BMSA half term report 16 17

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Welcome note. About BMSA Beni Suef. BMSA TOs 2016-2017 BMSA General Events BMSA Activities. SCOPH SCORP SCORA SCOME SCOPE-SCORE 6- BMSA National Representation. 7- BMSA international Representation

 Welcome Note: Dear IFMSA – Egypt Family, It's a pleasure to present BMSA half term report 2016-2017. Really, it was a wonderful period full of enthusiasm and Some Obstacles that had been overcome. We promise to present more activities aiming towards the glory of IFMSA-Egypt. On Behalf of BMSA T.O 2016/2017

 About BMSA We are an organization which is a form of free students’ activity, independent of the Student unions and their activities, and abiding by the rules of Beni-sueif University’s faculty of Medicine. The organization is an autonomous affiliate member of the International federation of Medical Students’ Association- Egypt (IFMSA-Egypt) a member of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA). It is a non-profit society and does not offer financial income to its members.

BMSA Team of Officials 2016-2017 o BMSA Excutive Board: President Ahmed Yousry VP-In Ibrahem Rajaee

Vp-Out Sec.Gen and Treasurer Mohamed Essam Mostafa Nagi

o BMSA Officers: LEO/LORE : Mahy Mohamed LPO: Mohamed Samy LORA: Abdelrahman Matrawy LOME: Doha Mostafa LORP: Salma Waleed

o BMSA Support Division Directors: Projects Support Division Director: Mahmoud Shaker Training Support Division Director: Hadeer Abdelsalam Publications Support Division Director: Mostafa Kamel

 BMSA General Events


1- BMSA Welcome day As a part of our responsibility for inspiring medical students, we held BMSA's welcome day 2016. We planned to recruit about 60 new members from our recruitment campaign. Then we held our orientation sessions for the new members and for old members as well. New members orientation session was about BMSA and IFMSAEgypt Structure, vision and mission. Old members orientation session was about IFMSA structure and meetings, communication channels in our organization and strategic planning for the next term.


BeniSuef Faculty of Medicine Integration Day

BeniSuef Faculty of medicine held an integration day for the new students. As a part of students' activity organization, we joined this event and introduce BMSA and IFMSA-Egypt for the students.

ď ś Anti-Microbial Resistance "in Cooperation with EPSF BeniSuef" - Local Coordinator: Salma Waled - Steps: 1- Workshop:- Date: 16/11/2016 - Outcome: 50 persons - The 1st step was a workshop conducted by EPSF member for 50 participants about those topics:1- Problem statement for AMR 2- The role of physician and pharmacist to prevent AMR. 3- How to deliver and simplify the message to the public.

1- Faculty of Medicine and BeniSuef Uni. Hospital Awareness Campaign: Date: 20/11/2016 Outcomes: We held an awareness campaign about AMR in the college for more than 300 Students and in the BeniSuef University Hospital for more than 200 Persons.

2- Beni-Affan Village Awareness Campaign:Date: 23/11/2016 Outcomes: It was a huge steps which held in Beni-Affan Village. We reached to more than 3000 Persons.

3- BeniSuef Streets Date: 23/11/2016 Outcomes: We reached to more than 1000 Persons. Our project through public media:

ď ś Non Communicable Diseases (DM) - Local Coordinator: Ehab Tarek -Steps: 1- Meeting and Workshop - Date: 24/11/2016 - Venue: BMSA HQ - Outcome: 25 Members 2- BeniSuef Sports Club campaign -Date: 25/11/2016 -Outcome: We reached about 100 Persons and also their was a screeing test for Diabetes including Random Blood Glucose and Weight.

2-Sanor Village Awareness Campaign: -Date: 29/11/2016 -Outcomes: We reached about 500 Persons.

3-DM in cooperation with BNS Faculty of Medicine:

ď ś Safe Liver - Local Coordinator: Ahmed Seliman - Venue: BMSA HQ - Date: 18/12/2016 - Outcome: 25 Students 1st step: HBV Vaccine In cooperation with BeniSuef Uni. Microbiology and Immunology Department, we offered a free HBV vaccination for the students.

4-RTA - Local Coordinator: Karim Saeed -Steps 1st step: (Online Campaign) : we shared in IFMSA-Egypt RTA Online Campaign.

ď ś World Heart Day Celebration - Local Coordinator: Mohamed Samy - Venue: Maydom Pyramid - Date: 30/9/2016 - Outcome: We joined the celebration of the World Heart day by photo-session at Maydom Pyramid.

ď ś Immunology Seminar : the Germinal Center Responses, a contemporary update - Local Coordinator: Mahmoud Shaker - Venue: B.N.S Faculty of medicine Conference Hall - Date: 15/1/2017 - Outcome: 40 Persons This seminar was conducted by: Prof. Dr MOHEY ELDIN EL SHIKH - Senior Lecturer, Centre for Experimental Medicine & Rheumatology, William Harvey Research Institute.

 ‫كلمني اشارة‬ - Local Coordinator: Mahmoud A. Zidan - Venue: Beni Suef Faculty of medicine. - Date: 26/11/2016, 3/12/2016, 10/12/2016, 17/12/2016 - Outcome: 25 Persons It was a Local project aiming to learn sign language and deaf-mute rights 1st step: Sign language workshop conducted by professional trainer in sign language; Ms Amira

 Human Rights and Anti-Drug addiction presentation in the 2nd Annual Middle East Conference of International Association of Law and forensic - Local Coordinator: Hadeer abdelsalam - Venue: Intercontinental City Stars. - Date: 17-19/1/2017 -Outcomes: presenting Last years Human Rights' Projects and Anti Drug Addiction Project to the attendees. The Conference was attended by public figures like Prof.Dr Hussein Khairy – Head of medical Syndicate, Prof Dr Hiba Kotb, Prof Dr Adnan – The head of middle east syndicate and others.


ď ś Mr and Ms Breastestits Local Coordinator: Aya Osama Date: 27/11/2016 Venue: Sanor Village Outcomes: Medical awareness about Prostatic Cancer, Cancer of testis and Breast cancer to more than 300 Persons.


ď ś AIDS Awareness Campaign Local Coordinator: Abdelrahman Matrawy Venue: BeniSuef Hospital and Faculty of Medicine. Date: 18/12/2016 Outcomes: Providing medical awareness about HIV to more than 450 Persons. Also, We joined the online international HIV celebration campaign.

ď ś Stroke Online Campaign: - Local Coordinator: Ali Nady - Date: From 5/1/2016 to 7/1/2016 - Outcomes: Providing Online awareness through social media about the stroke.


ď ś Exchange Campaign, Exams and interviews Online Campaign: started at 23/12/2016 Physical Campaign: 27/12/2016 Exams: 3/1/2017 Interviews: 5/1/2017

BMSA National Representation: 1. IFMSA-Egypt Fundraising Director: Mr Ahmed Atwa 2. IFMSA-Egypt Home Mates National Coordinator: Ms Hadeer Atwa 3. IFMSA-Egypt Publications Team: Mr Mostafa Kamel 4. 1st Annual Reproductive Health Conference OC: Mr Mahmoud Shaker and Mahmoud Zidan 5. Attended UNAIDS Celebration, Alex 6. Press Conference ( Closing end of violence on woman), intercontinental OC: Mr Abdelrahman Matrawy 7. Love Matters Sexuality TOT: Ahmed Atwa and Mahmoud Shaker 8. International Volunteering day OC: Mohamed Essam 9. Attended Fund raising Training, Cairo: Mohamed Essam and Mohamed Tarek 10. Delegation to Autism Workshop at O6U 11. Delegations to National Population Center meetings 12. Delegation to Emotional Intelligence Workshop, Greek Campus 13. OC members in Diabetes awareness at BUC: Mr Mahmoud Zidan 14. IFMSA-Egypt Delegation to Love matters Concer at greek Campus: Mr Mahmoud Zidan BMSA International Representation 1. Mr Ahmed Atwa and Mr Mohamed Essam were selected to attend IFMSA EMR, Lebanon 2017

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