Ahamd Nasr portfolio 2017

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Ahmad Nasr Portfolio Art Director & Brand Identity Developer


Šahmadnasr.me 2017

Copyright Notice All ideas, concepts, works and other material presented here is the original creation of the author No part of this document allowed to reproduced or transmitted in any form or by means,electronic or mechanical, including photography,recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, with out prior permission in writing from Ahmad Nasr.

copyright Ahmad NasrŠ 2017 All rights reserved.

Šahmadnasr.me 2017

logos logos / branding / illustrations videos / photography/ typographgy/ websites / mobile apps

Branding logos / branding / illustrations videos / photography/ typographgy/ websites / mobile apps

ELixir Media Elixir is a word often used with a knowing wink a sort of overstatement of a product's effectiveness and its linked to the philosophers' stone, the word has an element of fantasy to spice up anything, like a remedy for the common cold. The mythic fountain of youth is certainly an elixir, but it can also refer to a real liquid, concept, or plan. Client: Elixir Media Sloutions Designed: 2017

Elixir Elixir Means Solution

Miraculous, magical, and maybe a little mysterious, an elixir is a sweet substance or solution that cures the problem at hand. Elixir is a word often used with a knowing wink a sort of overstatement of a product's effectiveness, or a decision maker's policy. With linguistic roots in the long-ago alchemists, search for the philosophers' stone, the word has an element of fantasy to spice up anything, like a remedy for the common cold. The mythic fountain of youth is certainly an elixir, but it can also refer to a real liquid, concept, or plan.


WHAT IS PHILOSOPHERS' STONE? the definition of magic

Display/ Title Aperรงu Bold

Second level Aperรงu Medium

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse

Third level Aperรงu Regular


Aperçu Pro Bold



Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 =~!@#$%^&*()+ []|:;’:<>?,./

‫‪Typography‬‬ ‫‪Arabic‬‬

‫ﺧﻂ�‪DIN ARABIC‬‬ ‫أﺑﺠﺪ�ﻫﻮز�ﺣﻄﻲ�ﻛﻠﻤﻦ�ﺳﻌﻔﺺ�‬ ‫ﻗﺮﺷﺖ�ﺛﺨﺬ�ﺿﻈﻎ‬ ‫‪٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩‬‬ ‫أﺑﺠﺪ�ﻫﻮز�ﺣﻄﻲ�ﻛﻠﻤﻦ�ﺳﻌﻔﺺ�‬ ‫ﻗﺮﺷﺖ�ﺛ ﺬ�ﺿﻈﻎ‬ ‫‪٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩‬‬

‫اﻹﻛﺴ��‬ ‫وﺣﺠﺮ�اﻟﻔﻼﺳﻔﺔ‬

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Advice Hub Depends on Typography inside speech bubble reflecting the message behind the brand of digital content that would reflect the social, friendly, simple, elegant, modern, fun and uniqe style. Client: Advice Hub Designed: 2016







100 pixels

Original logo size

50 pixels

16 pixels

Logo clear space

C100 M47 Y00 K00 R00 G136 B255 #0088ff

C59 M00 Y30 K00 R00 G232 B210 #00E8D2

Iman Tohamy Co-Founder

221B Baker Street, London, England T:

(912) 555-1234

M: +1-202-555-0184 E:




Dear Name, Date: 221B Baker Street, London, England T: (912) 555-1234 M: +1-202-555-0184 E: iman@advicehub.me W: www.advicehub.me


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, malis moderatius definitiones duo et, atomorum concludaturque id per, ea eos eirmod sapientem adolescens. Vero eirmod te usu, cu quodsi corrumpit complectitur cum. Ius omnium commune efficiantur id. Falli tritani ius ex, at fugit phaedrum qui. Mel alia timeam propriae ei, no quem scribentur signiferumque qui. Amet atomorum eam eu, labore suavitate inciderint cu nec. Vim ex homero iuvaret officiis. Nam te melius accumsan, sit eu velit aeque torquatos, et pri alia audire. Vis sanctus denique perfecto no, illud repudiare consectetuer ea vis. Eos ex errem option pertinacia. Labitur torquatos assentior ut eam, viris graecis vis no, duo ei labore causae probatus. Ius fabulas alienum an, discere appetere philosophia sit at. Ei cum velit primis. Amet repudiare no his, mea ad case brute oratio. Nec solum accusata facilisis ei, an usu libris accusamus. Audiam ocurreret est eu. His etiam tibique eu, ad usu lorem atqui reformidans. Ut adhuc facilisis scripserit vix, per partem volutpat id. Est ad adhuc assum, at epicuri conceptam sed. Ne sed mollis theophrastus. Alii assum consetetur nec eu, quo eu autem denique partiendo. Ea usu mutat volumus vituperatoribus, id pri sanctus inermis. Equidem fuisset perfecto eu est, id adhuc saepe vis, quot consulatu et vix. Id vero periculis incorrupte cum, ea has nostrud pertinax. Ea nam propriae consectetuer reprehendunt. Vix nisl mucius definitiones an, labores platonem cu nam. Appareat menandri cum ad, cu eum posse liber.

Iman Tohamy co-founder






Andalus Rise Medical (R) letter shaped into Arrow emblem with 45 degree into west north shows the rise meaning in Arabic culture. Client: Andalus Rise Designed: 2016

Post The symbol incorporates several ideas. P letter of Post word, talk bubble, folded paper all in active, geometric and minimal shape.

1.4 X

3.6 X

Client: Post Designed: 2015

1.4 X

11° 76°

133° 3.1 X X

1.9 X



11° 7°

4.6 X







Ozone Studios ozone studios logo is made up of a word marque and a symbol. These two elements have been designed to bring to life visually brand idea optimism. The symbol incorporates several ideas. globe, horizon, motion and (O) letter Client: ozone studios Designed: 2014








x x 0.7x x 0.5x 0.8x 0.7x x 150 PIXELS




1 CM

Illustrations logos / branding / illustrations videos / photography/ typographgy/ websites / mobile apps

danceing and music makes me happy

i love to make a reservation in your hotel every time i arrived here :)))

Videos logos / branding / illustrations videos / photography/ typographgy/ websites / mobile apps

photography logos / branding / illustrations videos / photography/ typographgy/ websites / mobile apps

typography logos / branding / illustrations videos / photography/ typographgy/ websites / mobile apps

Websites logos / branding / illustrations videos / photography/ typographgy/ websites / mobile apps

onecard.net OneCard is the most convenient online payment method in the Middle East Where you can select between thousands of products like most famous online and console games, download, VOIP services, and much more. All without the need to have credit cards or even bank accounts. Client: onecard.net / N2V Languages: Arabic/ English Designed: 2014

Tenneen The home for online multiplayer gaming with a dedicated and growing community. Client: N2V Languages: Arabic/ English Designed: 2013

Jobzella.com A one-stop-shop to all career services and opportunities, for tou to a better life. Client: Jobzella.com Languages: Arabic/ English Designed: 2013

Post POST produces daily content, in which the work of staff reporters, contributors, syndicated cartoon artists, and its community are featured. Popular formats on the website include lists and quizzes Client: Post Languages: Arabic Designed: 2015

Mobile Apps logos / branding / illustrations videos / photography/ typographgy/ websites / mobile apps

Neatly Neatly is a smart twitter client for smartphones. Neatly is comprehensively supplied with a list of features that makes you feeling convenient toward the application where you can reach your aspiration level. The more you used Neatly, the more Neatly's engine learns your social preferences and act much mature. Client: F16APPS OS: IOS

DED Abu Dhabi Department of Economic development . Client: LinkDEV/DED OS: IOS Designed: 2013

Mitsubishi Egypt Mitsubishi motors egypt runing by Diamond motors Client: Diamond motors OS: IOS Designed: 2011

YHF Your Health First An educational health program initiated by Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar in association with the Supreme Council of Health for a healthier community. Client: Weill Cornill Medical Collage and vodafone Qatar OS: IOS launched: 2013

Hyundai KSA Huyndai motors runing by AlMajdouie Motors KSA Client: AlMajdouie Motors KSA OS:IOS Designed: 2011

thank you

Mobile: Email:

(Qatar) +974 3398 4407 (Egypt) +20 106 0668 313 onenasr@gmail.com

Skype: Twitter: instagram:

onenasr onenasr onenasr

Behance: Dribbble: linkedin :

ahmadnasr ahmadnasr ahmadnasr

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