Voice of MSA
Fall 2012 More pages, more fun
Editor’s Note MSAians, we are back!
Who made it Happen (The Campus Spirit Team) Magazine coordinator
Welcome to Campus Spirit’s 2nd edition. We are just so thrilled at the feedback we have received about our first issue. After months of hard work, it finally came out of the press and just seeing MSA students and staff enjoying it that much was a real motive for us to work harder and bring you this rich 2nd issue, with love. The joy our magazine brought to campus life was overwhelming. Students and staff learnt more about things they never heard before “Campus Spirit” was launched. We like to think of “Campus Spirit” as the best means that links each part of the University together. So now all you have to do is, spoil yourself for just a little bit of time and read on! In this second issue you will find many interesting stories written by our very own MSA students varying from the dangers of drugs to pushing yourself beyond perfect to an entire section for heartfelt Arabic poetry. My dear MSAian, you will also enjoy drawings, cartoons, sports’ news, MSA’s updated calendar and even faculty news that inform you of what’s going on inside your University. Moreover, entertain yourself with a very interesting interview with the inspirational Mazen Mostafa. Your feedback will be highly appreciated! Sarah El Gohary
Mrs. Sherine Ramzy Adam Amin Editor
Mr. Ashraf Sadek Creative director
Ahmad Makhlouf Special Thanks
Sarah Sadek Yasmin Kandil Layout Assistant
Adam Amin Editorial Board
Adam Amin Ahmed Amin Ali Fahmy Ann Kamel Eman El Ahl Hanin Tarek Heba Heiba Karim Hegazy Mahmoud el Ginaidi Mohamed el Khatib Mohamed Loay Mohamed Salah Mohamed Samy El Tuny Mouchira Chafique Muhammed Abdel Hakim Nevine Khaled Helmy Dr. Salah Abdel Hady Sarah el Gohary Sawsan Abdelsamea’ Photographers
Abdel Rahman Hagag Ahmed el Gohary MSA photographers
Fady Adel Nagy Khamis E-mail campusspirit.magazine@gmail.com ©2012 CAMPUS SPIRIT By MSA University All Rights Reserved
Insight 18
32 4
34 18
Faculty News
12 Workshops
Events Follow the latest news and events of your faculty Amr Khaled at MSA The First Feature of Success was the Enormous Number of attendance. The crowd was more than 1500 people
Graduation ceremonies, workshops, events, field visits, guest speakers, and much more...
The creative workshop I always wished to attend an advertising workshop, where to practise working on an ad or a campaign and to create an idea on a product under the supervision of an expert.
22 32
28 Scenes
A valuable lesson, called Sarah
Lebaladna project Have you heard of “Lebaladna” project? Follow the latest updates of “Lebaladna” and check the photos.
In my 20+ years on earth, I’ve only loved two girls. One of them I still keep in contact with today and the other girl was called Sarah.
Stock Market Simulation Organizing a stock market simulation event at MSA University has been a long road. Speaking about the stock market reflects a huge effort mixed with vast work in order to provide promising results mixed with cheerful success. 5
By Adam Amin
It was a monumental moment for the MSA students. It was the launching of Campus Spirit. Set up in a run of the mill booth between SSB and Candy Mix, in a place with perfect visibility to all students, something less than average was taking place. With a campaign many months in the making, the booth was positioned to raise the student’s awareness of the benefits that were available, and to be available, to them, thanks to Campus Spirit. Hundreds signed up for Campus Spirit’s workshops, activities, events, competitions, community services, internship programs, and for Campus Spirit’s very own magazine. The event did not see much success initially; although the Campus Spirit Magazine was distributed and circulation was over 2,500 issues. Still the students’ involvement was low. That changed rapidly, and ten days later of fun and exciting activities at the booth, it successfully drew hundreds of students to it. Regular students with interest in the campaign and its goals were engrossed and decided to volunteer at the spot to recruit others as well. The booth witness beatboxing by students, rapping, dancing and cheers by walker-bys and the booth’s volunteers. An atmosphere of silliness, gayness and zeal overtook the area with the promise of the better things to come. With
the intention of improving students’ affairs and experience in
And it’s made to stay.
MSA, Campus Spirit
had commenced its
With new friends, come new coloured walls.
They light up your life and your room. The walls you think are being built up are all pulled down just because they’ve built you new ones that you can lean on, and painted them especially for you with the brightest peaceful colours, one of which is black. Moments bring us all together. They make you laugh, have a good time, and bring you simple happiness. That is all, until you become ADDICTED to them, which sometimes becomes boring and irritating. The whole idea, however, is that you share a thought, a cause, a meaning that might always get you back to where you all started.
By: Hanin Tarek 7
secures jobs
Prior to the outstanding performance by the organisers of the fair, the MSA offered and conducted free training sessions for its students. It was greatly kept in mind that these students represent the MSA, and thus, they must be well trained and determined to complete any task given.
From 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM, the MSA offered opportunities for forty international and national companies to hire its graduates with the excellence of higher British education that is coupled with modern On April 23,24 well known, respectful and technical skills and creativity. multinational companies such as General Motors, Impact BBDO, Astrazeneca as well The fair was organised solely by MSA stuas Memac Ogilvy were available for every- dents and was for graduates only. One one to apply. The fair also included Career thousand students have participated in Gates and Telepreformance, which were this two-day event. the main sponsors. Along with On The Run and El-Mesa7a as The MSA students have organised the associate sponsors, the fair was held on Employment Fair in co-ordination with the More than forty of the greatest local companies have joined the first edition of the two outstanding Employment Fairs this year.
MSA’s October City Campus. The fair’s most important objective was to provide great career opportunities to MSA graduates.
renowned companies to help the graduates attain their goals. As a result, almost one thousand internships and employment opportunities were obtained. Among the companies that were included in the fair there were such as, Event Gate and In House Advertising agencies, Light Point, CIB, APL Logistics, Berlitz as well as DMG. Also there were Baby Bloom, EC3 as well as Fun and Care Nurseries. Other magazines were available in the fair as well such as Teenstuff. That achievement shows the excellent standard of the MSA University students who applied all the skills they have learnt during their course of study to reach that marvelous result. The MSA is the only private University that holds two fairs in the same year. Thus, for whoever missed the April’s event, they should not worry. The next fair is taking place on the 3rd and 4th of November 2012 with sole official oponsor Vodafone. One is sure that the MSA’s other fair is just as great and successful as the last one. It will surely be just as crowded so one would want to get there as early as possible. 9
WE are not
By: Ahmed Amin
statement that is true, but unfortunately always used as an excuse. It is what we tell ourselves every time someone, or even ourselves, pinpoint a flaw in us. When we say: ‘we can’t be perfect, we are just humans; we give ourselves the excuse not to pursue a better us. Perfect is a vast scale that for us seems limitless. Being fully perfect means to reach a certain limit… why have a limit when we can always work to better ourselves. Our flaws shouldn’t be our excuse to stop polishing ourselves, our flaws are the reason why we go on to correct them, and by doing so, broadening our horizon, making our journey through life worthy. We live in the modern world now, realising the previous concept, this adapted new way of thinking is more realistic today than it was ever before. Thanks to the people who have broadened their own horizon and brought that modern world to us, people who advanced in their fields for the sake of the advancement of the human race. There isn’t any single person who can hear this without thinking of the many Nobel Prize winners, and of the many vital technologies that houses or establishments can do without. Thanks to them, we have a better chance to achieve success in even more than one field. Today’s gifts, which are presented through the digital world of computers and world web, and through the advanced knowledge compiled throughout the years of addition, had strengthened our once weakened will, arming us with better means to try more for our selves and others, creating not a perfect world… but a limitless one. We can certainly say that the skies are no longer our limits, we have already reached them.
ماتبصش وراك ! محمود الجنيدي
حياة كل واحد مننا عبارة عن كتاب ،صفحاته ،هي األيام الي عشناها ،والي بنعشها ،واأليام الي هنعشها إن شاء اهلل ..بس في حاجة غريبة بقه ..معظمنا بيصر إنه يبص في الصفحات القدمية ..ويعد يقضي ساعات في الندم على غلطات عملها ..أو ناس خسرها ..أو فرص ضيعها ..أو حاجات كان عايزها ومحصلش نصيب ..مع انه متأكد مليون في املية إن ده مش هيغير حاجة بس أنا مش عارف إيه اللذة في املوضوع ! هنا بقه يطلعلنا سؤال من حتت األرض ..مش ميكن في حاجات أحسن في الصفحات اجلاية من الكتاب ؟ مش ميكن احلاجات دي تعوضه ؟ ماتضيعش وقتك في الندم على حاجات حصلت ألن الوقت الي بيضيع منك ده ممكن تعمل فيه حاجات كتير قوي أحلى تكون خطوة كويسة إنك توصل حلاجات أحسن من الي
ضاعت ..ماتزعلش على ناس خسرتها بسبب إنك كنت شخص كويس وهما مافهموش ده ..إنت الكسبان يا جدع ! ماتضيقش نفسك عشان فرصة إنت كنت شايفها فرصة جبارة ، إلن دي وجهت نظرك ،وخليك فاكر إن الفرصة مش صدفة يعني إنت الي بتصنعها مبجهودك وقدراتك ..خلي عندك ثقة في نفسك وإنت هتكسر الدنيا إن شاء اهلل.. من اآلخر كده ..ماتبصش وراك ..إلن ده بيأخر مش بيقدم ..زيادة على كده ده عكس طبيعتك كبني آدم ..إنت إتخلقت بتبص لقدام مش لورا ! وخلي بالك ..إن البصة لورا ممكن تقع بسببها وتأذي نفسك وده هيخليك تتأخر كتير.. خليكو متفائلني ..ومتبصوش لألهداف مهما كبرت على إنها مستحيل ..الهدف بيبدأ بفكرة وإنت الي بتحققها بل كملن ممكن تطورها وتعمل حاجة محصلتش ..إزاي ؟ كل واحد فينا عارف نفسه ..وزي ما الترجمة بتقول في األفالم « حظا موفقا « !
By: Eman el Ahl
Inspiring expert explains great ideas I always wished to attend an advertising workshop, where to practise working on an ad or a campaign and to create an idea on a product under the supervision of an expert. This wish came true through participating in a workshop by Nayef Zacca, a senior creative director, where everything in advertising was tackled in a creative, smooth, professional and efficient way. Mr. Zacca suggested conducting such a workshop to help creating a new generation of creative thinkers.
motivated to have an expert working with them. “I wish all the summer be full of workshops like this one”, a student commented. “Mr. Zacca discussed with us some of the best international ads and Cannes winner ads, which inspired me a lot. He showed some of his successful ads like the Etisalat ad, Lactel Yoghurt ad which featured Lebanese star Nancy Ajram. He,also, showed me the the making of Lactel Yoghurt ad, which was very interesting to me to see what was happening behind the scenes. I saw other edited version of the ad which wasn’t launched. It was like something exclusive only for me. He showed me a video of ways that help being creative. He told the participants that being imaginative is not enough to be creative, we have to take actions towards the ideas we are thinking of to be creative.”
Zacca mixed practice and theory. He covered the following topics: what is creativity, creative thinking, Cannes winner ads, and how do others think. He divided students into working groups and gave them a brief on several products. Each group made presenZacca also discussed the following fundamental steps before cartations about their creative ideas. rying out an idea: The one-day workshop began at 10:30 AM and ended at 5:00 • The dream idea room, or “what I want to do” PM. It was held in a joyful atmosphere especially in the practical • The realist room, or “how to do it” part where each group was given a limited time to come up with • The critic room, or “what are my chances for doing it” ideas for print ads. The participants exerted serious effort to draw He also discussed the process of creativity in the following steps: creative ideas, and did their best to complete them on time. The 1. Preparation: it’s the phase where we gather background information to solve the problem through research and atmosphere was challenging and they felt that they were workstudy. ing for a real client. Then, presentations were made before Zacca as if he was the client. He commented on the presented works. 2. Incubation: getting away and letting ideas develop. Later, the participants asked him to choose a product and to cre- 3. Insight: experiencing the moment when the problem makes sense, and you understand the fundamental issue. (Insight ate a print ad for it in a limited time. He made a presentation, comes out of research). where the participants were the client. A group stood and challenged him by offering ideas for the same product he had worked 4. Evaluation by assessing the outcome of the insight. on and made a presentation on it too. This creative workshop was one of the most beneficial and excitThe particpants were involved in creating ideas and they were ing experiences we passed through during the summer.
ﺷﻨﻂ ﺭﻣﻀﺎﻥ ﻣﻊ Khatwaو Promise كتب – حممد سامي التوين
رمضا ن ليس حلو ف ق ط عل ى قناة الن فف هار و قناة ا ي بادرة ط يب حل ة يا ة و وإ خ منا ري ي ةل رمضا رمضاني «خطوة» و ن حيلى أيضا يف «ب ً ر إ و م مي إ ة مت توزيعها س س » إي خ ال ه، حي ل ث ش قاموا ف هر رم بتجهيز 0 رع 6اكتوبر ضان الفضيل وف ر عل ع ى ال ا دق ال 160شنطة ي س وعلى ر املتعفف هذة ال بعض األسر ة من العاملي م ن ني ا با حمل شنطة ( األ تا جلا ر ج ز م ع ، ني ة س يف ق ك ر ر ي ة ،عد هذ املنصورية ، ة ليست امل س ،بلح ،مك رة ر ا ون ة ال و ، ىل ومن مكونات صل ال ىت تق صة ،زي ا وم هبا «خط ت )،اجلدير ملاضي أن قا وة م با » إل ت هب شا هب ذ رة ذ ة ة أ ال ال ن بادرة ا بادرة و يف ال خلريية حيث لكن بشكل م سب ص غ ق ر ، سنوات املقبل هلا ة و إ يف ىل ال ت العام و س يا سي ق نفس ه ع رقعة ا ة فإن االسر ذا الشهر ال لتوزيع لتشم ف ل ا ضي مل ل ز ي د با تني ستسعى م إل ن األسر ضافة اىل باملسؤ احملتاجة من أنشطة خري ي ا ة ملت أ ع ف ولني يف اجلا خ ف م ر ع ني ى ة و يف خل د عل م ى ة اجملتم . رأسهم ع ،وال ننس الىت ختدم ا ماما نوال و جملت ال م د ع كت ا و لب ر ى أن نٌشيد سي خ ط ريي عل ى تشجيع ه ذ ة ا مل با د ر ا ت
Defeating the Impossible is Possible
Story of Mazen Mostafa By: Heba Heiba
Mazen Moustafa, a 26 years- old, differently abled athlete who is always defining himself, with the number of medals he won, and the sports he has practised. At the end of his self-description, you feel enthusiastic to ask more about his achievements, and the reason behind his uniqueness among other differently- abled athletes in Egypt and the Middle East. About Mazen Moustafa
He graduated from Masr Language School (MLS). He then joined Al Sunni team. Mazen says that his mother is the main reason for his success; in addition to, Mrs. Radifa Al Halawany, the head of the school; Miss Noura, one of his teachers; as well as his trainers, Mr. Tamer and Mr. Mohamed Abd Rabo who have played a key role in shaping his life.
The Early Beginning At the age of four, Mazen started practising swimming. He won 160 medals in swimming, fifty medals in Freestyle swimming, and won another 50 medals in butterfly swimming. He trains for nine hours daily. Mazen grabbed 150 gold medals, 60 bronze medals and 40 silver ones in his overall participation in the Special Olympics and competitions inside Egypt. He represented Egypt in many countries; such as, Beirut 2002, Ireland 2003, New York 2007, China 2007, Shanghai 2007, Abu Dhabi 2008 and 2010, where he won a Golden medal. “I always work for the favour of Egypt rather than my own favour,” Mazen said. “I always repeat ‘Long Live Egypt’ each time I win a medal.”
The Turnover In 2001, Mazen travelled for the first time to Beirut to play ping-pong. He travelled in 2002 to Ireland and Poland for playing bowling, where he won the golden medal. The peak of success was in 2005, where trainers had seen him by coincidence, and found out from his walk and abilities that he could learn horse riding. He learnt how to ride a horse in only three months. In Syria, they carried out the required examinations needed to be sure that he could join the competition where he won the golden medal. Mazen usually trains on horse riding in the morning for three hours everyday. “Trainers had a vision. Horse-riding needs courage and from the first sight they recognized that he can do it,” said Mrs. Fadia Salama, Mazen’s mother. The race was remarked by unforgettable moments for Mrs. Fadia, she could not forget that each time her son jumps over the track, people keep on clapping with passion and admiration. “I could not deny that I was afraid at each jump he makes with his horse. But after each time people clap for him and my son returns their greetings. I simply feel proud of him,” added Mrs. Fadia. Mazen is being trained at the Police Union for horse-riding with normal people. However, he participates with the differently-abled persons within the time of competition. It is considered one of good examples for environmental inclusion. “Mazen is a champion of horse-riding. Bowling as well needs a special technique to be the first,” Mrs Fadia said.
Above expectations Mazen’s ability to train with ordinary people has gone beyond all expectations. He used to train football at the Baraem Shooting Club regularly with ordinary people. However, supervisors don’t want him to improve. Mrs. Fadia argues that they usually claim that differently-abled are all the same and want Mazen to stay at the same level without any improvement.
“I’m a monster in swimming whether in the butterfly style or the individual long-term,” he said. Mazen is ranked the first in ping-pong, and weight lifting. Moreover, Mazen is ranked the first in taekwondo, and basketball where he won the golden medal several times.
The majority of trainers studied how to deal with the differently-abled and they know that the sharing of love and respect should be between the differently-abled and the player. If an opposite treatment happened by coincidence, the differently-abled person refuses to attend his sessions.
Honorable Moments Mazen’s success has been honoured by Arab countries. He was honoured in several occasions, in addition, including his attendance as a member of the jury in the Special Olympics. Mazen was an honoured guest in Morocco at the Moroccan Special Olympics. Also, Maktoum family of Dubai honoured Mazen in 2006. A documentary movie was made about his achievements. It was screened at the children’s cinema festival. He was honoured in 2006. He won the first prize by Mrs. Magda Abd el Aziz. Mazen’s mother, Mrs. Fadia Salama, was awarded as the best mum in 2009. In 2007, Mazen was hosted by the Egyptian actor, Hussein Fahmy, in the Program: Al Nas w Ana (People and I), during Ramadan. This was after he returned from the sports tournament, which took place in Dubai. The phase post- achievements: Who is the culprit? Since 2009, Mazen did not travel abroad, to represent Egypt by an order from the MLS; as, they informed his mother that they give a variety of chances to other differently-abled students. Since that year, he has not joined the Special Olympics. However, he still participates through a domestic average and until now, Mazen is still training regularly.
“Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall” Ray Bradbury
Fall 2012 Calendar
Payment of Fees for Spring 2012 Final Sports Activities Ceremony Western Christians (Working Day) Fall Graduation Photo Engineering Project Exhibition Final Exams start New Year’s Day Eastern Christmas (HOLIDAY ) Baptism Day (HOLIDAY) Final Exams End El Mawled El Nabawi (HOLIDAY) 25th January Revolution Day (HOLIDAY) Fall University Assessment Board *Dates to be confirmed by official notice
Sat 1st Dec 2012 Mon 10th Dec 2012 Tues 25th Dec 2012 Sat 22nd Dec – Mon 24th Dec 2012 Dec 2012* Wed 26th Dec 2012 Tues 1st Jan 2013 Mon 7th Jan & Tues 8th Jan 2013 Sat 19th Jan 2013 Wed 23rd Jan 2013 Thurs 24th Jan 2013* Friday 25th 2013 Tues 5th & Wed 6th Feb 2013 17
Promise Family promises to face challenge
A mr K ’ By: Karim Hegazy
haled s
concerned authorities. But they never lost hope or got tired because their dream used to feed their will. By time they were able to hold more events and by the time that dream managed to attract more people and so the family became bigger. Like all stories, every journey must have a peak and Islamic preacher Dr. Amr Khaled was that peak.
Dr. Khaled’s event was huge due to his fame as an Islamic preacher and due to the great challenges family had to face to gain everyone’s trust and respect. All the family members worked like Every picture starts as a line. Every word starts as bees in spring time. There were variety of tasks a letter. Every big phenomenon starts as a small and every one found its responsible person, who action. That’s the story of all the great things in worked under great stress. However, no one life. It all starts as a dot, then it starts to get bigger complained or quit. On the contrary, the good till it gains respect and prestige. Unfortunately, a spirit was reaching everyone’s soul till something dot’s journey to become a noticed spot has never happened. been never easy. Dr. Nawal el Digwy asked to meet our leader to tell him that this event must be postponed because she had previous engagements and would not meet with Dr. Khaled. At that time the only spirit that swept the place was anxiety and panic. The fliers were already in the students’ hands and on most of the boards with a specific date that had been announced. Postponing that date would affect the family’s reputation and credibility. The only solution was to ask Dr. Khaled to change the appointment. The situation got only harder after knowing that Dr. Khaled’s agenda also got a clash that prevented him from changing the time. Every time they wanted to hold public event, We didn’t know what to do except asking ALLAH they used to suffer to get a permission from the to help us. Like always ALLAH never disappointed
The Promise Family started as a dream more than an idea by two persons, who weren’t friends but had nothing in common except for the dream of spreading goodness in the whole world. This goal made them a family. They were a small family and when you are little and small, you’re not noticed or heard but when you are big from the inside, eventually you’ll be heard. They faced rejection many times, every time a door opens and hope starts to find it’s way to their heart that door rapidly gets closed. 18
a hoper. Dr. Nawal managed to re-adjust her schedule with the event time and so she was able to meet with Dr. Khaled. After knowing that great news, the good morale was restored. It was the event day. Panic controlled everyone’s emotion and it was increasing with the number of audience. The first sign of success was the enormous number of attendance. The Opera House accommodates 1000 person and the number of the participants was 1500. Sometimes a vortex of different feelings attacks your heart. The moment of Dr. Khaled’s arrival was that time. Everyone was happy, afraid, and responsible. That day, Dr. Khaled gave a lecture which changed our concept in life and added a different touch to our soul. The real achievement was in that special look that most of audience had, was in that warm smile that most faces showed, and was in that sparkling eyes which were shining like stars in the darkest night.
first sign of success was the enormous number
of audience.
The Number
After that event, the Family proved that it’s capable to meet the people’s expectations and that it is up to any task. A lot of people wanted to join the Promise Family after that but what’s better is that a lot of people wanted to join our dream. Don’t be scared of having big dreams because big dreams share their greatness with their dreamers.
Promise Family
In my 20+ years on earth, I’ve only loved and I mean truly loved two girls. One of them I still keep in contact with today and I’ll always consider her to be a part of me and a true soul mate.
The other girl was called Sarah.
(a.k.a. A Valuable Lesson)
By: Adam Amin
Sarah and I met at school. She was a very athletic girl. She was very smart, popular, dedicated and creative almost to a fault. The only thing that outshined her charm was the big smile she would wear below the curious freckles on her face and the person she was talking to would infectiously smile as well, because the heartfelt sentiment of that smile was transparently sincere and it
enveloped them into a comfort zone they’ve never been before; myself included. We were almost inseparable, While she tried to pick up the pieces of her life and rearrange her life accordingly, I would be right there with her helping her through classes and shielding her the best I could from the dreary feelings she would have seeing her two former
best friends who decided to dissociate themselves from her, laughing away at the corner of the dusty old classroom. I would also try my best to comfort her with a blanket of calm assurances and certainty that everything would turn out ok from the problems her parents were facing. One day she donned that
When we grew up and each went to a different high school, our almost daily phone call conversations would range from our activities, family and friends. I knew all of hers and she knew all of mine. Until one day the phone calls stopped. My attempts to reach her were futile as all her phones were disconnected, her emails rejected my messages and her landline was unavailable. I would’ve went to her house had I known her address, but like typical teenage boy/girl relationships in Kuwait, they didn’t mingle; especially in each other’s houses. I began to worry as days turned into weeks and weeks to months and I haven’t heard a word from Sarah. But every passing moment I would think about her and wonder what happened to her; what happened to Sarah? Where was she? Being of very few and limited resources at age 14, my search was very constrained to a bunch of contacts, all who said that they knew nothing about her whereabouts. Newspapers and former schools weren’t helpful either.But I was so certain that something happened
to her, Sarah wouldn’t just up and leave and not inform me. We were best friends. We were soul mates.
me… for seven years. On her own accord, she did it consciously and it was her own decision.
About a year later I took my search online, her social-networking pages were of course untouched for months but she never had a Facebook page and she still didn’t. I very discreetly hired a relatively cheap company I found online to (unsuccessfully) track her down.
I scanned the hundreds of pictures before my eyes and there it was her smile. Her face had changed, her clothing style was entirely different, but her smile remained just the same. I demanded my obstinate fingers to close the browser page though I didn’t want to and took a moment to collect my thoughts and close the book on that chapter of my life… Sarah.
Year after year passed and still I found her number in my phone, giving it the occasional ring which would produce the message I heard many times before; “this phone not available”. Seven years have passed since I last heard from Sarah, but since I lost my friend I decided to be more sociable and build more friendships and relations in anticipation of gaining what I once lost with Sarah. A couple of months back when I had Sarah on my mind, I typed her name into the Facebook search box to be astounded by what I found; Sarah’s Facebook page. My knees almost buckled though I was sitting and my heart almost defiantly stopped supplying my body with its much needed oxygen just for a second or two. I couldn’t believe what I saw. Sarah was alive! Sarah was alive?! The elation I felt from this revelation clouded my judgement but it was then it dawned on me, she chose not to contact
signature Sarah smile and a nervous, uneasy expression that I’ve never seen on her before and confessed abashedly that she never felt as close to anyone as she did with me. I smiled then and I smile now thinking about that moment, because that’s how I try to remember Sarah.
In just a few moments she taught me many a-valuable lessons in life; people will leave you and will do things to you that you don’t understand but you must always be able to depend on yourself before you start depending on others because what you lose with others you will always find in yourself. Other peoples’ friendships are just a luxury and like all luxurious things in life, they don’t last. Although our relationship was not physical, Sarah had touched me where it truly mattered, in my heart. She wasn’t the first or only girl I loved, but she was the last. I still wonder from time to time why she chose to shut me out of her life so forcibly but she’s just a memory now of person I once knew, an old memory and memories eventually fade. The future is what I look forward to.
To read the unabridged version and more by Adam visit: andthankyouforreading.tumblr.com
[Scenes on Campus]
Fall 2012 has arrived with a whole new bunch of improvements and facilities for all you newcomers and current MSAians out there! tion: egistra R e in l n O
me has beco n io t a r t xt ne regis so the ne , s Now, onli ie lt u c in to all fa lot of town t a activated u o t e ’r i . to ile you ade ebsite on’t need d time, wh m u o : y , r e e d rw ad n time ister. serv se ou roduce pgr g registratio e r U d r n a , u r r w t e o online bro and in you Serv ading o worry! Go t r o u r d f Upg r for yo ts spee ices v i Dental e r i Clinics: eas reased e se n c i In build l It in r on . ing H w e have e te dental built tw bet enienc clinics, o v new increas capacit con ing th y by 60 e tota %! l Abu D To f habi B urth an k: ces e r faci s fo l it r e bra nch you, w ate the ng, w i r g: e n i e r o p ee Uni e h gin for ngin vers f Abu ave aymen of En uter labs in E y bs t D a i l site t t L i p cu ing to A y. It is habi b ntrodu proe Fa o com rnet dur h t w t a t c A d e l i n A nb e dm A te int sign uild k insid d a issio hly N upda f the o their as r u a i s e n have nO t o d ffice ional B g A, o the nts t even ppo . ank stude e time or cts. e n e r j f e o r r i a r th rp the o / d e s an ment
MSA Upgrades
Website: MSA’s website has been completely restructured to help yo u enjoy a better browsing experienc e.
[Scenes on Campus]
Ma ss C In add ommu be ing ition nicati on sem : tec to e M hn ste inc C i O r c r M sio eased with ally ed nal u rec HD the la MA pdat iting o C e l Als nstru came rge n sta d e abs o, a u r t c v join n e ting as an mber ions, ery d e x w are of p ins d t pert the he com rofe e tru fi o l f fi mi ct a M ple slm ng nd SA i n g/e stu tely s gu d ide taff dit ing ios. the to s h u stu de perv as nts ise , .
le Goog h t i pw ails to red u m e s: e l n i t t a r n Em de y pa ; in d stu acity centl n e p a r a c e ff W to sta nd st all use a ee access r o f h o o t u l fr ase g ful ck yo d to ase e e n e e i h r : d v c c e a d d n a i a SA ase to h Upgr ave been ur M l . Ple tion o uded i s l y ops d c p h d s n p e h i l k a ent Wor ts gle a to receiv d with a This m r o ! a p s i o u p g d te eq ly an s. all sho upda New gular work ineering ment e e e r y b c t l i n i s d r g n r ou ma Unive s like en tter a and ann ID numbe e l s w e r ti ll ne facul news ll be you sword wi n. B ’s g uses: i A i s s S e M pa ss w and d your ddre a d 12 new buses wer n e a h T e added to the MSA .eg a.edu 345 s fleet to transpor m @ t more students ni12 to and from the Unive msau e b rsity.
Fall 2012
Organizing a stock market simulation event at MSA University has been a long road. Speaking about the stock market reflects a huge effort mixed with vast work in order to provide promising results mixed with cheerful success.
establishing new ideas, dealing with new delegates that have no previous experience with money market, and creating a comprehensive database and schedule to fulfill the delegates’ needs from such events.
The SMS organizing team used all their previous skills and knowledge to prepare for the event in a professional way starting from
The MSA’s 2012 SMS which was organized in Spring 2012 in MSA was a unique event that witnessed great progress and new ideas
compared to the previous simulation events. From the first day of organizing, the team started searching for the best and perfect tools to attract the delegates. They used attractive posters and flyers, and designed a creative logo for the event with a popular slogan which was “INSPIRE THE MARKET TREND”. They relied on finding the most powerful and useful information and knowledge resources to help the delegates in their council, and they added new techniques dealing with the delegates and broker’s interviews to pick the most efficient delegates for this post to support the success of the event. The MSA 2012 SMS was honored with the attendance of professional and unique members from the Egyptian Stock Market who have a long Banking experience. They introduced their experience to the delegates and explained the basics and the tips of investing in stock market which was very fruitful to the delegates. The delegates appreciated the “Delegates Guide” which helped them identify the basic concepts of the stock market and explained most of the anonymous terminology in the money market especially to the new delegates. In the simulation, which was the most exciting part of the event, it was the time of real work as the delegates started to participate in the simulation as in real markets buying and selling stocks, responding to spot news which included rumors that they used to strengthen their experience especially in the critical and hard situations; analyze companies and allocating portfolios. At the end of the simulation, the students gained good experience which they can use when they start investing in money market, which is an important sector of the economy. Pictures by Mohamed Ashraf Sayed, more at: Facebook.com/MsaStockMarketSimulation2012
من جناح لنجاح أكرب قصة هحكيها ألحفادى أصل جناحى مش شىء عادى أنا املمكن ومفيش مستحيل بعدى
أجدادى قالولنا اللى بيزرع خري عمره ىف يوم ما بيجىن الشر ومهما يطول بينا الزمن هنحقق برده حلم العمر ومبجهودنا ىف اللياىل ..وبعرقنا ىف النهار ..كان االصرار ملا سعينا واجتهدنا رب العباد برمحته وفقنا كان جناحنا فوق جراحنا كان القمر بيسهر يونسنا زاكرنا وتعبنا وسهرنا وربنا بعدله كافيئنا
ﻧﺠﺎﺣﻰ ﺳﺮ ﺣﻴﺎﺗﻰ ﺑﻘﻠﻢ :ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﻟﺆﻱ
هكسر أقالم احملبطني وهقفل ودىن عن احلاقدين احبطوىن لو قدرتوا ..اكسروىن لو عرفتوا هفضل برده اللى أحالمه قدام عنيه جنحت ..وبنجح ..وهنجح وجناحى ملوش حد ومهما برده وصلت فانا مليش سد جناحى عابر للقارات ..احالمى ارض النجاحات أصل احلكاية مش جناح عادى أصل احلدوته مش تعب على الفاضى مها حمطتني االوىل يأس وتعب وفشل والتانية اصرار و جناح وأمل وباالصرار نقدر هند اجلبل وحنفر على احلجر ونشق الشجر
MSA Deadlines at By: Amer Yahya
Cheerful Smile Follow me, if you can
I’m Heggy and I know it By: Mohamed Salah
Dr. Maged Hamada: “Take the exam and let me relax on the beach” 31
قبل التجديد
حلم بدأ يتحقق
بعد التجديد
تعال ياال َ وشارك في “لبلدنا”... لبلدنا مؤسسة للتنمية والخدمات اإلجتماعية أسستها الدكتورة /نوال الدجوي عشان كلنا نشارك من خاللها في مساعدة من هم أقل حظا. مش الزم تكون مشاركة مادية ،ممكن نشارك بوقتنا ومجهودنا ونحسس الناس دي بإهتمامنا ورعايتنا. عندنا في مصر أكتر من 5000قرية معدمة تحت خط الفقر ،يعني إيه تحت خط الفقر؟ يعني ناس بيوتها مفيهاش ال ميه وال نور والصرف صحي وأحيانا من غير سقف أو بسقف من سعف النخل فمؤسسة لبلدنا بتتبنّى قرى و بتعملهم إعادة إعمار يعني تساعد في: -1توصيل الكهرباء -2توصيل مياه صالحة الشرب -3توصيل شبكات الصرف. -4بناء دورات المياه وتجهيزها لالستخدام اآلدمي. -5تعريش البيوت بالعروق والواح الخشب وتغطيها باالسمنت والمواد العازلة اللي بتمنع تسرب مياه المطر -6تركيب األبواب والشبابيك. مش بس كده ،كمان بتنّفذ مشروعات التنمية زي مثالً تسليم رؤوس مواشي لتربيتها عشان تجيب دخل شهري ثابت وعمل معارض للمالبس المجانية في األعياد والمناسبات في القرى المشمولة بالرعاية. إزاي نشارك؟ نحسن مستوى إعمار البيوت بس مش كفاية ،محتاجين نكمل المشوار اللي بدأناه ،محتاجين ّ المعيشة لكل أسرة حسب إحتياجتها ،مثالً كل مجموعة طلبة تتبنى أسرة؛ تزورها بصفة دورية، يسمعوا مشاكلهم ،وإحتياجتهم ويوصلوا صوتهم للمؤسسة عشان تساهم في تحقيق أحالمهم. ده باإلضافة للتوعية والرعاية المعنوية اللي ممكن نقوم بيها لرفع مستوى المعيشة لكل أسرة.
لو حابب تشارك معانا ،امال اإلستمارة دي وهاتها Room B147وإحنا هنتصل بيك. األسم ______________:الكلية___________________ : _____________ :E-mail _____________ :Mobile _____________ : ID
MSA Graduation Projects Exchange
Mass Communication Faculty of Mass Communication dents’ gathering
year one stu-
The faculty of Mass Communication has organised a special orientation event on March 5, for
freshmen students where they met with the Dean and the Director of Student Affairs. In conjunction, a question-and-answer session about the university rules and regulations was held too.
A special trip to Sokhna MSA University Sports & Social Department organised a trip to Ain El-sokhna on March 9, for the faculty staff members to honour their distinguished performance during the Fall 2012 Semester.
TA Celebration:
A special event was held at the SSB with the participation of University President, Dr. Khairy Abdel Hamid, to celebrate the faculty’s achievements for Fall 2011 Semester.
An event for the exchange of graduation projects was held under the auspices of faculty’s dean Dr. Ibtessam El Guindy. The event was on March 12 at the SSB with the participation of MUST, Cairo University, IAEMS, ACU and MTI.
Freedom of Speech and Social Responsibility of Media Seminar The faculty welcomed guest speaker Dr. Janet Steele, Associate Professor at George Washington University, on March 12. The seminar was held under the theme of “Freedom of Speech and Social Responsibility of the Media after the Collapse of Suharto’s Regime”.
Mass Communication Achievers The faculty has honoured students with the highest GPAs as well as students who got out of probation. The event took place at El-Dokki Campus on March 14. Certificates of achievement were distributed to the students in an atmosphere full of positivity and celebration.
Dr Said Ashour, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering along with Drs. Omar Fawzy, Samy el Hennawy, and Mohamed Hassan, the Heads of Scientific Departments, welcomed the visitors who were led by Dr. Nawal el Degwy, the Chairperson of University Board of Trustees, and Dr. Khairy Abdel Hameed, the President of University, The faculty deans, university staff, parents, as well as members of Six October City Investors Association. Both exhibitions were successful events this year.
Fair and Exhibition
The Faculty of Engineering held its Spring Semester Fair and Annual Exhibition during the Academic Year 2011/12 as follows:
Engineering Fair was held in the University Workshop on Monday, May 21,2012 The fair showcased: - About 38 electrical graduation projects that were implemented by 101 students. - About 8 industrial graduation projects were jointly implemented by 32 Students. - About 36 mini projects that were implemented by 119 Students.
Architectural Exhibition Tuesday, July 1 - 3
Computer Science The faculty members, staff and students would like to congratulate Dr. Soha Safwat for obtaining her PHD degree.
was held on
Sunday -
The exhibition displayed: - 73 Graduation Projects, and the best Projects from Architecture Design I through VIII.
F ield Visits Pharmacy students have visited some local pharmaceutical companies to be familiar with the drug production process. The students experienced the latest technological advancements in this sector, as well as quality assurance & quality control procedures. They visited SEDICO, EPICO and Uni Pharma companies.
Congratulations to MSA Staff
About 13 students visited the Greenwich Campus to attend an advanced drug delivery course for five weeks. Dr. Birthe Nielsen (Greenwich link tutor) said: “I have received so much positive feedback regarding the MSA pharmacy students who visited Greenwich University for the formulation course. They were friendly, active and exceeded all expectations in terms of engagement and ability. This is an excellent chance for all of us here as we will be happy to help MSA students who will be visiting to take this course next time. I hope to see another group of students next summer.”
The faculty staff members and students would like to extend their haeart-felt congratulations to Dr. Reham Wasfi for obtaining her doctorate degree. Congratulations to all who have successfully completed their MA theses: •Eman Sherine (Pharmacognosy) •Heba Ahmed (Clinical Pharmacy) •Mayada Mohsen (Organic Chemistry) •Sherine Mahmoud (BioChemistry) •Mohamed Abdal Aal (Pharmacognosy) •Ahmed Samir (Analytical Chemistry) •Amira Abd El Dayem (Microbiology) •Mai Saed (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) The Staff members welcome the newest members: •Kareem Talaat (Microbiology – MSA Uni.) •Mervat Shafik (Microbiology – MSA Uni.) •Sarah Medhat (Microbiology – MSA Uni.) •Eman Mohamed (Pharmaceutics – MSA Uni.) •Radwa Magdy (Pharmaceutics – Cairo Uni.) •Nehal Mohamed (Pharmaceutics – Cairo Uni.) 36
Students course in U.K MSA continues to enrich its students experience.
Biotechnology Field Visits and Academic guest speakers Last semester had the highest number of field visits as the faculty organised eight trips covering biotechnology industrial, medical, environmental, pharmaceutical and agricultural fields. The faculty invited three guest speakers (one international and two locals) from different uni-
versities and institutes to deliver extra lectures and share their experience with the students.
The students, who implemented their project in stem cell bank, worked on a joint project with other scientists and medical doctors. The results of the project were marvelous and were presented to the International Society of Stem Cell Research Conference in Yokahama, Japan.
- Mariana Antone got an offer from the Faculty of Medicine, Ain-Shams University, for a one-year scholarship to study psychology to carry on with her studies in the genetic counseling. - Three students have been accepted to start their master degree at Manchester University and Queen Mary University, UK. - Five students have been accepted to start their master degree at Greenwich University.
Staff - Dr. Ahmed Nada was awarded the title of Associate Professor. - L.A Mirna Khater travelled to Greenwich University to attend her MA graduation ceremony
Graduation Projects
The graduation projects have been always remarkable throughout the history of Faculty of Biotechnology. The projects impressed the Greenwich external examiner and the national external examiners. The faculty has designed its own appreciation model to thank the places and professors who hosted the students for three months while working on their graduation projects. Dr. Hisham Essa, a member of the stem cell bank, received the MSA trophy in appreciation of his incredible co-operation with the university and faculty by hosting the biggest number of students every year and also for offering jobs to three students each year. Prof. Ihsan Kamel, DNA Forensics Authority Director, including other professors have received medals from the faculty.
- Shaza Ahmed and Arwa Kohela finished their master degree courses at Cairo University. Arwa graduated with the highest honour.
Summer Training The faculty received many training offers from private agencies and academic institutes for enrolling students. They had a great experience during the summer and got a certificate after completing their training programmes.
Management The Faculty of Management invited several guest speakers in Spring 2012: - Dr. Mohamed Yehia, a consultant with the Hazem Hassan Group & board member of the Egyptian
Accounting Committee, and Dr. Mohamed Hegazy, Prof. Accounting & Auditing (AUC ), have co-chaired a seminar held under the banner of: Qualification of the Auditor’s Report for Jazeera Sport Club. - Dr. Ahmed Saad Abdel Latif Prof. of Finance at Cairo University, board of Director member at Sadat Academy and ex-Head of Capital Market Authority along with ex-consultant at the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority, have co-chaired a seminar under the banner of: ‘’ The Effect of Economical and Political Events on Foreign Investments and Stock Exchange ‘’ -
Dr. Adnan Youssef, a well-known leader in Islamic banking, and Mr. Ahmed el Essawy, Business Development Manager at P&G Egypt, have cochaired a seminar under the banner of: “How to Win Every Key Account in Business”
- Mr. Mohamed Wasfy, the Chief Creative Director at Connect Company, led a seminar under the title of: International Campaign Versus Local Campaign
The Faculty
Management organised lowing field visits in Spring 2012: of
the fol-
- About 18 students, under the supervision of Dr. Adel Fahmy and L.A. Sara Abdel Baset, visited Rich Bake factory. The trip was organised for students in ECO216 “Statistics for Economists II”. - A trip to Smart Village was organised for the purpose of introducing information technology companies in the market to the students. - A cultural trip to Al- Azhar Park & the Citadel. The students were asked to apply the 4 ( P s ) of the Marketing mix on a theme park or entertainment park and the students wrote a short report trying to market Al-Azhar Park to foreigners.
Dentistry Congratulations to Master’s degreee
all who completed their
Alaa El Desouky Operative
Farida Botros Operative
Mohamed Mokhtar Crown & Bridge
Sohila Ali Crown & Bridge
MSA MUN On December 9th 2011, the Modern Sciences and Arts University witnessed the grand opening of its 2nd MSAMUN Annual Conference, featuring numerous speeches by Dr. Bothaina Kamel, MSA President Dr. Khayri Abdel Hameed, MSA Dean of Faculty Prof. El Sayed Nagi, and our supporting MSAMUN academic advisors Dr. Hala Marsafy and Dr. Samia El-Sheikh. As our MSAMUN motto urges everyone to “Get Involved & Make a Difference”, early 2011 a group of MSA students with mutual concerns towards current events, and many other countless issues the world is currently facing, participated and organised the 1st MSAMUN Annual Conference. Seeing as we had limited time to prepare for the conference we were able to provide only one council “The Security Council”.
Our program also included numerous fun activities to bring delegates and team members all together; we organised a Sand boarding BBQ outing in the desert. The conference started by a grand opening ceremony that featured keynote speeches by reputable guest speakers, one of which was by the presidential candidate Dr. Bothaina Kamel, who inspired and motivated the delegates as well as the guests with her moving and stimulating words. Followed by overwhelming speeches presented by MSA President, MSA Dean of Faculty, and MSAMUN academic advisors. The gathering also included a video covering all our memorable moments during the sessions, outings, and meetings, after which customized
The sessions aimed at enhancing the delegates’ talking, presenting, debating and negotiating skills. Also to discuss topics related to globalisation, multi-lateral diplomacy, international law, politics, economics, human rights, effective communication, team work and time management. Despite the limited time and number of participants, the conference was by far a successful and fruitful experience, leaving students wanting more. As summer vacation started, we began planning and setting up for the next conference, with well designed plan and outline in place. With the beginning of the winter semester, delegate recruitment began, recruiting over hundreds of students, all genuinely motivated and excited for the MSAMUN experience. Sessions were held once a week with the purpose of enhancing the students’ debating, negotiating and public speaking skills by discussing topics related to the ongoing events that allowed them to express their views and broaden their perspective on the issue itself.
gift bags were handed out to all guests and delegates. The four-day conference was a huge success, because all delegations gave it their best and genuinely blew our minds away by what they had learned and brought to the table. Their motivation, hard work and effort truly paid off. On the last day, a closing ceremony was attended by MSA Head of Trustees Dr. Nawal el Degwi and staff members. We had the pleasure of having Dr. Degwi there and handing out certificates to all delegates and to organising and academic committee members. We later celebrated the night away dancing, laughing and celebrating together, a perfect ending to the most remarkable, and life-changing experience.
نظمت ادارة االنشطة الرياضية العديد من المسابقات الرياضية لطلبة الجامعة فــى االنشطة التالية :كرة القدم – الكرة الطائرة – كرة السلة – كرة اليد – المالكمة – رفع االثقال – االيكيدو – الماراثون – تنس الطاولة وحصل الفائزون على كؤوس وميداليات
رحلة وادي الريان: نظمت ادارة االنشطة رحلة الى وادى الريان لعدد “ “ 56طالب وطالبة من المتفوقين رياضيا ،حيث قامت ادارة الجامعة بتقديم ه ــذة الــرحـلــة لـلـطــاب ن ـظ ـرا لتفوقهم فى مجال الرياضة.
الرياضةواألنشطة الجامعية: إشراف :د .صالح عبدالهادي
مشاركة الجامعة فى الماراثون السنوى بنادى الجزيرة تحت رعاية جمعية مرضى سرطان الثدى
حفل ختام االنشطة الرياضية بحضور كل من : – ك /محمد ابو العال “ نادى الزمالك “ . – ك /حسن مصطفى “ نادى الزمالك – االهلى سابقا “ . – ك /حسن فهمى “ كابتن نادى االتحاد السكندرى “ . – ك /محمود عبدالحكيم “ منتخب مصر فى الخماسى “ . وعدد من السادة اعضاء هيئة التدريس وطالب الجامعة تم عمل لقاء ودى فى كرة القدم بين النجوم ومنتخب الجامعة فى 16 - 5 - 2012على المجمع االوليمبى بالجامعة .
حصلت الجامعة للعام الـرابــع على التوالى على الدرع العام لبطولة القطاع السادس للجامعات “ قطاع 6اكتوبر “ والتى تستضيفها الجامعة كل عام ،حيث حصلت على المركز االول فى كل من “ كرة اليد – الكرة الطائرة “ والدرع العام للبطولة. وقــام بتسليم الجوائز :أ .د /شريف الدجوى نائب رئيس الجامعة
نبذة مختصرة عن مدربة كرة القدم/ كابتن مروة الحواط
مثلت منتخب مصر فى تصفياتاالم ـ ــم االف ـري ـق ـيــة ع ــام ــى ، 1998 2003 شاركت فى منتخب العرب عامى2002 ، 2000 -تم اختيارها ضمن منتخب العالم
من افضل 18العبة على مستوى ال ـعــالــم لـلـمـشــاركــة ف ــى االح ـت ـفــال ب ـم ـئــويــة االت ـ ـحـ ــاد الـ ــدولـ ــى الـفـيـفــا بفرنسا . تعمل مدربة لمنتخب الجامعةوالمدير الفنى ألكاديمية كرة القدم النسائية وتـعـمــل مــدربــة لمنتخب مصرللكرة النسائية .
To see more photos visit our Facebook page: Facebook.com/MSA.CS.Magazine
My fingers tick slowly on a paper like a pianist, my other hand carries a pen, I aim its nib hesitantly. At the first line of the page, my eyes focus on the white searching for the rainbow within, I try to force inspiration into my withered thirsty brain, but I get no words out in return. The white magnetizes the black and the pen spits an ink drop. I see a small dark invasion like a flood on a cellular scale. The flow stops in two seconds and leaves a big circular spot. I look at my only outcome, drop my pen and call it a day. For now I am sure that today all I can write is full stops.
Dry Spell By Ali A. Fahmy
By Muhammad Mubarak Abdulkarim
What have we become? The stench of guilt, the smell of fear. Setting on the nose of the heart then comes the tear. The rise of horror, the fall of hope. Like the motherless child thinking how we will cope. Addicted to power, getting used to fame. The evening breeze is broken deep inside its frame. Indeed a time we all await the ocean tide. Just to wash away the pain, sorrow, and tears yet uncried. Like a mirror, it couldn’t have been any clearer. That a tear in the veil of faith could put everything asunder. On a quest to search for peace and happiness. But rather climbing a tree bearing terror and loneliness. But then I ask myself, why is mankind so obsessed with destruction? The lust for blood driven by the fuel of desperation. Behold! The tears of justice falling before the very eyes of broken images. Why have we become so cold and distant? Building walls instead of building bridges. Where are we coming from? Where are we headed? We all have a choice to make, whatever we might have decided.
By Ann Kamel
Say NO to drugs, and play it safe 44
People with different ages use drugs, but the high
and the people around him, for instance, if he is driv-
rate occurs in the early years of life or the teenage
ing, it increases the rate of car accidents that harm
period, which is between 16 and 21. The feeling
our society. Many addicts take over doses and die,
of becoming an adult makes the teens attracted
thus ruining a lot of families. Also, all religions forbid
to drugs. Their only goal is to feel high and act like
everything that would make them lose control over
grownups. On the spot, they don’t think of the con-
their minds.
Drug addiction is a dangerous phenomenon. Drug addiction is a dependence on an illegal drug or a medication. When you’re addicted, you may not be able to control your drug use and you may continue using the drug despite the harm it causes.
sequences that they face later. They don’t realize that
{يا ايها الذين امنوا امنا اخلمر و امليسر و االنصاب و االزالم رجس من عمل الشيطان فاجتنبوه لعلكم everything in life, it wastes every beautiful moment. }تفلحون they ruin their future and career. Drug addiction is a
disease that destroys the person and makes him lose Drug addiction can cause an intense craving for the Drug addicts realize what they lost and regret it drug. You may want to quit, but most people find when it is too late. they can’t do it on their own. Drug use starts at the
teenage years. These years are the most important Addiction is only one way but others also waste their and crucial in any one’s life. In these years, teens find lives and lost their health on smoking and drinking out who they are, become independent, and search alcohol. All of these are many ways that can make for something to give their lives meaning and make the person lose respect of himself and all the close their own choices. Teenagers have turned to drugs to people to him. Drug users are seen by all the society help them through life problems but why? I can say as sinners who deserve death penalties, however, that drugs don’t make any problem go away. For a the reasons behind their addiction are not taken into short time while a person is under the effect of drugs consideration. they forget about their problems but the second the effect vanishes the problem is still there. Teenagers Usually, this is the parents fault; they just work and take drugs first just for trying and having fun, they get money and care less about their children. They don’t realize what they put themselves into.
don’t look after their kids. Parents must have time to raise their children and teach them morals and
Usually drugs are taken as scope from the hindrances ethics. we face in our lives. All the social levels of in any society use drugs. Rich and poor people take drugs, When an addict’s mother was asked about the physibut each has his issues. The teenagers’ especially rich cal signs concerning the addiction of her daughter, people see the drugs as a way for spending an inter- she said, “There were a lot of signs that actually esting time with their friends and they also have the worried me, such as, sudden weight loss, sleeping money that can provide them with drugs.
a lot, changes in the clothing style to hide injection marks or bruises and nose bleeding.” Unfortunately
Poor people even that they have shortage in money drug addiction affects all the people surrounding the but they also take drugs as a solution for the pain addict and mostly his family and friends. Child abuse they pass through in their lives. All they wish is a way and neglect are positively related to drug addiction. to forget the sufferers around them even if it lasts for According to Sara, one of the addicts, “I do believe a short period of time. The low class in any country that abuse has a part in the reason some people use has a lot of pressure surrounding them, they are seen drugs and alcohol, drugs and alcohol help to numb as the illiterate, weak and a poor segment in the soci- the emotional or physical pain. I started smokety; while all they want is some attention from the ing and drinking younger because of my abusive people and the government to be cared about. They home. I’m sober now, but I still smoke, it just helps found that this is the easiest way to escape their mis- to deal, so many of the drug abusers and alcohol erable life; they use it to feel better about it as a way abusers were abused as children, but not all.” Also, to break away from life. I consider this to be a great drug abuse of a pregnant woman can put her baby’s personal weakness not being able to deal with their health in great danger and affects his development. problems and facing life bravely.
Drug abuse also causes a lot of injuries for the person
Addicted people claim that they use drugs for medical purposes and that it helps in treating some diseases like cancer and AIDS and this is why they think it should be legalized. However, it can be permitted to be used for medical purposes but only under the supervision of doctors and through certain agencies. It shouldn’t be available to young people without prescriptions. It should be very closely monitored in order to be able to benefit from its benefits for patients of cancer and AIDS. A recent decision by a leading committee in Dar Al-Iftaa “the official body which issues religious edicts” permitting the use of drugs like marijuana, opium or cocaine for medical purposes, has triggered controversy among Al-Azhar scholars. Drug addiction is a very negative phenomenon that is affecting our lives dramatically. It also affects our society as a whole and it eventually affects our economy because it takes away our most important resource, youth. They lose their lives, destroy their future and destroy their families. It ruins our society and makes us lose our most valuable asset, youth. Also, in schools there should be awareness campaigns that target the younger crowds and try to tell them that smoking marijuana could cost them their lives and their future. Also, they need to be introduced to some of the recovering opportunities like the 12 steps program, being aware of the existence of these places and solutions could really help them to be more positive. Drug addiction is a major issue that occurs currently. In this report, the problems and the effects that occur from the drug addiction are clearly explained and we all hope that people will quit using drugs.
New MSA Website In our never-ending keenship to maximise the students’ experience at the MSA University, we have built a brand new website, both inside and out. For a faster and easier browsing experience; utilising the latest technologies php 5, html 5 and Joomla CMS, with a brand new design, and formatted for your phones, tablets and pads.
Beams Music Per formance System
By: Mohamed El-Khatib Have you ever wished you had the talent, discipline and determination to be a great musician? The amazing Beamz - Music Performance System not only transforms you into a brilliant musician, but a performer and composer too with a wave of the hand! The cool new Beamz - Music Performance System is a unique "W" shaped electronic musical device with six integrated laser beams that lets you play with the light. When each of these laser beams are broken with your hands and fingertips, a range
of musical sounds fill the air. You can generate musical notes from a huge variety of instruments - everything from multiple types of strings and keyboards to winds and percussion (including cowbell!) and every note will sound crisp, clear and perfect. You can also choose an accompanying rhythm track from 30 songs in 19 genres from classical to heavy metal using the simple computer interface. A USB cord is included to easily connect it to your computer and a set of speakers. Now you give a really cool and futuristic harmonious performance for your friends, family, on stage, at talent shows, on street corners, in an orchestra or just play alone to express your mood.
[Travel Story]
Marrakech‌. The Royal City
By Sawsan Abdelsamea
Marrakech, the magical city, the ultimate place in Morocco to spend a fairy-tale honeymoon with the taste of the Oriental atmosphere that will take your breath away... Places you shouldn’t pass up. When the pearl of the south makes you enchanted, which is impossible your eyes to resist it! Marrakech is a city of intoxicating perfumes and hot oriental colours. It is a city that knows how to be modernized, while keeping its soul, and traditions alive. Join Marrakech, alias the Red City, the charmer and you will be charmed by the Berber culture, the souks, tea with mint, architecture of mosques, carpet colour, and certainly by the tajines delightful taste. Everything is within reach there. Spends a few hours by plane and join Marrakech and dive into another world. Sumptuous and spelldoes stand as a misnowy summits of the with red bulwarks and the "Red City". It was founded in 1062 by Almoravid Dynasty. The city day. It is the Third city of Morocco rakech remains the tourist capital of the
binding, Marrakech rage at the foot of the High Atlas. Encircled ochre, it is nicknamed Youssef Ibn Tachfin of the has 700, 000 inhabitants toin terms of the population. Marcountry.
World-famous for its palm grove and its minaret, this city is a true living show where the men and local folklore are skilfully staged in a medieval decor. A cultural heritage that is impressionist with numerous monuments and quality museums is really magical! Marrakech is a city to be discovered with all senses and to be savoured without self-control. Any stay in the Red City begins by venturing into the maze of the souks of the medina or to go for a walk among the apothecaries in magical potions, the snake charmers, the jugglers and the acrobats of the Place Jamaa el-Fna to discover the genuine soul of the city.
Without forgetting the minaret of Koutoubia, then direction of the princely palaces and Tombaux Saadiens and uninterrupted visit by relaxing in the shade of palms with the garden Jacques Majorelle, will lead you to the Park of Mamounia, the three Gardens of Eden which shall give you the corners of fresh air heavenly. To escape from the big areas, why do not you leave for an excursion to the discovery of the waterfalls of Ouzoud?
[Travel Story]
The Valley of Ourika will throw you into the spaces of Essaouira La Blanche. When the night falls, do not forget to go around instead of Jamaa el-Fna, where the most intimacy you crave awaits, the touristic place , both of you can take photos and experience a beautiful moment there. Don’t forget to explore the vibrancy of the rest of the Red City, which boasts an exquisite shopping as well as an endless array of traditional culinary delights. Inside the Souk, the Moroccan merchants have a charming manner of hospitability. They are very generous , amiable, and they will take good care of you. The first thing that you should experience is the Moroccan Tea. You will love it! The taste of mint behind the sweets with almonds Ka’b Ghzal, and Shbakiya! Delicious! When you visit Marrakesh, you should taste the marvellous Moroccan cuisine, which is very unique. They will offer you with various tastes. I recommend to you the famous tajin which has a wonderful mixture of vegetables, olives, and spices. Mouth-watering… yummy! For those seeking romance, they are urged go to L’Amanjena Hotel. Built around ancient basin irrigation, lulled by the scent of Mediterranean gardens, the hotel is between Amanjena Moroccan traditions and top-notch services. Located 20 minutes from Marrakech airport and only fifteen minutes from the historic city center, it also offers access to the Atlas Mountains. It has 35 flats and 6 houses which are built in Berber style. The entrance of colonnades receives you in a warm-hearted and typical ambience: green marble fountains trimmed with rose petals, soil of terracotta, comfortable armchairs, lanterns... It is there that you will find reception and superintendent’s apartment at the end of the entrance Grenadiers’ garden opening towards the basin. The decor is embedded. You are going to discover a palace! The hotel's collection suites are just breath-taking and dreamy as the rest of the whole facility, with sleek cream furnishings are accented with lustfully rich reds through space. In the pavilions, you will be received by a decoration with Berber character. Stretching on the “king size” bed you will be able to notice the cupola of mosaic which decorates the room. The private garden offers you a view on golf or on fields of olive trees. To warm up your winter nights, you will be able to light a fire of chimney. A romantic experience is guaranteed with private evening dinner, to spark romance. Last and not least, Marrakech makes an ideal location for great honeymoon memories, were you will never forget the taste of oriental, royal atmosphere and where you can start a beautiful life together.
العادات السيئة التي تؤثر على االسنان محمد سامي التوني: كتب
بل، ويجعل أسنانك حساسة للربد، أسنانك بقوة قد يسبب تهيج اللثة لتجنب هذه املشاكل نويص باستخدام فرشاة أسنان.ويسبب التسوس .ناعمة
فان األسنان بال شك هي رمز من رموز، مثل األسد كأحد رموز كوبري قرص النيل وإليكم بعض العادات السيئة.صحة اإلنسان العامة التي يجب أن يٌحافظ عليها : التي تؤثر سلباً عىل االسنان
ولكن حذار من، قد تبدو مكعبات الثلج غري مؤذية:• مكعبات الثلج املكعب القاتل فيمكن لدرجات الحرارة الباردة وصالبة مكعبات الثلج أن .تلحق أرضارا جسيمة بأسنانك
• األطفال الذين ال يزالون ميصون أصابعهم أو االبهام بعد أن منت أسنانهم ميكن أن يسبب تغيريات دامئة التي تؤثر-- 6 أو5 عادة حوايل عمر-- الدامئة مص اإلبهام ميكن أن يسبب اختالل، عىل وجه التحديد.عىل بنية األسنان والفك مبا يف ذلك صعوبة املضغ،األسنان الذي يؤدي إىل عدد من املشاكل الصحية .ومشاكل يف التنفس
كثري من الناس يستخدمون أسنانهم:• أسناننا ليست أداة لقطع الخيوط أو حتى لفتح غطاء، لقطع خيوط املالبس أو لفتح علبة رقائق البطاطس والكالم، مضغ الطعام: لكن األسنان تساعدنا عىل القيام بثالثة أمور.زجاجة استعامل. األسنان ليست كامشة وال قطاعة. واالبتسامة الجميلة، الصحيح .أسنانك كأداة يشكل تهديدا عىل صحة األسنان وميكن أن يلحق الرضر بها ، مثل األقالم أو النظارات،• بعض الناس لديهم عادة سيئة مثل وضع األشياء لكنهم قد ال يدركون أن العض.بني أسنانهم عند الرتكيز عىل مهمة صعبة . عىل القلم أو أي يشء مامثل ميكن أن يكرس األسنان
فالليمون.• األشخاص الذين ميصون الليمون يعرضون صحة أسنانهم للخطر إن تكرار التعرض للمواد.] والتي تفسد املينا [لألسنان،من املواد الحمضية جدا وتخلق نسيج الخام عىل سطح،الحمضية ميكن أن يسبب تآكل طبقة املينا .أسنانك ولكن إذا كنت،• إن تنظيف أسنانك بانتظام جزء من نظافة الفم الجيدة إن تنظيف. ميكن أن تسبب رضرا أكرث من النفع، تستخدم الفرشاة بقوة أيضا
DOYOU KNOW... By Adam Amin
(The Loudness War)
Why you sometimes play a song or album on a very low volume yet find it still too loud? This is some seriously sneaky stuff; here’s why:
The rules of psychoacoustics (how we react to sound) dictate that our ears respond to the average sound levels played over a period of time and the louder the sound, the better it sounds to us making us more likely to like what we’re hearing. The record companies have figured out a way to use this to their advantage using this technique over the period of the whole record. However, there are three very major disadvantages. While this rule is very true, it applies to short periods of time only. So listening to one song after another of the same over-compressed and loud quality, tires and disinterests the listener. Think about this, would fireworks still be as exciting if it were one explosion after another with no pause? One would ultimately be annoyed and loses interest as opposed to on-again-off-again explosions. It’s not a recent phenomenon. But with the invention of the CD, record companies have really pushed it with how far they could apply a level of compression to their music to achieve this loudness, which is the second major disadvantage. To compress the audio that much, makes it lose its dynamistic quality and the wide range of detail in the music is gone and the integrity of the recording and the artist is shattered. Not only that, it also produces artifacts on the track such as clipping and distortion. The third and most inconvenient truth is because the loudest material is often the most interesting, every company went on producing such material making this technique widely adapted. Not just to “enhance” their material but to survive and compete with others, who use this technology (hence: the Loudness War). From TV commercials to radio programming; have you ever noticed the difference in sounds between a programme and a commercial and such? You have to turn the volume up and down so repeatedly. It’s not an accident and now you know the culprit. It’s almost unethical. Did you like the material because it’s good or because of the “loudness war’s” effect on your ears?
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So2al Corner - I’m so glad I can finally talk to someone about an issue that’s been holding me back, without having to reveal who I am. Well I’ve been to a boys only high school, and quite frankly it’s the first time for me to deal with girls on a one-on-one basis, ever since I joined MSA University, so you can imagine! Yes, I get really nervous, my face turns red and the list goes on. How do I deal with this? I want to be able to deal with girls like all my other colleagues, like a normal person. Your advice will be much appreciated. Shyguy - Dear Shyguy, Don’t worry too much, this is easy. First of all, you need to understand that girls are human beings. You’ve dealt with human beings before haven’t you?! Thinking of them as different species will only make things worse. I’m sure you’ve come across female cousins, neighbors and such. Relax and don’t make a big deal out of it. Also I believe that part of this comes from low self-confidence, work on that. I reckon you’re a great guy, you know what you can do? Make a list of the qualities that you have, even ask your friends about the characteristics they like about you and keep it with you the whole time to remind yourself of how awesome you are. So the next time a girl comes up to you you’d be so full of yourself and all the shyness/nervousness would go away! And if you still find difficulty, well you know who to write to! Good luck xx
- Hi. I am new at MSA University and I am really loving it here. But since it is my first year, and my schedule isn’t so tight, I sort of have a lot of free time before it’s time to go home. Throughout the week, I have many gaps between classes and I thought of writing you to tell me how I can use this time in something useful and productive? That would be all. Thanks a million. Awaiting your reply. Fresh Princess - Dear Fresh Princess, Hi right back at you! First of all I’d like to welcome you on board. Secondly, there are so many great things that you can do in your free time at MSA, things that can actually change your life forever! How about joining the Cultural Department? It is the place where you can unleash all your talents, whether it was music, acting, theatre, dancing; the Cultural Department is the home of everything artistic. Its office is inside the Roman Theatre. If you’re not into that well, what about sports? You can join MSA’s Sports & Social Department where you can take part in many fun games such as football, volleyball, table tennis and more. You will find them in room D122. I hope that was useful dear! Enjoy =)
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