضـــا جتـــــاه التقدم الذي يحرزه الطفــــل‪ ،‬بح�سب م�ستواه‪ ،‬وذلك ببيان‬‫الإجناز الذي حققه للأهداف املتوخاة‪.‬‬ ‫ ال�شـعور مبدى الإجناز‪ ،‬من خالل �أدوات تقييم رئي�سة ثابتــة‪( ،‬ادوات التقومي‪ ،‬املو�ضوعة‬‫بهدف حتقيق كل مهارة)‪.‬‬


‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذه الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫ مهارات �سهلة التطبيق واال�ستخدام‪� ،‬إذ مت اختيارها بعناية‪.‬‬‫ تقـدمي املادة عرب �شا�شات عر�ض ملونة‪ ،‬مما ي�ساعد التالميذ على الربط بني ما ي�شاهدونه على‬‫ال�شا�شة‪ ،‬وما يقر�أونه يف الكتاب‪.‬‬ ‫ �أ�سئلة للتقومي واال�ستخدام يف نهاية كل وحـدة‪.‬‬‫ حتديد النتاجات وادوات التقومي‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬مـواكبــــة الـــتطورات ال�سريعـــة يف جمـــال تكنولوجيا املعلومات‪.‬‬

‫االنرتنت ومواقع التوا�صل االجتماعي‬ ‫الكتاب‬ ‫يقـدم هذا الكتاب بجز�أية مادة علمية عملية حمببة للأطفال‪ ،‬فجهاز احلا�سوب من �أحب‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫و�أقرب الأجهزة احلديثة لهـم‪.‬‬ ‫يقـدم �إليهم ليتعرفوا على �أجزائه‬ ‫وال ّبد ال�ستعمال هذا اجلهاز بطريقة �سليمة‪ ،‬من �أن َّ‬ ‫الرئي�ســـة‪ ،‬وبراجمه الب�سيطة‪ ،‬وطريقة ا�ستعماله‪.‬‬ ‫ويحتوي هذا الكتاب على جمموعة متم ّيزة من الأن�شطة واملفردات باللغتني(العربية‬ ‫واالجنليزيـة) التي ت�ساعدالطفل على تع ّلمهـا وحفظها بي�سر‪ ،‬مما ي�ساعده يف اكت�ساب‬ ‫مهاراته وتنمية قدراته الذهنية‪.‬‬ ‫املعلم‬

‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذا الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫ مـادة حمببـة ً للأطفال‪ ،‬وهذا ما ي�ساعده يف تقدميها‪.‬‬‫‪܃°SÉ◊G‬تو�ضيحية دقيقة ‪.‬‬ ‫ر�سـومات‬ ‫‬‫‪OGhQ á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪CD-ROM‬‬

‫‪Ò¨°üdG ܃°‬‬

‫‪Studant boo‬‬


‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬

‫ يـتعـ ّرف على هذا اجلهاز ال�سحري‪.‬‬‫ميار�س بع�ض الأن�شطة والألعاب‪.‬‬ ‫ َ‬‫‪ -‬البحث عن ال�صور واملعلومات الب�سيطة‪.‬‬

‫‪∫h’G iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪ådÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪™HGôdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬





‫‪܃°SÉ◊G‬‬ ‫‪OGhQ á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪¢SOÉ°ùdG‬‬ ‫‪iƒà°ùŸG‬‬ ‫‪¢ùeÉÿG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc9789957372606‬‬ ‫‪9789957372613‬‬

‫‪¢ùeÉÿG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬


‫‪9789957372569‬‬ ‫‪9789957374747‬‬

‫‪9789957372590‬‬ ‫‪9789957374952 9789957372583‬‬ ‫‪9789957374945 9789957372576‬‬ ‫‪9789957374754‬‬







‫‪CD-ROM9789957992439‬‬ ‫‪9789957992446‬‬

‫‪9789957992392‬‬ ‫‪9789957993177‬‬

‫‪9789957992422‬‬ ‫‪9789957993207 9789957992415‬‬ ‫‪9789957993191 9789957992408‬‬ ‫‪9789957993184‬‬






‫‪9789957374785‬‬ ‫‪9789957374983‬‬

‫‪9789957374815‬‬ ‫‪9789957375010 9789957374808‬‬ ‫‪9789957375003 9789957374792‬‬ ‫‪9789957374990‬‬





‫‪9789957992850‬‬ ‫‪9789957993252‬‬

‫‪9789957992881‬‬ ‫‪9789957993283 9789957992874‬‬ ‫‪9789957993276 9789957992867‬‬ ‫‪9789957993269‬‬



‫‪+ ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪»YɪàL’G‬‬ ‫‪π°UGƒàdG ™bGƒeh âfÎf’G‬‬ ‫‪CD º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬ ‫‪9789957992850‬‬ ‫‪CD-ROM‬‬


‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل يف ان ‪:‬‬


‫‪∫h’G iƒà°ùŸG‬‬



‫‪+ ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc9789957374822‬‬ ‫‪CD º∏©ŸG π«dO9789957992898‬‬ ‫‪9789957992904‬‬

‫‪CD-ROM‬‬ ‫‪9789957374839‬‬

‫‪∫h’G‬‬ ‫‪™HÉ°ùdGiƒà°ùŸG‬‬ ‫‪iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG‬‬ ‫‪øeÉãdG‬‬ ‫‪iƒà°ùŸG‬‬ ‫‪iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪ådÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬ ‫‪™°SÉàdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪™HGôdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬ ‫‪ô°TÉ©dG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

Internet and Social Networking / Pioneers of Computer

Pioneers of Computer

Student Book

This series consists of four levels about the field of computers. The series gives the students skills for the Computer Driving License. This series provides information for utilising a wide variety of popular software such as Windows, Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. In addition, students are introduced to skills for using the internet, database management programs such as V Basic, and design software such as Page Publisher, Front Page, Adobe Photoshop, and HTML. This series provides the student with the needed information and skills to be a highly capable and competitive participant in today’s job market.

Teacher Support

The teacher will find the following in this book: *a carefully selected, easy-to-use scope and sequence *projection sheets for the overhead projector, and excellent tool that gives teachers instant visual aids for their lessons *examination questions at the end of each unit *clear objectives for each unit and suggested means for assessing achievement of the objectives *tools to guide students to efficient and effective skill acquisition in technology

Internet and Social Networking

This useful text introduces the most important and up-to-date means of technological communication, such as chatting and social networking, in order to provide needed skills for today’s technologically advanced world. Students will not only learn how to use social networking services but also learn proper etiquette for their use in order to be safe and courteous users of the World Wide Web. This book is a masterpiece for educating learners of all ages about creating an effective e-mail, navigating through various websites for business and research, using social media networks that are so popular and influential today, and attaining many other skills to help them become ‘internet literate’ in the Information Age.

Teacher Support

The teacher will find the following in this book: *projection sheets for the overhead projector, an excellent tool that gives teachers instant visual aids for their lessons. *examination questions at the end of each unit. Pioneers of Computer

Level 1

Internet & Social Networking Student Book 9789957373832


This book will help the students to: * acquire the skills needed to be competitive in today’s job market. * become self-motivated learners. * invent and create new technologies. * learn the necessary skills in an organized, systematic way. * attain satisfaction through successful completion of assigned objectives. * see measurable growth in their knowledge through the taskoriented examinations.

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

*clear objectives for each unit along with suggested means for achieving those objectives *tools to guide students toward efficient and effective skill acquisition in technology *student pages with screen shares on each explanation to enable students to follow the lessons easily on their computers

Student Book

This book will enable students to: *be active, effective participants in today’s technologicallyoriented societies. *be motivated, self-directed learners. *easily follow the lessons on their computers as they access the screen-share illustrations. *monitor and be encouraged by their progress as they complete the clearly-stated objectives of each lesson and task-oriented examinations. Computer Level 5 Pioneers ofLevel 6

Level Level17

Level Level 28

Level Level39

Level Level 4 10

Level 5


1 9789957373849 Level 9789957373856


Student9789957373887 Book 9789957373832 9789957375065 9789957373849 9789957373870 9789957375072

9789957373856 9789957375089 9789957373863 9789957375096 9789957373870


Student Teacher’sbook CD


9789957377205 9789957992781 9789957992798


Teacher’s9789957992828 CD 9789957992811 9789957992774 9789957993214 9789957992781 9789957993221

9789957992798 9789957993238 9789957992804 9789957993245 9789957992811







CD-ROM9789957992385 9789957992330 9789957992378 9789957993290 9789957992347 9789957993306

9789957992354 9789957993313 9789957992361 9789957993320 9789957992378


Student Book + CD-ROM 9789957374846




Student9789957374891 Book + CD-ROM 9789957374846 9789957374884 9789957377014 9789957374853 9789957377021

9789957374860 9789957377038 9789957374877 9789957377045 9789957374884


‫احلا�سوب ال�صغري‬

‫احلا�سوب ال�صغري‬ ‫الكتاب‬ ‫يقـدم هذا الكتاب بجز�أية مادة علمية عملية حمببة للأطفال‪ ،‬فجهاز احلا�سوب من �أحب‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫و�أقرب الأجهزة احلديثة لهـم‪.‬‬ ‫يقـدم �إليهم ليتعرفوا على �أجزائه‬ ‫ال ّبد ال�ستعمال هذا اجلهاز بطريقة �سليمة‪ ،‬من �أن َّ‬ ‫الرئي�ســـة‪ ،‬وبراجمه الب�سيطة‪ ،‬وطريقة ا�ستعماله‪.‬‬ ‫ويحتوي هذا الكتاب على جمموعة متم ّيزة من الأن�شطة واملفردات باللغتني(العربية‬ ‫واالجنليزيـة) التي ت�ساعدالطفل على تع ّلمهـا وحفظها بي�سر‪ ،‬مما ي�ساعده يف اكت�ساب‬ ‫مهاراته وتنمية قدراته الذهنية‪.‬‬ ‫املعلم‬

‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذاالكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫ مـادة حمببـة ً للأطفال‪ ،‬وهذا ما ي�ساعده يف تقدميها‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬ر�سـومات تو�ضيحية دقيقة ‪.‬‬

‫‪¢SOÉ°ùdG iƒà‬‬



‫‪Ò¨°üdG ܃°SÉ◊G‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬

‫‪∫h’G iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬




‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل يف ان ‪:‬‬

‫ يـتعـ ّرف على هذا اجلهاز ال�سحري‪.‬‬‫ميار�س بع�ض الأن�شطة والألعاب‪.‬‬ ‫ َ‬‫‪ -‬البحث عن ال�صور واملعلومات الب�سيطة‪.‬‬

‫احلا�سوب ال�صغري‬ ‫‪Junior Computer‬‬

‫احلا�سوب ال�صغري‬ ‫الكتاب‬ ‫حتتوي هذه ال�سل�سلة على مادة علمية عملية حمببة للأطفال‪ ،‬حيث انفردت هذه ال�سل�سلة‬ ‫مبوادها املختلفة لتغطي حمتوى مادة ‪ ICDL‬بطريقة �سهلة وحمببة لالطفال مزودة‬ ‫باالن�شطة واملهارات با�ساليب متنوعة تراعي الفروق الفردية وت�ساعد على التعلم الذاتي‪.‬‬ ‫وت�ساعده يف تنمية قدراته العقلية والذهنية من خالل الأ�سئلة والأن�شطة املعرو�ضه يف هذه‬ ‫ال�سل�سلة‪.‬‬ ‫ويحتوي على جمموعة متم ّيزة من الأن�شطة واملفردات باللغتني (العربية واالجنليزيـة) التي‬ ‫ت�ساعد الطفل على تع ّلمهـا وحفظها بي�سر‪ ،‬مما ي�ساعده يف اكت�ساب مهاراته وتنمية قدراته‬ ‫الذهنية‪.‬‬ ‫املعلم‬


‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذاالكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل يف ان ‪:‬‬

‫ مادة �سل�سلة لتعلم احلا�سوب‪.‬‬‫ ر�سـومات تو�ضيحية و�شا�شات للربامج ‪.‬‬‫ التعامل مع جميع اال�صدارات للربجميات‪.‬‬‫ تقدمي املادة عرب ال�شا�شات التي ت�ساعد‬‫الطالب يف التعلم الذاتي‪.‬‬ ‫ النتاجات وادوات التقومي‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬ا�سئلة التقومي يف نهاية كل وحدة‪.‬‬

‫‪Ò¨°üdG ܃°SÉ◊G‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬

‫ يـتعـ ّرف على هذا جهاز احلا�سوب وملحقاته‪.‬‬‫ميار�س بع�ض الأن�شطة والألعاب‪.‬‬ ‫ َ‬‫ البحث عن ال�صور واملعلومات املنا�سبة‪.‬‬‫ التعلم الذاتي من خالل ال�شا�شات واالن�شطة‪.‬‬‫ ينمي قدراته الذهنية والعقلية من خالل اال�سرتاتيجيات‬‫احلديثة املعرو�ضه يف هذه الكتب‪.‬‬

‫‪∫h’G iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪ådÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬




‫‪Ò¨°üdG ܃°SÉ◊G‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬

‫‪™HGôdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪¢ùeÉÿG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪¢SOÉ°ùdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬




‫‪¨°üdG ܃°SÉ◊G‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬


‫�إنَّ اللغة يف مرحلة الطفولة املبكرة‪ ،‬هي و�سيلة تفاهم وتوا�صل بني‬ ‫الطفل والآخرين‪ ،‬وهي و�سيلة ال�ستيعاب القيم الروحية والوطنية‬ ‫والأخالقية‪ ،‬وو�سيلة لنقل واكت�ساب املعارف واملهارات ولو ب�صورة‬ ‫�أولية‪ ،‬و�صوال �إىل بناء الفكر املنطقي لدى الطفل‪ ،‬حيث �أن العالقة‬ ‫وطيدة بني الفكر واللغة‪.‬‬ ‫يحتوي كل كتاب على قر�ص مدمج‪ ،‬حيث درو�س الكتاب بنمط‬ ‫تفاعلي‪.‬‬ ‫الكرتوين‬ ‫ّ‬

‫�سل�سلة اللغة العربية لغري الناطقني بها‬


‫‪dG‬‬ ‫‪™Ñ£‬‬

‫اد العربية‬ ‫رواد‬ ‫ر ّو‬ ‫الكتاب‪:‬‬

‫يركز الكتاب ب�أجزائه على �أن اللغة يف مرحلة الطفولة املبكرة‪ ،‬هي و�سيلة تفاهم وتوا�صل‬ ‫بني الطفل والآخرين‪ ،‬وهي و�سيلة ال�ستعاب القيم الروحية والوطنية والأخالقية‪ ،‬وو�سيلة‬ ‫لنقل واكت�ساب املعارف واملهارات ولو ب�صورة �أولية‪ ،‬و�صوال �إىل بناء الفكر املنطقي لدى‬ ‫الطفل‪ ،‬حيث �أن العالقة وطيدة بني الفكر واللغة‪.‬‬ ‫ويحتوي الكتاب على قر�ص مدمج‪ ،‬حيث درو�س الكتاب بنمط الكرتوين‬


‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل يف ‪:‬‬

‫ التعبري عن نف�سه‪ ،‬وما يحيط به‪.‬‬‫ ت�سمية الأ�شياء ب�أ�سمائها‪.‬‬‫ اكت�ساب مفردات لغوية مما ي�سمع‪.‬‬‫‪� -‬إعادة �سرد الق�ص�ص والأنا�شيد‪.‬‬


‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذه الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫ تدرج االنتقال من اخلربات احل�سية‪ ،‬اىل ا�ستخدام التعبري الكتابي‪.‬‬‫ التعبري اللفظي‪ ،‬باحلروف والكلمات‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬ا�ستثارة خربات الطفل ون�شاطه الفكري‪.‬‬

‫‪᫪«∏©àdG OGhôdG á∏°ù∏°S‬‬


‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬

‫‪∫hC’G á«Hô©dG OGhQ‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG á«Hô©dG OGhQ‬‬

‫‪ådÉãdG á«Hô©dG OGhQ‬‬

‫‪™HGôdG á«Hô©dG OGhQ‬‬








‫‪º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬



‫‪CD-ROM+ ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬



‫الإمالء الب�سيط‬

‫الإمالء الب�سيط‬ ‫الإمالء فرع هام من فروع اللغة العربية‪ ،‬وهو من الأ�س�س الهامة يف التعبري الكتابي‪،‬‬ ‫وو�سيلة االت�صال التي يعرب بها الفرد عن �أفكاره‪.‬‬ ‫وتعليم الإمالء هو خطوات منظمة يقوم بها التلميذ‪ ،‬متكنه من فهم وا�ستيعاب مهارة كتابة‬ ‫�صحيحا‪.‬‬ ‫معينه‪ ،‬تتكون لديه من خاللها القدرة على ر�سم الكلمات ر�س ًما‬ ‫ً‬ ‫الكتاب‪:‬‬

‫درو�ســا يف قواعـد الإمالء العربي‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫يقـدم هذا الدفرت التطبيقي يف �أجـزائه الأربعة‪ً ،‬‬ ‫و ُيـتـ ِب ُع كل قاعدة منها بالأمثلة والتمارين التطبيقيــة‪ ،‬ويلبي بهذا حاجة الطفـل العربي‬ ‫لتعلـم �أ�صول الكتابة ال�سليمة‪ ،‬ليتقنها كب ًريا‪.‬‬ ‫املا�سـة‪ّ ،‬‬ ‫ّ‬


‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل يف �أن‪:‬‬

‫ يـتقن الكتابة والقراءة بطريقة �صحيحة‪.‬‬‫ ي�ستطيع التعبري الكتابي دون �أخطاء‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬يكت�شف ال�صلة والتكامل التام بني فروع اللغة العربية‪.‬‬


‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذا الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫درو�سـا �سهلة مت�سل�سلة يف قواعد الإمالء العربي‪.‬‬ ‫ ً‬‫ القواعد ال�سليمة لكتابة بع�ض احلروف والكلمات‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬تطبيقات عملية على كل مهارة ‪.‬‬

‫‪§«°ùÑdG AÓe’G‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬

‫‪∫hC’G iƒà°ùŸG‬‬ ‫‪9789957374242‬‬

‫‪᫪«∏©àdG OGhôdGÊÉãdG‬‬ ‫‪á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc9789957374259‬‬

‫‪§«°ùÑdG‬‬ ‫‪᫪«∏©àdG‬‬ ‫‪OGhôdGAÓe’G‬‬ ‫‪á∏°ù∏°S‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dGÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG‬‬ ‫‪CD-ROM‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG á«Hô©dG OGhQ ådÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG∫hC’G á«Hô©dG OGhQ‬‬

‫‪ådÉãdG á«Hô©dG™HGôdG‬‬ ‫‪OGhQ iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪9789957371197‬‬ ‫‪97899573711119789957374266‬‬

‫‪9789957374273‬‬ ‫‪9789957377069‬‬



‫‪º∏©ŸG π«dO‬‬



‫‪CD-ROM+ ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬




‫قواعد اللغة العربية‬

‫قواعد اللغة العربية‬ ‫تتكون هذه ال�سل�سلة الق ِّيمة من ثمانية �أجزاء‪ ،‬تعر�ض ملبادىء القواعد العربية‪،‬‬ ‫بت�سل�سل يراعي قـدرة ومهارة الطالّب‪ .‬وما مييز هذه ال�سل�سلة هو �أنها كتب‬ ‫تعليمية وتطبيقية يف �آنٍ م ًعا‪ ،‬بحيث ميكن للتلميذ حلّ جميع التمارين يف نف�س‬ ‫الكتاب‪.‬‬ ‫املعلم‬

‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذا الكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫درو�سـا تعليمية �سهلة يف قواعد اللغة العربية‪.‬‬ ‫ ً‬‫تتد ّرج مع امل�ستوى النمائي للأطفال‪.‬‬ ‫ تطبيقات عملية لكل در�س‪ ،‬ت�ساعد على الفهم‬‫واال�ستيعاب ‪.‬‬


‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل يف ان ‪:‬‬

‫ يتع ّرف �إىل مبادىء القواعد العربية‪ ،‬وت�صنيف الكالم ‪.‬‬‫ يقر�أ ح�سب هذه القواعد‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬يعبرِّ ويكتب بلغة �سليمة قواعد ًيا‪.‬‬

‫‪á«Hô©dG á¨∏dG óYGƒb‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪á«Hô©dG á¨∏dG óYGƒb‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬


‫‪∫h’G Aõ÷G/∫h’G iƒà°ùŸG‬‬ ‫‪9789957371760‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG Aõ÷G/∫h’G iƒà°ùŸG‬‬ ‫‪9789957371777‬‬

‫‪∫h’G Aõ÷G/™HGôdG iƒà°ùŸG ∫h’G Aõ÷G/ådÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG ∫h’G Aõ÷G/ÊÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬ ‫‪9789957371784‬‬



‫‪ÊÉãdG Aõ÷G/™HGôdG iƒà°ùŸG ÊÉãdG Aõ÷G/ådÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG ÊÉãdG Aõ÷G/ÊÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬ ‫‪9789957371715‬‬



‫اخلط العربي‬

‫اخلط العربي‬ ‫ هو فن ت�صميم الكتابة يف خمتلف اللغات التي ت�ستعمل احلروف العربية‪ .‬تتميز الكتابة‬‫العربية بكونها مت�صلة مما يجعلها قابلة الكت�ساب �أ�شكال هند�سية خمتلفة من خالل املد‬ ‫والإ�ستدارة والتداخل والت�شابك والرتكيب‪.‬‬ ‫يعتمد اخلط العربي جمالياً على قواعد خا�صة تنطلق من التنا�سب بني اخلط والنقطة‬ ‫والدائرة‪ ،‬تلك التي جتعل اخلط يتهادى يف رونق جمايل رائع‪.‬‬ ‫ يتوفر الإ�صدار بطبعتني الأوىل بخط الرقعة من �ستة م�ستويات والثانية بخط الن�سخ من‬‫ثالثة م�ستويات‪.‬‬ ‫الكتاب‬ ‫يوجـه لها املزيد من االهتمام‬ ‫تعترب هذه ال�سل�سلة من الكتب ال�ضرورية‪ ،‬والتي يجب �أن ّ‬ ‫إح�سا�سا بالذوق‬ ‫والرعاية‪ ،‬فاخلط اجلميل‪ ،‬وتع ّلـم �أ�صوله‪ ،‬يعك�س مهارة حمب ّبة ومريحة‪ ،‬و� ً‬ ‫واجلمال‪ ،‬و�سالمة يف القراءة والكتابة‪.‬‬


‫ي�ساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل يف ان ‪:‬‬

‫يح�سـن من قدراته الكتابية‪.‬‬ ‫ ِّ‬‫ يكت�سب مهارة الرتتيب والنظافة‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬يعـ ّرف �إىل بع�ض �أنواع اخلط العربي‪.‬‬


‫يجـد املعلـم يف هـذاالكتاب ‪:‬‬

‫ قواعد اخلط‪ ،‬حلروف ال ّلغــة العربيــــة مت�صلة ومنف�صلة‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬مترينات عمل ّيـــة‪ ،‬للتد ّرب علـــى اخلط وفق �أ�صوله‪.‬‬

‫‪á©bôdG §N /»Hô©dG §ÿG‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬ ‫‪ï°ùædG §N/»Hô©dG §ÿG‬‬ ‫‪ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc‬‬

‫‪ÊÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪∫h’G iƒà°ùŸG‬‬ ‫‪9789957372422‬‬


‫‪∫h’G iƒà°ùŸG‬‬ ‫‪9789957372439‬‬

‫‪ådÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬ ‫‪9789957372460‬‬

‫‪™HGôdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪¢ùeÉÿG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬



‫‪ÊÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬

‫‪ådÉãdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬



‫‪¢SOÉ°ùdG iƒà°ùŸG‬‬ ‫‪9789957372507‬‬


‫تتميـز ق�صــ�ص ال ــر ّواد ب�أنهـا متزج بني املتعة والفائدة يف‬ ‫م�ضمـونهـ ـ ـ ــا ويف طـريق ــة إ�خـراجهـ ــا‪ .‬فمـن حيـث امل�ضم ــون جند‬ ‫�أن كل حكاية تدور يف �إطار تربوي يقدم للقارئ ق�صة م�ش ّوقة يف‬ ‫ويوجهه يف الوقت ذاته �إىل �أن ي�ستخلــ�ص‬ ‫�أحداثها و�شخ�صياتها‪ّ ,‬‬ ‫من الق�صة مغزىً �أخالق ًيا رفي ًعا‪.‬‬ ‫�أما من حيث الإخراج فقد قدمت هذه احلكايات بطريقة فنية‬ ‫مبتكرة لت�شجيع الأطفال على القراءة ب�أنف�سهم لأنف�سهم وجتعلة‬ ‫يحقق اجنا ًزا يعتز به‪� ،‬أن يقر�أ بنف�سه ويفهم ما يقر�أ‪....‬‬


is designed to supplement all English courses and is graded in key stages. Children will love these beautifully illustrated readers that motivate young learners to explore English as a foreign language. The stories themselves have been carefully selected and present a great variety of traditional and original tales, all of which have something more to teach than the language itself. The excellent illustrations, fully dramatised recordings and engaging animations stimulate the learners’ imaginations.

Al Rowad Reading Series (Dare & Share) Al Rowad Reading Series is a new and updated teaching tool designed to provide comprehensive support to teaching and developing the fundamental skills of successful reading. Teacher Support Teachers will find ideal opportunities to practice synthesis in phonics. Levelled readers support comprehension strategies such as prediction, questioning, clarifying and summarizing, as well as encourage critical thinking. Independent, group, and whole-class tasks for each stage provide a wide range of learning activities.

Student Book Dare and Share levelled readers encourage students to talk and relate personal experiences through speaking tasks. Introducing and reinforcing high-frequency words also develops the student’s reading fluency.


Al Rowad Reading Series (Dare & Share)


Al Rowad Reading Series (Dare & Share)

Nursery / Non-Fiction Reade’s

Nursery / Non-fiction Readers

is a preschool series that systematically introduces phonics, first with three-letter CVC and sight words, progressing to multi-syllable, short-vowel words. The systematic progression with engaging, colourfully illustrated stories enables junior learners to enjoy reading with ease.

KG Readers


Bit By Bit


Hat or Wig


The Rabbir and the cat



‫جمموعة ق�ص�ص الر ّواد‬

‫جمموعة ق�ص�ص الر ّواد‬ ‫�سل�سلة الق�ص�ص العالجية‬ ‫�سل�سلة ق�ص�ص احليوانات‬


‫جمموعة ق�ص�ص الر ّواد‬


‫جمموعة ق�ص�ص الر ّواد‬ ‫�سل�سلة اخلروج من البي�ضة‬

‫جمموعة ق�ص�ص الر ّواد‬

‫جمموعة ق�ص�ص الر ّواد‬ ‫�سل�سلة حكايات عمر‬


‫جمموعة ق�ص�ص الر ّواد‬


‫جمموعة ق�ص�ص الر ّواد‬ ‫�سل�سلة ق�ص�ص القر�آن‬

‫جمموعة ق�ص�ص الر ّواد‬

‫جمموعة ق�ص�ص الر ّواد‬ ‫�سل�سلة �سيوف احلق‬

¿Éæ°S øH Ö«¡°U πÑL øH PÉ©e 9789957373580 ¢UÉ©dG øH hôªY 9789957373498 Ö∏£ŸGóÑY øH IõªM 9789957373504 QÉ«£dG ôØ©L


áØjòM »HG ¤ƒe ⁄É°S »°SQÉØdG ¿Éª∏°S 9789957373535 ó«dƒdG øH ódÉN 9789957373542 ¢UÉbh »HG øH ó©°S 9789957373559 ±ƒY øH øªMôdGóÑY

äQ’G øH ÜÉÑN …ô©°T’G ≈°Sƒe ƒHCG 9789957373467 OGó≤ŸG 9789957373474 Oƒ©°ùe øH ˆGóÑY 9789957373484 áMGhQ øH ˆGóÑY







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‫جمموعة ق�ص�ص الر ّواد‬


‫جمموعة ق�ص�ص الر ّواد‬ ‫�سل�سلة الر ّواد العلمية‬ ‫�سل�سلة الر ّواد الثقافية‬

‫�سل�سلة الق�ص�ص العالجية ‪ +‬جمموعة ق�ص�ص الرواد‬

‫جمموعة ق�ص�ص الر ّواد‬

‫جمموعة ق�ص�ص الر ّواد‬ ‫�سل�سلة الق�ص�ص امل�ساندة للقراءة‬ ‫�سل�سلة الر ّواد املهنية‬


‫جمموعة ق�ص�ص الر ّواد‬


‫جمموعة ق�ص�ص الر ّواد‬

‫الو�سائل التعليمية واملواد امل�ساعدة‬

‫�سل�سلة الق�ص�ص العالجية ‪ +‬جمموعة ق�ص�ص الرواد‬

‫الو�سائل التعليمية واملواد امل�ساعدة‬


A&A (Certified Partner)

For AlRowad Publishers and Distributors and its international partner, A & A Publisher, 2012 was an exciting year, and 2013 continues the enthusiasm with many additions, innovations and expansions as the two pioneers in educational design grow and perfect their products in partnership. AlRowad and A & A launched their first cooperative project in April of 2012, an exciting new ELL series for teenagers, Move Up. Now in 2013 we are continuing this partnership with additional titles, new editions, speciallydesigned curricula, and quality throughout. We have several collaborations to offer, such as the pre-K and primary series curricula entitled Right. We see AlRowad’s and A & A’s collaborations as an excellent way to merge the best of English language curricula with preschool and primary level curricula to achieve quality educational products that meet the needs of a diverse, multilevel student population. We celebrate our partnership with (A & A ) Publisher by presenting to you the finest e ducati onal ma t e ria ls fo r p re sc h o o l a n d elementary English Language Teaching (ELT) that you see on the following pages. We invite you to celebrate with us as you peruse the pages of the catalogue and see what your students have the opportunity to enjoy this coming school year.

Right Alphabet

Train 1

Richard Anner

Alphabet Train 1

My name is

Alphabet Train Alphabet Book provides students with structured practice in writing and recognising letters while also developing their motor skills through fun activities like cutting and pasting. It is ideal for students who need a head start on letters and vocabulary or students who need to review. 1

Components -Student Book Teacher and Student will find an additional workbook gives extra lessons and even more opportunity to practise and do.






r i a l a h p


a t p l p a p

n p e d p o l

t a p p l e z


Circle the letter a b a c g p a d b a bag

sofa Note to teacher



Note to teacher

writing instruct student to write slowly and carefully after completion of activities on the next page, have student color and cut out the train to begin building his / her alphabet train

student should write his / her name student should circle the "a" in the words watch student for form, size and spacing between letters ensure student knows the start and stop point of each letter



Right Alphabet Right Alphabet Book can be used independently or as supplemental material with Right1. It provides students with practice in recognizing and writing letters. Varied alphabet activities throughout the book help students to learn and solidify their knowledge of the English letters. Easy-to-read script and illustrations throughout make this book fun for students to use. Components -Student Book Teacher and Student will find extra materials that includes additional vocabulary, phonics, and numbers activities.

Alphabet Train1 Student Book


Right Alphabet 9789957378134


Start Right a and b

Start Right a and b


is a two-level series that encourages students to practise their language skills by communiating with each other and the teacher. Start Right helps introduce and prepare students for the Right series. Start Right specifically targets EFL (English as a Foreign Language) KG students who are unfamiliar with English and don’t hear it spoken outside of the classroom. The aim of the series is to develop students’ speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.

Class Book The Class Book contains wonderful colour illustrations combined with a simple and attractive format. Students are drawn into the book through the engaging illustrations, gaining their attention and maintaining their interest throughout the book. Start Right combines active English learning with a variety of lively, theme-based units. Students relate to the themes and situations that occur throughout the book resulting in greater language acquisition. Students will improve their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills all while having fun.

Components Class Book Workbook Audio CD Teacher’s Book Teacher’s Resource Pack Teacher Support Teachers will recognise that Start Right provides students with a solid start on a wealth of vocabulary and simple grammar structures, helping them to communicate from the beginning. Start Right incorporates techniques from proven and successful methods of teaching children English. Students are guided inapproaching language leaning through functional, communicative, structural and audio lingual methods, thus accomodating a variety of learning styles. My Home


Lesson 1 Vocabulary: bathroom, bedroom, fridge, kitchen, living room, lamp, sink, sofa 1. Listen and say. 2. Point and say.



A. Look and match.

Our School Lesson1

C. Match and circle.

Vocabulary: board, books, chair, classroom, desk, paint, school bus, teacher

classroom teacher books paint chair board desk board B. Write

or X.

paint teacher books board


Start Right




Student Book













is a six-level series for learning English. The series introduces a steadily expanding range of language structure and vocabulary in a systematic manner.

Student Book Right Student Book employs a variety of subject matter that addresses topic relevant to the students’ interests and abilities. In this series, students will improve their speaking, listening, reading and writing abilities through a variety of activities and exercises and students will enjoy the brightly-coloured illustrations, easy-to-follow format and simple, clear directions.

Reading, writing, and oral work are presented and organised to reinforce grammar and structure in an age-appropriate and developmentally-appropriate method. Components -Student Book Activity Book Audio CD Resource Pack Flashcards Teacher Support Teachers will recognise that Right features many full-colour scenes that help to highlight and teach the different objectives of the series. The well-illustrated scenes provide opportunities for conversational language development and enable students to internalise vocabulary and concepts and relate it to their lives outside the classroom. Teachers will also appreciate the pageby-page correlation of the teacher and student book for ease of referencing. 1

Stella’s Family




Rr lamb






Meet My Family




Hello friends! I’m Stella. Let’s meet my family. This is my mother, my father, and my brother John. The little girl is Sarah. She’s my sister.



1 father 2 knock


3 brother



4 mother 5 sister 6 play 7 cousin

This is my uncle’s family. She’s my aunt, and he’s my uncle. The little boy is my cousin Jack.

8 aunt 9 uncle I need your help. Can you help me to find grandma and grandpa in the picture?



Read and choose.


Who’s Jack? a. Stella’s uncle

b. Stella’s cousin



Right Book Series

Right 1

Right Book Series

Right 2

Right 3

Right 5

Right 6

Student Book




Student Book


Right 4




















Right / Localized Edition

Right / Localised Edition

Teachers will recognise that Right features many scenes that highlight the different objectives of the series. The well-illustrated scenes provide opportunities for conversational language development and enable students to internalise vocabulary and concepts and relate it to their lives outside the classroom. Teachers will also appreciate the page-by-page correlation of the teacher and student book for ease of referencing.

is a six-level series for learning English. The series introduces a steadily expanding range of language structure and vocabulary in a systematic manner. Reading, writing, and oral work are presented and organized to reinforce grammar and structure in an age-appropriate and developmentally-appropriate method. Components -Student Book Activity Book Audio CD Resource Pack Flashcards

Student Book Right student book employs a variety of subject matter that stimulates the desire to read for both pleasure and information. In this series, students will improve their speaking, listening, reading and writing abilities through a variety of activities and exercises.

Teacher Support Right, Localised Edition, has been specially designed to meet the standards of Arab learners. Teachers and administraters will appreciate using a curriculum that specifically, meets the cultural and educational goals in Arab.

Good Morning, World!

P o st e r

Big Book

Listen and read along.









‟What’s the matter, Tom?” Helen asks concerned. ‟I feel sick,” Tom says. ‟I’ll go get, Mr. Stevens, the doctor. Maybe he can help you,” Helen says.

‟Hello, Tom. How do you feel now?” Helen says. ‟I feel much better,” Tom says happily. ‟Can you go with me to the art lesson today?” Helen asks.

‟Mrs. Wilson... who’s she?” Tom says confused. ‟She’s our new art teacher. She is going to show us how to draw a vase of flowers today. Don’t you remember?” Helen asks.

‟Yeah, I remember now. I missed the last class. She gave me a warning. She said she would call my mom next time,” Tom replies.





‟Oh, no Tom! You are being lazy again. Mrs. Wilson won’t like it. She already gave you one warning,” Helen says upset.

‟Good afternoon. This is Mrs. Wilson. Tom, you missed art class today. I need to speak to your mom,” Mrs. Wilson says.

‟Oh, no! Mrs. Wilson! I’m in trouble...!!” Tom cries.


Meet My Puppy


Hello! It’s me again. How are you? This is my puppy Tilly. She is one year old. She likes people a lot. She will like you too I’m sure. Goodbye for now!


Reading 1



hc as ard

1 Goodbye! 2 How are you? 3 Fine, thank you. 4 Hello!

Tom Gets in Trouble


5 Good afternoon! Do you have pets?

6 Good morning!

Listen, read and repeat. I need your help. Can you help me to find the restaurant in the picture?

It’s me again!



Right Book Series


How are you?

Right 1

Find the phrases in the story. “I feel sick.” “Good afternoon.”

‟Sorry, Helen. I can’t come. I’m watching a game on TV. I’ll go with you next time,” Tom says.



Right Book Series

Right 2

Right 3

Right 5

Right 6

Student Book




Student Book


Right 4



















Move Up

Move Up


le ab ail m 3 v A Fro 01 2 ne Ju

is a four - level series that builds English literature and grammar skills. while providing continual speaking and listening practice Move Up combines reading and grammar in context in a smooth and enjoyable manner for the students. It incorporates pleasure reading with easy-to-present grammar goals that extend through the reading into discussion and writing. Interesting and extraordinary topics capture the students’ attention and motivate

issues presented. The grammar section is rich and varied, allowing the students to strengthen their skills in all areas of language. The teacher’s book is full of examples, ideas, and instructions on how to present the units in a creative and comprehensive manner. In addition the teacher’s book also includes methods of instruction that are Ministry of Education compliant.

them to apply newly learned skills outside of the classroom. Ample pair and group work develop students’ expressive skills and use the unit theme to practise new skills.

Student Book


skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. The student will

Student Book Workbook Teacher’s Pack Audio CD Teacher Support Teachers of the Move Up series will appreciate the moral development that is infused throughout the reading sections as it opens opportunities to think critically, discuss, and write about the

Feature articles with contemporary topics that present vocabulary and grammar in context and provide a theme that extends throughout the unit.

Move Up encourages the mastery of all four essential language discover the pleasure of reading through interesting topics that correlate with the social and academic development of adolescents. The workbook also contains short stories to extend learning and reading outside the classroom. Grammar exercises in Move Up are clear and easy-to-follow, building student confidence with success. Beginning with Move Up 2, the student will also benefit from the ‘Useful Expressions’ section that offers usable language for a variety of social situations. All of this, coupled with language-rich games and activities, combine fun and learning into one motivational package!

Three levels of question strategies develop reading comprehension on a variety of levels.


Supplementary reading passages in the workbook as well provide further reading practice and a springboard for vocabulary and grammar activities.

The Teacher Book follows the Student Book format to provide a consistent, uniform reference for teachers.


1 Lesson Plans

The Unsinkable Becomes the Unthinkable

Lesson Plans

The Unsinkable Becomes the Unthinkable

proper use of ‘a’ and ‘an’ • Unit Objectives: Learn and practice in this, that, these and those correctly

before a noun, learn to use /l:/ and /I/ sounds, practice sentences, practice pronunciation of for beginning and sequencing skills, master correct punctuation writing abilities in expository ending of sentences, and develop writing. flashcards, 1-3 students if available, CD and CD player, dictionaries for every text to show students as an Move Up Workbook, a section of card or piece of tagboard example of reading strategy, a larger-size strategy (see ‘Teacher Tip’ to cover up clauses to show a reading with sentences on them for for ‘Quick questions’ section), six cards portfolios (if students are running dictation, materials for student a bulletin board for displaying not bringing their own), if available, such as numbered cards, student writing, any special supplies into groups efficiently. color squares, etc., for dividing students

Teacher’s Book, • Materials Needed: Class Book and

proper use of ‘a’ and ‘an’ • Unit Objectives: Learn and practice these and those correctly in before a noun, learn to use this, that, /l:/ and /I/ sounds, practice sentences, practice pronunciation of For 1912, the Titanic’s luxury was almost unthinkable. collect enough water to capsize for and split in two. In and beginning punctuation correct master a horrible tragedy that claimed over skills, sequencing Its own newspaper, medical surgery with operating 1.500 lives, the in expository facilities, heated swimming pool, Turkish bath, catering the ‘unsinkable’. Even writingtoabilities develop happened and‘unthinkable’ sentences, of with ending which served ten-course dinners a different wine today, a 100 years later, people still remember the

at each course, and a squash court were just a few infamous sinking of the Titanic on the 15th April, of the amenities ofwriting. what was probably one of the most 1912. The passengers in lifeboats were rescued by famous ships ever built. There was much excitement a nearby ship, the Carpathia, but the awful scenes and anticipation as it was being built. People talked they had witnessed of other passengers dying, most Book, flashcards, and Teacher’s Book Class of its size, its special design that made it ‘unsinkable’, from hypothermia in the cold water, would never of the wealthy people who would be travelling on it, be forgotten. Songs were written, moviesif made, available, 1-3 students for every dictionaries and of its engine power. When CD it set sail from England and people’s ideas about 'unsinkable' boats were player, CD and on 12th April, 1912, on its maiden voyage, the Titanic somewhat humbled, because of this tragic event. as an students of text to show UpForWorkbook, attracted world-wide interest. many it was a a section Move tagboard of glorious celebration of what mankind could accomplish. Did you know? piece or card larger-size a example of reading strategy, • The Titanic had only two bathrooms for over 700 Then the unthinkable happened. While travelling in third class. strategy (see ‘Teacher Tip’ a reading toinshowpeople clauses upStar to cover the North Atlantic Ocean, the White Line’s famous • There were not enough lifeboats for everyone, them for on full. sentences ship, RMS Titanic, struck an iceberg. The lookouts section), andsix several of thewith lifeboats were only partially cards questions’ had spotted the icebergfor half‘Quick a minute minute before the • J.P. Morgan, famous for his railroad wealth, was are students (if portfolios student for collision, but not in time for thedictation, huge ship to change going to ride the Titanic, but he changed his mind materials running its direction. Five of the sixteen compartments of the at the last minute. board for displaying bulletin a were available, ship’s hull were torn, water immediately began if • Two small dogs among the survivors of the their own), notandbringing pouring in. At first, many of the crew and passengers wreck. cards, numbered as such supplies any thespecial were not worried, student because they truly believed • There were two ships nearby that could have writing, ship was unsinkable. Passengers, mostly women helped rescue people fromgroups the Titanic, but they efficiently. into students and children, were put ontosquares, lifeboats, butetc., there for weredividing did not recognize the Titanic’s calls for help. color only enough lifeboats for less than 1/3 of the people • On the day the ship hit the iceberg, there was on board. It took just 2 ½ hours for the Titanic to supposed to be a practice for using the lifeboats, but it was cancelled.

• Materials Needed:

• Lead up to the reading: Ask students what they know about the Titanic. Often there is fiction mixed in with fact about this wellknown ship. Talk about this some, trying to separate fact from fiction. Explain to students that they will be learning about the Titanic disaster today in the reading. Have students look at the pictures on pages 4-5 and at the passage’s title.

• Practise the reading

• Lead up to the reading: Ask students what they know about the Titanic. Often there is fiction mixed in with fact about this wellknown ship. Talk about this some, trying to separate fact from fiction. Explain to students that they will be learning about the Titanic disaster today in the reading. Have students look at the pictures on pages 4-5 and at the passage’s title.

Move Up readings are also provided on the CD, so as students read the passage, they know the correct pronunciation and inflection to practice on their own. Before students read the passage aloud, play the CD and have students follow along in their books. The a question, then “tags” another student to finish the question. teacher could also re-play the CD, stopping it every sentence or so S2 finishes the question, then tags S3 to give the first part of the for students to practise pronunciation, etc. answer. Finally, S3 tags S4 for the last part of the answer. An example question/answer would go like this:

• Follow up from the reading

S1: When did the Titanic Teacher Tip: Play “tag team” questions. S1 asks the first part of S2: first set sail from England?

4S3: 1The Titanic first set sail from England

Move Up readings are also provided on the CD, so as students read the passage, they know the correct pronunciation and inflection to practice on their own. Before students read the passage aloud, play the CD and have students follow along in their books. The teacher could also re-play the CD, stopping it every sentence or so for students to practise pronunciation, etc.

Did you know? • The Titanic had only two bathrooms for over 700 people in third class. • There were not enough lifeboats for everyone, and several of the lifeboats were only partially full. • J.P. Morgan, famous for his railroad wealth, was going to ride the Titanic, but he changed his mind at the last minute. • Two small dogs were among the survivors of the wreck. • There were two ships nearby that could have helped rescue people from the Titanic, but they did not recognize the Titanic’s calls for help. • On the day the ship hit the iceberg, there was supposed to be a practice for using the lifeboats, for student understanding is to have students but it was cancelled.

Then the unthinkable happened. While travelling in the North Atlantic Ocean, the White Star Line’s famous ship, RMS Titanic, struck an iceberg. The lookouts had spotted the iceberg half a minute minute before the collision, but not in time for the huge ship to change its direction. Five of the sixteen compartments of the ship’s hull were torn, and water immediately began pouring in. At first, many of the crew and passengers were not worried, because they truly believed the ship was unsinkable. Passengers, mostly women and children, were put onto lifeboats, but there were only enough lifeboats for less than 1/3 of the people on board. It took just 2 ½ hours for the Titanic to

A Quick questions

A good way to check complete the “Quick questions” section. These are designed to be short answer, factual questions to check for basic comprehension about the passage. Ask students to complete the “Quick questions” section, monitoring to see if students have understood the passage. Discuss the answers in class so students understand how to read and find the answers in the passage. Teaching students to look for keywords and for synonyms for the words in the questions can be helpful, but the eventual goal is for students to understand the whole sentence and be able to put their answers into their own words. If most students do not demonstrate a good understanding of the story, it’s important to take the time to review the story and help the students understand the sentence structure, grammar and vocabulary better.

Show students how to read in clauses and phrases, not word by word. Explain that the main units of meaning for a sentence in the phrases and clauses, important to not just look a question, are then “tags” another student so to it’s finish the question. at each word, then but attags the S3 group of words together. This S2 finishes the question, to give the first part of theis a skill thatS3 students will to practise often to learn well, because answer. Finally, tags S4 forneed the last part of the answer. they must train their eyes to move this way along the page, An example question/answer would go like this: not word by word. S1: When did the Titanic


S2: first set sail from England? 1 - Students should name at least five: medical surgery, heated S3: The Titanic first set sail from England pool, Turkish bath, fancy meals, squash court, catering with S4: on 12th April 1912. ten-course dinners 2 - 1912 This activity gets many students 3 - ofYesjust a involved instead unsinkable few, and it 4 - makes it If the school year is 2013, the exact answer would be 101 easier for quiet5 - students years, to participate, since no so to the nearest ten, that would be 100 years. As of 2016, single person has to give the answer should be adjusted to 110 years. 6 - It struck the whole question or an iceberg. 7 - only 2 ½ hours answer. 8 - from hypothermia (freezing in the cold water) 9 - the ship called the Carpathia

• Follow up from the reading Teacher Tip: Play “tag team” questions. S1 asks the first part of

B Summary

This activity gets many students involved instead of just a few, and it makes it easier for quiet students to participate, since no single person has to give the whole question or answer.

Being able to summarize not only helps with reading comprehension, but it greatly helps students’ language development. Students must be able to understand the story well, plus tell about the story in their own words. When teaching the Summary section, it’s important to not just have students fill in the keywords but also point out the main ideas of the passage and have students look at the summary to see if and how the main points are included. How are the sentences worded compared to the original passage?

A good way to check for student understanding is to have students complete the “Quick questions” section. These are designed to be short answer, factual questions to check for basic comprehension about the passage. Ask students to complete the “Quick questions” section, monitoring to see if students have understood the passage. Discuss the answers in class so students understand how to read and find the answers in the passage. Teaching students to look for keywords and for synonyms for the words in the questions can be helpful, but the eventual goal is for students to understand the whole sentence and be able to put their answers into their own words. If most students do not demonstrate a good understanding of the story, Teacher Tip:it’s important to take the time to review the story and the students structure,words grammar and Ask help students to think understand of synonymsthe forsentence the non-numeric vocabulary better. in the orange box under the summary, then put those in the paragraph and read it aloud.Some ideas are as follows: Tip: iceberg:Teacher drift ice England:Show Greatstudents Britain how to read in clauses and phrases, not word by word. Explain that the main units of meaning for a sentence design: make are in the phrases and clauses, so it’s important to not just look cold: freezing each word, but at the group of words together. This is a skill enough: at sufficient that flawless students will need to practise often to learn well, because unsinkable: they must trainsea their eyes to move this way along the page, North Atlantic Ocean: notworld’s word bylargest word.liner the Titanic:

C Think about it The questions in this section are geared towards teaching students B Summary to think about and infer ideas from what they have read. The teacher will needBeing to first check that the students the story well able to summarize not onlyunderstand helps with reading comprehension, before beginning this section. Allow class time todevelopment. complete this Students but it greatly helps students’ language section; the focus is fortostudents to develop their speaking skills by the story must be able understand the story well, plus tell about putting higher-level thoughts words. Especially the first few in their own words.intoWhen teaching thefor Summary section, it’s units, help studentstowith the vocabulary andfillsentence structure but also important not just have students in the keywords they need to express their ideas. at this are look at point out the main ideas ofStudents the passage andage havelevel students developing cognition to infer, so it’s thethe summary to see if andanalyse how theand mainsynthesise, points are included. How importantare tothe givesentences students practice with thesetotypes of questions. worded compared the original passage?

Ask students to think of synonyms for the non-numeric words in the orange box under the summary, then put those in the paragraph and read it aloud.Some ideas are as follows: iceberg: drift ice England: Great Britain design: make cold: freezing enough: sufficient unsinkable: flawless North Atlantic Ocean: sea the Titanic: world’s largest liner maiden voyage: first trip


On 14th April, 1912, the Titanic struck an ________ iceberg while sailing in the _______________. North Atlantic It had a special ________, design and it was built so well that people thought it was unsinkable ___________. It set sail from _________ England (place) on th its _________ maiden __________ voyage on 12 April, 1912, and it sank on ______________. 12th April,1912 Many people were loaded into lifeboats, but there were not ________ enough lifeboats for passengers and crew. Therefore, over _________ 1,500 (number) people died, many from hypothermia because of the _______ cold water. Even today, people remember the tragedy of ____________. the Titanic

C Think about it The questions in this section are geared towards teaching students to think about and infer ideas from what they have read. The teacher will need to first check that the students understand the story well before beginning this section. Allow class time to complete this section; the focus is for students to develop their speaking skills by putting higher-level thoughts into words. Especially for the first few units, help students with the vocabulary and sentence structure they need to express their ideas. Students at this age level are developing the cognition to infer, analyse and synthesise, so it’s important to give students practice with these types of questions.

Teacher Tips provide creative ideas beyondA the basic lesson plan that add variety and enrichment throughout the curriculum.

Teacher Tip:

A productive extension activity for the reading would be to ask students to research the Titanic online and find one interesting fact about it not mentioned in the reading. Allow students time to share the information they found.

Teacher note: This section’s questions are geared toward critical thinking and inference. There are not specific ‘right’ answers, but instead students are encouraged to think carefully about their answers and use information from the reading passage to back up their ideas.


Teacher Tip: A productive extension activity for the reading would be to ask students to research the Titanic online and find one interesting fact about it not mentioned in the reading. Allow students time to share the information they found.


Teacher note: This section’s questions are geared toward critical thinking and inference. There are not specific ‘right’ answers, but instead students are encouraged to think carefully about their answers and use information from the reading passage to back up their ideas.



Supplemetary Flashcards 1

Move Up

Move up 1

Student Book










Teacher’s Pack





Move up 2

Move up 3

Move up 4


Move Up






The Unsinkable Becomes the Unthinkable

The Unsinkable Becomes the Unthinkable

to cut open a patient’s body in order to repair great comfort and the body of a ship a damaged part pleasure 1




The Unsinkable Becomes the Unthinkable





maiden voyage: first trip

1 - Students should name at least five: medical surgery, heated On 14th April, 1912, the Titanic struck an ________ iceberg while sailing pool, Turkish bath, fancy meals, squash court, catering with in the _______________. North Atlantic dinners It had a specialten-course ________, design and it was built so well that people 2 - unsinkable 1912 thought it was ___________. It set sail from _________ England (place) on th 3 - __________ Yes its _________ maiden voyage on 12 April, 1912, and it sank on 4 - unsinkable ______________. Many people were loaded into lifeboats, but there 12th April,1912 5 - If thelifeboats school year is 2013, theand exact answer would be 101 were not ________ for passengers crew. Therefore, enough so to people the nearest thatfrom wouldhypothermia be 100 years. As of over _________ (number) died,ten, many 1,500 years, 2016, answer should be adjusted to 110 years. because of the _______ water. cold the It struck an iceberg. Even today,6 - people remember the tragedy7 - of ____________. onlyTitanic 2 ½ hours the 8 - from hypothermia (freezing in the cold water) 9 - the ship called the Carpathia


Audio CD

Teacher Tip:

A Quick questions

S4: on 12th April 1912.

• Practise the reading


collect enough water to capsize and split in two. In a horrible tragedy that claimed over 1.500 lives, the ‘unthinkable’ happened to the ‘unsinkable’. Even today, a 100 years later, people still remember the infamous sinking of the Titanic on the 15th April, 1912. The passengers in lifeboats were rescued by a nearby ship, the Carpathia, but the awful scenes they had witnessed of other passengers dying, most from hypothermia in the cold water, would never be forgotten. Songs were written, movies made, and people’s ideas about 'unsinkable' boats were somewhat humbled, because of this tragic event.

Teacher Tip:

Read up on it

Read up on it

For 1912, the Titanic’s luxury was almost unthinkable. Its own newspaper, medical surgery with operating facilities, heated swimming pool, Turkish bath, catering which served ten-course dinners with a different wine at each course, and a squash court were just a few of the amenities of what was probably one of the most famous ships ever built. There was much excitement and anticipation as it was being built. People talked of its size, its special design that made it ‘unsinkable’, of the wealthy people who would be travelling on it, and of its engine power. When it set sail from England on 12th April, 1912, on its maiden voyage, the Titanic attracted world-wide interest. For many it was a glorious celebration of what mankind could accomplish.

Move Up

Move Up

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