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7.88.1417 Vers. 03 Amco Veba s.r.l., Via Einstein, 4 42028 Poviglio (RE) Italy Tel. ++39 0522 408011 Fax. ++39 0522 408080 Email:


SYMBOLS AND UNITS OF MEASUREMENT ..............................................................................1


SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS .............................................................................................................3


INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................6


DELIVERING THE CRANE TO THE INSTALLER ......................................................................13


CRANE TRUCK ASSEMBLY ......................................................................................................14


SUB-FRAME SIZE .......................................................................................................................23


INSTALLATION OF STANDARD CRANE ..................................................................................46

2.1 2.2

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7


5.1 5.2

Symbols used in manual ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................................................. 3

General indications ............................................................................................................................................................. 6 Definitions of the main crane components ..............................................................................................................................8 Definitions of main crane accessories.................................................................................................................................... 9 General indications, validity ............................................................................................................................................... 10 Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual, Technical Specifications and Truck Installation Directives .................................. 10 Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC .......................................................................................................................................... 11 Definition of responsibilities ............................................................................................................................................... 12

Packaging, documents and crane movement ........................................................................................................................13

General indications ........................................................................................................................................................... 14 Axle load check ................................................................................................................................................................ 15 5.2.1 General data required ................................................................................................................................................ 15 5.2.2 Calculation .............................................................................................................................................................. 16 5.2.3 Final comments ........................................................................................................................................................ 18 5.3 Theoretical stability check during tipping .............................................................................................................................19 5.3.1 General .................................................................................................................................................................. 19 5.3.2 Stability calculation .................................................................................................................................................... 20

6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4

General indications ........................................................................................................................................................... 23 Moment acting on the chassis and sub-frame .......................................................................................................................24 Preliminary check ............................................................................................................................................................. 26 Sub-frame size ................................................................................................................................................................. 27 6.4.1 Flexible assembly ..................................................................................................................................................... 27 6.4.2 Rigid assembly ......................................................................................................................................................... 27 6.4.3 Torsion check on the chassis/sub-frame unit ................................................................................................................... 28 6.4.4 Calculation of the moments of inertia and moduli of resistance............................................................................................. 30 6.4.5 Sub-frame section tables ............................................................................................................................................ 31 6.5 Sub-frame design.............................................................................................................................................................. 32 6.5.1 Types of sub-frame.................................................................................................................................................... 32 6.5.2 Sub-frame assembly using welding ............................................................................................................................... 33 6.5.3 Connection crosspieces.............................................................................................................................................. 35 6.5.4 Tapering the sub-frame .............................................................................................................................................. 36 6.5.5 Rust-protection and painting ........................................................................................................................................ 37 6.5.6 Integral sub-frame ..................................................................................................................................................... 38 6.6 Securing the sub-frame...................................................................................................................................................... 39 6.6.1 Preparing the chassis................................................................................................................................................. 39 6.6.2 Size of threaded connections ....................................................................................................................................... 39 6.6.3 Securing the sub-frame .............................................................................................................................................. 41


Securing the crane on the vehicle........................................................................................................................................ 46 7.1.1 Preliminary checks .................................................................................................................................................... 46 7.1.2 Anchor rods and plates............................................................................................................................................... 47 7.1.3 Rod tightening torques ............................................................................................................................................... 50 7.2 Assembling the outriggers ................................................................................................................................................. 51 7.2.1 Connecting fixed outriggers ......................................................................................................................................... 51 7.2.2 Connecting rotary outriggers........................................................................................................................................ 52 7.2.3 Welding the plate ...................................................................................................................................................... 52 7.2.4 Pressure of the outrigger foot on the ground .................................................................................................................... 53

7.3 7.4 7.5

Assembling the lifting hook ................................................................................................................................................ 54 Rotation dead point........................................................................................................................................................... 55 Rotation limiting devices.................................................................................................................................................... 57 7.5.1 Mechanical rotation limiter........................................................................................................................................... 57 7.5.2 Electro-hydraulic rotation limiter.................................................................................................................................... 58 7.6 Power take-off (PTO) ......................................................................................................................................................... 59 7.6.1 General .................................................................................................................................................................. 59 7.6.2 Selecting a PTO ....................................................................................................................................................... 59 7.6.3 Installing the PTO ..................................................................................................................................................... 60 7.6.4 Engaging the PTO..................................................................................................................................................... 60 7.7 Pump .............................................................................................................................................................................. 62 7.7.1 General .................................................................................................................................................................. 62 7.7.2 Operating parameters ................................................................................................................................................ 63 7.7.3 Pump performance.................................................................................................................................................... 64 7.7.4 Pump size ............................................................................................................................................................... 66 7.7.5 Pump assembly ........................................................................................................................................................ 68 7.7.6 Crane-pump hydraulic connection ................................................................................................................................. 69 7.7.7 Pressure filter........................................................................................................................................................... 70 7.7.8 Crane-pump and tipper body hydraulic connection ............................................................................................................ 71 7.7.9 LS pump hydraulic connection with crane and tipper body .................................................................................................. 72 7.7.10 Emergency hydraulic pump connection .......................................................................................................................... 73 7.8 Crane with electro-hydraulic drive ....................................................................................................................................... 75 7.8.1 Service times ........................................................................................................................................................... 76 7.9 Starting the hydraulic circuit............................................................................................................................................... 77


INSTALLATION OF CRANE WITH FIXED BASE.......................................................................78

8.1 8.2

Fixed position resistance check .......................................................................................................................................... 78 Securing the crane on the fixed base ................................................................................................................................... 79 8.2.1 Preliminary checks .................................................................................................................................................... 79 8.2.2 Parts for securing the base.......................................................................................................................................... 80


INSTALLATION OF ADDITIONAL OUTRIGGERS.....................................................................81

9.1 9.2

General ........................................................................................................................................................................... 81 Choice of additional outriggers ........................................................................................................................................... 81 9.2.1 Pressure of the outrigger foot on the ground .................................................................................................................... 82 9.3 Assembling the sub-frame.................................................................................................................................................. 83 9.3.1 Assembly above the chassis........................................................................................................................................ 83 9.3.2 Assembly below the chassis ........................................................................................................................................ 85 9.4 Size of bolts used to secure the additional outriggers ............................................................................................................86 9.5 Unpacking and disposal of packaging.................................................................................................................................. 87 9.6 Lifting and moving the additional outriggers .........................................................................................................................87 9.7 Height-adjustable outrigger ................................................................................................................................................ 88 9.8 Hydraulic connection of the additional outriggers..................................................................................................................89


CONTROL POSITIONS ...........................................................................................................93


ACCESSORIES .......................................................................................................................97

10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4

11.1 11.1.1 11.1.2 11.1.3 11.1.4 11.1.5 11.1.6 11.2 11.2.1 11.2.2 11.2.3 11.2.4 11.3 11.3.1 11.3.2 11.3.3 11.3.4 11.4

Top seat control position on column and on footboard ......................................................................................................93 Protection from exhaust fume inhalation .........................................................................................................................95 Protection from crushing and shearing............................................................................................................................96 Protection from noise ................................................................................................................................................... 96

Hydraulic winch and top roller........................................................................................................................................ 97 Safety devices.......................................................................................................................................................... 98 Assembling the top roller............................................................................................................................................. 99 Inserting the rope ...................................................................................................................................................... 99 Assembling the counterweight.................................................................................................................................... 100 Securing the hook to the counterweight ........................................................................................................................ 100 Assembling the double-pull pulley (optional) .................................................................................................................. 101 Manual extensions ..................................................................................................................................................... 102 General installation instructions .................................................................................................................................. 102 Installing the manual extensions ................................................................................................................................. 103 Assembling the extensions for operation....................................................................................................................... 104 Dismantling the extensions........................................................................................................................................ 105 Jib ........................................................................................................................................................................... 106 Packing and unpacking ............................................................................................................................................ 106 Disposing of the packaging........................................................................................................................................ 106 Assembling the jib on the crane .................................................................................................................................. 107 Dismantling the jib................................................................................................................................................... 108 Pick-up units other than the hook ................................................................................................................................. 109


HYDRAULIC SYSTEM...........................................................................................................110


LUBRICATION GREASE.......................................................................................................117


ELECTRICAL SYSTEM .........................................................................................................118


INSTALLATION TECHNICAL FILE.......................................................................................123


EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ................................................................................132


DISMANTLING THE CRANE.................................................................................................133


BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................134

12.1 12.1.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.7.1 12.7.2

14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6

Hydraulic fluid ........................................................................................................................................................... 110 Parameters for selecting the hydraulic fluid ................................................................................................................... 111 Suction hose ............................................................................................................................................................. 112 Size of suction and delivery hoses................................................................................................................................ 112 Filling the tank ........................................................................................................................................................... 113 Emptying the tank ...................................................................................................................................................... 113 Couplings ................................................................................................................................................................. 114 Hydraulic hoses ......................................................................................................................................................... 115 Flexible hoses ........................................................................................................................................................ 115 Rigid hoses ........................................................................................................................................................... 116

General..................................................................................................................................................................... 118 EC crane electrical connection ..................................................................................................................................... 119 Crane electrical connection with electric pump...............................................................................................................120 PTO warning device.................................................................................................................................................... 120 Crane in home position warning device .........................................................................................................................121 Device for signalling the retracting of the manual outrigger beams.................................................................................... 122

15.1 General..................................................................................................................................................................... 123 15.2 Installation Technical File ............................................................................................................................................ 123 15.2.1 Form of the Installation Technical File .......................................................................................................................... 123 15.3 Residual risks............................................................................................................................................................ 124 15.4 Tests and checks ....................................................................................................................................................... 125 15.4.1 Functional test........................................................................................................................................................ 126 15.4.2 Static test .............................................................................................................................................................. 127 15.4.3 Dynamic test.......................................................................................................................................................... 127 15.4.4 Stability test ........................................................................................................................................................... 128 15.4.5 Maximum load on vehicle axle.................................................................................................................................... 129 15.4.6 Noise levels and toxicity check ................................................................................................................................... 129 15.4.7 Safety device seal check........................................................................................................................................... 129 15.4.8 Maximum size for road use check ............................................................................................................................... 129 15.4.9 Securing rod tightness check ..................................................................................................................................... 130 15.4.10 Braking system check .............................................................................................................................................. 130 15.4.11 End of checks ........................................................................................................................................................ 130 15.5 Machine delivery ........................................................................................................................................................ 130 15.6 Documents supplied with the machine ..........................................................................................................................131 15.6.1 Documents supplied with the crane ............................................................................................................................. 131 15.6.2 Documents supplied as part of installation..................................................................................................................... 131

16.1 16.2


EC Declaration of Conformity....................................................................................................................................... 132 Marking .................................................................................................................................................................... 132

Disposal of crane parts ............................................................................................................................................... 133

TECHNICAL APPENDICES Appendix 1: Safety signs .................................................................................................................................................................................................135 Appendix 2: Structural steels EN 10025-1......................................................................................................................................................................136 Appendix 3: Threaded connections - EN 12999.............................................................................................................................................................138 Appendix 4: Chart for calculating the size of suction and delivery hoses .................................................................................................................139 Appendix 5: Correct positioning of flexible hoses........................................................................................................................................................140 Appendix 6: Recommended sizes for handles, stairs and ladders - EN 12999..........................................................................................................141 Appendix 7: Minimum safety distances - EN 349 ..........................................................................................................................................................142 Appendix 8: List of significant hazards - EN 12999.......................................................................................................................................................143 Appendix 9: Data required for the preliminary check of the installation ....................................................................................................................146 Appendix 10: Facsimile of Installer’s EC Declaration of Conformity ..........................................................................................................................147 Appendix 11: Facsimile of Delivery Report....................................................................................................................................................................148 Appendix 12: Procedure for bypassing the moment limiter ........................................................................................................................................149 Appendix 13: Crane downgrade chart ............................................................................................................................................................................151 Appendix 14: Welding and WPS......................................................................................................................................................................................152 Appendix 15: Resistance of slinging accessories ........................................................................................................................................................167 Appendix 16: Colour coding of electric cables..............................................................................................................................................................168 Appendix 17: Resistance properties of commercial sections .....................................................................................................................................169 Appendix 18: Conversion table .......................................................................................................................................................................................191

TABLES Tab.1 : Indicative sub-frame weights for cab-mounted cranes......................................................................................................................................15 Tab.2 : Torsional deformation of vehicle chassis ...........................................................................................................................................................29 Tab.3 : Moments of inertia and moduli of resistance for boxed sub-frame..................................................................................................................31 Tab.4 : Moments of inertia and moduli of resistance for double C sub-frame.............................................................................................................31 Tab.5 : Moments of inertia and moduli of resistance for double C sub-frame with reinforcement............................................................................31 Tab.6 : Coefficient C to calculate the number of screws to secure the sub-frame......................................................................................................40 Tab.7 : Securing rod tightening torques ..........................................................................................................................................................................50 Tab.8 : Bearing capacity of ground...................................................................................................................................................................................53 Tab.9 : Yield strength of threaded connections ..............................................................................................................................................................86 Tab.10 : Recommended hydraulic fluids........................................................................................................................................................................110 Tab.11 : Size of suction hose...........................................................................................................................................................................................112 Tab.12 : Sizes and tolerances of SAE J 517 couplings.................................................................................................................................................114 Tab.13 : Tightening torques for SAE J 517 couplings ..................................................................................................................................................114 Tab.14 : General properties of rigid hoses.....................................................................................................................................................................116 Tab.15 : Recommended greases for maintenance ........................................................................................................................................................117


Size Area Percentage elongation at fracture Size, thickness Pump capacity Coefficient to calculate the number of screws to secure the sub-frame Carbon equivalent Centre of gravity of areas Diameter Distance Misalignment with vehicle axis Normal modulus of elasticity of the steel Deformation, arrow Force Weight of moving (overhanging) parts of crane Tangent modulus of elasticity of the steel Mass of moving parts of crane moved to the end Height Distance from ideal tipping line Transmission ratio Centre to centre length Moment of inertia of sections Stability coefficient Width, length Moment Rotation speed Number Pressure Screw pitch Mass, load, capacity Gross vehicle mass Oil flow rate Total tare, reaction Corrected tare Tensile strength Yield strength Thickness distance between chassis side member axis and vehicle axis Vehicle tare Test load Speed Wheelbase “Technical” wheelbase Modulus of resistance of sections Modulus of resistance of all sections Distance from crane’s rotation axis Distance from front axle of vehicle Angle

Unit of measurement m, mm mm2 % mm cm3/revolution % mm m, mm mm = 206000 MPa mm N, daN kg = 78400 MPa kg m, mm m, mm m, mm mm4 = 1.2 m, mm Nm, kgm rpm bar / MPa mm kg kg ℓ / min kg kg MPa MPa mm mm kg kg m/s m, mm m, mm mm3, cm3 mm3, cm3 m, mm m, mm degrees

Moment distribution coefficient Filtration efficiency Performance Power Friction coefficient Tensile stress Time period Sheer stress

kW MPa s MPa

Symbol a A A% b c C CEV cg d D e E f F G G’ Gb h H i I J Ks L M n N p sp P GVM Q R R* Rm RS s t T TL v wb wb* W W* X Y

α ß ßx η Φ μ σ τ τ



Subscripts a adm ax b bas c cab col d def e eng es f ft g gr i m max mec

front axle of vehicle maximum allowable axis vehicle body crane base sub-frame vehicle cab column axis dynamic effective dynamic external engine operating maximum fixed parts stabilisation plate, foot crane ground internal moving (overhanging) parts of crane maximum mechanical

min n p pto r res s sc ser sez sg stab t tip tl tor tot v vol x-y


minimum nominal rear axle of vehicle power take-off resistant residual additional outriggers explosion tightening section crane outriggers stabilising vehicle chassis tipper test load torsion total screw volume between “x” and “y”

2. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 2.1 Symbols used in manual The symbols used in the manual to call the reader’s attention to the different hazard levels are listed below. WARNING. Warns that if the operations described are not carried out correctly or are avoided, THEY CAN CAUSE serious injury, death, or long-term health risks. TAKE CARE. Warns that if the operations described are not carried out correctly or are avoided, THEY CAN CAUSE damage to the machine and/or to people. INFORMATION. Symbol used to inform the operator of the best procedure for using the crane and optimising the work as well as for avoiding damage and ensuring a longer life. IOM

Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual


Technical specifications for crane

2.2 Safety instructions Read this manual carefully before installing, starting up, using, moving or maintaining the machine or carrying out any other work on it. Unauthorised personnel are not allowed to work on the machine.

During inspections and maintenance work, if possible block the controls and place a card on top of them saying “Work in progress do not carry out manoeuvres”. Do not operate the crane-vehicle combination in closed areas unless there is an efficient system for dealing with ventilation and exhaust fumes. In particularly hazardous conditions, there must be another person present apart from the operator, ready to intervene in the event of a hazard. Before carrying out repair or other work on the machine, always inform the other operators involved of your intentions. Do not wear rings, wristwatches, jewellery, loose or hanging garments such as ties, torn clothes, scarves, unbuttoned jackets or overalls with undone zips which could get caught up in moving parts. Use appropriate protective clothing, for example helmets, anti-slip shoes, protective gloves, noise-cancelling headphones, goggles, work overalls, reflective jackets and respirators. Consult the work provider about the safety instructions in force and the accident prevention devices.


Never put your body, limbs or fingers in sharp, jointed openings of parts of the machine which are not controlled and have no suitable guards, except when they are securely blocked. Never align holes or slots with your fingers: use the special centring tool. Stairs or service platforms used in the workshop or workplace must comply with current accident prevention regulations.

Never use petrol, solvents or other flammable liquids as detergents: use authorised non-flammable and non-toxic commercial solvents instead. When cleaning components, use protective glasses with side shields. Do not use naked flames as a means of lighting when carrying out checks or looking for leaks in the machine.

When lifting or transporting heavy parts, use lifting gear or equipment with the appropriate lifting capacity.

Make sure that slinging is carried out correctly (see Appendix 15). Use lifting lugs (if provided); check whether there are any people nearby. Do not use frayed or bent chains or cables and always use gloves. Chains and cables must be firmly secured: make sure that the securing device is strong enough to support the expected load. Nobody should be standing near the securing device, chains or cables in use. Make sure that all parts of the hydraulic circuit have been tightened correctly (see Tab.13). Before removing couplings or hoses, make sure there are no fluids under pressure: oil coming out under pressure can cause serious injuries. In the event of an accident, seek medical attention immediately. Make sure that all tools available are suitable and in good condition. For work outside the workshop, take the machine to a level place if possible and secure and stabilise it (see IOM). If a broken-down machine has to be moved, it must be secured to the vehicle transporting it using cables or chains in accordance with the highway code.


As well as these instructions, the installer must refer to all current legal regulations on accident prevention in the country where the machine is being installed, relating to work in the workshop and to the handling of loads. The structural parts of the crane are made from special steel with a high yield point. Never carry out welding, grinding, piercing or cutting without permission and instructions from the manufacturer. When welding on the crane or the vehicle, always remove the electrical connections from the batteries to avoid damage.


3. INTRODUCTION 3.1 General indications Assembling the crane on the truck requires specific skills and must be carried out in accordance with this manual. This manual is intended for professional personnel with appropriate technical and practical training. The manufacturer will not be held liable for problems, breakages or accidents caused by failure to comply with or implement the instructions in this manual. The sections and appendices are provided as an example of good technique but can validly be replaced with equivalent practices for which the installer is responsible. The purpose of this manual is to make the installer aware, through words and figures for clarification, of the instructions and vital criteria for installing cranes on the vehicle correctly and carrying out a series of tests, on completion of the installation, with the purpose of ensuring they work properly. Before starting to assemble the crane on the vehicle, read this manual and the vehicle manual carefully, and always comply with the instructions therein. If in doubt, contact the office of the crane or vehicle manufacturer. The installation of the crane on the vehicle must be carried out only by qualified personnel in conformity with the instructions in this manual and in the vehicle manual. When transforming or adding any kind of equipment, as a general rule, nothing required for the proper operation of the vehicle parts and units in operating conditions must be altered. For example: - Free access must be ensured to points which require inspection or maintenance and periodic checks. In the case of closed superstructures, special spaces or flaps must be provided.

- Freedom of movement must be ensured for tip-up cabs; in the case of superstructures involving the part above the cab, adequate passage for suction air must be ensured. - It must be possible to dismantle the different units if any support work is needed. For example: it must be possible to carry out work on the gearbox or the clutch without having to dismantle important components of the added structure. - The engine cooling (calendar, radiator, air passages, cooling circuits, etc.) and ventilation conditions must not be altered. - The anti-noise panels must not be altered or moved so that the approved sound levels for the vehicle are not changed. When openings have to be made (e.g. to insert the longitudinal sections of the sub-frame), they must be carefully closed using materials with equivalent flammability and sound-proofing properties to the original materials.

- Adequate ventilation of the brakes and battery case must be maintained. - When positioning mudguards and wheel arches, make sure that the rear wheels can move freely, including when chains are being used.


- When the vehicle has been assembled, the headlamp setting must be checked, for safety reasons, to correct any changes in position. In such cases, it may be necessary to loosen or tighten the headlamp adjustment screw, checking the range of the position adjuster with a full load. Make the adjustment according to the instructions in the vehicle operation and maintenance manual, noting in it any new values.

- For any components provided separately (e.g. spare wheel, chocks, tank), the installer will be responsible for placing and securing them accessibly and safely, in accordance with any national regulations. - During welding, piercing, grinding and cutting work near the brake system hoses, especially if they are made of plastic, and near electric cables, take the appropriate precautions to protect them, if necessary removing them. - Additional precautions must be taken for ABS braking systems. - In addition, for electrical systems, remember: a) Precautions for the alternator To avoid damage to the diode rectifier, the battery must never be removed when the engine is running. When the vehicle has to be started when being towed, make sure that the battery has been inserted. If the battery has to be charged quickly, disengage it from the vehicle system.

b) Earth connections In principle, the vehicle’s original earth connections must not be altered; if these connections have to be moved, carefully restore the earth, ensuring its effectiveness.

c) Electric cables Electric cables must be connected using tight joints of the original type used. The additional cable must be protected in a special sheath and carefully secured using clamps.

- All parts of the vehicle (chassis, driver’s cab, superstructure, etc.) involved in the transformation or addition must be protected from oxidation and corrosion. - Protection and painting must be carried out carefully on all the parts involved. - The manufacturer aspires to improve its product continuously: it is therefore possible that some components may be altered. In the event of differences between what is described and illustrated in this manual and the crane being installed, ask for clarifications from the manufacturer. - This manual reflects the state of technology at the time the machine was put on the market and cannot be considered inadequate only because it has subsequently been updated. - All the measurements, formulae, etc. are expressed in the values laid down by the international SI system. For conversions to imperial measurements, use the conversion tables in Appendix 18.


3.2 Definitions of the main crane components







19 18



22 19 6




15 13

3 20

19 21



17 2



26 25


List of crane components 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Base Brace Outrigger beam main valve side Outrigger beam non-main valve side Oil tank Column First arm Second arm Hydraulic extensions Jib Jib securing couplings Hook Rotation cylinders First arm cylinder (lifting) Second arm cylinder (articulation) Hydraulic extension cylinders Outrigger cylinders Jib cylinder Connecting rods Main valve side controls, main valve Non-main valve side controls Crane lifting lug Securing rods Rod securing plate Truck chassis Sub-frame



3.3 Definitions of main crane accessories 1 2





8 9 7


12 13


List of main crane accessories 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Additional outriggers Manual extension Remote control unit (standard on some models) Top seat control position Footboard control position Winch Claw Bucket Pallet holder Pincer Grab Fork Pincer for wood


3.4 General indications, validity The purpose of this manual is to provide the network of installers with the information needed for: • • • • • • •

Crane truck assembly Installation Final testing Drawing up the Installation Technical File Completing the Commissioning Declaration Application of CE marking Delivery to the final customer

Since European Community regulation 2006/42/EC on machinery, known as the Machinery Directive, came into force, installers operating within the EU are required to comply with this directive, draw up the Installation Technical File for each installation and apply the installer’s CE marking. The crane must be put into service only when the entire installation conforms to the directive. Crane installation must be carried out in full compliance with the instructions provided by the manufacturers of the vehicles or fixed positions (buildings or structures) where the crane will be used. Crane installation must only be performed by a workshop, assistance centre, sales agent or other body authorised by the manufacturer, in accordance with the instructions in this manual.

3.5 Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual, Technical Specifications and Truck Installation Directives This manual provides instructions for a correct crane-truck combination. The information is given in a generic format rather than a specific one for a model of crane or type of machine or fixed position. Therefore correct installation requires the use of other documents as well as this manual:

Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual The Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual (IOM) contains the following important information: - Warnings for the safe use of the machine - The vital technical information for correct crane installation - The functions of the operating controls and safety devices installed - The purposes for which the machine is intended - Periodic maintenance - The methods for handling, storing and disposing of it.

Technical Specifications The Technical Specifications are an official document containing the technical information needed to install the crane.

Truck installation directives All manufacturers of commercial vehicles supply a manual containing the installation directives to all those in the installation network. All the information and recommendations contained in this manual concerning the addition of a superstructure to the vehicle must be confirmed by the instructions supplied by the manufacturer of the vehicle.

No modification to the vehicle can be carried out without the manufacturer’s permission.


3.6 Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC Directive 2006/42/EC, more commonly known as the “Machinery Directive”, came into force on 29/06/2006 and became binding from 29/12/2009. The directive gives the following definitions: “Machinery” — An assembly, fitted with or intended to be fitted with a drive system other than directly applied human or animal effort, consisting of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves, and which are jointed together for a specific application. — An assembly referred to in the first indent, missing only the components to connect it on site or to sources of energy and movement. — An assembly referred to in the first and seconds indents, ready to be installed and able to function as it stands only if mounted on a means of transport, or installed in a building or a structure. — Assemblies of machinery referred to in the first, second and third indents or partly completed machinery which, in order to achieve the same end, are arranged and controlled so that they function as an integral whole. — An assembly of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves and which are joined together, intended for lifting loads and whose only power source is directly applied human effort. “Interchangeable equipment” A device which, after the putting into service of machinery or of a tractor, is assembled with that machinery or tractor by the operator himself in order to change its function or attribute a new function, in so far as this equipment is not a tool. “Partly completed machinery” An assembly which is almost machinery but which cannot in itself perform a specific application. A drive system is partly completed machinery. Partly completed machinery is only intended to be incorporated into or assembled with other machinery or other partly completed machinery or equipment, thereby forming machinery to which this directive applies. “Manufacturer” Any natural or legal person who designs and/or manufactures machinery or partly completed machinery covered by this directive and is responsible for the conformity of the machinery or the partly completed machinery with this directive with a view to its being placed on the market, under his own name or trademark or for his own use. In the absence of a manufacturer as defined above, any natural or legal person who places on the market or puts into service machinery or partly completed machinery covered by this directive shall be considered a manufacturer. “Putting into service” The first use, for its intended purpose, in the Community, of machinery covered by this directive. The directive requires that the crane manufacturer or installer must check the Essential Safety Requirements. The final purpose of the Machinery Directive is to apply the CE marking to the machine and issue the Declaration of Conformity for the machine in respect of the directive. The following sanctions are identified for failure to abide by the machinery directive: • CRIMINAL SANCTIONS based on the seriousness of the event, • CIVIL SANCTIONS by means of COMPENSATION for DAMAGES (liability for defective products 85/374/EEC) • WITHDRAWAL FROM MARKET of all models of the machinery (safeguard clause) When the installer has read the Machinery Directive and understood its significance and purpose, has drawn up the Installation Technical File and commissioned the machine, he is required to apply the CE marking on the installation and provide the EC Declaration of Conformity referring to the commissioning.

The CE marking must be placed in a clearly visible place, and there must be no possibility of confusion with other existing marks or indications. The plate must be made from sturdy material and be resistant to external agents (see §16.2).


3.7 Definition of responsibilities Installers have specific liability and must take on responsibility for the final certification for commissioning including affixing the CE marking, without which the machine cannot be put on the market within the member states of the European Union. In particular the installer is responsible for: • • • • • • •

Producing the Installation Technical File; Carrying out the installation; Final testing; Instructing the user on the safe use of the machine and its operation; Marking; Commissioning and delivery to the user; Sending the duly completed and signed Commissioning Declaration to the manufacturer.

The crane manufacturer is required to release the “Declaration of Conformity” (Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex II A) and to affix the CE marking on the machine put into service. The installer is required to carry out the installation and tests in conformity with the instructions laid down by the manufacturer.


4. DELIVERING THE CRANE TO THE INSTALLER 4.1 Packaging, documents and crane movement The crane can be delivered to agents in the following ways: • Wrapped in a special protective film • Unwrapped • In closed or semi-closed wooden crates The crane must always be clamped to wooden blocks to provide support and stability during transport and storage. The following documents are supplied with the crane in a sealed bag: • • • • • • • •

EC Declaration of Conformity in accordance with Annex II A of the Machinery Directive Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual for the crane Installation Manual Spare parts catalogue Commissioning Declaration (to be countersigned) Certificate of Origin Warranty Certificate Manuals and certificates for the accessories fitted on the crane (hook, remote control unit, winch, etc.)


All machines are also supplied with an assembly kit consisting of rods, clamps and nuts. All cranes are designed with a lifting connection point at the top of the first arm, marked by a special symbol, to lift the machine. The machine can also be moved using a forklift truck. The forks must be positioned in the area of the red triangles marked on the base.

Make sure you have the necessary equipment to lift the crane and any accessories (hooks, shackles, cables, straps). The weight and size of the equipment being moved must be checked each time. Precise information about this can be found in the IOM.

The weight of the crane should be rounded up by about 100 kg for safety reasons.

The installer MUST carry out a proper full risk analysis of the workplace in accordance with directive 89/391/EEC and subsequent additions.


5. CRANE TRUCK ASSEMBLY 5.1 General indications The vast majority of loader cranes are installed on trucks for use in the building sector and transporting materials in general. Another common use is in fixed positions (see 8): in this case the crane is mounted on a base suitable to be flanged with screws and bolts.

Other installation possibilities exist, however, such as on agricultural, railway or tracked vehicles, etc. In these cases we recommend contacting the manufacturer for the necessary information. Some important checks are needed for correct crane installation on a vehicle. These are required to ensure correct crane-vehicle assembly use and performance. One of the main differences between assembly solutions concerns the position of the crane in relation to the truck body: behind the cab (cab-mounted) or behind the truck body (rear-mounted). This choice can be decided by the customer on the basis of working requirements (loading and unloading) or suggested by the installer once the load on the axles and the overall stability have been verified. The installer must carefully examine the following parameters: • LOADS ON THE VEHICLE AXLES Check that when assembled the loads on the axles are lower than the maximum loads allowed by the vehicle manufacturer and by the regulations in force in the country in which the vehicle will be driven. • SUB-FRAME Check that the truck chassis can withstand the stresses of the crane. If it cannot, work out the size of a sub-frame to place between the chassis and the crane base. • STABILITY CHECK Check stability when the crane-vehicle assembly is tipped up in operating conditions. • SIZE DURING ROAD USE Check that when the installation is complete the overall dimensions of the machine in service are lower than the maximum allowable in accordance with the regulations in force in the country in which the vehicle will be driven. This manual describes the procedures required to carry out these checks. However, remember that the results of these tests are theoretical and must always be compared with the results of practical tests performed at the end of installation. The TS contains generic indications concerning the minimum size of truck on which the crane can be installed.

Each installation must include a specific truck-crane assembly calculation.


5.2 Axle load check 5.2.1

General data required

The technical properties of the truck chassis, available in the vehicle type-approval file (DGM), must be known to ensure a correct and realistic check. You need to know the crane model, the weight of the truck body (if included in final installation) and whether additional outriggers are required. To complete the data, you must also estimate the weight of any sub-frame required. The size of the sub-frame is illustrated in section ยง6. A preliminary idea of the requirements is provided by the following table showing sub-frame weights by lifting capacity category for cabmounted installations.

Tab.1 : Indicative sub-frame weights for cab-mounted cranes LIFTING CAPACITY [kNm]


20 - 30 40 - 60 70 - 110 130 - 160 170 - 200 260 - 400 420 - 600 600 - 900 over 900

40 100 200 260 350 600 850 1250 2000

A preliminary idea of the requirements for rear-mounted assemblies is given by multiplying the weights shown by two, except for cranes over 420 kNm for which the sub-frame has to run along the whole length of the truck chassis. Appendix 9 contains a simple table of the data required for the preliminary check of the installation.




For the calculation, use the calculation procedure for beams suspended over supports (balance of moments). To distribute the weight correctly over the vehicle axles, always analyse all the concentrated loads considering their respective centres of gravity. For example: • • • • • •

additional outrigger crosspieces; sub-frame; no. of people transported in cab; any ballast, tanks, spare wheels, etc. any tipper bodies with hydraulic jacks arranged in other than in the centre of gravity position; roll-off systems.

The axle load check consists of checking that the sum of weights on each individual axle is less than the maximum load capacity specified by the truck manufacturer. These values are shown in the vehicle DGM.

Before carrying out the installation, as a rule it is good to determine, by weighing, the masses/tares of the specific vehicle with cab, as the values in the manufacturers’ technical documentation refer to vehicles in their standard specification; special equipment can lead to variations in the masses and their distribution over the axles. Moreover, all vehicle manufacturers state that, in production, variations in mass of the order of 5% can occur.



Pc Pb






Pb Pc

Ys Yb

Yc Yb wb

Yc wb Yg


Cab-mounted crane

Rear-mounted crane

Reaction on rear axle: Pg ⋅ Yg + Pc ⋅ Yc + Pb ⋅ Yb + Ps ⋅ Ys wb

Reaction on front axle: R a = Ta + Tp + Pg + Pb + Pc + Ps − R p







R p = Tp +


Total residual load of vehicle Pres = MTT − R a − R p

where GVM is the gross vehicle mass, the value of which can be found in the DGM. The residual load, assuming that its centre of gravity is at the centre of the truck body, is divided between the vehicle’s two axles. ,

Pres p = Pres ⋅

Yb wb ,


Pres a = Pres − Pres p

The conditions under which the installation is satisfactorily checked are as follows: ,




R a + Pres a ≤ Tadm a R p + Pres p ≤ Tadm p

For cab-mounted installation, if the check is not satisfactory, solutions can be adopted on a case-by-case basis: • • • •

Move the crane towards the rear axle, but this will reduce the length of the body. As far as current regulations allow, lengthen the body to move its centre of gravity towards the rear axle. Where allowed by current regulations, reduce the maximum gross vehicle mass (GVM). During transport, rather than putting the crane arm back in the home position, it can be put back on the vehicle body. This noticeably reduces the load on the front axle, as the machine’s centre of gravity is moved towards the rear axle, and the type-approval requirements are met. In this case, the installer is responsible for fitting a rigid hook on the body to secure the crane arm during transport: the hook must be integral to the crane base.



Final comments

In this section we have examined weight distribution on the truck and implied that the weights must be applied at their centre of gravity. This is all extremely simple as far as the body, sub-frame and additional outriggers are concerned. However, for crane weights and centres of gravity, refer to the indications given in the TS or IOM.

Remember that the weights indicated do NOT include: • Oil in the tank • Assembly kit • Pump and PTO In the examples given reference is made to trucks with two axles. If the crane is installed on a truck with three or more axles, use the “technical wheelbase” (wb*) of the truck to identify the application points for Ra and Rb. (see following figure)

Tandem rear axles (6x4 or 6x6 vehicle)


wb = wb1−2 +

wb 2−3 2

Independent rear axles (6x2 vehicle)


wb = wb1−2 +

wb 2−3 3

The additional outriggers have been included for all the calculations shown. If there are no additional outriggers on the machine simply eliminate the term for the outriggers from the formula. Once the installation solution has been decided, the axle load calculation must be reviewed in the light of the actual weights of the body and sub-frame. Remember that the calculation shown is theoretical given that the weights used are not precise. Therefore calculation and, following installation, verification of the actual loads on the axles must be performed by weighing the axles.

The result of the calculations and final check must be recorded in the Installation Technical File.


5.3 Theoretical stability check during tipping 5.3.1


This section describes the procedure used for the theoretical calculation of stability, i.e. the ability of the truck to support the crane, during operation, without the crane-vehicle assembly tipping over. The calculation consists of checking that the stabilising moment, Mstab, is always greater than the tipping moment Mtip, i.e.

Mstab > Mtip From practical tests, to achieve acceptable stability, it is necessary to check that .

Mstab ≥ 1 1⋅ Mtip

• STABILISING MOMENT (Mstab) The stabilising moment is the moment caused by all the weights contributing to the stability of the assembly such as the weight of the truck, crane base and column, truck body, sub-frame, pump and PTO, oil in the tank and any additional outriggers or other accessories on the vehicle. • TIPPING MOMENT (Mtip) The tipping moment is the moment caused by all the weights overhanging the crane (crane arm), any lifting accessories (claw, bucket, etc.) and the load itself, multiplied by the appropriate safety coefficients, which contribute to the tipping of the installation (the value of the overhanging weights and their positions is given in the TS). In theory, stability must be checked for each load specified in the crane loads chart. However, in the light of various case studies, load configurations critical for stability are those with maximum hydraulic extension of the basic crane. On cranes with a jib, the following two configurations needed to be checked: hydraulic extensions retracted for the jib and extended for the crane; hydraulic extensions extended for the jib and extended for the crane. Often the preliminary calculation shows a lack of assembly stability. Therefore additional outriggers or extra-extendable outriggers should be used on the basic crane. Alternatively ballast can be used to increase the stabilising mass or the crane load capacity can be downgraded. If additional outriggers are installed on vehicles with a cab-mounted crane then the outriggers should be fitted near the rear axle of the vehicle. This significantly increases the torsional rigidity of the installation thus optimising the stabilising effect of the outriggers. The TS contains general indications about the minimum size of truck required to install each crane model.

Each installation must include a specific truck-crane assembly calculation and this must be included in the Installation Technical File. Satisfactory stability values for the 180° load sector above the cab are not usually obtained for cab-mounted cranes. Two solutions, illustrated in the next section, can and should be adopted for the crane if this situation occurs, even theoretically: • A mechanical or electro-hydraulic device to limit the working arc to the area in which stability is guaranteed. • An electro-hydraulic device to reduce the load capacity in the arc where stability is lacking. The preliminary theoretical stability calculation must be supported by the final practical check when the assembly is completed (see §15.4.4).



Stability calculation

All data relating to weights and dimensions of the crane and additional outriggers are specified in the TS. The TL and Gb values are calculated in the IOM. • TEST CONFIGURATIONS FOR CAB-MOUNTED CRANE INSTALLATION








Cab-mounted crane without additional outriggers Load sector: side-rear

Cab-mounted crane with additional outriggers Load sector: side-rear

Xt l



Xg ,m Xa x, tip






Xa x,

tip Xg ,m






Ra* Rp*




Xg,m Xtl


Cab-mounted crane Load sector: front

Cab-mounted crane Load sector: side front






G Xtl







tip Xax,





Rp* Ra*


Rear-mounted crane without additional outriggers Load sector: side-rear

Rear-mounted crane with additional outriggers Load sector: side-rear Xtl Xg,m





Xax,tip Hp Ha

Rear-mounted crane Load sector: rear

• THEORETICAL STABILITY CHECK The test load value, TL, is set in accordance with EN 12999, using the following formula:

Gb =

Xg m X tl






TL = 1 2 ⋅ Pn + 0 2 ⋅ Gb

TL ≥ 1 25 ⋅ Pn


The values of the “corrected” tares Ra* and Rp*, which do not take into consideration the weight of the overhanging parts of the crane, are calculated using the following formulae (the symbols used are illustrated in §5.2.2): *

Rp = Rp −

Yg wb



Yg ⎞ ⎛ ⎟G R a = R a − ⎜⎜ 1 − wb ⎟⎠ ⎝ 21

The test involves checking the ratio between the stabilising moment (Mstab) and the tipping moment (Mtip) calculated using the following formulae: *


M stab = R a ⋅H a + R p ⋅Hp







M tip = TL ⋅ X tl − X ax tip + G ⋅ X g m − X ax tip



Mstab ≥1 1 M tip

For the crane-truck assembly to be considered suitable, including from the stability point of view, the condition must be fulfilled along the whole working arc of the machine. If the preliminary analysis produces a negative result, various solutions are available: • Use of extra-extendable outriggers • Use of additional outriggers • Or downgrading the machine.

In the latter case, the new load values must be marked on the new decals to be fixed onto the machine and in the User Manual.


6. SUB-FRAME SIZE 6.1 General indications The sub-frame size can be worked out in accordance with standard EN 12999, bearing in mind that the vehicle manufacturer’s instructions are binding.

The installer is responsible for ensuring that, during road use, the overall dimensions of the crane/vehicle assembly (with or without chassis) comply with the regulations in force in the country of use. During operation with a load, cranes are subject to a type of stress known as maximum dynamic load moment (Md), which is applied on the column axis. The chassis/sub-frame is subject to the effective dynamic load moment, Mdef. The maximum allowable stress, σadm, is defined in standard EN 12999 according to the type of steel used. The main properties of the most commonly used steels for mechanical structures are illustrated in Appendix 2. To choose the best material, all the properties of the steel must be considered: • tensile and yield strength, Rm and RS • allowable strength, σadm • resilience (minimum absorbed energy of 27J) The resilience value is very important as it provides the minimum temperature below which the material becomes brittle and thus does not undergo plastic deformation before fracture.

The material with the right resilience for the worst operating weather conditions likely must be chosen.


6.2 Moment acting on the chassis and sub-frame As the crane base is not totally rigid, it imparts irregular stresses from the load and the crane structure on the chassis/sub-frame of the vehicle. Thus, the further the column is from the vehicle axis, the more the dynamic moment of the crane acts on the corresponding side of the chassis/sub-frame. As a precaution, we propose an assessment of the dynamic moment which actually acts on a single chassis/sub-frame torque, which we will call the effective dynamic moment, Mdef. To assess the moments involved correctly, the effective dynamic moment, Mdef, must be considered as it takes into account the overload on a single chassis/sub-frame due to the misalignment D of the column with the vehicle axis.

Md Md /2 e col t

Column side The moment Mdef affecting the chassis/sub-frame on the column side, is calculated using the following formula: M def = M d ⋅ β


β = 1+

e col t

1 ≤β ≤1 2

β is the distribution factor ecol is the misalignment of the column with the vehicle axis t is the distance between the chassis axis and the vehicle axis (for the calculations, it is assumed t = 400 mm). Non-column side On the chassis/sub-frame on the other side to the column, consider an effective bending moment equal to Md Mdef =

Md 2

From the above, if the crane is misaligned, the size of the sub-frame can be different on the column side from the non-column side, while maintaining the same external shape.


From the above, we make the following simple remarks.

Md is equal to zero on the crane hook and is at its maximum value on the column axis. The stress on the crane due to Md is transferred irregularly through the base to the individual side members of the vehicle chassis, Mdef, with the maximum value near the crane base, and a linear decrease to zero at the height of the rear support which can be the additional outriggers or truck suspension system. Moments acting on the side members Column side: Mdef Non-column side: Mdef = Md / 2


Senza additional stablizzatori suppl. Without outriggers


If a section of the chassis or sub-frame is changed, a new check must be carried out at that point, referring to the bending moment MC acting on that point:

With outriggers Conadditional stablizzatori suppl.



Mc =

D s − sez c D col − s

⋅ M def


Ds-sez,c Dcol-s

M def

The maximum dynamic moment (Md) values necessary for the test in question are given in the TS and the IOM.


6.3 Preliminary check It is assumed that the maximum effective dynamic load moment, Mdef is absorbed by the vehicle chassis alone. The stress on the chassis is

σt =

Mdef Wt

where Wt indicates the modulus of resistance to stress of each individual side member of the vehicle. If σt is not above the allowable stress of the vehicle chassis material (σadm,t), a sub-frame is not necessary. In this case simply insert a wear-resistant load distribution plate between the base of the crane and the surface of the chassis.

s min

Minimum size of plate: - Lt = width of truck chassis - 1.2 Lbas = 1.2 width of crane base > 80 mm - smin = minimum thickness 8 mm

L bas

1.2 L bas

Securing method

Wear-resistant plate

If the stress σt is greater than the maximum allowable, a sub-frame must be fitted, of a size which complies with the instructions illustrated below.

The allowable strength values of the most commonly used types of steel are indicated in Appendix 2.


6.4 Sub-frame size 6.4.1

Flexible assembly

Flexible assembly of the sub-frame allows limited horizontal movement between the chassis and sub-frame. In this case, the two sections can be considered as two separate beams which work in parallel. It is assumed that the unit made up of the chassis and sub-frame is not a single resistant section. The Mdef moment is distributed between chassis and sub-frame proportionally to their respective moments of inertia. Let Mt and Mc be the moments absorbed respectively by the chassis and the subframe:

where Jt Jc

⎛ Jt M t =M def ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎝ Jt + Jc

⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠

⎛ Jc M c =M def ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎝ Jt + Jc

⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠

moment of inertia of a single chassis section moment of inertia of a single sub-frame section

The following two inequalities must be checked for both the chassis side members ,

σ adm t ≥ ,

σ adm c ≥


Mt Wt

(allowable strength of the chassis material)

Mc Wc

(allowable strength of the sub-frame material)

Rigid assembly

Rigid assembly does not allow any movement between chassis and sub-frame. In this case both sections can be considered as a single beam. The size of the chassis/sub-frame connection system must take into consideration the resulting sheer strength.






σ adm c ≥




σ adm t ≥



where: W*t modulus of resistance of the total section (chassis + sub-frame; one side member) calculated at the end of the chassis furthest from the neutral axis of the total section W*c modulus of resistance of the total section (chassis + sub-frame; one side member) calculated at the end of the sub-frame furthest from the neutral axis of the total section The calculation must be made for both the vehicle side members.



Torsion check on the chassis/sub-frame unit

For rear-mounted cranes, the vehicle chassis may be subject to high torsional deformations which may cause one or more wheels to leave the ground, affecting the stability check.

Although checking torsion is very complex as it includes many variables (complex structure), the torsional effects as a whole can be checked approximately distinguishing two different types of connection between the sub-frame crosspieces: • CONNECTION USING BOXES AND DIAGONAL CROSSES

In this case, the torsional stiffening of the connections is very limited and for simplification will be ignored. The torsional effect is compensated by the linear deformation of a single chassis/sub-frame unit, assuming a rigid tie near the cab. The deformation f can be determined approximately using the following formula

where: E Lc Jt,c Md t

Lc3 ⋅ Md 3tEJ t c ,


Modulus of elasticity on traction of the steel (206000 MPa) Free length of the sub-frame (the distance between the column axis and the front axle, Yg can be assumed) Moment of inertia of the chassis/sub-frame section (see §6.4.4) Maximum dynamic moment of the crane Distance of axles from chassis side members


The value must be interpreted on the basis of the assumed calculation hypotheses. However, for a rough assessment, use table Tab.2 Tab.2 : Torsional deformation of vehicle chassis f [mm]

ASSESSMENT OF DEFORMATION Small torsional deformation Torsional stiffening not necessary Medium-small torsional deformation, within acceptable limits Torsional stiffening not necessary (check torsion during stability tests) Medium-high torsional deformation, check with more accurate instruments Consider torsional stiffening High torsional deformation Seriously consider torsional stiffening

f < 200 200 ≤ f < 400 400 ≤ f < 1000 f ≥ 1000

High torsional stiffening can be achieved by making the sub-frame section larger or providing a high and low closing of the sub-frame using connection plates along the whole length of the sub-frame.

• CONNECTION USING CONNECTION PLATES In this case the torsional resistance is exerted almost totally by the sub-frame, considered a single closed box. 1. Upper connection plate 2. Lower connection plate








The torsional deformation f* can be calculated using the following formula:

where: G’ Lc Jtor Md t

1 Lc ⋅ t Md 2 J tor ⋅ G '


f =

Tangent modulus of elasticity of the steel (78400 MPa) Free length of the sub-frame Torsional stiffening factor of the whole sub-frame Maximum dynamic moment of the crane Distance of axles from chassis side members 2 ab 2 a b + ︵ ︶s1 s2

J tor =

If the section has a different shape, use dedicated software for calculating Jtor.



Calculation of the moments of inertia and moduli of resistance

Approximate formulae to calculate the moment of inertia and stress resistance for the most common chassis and sub-frame sections are given below.








BH3 − bh3 12





In both cases

In the case of a sub-frame rigidly tied to the chassis, the values for the resulting total section must be calculated: Bc bc

Wc =

J tot H c − Ycg


J tot H t + Ycg Ycg

Wt =


Jtot = Jt + Jc + A t ⋅ (Ht / 2 + Ycg) 2 + A c ⋅ (Hc / 2 − Ycg) 2


where cg is the centre of gravity of the total section and A c ⋅ Hc / 2 − A t ⋅ H t / 2 Ac + A t



Ycg =

and Ac and At are the areas of the chassis and sub-frame sections respectively bt Bt

The area under the crane base must also be able to resist the crush caused by securing the crane. For this reason boxed sections are recommended at all times. When necessary the truck chassis must also be strengthened in this area.

To calculate the resistance properties of complex sections accurately, use dedicated software. For the properties of commercial boxed sections, see Appendix 17.



Sub-frame section tables

The following tables show various types of sub-frame sections for which the values of J (centre of gravity moment of inertia) and W (modulus of resistance) are given, expressed in cm4 and cm3 respectively, whereas dimensions are expressed in mm. For the properties of commercial boxed sections, see Appendix 17. Tab.3 : Moments of inertia and moduli of resistance for boxed sub-frame H 80


100 120




140 160 180 200

B s J W J W J W J W J W J W J W

5 106 27 186 37 294 49 436 62 615 77 835 93 1100 110

60 6 121 30 212 42 338 56 504 72 712 89 970 108 1281 128

8 143 36 256 51 413 69 621 89 885 111 1212 135 1608 161

5 121 30 208 42 327 55 482 69 675 84 911 101 1195 119

70 6 137 34 239 48 377 63 557 80 784 98 1061 118 1394 139

8 164 41 290 58 464 77 690 99 977 122 1330 148 1756 176

5 135 34 231 46 360 60 527 75 735 92 988 110 1290 129

80 6 154 38 266 53 417 69 611 87 855 107 1152 128 1507 151

8 185 46 324 65 514 86 760 109 1070 134 1449 161 1903 190

5 149 37 254 51 394 66 573 82 795 99 1064 118 1385 138

90 6 170 43 292 58 456 76 665 95 926 116 1243 138 1620 162

8 206 51 358 72 564 94 830 119 1162 145 1567 174 2051 205

10 837 140 1250 179 1764 221 2388 265 3128 313 3993 363 4992 416 6132 472

6 701 117 1016 145 1401 175 1862 207 2401 240 3026 275 3739 312 4547 350

90 8 839 140 1231 176 1714 214 2294 255 2977 298 3769 343 4677 390 5708 439

10 939 156 1396 199 1962 245 2645 294 3453 345 4395 400 5477 456 6709 516

6 771 128 1115 159 1533 192 2031 226 2614 261 3286 299 4051 338 4916 378

100 8 926 154 1355 194 1881 235 2510 279 3248 325 4103 373 5079 423 6185 476

10 1040 173 1541 220 2159 270 2902 322 3779 378 4796 436 5963 497 7286 560

6 4839 457 6021 519 7359 584 8859 651 10530 721 12379 794

120 8 6185 573 7709 653 9437 737 11377 824 13541 915 15937 1009

10 7419 674 9261 772 11352 873 13704 979 16330 1089 19241 1203

Tab.4 : Moments of inertia and moduli of resistance for double C sub-frame H 120


140 160




180 200 220

B 240 260

B s J W J W J W J W J W J W J W J W

6 560 93 819 117 1138 142 1522 169 1977 198 2506 228 3115 260 3808 293

70 8 664 111 984 141 1381 173 1862 207 2434 243 3102 282 3873 323 4754 366

10 736 123 1105 158 1567 196 2130 237 2803 280 3592 327 4507 376 5554 427

6 630 105 917 131 1270 159 1692 188 2189 219 2766 251 3427 286 4177 321

80 8 752 125 1108 158 1548 193 2078 231 2705 271 3435 312 4275 356 5231 402

Tab.5 : Moments of inertia and moduli of resistance for double C sub-frame with reinforcement s


H 200






240 260 280



B s J W J W J W J W J W J W

6 3820 360 4782 412 5877 466 7115 523 8501 582 10042 644

90 8 4851 449 6084 516 7492 585 9084 658 10871 735 12861 814


10 5781 526 7263 605 8958 689 10878 777 13036 869 15443 965

6 4160 392 5195 448 6371 506 7696 566 9177 629 10821 694

100 8 5296 490 6626 562 8140 636 9849 714 11761 795 13886 879

10 6327 575 7929 661 9756 750 11820 844 14134 942 16709 1044

6 4499 424 5608 483 6865 545 8278 609 9854 675 11600 744

110 8 5740 532 7167 607 8788 687 10613 769 12651 855 14912 944

10 6873 625 8595 716 10554 812 12762 912 15232 1015 17975 1123

6.5 Sub-frame design 6.5.1

Types of sub-frame

The sub-frame can be made from sections with different shapes. Usually it consists of sheet metal folded into a C shape or a rectangular tube. To make the sub-frame properly, it is necessary to know whether the crane is to be cab-mounted or rear-mounted.

• CAB-MOUNTED CRANE For a cab-mounted crane, the ideal length of the sub-frame side members starts from under the truck cab, depending on the objects located there, up to the front supports for the rear springs, or up to the last connection crosspiece located before the connection device between the rear wheels. In any event the sub-frame must have a length, with a constant section, not less than 2÷2.5 times the width of the crane base and must always end after a crosspiece connecting the vehicle side members.

• REAR-MOUNTED CRANE For cranes mounted on the rear overhang the sub-frame must cover the whole of the container body length up to the rear support for the front spring. The section must be constant at least up to the forwardmost point (towards the cab) of suspension reaction. In this section the sub-frame must be strengthened, particularly against torsional effects (see §6.4.3). The sub-frame side members must be connected using crosspieces or diagonal crosses to improve strength.

Rear-mounting offers advantages in terms of the load transferred to the vehicle axles in that the load permitted on the rear axle of a vehicle is greater than that permitted on the front axle. On the other hand, the torsion transferred to the chassis/sub-frame assembly is a disadvantage from the point of view of stability as the heavy stabilising weights located at the front have a proportionately small effect on stability as the system is not perfectly rigid.



Sub-frame assembly using welding

The sub-frame must be assembled on special adjustable supports so that the side members are perfectly level and parallel with each other (this must be checked with a spirit level).

Do NOT assemble the sub-frame directly on the vehicle chassis.

As regards the welding required to assemble the sub-frame, comply with the following instructions.

• Welding must be carried out by specially trained personnel, who are certified in accordance with standard EN 287. Use suitable equipment for professional welding. The filler materials used must be compatible with the materials used to manufacture the subframe. Certificates for welders, plates and welding wires must be archived as part of the Installation Technical File.

• Parts to be welded must be treated in advance (sand-blasting, sanding, etc.) to remove any rust or oxidation. • For butt joint welds, make a V-groove of approximately 60° on the inside of the parts to be joined, along the whole length of the area to be welded.

• • • •

Before welding, make sure that the edges to be welded have been cleared of organic and hygroscopic materials. If the ambient temperature is lower than +5°C, the plates to be welded must be preheated. Affix a few welding spots to keep the two contact parts in the correct position. Carry out arc welding with several passes using carefully dried base electrodes, or with MIG/MAG welding with appropriate filler material. Avoid power overloads; the welding must not have any marginal incisions or slag. • Where possible carry out back rewelding as described in the previous point. • Leave the side members to cool slowly and uniformly. Cooling using an air jet, water or other means is not allowed. • For butt joints, remove any excess material by grinding.


• Vertical welds must be carried out from bottom to top.

Welding direction

• Any steel plates inserted between the chassis and sub-frame to ensure continuity of support must be applied directly on the lower wing of the sub-frame. • The application must be made using intermittent welding or else using spot welding


1. Sub-frame




2. Plate 3. Intermittent welding 4. Spot welding



• The contact surfaces between plate and sub-frame must be treated in advance against corrosion. • The brackets and plates used to secure the sub-frame to the chassis must be welded to the sub-frame around the whole external perimeter of the core using continuous corner welds or, alternatively, with carefully sealed intermittent welds.

1. Continuous corner welding 2. Sealed intermittent welding

• The contact surfaces between plate and sub-frame must be treated in advance against corrosion or sealed.

After welding, check that the sub-frame side members are flat and parallel to each other and rectify this with the appropriate tools if necessary.

For more information on welding techniques, see Appendix 14.



Connection crosspieces

The sub-frame side members must be connected to each other using a set of connection crosspieces to strengthen them against torsion. The material and size of these crosspieces must be the same as those used to make the sub-frame. The crosspieces may have an open section or a closed section if greater rigidity is needed.

1. Sub-frame 2. Crosspiece with open section 3. Crosspiece with closed section

Normally the same number of crosspieces is applied as the number of existing ones on the vehicle chassis. When this is too many due to the crane-vehicle assembly, the crosspieces can be more spaced out. Otherwise, i.e. if there are not enough crosspieces to contain the torsion transferred by the crane to the vehicle side members, one or more diagonal crosses are added. Adding the aforementioned diagonal crosses to the sub-frame is particularly recommended on vehicles with a long wheelbase and for rear-mounted cranes, which have to contain the torsional effect caused by the crane. If this is still not sufficient, use anti-torsion plates (see ยง6.4.3).

1. Connection crosspieces 2. Connection diagonal crosses



Tapering the sub-frame

• FREE REAR END Tapering in height with an angle of 30°÷ 45°, with rounding of the wing in contact with the chassis with a radius of approximately 5 mm, and also at places with reduced sections.

0.2 ÷ 0.3 h


All components forming the sub-frame must be tapered.

The section which is always closed in the area where the crane sits can be moved to an open section after the rear spring front coupling and in any event with a gradual variation from the open section to the closed section. If a section is made with two internal parts the innermost one must be at least as long as the distance indicated previously. The sub-frame must rest on flat surfaces to ensure optimum and safe connection with the chassis.



Rust-protection and painting

All vehicle parts involved in the transformation or addition must be protected from oxidation and corrosion. All the parts involved must be protected and painted carefully. In particular, the finished (completely assembled) sub-frame must be treated with a cycle including: - Degreasing of surfaces with appropriate solvents which are not harmful to human health; - Electrophoresis, or alternatively treatment with a rust inhibitor; - Painting using suitable products and thicknesses (approximately 60 Îźm).

1. Welded and sealed plate 2. Sub-frame 3. Chassis

All welded parts must be cleaned before being painted.

The sub-frame must be closed at the ends with welded and sealed plates; otherwise, the open and semi-open boxes of the sub-frame must be protected with oil-wax bases. Seal joints and overlays and protect areas subject to abrasive action with specific products.

• PRECAUTIONS The necessary precautions must be taken to protect those parts on which paint might be harmful for their preservation and operation such as: - Rubber or plastic hoses for pneumatic and hydraulic systems - Rubber or plastic parts of seals - Shock absorber, hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder shafts - Plates, trade marks, etc.



Integral sub-frame

For large-capacity machines, a sub-frame which is integral to the crane base can be made. In this case the crane base is designed to enable the sub-frame tubular sections to be welded to it.

The sub-frame tubular sections must NOT be connected to the crane base if the latter has not been specially designed to secure the integrated sub-frame.

The welding of structural components must be carried out by qualified and certified personnel in accordance with standard EN 287. All instructions relating to the size, securing and manufacture of the sub-frame remain unchanged.

Certificates for welders, plates and welding wires must be archived as part of the Installation Technical File.


The part for which dell'installatore the installer is responsible is within the La parte a carico è quella all'interno del rectangle rettangolo


6.6 Securing the sub-frame 6.6.1

Preparing the chassis

For the quality and good operation of the installation, it is vitally important to ensure the chassis is completely flat before starting to assemble the crane. This means that the side members must be parallel and that the chassis is not distorted. To make a chassis with pneumatic suspension flat, at least 3 adjustable supports must be used. These supports must not be removed during the installation.

If the chassis is moved during the installation, it must be made flat again.


Size of threaded connections

A simple, but effective and safe, method is given below to work out the size of the threaded connections and identify the number of screws to use per linear metre. The method is based on calculating the shear effect transferred from the sub-frame to the chassis.

b3 H1

a1 = H1 - 2b1 a2 = H2 - 2b4 s1 = b1 + b2 + b3 s2 = b4



The minimum number of screws is Fc s1 + s 2 ⋅ 2 s1 ⋅ a1 + s 2 ⋅ a 2

b4 H2

Nv = C ⋅


where: C = coefficient linked to type of screw (see table of coefficients C) Fc = Md / D* chassis (1) + sub-frame (2)



• CALCULATING FORCE Fc When assembling additional outriggers Fc is the maximum axial load allowable on the outrigger jack for a specified model of additional crosspiece.



If the installation does not include additional outriggers but only a chassis under the body which extends as far as the rear axle, the force Fc is given by Fc = Md / D* where: D* = min(Dcol-c, Dcol-p) Dcol-c = distance between crane column axis - end of sub-frame Dcol-p = distance between crane column - vehicle rear axle

D col-c D col-p

Tab.6 : Coefficient C to calculate the number of screws to secure the sub-frame Screw diameter

Coefficient C (class 8.8 screw)

Factor C (class 10.9 screw)

M12 M14 M16

0.5 0.4 0.3

0.4 0.3 0.2

Valid with hole play greater than 0.2 mm and tangent stress transmitted by friction with coefficient 0.45.

If securing rods cannot be passed through the sides of the chassis to secure the crane with the special clamps, the crane can be secured using rods and flanges on the outside of the chassis and sub-frame which in turn are screwed onto the sides of the chassis. This requires the use of many screws and in this case the value of Fc is Fc = Md / Lc


Tightening torque (Nm) 8.8 94 148 234

10.9 127 204 317


Securing the sub-frame

The choice of connection used is very important in terms of resistance and rigidity. It can be elastic (brackets) or rigid and shear-resistant (plates with longitudinal and transverse resistance). The choice must be made according to the type of installation assessing the stresses which the crane transfers to the vehicle chassis in static and dynamic conditions. The size and design of the securing devices, suitably spaced along the length of the sub-frame, must ensure a good connection between the vehicle chassis and the sub-frame. The connection components already provided on the vehicle chassis must preferably be used, unless shear-resistant connections are necessary.

Do not drill any holes in the chassis wings or carry out welding on the vehicle chassis when securing the sub-frame to the chassis. Any additional holes in the body must be made in accordance with the standards in the vehicle manufacturer’s manual.

There must be continuity of support between the sub-frame and the chassis sections. If this is not achieved, the continuity can be restored by inserting steel plates of the appropriate thickness. Loose pieces of wood or elastic materials are not allowed and the use of light alloy components is not recommended as they can cause corrosion in the part in contact with the steel. Sometimes, as there are rivets on the upper wing of the chassis, for the continuity of the support level, a steel plate of the appropriate thickness will have to be inserted. It must have holes matching the rivet heads. This component must not be welded to the sub-frame.

1. Sub-frame 2. Plate 3. Chassis 4. Holes matching the chassis rivets


โ ข CONNECTION WITH BRACKETS The brackets are attached to the outside of the chassis side members using bolts or rivets, whereas they can be welded onto the subframe. The brackets must be appropriately distributed along the length of the sub-frame (as an indication, assume a distance between brackets of 750 รท 1000 mm). If extra holes need to be made in the chassis, make them in accordance with the specific instructions issued by the vehicle manufacturer. For the elasticity of the connection, during assembly, the distance between the chassis and sub-frame brackets must be 1รท2 mm before closing the securing bolts, greater distances must be reduced using shims. Using bolts of the correct length improves the elasticity of the connection.

1. Sub-frame Leave 1รท2 mm before closing

2. Chassis 3. Shims

Leave 1รท2 mm before closing

If there is still a risk of the bolts becoming loose, bolts approximately 100/120 mm long must be used. If long bolts are used to secure the brackets, spacer bushes of the right length must be inserted.

Compensate for uneven spaces with at most 4 shims. A gap of 1 mm is allowed

For long bolts, use spacer sleeves. Leave 1รท2 mm before closing


Brackets for securing to vehicles usually have slots in the longitudinal direction of the vehicle. These slots compensate for tolerances and, in the case of connections subject to shear forces, they allow for the inevitable longitudinal movement between chassis and sub-frame. To compensate for distances in width, the brackets for securing the sub-frame can also have slots, and these must be placed at right angles to the longitudinal direction of the vehicle. The quality of the material the nuts are made from must be chosen in accordance with that of the screws. It is best to use safety nuts to prevent unscrewing. Usually the brackets are fitted so that they just stick out above the chassis to guide and restrict sideways movement of loads. If the brackets are fitted flush with the upper wing of the side member, the side guide for the crane must be designed in a different way (e.g. using guide plates connected just to the sub-frame or just to the chassis and placed on the other component). If a connection with greater elasticity is wanted, securing devices with elastic components inserted can be used (Belleville washers, 1).

When choosing the components for this securing system, limit the yield of the elastic component (30-40 mm) to ensure sufficient elasticity from the sub-frame and avoid excessive bending of the original chassis.



Unless specifically stated, based on the calculations made, the connection plates must be of a material and thickness equal or greater than that used to make the vehicle chassis. It is a rigid connection which allows a good reaction capacity to transverse and longitudinal forces and provides the assembly with greater rigidity. The plates are attached to the outside of the chassis side members using bolts, whereas they can be welded onto the sub-frame.

1. Chassis 2. Sub-frame 3. Securing plate

For this type of connection remember:

• Correct use of the plates means that there must be perfect contact between the lower surface of the sub-frame and the vehicle chassis. • If this is not guaranteed, the contact must be restored by adding steel plates of the appropriate thickness. • Connection with shear-resistant plates must be carried out in accordance with one of the following two criteria: 1) The stress between the plate and chassis is transferred by friction - The bolts must have a partly threaded shank, and there must not be contact between the thread and the hole wall; - The quality of the bolts must comply with the vehicle manufacturer’s instructions; - The play between bolt and hole can be between 0.2 and 1 mm; - The surfaces of the plate and chassis must be cleaned and degreased; - The bolts must be tightened with a torque wrench in accordance with the values set by the vehicle manufacturer; - Elastic washers (Grover type, etc.) must NOT be used: we recommend using flat washers for use with high-resistance bolts. 2) The stress between the plate and chassis is transferred predominantly through the shear stress of the bolts - The bolts must have a partly threaded shank, and there must not be contact between the thread and the hole wall; - The quality of the bolts must comply with the vehicle manufacturer’s instructions; - The play between the bolt and the hole must be less than or equal to 0.2 mm; - The entire surface of the plates must be protected against corrosion; - The bolts must be tightened with a torque wrench in accordance with the values set by the vehicle manufacturer; - Elastic washers (Grover type, etc.) must NOT be used: we recommend using flat washers for use with high-resistance bolts.

NO !!

YES !!


• CONNECTION WITH SUPPORTS For this connection a spacer must be inserted between the wings of the two side members in the area of the connection supports to prevent the wings bending in the area of the rods. This type of connection must be completed by plates welded to the sub-frame to guide the superstructure horizontally. This type of connection is not recommended to be used on its own because it must be integrated with the rear part using plates with transverse and longitudinal resistance.

1. Chassis 2. Sub-frame 3. Support 4. Self-locking system 5. Shim 6. Guide plate

• MIXED CONNECTION An excellent compromise is to use a mixed connection system, i.e. one which uses rigid devices (plates) and elastic ones (brackets and supports). As a general rule, rigid connection devices should be used when greater torsional resistance is required of the chassis/subframe assembly. Rigid connection devices at the rear of the truck and at least two elastic devices on each side at the cab end of the sub-frame are recommended for rear-mounted cranes.


7. INSTALLATION OF STANDARD CRANE 7.1 Securing the crane on the vehicle 7.1.1

Preliminary checks

The first thing to do to secure the crane is to establish the crane’s position on the vehicle. Position the crane over the sub-frame in the desired position (cab-mounted or rear-mounted), keeping it slightly suspended with the lifting equipment, and perform a visual check that: a) The position of the rotation dead point is in the indicated area, in accordance with the type of installation to be carried out. If this is not the case, refer to the instructions issued by the manufacturer. As a general rule, unless specifically requested, it is good to position the rotation dead point in the area in which the least work is done with the crane (e.g. for cab-mounted assembly in the area above the cab, for rear-mounted assembly in the rear area of the vehicle). To ensure the operator has an easy escape route and to protect him from the load if the manoeuvre goes wrong, we recommend installing the machine with the outriggers over the vehicle body. If this is not possible because of existing objects/free spaces on the vehicle, fit the machine with special devices to allow the operator not to be in hazardous areas (top seat control position, footboard control position, remote control by cable/radio) or to inform the operator, by means of appropriate written notices, of the existence of residual risks (limited escape routes). b) The position of the crane (centre of gravity) is actually that planned in the previous calculations to distribute the weight over the axles. c) In front of and behind the crane there are the minimum gaps necessary to carry out opening/closing operations, rotation and maintenance of the machine. d) The outrigger jacks, in their transport position, do not interfere with any part of the vehicle (fuel tanks, battery case, air tanks, etc.). If there is interference and it is absolutely impossible to work on the machine (e.g. fitting rotary plates for outriggers), before carrying out any movements, the following must be borne in mind: - No alterations can be made to the vehicle braking system, unless explicitly authorised by the vehicle manufacturer. - No alterations can be made to the vehicle ventilation and exhaust systems, unless explicitly authorised by the vehicle manufacturer. - Units such as the fuel tank, battery case, spare wheel, etc. can be moved provided that their functionality is not compromised, the original connection is restored and their position is not substantially changed with respect to the centre line of the vehicle chassis. e) There are no obstacles preventing the passage of the securing rods which connect the crane base, sub-frame and frame in a single unit. f) The crane is positioned on the centre line of the vehicle and the clearance gauge limit for the crane/vehicle assembly is complied with.


Having established the crane’s position and checked all the above points, it is possible to proceed with securing the crane.

Remember that the braking system circuit MUST NOT be modified. If any change is made without the vehicle manufacturer’s authorisation, the person making the change is totally and solely liable for it.

If the ventilation and exhaust systems are tampered with or altered incorrectly without the manufacturer’s authorisation, considerable damage can be caused to the engine, affecting its efficiency, performance and reliability.


Anchor rods and plates

The first step in installing the crane is to secure it to the vehicle. This is done using specific securing rods the size of which is fixed by the manufacturer when designing the crane.

The securing kit provided by the manufacturer MUST be used. The size and mechanical resistance of the rods indicated in the TS must be adhered to if rods are subject to maintenance or replaced. Nuts may be loosened during the lifecycle of the crane by the vibration of the truck and the stress transferred to the securing rods and plates by the crane. This is why the tightness of the nuts must be checked regularly, with reference to the tightness torque values in Tab.7. Correct assembly involves inserting two rods in each base pocket, securing them with the special plates, nuts and lock nuts supplied with the assembly kit in compliance with the vehicle manufacturer’s installation instructions.

Before tightening the rods, weld blocks to the sub-frame near the base support points. These blocks must be welded to the sub-frame, to match the rigid part of the base (where the outriggers are placed), on both sides (front and back) and on both the side members.


These blocks are very important as they help to keep the rods tight, making the assembly more solid, with greater guarantees of stability over time.

The blocks must NOT be placed on the brace side (swinging support) of the machine, as they may damage the brace. Welding must be performed with the electrical systems disconnected and the earth cable secured as closely as possible to the welding point. Because of the complexity and wide variety of trucks on the market, the “direct” assembly shown in the figure often cannot be carried out; “indirect” assembly at alternate points is often needed. Direct assembly is done by connecting the crane, sub-frame and vehicle chassis in a single unit.

Indirect (or double) assembly involves connecting the crane base to the sub-frame at one point and the sub-frame to the chassis at another. This system is used when there are objects on the vehicle which prevent the direct passage of the rods (tanks, suspension, etc.). When double assembly is used, the securing points for the sub-frame and chassis must always be further apart (more towards the ends) than those connecting the crane base to the sub-frame.


The following instructions must be followed for correct use of the securing rods. • The connection must always be made with the axis of the rods perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the chassis. When this is not possible, the rods must not be placed at an angle, but other securing systems must be used. • The securing rods must not be bent or curved, while hot or cold, to make them pass through. • Particular attention must be paid, at the different stages of inserting the rods in their positions, not to dent the threads by banging them against obstacles (protect the threads with appropriate external sheaths). • No welding must be carried out on the securing rods. • If the rods will be near heat sources (engine exhaust pipes), they must be protected against overheating. • The rods must be protected against corrosion. • The sizes and properties of the rods are indicated in the technical information files for each crane. The following instructions must be followed for the correct use of the mounting plates: • 1) The mounting plates must sit on the vehicle chassis on a level base perpendicular to the axis of the rods. • 2) The plates must be protected against corrosion (galvanising, painting, etc.). The following instructions must be followed for the correct use of the securing rod nuts and lock nuts: • Nuts and lock nuts must always be used and, if necessary, other blocking systems (split pins, pins, loctite, etc.). • Nuts must NOT be blocked by welding.

When tightening the rods, the truck chassis could be deformed locally near the lower clamp because of excessive crushing. To avoid such a problem, insert suitable sections near these clamps (the minimum thickness must be that of the chassis).

Some smaller trucks are fitted with a thinner boxed chassis. In these cases the chassis must be strengthened using welded plates or U-shaped sheets.



Rod tightening torques

The table shows the tightening torque settings for the securing rods by thread diameter and pitch. The rods must be tightened with the crane closed and in the home position. Always check that the nut and lock nut are fitted.

When tightening the rods, check that no damage is caused to the chassis and sub-frame.

Tab.7 : Securing rod tightening torques Material 42CrMo4 EN 10083 39NiCrMo3 EN 10083 TEMPERED AND QUENCHED Mser [Nm]

NOMINAL DIAMETER dn M 18 x 1.5 M 20 x 1.5 M 22 x 1.5 M 24 x 2 M 27 x 2 M 30 x 2 M 33 x 2 M 39 x 3 M 42 x 3

200 240 300 400 550 700 1100 1600 2500

Before tightening the rods, check that the surface of the threads is clean and not oily. If this is not the case, reduce the torque value by approximately 15%.

Refer to Appendix 3 for the tightening torque settings for screws and bolts (excluding rods).


7.2 Assembling the outriggers The outriggers are removable parts of the crane which require careful installation on the outrigger beams. They can be:

• Fixed • Rotary When the crane is in the transport position, the outriggers are raised vertically to minimise the overall size. The installer is required to turn them upside down to install the crane correctly. The following general rules must be followed to be able to assemble the outrigger cylinders.

• Before carrying out the operation, make sure there are no unauthorised people nearby. • If the hydraulic system needs to be disconnected, make sure pressure has been removed from the circuit.

• The beam and/or cylinder must be lifted and rotated using a machine with adequate capacity (>500 kg). • Correct slinging must be carried out to avoid falls from the load (see Appendix 15).

• Fix the jack to the bush with the appropriate elastic ring. • The cylinder must not be able to rotate at all (insert fixing screw or plate in the housing in the thrust bearing collar for fixed jacks, insert the pin and possibly a split pin for rotating jacks).


Connecting fixed outriggers

The outrigger rotation procedure depends on the type of crane:

• Extending and rotating the outrigger beam without rotating the cylinder • Dismantling part of the hydraulic system and rotating the cylinder (see Workshop Manual) The diagram shows how to connect the cylinder to the fixing bush using an elastic ring if rotation is blocked using a screw (small cranes) or plate and notch (medium and large cranes).

1. Outrigger beam 2. Outrigger cylinder 3. Elastic ring 4. Fixing screw 5. Antirotation plate and housing



Connecting rotary outriggers

The outrigger rotation procedure is simpler:

1. Outrigger beam 2. Outrigger cylinder 3. Elastic ring 4. Blocking pin 5. Split pin 6. Adjustment pin

• • • • •

If there is an adjustment pin, release it by turning the handle 180°. Remove the safety split pin and the blocking pin. Rotate the jack to the operating position. Insert the blocking pin and secure it with the split pin. If there is an adjustment pin, block it by turning the handle back to the original position.

The diagram shows how to connect the cylinder to the fixing bush using the elastic ring if rotation is blocked.


Welding the plate

On some types of crane, the outrigger plates are assembled before the crane is assembled. In this case, the installer is responsible for welding it to the outrigger cylinder shaft. The welding must be done professionally in accordance with the following diagram.

• Make a 30° groove to prepare for the welding bead with the plate. • Use filler materials compatible with the shaft material. For more information see Appendix 14 or contact the manufacturer’s technical department. • Carry out the operation professionally, to achieve perfect perpendicularity between the plane of the plate on the ground and the longitudinal axis of the outrigger cylinder.



Pressure of the outrigger foot on the ground

In operating conditions, the outrigger foot exerts a pressure, psg, on the ground, inversely proportional to the area of the plate, Aft.

p sg =



A ft

where: psg maximum pressure on the ground with standard plate [daN/cm2] (value can be found in IOM and TS) Aft area of plate [cm2] Fsg maximum force on crane outrigger [daN] (value can be found in IOM and TS). In accordance with standard EN 12999 it is calculated with the following formula:

Fsg =

Md X sg


where Xsg is the distance between the column axis and the outrigger cylinder axis. As specified in standard EN 12999, the manufacturer must ensure that the load on the ground is less than 40 daN/cm2 (4 MPa). However, if the pressure, psg, exerted by the standard plates is higher than the maximum bearing capacity of the ground, pgr, (see Tab.8) the installer is required to advise and supply the operator with extra plates of sufficient size and resistance to guarantee the stability of the assembly. For example, let us take a crane with the following values: - maximum load of outriggers: Fsg = 5435 daN - pressure on ground of standard plates: psg = 36 daN/cm2 - use on rock (pgr = 15 daN/cm2, see Tab.8) As psg > pgr extra plates must be used with area

A ft ≥

Fsg p gr


5435 = 363cm 2 15

So, one extra round plate 22 cm in diameter is necessary, or a square one with 20 cm sides. Tab.8 : Bearing capacity of ground Capacity pgr

Type of ground Backfilled land, not artificially rammed down Natural, obviously virgin land (mud, peat, marshy ground) Non-cohesive, but compacted, ground (fine and medium sand) Coarse sand and gravel Cohesive ground: - clayey - loose - firm - semi-solid - solid - rock - solid rock Concrete, Asphalt



0.0 ÷ 1.0 0 1.5 2

0.0 ÷ 0.1 0 0.15 0.2

0 0.4 1.0 2 4 15 30 > 40

0 0.04 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.5 3 >4

If the manufacturer intends the crane to be manoeuvred with partially extended outriggers, even though the installation does not require any downgrading of the load, the force on the ground of the outrigger increases considerably and could exceed the allowable limit. In this case the installer must provide the operator with extra plates of the appropriate size.


7.3 Assembling the lifting hook

Hook coupling with shackle

Hook coupling with pin and guides

Hook coupling with pin and bush

Key 1. Hook 2. Shackle 3. Pin 4. Blocking nut 5. Spring pin 6. Hook guides 7. Bush 8. Washer

• ASSEMBLING HOOK WITH SHACKLE - Insert the hook (1) in the omega-shaped shackle (2). - Insert the pin (3) in the shackle (2) and in the hole of the hook coupling of the extension. - Secure the pin with the nut (5) and the spring pin (6). • ASSEMBLING HOOK WITH PIN AND GUIDES - Insert the pin (3) through the first coupling hole of the extension, then through the guide (6), the hook (1), the second guide (6) and the second coupling hole. - Secure the pin with the spring pins (5). • ASSEMBLING HOOK WITH PIN AND BUSH - Insert the bush (7) in the hook (1). - Insert the pin (3) through the first coupling hole of the extension, then through the bush (7) and the second coupling hole. - Secure the pin with the washers (8) and the spring pins (5).

The hook can be assembled only on the last extendable extension.


7.4 Rotation dead point All cranes with a rack and pinion rotation system are able to rotate on their own axis at an angle which varies from model to model. The value of this angle is shown in the technical specifications, commercial catalogues, sales list and TS. The direction of the bisector of the crane arm axes at the limit of the rotation is called the “dead point�.


Generally the dead point is located over the outrigger crosspiece. As cab-mounted assembly is usually done with outriggers on the cab side, on standard cranes, the rotation block in both directions is located above the cabin. However, this is not a fixed rule and some machines can have the dead point over the brace. In this case, for cab-mounted assemblies again, the brace is located on the cab side and the outrigger crosspiece on the body side. These types of machine are manufactured as a result of design choices or specific customer requirements. Notices are stamped or stuck near the crane base to help identify the rotation dead point and prevent errors when positioning the crane on the truck.

On machines with metalwork base, the letters DP are stamped on the sheet steel of the rotation unit and decal code 5.81.0569 is applied. 5.81.0569

On machines with a fused metal base, the letters DP are stamped on the rotation unit and decal code W573259 is applied.

If this information is not present, use the TS page showing the dimensions of the base to identify the position of the two rotation limits.


In the example, the words “ROT.370°” indicates the two limits. Therefore the dead point for this machine is located over the outrigger crosspiece. Correct assembly means installing the outriggers on the cab side.


cab-side outriggers In the following example, typical of cranes with a fused metal base, the dead point is located above the brace (indicated by ROT.400°). Therefore correct assembly is with the brace on the cabin side.



cab-side brace

For rear-mounted installations, the dead point is usually facing the body itself.

If the rotation dead point has to be located opposite the standard position, a request must be made for an “inverted” dead point when the crane is ordered.


7.5 Rotation limiting devices The theoretical stability calculation provides important indications concerning stability throughout the entire rotation arc. Therefore the need for a rotation arc limiting device or a device to limit the load for a given rotation arc can be assessed during the installation design stage. The rotation limiting device or rotation stop can be mechanical or electro-hydraulic. The purpose of this device is to limit the crane load arc only where the stability of the assembly is not guaranteed having been checked either theoretically or by the stability test (see §15.4.4). Obviously the device is not required on installations where stability is guaranteed through 360°.

The type of rotation limiter must be selected when the crane is ordered remembering the differences in cost and versatility between the two systems.


Mechanical rotation limiter

The mechanical limiter consists of plastic spacers (D) fitted inside the rotation cylinders. This limits rotation to approximately 220°.





Prohibited working area Zona di lavoro vietata

All machines intended for the EC market are supplied as standard with mechanical rotation blocking spacers (not installed). The installer is responsible for checking whether the arc set is correct during final stability testing. If necessary, the amplitude of the crane working arc must be altered as follows:

• Reducing the rotation arc by inserting extra spacers inside the rotation cylinders. • Increasing the rotation arc by grinding the spacers to reduce their size.

The mechanical rotation limiter blocks rotation and therefore rotation into the forbidden sector is also impossible even if there is no load on the crane.



Electro-hydraulic rotation limiter

The electro-hydraulic limiter consists of microswitches which transmit a signal when triggered by the special adjustable sensor. The type of signal transmitted depends on the type of controls on the crane.

• CRANE WITH MANUAL CONTROLS Two microswitches (1) are fitted on the crane base near the column. When the limiter is triggered by the limiter arc (2) fixed to the crane column, the microswitch connected with a normally closed circuit cuts the power to the solenoid valve located at the infeed point of the main valve to block rotation. The operation permitted is rotation in the opposite direction. Having established the size of the working arc in which stability is guaranteed, the installer is responsible for cutting the limiter arc (1) to match the desired point to block rotation.

The electro-hydraulic device for cranes with manual controls blocks rotation and therefore rotation into the forbidden sector is impossible even if there is no load on the crane.

• CRANE WITH REMOTE CONTROL UNIT AND ELECTRONIC MOMENT LIMITER Structurally, the system is similar to the previous one. However, when one of the microswitches (1) is triggered, rotation is not blocked. Instead, a signal is transmitted to the electronic moment limiter which then downgrades the trigger value set by the manufacturer or the installer following the practical stability tests. Therefore the working arc is not limited if the electro-hydraulic device is used on cranes fitted with a moment limiter and electronic remote control unit. Instead, the device enables the barrier produced by the sensors to be bypassed but at the same time causes crane performance to be downgraded by a percentage based on the stability test results or, at a later date, on tests done after installation but before commissioning.

1 2

1. Limiter arc 2. Microswitch

Machines fitted with an electronic moment limiter and remote control unit are manufactured with approximately 50% less load capacity in the sector affected by the sensors. The installer has to determine the decrease in load capacity to adopt by means of theoretical and practical stability tests and to set the electronic limiter as a result.


7.6 Power take-off (PTO) 7.6.1


To operate the crane, power is taken from the engine of the truck on which the crane is installed. These days, almost all new trucks are built with the possibility of attaching a power take-off to the gearbox casing and therefore of attaching a hydraulic pump.

Smaller cranes can be fitted with an electric pump unit consisting of a DC electric motor powered by the truck batteries. To control the crane, various types of power take-off can be used. According to the type of use and performance required, the PTO can be attached to:

• • • •

the gear box (or torque transfer case) the transmission the front of the engine the rear of the engine

For the properties and performance of these systems, refer to the vehicle manufacturer’s manuals and the PTO manuals. Some general advice is given below on installing the pumps and PTOs and this can be used if there is no information from the truck manufacturer.

The information below is given for information purposes only. To select and fit the PTO refer to the specific instructions provided by the manufacturer.


Selecting a PTO

The most practical method of selecting the PTO to attach to the vehicle gearbox is illustrated below.

• Select the type of vehicle on which the crane is to be installed, the properties of the gearbox and of the available PTOs. • First set a vehicle engine rotation speed (e.g. 800 - 1000 rpm = n1) which can be obtained by adjusting the engine rating. The PTO transmission ratio, ipto, is the ratio between the number of revolutions of the PTO drive shaft n2 and that of the engine n1 (ipto = n2 / n1). • As several types of PTO can be combined with each gearbox, each with a different transmission ratio ipto, choose the one which allows a speed n2 between the recommended limits of the pump manufacturer (normally, for cost and availability reasons, choose the standard one). • Check the power absorption, determined by the crane, and if necessary correct the transmission ratio so that the power taken off is in the adjusted operating range of the engine, avoiding low ratings (less than 800 rpm) which might cause irregular operation.



Installing the PTO

Installing the PTO on the gearbox requires great care as it can seriously damage the vehicle gearbox if not carried out properly. We recommend the following:

• Remove the oil from the gearbox and the access cover. • Fix the studs on the gearbox casing and tighten fully; if the casing threads are double-ended, check that the studs do not interfere with the gears inside the casing. Apply a sealing product on the stud threads. • The play between the gear teeth and the PTO must be between 0.15 and 0.35 mm. This is obtained by adding gaskets between the access and PTO casing (do not put in more than four gaskets at the same time). The play can be checked by starting the engine briefly to hear how noisy it is. The noise can have the following properties: - hissing (assembly is too tight with no play between the teeth) - pinking (assembly with excessive play) The latest generation PTOs have special openings (inspection holes) which make it possible to check the play directly. • Secure the gearbox PTO solidly. Use safety washers and loctite. Generally, the tightening torque values of the screws are as follows: M8 threads 22÷25 Nm - M10 45÷50 Nm - M12 75÷80 Nm. • Top up the oil level in the gearbox. More oil will be needed having added the PTO. • When assembly is complete, including topping up the oil, start the engine to check how the PTO works: no oil leaks, disengagement and noise levels (the noise should be maintained within acceptable limits although it could increase as the oil heats up). Check the tightness of the nuts after an initial period of use.

The PTO drive shafts can only transmit torsional stresses so the Cardan shafts connected to them must have sliding grooved joints to avoid axial forces. Pulleys and gears must not be fitted as they would have radial loads which are just as harmful.


Engaging the PTO

The PTO uses the motive power from the vehicle gearbox. The PTO is fitted with a remote control unit which can be of the following type:

• • • •

Pneumatic Mechanical Electric Electromagnetic

The control is located in the cab and is fitted with a buzzer or luminous signal to warn the operator that the truck must not be moved without first disengaging the PTO.

• PNEUMATIC DRIVE This device can be fitted on trucks with an air braking system. The compressed air is supplied by the truck “SERVICES” circuit and transferred through compressed air connections to the control device and then the PTO. A compressed air valve must be located at the start of the air supply circuit if this system is used. This valve ensures that the truck braking system is not compromised.


• MECHANICAL DRIVE This device is fitted on those vehicles (usually medium-sized and small ones) not fitted with a compressed air circuit. It consists of a mechanical lever located in the cab and controls the PTO using a flexible cable.

The cable must be short and, as far as possible, must not have sudden changes of direction.

• ELECTRIC DRIVE This device can be fitted on medium-sized and small vehicles not fitted with a compressed air circuit. This solution is preferable when the flexible cable can only reach the cab with difficulty.

• ELECTROMAGNETIC DRIVE The drive is controlled by a switch located in the cab and the power is transmitted using a trapezoidal belt. This type of drive is therefore suitable for transmission systems with low power. This type of application can create problems for the installer when fitting the electromagnetic drive inside the engine housing. A belt tightening device must be provided.

1. Electromagnetic drive 2. Warning light 3. ON/OFF switch 4. 8A fuse 5. 12 V truck battery


7.7 Pump 7.7.1


Selecting the right type of pump is very important as it has moving parts and, therefore, is one of the first system components to get worn. Selecting the right pump therefore means improving the reliability of the system over time. The pumps usually fitted on truck-mounted cranes are of two types:

• Piston pumps • Gear pumps Piston pumps are subdivided further between

• Fixed capacity piston pumps • Variable capacity (load sensing) piston pumps The choice between the two is made on the basis of the performance required of the pump i.e. on the basis of the operating pressure and capacity required to operate the crane (see IOM, TS). Fixed capacity pumps are preferred on cranes with standard and non-proportional main control valves, whereas load sensing pumps are preferred on large cranes with proportional control valves. These pumps, often requested by expert crane users, ensure good performance in terms of manoeuvrability, multi-functionality and movement speed under all capacity and pressure conditions.

Cranes requested with a hydraulic circuit for a load sensing pump cannot be used with fixed capacity pumps. These may cause serious damage to the pump, hydraulic system and PTO.

When ordering the crane, indicate whether a drive with a load sensing pump is required. This section provides a guide for the system designer on choosing the pump and the size of the parts of the system which can affect its reliability.

The information below is given for information purposes only. To select and assemble the pump refer to the specific instructions provided by the manufacturer.



Operating parameters

The following pages contain the main operating parameters of the pump.

• SPEED The speed of the pump shaft is usually set by the primary engine and the PTO. If you can choose, it is better to keep the speed within the best performance range.

• LIMITS SET BY THE FOLLOWING FACTORS - The minimum speed is set by the volumetric efficiency (which falls as the speed decreases) - The maximum speed is set by the limits of the suction valves (at excessive speeds the pump cavitates) - Optimal range: 700 ÷ 1300 rpm

• PRESSURE For pumps, the operating pressure limits are usually set by the lifetime of the conical bushes which control the force of the pistons. Above the maximum limit there is a risk of early structural collapse. When deciding on the size of a system, we recommend using the following selection criterion: - The normal operating pressure must be lower than p1, i.e. the maximum continuous operating pressure of the pump; - The calibration pressure of the maximum pressure valve, which is the overload pressure, must be lower than p2 (maximum intermittent operating pressure of the pump). The maximum pressure valve can be calibrated at p2 only if overloads do not happen too often; otherwise calibrate the valve at p1.

Pause between two intermittent cycles

Definition of pressures p1, p2, p3 - p1 Continuous operating pressure. - p2 Max. intermittent operating pressure (max. 30 s). This is the maximum pressure at which the maximum pressure valve can be calibrated. - p3 Max. peak pressure. If the maximum pressure valve (calibrated at p2) is used, there is generally a peak pressure which falls quickly. Speed - n1 Speed that can be maintained continuously (the maximum pressure is p1). - n2 Maximum speed that can be achieved intermittently (max. 30 s) (the maximum pressure is p2). Consecutive intermittent cycles must be separated by at least 240 s. - n3 Maximum speed that can be achieved intermittently (max. 30 s) with no load (the maximum pressure is 30 bar). - n4 Minimum speed that can be achieved intermittently (max. 30 s) (the maximum pressure is p2).



Pump performance Piston pump performance

The performances listed in the catalogue are taken from tests on new pumps in optimal conditions (50 °C). In reality they depend on the operating conditions and wear factors. Therefore, in the design stage, it is good to use precautionary values which take account of actual conditions. The following tables give an overview of the typical performance values, how they vary, and the safety values to use in the formulae.

• VOLUMETRIC PERFORMANCE (ηvol) This is normally given in the catalogue as a function of the pressure and rotation speed. Value in optimal conditions: > 0.95. Variations - Increases (a lot) as the speed increases; - Decreases as operating pressure increases and with pump wear - Increases as the temperature of the hydraulic fluid used decreases; Values for formulae Below 700 rpm = 0.88 700 ÷ 1500 rpm = 0.92 Over 1500 rpm = 0.95

• MECHANICAL PERFORMANCE (ηmec) This is vital for calculating the absorbed torque and power. Value in optimal conditions: > 0.90. Variations - Decreases slightly as the speed increases; - Decreases a lot as the viscosity of the hydraulic fluid increases (reduction in temperature). Values for formulae Cold use = 0.85 Normal use = 0.90

• TOTAL PERFORMANCE (η) This is the product of the first two so total performance is very variable depending on operating conditions. Therefore we do not recommend using it, as there is a risk of committing gross errors. The range is in effect 0.83 ÷ 0.90 For rough assessments, use the value 0.85.


Gear pump performance

The speed of the pump shaft is usually set by the primary engine. If you can choose the speed, it is good to be within the range where the pumps work best. For very high or very low speeds, do not exceed the limits, and consider the type of duty the pump is used for, optimising the choice of oil. The following table provides other useful information for the selection. Range rpm 300 ÷ 750 750 ÷ 1300 1300 ÷ 1800 Over 1800

Type of duty / recommendations Range of minimum speeds: applications for intermittent use, or at low pressure, for light and non-continuous duty (tippers, light tail lifts). At low speeds (below 600 rpm) gear pumps have good volumetric performance; however, the dynamic lift effect of the oil is reduced, and they wear more quickly. To counteract this effect, keep a minimum viscosity of 40-50 cSt. For continuous use at medium and high pressure, we recommend using piston pumps. Medium-low range: typical range of industrial vehicles. Continuous use at medium-high pressure, and intermittent use at high pressure, for medium duty (skips, light cranes). Optimal range: continuous use at high pressure and for heavy duty with possibility of overloads (medium-sized cranes and skips with frequent use and industrial systems). Maximum speed range: continuous use at high pressure, with limited overloads. There is a risk of cavitation and overheating, so the suction line must be oversized and the temperature controlled keeping the oil viscosity between 14 and 20 cSt.

Gear pumps can be used at high pressure; however, remember that, as for all hydraulic pumps, the greater the pressure, the shorter the pump’s life. The verification criteria are given below. - The normal operating pressure must be lower than p1, i.e. the maximum continuous operating pressure of the pump; - The calibration pressure of the maximum pressure valve, which is the overload pressure, must be lower than p2 (maximum intermittent operating pressure of the pump). The maximum pressure valve of the system can be calibrated at p2 only if overloads do not last for more than 20 s; otherwise calibrate the valve at p1. If the pressure exceeds the maximum limit for gear pumps, then change to a piston pump which can cope with higher pressure. The performances in the catalogue are taken from new pumps in optimal conditions (oil with viscosity of 30 cSt). In reality they depend on the operating conditions and wear factors. Therefore, in the design stage, it is good to use precautionary values which take account of actual conditions. The following tables give an overview of the typical performance values, how they vary, and the safety values to use in the formulae.

• VOLUMETRIC PERFORMANCE (ηvol) This is normally given in the catalogue as a function of the pressure and rotation speed. Value in optimal conditions: > 0.95. Variations - Increases (a lot) as the number of revolutions increases; - Decreases as operating pressure increases and with pump wear - Increases as the temperature of the hydraulic fluid used decreases; Values for formulae Below 700 rpm = 0.88 700 ÷ 1500 rpm = 0.92 Over 1500 rpm = 0.95

• MECHANICAL PERFORMANCE (ηmec) This is vital for calculating the absorbed torque and power. Value in optimal conditions: ~ 0.90. Variations - Decreases slightly as the number of revolutions increases; - Decreases (a lot) as the viscosity of the hydraulic fluid increases (reduction in temperature). Values for formulae - Cold use = 0.90 - Normal use = 0.95

• TOTAL PERFORMANCE (η) This is the product of the first two so total performance is very variable depending on operating conditions. Therefore we do not recommend using it, as there is a risk of committing gross errors. The range is in effect 0.83 ÷ 0.93 For rough assessments use the value 0.88.



Pump size

It is standard practice for companies installing cranes on trucks to send the following information to suppliers of PTOs and pumps:

• • • •

Vehicle manufacturer Vehicle model or type of gearbox and ratio Maximum crane operating pressure (see TS, IOM) Maximum oil flow rate required by crane main valve (see TS, IOM)

Usually the supplier will suggest the right combination of the two accessories. The combination must be checked by the installer.

The vital information in terms of machine safety is the oil flow rate to the crane main valve. The flow rate must never exceed the maximum value indicated by the manufacturer.

• PROCEDURE SUGGESTED BY EN 12999 SYMBOLS Q pes c Mpto npto neng i η Φ

Oil flow rate required by crane [ℓ/min] (TS, IOM) Maximum crane operating pressure [bar] (TS, IOM) Pump capacity [cm3/rev] Torque delivered by PTO [Nm] PTO rotation speed [rpm] Engine rotation speed [rpm] PTO transmission ratio Pump performance Power [kW]

The PTO transmission ratio must be selected so that the power does not exceed the vehicle engine torque band. The power supplied by the PTO (product of maximum allowable torque and rpm) must exceed the power required by the hydraulic system. Power available to the PTO:

Φ pto =

Mpto ⋅ npto 9550


Power required by the crane:

1 Q ⋅ p es η 600


Φ pto ≥ Φ g and


Φg = Check that:

c ⋅ npto 1000



• ALTERNATIVE PROCEDURE The outfeed oil flow rate from the pump is proportional to the truck engine rpm value. The ideal value for this type of application is 800-900 rpm. However, check what value is recommended by the vehicle manufacturer with respect to noise, vibrations and emissions. The pump rpm value is obtained by multiplying the engine rpm by the PTO transmission ratio (i) to obtain

npto = i ⋅ n eng The minimum capacity of the pump can be found with the following formula c = 1000 ⋅

Q npto


At this point we can identify the torque (M) required by the pump which must be supplied by the PTO

1 c ⋅ p es ⋅ ⋅ 62 8



Mpto =


This value must be compared with the maximum possible value indicated in the technical specifications provided by the PTO manufacturer. The power needed by the truck engine or hydraulic control unit (N) to ensure a particular pressure and flow rate to the crane can be calculated using the following formula:

Φg =

1 Q ⋅ p es ⋅ η 600


All high-pressure hydraulic connections must comply with the requirements in standard EN 12999.

In the TS there is a special section on pumps and the correct combination with the various types of crane.



Pump assembly

The pump can be fitted in two ways:

• Direct assembly • Indirect assembly • DIRECT ASSEMBLY The PTO is fitted on a special cover in the truck gearbox. The flanged pump is fitted directly onto the PTO with a special coupling joint between the two.

The pump is installed on an overhang. Make sure that the weight of the pump does not compromise fixing it to the PTO or the body of the PTO itself.

• INDIRECT ASSEMBLY The PTO is fitted to the cover of the vehicle gearbox. The pump is driven by the PTO using a Cardan shaft. The pump must be supported on the vehicle or sub-frame using special securing devices. The maximum tilt of the shaft is 7° and the angles must be the same at the two ends.

This type of installation is recommended for machines requiring high oil flow rates when the weight and size of the pump mean that assembly on the overhang is hazardous.

The Cardan shaft must be installed correctly and protected. 68


Crane-pump hydraulic connection

The relative positions of the crane, oil tank, filters and pump are very important. The oil tank, which is usually fitted on the crane, must always be located higher than the pump to prevent dangerous cavitation which could compromise pump operation and operating life.

The connection between the oil tank and pump must use hoses of a suitable size to prevent problems relating to insufficient oil flow. The instructions for the correct size and assembly of the delivery and suction hoses are set out in paragraphs ยง12.2 and ยง12.3.

The type of delivery and suction hose fitted depends on the hydraulic properties of the machine. The vital flow rate and pressure values are specified in the TS.



Pressure filter

A pressure filter can be installed between the pump and crane valve, if not already fitted.

Make sure no siphons are created with the flexible connections. Position the filter in a safe place which is visible and accessible for maintenance purposes.

Machines fitted with a proportional main control valve have a pressure filter fitted as standard on the delivery line.


Each machine is supplied with a spare cartridge. When the test and verification stage is complete, the installer changes the cartridge and thus delivers the machine to the customer with the filter operating at maximum efficiency. Instructions for replacing the filter cartridge: • Disable the PTO • Switch OFF the truck engine • Discharge the pressure using the main control valve levers • Prepare a container to collect the used oil from the filter body • Check the oil temperature: wait until it is less than 50°C • Unscrew the filter container • Extract the used cartridge • Clean the filter container • Insert the new cartridge and screw on the container

The used cartridge is highly contaminated with oil and various residues. Place the cartridge in special sealed containers and contact an authorised waste management company for disposal. 70


Crane-pump and tipper body hydraulic connection

This type of installation must be handled with extreme care because the effect of the tipper unit telescopic jack can often cause problems for the crane system. Firstly the correct oil flow to the main crane valve must be guaranteed even in the face of greater demand from the tipper unit jack. Check that the system is clean before inserting any oil. Only use oils compatible with those indicated in the crane operation and maintenance manual. The installer is responsible for fitting a 3-way high-pressure deviator on the delivery line to enable selection of the crane or tipper unit.

tipper unit


If the flow rate required by the tipper unit is greater than the maximum allowable value for the crane, the installer must fit a flow reduction valve on the delivery branch for the crane to discharge the excess flow rate.

General layout

If the crane oil tank is also used for the tipper unit check that the capacity is suitable for the tipper unit requirements. Also check the capacity of the return filter on the crane tank.



LS pump hydraulic connection with crane and tipper body

If a truck is to be fitted with a crane with a compensated proportional main valve in a closed centre with LS line, load sensing pump and an additional valve for the tipper unit, the installer must ensure that the hydraulic circuit is able to use the same pump to operate the crane and tipper cylinder. The problem lies in the need to create a dummy closed centre circuit and a false LS signal to allow the flow of oil to the tipper cylinder which usually has an open centre system. If a traditional open centre system is used with a load sensing pump then there would be no oil flow because the hydraulic signal used to operate the pump plate would not exist and therefore the pump would rotate on its axis without delivering any oil. Two valves must be inserted in the circuit to solve this problem:

• • • •

Using the general deviator (3) identify whether the tipper unit or crane is being used A throttle valve (2) creates a pressure differential (Δp) between the pump and the tipper unit hydraulic drive actuator (1) Using the hydraulic line (4) the dummy LS signal is sent to the selection unit The selector valve (5) gives priority to the LS signal in use, from the tipper unit or the crane.

Diagram 1.02.0341

1 5 2


1.5 bar









This simulates an LS signal to operate the pump. Adjusting the throttle value Δp on valve 2, the LS signal can be varied and, consequently, so can the oil flow in use and therefore the extension speed of the tipper jack.

Make sure that all the valves, hoses and joints can withstand maximum operating pressures.


7.7.10 Emergency hydraulic pump connection • CRANE WITHOUT OUTRIGGER CONTROL VALVE Diagram 1.02.0312
















Diagram of Danfoss control cut-out valve 1. Danfoss valve feeder head 2. Control cut-out valve 3. Split pin

The emergency valve allows power to be cut from the electric control pilot line of the main valve. This cut-out is useful when the oil flow to the main valve comes from a manually-driven emergency pump, as it prevents the pressure reducing valve on the pilot line continuously discharging 1.5 ℓ/min of oil. The entire capacity of the hand pump is then available for operating the crane. In this condition, the valve cannot be operated using the electric controls. It can only be operated mechanically using the lever. The cut-out valve (3) is provided already fitted to the main valve in an “Open” configuration and allows the main valve to be operated in normal conditions. In an emergency, the cut-out valve must be put in the “Closed” position. The cut-out valve must only be used in an emergency and must be activated strictly in accordance with the following procedure. Activating emergency operation with the hand pump • Make sure that all the main valve levers are in the central position and are not pressurised. • Remove the split pin (3) which prevents the cut-out valve being used. • Tighten the cut-out valve (2) to its maximum: the cut-out valve is now set at “Closed”. • The emergency pump can now be used. If the electrical system is damaged, the solenoid valve must be bypassed in accordance with the instructions in the IOM. Restoring normal main valve operation • Make sure that all the main valve levers are in the central position and are not pressurised. • Unscrew the cut-out valve (2) until the hole for the split pin is free: the cut-out valve is now in the “Open” position. Never unscrew the cut-out valve beyond this position! Excessive unscrewing could lead to irreversible damage to the part with resulting oil leaks.

• Insert the split pin (3) in its hole. • The main valve can now operate normally.


7.8 Crane with electro-hydraulic drive The crane is operated using the hydraulic valve levers. These use microswitches to enable a remote switch which in turn drives the electric pump located on the crane tank.

1. Box 2. Main valve 3. Electric pump motor 4. Electric pump oil tank

This system is suitable for cranes with a small capacity (up to 30 kNm) when long operating cycles are not required and when the working cycles can be broken up by long rest periods. This is because the power needed to operate the electric pump is taken directly from the truck batteries and because the electric motors on the pump are unable to operate with a load for more than 3รท4 minutes.

Use high-power batteries and never switch the truck OFF when the crane is in operation. The electric motor of the pump must be supplied with 12 or 24 volts. However, 12 volts is considered standard given the small size of truck usually fitted with cranes operated using an electric pump. Voltages other than the standard one must be specified at the time of ordering. The operating voltage is shown on the decals located near the crane base. Electric connections must be made using cables no smaller than those already supplied by the manufacturer.

The use of a DC electric pump operated from the truck battery imposes severe restrictions on crane use. For the reasons stated below it is recommended that the electric pump should only be used if it is impossible to use a more reliable hydraulic power source.



Service times

The size of DC motors and electric pumps is mainly based on the operating cycle. In particular, the power supplied depends on the temperature reached by the motor. The following are defined:

• LIMITED DURATION SERVICE S2 The motor operates at a constant load for a limited period of time which is not sufficient to achieve thermal balance. This is followed by a break long enough for the motor to return to the ambient temperature. Example: S2 = 2 min, the motor operates continuously for two minutes and then remains inactive for the time required to return to the ambient temperature.

• PERIODIC INTERMITTENT SERVICE S3 The motor functions in a sequence of regular cycles (the cycles last 10 minutes). These cycles include a period of operating at a constant load (τS) and a period of inactivity (τR).

τS + τR = 10 min Example: S3 = 5%, the motor operates for 0.5 minutes (30 s) and remains inactive for 9.5 minutes.

The characteristic curves of electric pumps used can be found in the IOM.


7.9 Starting the hydraulic circuit In installations with gear pump, there are no special requirements, except for operating it for a few minutes at low pressure to dispose of the air in the circuits. In installations with piston pump there could be an irregular oil flow on starting. Simply alternate short periods of pump operation with no load and periods of inactivity to solve this problem. If air bubbles remain in the oil flow, bleed the circuit using the special cap on the pump body (see manufacturer’s instructions). In installations with load sensing piston pump the following checks must be made before operating the crane.

• Check that the LS line connection between the crane main valve and pump is correct. • Check that the maximum flow rate valve on the pump is calibrated to the maximum crane operating pressure (see TS, IOM). • Check that during pump operation, the minimum operating pressure (stand-by pressure) on the crane main valve delivery line is approximately 25 bar.

The information supplied is generic. Always refer to the specific instructions supplied by the pump manufacturer.


8. INSTALLATION OF CRANE WITH FIXED BASE 8.1 Fixed position resistance check Cranes with a fixed base induce very high stresses on the fixing position, as the support and securing base is smaller than that of a standard truck-mounted crane. The base to which the crane is to be secured must therefore be designed very carefully to bear the maximum stresses induced by the crane and the load, as well as by the particular environmental conditions in which it will operate (wind, corrosive marine environment, etc.).

In particular, the designer must take the following stresses into consideration: Md Mtor Pax

Dynamic moment of the crane (TS and IOM) [daNm] Torsion moment of the crane (TS and IOM) [daNm] Maximum axial load of the crane [kg] .

) ⋅ 9 81

x a m ,




Pax = 1 1 ⋅ Pg + 1 3 ⋅ Pn


where Weight of crane (TS and IOM) [kg] Pg Pn,max Maximum nominal load of the crane (crane load with hydraulic extensions retracted, TS and IOM) [kg]


8.2 Securing the crane on the fixed base 8.2.1

Preliminary checks

When the position has been established, the first thing to do is to establish the crane position. To do this, support the crane over the place, in the desired position and direction, keeping it slightly suspended with the lifting equipment and check that: a) The position of the rotation dead point is in the required area. If this is not the case, refer to the instructions issued by the manufacturer. As a general rule, unless specifically requested, it is good to position the rotation dead point in the area in which the least work is done with the crane. b) The position of the crane (centre of gravity) is actually that required by the size calculations for the fixed position. c) In front of and behind the crane there are the minimum gaps necessary to carry out opening/closing operations, rotation and maintenance of the machine. d) The crane / main valve connection hose is long enough to connect the crane to the control position (the crane is supplied with 3 m of useful length. If a longer hose is necessary, the installer must ask for one when ordering).

We recommend using the footboard control post provided by the manufacturer. This must be positioned in such a way that the operator has a perfect view of the entire working area of the crane. The installer must also install the rotation limiter and adjust it to prevent the crane from moving over the control position.

1. Crane controls 2. Lever protection 3. Footboard



Parts for securing the base

The first stage of installing the crane is to secure it to a flange attached to the fixed position, using specific screws/bolts, the size of which is determined by the manufacturer when designing the crane.

Screws/bolts with the resistance properties indicated by the manufacturer MUST be used. During its operating life, the crane transfers stresses to the securing parts and this can cause the nuts to become loose. Thus, the tightness of the securing parts must be checked periodically, using the torque values in Appendix 3 as reference.

If the crane is installed on a rigid base (for example, on a building) then the capacities of the standard crane must be downgraded (see Appendix 13). The installer is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the load chart applied to the crane.


9. INSTALLATION OF ADDITIONAL OUTRIGGERS 9.1 General The choice of the crosspiece for the additional outriggers to be combined with the crane must meet the stability requirements of the installation and the resistance requirements of the crane manufacturer (the values for the combinations can be found in the technical information files for each specific crane model).

It is always good to check that when the crane is operating it does not transfer loads to the vehicle axles which are higher than the maximum allowable loads specified by the vehicle manufacturer. If the result of this check is negative, a rare occurrence, then additional outriggers must be installed.

9.2 Choice of additional outriggers To choose the right additional outriggers, check that: - The installation is stable (see the stability check in paragraph §5.3, consider only the open distance between the outriggers) - The load transferred to the outrigger jack, Fs, is less than the maximum load allowed by the jack itself, Fadm,s. The load transferred to the additional outrigger, Fs, is determined using the outrigger calculation procedure in standard EN 12999.



Fs =

Md Xs

Fs ≥ 0 6 ⋅ Fsg

(minimum precautionary value)

where Md: dynamic moment of the crane [daNm] Xs: distance between column axis and open additional outrigger axis [m] Fsg: maximum force on crane outrigger [daN] (value can be found in IOM and TS). To check the suitability of the crosspiece, check that the load is less than the maximum allowed. ,

Fs ≤ Fadm s

The value Fadm,s is indicated in the technical specifications of the additional outriggers.



Pressure of the outrigger foot on the ground

In operating conditions, the outrigger foot exerts a pressure, ps, on the ground, which is inversely proportional to the area of the plate, Aft.

ps =

Fs A ft


where: Fs maximum force on the additional outrigger [daN] (see §9.2) ps maximum pressure on the ground with standard plate [daN/cm2] Aft area of plate [cm2] (value can be found in TS) As specified in standard EN 12999, the installer must ensure that the load on the ground is less than 40 daN/cm2 (4 MPa). However, if the pressure, ps, exerted by the standard plates is higher than the maximum bearing capacity of the ground, pgr, (see Tab.8) the installer is required to advise and supply the operator with extra plates of sufficient size and resistance to guarantee the stability of the assembly. Practical example Let us consider a crane with the following values: - maximum load of outriggers: Fs = 5907 daN - pressure on ground of standard plates: ps = 29.4 daN/cm2 - use on rock (pgr = 15 daN/cm2, see Tab.8) As psg > pgr extra plates must be used with area

A ft ≼

Fs 5907 = = 394cm 2 p gr 15

So, one extra round plate 23 cm in diameter is necessary, or a square one with 20 cm sides.


9.3 Assembling the sub-frame Two different types of connection can be used to secure the crosspiece:

• Assembly above the vehicle chassis • Assembly below the vehicle chassis The structure must be strengthened using crosspieces or diagonal crosses to counteract the torsional effects created between the crane outriggers and the additional ones. The welding must be carried out professionally by qualified personnel in accordance with the instructions in Appendix 14


Assembly above the chassis

For this type of assembly, make a hole in the side members of the sub-frame (in the chosen position). The hole must be the same size as the external dimensions of the crosspiece so that the crosspiece can be inserted and welded around the whole perimeter of the subframe side members.

If the height of the crosspiece is the same as the height of the sub-frame, the hole for the crosspiece can be made by interrupting the sub-frame in the chosen position and continuing it after the place for the crosspiece of the additional outriggers.

1. Sub-frame 2. Section of additional outrigger crosspiece

The additional crosspiece must be fixed to the chassis using an L-shaped plate welded to the crosspiece and bolted to the vehicle chassis.

1. Sub-frame 2. Additional outrigger crosspiece 3. Chassis 4. Holding plate 5. L-shaped plate


The quantity, size and type of bolts to use are indicated in ยง9.4. The thickness of the plate must be at least equal to the thickness of the vehicle chassis and its size must be compatible with the number of bolts, complying with the minimum distances between holes specified by the vehicle manufacturer.

If the additional crosspiece is to be installed behind the cab, the number of bolts to secure the plate must be doubled. When secured, to ensure the connection between chassis, sub-frame and crosspiece, it is good practice to affix, before and after the crosspiece, a series of plates with longitudinal and transverse resistance connecting the chassis to the sub-frame.

To secure the crosspiece of the additional outriggers, the connection system with rods and clamps can be used instead of the L-shaped plate connecting the crosspiece to the vehicle chassis. However, this system is little used as the rods and clamps at the top create unwanted obstacles on the surface of the body.



Assembly below the chassis

The additional outriggers must be secured using an L-shaped plate welded to the crosspiece, bolted to the vehicle chassis and welded (using spot welding) to the sub-frame.

1. Holding plate 2. Sub-frame 3. Chassis 4. Additional outrigger crosspiece 5. L-shaped plate

The quantity, size and type of bolts to use are indicated in paragraph ยง9.4. This type of assembly means that the crosspiece cannot be dismantled quickly. An easily dismantlable installation can be made using a fixing system with two plates. One (L-shaped) plate is welded to the crosspiece and bolted to the vehicle chassis; the other plate is welded to the sub-frame (with continuous welding on the perimeter or with spot welding) and bolted to the chassis using the same number of bolts as that used to fix the first plate.

1. Holding plate 2. Sub-frame 3. Chassis 4. Additional outrigger crosspiece 5. L-shaped plate

The quantity, size and type of bolts to use are indicated in ยง9.4. The thickness of the plates must be at least equal to the thickness of the vehicle chassis and their size must be compatible with the number of bolts, complying with the minimum distances between holes specified by the vehicle manufacturer. When secured, to ensure the connection between chassis, sub-frame and crosspiece, it is good practice to affix, before and after the crosspiece, a series of plates with longitudinal and transverse resistance connecting the chassis to the sub-frame.


9.4 Size of bolts used to secure the additional outriggers SYMBOLS Ar dn Fadm,s Fv Nv sp Rs Mser


resistant section of the connection component [mm2] nominal diameter of the screw [mm] maximum allowable force on the additional outrigger cylinder [N] (this value can be found in the TS for the additional outriggers) maximum preload for a screw [N] number of screws screw pitch [mm] yield strength of screw material [MPa] tightening moment [Nm] Metal / metal friction coefficient (0.3 for polished surfaces; 0.1 in all other cases)

Having determined Fs from the TS, calculate the minimum total preload of a screw, Fv, to avoid scratching between plate and chassis. ,

Fv =

Fadm s μ ⋅ Nv

Having calculated Fv and established Rs on the basis of the screw class, minimum Ar can be calculated in accordance with EN 12999 Ar ≥

Fv R s ⋅ 0.56

(coefficient 0.56 for screws already used several times)

For ISO screws the minimum nominal screw can be found with the following formula: .

Ar + 0 938 ⋅ pv 0 7854


dn ≥

Having determined dn calculate the tightening moment to apply to all the screws: Mser = 0.18

dn ⋅ Fv 1000

The following table gives the yield strengths for the various classes of threaded connections.

Tab.9 : Yield strength of threaded connections Resistance class

Yield strength RS (MPa)







Other technical data on threaded connections can be found in Appendix 3.


9.5 Unpacking and disposal of packaging To unpack, the following procedure must be used:

• Unpack the additional crosspieces taking care not to damage any parts of the outriggers (hoses, painted surfaces, valves, hydraulic cylinders, etc.). • Separate the various packaging components to make it easy to remove or recycle them. • Any disposal of packaging must be done in accordance with the regulations in force in the country where the machine is being installed taking account of the nature of the materials.

9.6 Lifting and moving the additional outriggers When lifting, strictly adhere to the following instructions:

• • • •

Lift, move and handle all heavy parts using lifting equipment with a capacity greater than the load to be lifted. Make sure that all the parts are supported by special slings (see Appendix 15) and appropriate hooks. Make sure that nobody is near the load to be lifted. Sling the crosspieces with bands in the indicated position.

• Lift the crosspiece a short way from the ground to check it is balanced and move it keeping it as near the ground as possible.


9.7 Height-adjustable outrigger Having determined the height from the ground of the outrigger cylinder, fit the elastic ring in the chosen place on the outrigger jack. To secure it correctly, proceed as follows:

• • • •

Assemble the cylinder Assemble the flange with the screws and nuts Apply a few drops of medium threadlocker Tighten the screws with adequate torque (see Appendix 3)

1. Elastic ring 2. Securing flange 3. Screws 4. Nuts

The elastic ring must always be put inside the housing of the blocking flange. The open stretch of the elastic ring must always be rotated 90° from its existing position on the securing flange.


9.8 Hydraulic connection of the additional outriggers The diagrams below illustrate the hydraulic connections between standard crane hydraulic systems and the additional outrigger system. Refer to the relevant sections for further information concerning the materials to be used for the system, type of couplings, metal pipes and flexible hoses.


Code 1.02.0153



































1.5 bar




10.1 Top seat control position on column and on footboard The control positions are fitted with all protection devices needed to comply with the essential safety requirements specified in the machinery directive. Do NOT tamper with or remove any components from the control position.

From the control positions, the operator must have complete visibility of the machine operating area. After installing the crane on the vehicle, make sure that, from whichever control position, the operator can visually control all the other control points, so as to check that there are no other operators in those positions. The installer must take special care to provide access to the control positions and these must comply with standard EN 12999 (see Appendix 6). For controls activated while standing, check that their height compared with the level of the footboard allows easy activation (height between 1 m and 1.4 m) and a proper view of the control information, capacity diagrams and all other instructions. If these conditions are not fulfilled, special footboards must be installed on which to stand to activate the controls. The height of the footboard above the ground must not be greater than 600 mm, and it must be larger than 400 x 500 mm in size. If the height above the ground is more than 600 mm, access steps must be made. The footboard must be capable of bearing a load of at least 1500 N (≈150 kg) applied over a round surface 125 mm in diameter. For top seat control positions (above the crane base), the installer must provide access stairs, footboards, etc. considering the following requirements:

• • • • • • • • • •

The operator must be able to reach the steps and the handrails with natural movements. The control position must be reachable without any risk of knocking controls or of clothes getting entangled. The handles and rails must not have sharp edges and preferably should be rounded. The handles and rails must be well coordinated and spaced along the route, to provide continuous support to the user (see Appendix 6). The foot support surfaces must be anti-slip; the steps must not be round. The steps, except those between an intermediate level and the control position on the column, must be wide enough to put both feet on them (see Appendix 6). Any removable stairs must be able to be firmly secured when in use and when not in use. The handles and rails must be able to resist a horizontal force of 1000 N (≈100 kg) distributed over 100 mm, without deformation. The stairs must comply with the measurements given in Appendix 6. The stairs must be at an angle of between 90° - 75° with respect to the horizontal.

The position of the seat is decided by the manufacturer. However, the installer must be able to adjust the height of the seat during installation using the seat pre-drilled securing plate. Thus the position of the seat can be adjusted to suit each truck in accordance with the maximum height (4 m) specified by the highway code.

All the precautions taken to reduce risks must be shown in the relevant risk analysis section in the Installation Technical File.


Footboard control position

1. Footboard 2. Access steps

Top seat control position on the column

1. Steps 2. Platform 3. Stairs 4. Side protection 5. Seat


10.2 Protection from exhaust fume inhalation Special case must be paid to the position of the vehicle exhaust pipe. If it is too close to the control position, the operator is exposed to the risk of dangerous inhalations.

In this case, it may be necessary to alter its position, subject to authorisation from the vehicle manufacturer, or provide a flexible extension to be installed on the exhaust pipe before using the crane.

Exhaust pipe diverted upwards

1. Anti-scorch protection

Removable flexible extension

1. Flexible extension for exhaust pipe

As a general rule, any machine components near the control positions which could exceed a temperature of 50 °C must be protected.


10.3 Protection from crushing and shearing In the natural position adopted by the operator to operate the controls, it must not be possible with any part of the body to reach areas where there is a risk of crushing or shearing.

These risks can be avoided by complying with the minimum distances between moving parts, given in Appendix 7.

If a risk cannot be totally eliminated, it must be reduced to the minimum through precise instructions and warnings about how to behave. All the precautions taken to reduce risks must be shown in the relevant risk analysis section in the Installation Technical File.

10.4 Protection from noise For truck-mounted cranes where the vehicle engine is the power source, noise emissions are determined by the engine itself. The installer will be responsible for assessing the noise pollution of the assembly and provide the necessary instructions such as requiring the machine operator to use headphones or earplugs.

For noise emission levels, refer to the information from the vehicle manufacturer. When required by the regulations in force in the country where the machine is to be used, the installer must provide instructions about the need to have the relevant personal protection equipment (headphones, earplugs, etc.) or to reduce noise emissions.




Cranes can leave the production line with or without accessories. Accessories can also be installed following delivery, even during installation. Check that any accessories used are approved by the manufacturer. Typical post-sale accessories include:

• • • •

Hydraulic winch Manual extensions Hydraulic bucket, claw and pincer Brace to lift cars for cranes used on roadside recovery vehicles

All these accessories must only be used if EC certified in accordance with annex II B of the Machinery Directive.

11.1 Hydraulic winch and top roller Before using the winch consult the winch IOM.

Main components of hydraulic winch 1 2 3 4 5 6

Hydraulic winch Top roller (pulley with mechanical stop at top) Double-pull pulley (optional) Counterweight Rope and thimble Hook


11.1.1 Safety devices

Main safety devices 1 2 3 4 5 6

Cable gland Cable gland spring Rope-end sensor Circuit board which processes the signal of the pull limiter and rope-end Pull-limiter sensor Mechanical stop for rope going up

All the safety devices must be correctly installed and working perfectly before the machine is put into service. The safety devices MUST NOT be tampered with.


11.1.2 Assembling the top roller

Procedure for assembling the top roller 1-2 3-4 5 6-7-8-9 10

Release the monkey wrench. Unscrew the securing pins. Insert the top roller between the housings of the couplings. Assemble the pins. Replace the wrench.

Handle top rollers with great care because there is a risk of crushing hands in the jointed parts of the upper block coupling.

11.1.3 Inserting the rope

Procedure for assembling the rope 1

Release the closing pin and insert the rope; reinsert and block the closing pin with spring pin and split pin.

Be careful not to crush hands and fingers under the taut rope.


11.1.4 Assembling the counterweight

Procedure for assembling the rope 1-2-3 4-5 6-7-8

Remove the pin holding the rope. Place the thimble against the pin hole. Insert and block the pin with washer and split pin.

11.1.5 Securing the hook to the counterweight

Procedure for securing the hook to the counterweight 1-2-3 4 5-6-7

Remove the pin holding the hook. Place the hook slot against the pin hole. Insert and block the pin with washer and split pin.


11.1.6 Assembling the double-pull pulley (optional)

Procedure for assembling the double-pull pulley 1-2-3-4 5-6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13-14 15-16-17-18 19 20-21

Remove the pins holding the rope. Remove the lower blocking pin. Pass the rope down through the pulley guide. Remove the pin holding the rope. Secure the rope to the pin and block the pin with the split pin. Secure the pins blocking the rope with the split pin. Place the hook slot against the pin hole. Insert and block the pin with washer and split pin.

Be careful not to crush hands and fingers under the taut rope.

Be careful not to crush hands and fingers under the taut rope.


11.2 Manual extensions 11.2.1 General installation instructions The weight in kg and maximum allowable load is stamped on each manual extension.

Stamp positioning

If weight < 30 kg (20 kg for women)

If weight ≼30 kg (20 kg for women)

When lifting and moving the manual extension, remember that the centre of gravity is approximately halfway along the extension. The operator is responsible for the choice of lifting equipment to use according to the weight of the extension. A crane with mechanical extensions can be used within the EC only if the load is controlled by a load limiter.

If a winch is installed, the capacities of the standard crane must be downgraded (see Appendix 13). The installer is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the load chart applied to the crane (see IOM).


11.2.2 Installing the manual extensions To install the manual extensions correctly, it is vital to consult the crane spare parts manual.

As an example, the stages and vital checks for installing the manual extensions correctly are described.

Assembly procedure 3 6-7-9-11 1-2 4-5 2/3-10 -

If provided in the assembly kit, install the runners (3) on the manual extension. Install the shackle (6) and hook (7) on the hook coupling (9) or on removable supports (11). Insert the manual extension inside the last extension. If provided in the assembly kit, install the external or internal runners on the last hydraulic extension (1-2). Insert and secure the extension to the hydraulic extension with the pin (4) and split pin (5). Check that the extension limiter device is working properly (2 / 3, 10). Check that the extension is perfectly in line with the crane arm. Check the weight stamp of the extension and the metal plate with the maximum capacity.

If the limiter device does not work, it could create a serious risk of impact for the operator.

The extension must be securely blocked with the pin to avoid any hazardous accidents.

Excessive lateral play could cause abnormal stresses on the extensions and hazardous oscillation of the load.

The actual operating capacity, controlled by the load limiter, must be consistent with the crane capacity chart, as this value was assigned during the stability tests for the whole assembly.


11.2.3 Assembling the extensions for operation

Before assembling the extension, the following checks must be made:

• • • • •

Check that the extension limiter device is complete and operating. Check that the runners limiting the vertical play of the arm (if provided) have been correctly fitted. Check that the extension blocking pin is complete, of the right length and provided with a safety split pin. Several retracted extensions must not be assembled one inside the other or extended at the same time. The extension must be fitted by two operators: the first operator must control the lifting equipment; the second must be near the blocking pin. • Stand with your body by the side of the arm, to avoid it suddenly extending as this could create a risk for the operator.

Assembly procedure

• Lean the basic crane arms downwards at an angle so that it is easy to insert the extension. • Sling the extension with a suitably-sized rope (approximately on the centre line), to balance the weight and lift it with appropriate lifting equipment. • Lean the extension (at the same angle as the arms) and insert it in the receiving arm.

• • • •

Stop the truck engine to avoid uncontrolled crane movements. Move the extension laterally right and left to make it easy to insert the limiter device inside the receiving arm or extension. Insert the extension further until the extension limiter device engages in its housing. Secure any runner. Use a crowbar to line up the hole in the receiving arm or extension with the hole to block the added extension.

• • • •

Insert the blocking pin and secure it with the split pin. Continue in the same way to assemble other extensions. To assemble the lifting hook see §7.3 In the EC, installation, calibration and operating checks of the load limiter (see manual extension load limiter manuals)


11.2.4 Dismantling the extensions

Comply with the following safety instructions:

• Several extensions (retracted within one another or extended) must not be dismantled at the same time. They must be dismantled individually starting with the smallest. • Two operators must dismantle the extension: the first must control the lifting equipment; the second must be near the blocking pin of the extension. • Stand with your body by the side of the arm, to prevent any accidents if it should extend suddenly.

Dismantling procedure

• If fitted, remove the lifting hook from the mechanical extension. • Lower the crane arm until the mechanical extension touches the ground. • Sling the extension with appropriate lifting equipment approximately halfway along its length to balance the weight.

• Remove the blocking pin from the extension in the operating position. • Lift the crane arm high enough to remove the mechanical extension and at the same time support it with the lifting equipment. • If an extension has a spring extension limiter device inserted in a hydraulic extension, pull out the extension 500 mm so that the hole stopping the limiter device appears. • Release the runner: remove the runners or use a pin punch on the spring extension limiter device.


11.3 Jib 11.3.1 Packing and unpacking The jib can be sent in the following packaging:

• Secured rigidly to a base pallet and shrinkwrapped • Inside a crate secured to its base

Fork lift truck forks

Jib fixed to pallet

Jib packed in crate

To lift the machine when unpacked, use a crane or overhead crane with suitable capacity. Check the weight of the jib indicated on the plate. Sling it according to the specifications in Appendix 15.

11.3.2 Disposing of the packaging • Unpack the jib and release it from all the fasteners securing it to the base pallet. • Separate the various packaging components to make it easy to remove or recycle them. • Any disposal of packaging must be done in accordance with the regulations in force in the country where the machine is being installed taking account of the nature of the materials.


11.3.3 Assembling the jib on the crane


1 4 3

• • • •

Prepare the vehicle as described in the crane IOM and secure the jib horizontally. Extend the crane as described in the IOM. If provided, dismantle the hook coupling arm from the crane. Extend the crane arm by at least 1500 mm (2) and line it up with the jib coupling (1).

• Connect the connector at points “A” and “B”. • Connect the quick release connectors of the rubber hoses of the jib joint jack “C” to the respective connectors on the crane arm “D”, respecting the colours of the protective caps of the connectors. • Work the control lever opening the jib joint jack to line up the jib coupling arm with the crane arm (3). • Very slowly, work the arm extension control lever to insert the jib coupling inside the last arm of the crane (4).

This operation can be hazardous because, if the jib pivot is moved by mistake, it could damage the crane and the jib itself.


• At the end of the movement, block the jib to the crane with pin “E” and corresponding safety split pin “F”. • Connect the quick-release connectors of the jib flexible hoses which have not yet been connected “C” to the corresponding quickrelease connectors on crane arm “D”, respecting the colours of the connector protective devices. • Adjust the runners/lateral adjustment devices on the last crane arm to obtain perfect alignment of the jib with the crane arm. • At this point, the jib is installed and some manoeuvres with no load must be carried out to bleed any air present. Faulty assembly of the jib can cause faults during normal operation of the crane. Therefore, after connecting the hydraulic and electrical circuits, check that:

• There is no air in the supply line of the moment limiter signal and in the general hydraulic system. • The electrical connections are complete and correct.

• The entire moment limiter system is working perfectly.

11.3.4 Dismantling the jib • • • • • • • • • • • •

Close the jib arms completely (1). Orientate the arms (2). With the crane arm extended by at least 1500 mm, support the jib on the ground (3). Stop the truck engine to ensure that the hydraulic system is depressurised. Disconnect the quick-release connectors of the hydraulic supply hoses to the jib “C” and “D” (see figure in previous paragraph), taking care not to disperse oil into the environment. Protect the quick-release connectors with the corresponding protective caps. Remove the split pin “F” and the pin “E” (see figure in previous paragraph). Start the truck engine. Slowly retract the crane arms by approximately 200 millimetres (4) to deactivate the microswitch, if fitted, on the hydraulic arm of the crane. Disconnect the connectors “A” and “B” and connect it to the cap or, if fitted, the microswitch on the hydraulic arm of the crane. If provided, assemble the hook coupling arm in the last arm of the crane and block it with the corresponding pin. At this point the jib is dismantled so ensure it is securely fixed/blocked to prevent it tipping over onto its side. If it is to be stored in a place not protected from atmospheric agents, or if it is not used for long periods, protect/grease all the exposed machine parts (pins, jack rods, etc.). 2





Before using the winch, consult the IOM. Assembly of the accessories on the crane must take the relevant risk analyses into consideration. The installer must insert all the documentation and certification for these accessories in the Installation Technical File. An Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual must be drawn up for each accessory. The installer must integrate the accessory manuals with the crane manual and installation manual.

11.4 Pick-up units other than the hook The customer may request a pick-up unit other than the hook such as a bucket, claw, pincer or magnet (see §3.3). As the machine is subject to additional stresses, it comes into a more onerous load class and therefore the indicated capacities for the hook must be downgraded compared with the standard ones (see the load capacity chart when using other units in the IOM, see crane downgrading table in Appendix 13).

The downgrading of cranes using other pick-up units is due to the following main differences in the conditions of use:

• Cranes with other pick-up units can compress the ground, thus producing fatigue cycles opposite (-σmax / +σmax) to the main structural components (column, arms, extensions, etc.). • Cranes can use lifting equipment which allows the instant release of the load (pincer, bucket, magnet, etc.). • Cranes with other pick-up units, depending on the operator’s requirements, can be used to work at higher operating speeds than those defined for lifting with a hook. All the above factors mean that the machine must be downgraded by 30% compared to loads using a hook. Therefore, all cranes which can be operated up to the end of the last telescopic extension are tested and calibrated with a load capacity downgraded by 30%. Furthermore, to protect the machine structure, pressure limiting valves are inserted on the lifting jack return side to limit the compression on the ground. If a different pick-up unit is installed on a machine already marketed and put into service using a hook, the installer is responsible for making the appropriate reductions in the load capacity of the pick-up unit and the corresponding calibrations and seals on the hydraulic system, also taking into consideration the weight and useful capacity of the unit itself.

The new load chart must be inserted in the Installation Technical File and the Operating Manual and must be applied to the machine, replacing the previous one, by the installer carrying out the transformation. If the crane undergoes a transformation of load rating from hook use to other pick-up unit use, the capacity downgrading is irreversible.

Exceptions: • Cranes intended for roadside recovery are not downgraded in any way as they are designed to work with a brace for raising and rotating vehicles and thus have to be fitted with equipment to operate up to the end of the last telescopic extension. • For cranes fitted with an electronic moment limiter, the downgrading is activated by pressing the specific button for use with a different pick-up unit. 109



This section deals with certain characteristic aspects of the hydraulic systems installed on cranes. Remember that, for optimal operation of hydraulic machines, it is vital that the hydraulic systems are kept totally clean.

Whenever hydraulic components are removed, the disconnected openings must be kept closed to avoid the entry of dirt and no welding or grinding must be carried out near dismantled hydraulic components. Suction filters must not be fitted. When designing and carrying out the installation, the provisions in EN 12999 and UNI EN 563 must be complied with.

12.1 Hydraulic fluid In the standard version the machine is delivered with an empty tank: all the crane jacks are filled on the shaft side. The installer is responsible for filling the tank with the most appropriate hydraulic fluid, depending on the type of use and environmental operating conditions. Hydraulic fluids with antiskimming and antiwear additives must be used. The recommended viscosity in a temperate climate is 46 cSt, but fluids with other viscosity values may have to be used in extreme climates (see Tab.10)

Tab.10 : Recommended hydraulic fluids CLIMATE

Viscosity grade (ISO 3448)

Viscosity at 40°C (ISO 3104) [cSt]

Min. viscosity index (ISO 2909)


VG 32


VI 98


VG 46


VI 98


VG 68


VI 98


Use of plant-based fluids must be approved by the Amco-Veba technical department. Check that the operating temperature is never higher than 75°C. If this is the case, include a heat exchanger in the system. Do not use used fluids in the crane hydraulic system. Used fluids must be stored in special containers and delivered to a specialist disposal company to prevent pollution.


12.1.1 Parameters for selecting the hydraulic fluid There are some important parameters which influence the choice of the best fluid for the machine’s hydraulic circuit. The most important ones are listed below.

• VISCOSITY AND OPTIMAL OPERATING TEMPERATURE As the viscosity of the hydraulic fluid decreases as the temperature increases, the viscosity to use must be assessed in accordance with the machine’s operating environment. Special “Arctic” hydraulic oils for use at very low temperatures are also available. The optimal operating temperature for ISO VG 46 oil and for the hydraulic components is between 40° and 50°C approximately. In these conditions the properties of the oil and the hydraulic equipment calibration are maintained and the formation of sludge deposits is limited.

Machine hydraulic components are subject to anomalous functioning at low temperatures, even if “Arctic” hydraulic fluids are used. Furthermore leaks of oil from hydraulic cylinder seals are also possible due to hardening of the seals. Under these conditions operate the hydraulic circuit with no load for a few minutes before using the crane. Under extreme conditions a heater and thermostat can be inserted in the oil tank.

• ADDITIVES Additives are added to the fluids to improve their performance and life cycle. As a general rule, we can say that all synthetic mineral fluids are compatible with our systems if their properties comply with or are higher than grade ISO 6743-4 / HL.

• COMPATIBILITY Another very important parameter to consider in choosing the hydraulic fluid is its compatibility with the materials used. In practice, compatibility means that the hydraulic fluid used does not attack and is not attacked by any of the materials we use to build the machines. In all cases, always ask the fluid manufacturer about the actual compatibility of the fluid supplied.

• CONTAMINATION When topping up or replacing the fluid, use fluids with a low contamination rate to protect the control and safety components (main valve, valves, limiter, etc.) and to extend the useful life of the filters. We therefore recommend fluids with a maximum contamination class of 18/16/13 ISO 4406 (7 NAS 1638). If a fluid with a higher contamination class is used, we recommend prefiltering with an efficiency of ß6-10(c) ≥ 75 (ISO 16889)


12.2 Suction hose The suction hose must be fixed in such a way that the bending and vibration stresses transferred by the hose are discharged on the tank itself. Otherwise, there is a risk of irreparable damage to the tank itself with the resulting possibility of leaks. The pump suction hoses must always be below the minimum level of the fluid to avoid cavitation problems. Pay particular attention when connecting the suction hose of the pump to the tank valve, avoiding any rotation of the valve by using a wrench. Before installing components such as pump, hoses, exchangers, tanks, etc. the component must be flushed or carefully cleaned using dry compressed air. With regard to hydraulic hoses, the installer must use appropriate hoses to connect the crane to the pump and the tank.

12.3 Size of suction and delivery hoses The sections of the hoses used must be chosen in accordance with the flow rate indicated by the crane manufacturer and given in the TS. To avoid cavitation in the suction pipes, we recommend using hoses with the diameters indicated in the following table.

Tab.11 : Size of suction hose Flow rate Q [ℓ/min] 0 - 17 18 - 30 31 - 45 46 - 65 66 - 120

Internal diameter inch


¾” 1” 1 ¼” 1 ½” 2”

19 25 32 38 50

The average speed of the oil flow in the hoses must be between the following values: - delivery hoses: 3 - 6 m/s - suction hoses: 0.5 - 1.5 m/s (also dependent on the manufacturing properties of the pumps) To calculate the size of the suction hoses, you can use the chart in Appendix 4. When choosing hoses it is also important to check that:

• THE SUCTION HOSE - Can operate at the maximum and minimum temperatures permitted for the machine - Can be subject to small vacuums - Is compatible with the hydraulic fluid used

• THE DELIVERY HOSE - Has an explosion pressure value at least 4 times that of the crane operating pressure - Can operate at the maximum and minimum temperatures permitted for the machine - Is compatible with the hydraulic fluid used - Has pressed couplings as required by the hose manufacturer - Must be covered with a protective sheath if it passes less than 1 m from the crane control position

When positioning the hoses, pay great attention to the radii of the hose curves to avoid excessive load losses and dangerous stresses, as well as to provide the adequate lengths for the position of the system (see Appendix 5).


12.4 Filling the tank Having chosen the type of fluid to use, the tank can be filled. To do this correctly, comply with the recommendations listed below.

• All the equipment used to fill the tank (hoses, drum, funnel, filter, etc.) must be carefully washed and pickled before use. • Before filling the tank, check very carefully how clean it is inside, by a visual inspection through the flange/trap door securing the filter on the return. • Check that there are no water residues in the oil. • To fill the tank and for subsequent topping up, use only fluids with a maximum contamination class of 18/16/13 ISO 4406 (7 NAS 1638). As a general rule, to be sure that the oil is actually clean, it is recommended that is passed through a mobile filtration unit. • Fill the tank with the PTO not attached and the crane closed in the home position. • Check that no foreign bodies enter the tank during filling. • Always fill and top up the tank through the filling cap, inside of which is a filter with a metallic mesh. • As regards the quantity of oil to put in, adjust it using the minimum and maximum level indicators on the tank.

MAX: Maximum oil level to avoid leaks


MIN: Minimum oil level to ensure the machine operates properly


Hydraulic fluids can irritate the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Use personal protection equipment when filling the tank (goggles, overalls, gloves). If oil comes into contact with body or work clothes, immediately clean them carefully.

12.5 Emptying the tank For maintenance and cleaning of the system or dismantling the crane, the tank may have to be emptied. Tanks are provided with a drainage cap at the bottom for this purpose. Having prepared suitable equipment to transport and collect the used oil, remove the drainage cap and open the filling cap to let air in. The precautions described above relating to the danger of hydraulic fluids and their disposal remain valid.


12.6 Couplings Our range predominantly uses couplings with SAE J 517 ends and a seal flare of 37°.

On these types of coupling the seal is guaranteed by the coupling between two conical surfaces secured using special locking nuts.

The table below shows the flare, diameter and thickness required for the hoses:

Tab.12 : Sizes and tolerances of SAE J 517 couplings T




























65° 67°

73° 75°


37,5° D


Even though JIC couplings are considered to be some of the safest and most reliable, the seal of the couplings should be checked after a few working hours. If necessary, tighten the couplings using the torque settings recommended by the manufacturer, as specified below.

Tab.13 : Tightening torques for SAE J 517 couplings External diameter of hose de [mm - inch]


Tightening torque Mser [Nm]

6 - 1/4” 8 - 5/16” 10 - 3/8” 12 - 1/2” 16 - 5/8” 20 - 4/5”

7/16 - 20 1/2 - 20 9/16 - 18 3/4 - 16 7/8 - 14 1 1/16” - 12

13 - 15 18 - 25 24 - 31 45 - 52 65 - 70 90 - 100

Exceptionally, DIN 2533 couplings are used on some machines. The manufacturer places no constraints on the type of couplings used as long as minimum safety requirements specified are adhered to. The maximum explosion pressure (psc) must be at least 4 times the operating pressure (pes).

psc ≥ 4 ⋅ pes


12.7 Hydraulic hoses The crane hydraulic system is made up of main valves, valves, couplings and hoses which can be either rigid or flexible. In the same way, the hydraulic lines used for the installation can be:

• flexible (valve pump connection); • rigid (crane main valve connection with additional outriggers).

The type of couplings used must be recorded in the Installation Technical File. Some types of crane are supplied with separate crane outriggers. In this case the installer must take great care to connect the hoses correctly when connecting the crane and outriggers, i.e.:

• infeed hose (supplying outrigger cylinder on shaft side) of the main valve must be connected to the corresponding outrigger infeed hose; • outfeed hose (supplying outrigger cylinder on the body side) of the main valve must be connected to the corresponding outrigger outfeed hose.

12.7.1 Flexible hoses The flexible hoses on the crane comply with SAE or DIN standards. Hoses complying with SAE standards are: - SAE 100R1, SAE 100R2, SAE 100R9, SAE 100R16 Hoses complying with DIN standards are: - DIN 20022 2SN All the hoses listed have an internal hose made from extruded synthetic rubber without connections and with the same thickness, a flexible highly resistant steel braid reinforcement and an external abrasion-proof synthetic rubber coating resistant to atmospheric agents, oil, hydrocarbons and corrosive substances in general. The operating conditions for the hoses are very similar i.e. at temperatures between -40 °C and +100 °C with peaks of +130 °C.

Use hoses with guaranteed performance for a minimum period of 10 years.


12.7.2 Rigid hoses The rigid hoses used on the machines can be divided on the basis of diameter and thickness. All the hoses are made from the same material. The table below summarises the properties of the rigid hoses used:

Tab.14 : General properties of rigid hoses Hose diameter d [mm] 6 8 10 12 16 20 6 8 10 12 16 16 20

Thickness 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5

Material DIN 1630

Rm,min [MPa]

RS,min [MPa]

A% min longitudinal

Longitudinal resilience min. [J]

St 37.4





St 52.4





pes,max [bar] 651 441 335 381 352 270 984 667 506 575 408 532 408

The manufacturer places no constraints on the type of couplings used as long as minimum safety requirements specified are adhered to. The maximum explosion pressure (psc) must be at least 4 times the operating pressure (pes). p sc ≼ 4 ⋅ p es

The type of hosing used, rigid or flexible, must be recorded in the Installation Technical File.




Greasing is a vital and frequent part of maintenance on a truck-mounted crane. All joints on latest generation machines are designed with plastic self-lubricating bushes or sintered fused bronze self-lubricating bushes to reduce the need for greasing maintenance to a minimum (recommended anyway). Joints between arms are fitted with grease nipples. The machine must be greased completely at the frequency specified in the operation and maintenance manuals for the various machines. The routine maintenance section of the IOM contains a drawing of the machine indicating the greasing points and recommended frequencies. If machines are not used for long periods, before using they should be greased completely and any residual, used grease should be removed if possible.

Tab.15 : Recommended greases for maintenance TOTAL MULTIS EP2





Remove residues of used grease before performing new greasing operations.

Molybdenum bisulphur-based greases must not be used.

This grease is polluting, toxic and flammable. Grease residues and used grease must be disposed of by an authorised waste management company.




14.1 General For cranes fitted with electrical safety devices (emergency stop button, winch limiter devices, jib load limiter, etc.), when assembling them on the vehicle, the installer must carry out the electrical connections with the vehicle’s system, to provide power to the devices. The installer is required to comply with the following assembly instructions:

• All work on the vehicle’s electrical system must be carried out by authorised personnel in accordance with the assembly instructions provided by the vehicle manufacturer. All electric components used must be secured in such a way that the cables come out from the bottom, to avoid water getting in. • Scrupulously respect the polarity on the cables as reversed polarity can cause serious damage to the components installed.

• To avoid accidental contacts and earthing during electrical connection operations, make sure all cutting or joining of cables is carried out with the power supply disconnected.

• • • • •

If any auxiliary control cables are not used, the individual conductors must be insulated. For the sizes of connection cables, refer to the wiring diagrams supplied. Removable cables with oil protection are preferable. Only use the points installed on the vehicle by the manufacturer for the power connections. The machine requires a 12V or 24V power supply with regard to the voltage required for the safety components and controls to operate correctly. • All electric components inserted by the installer must be compatible with Directive 2004/108/EC.

The crane’s electric panels must not be powered up when not in use. For the colour coding of the cables see Appendix 16.


14.2 EC crane electrical connection Diagram 1.01.0155_P3



















RD 1,5

BK 2,5

RD 2,5

RD 1,5



RD 2,5




BK 1,5



RD 1,5



RD 2,5

RD 2,5


BK 1,5

14.3 Crane electrical connection with electric pump Machines fitted with an electric pump have a 12 V power supply. Diagram 1.01.0123 SAT EMERGENCY EMERGENZA

































– +



The installer is responsible for connecting the power between the vehicle battery and electric pump motor. For the electrical properties of the motors see the TS.

14.4 PTO warning device When mounting cranes on trucks with a power take-off (PTO), we recommend providing the system with a PTO warning device so that the user cannot run the risk of setting off without having deactivated this device. Usually, for a PTO with mechanical drive, a microswitch is placed near the lever for inserting the PTO, and this connects to a light on the dashboard which lights up when the PTO is attached. On PTO units with a pneumatic drive system a bulb is used to signal that the PTO is attached.


14.5 Crane in home position warning device Standard EN 12999 requires the installation of a device which indicates when the height of the crane exceeds the maximum allowable of 4 m. A microswitch or an angle sensor can be installed on the primary arm of the crane, positioned so that a light in the truck cab will come on. In this way, before driving off, the user can see the light signal and bring the crane arm within the admissible dimensions for road use.

Diagram 1.01.0108 BUZZER












The type of signal used must be recorded in the Installation Technical File, and may be supplemented with functional diagrams and sizes.


14.6 Device for signalling the retracting of the manual outrigger beams In the case of manually operated outrigger extensions the EN 12999 standard requires a warning light in the cab. This device indicates if the outriggers are in the transport position. The device is formed by two contact microswitches (four, when there is an additional crosspiece) connected in series with a two-colour light. The red light indicates that one or more outrigger beams are not retracted correctly; the green light indicates that all the beams are correctly retracted. It is the installer’s responsibility to install the two-colour light in the cab. This light has two cables: the first (with AMP connector) must be connected to the microswitch cabling through the connector labelled “LED” using an extension; the second (power supply) labelled “+ –” must be connected to the truck ignition system (using key).



+ -


Micro Addit. stab. suppl. Outrig. (optional) Micro

Crane Micro Outrig. stab. Microgru LED

Diagram 1.01.0033 MICRO STAB. SUPPL.




+ -





15.1 General The installer must draw up the Installation Technical File before commissioning the machine. This document contains the analyses, calculations and assembly checks for which the installer is responsible.

Each machine can be declared in service only if the Commissioning Document has been completed, countersigned and sent to the manufacturer and if the Installation Technical File has been drawn up.

15.2 Installation Technical File The Installation Technical File is a document which affirms that the installation of the crane and the combination of any other machinery or partly completed machinery complied with community directives, the instructions supplied by the crane and vehicle manufacturers and that everything has been done professionally to reduce risks. The Technical File must be kept for at least 10 years after the machine is delivered to the end user. The document must only be shown or sent to the relevant national authorities on request.

15.2.1 Form of the Installation Technical File • Hazard list. On the basis of UNI EN ISO 12100-2, EN 12999 and any other standards, the additional hazards which the machine might present after installation are summarised (an outline is suggested in EN 12999, see Appendix 8). • Risk Analysis. This is the vital part of the Technical File. All the following actions are carried out in accordance with the risk assessment. • Residual risks. Even though risk analysis is used to take all measures needed to optimise machine safety, some hazards cannot be eliminated through design or simple manual instructions. Therefore these hazards must be indicated in the form of warnings. • Description of installation. The first part of the Installation Technical File must contain a general description of the machines to be assembled or the new machine to be built. An overall diagram and description of how it operates can be included. • Condition of use and machine classification. A description of the type of work for which the machine will be used and relevant legislation should be included. • Size of installation. Calculation of the load on the vehicle axles, theoretical stability check, calculation for sub-frame with or without additional outriggers, hydraulic dimensions of pump, PTO. Functional Diagrams. • Appendices. Certificates, calculations, tests, manuals, photos, etc should be kept to enable justification of design choices. • Checks before Commissioning. The machine installer must guarantee that it works perfectly and safely before delivering it to the end client. He must carry out the practical checks relating to the preliminary calculations: stability check, load on axles and various checks (see §15.4). • Inspection record. A document must be included to record all routine, extraordinary and ordinary maintenance checks to establish the state of wear of the machine. This document is the responsibility of the installer and is used to record legally required checks performed by the relevant authorities. The first check to be recorded is the preliminary one performed by the installer before commissioning. • Assembly Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual. This includes the Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual for the crane and any other equipment on the machine. It contains information about the user and the installer, warnings for use linked to the installation, warnings for the use of several machines or partly completed machines at the same time, instructions to make the crane or body operational, checks before and after use, etc. • Machine Commissioning. The installer can commission the machine only after he has completed the Commissioning Declaration and sent it to the crane manufacturer. The installer is required to make the EC declaration for the complete machine (see facsimile in Appendix 10) and to affix the CE marking. • Delivery report. This is a document which the installer must get the end user to sign and is kept inside the Technical File. This document shows that training was given and that all necessary documentation was supplied with the machine (see facsimile in Appendix 11).


15.3 Residual risks Paragraph §1.7.2 of the machinery directive states: “Where risks remain despite the inherent safe design measures, safeguarding and complementary protective measures adopted, the necessary warnings, including warning devices, must be provided.â€? Warnings for the use of the crane are included in the crane IOM. They cover most of the residual risks of the installation also. However, the installer must provide, in combination with the IOM, an Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual for the assembly itself, or else indicate how the part of the machinery he has made operates with the related hazards and risks. The Assembly IOM must include the fundamental warnings on use of the machine and any residual risks generated by the assembly must be listed and marked with the symbol


15.4 Tests and checks The crane and the assembly must be tested to check they comply with the manufacturer’s requirements and to check the structural integrity of all the components. The tests must be carried out in the most demanding conditions specified by the manufacturer.

• TEST CONDITIONS • During the tests, the wind speed must not exceed 8.3 m/s (30 km/h)

• Installation must be complete with the truck body empty and fuel and oil tanks no more than half full. • Tyres must be inflated at the nominal pressure ±2% as specified by the vehicle manufacturer. • The machine must be stabilised on the flat with the outriggers fully extended horizontally. The vehicle suspension system must not be fully discharged in that the wheels must remain firmly on the ground.

• During the tests, the crane must be set and controlled in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. • For some tests, some safety devices or load limiters may have to be deactivated. In these cases the installer must insure that the devices are reactivated, recalibrated and checked at the end of the tests. The tests required under standard EN 12999 are as follows:

• • • •

Functional test (§15.4.1) Static test (§15.4.2) Dynamic test (§15.4.3) Stability test (§15.4.4) Before carrying out the tests, the machine operating area must be marked to avoid damage to objects and people.

The person performing the tests must carry them out with the load as close to the ground as possible and must use the machine with the maximum caution. Remember that the cranes are calibrated with moment limiter devices with a load capacity on average 5% greater than that indicated on the capacity plate in order to achieve good manoeuvrability of the nominal load. For the tests, these devices must be deactivated in accordance with the instructions in Appendix 12. The error allowed in the sizes used for the tests and checks must be within the limits indicated in standard ISO 9373.

Check the oil temperature at the end of the tests and checks. If the limits given in §12.1 are exceeded, we recommend installing a heat exchanger.

The outcome of each check is vital for demonstrating risk reduction. The results must be made official by recording them in the Installation Technical File.


15.4.1 Functional test The functional test aims to check that the installation as a whole meets the minimum safety requirements necessary for safe use of the machine. Therefore the various devices installed, both by the manufacturer and the installer at a later date, must be tested to assess whether they perform in full the functions for which they were installed. Many of the recommended checks have already been performed during machine testing. However, components may be damaged during transport and therefore the installer should always perform the following checks given that he is responsible for functioning faults caused by poor installation. Obviously, if any problems occur, the relevant workshop is responsible for rectifying them. Many of these tests are also specified in the operation and maintenance manuals because the user must perform routine tests on safety components. Checks to perform:

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Perfect tightening of securing rods (see §7.1.3) Hydraulic connections between pump and main valve (see §7.7.6 and §12.6) Oil level in tank (see §12.4) Clogging of oil filter (see IOM) Size of crane in home position ready for road use (see IOM) Operation of cab warning lights to indicate the crane is in the home position and not over 4 m high (see §14.5) Horizontal blocking of retracted outriggers (see §14.6 Presence of crane stabilisation plates Right length of outrigger cylinder Hydraulic system leaks Operation of emergency stop buttons (see IOM) Main valve levers working gently and gradually With engine OFF and load attached, the load should not move when the levers are pulled Movement speeds in accordance with those in IOM Presence of seals on all the safety valves (see IOM) Correct operation of oil thermometer Correct operation of moment limiter (see IOM) Correct operation of rotation limiters if fitted Integrity of hook and safety blocks Clarity of instruction plates affixed to the machine (see IOM)

The functional test must be performed on the whole range of handling and at maximum speed, to check the integrity of each safety system and the correct operation of the moment limiter installed.


15.4.2 Static test The static test is performed with the machine’s hydraulic extensions extended, rotating slowly along the whole working arc with the load lifted approximately 100 mm from the ground. For safety reasons, the load should be attached with telescopic components retracted and the whole arm extended taking care not to tip the machine up. The test load, TL, is determined as follows:


TL = 1 25 ⋅ Pn where Pn represents the nominal load indicated by the manufacturer with a known arm extension level. This test can only considered successful if no damage which might compromise safety is visible to the naked eye. Damage includes cracks to materials and welding, permanent deformation, flaking paint and loosening of screws.

15.4.3 Dynamic test This test is considered valid if, on completion, the components checked are proved suitable to fulfil the functions for which they were installed and if no component has been damaged. The test involves reading the machine’s operation and maintenance manual in order to check that the machine works and that it meets the requirements in the specific manuals. Obviously, the instructions in the manuals must be adhered to taking care that the movements are carried out with maximum care to avoid impacts or strong knocks. The dynamic test must be performed for each machine movement and every possible configuration. The test, which should take at least 30 min. overall, must include continual stops and starts of a single movement while always respecting the operating speed. The test includes attaching a test load, TL, determined as follows:


TL = 1 1 ⋅ Pn where Pn represents the nominal load indicated by the manufacturer with a known arm extension level. The limiter must be overcalibrated by approximately 15%. From the position with the telescopic extensions retracted, extend the arms until they reach the distance corresponding to the load Pn from which point the test will start. The first arm will be raised in stops and starts separated by a short period of time for the load to stabilise. The same method must be used for each machine function. The test can be considered successful only if all the devices worked correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions and if no machine component is damaged in a way which could compromise its safe use. Damage includes cracks to materials and welding, permanent deformation, flaking paint and loosening of screws.


15.4.4 Stability test The test is aimed at establishing if the machine can cause the vehicle to tip up during operation. The test must be performed with the truck body unloaded, on flat ground and for all loads which may cause the assembly to tip over including accessories such as mechanical extensions or jib. The test must be performed first of all stabilising the vehicle as stated in the operation and maintenance manuals of each crane, and then attaching a test load (TL) determined as follows: TL = Ks ⋅ Pn︵ + Ks −︶ 1 ⋅ Gb

TL ≥ 1.25 where TL test load Pn nominal load of crane Gb weight of arms extended to distance Pn Ks = 1.2 The Gb value has already been used for the theoretical stability test. The value of TL is shown in the IOM. With the arm at a given angle and the telescopic components retracted, extend the arms until the distance corresponding to the load Pn is reached from where the test begins. Rotate the crane in the load arc checking the various stability parameters thus grouped together, based on the type of assembly. The test can be considered successful if the test load is held in a static position in the following conditions:

• CAB-MOUNTED CRANE ASSEMBLY - At least 3 wheels must be on the ground in the side load area. - All the wheels must be on the ground in the rear load area. - All the wheels must be on the ground in the front load area. • CAB-MOUNTED CRANE ASSEMBLY WITH ADDITIONAL OUTRIGGERS - At least 3 outriggers must be on the ground in the side load area. - All the outriggers must be on the ground in the rear load area. - All the outriggers must be on the ground in the front load area. • REAR-MOUNTED CRANE ASSEMBLY - At least 3 wheels must be on the ground in the side load area. - All the wheels and one outrigger must be on the ground in the rear load area. - The front load area corresponds to the side load area. • REAR-MOUNTED CRANE ASSEMBLY WITH OUTRIGGERS BEHIND THE CAB - All the wheels and three outriggers must be on the ground in the side load area. - All the wheels and three outriggers must be on the ground in the rear load area. - All the wheels and three outriggers must be on the ground in the front load area. If there are some working areas where stability is not sufficient, systems must be provided to limit the working arc to only the safe area as indicated in §7.5. If poor stability is identified in various areas of the working arc then the load capacity of the machine must be downgraded using load limiting devices such as the moment limiter or the main adjustment device located at the infeed point of the main crane valve. Obviously, in the latter case, the person in charge of the test is responsible

• for checking with which loads the machine is stable • for producing a new load chart to replace the standard one used by the manufacturer for the machine and included in the operation and maintenance manuals.

On machines fitted with a pressure filter check that the filter cartridge is replaced before delivery to the end user.


If the machine is fitted with accessories such as a winch, jib or remote control unit then these must also be tested using the aforementioned parameters. Before commissioning check the dimensions of the crane in the home position for road use to ensure that the outrigger lock safety devices are functioning correctly and to check height conformity with the highway code (see Risk Analysis, Assembly IOM and Checks prior to commissioning).

15.4.5 Maximum load on vehicle axle On the basis of the mathematical calculation of the load on the axles, once installation is complete perform a practical test to assess the loads on the vehicle axles. The test involves weighing the individual axles of the vehicle to check that the values are less than the maximum loads specified by the vehicle manufacturer. Obviously this test must be performed with the crane in the same position as for the preliminary calculation (refer to the MCTC tests).

15.4.6 Noise levels and toxicity check Once the installation is complete assess the noise level to which the operator is subject during crane movement in all control positions. The test must be performed with the vehicle engine ON and in working conditions with nominal load. Operators should be advised to wear hearing protection devices on the basis of the noise levels identified. Noise levels must also be checked on the basis of Noise Directive 2000/14/EC. A plate must be secured to the vehicle indicating the noise level reached. The emission sound pressure level must be measured near the crane’s control positions (excluding the outrigger controls if separate) in accordance with standard EN ISO 11201. The sound power level must be measured in accordance with standard EN ISO 3744. For remote-controlled cranes, the measurements must be made 1 m from the main noise source and 1.6 m from the ground. During the measurements, the crane must also make all the operational movements (rotation, lifting, extension, etc.) with 50% of the nominal load and the power source must be taken to the required speed for the crane to achieve the movement speed it was designed for. Toxic emissions from the vehicle exhaust system, often a source of health problems for operators, must also be checked. It may be necessary to move the exhaust system outfeed point to an area of the chassis further away from the crane and other control positions (e.g. using removable flexible hoses).

15.4.7 Safety device seal check After the stability test put new seals on the safety devices deliberately tampered with to perform the tests.

15.4.8 Maximum size for road use check It must be possible to inspect the retraction of the outrigger beams from the driver’s position using the rear-view mirrors. If this is not possible then additional mirrors must be installed. In addition, in the case of manually operated outriggers only, a warning light must be installed near the cab driver’s position, indicating when the outrigger beams are not closed in the transport position. As described in §14.5, a device must be installed to warn the operator if, during road use, the machine on the truck body exceeds the dimensions allowed in the highway code. This device must have an electric warning light in the driver’s cab.


15.4.9 Securing rod tightness check When the static and dynamic tests have been completed successfully check the tightness of the rods used to secure the crane to the sub-frame/chassis. The reference values can be found in the instructions provided by the crane manufacturer (see §7.1.3).

15.4.10 Braking system check Only for vehicles with pneumatic braking system To engage the PTO, compressed air is taken in appropriate hoses from the existing vehicle system from the “services” air tank. The system must not be tampered with in any way. Perform the check when installation has been completed. Braking performance must not alter because of the installation.

15.4.11 End of checks At the end of the checks and before commissioning, check that all safety devices overridden to perform the tests are reconnected, calibrated, tested and sealed.

15.5 Machine delivery When delivering the machine to the end user, the installer must:

• Present all the main functions of the machine and read through the IOM with the end user, emphasising what happens when the safety devices are triggered. • Stress the importance of only using the crane for the purposes for which it was designed and with the maximum permitted loads. • Stress the importance of routine checks on the crane and lifting components, on the efficiency of safety devices and not performing maintenance not authorised by the manufacturer. • Indicate the action to be taken if the moment limiter is blocked accidentally and how to intervene manually on the main discharge solenoid valve. Point out that the manufacturer is no longer liable if safety devices are tampered with. • Instruct the customer about the pick-up unit which must not be replaced at will but only after checks and calibrations at an authorised workshop. • Instruct the user to use a hose to divert toxic gases away from the control position if the vehicle exhaust system is near the control position and cannot be moved due to lack of space. • Invite the user to read the whole of the crane and assembly Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manuals carefully and to contact the installer with any problem, however small. • State that all these instructions are contained in the IOMs, but a quick introduction to using the crane makes it easier to learn them. • Carry out the activities indicated in the Commissioning Declaration.

Training for machine use must be performed in accordance with UNI ISO 9926-1.

This information is given to the person responsible for the machine. The person responsible for the machine must train any other users.


15.6 Documents supplied with the machine 15.6.1 Documents supplied with the crane The crane is delivered to the sales agent with the following documents enclosed:

• • • • • •

Certificate of Origin Warranty Certificate Commissioning Declaration Installation, Operation and Maintenance manual for the crane Spare parts catalogue After completing the Commissioning Declaration and sending it to the manufacturer, the EC Declaration of Conformity must be sent to the installer in accordance with annex IIA.

The documents are delivered in a sealed, waterproof envelope. A copy of the EC Certification and the Commissioning Declaration must be put in the Installation Technical File. The list of documents delivered is included in the machine delivery note. When the crane is delivered remove the envelope containing the documents and keep it in a safe place. If any documents are lost request a duplicate copy from the crane manufacturer’s Technical Sales Department.

15.6.2 Documents supplied as part of installation The installer must give the following documents to the end client:

• • • • •

EC Declaration of Conformity for the machine in accordance with Annex IIA Certificate of Origin for the crane and installation Warranty Certificate for the crane and installation Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual for the crane and installation Spare parts catalogue for the crane and accessories

Obviously this list only refers to the truck-crane assembly. If the machine is also made up of other equipment then suitable documentation must be supplied for it as well, especially the Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manuals. When the machine is delivered, the installer must ask for a signed document to certify delivery of these documents or else the documents must be listed in the delivery note as stated above.




16.1 EC Declaration of Conformity Directive 2006/42/EC requires the crane manufacturer to affix the CE marking and to issue the EC Declaration, whereby it declares that the machine complies with all the essential safety requirements. When cranes intended for the EC market are shipped, the machine documents are not included. They are sent only after the manufacturer has received the Commissioning Declaration, duly completed and countersigned by the installer. Partially or wrongly completed documents or those completed by companies which are not part of our sales network are not considered valid. Installers who equip the crane with power and movement sources, who connect the crane to the site of use (a building or vehicle), or who equip it with other accessories, form a new machine which requires a new EC Declaration of Conformity (see facsimile in Appendix 10). The EC Declaration of Conformity must contain the following items (Annex II of the directive): 1. Business name and full address of the manufacturer and, where appropriate, his authorised representative. 2. Name and address of the person authorised to compile the technical file, who must be established in the Community. 3. Description and identification of the machinery, including generic denomination, function, model, type, serial number and commercial name. 4. A sentence expressly declaring that the machinery fulfils all the relevant provisions of this directive and where appropriate, a similar sentence declaring the conformity with other directives and/or relevant provisions with which the machinery complies. These references must be those of the texts published in the Official Journal of the European Union. 5. Where appropriate, the name, address and identification of the notified body which carried out the EC typeexamination referred to in annex IX and the number of the EC type-examination certificate. 6. Where appropriate, the name, address and identification of the notified body which approved the full quality assurance system referred to in annex X. 7. Where appropriate, a reference to the harmonised standards used, as referred to in article 7 (2). 8. Where appropriate, the reference to other technical standards and specifications used. 9. The place and date of the declaration. 10. The identity and signature of the person empowered to draw up the declaration on behalf of the manufacturer or his authorised representative.

It is forbidden to issue the EC Declaration of Conformity without having drawn up the Installation Technical File including the corresponding warnings, instructions and risk analysis. Issuing an EC Declaration of Conformity without complying with the directives is the equivalent of making a false statement. Therefore, in the event of denunciation, the relevant criminal or civil penalties will be applied depending on the seriousness of events.

16.2 Marking Before putting the crane into service, the installer must affix the manufacturer’s plate to the machine, in a visible position. It must give the following information: - Information about the installer: trade mark, business name, address - EC marking as specified in annex III of directive 2006/42/EC - Year of manufacture - Identification number of the installation - Power rating expressed in kW - Weight of the installation expressed in kg - Maximum load of use expressed in kg if different from that indicated on the crane plate - Important crane and truck data The plate must be metal, indelible and affixed in a visible and accessible position on a part of the assembly (for example, on the subframe).




The machine must be dismantled as follows at the end of its useful life:

• • • • •

Use lifting equipment able to move the machine under operating conditions. Remove securing rods as well as electric and hydraulic connections. Dismantle the crane. Remove the pump and PTO if not in use. Use special covers to protect the gearbox.

When the machine has been removed it must be dismantled to enable disposal of the various materials. Take special care with grease and oil which must be disposed of by specialist companies.

Empty the hydraulic fluid from the hydraulic system before dismantling the crane.

17.1 Disposal of crane parts After emptying fluids from the machine, which must be collected and disposed of by specialist companies as already stated, remove electric and electronic components, rubber hoses and all other non-metal parts (guards, covers, sheaths, etc.). Precise disposal regulations exist for each of these materials.

Refer to specialist recycling and waste disposal organisations for the relevant procedures.







Noise Directive


Machinery Directive


Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive

EN 10025-1

Hot-rolled products of structural steels - General technical delivery conditions

EN 12644-1

Cranes - Information for use and testing - Instructions

EN 12644-2

Cranes - Information for use and testing - Marking

EN 12999

Cranes - Loader cranes (harmonised standard)

EN 287

Qualification test of welders

EN 349

EN 60204

Safety of machinery - Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body Safety of machinery - Temperature of touchable surfaces - Ergonomics data to establish temperature limit values for hot surfaces Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines

EN 60204-32

Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Requirements for hoisting machines

EN 982

EN ISO 12100-2

Safety of machines - Safety requirements for fluid power systems and their components - Hydraulics Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Measurement of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions - Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design - Technical principles

EN ISO 13857

Safety of machinery - Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and lower limbs

EN ISO 3744

Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure

ISO 16889

Hydraulic fluid power filter - Multi-pass method for evaluating filtration performance

ISO 2909

ISO 3448

Petroleum products - Calculation of viscosity index from kinematic viscosity Petroleum products - Transparent and opaque liquids - Determination of kinematic viscosity and calculation of dynamic viscosity ISO viscosity classification

ISO 3448

Industrial liquid lubrications - ISO viscosity classification

ISO 4406

Hydraulic fluid power - Method for coding the level of contamination by solid particles

ISO 6743-4

Lubricants, industrial oils and related products (class L) - Classification - Family H (hydraulic systems)

ISO 9373

Cranes and related equipment - Accuracy requirements for measuring parameters during testing

ISO 9926-1

Cranes - Training of drivers - General

EN 563

EN ISO 11201

ISO 3104

Standards in the edition valid at the time of machine delivery.


Appendix 1: Safety signs Signs play an important role in safety. An appropriate sign sends an immediate message which provides useful indications about prohibitions, behavioural requirements, hazards, information, etc. Safety signs: these are the signs which refer to a specific object or a specific situation and send a safety message by means of a colour or safety sign. The various types of signs used are shown below:

Prohibition sign

Warning sign

Instruction sign

Rescue sign

black symbol

black symbol

white symbol

white symbol

The instructions for health and safety signs in the workplace in all business sectors are listed below. In particular, note:

• • • •

Signs must be made of the material which is most impact-resistant and resistant to environmental factors. The sizes and colour and photometric properties must ensure good visibility and understanding. Signs must be placed taking account of any obstacles, at a height and in an appropriate position which makes them easily visible. In the case of a generic risk, they can be placed at the entrance to the relevant area; in the case of a specific risk or an object which has to be signalled, they must be positioned immediately next to the hazard or the object itself. • The sign must be removed when the situation justifying its presence no longer exists. • Signs must not be compromised by the presence of other signs which might obscure visibility. This means avoiding using too many signs too near to each other and not using two signs at the same time which could be confused.


Appendix 2: Structural steels EN 10025-1 Steel products used in metal construction work have two types of properties which are involved in calculating the resistance of materials. On the one hand, there are the inherent mechanical properties, dependent on the type of steel and, on the other hand, geometric and inertia properties specific to the product which vary according to its size and shape. The notion of non-brittleness at low temperatures expressed as fracture energy (resilience kV) is a vital element when choosing steels with a high elasticity limit for use in metal construction work, especially for structures with many stresses and subjected to low temperatures. Steels are also characterised by their chemical composition. This is not directly involved in the resistance of the materials but plays an important part in particular in aspects such as weldability and in the corrosion behaviour of metalwork.

The notion of metallurgical weldability of the so-called “carbon” steels depends on the carbon equivalent level CEV. For welded constructions choose steels with the lowest possible CEV value.

MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Material resistance calculations take direct account of the vital mechanical properties of the steels. These are:

• • • • •

the unit yield strength: Rs in N/mm2 (MPa) the unit tensile strength: Rm in N/mm2 (MPa) the modulus of elasticity: E (E = 206000 MPa for the most commonly used steels) deformation on fracture: A% Resilience (kV)

These inherent properties of steel are determined from traction and impact tests carried out on test pieces, using a standard methodology, of a sample of the product in question. The diagram shows all the properties.

● OA Elastic range ● BCD Permanent lengthening range

● AB Plastic threshold ●D Pinch and fracture ● Slope E Young’s modulus






σad Slope E

A% Deformation


FRACTURE ENERGY KV OR RESILIENCE Fracture energy is measured by impact tests on a test piece with a V-shaped notch, taken along the lengthways rolling direction of the product to be tested. The types of structural steel referred to in standard EN 10025 have resilience properties (J) at various temperatures, according to their quality level. They are described as follows:

For welded metal constructions, made from steel with a high elasticity limit, and especially for those subjected to low temperatures, steels capable of withstanding high-energy impacts at low temperatures should be chosen. These steels have refined metallurgical structures obtained by thermomechanical rolling. Low carbon equivalent values CEV are good for weldability but also for kV resilience. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION


ALLOWABLE STRESSES FOR THICKNESSES < 40 mm (EN 12999) Types S235 S275 S355





157 183 237

90 106 137


Appendix 3: Threaded connections - EN 12999 Every bolt must exert a tightening force on the joint to ensure the tightness of the components: this force is called the preload. The calculation of the optimal preload, Fser, is suggested by standard EN 12999: .

Fser = 0 56 ⋅ R s⋅ ⋅ Ar

[N] (screws used several times) F

where the symbols have the following meanings: - Rs: yield strength of screw material [N/mm2] - Ar: resistant section [mm2] which for ISO screws can be found as follows .


A r = 0 7854 ⋅ (dn − 0 938 ⋅ pv )2

where dn is the nominal diameter of the screw [mm] and sp the thread pitch [mm]. The tightening moment is calculated as follows:


Mser = 0 18 ⋅

dn ⋅ Fser [Nm] 1000

When the external force acting on the screw, Fv, and the preload, Fser, have been calculated, the joint can be checked. A check is successful when the following inequality is satisfied: .

Fv ≤ 0 67 Fser

Resistance class

Yield strength Rs (N/mm2 - MPa)

dn mm 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 12 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 22 22 24 24 27 27 30 30

sp mm 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.5 1.25 1.5 1.75 1.5 2.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 2.5 1.5 2.5 1.5 2.5 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0

Ar mm2 20,1 28,9 39,2 36,6 48,1 61,2 58 92,1 88,1 84 125 115 167 157 216 192 272 245 333 303 384 353 496 459 621 580

8.8 7200 10300 14000 13100 17200 21900 20800 33000 31600 30200 44600 41400 59900 56200 77500 69000 97300 87700 119400 108700 137800 126300 177700 164700 222600 208000

5.6 300

6.6 360

8.8 640

10.9 640

12.9 108

Fser [N] 10.9 10100 14500 19700 18500 24300 30800 29200 46400 44400 42500 62800 58200 84300 79000 109000 97000 136800 123400 167900 152900 193800 177700 249900 231600 313100 292600

12.9 12200 17500 23700 22100 29100 37000 35100 55700 53300 51000 75300 69800 101200 94800 130800 116400 164200 148100 201400 183500 232500 213200 299800 277900 375700 351100

8.8 8 13 20 19 28 39 37 71 68 65 112 104 173 162 251 224 350 316 473 430 595 546 864 800 1200 1120

Mser [Nm] 10.9 11 18 28 27 39 55 53 100 96 92 158 147 243 228 353 314 492 444 665 605 837 768 1210 1130 1690 1580

12.9 13 22 34 32 47 67 63 120 115 110 190 176 291 273 424 377 591 533 798 727 1000 921 1460 1350 2030 1900


Appendix 4: Chart for calculating the size of suction and delivery hoses v Q di

fluid speed flow rate internal diameter of hose

v m/s

Q ℓ/min



di mm

Recommended fluid speed for delivery hose: 3 ÷ 6 m/s Recommended fluid speed for suction hose: 0.5 ÷ 1.5 m/s Example (dotted line) Q = 70 ℓ/min di = 15 mm v = 6 m/s The speed is suitable for a delivery hose (pressurised), but not for a suction hose. A suction hose would need an internal diameter, Di, of at least 30 mm (see red line)


Appendix 5: Correct positioning of flexible hoses CORRECT FITTING



Appendix 6: Recommended sizes for handles, stairs and ladders - EN 12999 HANDLE SIZES Description


min. [mm]

max. [mm]


Width (diameter or flat section)




Length between curve radii of handle support columns




Distance from assembly surface for hands




Vertical distance from support surface




Vertical distance the handrail must continue after the step, platform, stair or ramp




Handrail or handle stagger with respect to edge of step




Width between parallel handrails




Symbol A

Height of first step from the ground or platform


Riser height

min. [mm]

max. [mm]






Step width - Ladders (for one foot)

300 (150)



Ladder tread - width




Distance for instep



Depth of tread for steps (stairs, etc.)


Distance for front of foot (gap behind the treads)






Distance from the last tread to the platform



Position of the step



1) It can be reduced to 130 if there is a gap for the distance of the front of the shoe

KEY 1. Platform


2. Distance for instep

3. Platform level

4.Typical profiles of stair treads


Appendix 7: Minimum safety distances - EN 349

BODY a > 500 mm

HEAD a > 300 mm

LEG a > 180 mm

FOOT a > 120 mm


ARM a > 120 mm

HAND a > 100 mm

FINGER a > 25 mm

a > 50 mm


Appendix 8: List of significant hazards - EN 12999



List of significant hazards and corresponding requirements



References EN 12100-2

Relevant points

Hazards, hazardous situations and hazardous events Mechanical hazards generated by: - Inadequate mechanical resistance of crane and its parts Crushing hazard Shearing hazard Cutting and separation hazard Entanglement hazard Dragging and entrapment hazard Impact hazard Piercing or puncture hazard Scratching or abrasion hazard Injection or ejection of high-pressure fluid Projection of objects Stability loss Slipping, stumbling, falling Electrical hazards generated by: Personal contact with powered components (direct contact) Personal contact with components which become powered if faulty (indirect contact) Getting close to high-voltage components Electrostatic phenomena Thermal radiation or other phenomena such as the projection of fused particles and the chemical effects of short circuits, overloads, etc. Thermal hazards, which cause: Burns, scorches or other injuries from possible personal contact with objects or materials at extremely high or extremely low temperatures, flames or explosions and also caused by radiation from heat sources Effects which are harmful to health caused by a hot or cold working environment Hazards generated by noise

“Not significant for cranes which do not include a power source. See for information on noise�.

Hazards generated by vibrations Hazards generated by materials and substances (and the chemical elements constituting them) worked with or used by the machine Hazards from contact with or inhalation of harmful fluids, gases, fog, smoke and dust




List of significant hazards and corresponding requirements (cont’d)



References EN 12100-2

Hazards caused by failure to comply with ergonomic principles when designing the machine, caused, for example by: Unhealthy positions or excessive stresses Inadequate consideration of the anatomy of hands/arms or feet/legs Failure to use personal protective equipment Inadequate local lighting Human error, human behaviour Inadequate planning, positioning or identification of manual controls Inadequate planning, or positioning of visual signs Combination of hazards Unexpected start-up, unexpected and excessive speed increase (or similar problems) caused by: Fault/malfunction of control system Hazards caused by lack or incorrect positioning of safety measures/equipment Shelters (Protective) devices linked to safety Safety signs, signals and symbols Information or alarm devices Visibility Emergency devices Coupling errors Stability loss/machine tipping up Other hazards and hazardous situations and events due to lifting Mechanical hazards and hazardous events Due to loads falling, collisions, machine tipping caused by: Lack of stability Uncontrolled load, overload, exceeding tipping threshold Uncontrolled size of movements Unexpected/accidental movement of loads Inadequate pick-up devices/accessories Access of people to support the load Insufficient mechanical resistance of parts Abnormal assembly/testing/operation/maintenance conditions Hazards caused by failure to comply with ergonomic principles Insufficient visibility from driving position


Relevant points

This is a problem which has a direct impact on the installation. One of the most relevant requirements with regard to the activities which can be carried out by installers is that, “Reasonably foreseeable human errors during manoeuvres should not create hazardous situations.� In particular, remote control systems are usually fitted with additional functions over and above the simple crane movements. For example: 1. Ability to enable additional functions requested by user. 2. Controls to increase and reduce the speed of the vehicle engine 3. Controls to start and stop the engine Each of these functions defined during the installation process can give rise to additional risks which must be taken into consideration in the risk analysis in the Installation Technical File. For example: 1. Normally the user requests optional connections to use the crane remote control unit to also control other equipment such as towing winches, ramps, tail lifts, etc. or to control a vehicle function (for example, inserting the PTO). It is therefore important to recognise and examine the hazards which could arise from these functions and adopt appropriate control measures. 2. Increasing the engine speed can increase the crane drive speed too much. Excess oil flow can cause the hydraulic system to overheat, presenting a significant risk for the operator and the equipment. 3. There is a real risk for the operator if the ON / OFF function of the vehicle engine is integrated with the crane remote control. For example, a manoeuvring error could lead to the vehicle moving with a serious risk of knocking people over or crushing them. All the measures activated to deal with risks must be recorded in the Installation Technical File and clearly explained to the end user.

The installer must remind all operators that remote control units must be switched off when the crane is not in operation, and that improper use of a remote control unit can have a potentially fatal outcome. In each work cycle, operators must ensure that they are positioned so that they have full view of the load, can easily activate the controls and lift the load, and finally switch the remote control unit off immediately.


Appendix 9: Data required for the preliminary check of the installation






D a-cab






Yg wb


DATA FOR THE PRELIMINARY CHECK OF THE INSTALLATION TRUCK: make and model Distance from front axles rear edge of cab (Da-cab) [mm] Maximum allowable tare front axle (Tadm,a) [kg] Maximum allowable tare rear axle (Tadm,p) [kg]

Wheelbase (wb) [mm]

(if there are 3 or more axles indicate the technical wheelbase)

Front axle tare (Ta) [kg] Rear axle tare (Tp) [kg] BODY type (fixed - tipper - roll-off): Body weight (Pb) [kg]

Body length (Lc) [mm]

CRANE: model Installation (cab-mounted - rear-mounted) Crane weight (Pg) [kg]

Crane width (Lg) [mm]

Distance Crane axis - Front axle (Yg) [kg] SUB-FRAME: type of assembly to chassis (flexible - rigid) Sub-frame weight (Pc) [kg]

Sub-frame length (Lc) [mm]

ADDITIONAL OUTRIGGERS: make and model Outrigger weight (Ps) [kg]

Crosspiece width (Ls) [mm]

Maximum extension (Imax,s) [mm]

Distance Add. outrig. - Front axle (Ys) [mm]


Appendix 10: Facsimile of Installer’s EC Declaration of Conformity

EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY The undersigned Legal representative of the firm with its registered office at



DECLARES that he has carried out the installation on the vehicle as described below:

* Loader crane make and model year of manufacture

serial n° EC declaration of conformity

fitted with the following original equipment from the manufacturer: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

* Vehicle make


chassis n°

year of construction

* Fixed/tipper body make serial n°

year of construction

* Accessories type make


serial n°

year of construction

EC Declaration of Conformity The machine thus described, installed in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturers, has been submitted by this firm to the final tests before being put into service and complies in all its parts with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, directive 2004/108/EC and directive 2000/14/EC. Person empowered to draw up the technical file

Legal Representative

(First name, surname, full address and signature)

(First name, surname, full address and signature)


Appendix 11: Facsimile of Delivery Report

DELIVERY REPORT Crane / Truck Installation No.

/ 2010

Commissioned on: On the day of commissioning the user, who is responsible for the machine, was given instructions based on the following:

Explanation of the Installation, Operation and Maintenance manuals for the crane and assembly;

Explanation of the Safety Standards, Warnings and Residual Risks;

Practical training for machine use and functioning of the main safety devices;

Delivery of the manuals, drawing up the Commissioning Declaration.



Firm: Address:

declines all responsibility for any damage caused by the The Installer improper use of the machine, by tampering with or unauthorised modification of machine parts, by wrong use by the user or by unauthorised third parties, and failure to comply with the special Warnings and Instructions for Use. Accepted by _____________________________________ (Person responsible for the machine)


Appendix 12: Procedure for bypassing the moment limiter This attachment describes the procedure for bypassing the (hydraulic and electronic) moment limiter, without unsealing valves and solenoid valves.

Hydraulic limiter

1. Lifting cylinder 2. Overcentre valve 3. Parachute valve 4. Coupling


5. Pressure intake hose 4 5


• • • •

Position the crane with the 2nd arm on the ground. Place a container under the valve to collect the oil. Unscrew the hose (5), keeping the coupling (4) connected to the parachute valve. Close the coupling and the hose with caps of the right size: tighten according to the specifications in Tab.13.

The crane can now be moved: the only remaining protective devices against overloads are the overcentre valves. To restore the limiter, proceed as follows: • Position the crane with the 2nd arm on the ground. • Place a container under the valve and hose to collect the oil. • Unscrew the caps and reconnect the hose (5) to the coupling (4): tighten according to the specifications in Tab.13. Dispose of the leaked oil in accordance with current legislation.


Electronic limiter of crane with remote control unit

3 2

1. Discharge solenoid valve 2. Solenoid valve cap 3. Securing screw 4. Cap housing 4


• • • •

At the start of the procedure, the crane must not lift any load and must not be powered electrically. Unscrew the securing screw (3). Remove the cap (2) from the housing (4). Supply power from the vehicle battery to PINS 1 and 2 (see figure below). The wires are of the correct size.

• Insulate the connections with insulation tape. • Supply power to the crane’s electric system. The crane can now be moved: the only remaining protective devices against overloads are the overcentre valves. To restore the limiter, proceed as follows: • At the start of the procedure, the crane must not lift any load and must not be powered electrically. • Remove the insulation tape and disconnect the wires on PINS 1 and 2. • Insert the cap (2) in the housing (4) and secure it with the screw (3).


Appendix 13: Crane downgrade chart Capacities are downgraded based on the standard crane assembly with a fixed base (F / M crane), when operating with a winch, another pick-up unit, and for roadside recovery cranes. Minimum downgrade of capacities with respect to standard crane with hook

Crane type Standard crane Standard crane used with winch Standard crane used for roadside recovery Standard crane used with pick-up unit Crane with fixed base flexible base Crane with fixed base rigid base Crane with fixed base used with winch flexible base Crane with fixed base used with winch rigid base Crane with fixed base used with pick-up unit flexible base Crane with fixed base used with pick-up unit rigid base

Downgrade of capacities load chart

Downgrade of pressure Rotation valve

Use grade EN 12999




≈ 8% Capacity < max pull limit















≈ 8% Capacity < max pull limit



≈ 27% Capacity < max pull limit









The downgrade because of winch use is due only to its weight and the pull of the standard winch rope fitted on the special coupling on the crane arm. The downgrade can vary depending on the type of winch installed. When calibrating the maximum pull of the winch, the installer must adhere strictly to the information in the IOM, TS and winch operation and maintenance manual.

The downgraded capacities in the IOM following the installation of other pick-up units do not take into consideration the weight of the unit itself. When the installer has fitted the unit, he can apply a new capacity chart for the crane with the actual loads that can be lifted net of the equipment. When calibrating the equipment operating pressures, the installer must adhere strictly to the information in the IOM, TS and unit operation and maintenance manual.


Appendix 14: Welding and WPS SAFETY Welders must always work safely in accordance with the law. When welding, they must wear overalls, gloves and welding mask.

INTRODUCTION The steels used in structural work can be adequately welded using suitable welding procedures. Each procedure is characterised by the materials to be welded, the type of shield, the filler material, and the shape and position of the joint. By examining the process parameters it is possible to highlight the main characteristics which need to be taken into account when welding. In general, materials to be connected are pipes or plates and here we refer to the latter given that mechanical pipe constructions are usually of bushes in S355 steel whereas, for plates, type S235 - S275 - S355 steels are used or else S690 high-resistance steels, a reference which identifies steels with a guaranteed minimum yield strength of 690 MPa (≅ 70 kg /mm²), or steels with even higher yield / tensile strengths. The fundamental difference is that, while the mechanical properties of the first type (S355 and lower) are exclusively obtained by the chemical composition, the mechanical properties of the second type (S690 and higher) are due to hardening and tempering heat treatments performed during the rolling process as well as the chemical composition. Consequently, the welding process, which is mainly achieved through heating to extremely high temperatures, must not alter these mechanical properties so that they can be suitably exploited. The heating carried out during welding is usually referred to as the “thermal contribution”. The thermal contribution is influenced by various parameters:

• • •

preheating or interpass temperature (temperature between one pass and the next) voltage and current speed of advance

As is well known, welding is an operation with a very high thermal contribution. For most steels, the preheating and high thermal contribution have a positive effect on welding. Indeed, the introduction of a considerable amount of heat prolongs the time required for cooling. The exact opposite is true for high-yield steel plates that have undergone a hardening and tempering treatment (T1 A; Weldox 700; OX 812). The best welds for these steels are those where the thermal contribution is controlled and does not exceed the values set by the steel manufacturer based on the thickness, type of joint and temperature. Another problem is maintaining the hardness in the area that has been thermally altered to avoid brittleness problems that occur with rapid cooling. Consequently the thermal contribution should not be too high or too low.

FILLER MATERIALS The filler materials (normally wire) depend on the types of material that need to be connected together and must have similar or higher properties than the base materials. Where indicated on the drawing, the various types of wire used are specified in the procedure specifications.

SHIELD TYPE In addition to describing the procedure, the shields that are implemented during the welding process (active gas => MAG; inert gas => MIG) play a decisive role on the welding pool. So it is essential that the workplace is protected from draughts that could remove the gas shield. In nearly all of the procedures used the shielding gas mixture is predominantly made up (75 ÷ 85% or more) of the inert gas argon and the rest of CO2.


SHAPE AND POSITION OF THE JOINT To obtain an effective weld the shape of the welding groove must be correctly prepared and the values, if present, of the gaps between the edges to be welded must be respected so as to achieve the desired results. In each case, the distance between the edges must not be greater than 3 mm for thicker sections. With regards to the position it is normally the frontal plane position and the recommended parameters are related to a position of this type.

PREPARING THE EDGES Before spot welding the pieces, the edges must be inspected to ensure they have been correctly prepared. The distance between the edges and the preparation shape must be that indicated on the procedure sheets, or if these are not available, the specifications on the drawing must be respected. Always check that the difference in level between the edges in butt joints is less than 1 mm. The preparation of the edges can be performed in different ways, but if performed by oxygen lance or plasma machine, the oxide film must be removed. The profile must in any case be regular and uniform. It is worth remembering that in addition to the integrity of the material (welding on laminated plates with laminar cracking or splitting is unacceptable), deposits, rust, grease, paint and humidity are also unacceptable. The application of sprays of various types as a non-stick agent for spatters is also unacceptable; these are nearly always the cause of inclusions of hydrogen in the joint. If the ambient temperature is below +5°C preheating must be performed which for plates up to 15÷20 mm thick is to approximately 50 °C.

SPOT WELDING THE PIECES This is an extremely important phase in order to obtain the correct end result. Poorly performed spot welding can cause serious defects (e.g. cracks) during welding. They must be able to withstand shrinkage tensions that could lead to fracture. If this occurs or a crack forms, the defective spot weld must be removed with a grinder before welding can be performed. Avoid spot welding on corners or rounded edges.



The size of the spots must be less than half of the final dimension of the bead and be at least 20 mm long (compare the length of the spot with the length of the weld and the shape of the joint). When possible the spot welding should be performed with supports to avoid tacking in the welding groove.


WELDING TECHNIQUE The mistakes or rather defects that can occur also depend on the welding technique and manual dexterity of the welder. Avoid starting the arc at the beginning of the plate; ideally connect end extensions from which to start and finish the weld and, on successive passes, start 2 – 3 cm from the edge and then go back. When welding corners it is vital to get right into the angle, so the orientation of the torch is essential. Nearly all welds to be made are in the frontal plane position. Number of passes: the number of passes is not normally stipulated on the drawing. Refer to the following criteria: generally, for butt welds, the size of the bead for one pass should not be more than 6 – 7 mm, and the passes for subsequent beads 3 – 4 mm or 5 -6 mm if vertical. The width of the pass should be limited to 4 times the thickness of the wire used. For corner welds made in a single pass, the bead should not have a side greater than 9 mm. Before starting to weld, perform tests on separate pieces and adjust the machine. Frequent maintenance and cleaning of the torch and controls on the correct advancement of the wire avoid problems during welding.

WELDING QUALITY Welding must be carried out by a qualified welder and must undergo a visual inspection and penetrating liquid test.

GENERAL INDICATIONS ON PREPARING THE WELDING GROOVE s = max 1.5 mm for all figures. α = 60° for figures 1,2,3 If, for figures 2, 3 the value of α is less than 30° (e.g. 15 - 20°) the plates must be prepared and the angle can be increased to 75°. For fig. 4 α = 50 ÷ 60°. The value of 75° is a reference and this applies for fig. 5 as well (cylinder bases), and when the certainty of complete penetration is required. α





g Fig. 1 Fig. 4


g γ α

g Fig. 2


α s γ g

Fig. 3

Fig. 5


Refer to the following chart for the dimensions of g. It indicates the values to assign based on the thickness t of the plate. g [ mm ] 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0

t 5


[ mm ]


The welding groove preparation dimensions, if required, must be illustrated on the working drawings with the specific details.

WELDING WIRES Wires to be used for welding. Minimum required properties for welding wires and recommended types. The indicated properties refer to the registered material and test pieces in accordance with UNI 5132:1974 which have been duly lengthened to allow resilience test pieces to be sampled. MINIMUM PROPERTIES OF THE DEPOSITED MATERIAL Base material of the joint with the lowest properties

Rm N / mm 2

Rs N / mm 2

≥ 360 ≥ 430 ≥ 510

≥ 235 ≥ 275 ≥ 355 ≥ 470 ≥ 355 ≥ 490

S235 - Fe 360 S275 - Fe 430 S355 - Fe 510 - C45 St 52.3 BK+S Fe G 510

≥ 510 ≥ 680 ≥ 800

Fe G 65 bnf Fe G 80 bnf S420 S690 - S700

≥ 780 ≥ 960


A5 %

Kv (-20°C) on plane J

≥ 24 ≥ 20 ≥ 20

≥ 27 ≥ 27 ≥ 27


≥ 20 ≥ 15

≥ 27 ≥ 27


Reference of use 2 3

5 6

≥ 420 ≥ 690 ≥ 890


≥ 14 ≥ 12


≥ 47 kv – 40° ≥ 47 Kv – 40°


Wires available on the market – main properties declared and their use Classification reference standard

Mechanical properties


TYPE Brand name




Rm N/mm2



PM 2 - 8031

ER 70 S6 A 5.18

SG 2 - 8559




ER 70 S6 A 5.18

SG 2 - 8559




PM 2 - 8031

ER 70 S6 A 5.18

SG 2 - 8559




PM 2 - 8031

ER 70 S6 A 5.18

SG 2 - 8559




ER 100 S1 A 5.28




ER 100 SG A 5.28




ER 100 S1 A 5.28


E120T5 A 5.28




E 70 T - 5 A 5.20



E 71 T - G A5.20



510 540


≥ 25 ≥ 22 ≥ 24 ≥ 28 ≥ 16 ≥ 16 ≥ 16 ≥ 15 ≥ 25 ≥ 28

Use Kv (J) -20°C

see table above











8 8 47 Kv – 40°






WELDER REQUIREMENTS Welders used to make welded structures must be qualified in accordance with UNI EN 287-1 based on the following descriptions: Approval type Welding variables

Welding process Plates or pipes joint type Parent metal group Filler material Shielding gases

135 P BW W03

135 T BW W01

136 P BW W03

Range of approval

Range of approval

Range of approval

135 MAG

135 MAG

Plates & Pipes Butt and fillet W01-W02-W03 SFA5.28 -ER100S-1 All Active no 3 to 24 150 and over PA PB ss nb mb bs gg ng

Plates & Pipes Butt and fillet W01 DIN 8559 - SG2 All Active no 3 to 20 60 to 240 PA PB ss mb bs gg

Welding variables

Welding process

Plate or pipe Joint type Parent metal group Filler metal type Shielding gases Auxiliaries Thickness (mm) Test pieces thickness Pipe ext. diameter D [mm] Pipe outside diameter Welding positions Welding position(s) Welding support Gouging / backing

136 Flux-cored arc welding (with active gas shield) Plates & Pipes Butt and fillet W01-W02-W03 DIN 8559 All Active no 3 to 24 150 and over PA PB ss mb bs gg

The welder’s qualification must be valid and regularly renewed. Welders must be capable of independently performing the necessary adjustments on the welding machine in relation to the joint to be made, have a good understanding of the drawing so that they can implement what is required by the drawing itself without any problems, and be capable of evaluating possible problems both on the welding machine as well as during the execution of the joint and take appropriate actions.


APPROVED WELDING PROCEDURES Material constituting the joint dimensions [mm] material material type no. 1 no. 2 diameter material 1 material 2 thickness thickness Øe S 690 S 690 3 ÷ 24 3 ÷ 24

Joint type








Approved procedure Reference number WP 01

S 355

S 355

3 ÷ 16

3 ÷ 16

WP 04

S 890 QL1

S 890 QL1

3 ÷ 20

3 ÷ 20

WP 07 BW

S 890 QL1

S 690

3 ÷ 12

3 ÷ 12

WP 09 BW

S 890 QL1

S 420

3 ÷ 12

3 ÷ 12

WP 10 BW

Fe G 65.2

S 355

3 ÷ 24

3 ÷ 24

WP 05

Fe G 52

S 690

3 ÷ 24

3 ÷ 24

WP 05

Fe G 65.2

S 690

3 ÷ 24

3 ÷ 24

WP 05

S 355

S 355


S 355

S 690

S 690

3 ÷ 20


60 ÷ 240

WP 06


4 ÷ 10

WP 01 (S)

3 ÷ 24

3 ÷ 24

WP 01 (m) S = 1 pass m = multipass

1 2

S 890 QL1

S 890 QL1

3 ÷ 20

3 ÷ 20

WP 07 BW (m)

S 690

S 690


3 ÷ 15

WP 01

S 355

S 355


3 ÷ 15

WP 04

S 890 QL1

S 890 QL1

3 ÷ 20

3 ÷ 20

WP 08 FW

S 890 QL1

S 690

3 ÷12

3 ÷ 12

WP 11 FW

S 890 QL1

S 420

3 ÷12

3 ÷ 12

WP 12 FW


Material constituting the joint dimensions [mm] material material type no. 1 no. 2 diameter material 1 material 2 thickness thickness Øe

Joint type




Approved procedure Reference number

S 690

S 690

3 ÷ 24

3 ÷ 24

WP 01

S 355

S 355

3 ÷ 16

3 ÷ 16

WP 04

S 690

S 355

3 ÷ 12

4 ÷ 15

WP 01

S 890 QL1

S 890 QL1

3 ÷ 20

3 ÷ 20

WP 08 FW

S 355

S 355

3 ÷ 10

3 ÷ 10

WP 03

S 690

S 690

3 ÷ 10

3 ÷ 10

WP 02

S 690

S 355

6 ÷ 10

6 ÷ 15

WP 01

S 890 QL1

S 890 QL1

3 ÷ 20

3 ÷ 20

WP 08 FW







WP 01







W03 Group Standard and type By standard and type

W03 with W03 WELDOX 700 E WELDOX 700 E

Chemical analysis Thickness range [mm]

3 ÷ 24

Preheating temperature Interpass temperature Postheating temperature and time

50 °C < 250 °C



Heating Degrees

Cooling Degrees

Diameter range Notes

FILLER MATERIAL Standard Type Name Manufacturer Dimensions

Electrode type and Ø Cleaning method Oscillation size Free length of wire [mm] Single or multiple wire Torch angle



AWS 5.2 ER 100 S-1 TENAX S FRO Ø 1.2


Gas Plasma Torch Additional Back

Composition Flow rate l/min

Ar - CO2

WELDING TECHNIQUE Nozzle diameter [mm] Brushing and/or grinding Back rewelding method Oscillation frequency 15 ÷ 20 Single/multiple pass Single Drawn/oscillated bead 15° NDT tests OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS Filler material Current TYPE DIAMETER POLARITYAMPERE


85% - 15%

Ø 18 Multiple LP - RX






1 2 3 4

135 135 135 135

ER 100 S1 ER 100 S1 ER 100 S1 ER 100 S1

Ø 1.2 Ø 1.2 Ø 1.2 Ø 1.2



150 220 220 220

18 24 24 24


20 ÷ 25 20 ÷ 32 20 ÷ 32 20 ÷ 32

WP 02






W03 Group Standard and type By standard and type

W03 with W03 WELDOX 700 E WELDOX 700 E

Chemical analysis Thickness range [mm]

3 ÷ 20

Diameter range Notes

A = 3.75 ÷ 7.50

Preheating temperature Interpass temperature Postheating temperature and time




Heating Degrees

Gas Plasma Torch Additional Back

Composition Flow rate l/min

Ar - CO2

WELDING TECHNIQUE Nozzle diameter [mm] Brushing and/or grinding Back rewelding method Oscillation frequency 12 ÷ 20 Single/multiple pass Single Drawn/oscillated bead 15° NDT tests OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS Filler material Current TYPE DIAMETER POLARITYAMPERE


85% - 15%

135 135

ER 100 S1 ER 100 S1

Ø 1.2 Ø 1.2



260 260

25 25


Ø 18 Multiple LP






1 2

Cooling Degrees


AWS 5.28 ER 100 S-1 TENAX S FRO Ø 1.2

Electrode type and Ø Cleaning method Oscillation size Free length of wire [mm] Single or multiple wire Torch angle

50 °C < 230 °C


FILLER MATERIAL Standard Type Name Manufacturer Dimensions


50 41

WP 03






W01 Group Standard and type By standard and type

W01 with W01 Fe 510 D - EN 10025 Fe 510 D - EN 10025

Chemical analysis Thickness range [mm]

3 ÷ 20

Diameter range Notes

A = 3.75 ÷ 7.50

Preheating temperature Interpass temperature Postheating temperature and time




Heating Degrees

Gas Plasma Torch Additional Back

Composition Flow rate l/min

Ar - CO2

WELDING TECHNIQUE Nozzle diameter [mm] Brushing and/or grinding Back rewelding method Oscillation frequency 12 ÷ 15 Single/multiple pass Single Drawn/oscillated bead 15° NDT tests OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS Filler material Current TYPE DIAMETER POLARITYAMPERE


85% - 15%

135 135

DIN8559 SG2 DIN8559 SG2

Ø 1.2 Ø 1.2



250 250

25 25


Ø 24 Multiple LP






1 2

Cooling Degrees


AWS 5.28 DIN8559 SG2 FILCORD C FRO Ø 1.2

Electrode type and Ø Cleaning method Oscillation size Free length of wire [mm] Single or multiple wire Torch angle

20 °C < 200 °C


FILLER MATERIAL Standard Type Name Manufacturer Dimensions


48 40

WP 04







W01 Group Standard and type By standard and type

W01 with W01 Fe 510 D - EN 10025 Fe 510 D - EN 10025

Chemical analysis Thickness range [mm]

3 ÷ 16

Preheating temperature Interpass temperature Postheating temperature and time

20 °C < 250 °C



Heating Degrees

Cooling Degrees

Diameter range Notes

FILLER MATERIAL Standard Type Name Manufacturer Dimensions

Electrode type and Ø Cleaning method Oscillation size Free length of wire [mm] Single or multiple wire Torch angle



AWS 5.28 DIN8559 SG2 TENAX S FRO Ø 1.2


Gas Plasma Torch Additional Back

Composition Flow rate l/min

Ar - CO2

WELDING TECHNIQUE Nozzle diameter [mm] Brushing and/or grinding Back rewelding method Oscillation frequency 12 ÷ 15 Single/multiple pass Single Drawn/oscillated bead 15° NDT tests OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS Filler material Current TYPE DIAMETER POLARITYAMPERE


85% - 15%

Ø 18 Multiple LP- RX






1 2 3

135 135 135

DIN8559 SG2 DIN8559 SG2 DIN8559 SG2

Ø 1.2 Ø 1.2 Ø 1.2



150 200 ÷ 210 200 ÷ 210

19 20 20


20 ÷ 25 30 ÷ 35 20 ÷ 25

WP 05


BW - BUTT WELD SI thickness 8mm WELDOX 700 E PA





W03 Group Standard and type By standard and type

W03 with W03 WELDOX 700 E WELDOX 700 E

Chemical analysis Thickness range [mm]

3 ÷ 24

Preheating temperature Interpass temperature Postheating temperature and time

20 °C < 230 °C



Heating Degrees

Cooling Degrees

Diameter range Notes

FILLER MATERIAL Standard Type Name Manufacturer Dimensions

Electrode type and Ø Cleaning method Oscillation size Free length of wire [mm] Single or multiple wire Torch angle






Composition Flow rate l/min

Plasma Torch Additional Back

Ar - CO2

WELDING TECHNIQUE Nozzle diameter [mm] Brushing and/or grinding Back rewelding method Oscillation frequency 12 ÷ 15 Single/multiple pass Single Drawn/oscillated bead 15° NDT tests OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS Filler material Current TYPE DIAMETER POLARITYAMPERE


85% - 15%

Ø 18 Multiple Drawn + Oscillated LP - RX






1 2 3

136 136 136


Ø 1.2 Ø 1.2 Ø 1.2



270 270 270

24 ÷ 25 24 ÷ 25 24 ÷ 25


10 ÷ 25 10 ÷ 25 10 ÷ 25

WP 06


BW - TUBE BUTT WELD SI support 5mm St 52 DIN 2391 PA




W01 Group Standard and type By standard and type

W01 with W01 St 52 DIN 2391 St 52 DIN 2391

Chemical analysis Thickness range [mm]

3 ÷ 20

Diameter range Notes

20 ÷ 240

Preheating temperature Interpass temperature Postheating temperature and time




Heating Degrees

Gas Plasma Torch Additional Back

Composition Flow rate l/min

Ar - CO2

WELDING TECHNIQUE Nozzle diameter [mm] Brushing and/or grinding Back rewelding method Oscillation frequency 12 ÷ 20 Single/multiple pass Single Drawn/oscillated bead NDT tests OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS Filler material Current TYPE DIAMETER POLARITYAMPERE


85% - 15%

135 135 135

DIN8559 SG2 DIN8559 SG2 DIN8559 SG2

Ø 1.0 Ø 1.0 Ø 1.0



230 230 230

29 ÷ 30 29 ÷ 30 29 ÷ 30


Ø 18 Multiple LP - RX






1 2 3

Cooling Degrees


AWS 5.28 DIN8559 SG2 IT SG2 ITALFIL Ø 1.0

Electrode type and Ø Cleaning method Oscillation size Free length of wire [mm] Single or multiple wire Torch angle

20 °C < 250 °C


FILLER MATERIAL Standard Type Name Manufacturer Dimensions


28 ÷ 32 28 ÷ 32 28 ÷ 32

WP 07






W03 Group Standard and type By standard and type

W03 with W03 W 900 E SSAB W 900 E SSAB

Chemical analysis Thickness range [mm]

3 ÷ 20

Diameter range Notes

> 150

Preheating temperature Interpass temperature Postheating temperature and time Time



Heating Degrees

Gas Plasma Torch Additional Back

Brushing 5 ÷ 8 mm 12 ÷ 15 Single 15°

Cooling Degrees


AWS A 5.29 E120T5-G Fluxofilcord 45 FRO Ø 1.2 Ø 1.2

Electrode type and Ø Cleaning method Oscillation size Free length of wire [mm] Single or multiple wire Torch angle

50 °C < 250 °C


FILLER MATERIAL Standard Type Name Manufacturer Dimensions Dimensions


Composition Flow rate l/min

Ar - CO2

WELDING TECHNIQUE Nozzle diameter [mm] Back rewelding method Oscillation frequency Single/multiple pass Drawn/oscillated bead NDT tests



84% - 16%

15 ÷ 16

Ø 24 Multiple RX + MT





25 36 35 35

7200 max 8800 max 9050 max 9050 max


1 2 3 4

136 136 136 136

E120T5-G E120T5-G E120T5-G E120T5-G

Ø 1.2 Ø 1.2 Ø 1.2 Ø 1.2



130 ÷ 150 210 ÷ 220 210 ÷ 220 210 ÷ 220

19 ÷ 20 23 ÷ 24 23 ÷ 24 23 ÷ 24

WP 08








W03 with W03

Standard and type By standard and type


Chemical analysis Thickness range [mm]

3 ÷ 20

Preheating temperature

20 °C

Interpass temperature Postheating temperature and time

200 °C

sp > 15mm: 80 °C



Heating Degrees

Cooling Degrees

Diameter range Notes

FILLER MATERIAL Standard Type Name Manufacturer Dimensions

Electrode type and Ø Cleaning method Oscillation size Free length of wire [mm] Single or multiple wire Torch angle



AWS A 5.29 E120T5-G Fluxofilcord 45 FRO Ø 1.2


Gas Plasma Torch Additional Back

Composition Flow rate l/min

Ar - CO2

WELDING TECHNIQUE Nozzle diameter [mm] Brushing and/or grinding Back rewelding method Oscillation frequency 12 ÷ 15 Single/multiple pass Single Drawn/oscillated bead 30° NDT tests OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS Filler material Current TYPE DIAMETER POLARITYAMPERE


84% - 16%

15 ÷ 16

Ø 24 Multiple Drawn MG





42 45 45

8570 8000 8000


1 2 3

136 136 136

E120T5-G E120T5-G E120T5-G

Ø 1.2 Ø 1.2 Ø 1.2



230 ÷ 240 230 ÷ 240 230 ÷ 240

24 ÷ 25 24 ÷ 25 24 ÷ 25

Appendix 15: Resistance of slinging accessories Slinging accessories are subject to traction forces which depend on the angle of the sling. The figures below show how the angle (marked with a red arc) must be as acute as possible: the more acute the angle, the less the stress borne by the sling.

86% More generally, it can be said that, given α the angle between the vertical and the sling (red angle), and Pn the maximum load liftable with vertical slinging (100%), the maximum transportable load, P, can be calculated with the following formula:

s o c

P = Pn ⋅


Always respect what is written on labels regarding the capacity of slinging accessories.

When the weight is held by a sling with four arms, only two of them actually support the load.


Appendix 16: Colour coding of electric cables



For double colours, the two codes must be separated by “/” (example: RED BLACK → RD/BK)


Appendix 17: Resistance properties of commercial sections


Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion


Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Size external sides


Linear mass

Metal section area

Moment of bending inertia

Moment of bending inertia


Inertia radius

Inertia radius

Modulus of resistance

Modulus of resistance

Moment of torsion inertia

Modulus of torsion

Appendix 18: Conversion table

UNITS TO CONVERT 1 kg 1m 1m 1 dm3 (ℓ) 1 Nm 1 daNm 1 kNm 1 bar 1 daN / cm2 1 MPa 1 kW



IMPERIAL UNITS 2.2046 lb (pound) 39.37 in (inch) 3.28 ft (foot) 0.264 gal (U.S. gallons) 0.737 lb·ft 7.37 lb·ft 737 lb·ft 14.5 psi (pound square inch) 14.5 psi (pound square inch) 145 psi (pound square inch) 1.34102 HP (horsepower)

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