Level 1
freedom to move
Your Fitness Tracker
Welcome to a New More Active You Physical activity or just moving more during the waking day, in addition to structured exercise such as walking, cycling and exercise classes are essential components of a successful weight loss program. However, in today’s harried world too many people find it difficult to start and maintain daily exercise programs. As well, many exercise programs initially
demand 60-90 minutes of time each day to complete, which is excessive for most people. The Resolution Health program utilizes a small changes approach to helping you become more physically active. Each week you will have a new activity focus. Get ready to experience an exciting transformation as you become a more active you!
Health Benefits from Ongoing Physical Activity 1
Good posture and body alignment
Better control of appetite
Stronger joints and firmer muscles
Improved digestion
Reduced risk for low-back pain
Improved mental awareness, self-esteem & self-confidence
Decreased susceptibility to injury
Improved ability to relax
Fewer aches and pains
Better handling of stress
A more efficient circulatory and respiratory system
Help in preventing and coping with depression
Lower risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke
More restful sleep
Improved blood cholesterol
Increased energy
Better control of blood pressure
A healthy appearance
A decrease in body fat and/or body weight
An increased ability to enjoy life Š 2016 Health. All rights reserved.
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Week One: The Small-Changes Approach to Activity This Week’s Suggested Activities: Our first step is to ask you to wear a pedometer every day and track the number of steps you take in your Resolution Health Fitness Tracker. Bring your Fitness Tracker with you to each appointment so we can assess your current movement habits and establish your target movement goals.
The Importance of Steps Let’s first focus on tracking steps. This will provide us with a baseline. We will slowly help you increase the number of steps you take each day. Pedometers are small devices, typically worn on the waist, that keep track of the number of steps taken. They are a great way to assess the degree of movement during your daily life. As part of participating in this program, you will gain great benefit from wearing a pedometer. Your target goal is to eventually reach around 10,000 steps a day. It is best to increase your steps taken by about 1,000 steps per week until you reach your target goal.
I believe in myself and my ability to become more active. With every step, I will be closer to realizing a healthier me.
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Week Two: The Health Benefits of Physical Activity & Exercise This Week’s Suggested Activities: Establish a new goal for the number of steps you want to achieve and log your daily steps in the Fitness Tracker. Keep in mind that gradual increases in activity provide the most long-lasting benefits. This is not a race; it is a life-long behavior change.
Health Benefits Mon
People of all ages can improve the quality of their lives and reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease, hypertension, cancer, and type 2 diabetes with ongoing participation in regular physical activity and exercise. Daily exercise will also enhance your mental well-being and promote healthy musculoskeletal function throughout life. Significant health benefits can be obtained by including moderate amounts of physical activity accumulated on most, preferably all, days of the week. In future weeks of this Resolution Health Activity & Fitness Program, some fitness activities involving progressively increasing intensities will be introduced. These exercises will help you have even greater health benefits.
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Š 2016 Health. All rights reserved. Id evellor sim ani ducia cus quunt verum volum int aceris doluptat untiae pro ipiet reptaest, et eaque niam nestor res sime nonseque peribea plaut quaepudit enim et ipsunt rerem simporp oriassum hicia sim sit doluptia
Week Three: Awareness of Time Sitting vs Standing or Moving This Week’s Suggested Activities: Continue to record your steps using your pedometer. Complete the Resolution Health Sitting versus Moving Chart. Then determine times of the day when you were sitting longer than an hour.
Time to See How Often You are Sitting vs Standing or Moving Here’s how to do it: 1. Before you begin, check out the example on the next page of a completed day. 2. For this activity, choose one day of the week that really exemplifies your typical day. If your schedule is very different, then you may wish to choose two days that represent typical days of your week. 3. In blocks of approximately 30-60 minutes, record the times you are sitting versus standing or moving. See the following example. This information will help you establish a baseline. When you review your chart, highlight when you sat more than 2 hours. We can support you with some activity options to seamlessly integrate more standing and moving into your daily life.
Example of Sitting versus Standing or Moving Log Activity
7:00 AM
Wake up
7:00 AM
Do laundry and cleaning
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
Dress and prepare for work
9:15 AM
Drive to work
10:00 AM
Work at computer workstation
1:00 PM
Work at computer workstation
5:00 PM
Drive to store on the way back home
6:00 PM
Grocery shopping
7:00 PM
Greet family and prepare dinner
7:30 PM
Eat dinner and talk with family
8:30 PM
Watch TV and read
9:00 PM
Fall asleep
Total Time Awake 14 hours
Time of Day
Total Time Awake hours
Sitting (mins)
Standing or Moving (mins)
Time of Day
60 30 45
Total Time
Total Time
690 minutes
180 minutes
11.5 hours
2 hours
Sitting (mins)
Standing or Moving (mins)
Total Time
Total Time
Š 2016 Health. All rights reserved. Id evellor sim ani ducia cus quunt verum volum int aceris doluptat untiae pro ipiet reptaest, et eaque niam nestor res sime nonseque peribea plaut quaepudit enim et ipsunt rerem simporp oriassum hicia sim sit doluptia
Week Four: Move More & Sit Less This Week’s Suggested Activities: Continue to record your steps using your pedometer. Select 3-5 spontaneous activities to try this week to break-up some of your periods of time sitting that are longer than 2 hours.
What is Spontaneous Activity Mon
Adults and children in the U.S. spend the majority of their waking day in some form of sedentary behavior such as riding in a car, working at a desk, eating a meal at a table, playing video games, working on a computer or watching television.
An easy way to become more active is using spontaneous activities. Spontaneous activity is any activity you can do in your daily life that increases your activity. For example, if you are on the phone, don’t just sit… get up and pace around the floor.
Below are some simple spontaneous activities to try. Before long, you will be more active and not even realize that this has become a way of life!
Spontaneous Activities Check the ones you try this week: Stand up and walk around every 30 minutes Take a walk during your lunch break Stand up and move every time you get a drink of water Bring your groceries in ‘one bag at a time’ Take a family walk after dinner Use stairways and steps as opposed to elevators and escalators Walk your dog If you don’t have a pet, ask one of your neighbors if you can join them when they walk their pet Keep moving as you do daily housekeeping and housecleaning
When you meet with colleagues or friends, try to do something that includes more activity Walk the long way when doing errands Pace the sidelines at your kids’ athletic games Get up and move during every commercial break when watching TV Walk to a co-worker’s desk instead of emailing or calling them Always stand and/or move (carefully) when using your mobile device Try moving when brushing your teeth Play with your kids 30 minutes a day Dance spontaneously to some music
Week Five: Rev Up Intensity to Burn More Calories This Week’s Suggested Activities: Continue to record your steps using your pedometer. Select 2 to 3 places where you can add brisk movements.
Brisk Movement: Adding Variation of Intensity or Speed This week’s physical activity objective is to add variation of intensity to your daily movement. This is a great way to burn more calories. Whenever variation of speed or intensity is added to a movement, the body has to work harder and thus burn more calories while doing the work. By now you should be getting very comfortable in tracking daily steps with the pedometer. Let’s rev up the intensity by adding brisk movement to daily activities. This sometimes takes a little pre-planning. Think about where during the day you might be able to add some brisk movement activity. Consider adding activities such as walking from the car to work, walking from the parking lot into a store, walking around a mall before shopping, or perhaps increasing the speed of movement during errands. You may be wondering ‘how brisk should I be’. Remember, this is not exercise we are adding (we will do this later), it is just brisk movement. So, the best guideline is to do the movement a little faster than normal, but definitely not to the level where you feel ‘out of breath’ or labored in breathing. You will be more active and not even realize that this has become a way of life!
Gradual increases in activity and intensity provide the most long-lasting benefits. This is not a race, it is a life-long behavior change. Ask yourself: How did you feel during last week’s brisk movement activities? What was easy and what was challenging? If you struggled with brisk movement, what barriers did you encounter and how do you think you can remove those obstacles in the future? Talk to your counselor at your next office visit if you feel you need some additional support. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
© 2016 Health. All rights reserved. Id evellor sim ani ducia cus quunt verum volum int aceris doluptat untiae pro ipiet reptaest, et eaque niam nestor res sime nonseque peribea plaut quaepudit enim et ipsunt rerem simporp oriassum hicia sim sit doluptia
Week Six: New Way to Sit and Stand This Week’s Suggested Activities: Continue to record your steps using your pedometer. Focus on your sitting and standing movements. Every time you sit down, try to ‘sit-stand-then sit’. Every time you stand up, try to ‘stand-sit-then stand’.
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
How to do it: At home, every time you sit, simply go through a ‘sit-stand-then sit’ sequence. Every time you stand up, simply go through a ‘stand-sit-then stand’ sequence. Each time this sequence is completed, one squat is being added to the movement. Squats are a fabulous lower body exercise. In this case, you are adding one each time you sit or stand. For some people, this can total up to 5,000 to 8,000 or more EXTRA squats in a year. This definitely will increase the muscular fitness of the lower body, and you are merely doing it one squat at a time…that is the small-changes approach, and it works. How did the ‘sit-stand-then sit’ and; ‘stand-sit-then stand’ go? Place a star next to the days above that you did this. Write how it felt: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Week Seven: Interval Moving This Week’s Suggested Activities: Continue to record your steps using your pedometer. Select 2 to 3 places where you can add brisk movements. Record your activities in your Fitness Tracker.
What is Interval Moving Tue
Interval moving is a lifestyle activity that adds variety to daily movement. It incorporates fast-paced moving activities with normal-paced moving activities in a systematic method, most often with walking.
Wed Thu
Let’s select 2 to 3 of the brisk movement activities you are currently doing, such as walking from the car to work, walking from the parking lot into a store, walking around a mall before shopping, or perhaps while doing errands.
Fri Sat Sun
Performing an Interval Movement Simply move faster for 30 seconds and then return to a normal pace of movement for 30 seconds. This sequence should be alternated about 5 to 10 times. You may be wondering ‘how fast should I be moving’. Remember that this is not exercise that is being added; it is just interval movement. So, the best guideline is to do the fast movement a little faster than normal, but definitely not to the level where you feel ‘out of breath’ or labored in breathing. Now write three interval movements you tried this week.
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© 2016 Health. All rights reserved. Id evellor sim ani ducia cus quunt verum volum int aceris doluptat untiae pro ipiet reptaest, et eaque niam nestor res sime nonseque peribea plaut quaepudit enim et ipsunt rerem simporp oriassum hicia sim sit doluptia
Week Eight: Reflect on Your Progress This Week’s Suggested Activities: Continue to record your steps using your pedometer. Complete the Resolution Health Sitting versus Moving Chart again. Then determine times of the day when you were sitting longer than an hour. Compare this to Week Three’s chart.
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
You are Making Progress At this stage in the program, you may be quite surprised and impressed with your progress. Compare your sitting versus standing/moving chart you completed in Week 3 of this program. Congratulations for your success thus far! It is time in the program to add an exercise component to your wellestablished lifestyle physical activity plan. The exercise program will also follow the small-changes approach, which will ensure triumph with this next phase.
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Sitting versus Standing and Moving Log Activity
7:00 AM
Wake up
7:00 AM
Do laundry and cleaning
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
Dress and prepare for work
9:15 AM
Drive to work
10:00 AM
Work at computer workstation
1:00 PM
Work at computer workstation
5:00 PM
Drive to store on the way back home
6:00 PM
Grocery shopping
7:00 PM
Greet family and prepare dinner
7:30 PM
Eat dinner and talk with family
8:30 PM
Watch TV and read
9:00 PM
Fall asleep
Total Time Awake 14 hours
Time of Day
Total Time Awake hours
Sitting (mins)
Standing or Moving (mins)
Time of Day
60 30 45
Total Time
Total Time
690 minutes
180 minutes
11.5 hours
2 hours
Sitting (mins)
Standing or Moving (mins)
Total Time
Total Time
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Week Nine: Begin Your Activity and Exercise Program This Week’s Suggested Activities: Continue to record your steps using your pedometer. Select an exercise from the list that you think you would enjoy and try to attain 10 to 15 minutes of ‘somewhat hard’ intensity. Record your activities in your Fitness Tracker.
Exercise Activity
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun * Record the number of minutes you exercise at a ‘somewhat hard’ intensity
Many people immediately get nervous and defensive when they hear the word exercise. Indeed, some fitness trainers approach exercise with a rigor that if it doesn’t ‘burn in the muscle’ it isn’t going to help. This is far from the small-changes approach presented in the Resolution Health Physical Activity Program. In fact, the new view of exercise, as expressed by the esteemed American College of Sports Medicine and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is that moderate-intensity physical activity and exercise is most beneficial for improving health and weight management.
Let’s Get Moving A goal for the first week is to complete some brief bouts of somewhat hard intensity exercises. Simply push yourself a little more than normal to achieve a somewhat harder intensity. Next week, you will learn two new ways to measure intensity, ‘the talk test’ and ‘perceived exertion scale’. Take a look at the exercise activities listed below. Do any of them look fun to try? You can choose some different exercises for variation of daily exercise. This may inspire you more in this new exercise phase of the program. You can chose any one (or any combination) of the following activities and try to complete at least 10 to 15 minutes of somewhat hard intensity on that activity on at least 3 to 5 days of the week. Walking Jogging Cycling Hiking
Rowing Elliptical training Stair stepping Swimming
Water exercise Ice skating Roller skating Treadmill walking
Treadmill jogging Stair climbing Dancing Jumping rope
Week Ten: Begin Your Activity and Exercise Program This Week’s Suggested Activities: Continue to record your steps using your pedometer. Practice using the talk test or the perceived exertion scale as you increase your exercise time by 3% to 5%. Record your activities in your Fitness Tracker.
Exercise Activity
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun * Record the number of minutes you exercise at a ‘somewhat hard’ intensity
Talk Test The talk test is a very easy and accurate way to know if you are at the optimal aerobic intensity level. If you can cite the ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ (or any 35 word phrase) with mild difficulty while doing an aerobic workout, you are probably right at the desired target exercise intensity.
Perceived Exertion Exercise intensity can be measured using a perceived exertion scale. With perceived exertion, various bodily functions such as heart rate, muscle contraction, joint movement, breathing, and body temperature can be gauged to estimate exercise intensity.
Subjective Level of Intensity
Subjective Level of Intensity
No exertion: Sitting quietly
Hard exercise that feels very challenging
Very light movement: standing and strolling
Harder exercise that feels uncomfortable
Fairly light or casual movement
Very hard exercise that is quite difficult to maintain
Modest intensity exercise
Challenging exercise close to your exercise limit
Somewhat hard that feels challenging
Challenging exercise at your exercise limit
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Week Eleven: Ways to Overcome Exercise Barriers This Week’s Suggested Activities: Continue to record your steps using your pedometer. Increase your physical activity by 3% to 5%. Maintain the ‘somewhat hard’ exercise (at a ‘4’ on the perceived exertion scale; or with mild difficulty citing the pledge of allegiance talk test) on any of the exercises you enjoy. Record your progress on this week’s Fitness Tracker.
Exercise Activity
Time Intensity*
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun * Record the number of minutes you exercise at a ‘somewhat hard’ intensity
Overcoming Exercise Barriers It can feel like a number of barriers stand in your way when it comes to exercise. The unfamiliarity with exercise can often leave you questioning whether you can succeed with the exercise program. Some people worry about how they look exercising or if others are judging them. Some people may also have negative feelings from exercise experiences. Discuss these fears or barriers with your counselor to discover strategies to overcome these obstacles.
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Week Twelve: Accumulated Time This Week’s Suggested Activities: Continue to record your steps using your pedometer. Try incorporating some accumulated time exercise sessions on some of the days of your exercise schedule. Keep up on the progression, increasing exercise volume each time 3% to 5%. Record your progress on this week’s Fitness Tracker.
Exercise Activity
Time Intensity*
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun * Record the number of minutes you exercise at a ‘somewhat hard’ intensity
Introducing the Accumulated Time Exercise Plan Energy expenditure for optimal weight loss is actually a cumulative phenomenon, including both low-intensity lifestyle activities and exercises at a somewhat hard intensity. This is known as an accumulated time approach to exercise. The evidence suggests that gradually progressing to attain 250 to 300 minutes of somewhat hard exercise is ideal. The American College of Sports Medicine position for weight loss and prevention of weight regain suggests that individuals can ‘accumulate’ these exercise bouts in 10 minutes or more sessions during the day. We realize that hectic schedules may not always allow for individuals to complete long exercise sessions at one time. However, you can increase your exercise volume by doing more frequent exercise sessions in a day. So, for example, if it fits your schedule you can complete 10 minutes of exercise in the morning combined with 15 minutes of exercise at lunch for a total of 25 minutes on that particular day. The accumulated time approach to exercise ensures that all 10 minute or more exercise sessions (at the somewhat hard intensity) contribute towards the target overall exercise goal.
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© 2016 Health. All rights reserved. Id evellor sim ani ducia cus quunt verum volum int aceris doluptat untiae pro ipiet reptaest, et eaque niam nestor res sime nonseque peribea plaut quaepudit enim et ipsunt rerem simporp oriassum hicia sim sit doluptia
Week Thirteen: Creating an Exercise Partnership This Week’s Suggested Activities: Continue to record your steps using your pedometer. Maintain the same volume of exercise you completed last week. If you have a friend, colleague or family member who is interested, try to do at least one exercise session with another person. Record your progress on this week’s Fitness Tracker.
Exercise Activity
Time Intensity*
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun * Record the number of minutes you exercise at a ‘somewhat hard’ intensity
Help Wanted: Good Workout Buddy A workout partner can be a great motivator. Look for these traits: Similar Schedule: Look for someone who is available when you are. Reliable: Find someone that doesn’t cancel on you…it can throw you off. Personality: A similar personality helps…if the person is too upbeat and you aren’t, it may not be a good match. Likewise, if the person is a downer, that can make it difficult. Similar Goals and Fitness Level: If the person is trying to achieve similar goal and is at a similar level, you can progress together.
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Š 2016 Health. All rights reserved. Id evellor sim ani ducia cus quunt verum volum int aceris doluptat untiae pro ipiet reptaest, et eaque niam nestor res sime nonseque peribea plaut quaepudit enim et ipsunt rerem simporp oriassum hicia sim sit doluptia