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M A G A Z I N E Feb/March 2015 Ultimate LIfe


How to Build

The Biology of Stress




Healthy You

Taking control of your finances

Increase Gym Results HEALTHIER YOU



Testing your Cholesterol 1

B e c o m e h a p p i e r, h e a l t h i e r & W i s e r w i t h e v e r y i s s u e !

Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015

Feb/March 2015 Ultimate LIfe

Contents Happier You u The Biology of Stress u Wealth building wisdom u Taking charge of your financial situation True you u Lady Gaga’s Numerology Report u Lesson on 2nd Chakra u Dear Sweet Soul

Healthier You u Healthy Recipes u Testing your Colestrial Body fit u Split training like a pro u How to gain muscles Relationships u Why relationships fail


Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015

E ditor’s note

Healthy You Fiona Pledge

Editor for Ultimate Life Magazine



elcome to another fabulous year and the 1st Ultimate Life magazine issue of 2015. As 2015 entered in and 2014 took it’s rightful place in history, I began to reflect on the aspirations I have for the next 12 months. However, one word began to repeat within my mind, ‘responsibility’ – the ability to respond and take action to change my mind, thoughts, attitude, habits and ultimately my world. Coming to the realization that this truth is actually do-able, is a real paradigm shift (belief change) and certainly a life changing moment. I love how Shakespeare framed it, “Our bodies are our gardens—our wills are our gardeners.“ Shakespeare. The truth is, a gardener has the ability and authority to create a beautiful, nutritious garden. A garden that produces fruit that is aligned with our values and aspirations. A garden that will eventually provide for us and others automatically once initially set up right. We are at the start of 2015 and in the spirit of Shakespear’s quote, there is a fertile garden standing before us. As gardeners we have the ability, choice and power to create whatever we desire.

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Feb/March 2015 Ultimate LIfe

T estimonial Dear Ultimate Life Magazine I am extremely grateful for my numerology report written by Amanda Wright. (Tree of souls) The report has helped me in so many ways, it has aided in the understanding of myself, my thoughts and actions. It is used as a daily guide, constantly clarifying answers I may have. Without sounding too clichÊ, numerology has honestly changed my life, and with Amanda’s detailed way of putting it into words, I am on my way to becoming the best me I can be. Many thanks!! Mickayla


Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015

Feb/March 2015 Ultimate LIfe


Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015

Healthy You


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Feb/March 2015 Ultimate LIfe

I am a ‘normal’ woman in her mid-fifties with all the bells and whistles: arthritis in my left thumb, thick where I used to be thin, and thin where I used to be thick, natural gravitation - you know, the usual. So – here I am on the cusp of my second visit to Sura Detox. My first visit was preceded by naughty eating and coffee drinking until the bitter end. For this I paid a high price – my first three days at the retreat were ‘rough.’ So I weaned myself off the coffee right away, and the rest of my pre-cleanse has actually been quite fun. One of the nicest bits about the Sura Detox experience is the people you meet. We are all in the same boat and more than willing to talk about it. But more importantly I am learning how I have changed since the first time I was at Sura Detox three years ago. Helped a lot by the coaching sessions with Kate. She is really good at getting to the heart of your issues and that happened quite quickly. Our conversation was very intense and I felt nothing but empathy from her, and she helped me to straighten things out in my head. Kate has quite an extraordinary and amazing capacity for understanding. As a fascinating part of the sequence of talks, Dao spoke today about the advantages of eating according to our biology, and why things have gone so horribly wrong. He

introduced food combining as a way to get back to our roots, food-wise, among many other things. Nikki’s Dru yoga is based on graceful, flowing movements that improve strength and flexibility while calming the mind. Nikki has geared her classes to suit our fasting bodies so it is just lovely and not too strenuous. The yoga is followed by a period of relaxation that is wonderful. I am a treatment freak. I have had every kind of treatment you can think of in every corner of the world, but the massage treatments here at Sura Detox are the best I have ever had. Anywhere. I have lost another kilo since returning home, on top of the 4 I lost on retreat. I sleep deeper and awake refreshed and best of all – the arthritis in my left thumb is GONE! I’d heard of such Sura Detox miracles, now I have my own story to add to the tall tales. Yes, I feel my body has been transformed. But more importantly, I feel transformed on a much deeper level. I have been educated about the incredible inner-workings of my body and inspired to take good care of it.

Lose Weight and Gain Energy Sura Detox runs one week retreats each month in Devon, UK. The programme revolves around a juice fast, and consists of nutritional talks, yoga, personal coaching, massage, food-intolerance tests, and self-administered colonics. The venue is 5 star, with pool, sauna, and gorgeous walks all around. Accommodation is in single, shared, and ensuite rooms.

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Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015


Feb/March 2015 Ultimate LIfe


appier You


Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015

The Biology of


Happier You


with all other mammals, but we have an exterior part of the brain, a couple of “layers�, so to speak, which is very developed. Not all mammals have as much brain-material around their primitive brain.

Humans have this part of the brain in common

This developed part of our brain is a good thing, this is what gives us a very developed social life. But it is not always good when we speak about stress, because this part of the brain may produce stress, just by the power of thoughts.

has always existed. It is a natural phenomenon that humans and animals have in common. We know for sure that all mammals (hereby also humans) stress. It is the same hormones which are activated for all mammals and it is driven by the same area of the brain, namely the primitive part of the brain, deep inside the organ.


Feb/March 2015 Ultimate LIfe

Happier You

Stress has always existed. It is a natural phenomenon that humans and animals have in common. We know for sure that all mammals (hereby also humans) stress. It is the same hormones which are activated for all mammals and it is driven by the same area of the brain, namely the primitive part of the brain, deep inside the organ.


Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015

Stress has an influence on all our body. When we are stressed, we release a stress hormone, which means that we get into another state. Another state of mind and another physical state. Generally, we get in this state if we feel we are in danger and we are getting ready to fight or flee: Adrenalin gets pumped up in our body, our heart beats quicker, our muscles get ready for action (fight or flight) and get tense. Then, another hormone is released: Cortisol. That hormone gives us some extra power by using big amount of energy from our body.

Happier You

All of our senses are sharpened and this is why, when we are under stress, we are more efficient: We are more attentive to what is happening and therefore, we can easier do more than one thing at a time, we are more efficient, we can remember better. So stress isn’t a bad thing, so to speak. It has its justification and a good reason to be here. Now, as you can see, the state in which our mind and body go to, is an acute state. That means that it is a state of being used for extreme situation. Generally dangerous ones. All these hormones and that heightened state we are in, is not meant to be a constant state. It is supposed to be used in acute situations.


Dangerous situation arises => Stress hormones get pumped up => Your “machine” is getting boosted => You can take care of the situation (or flee from it) => Hormones stop pumping up and you need rest so the whole machine is getting back to its usual state. It takes a few minutes before the level of stress hormones is going down, and it will take hours before your body is back in “normal-mode”. Therefore, it is no surprise that if you are constantly in “high awareness mode” with Adrenaline and Cortisol almost constantly pumping in your system, this will not do you good. It is a state supposed to be used on rare occasions, not a state you are supposed to be in for a long period of time. Your body wasn’t built for that.

Signs of Stress As I stated before, stress, in itself, is not a bad thing. What is a bad thing is a long exposure to stress. This will “wear out the machine”, so to speak. But what are the signs of stress? And do we need to be alarmed at each one of them? No, of course not. There are some normal signs of “normal”

stress. They are not necessarily pleasant to feel, but they are not dangerous and they are quite useful, in fact. Then, if the stress gets more intense or is keeping on going, the signs become more unpleasant and in this case, there are good reasons to stop and change behavior. If not, you will get into a stressed state, close to burn out. The problem is, that most often, people first will react when they are “in the red”, so to speak. Let’s see the signs and how alarmed you should be:

Normal signs of normal stress: •

From time to time, quicker heartbeat (not constantly!)

From time to time, a bit shaky or small tics appear.

You sweat more than usual.

Feeling like your mouth is dry.

Tickling in your belly or stomach.

Your belly or chest feels compressed.

You are tense.

You often feel like urinating.

Feb/March 2015 Ultimate LIfe

Those signs are normal for a tense and stressed situation. Of course, it is not pleasant, but there is no danger.

Signs to take as a warning: •

You are very tired. • You do not sleep well at night. • Speculating all the time. • Your body is in constant movement (fingers, legs, feet...) • You are irritated. • You cry easily. • You are quiet.

In these cases, you have gone far too long and far too far and you are close to ending up burned out or worst, in the hospital. It is of outmost importance that you stop whatever you are doing or your body will oblige you to do so... and that will not be a pleasant way to do it. Be aware of the signs of stress. Do not overlook them. Take them seriously. No need to panic at the first signs, and of course, everyone can take a bit of stress (even though some of us are coping better with stress than some others). But do not let it go too far. Start creating your ultimate life by taking responsibility of your stress levels and prevent it from sabotaging the life you really desire.

In this case it means you have to stop now and to act in consequence. You have been under too much stress (and possibly for too long) and it is now time to take a break.

Happier You

Signs that now, you HAVE to stop: •

Forgetful, you forget things, you are not “here”. • Problems with eczema or different sickness. • Aches you can’t understand where they come from and why. • Unsociable. • Overusing stimulants: cigarettes, alcohol, etc. • Aggression. • Problems with your stomach. • Bleedings.


Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015

Happier You

Reduce stress - Relax and alarm Turn off the light, take a deep breath, and relax... This is how Enigma starts the song . ‘The Voice of Enigma’ on the record MCMXC a.D. And in fact, a very good way to avoid stress: Relax! You don’t have to do it at the exact time of the stressful moment, of course, you can do it when you are at home, before dinner, after dinner, before sleeping, in the bathroom... whenever. Follow yoga and/or meditation classes and such, just to learn the basic ‘how-tos’. But you don’t necessarily need a full hour or half an hour to relax, you can basically take five minutes here and there and relax, just to take a bit off the top, so to speak. The most important point here is to build


a routine of relaxation behaviours that balance your daily life.

A wake-up light. Start your day by using a special alarm clock that doesn’t ring or start the radio with a commercial for Corn Flakes at 80 decibels at 6 AM. Use a daylight alarm clock that wakes you up naturally with a gradually increasing simulated sunlight: If you have to get up at, let’s say 6 AM, then the clock will start to light up 20 or 30 minutes before, slowly, just like the sun rises, it will be “broad daylight” at the time set. It is a natural way to wake up, easing you into the day with energy and the feeling of rest. It’s something I’ve beed using for a year now and has been one of my best investments, it’s added immense value to my life. Follow yoga or meditation classes so you learn at least the basics and use the practice when needed in your everyday’s life. Not only each Wednesday from 4PM to 5PM.

Feb/March 2015 Ultimate LIfe

Listen to relaxing music often. Drink less coffee and more tea. Some teas are known to be relaxing. Take time for yourself. Take time to relax, to drink a cup of tea while listening to music from time to time. Sometimes, you have to learn to say: No! I will stop here for now. it’s time to relax. And do it for half an hour or more. Just learning to say No! and Stop! is a required skill for someone who intends to live long and happy. This time will not be wasted, quite the opposite. This will result in more energy so you will end up winning time at the end... Without stress.

You have to remember that you are responsible for your health, for your life and for your happiness. No one else will do it for you and most of the time, you won’t even be thanked for destroying your health (and by the way, why should people thank you for that? If you don’t want to do it, just say No). So halt for a while. Think of what you are doing and what would be good for you to do. Then, eventually change focus, change your ambition and goal for your life and... act accordingly. Although though very simple advise from a glance, it can render very powerful results once followed - to your health and happiness.


Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015

Happier You

WEALTH building wisdom By Maria Hinton - Money Coach


ach and every year at this time, as the hustle and bustle of the holiday season begins to wind down, my thoughts are torn between reflecting on the previous year and New Year ahead of me. While I always try to make a point of being in the present moment, the end and beginning of the year is always a time of deep reflection and goal setting for me. I truly believe that regardless of the style that you learn best, whether it is visually, auditory, or kinesthetically, you’ll harvest the most reward by spending time reflecting on your experiences. In my own life, I have noticed that I did not necessarily learn from the experiences themselves, but from reflecting on them. Over the last two years, I have found that self-reflection has been instrumental in my success thus far. I realize the word success means something different to everyone. A year ago, I stumbled upon the following quote by Deepak Chopra that I remember reading over and over. It really resonated with me, not only because I truly understood it, but also because he quite simply defined what success means to me: Reflection has not only allowed me to


monitor and evaluate my progress, but it has also taught me to be more mindful of my life. I became more aware of my mind space, the personal and professional relationships I have and aspire to have, and most importantly being in-tune with my body; for example, rest when your body tells you to. Reflection is simply a process of growth. How will you know how far you have come with the goals you have set for yourself personally, professionally, spiritually, or financially unless you reflect? On a professional level, reflection is a monumental part of the process I take each of my clients through. Initially when I begin working with a client, it is essential that we reflect on their financial health. We take a look at the past, present, and future goals. This process can be a challenge for some people, and provide a sense of liberation for others. It is my job to help my clients understand why reflection is important.

Three reasons why reflection is so important: ➝➝

The most important reason of all; we LEARN from reflecting. We know intuitively that we learn by experience




as well as from our mistakes. However, what gets us from experience to understanding is reflection. It allows you the opportunity to see whether or not you are on target with the goals you have set forth. Reflection is an opportunity to also reevaluate your plan of action, and adjust if need be. Reflecting on your goals will hold you accountable. When you are accountable, it will leave you feeling calm, secure, and confident knowing that you are focusing on something that is important to you.

Three tips on how to get the most out of your reflection: ➝➝


Reflect on a regular basis. I find the number one mistake people make is only looking at their finances once each year. Let’s be real, there is nothing breathtaking about budgets, debt, and balance sheets. However, when you reflect only once a year, it is hard to evaluate your progress and make any necessary adjustments. I recommend my clients look at their finances on a quarterly basis. This will allow them to have more control over their situation, which will allow them to be proactive instead of reactive. u Keep a journal. I highly recommend that you keep a journal specifically for your u

You need a plan to build a house. To build a life, it is even more important to have a plan or goal.

Feb/March 2015

There are many aspects to success; material wealth is only one component. But success also includes good health, energy and enthusiasm for life, fulfilling relationships, creative freedom, emotional and psychological stability, a sense of well-being, and peace of mind.

Not only do I love this quote by Zig Ziglar, with every fibre of my being, I agree with it.

Four reasons why goal setting is important: u Gives you clarity on your vision. Goal setting gives you clarity about what you really want in life. It forces you crystalize and articulate what it is that you REALLY want. It also ensures that you are directing your time and energy on things that will bring you one step closer to your goal. ➝➝ u Drives you forward to success. Goals are a true reflection of our inner desires. Desires are the fuel for the journey ahead of you and will keep you moving, especially when times get tough. ➝➝ u Makes you accountable. When you set goals it makes you accountable. It pushes you to not just daydream about a goal, but take action. In time you will be able to gauge whether or not you are staying on target. ➝➝ u Be the champion you can be. Setting goals helps you strive for your highest potential. Without goal setting, most people become complacent, which ultimately prevents you from flourishing. The purpose of goal setting is to get you moving out of your comfort zone. This not only allows you to grow, but to stretch beyond and reach new heights. Here are a few common goals that I often come across when planning for the New Year: ➝➝ u Choosing a professional financial advisor. Choosing a professional financial advisor is an important step in the financial planning process. A trusted financial advisor can offer you expert advice and help you create a personalized financial plan. ➝➝ u Setting up an automatic savings plan. The rule-of-thumb is 10 per cent of your yearly net income. I think it is a great place to start, however over time you will want to increase your savings as your income increases. This is simply to keep pace with the cost of living going up each year. ➝➝



u Gaining complete financial independence. This is usually a top goal for most of my clients in the beginning. They are tired of feeling that their money controls them. Having control of your finances is not only rewarding, it’s liberating. u Kicking debt to the curb. The word debt is something that keeps many people awake at night. The truth is, people are drowning more and more in debt each year, and feel that it is impossible to get out of. The great news is that it is NOT impossible. Yes it will be challenging and require constant dedication and determination. Reflection, planning, and then following through will be your winning ticket to get out of debt!

Five questions to ask yourself when in the reflecting or goal setting stage: What are the potential obstacles that could possibly get in the way of your progress towards your goal? u What has stopped you from achieving it so far? u What specific actions can you take to overcome these potential obstacles? u Specifically, what impact will achieving this goal have on your life? What benefits will you gain? u How will you be different when you accomplish this goal? How might your life be different when you accomplish this goal? Remember you are in the driver’s seat of your life and navigating a life that you absolutely love takes constant effort, relentless determination, and occasional course correction. Reflection and goal setting will help you accelerate the path to your success. You will be amazed with the type of powerful potential you have that will take you to the finish line. u

Author Bio Maria Hinton is a money coach who provides real financial confidence for cevery woman. Maria has grit, authenti ower ity, experience and passion to emp woman just like her, to get up, get going, and get “back in the black.” Contact Email info@mariahinton.ca Contact Number 647-464-9225


Happier You

finances. When you are reviewing your finances every quarter, reflect on the last three months. Asking the right questions is also crucial to your success; such as: • Did I keep on track with the goals I set? • What challenges am I running into? • What would I like to see in the next three months? • How do I feel about my progress thus far? Why? By digging deep and asking the right questions, you will have a crystal clear idea of where you are currently and where you want to be. ➝➝ u Take action. Remember reflection is a magnificent on-going cycle. Use the results of your quarterly reflection to plan solid steps that will move you towards your goals. Put a plan into action and then reflect again. Goal setting is such an exclusive topic; most people guard against sharing their goals and dreams. I find that it is usually due to not wanting to feel like a failure if they come nowhere near achieving their goal. However, I believe by sharing your goals with a few close friends and family members, they are usually a great support system. You can share your progress with them, and it is a great opportunity to hear other’s thoughts from different perspective. Just make sure that you stick to what feels right for your situation and are not swayed by other people’s feelings or thoughts. The next step I take my clients through is goal setting. I find it quite astonishing when people tell me that goal setting is a bunch of hocus pocus. I cannot stress how crucial goal setting is. To me it is almost the equivalent of breathing. Goal setting is the first step towards successful goal achievement and marks your first point towards success. It is what puts your life into real action mode. Without this step, the other steps of goal achievement cannot take place.

Ultimate LIfe

Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015

Happier You

Takingchargeof your Financial Situation


n the last article, I spoke about consistently pushing the panic button and the stress response that invokes in your body. When we find ease we actually start a biochemical cascade that is quite different than the stress response. The primary difference is the calm we feel. We sleep better, our digestion improves and we generally have a brighter outlook. It’s easier to make decisions from this clear-headed and stable place than our stressed, narrow-minded thinking.

Once we include practices like self-care, meditation or simply mindfulness, our awareness shifts and it becomes easier to stay in a positive mind-set. We also notice the choice we have to push the panic button and we instead choose habits that bring calm. Yet nothing causes more stress than finances and money, especially the lack of money. When we start to look at our money, especially if we haven’t been honest about it, just the thought of it can start us on a downward spiral. It’s difficult to start to face a daunting problem when we know it’s wrought with negative emotion and a hopeless feeling. So what do we do? There are many coping strategies, most of which will cause yet more chaos and then panic continues to ensue. Some take the avoidance tactic to heart. They act like an ostrich with its head in the sand and stick their fingers in their ears and say, ‘lalalala, I can’t hear you’ to their money situation. Still others, panic and run around like chickens with their heads cut off, panicking blindly and making a difficult situation By Anuradha Kowtha -Life Coach worse. Others, pray for a miracle, looking for a knight in shining armour to come rescue them from this dire situation. Many allow themselves to stay stuck by continually shaming and blaming themselves. They feel paralysed and roll around in the muck instead of elevating their thought. Yet, the wealthy and abundant rarely use these strategies. The key is to get honest about the financial situation, and then use specific strategies, not emotion to make better decisions. Many who are not financially well off, love spending their money more than saving it. The wealthy know this is a weakness and take their profits first and save their money first. Mike Michalowicz, author of Profit First, teaches this habit first and foremost. He compares it to the practice eating from a smaller plate.


Feb/March 2015

and re-evaluating their self-worth. The holidays and the New Year are a fabulous time to re-evaluate life, especially finances. The first thing I often ask my clients to do is get clear on their liabilities and assets. I ask that they start tracking what is truly going in and going out. If you have done this already, well done! Once you’ve done that, coming up with a plan to save and getting out of debt is the next step. Most essentials come first. For a short time, that may be cutting out extra to get back on track. It might also be a time of getting creative to find new ways to generate wealth. I only suggest you do things that sit well with your unique financial situation and in harmony with your financial goals. Now is the fun part! Planning what do you want to create in your life? What levels of wealth would be ideal? What type of lifestyle would you love? Instead of vagueness, this is a time for clarity. Bring in your business team or family and have the deep discussions that are necessary. The more clarity you can provide at this stage, the easier it will be to create a plan. Instead of saying ‘I would like to travel more’, I would declare much more specificity—I want to travel 4 times a year, go to Florida and Italy with my family and get even more specific. Once you’ve gotten super clear about your money, it’s a great time to use the

The Key is balance recognition, abundance, fame and power. Negative elements may include, ruthlessness, control and obsession with wealth. So it may be a time for prosperity, yet the tendency to over focus on results and a tendency to become obsessed with finances could also be problematic. The key is balance. This follows after, 2014, a ‘7’ year of truthtelling. In 2014, we’ve gotten more honest about finances. More and more, people are telling the truth and acknowledging their beliefs around money, living within their means

natural energy of change in the air to pivot into a life of more meaning. Certain times of year are charged with the natural energy of change—the New Year is one of those times. Everyone is making changes and is generally excited to try new things. Change is easier at those times. The key is not overhauling everything and falling into bad habits in a few weeks. It’s much more sustainable to pick one or two simple changes that can be maintained with ease. Once you’ve mastered those, move on to another simple goal.

No matter what changes you pick, I would focus three things to improve your chances for success. First, make it easy and fun. Pair these tasks, with a task you like. For instance, Wendy Joy Hart of the Procrastination Cure recommends an ‘easy button’ from Staples. brate this success and keep the stakes very low. Within one year, your financial situation will look so much brighter. A few changes that you may consider, starting a savings plan for next Christmas. Calculate the amount you spent this year and start saving towards that for next year. You may also start taking as little as 1% from the money coming in and start saving it for the future. Another idea is to drop outgoings that you don’t regularly use and start saving those or paying down debt. It may even be spending time developing a relationship with your money, tracking what money you bring in, starting to look at balances and open bills more regularly. Pressure and expectation will kill your progress. Instead, make it as fun, silly and light-hearted. Next, find a buddy or professional to work with you. They can remind you of your promise and work on similar goals to make the journey a little easier. And lastly, keep focused not on the day-to-day struggle but the overall result you’re trying to create. Put blinders on to distracting you from success. These strategies wire your brain for continued success. The biggest mistake people make is comparing their situation to others’. Instead, the best thing to do is compare to your best. Strive to make progress and do your best. Setbacks may happen, but you’re always going to be moving forward. The key to your prosperity this year and moving forward lies with you. You are the one that created the situation and you can put yourself back on track. Have faith. You can do this.

Author Bio Anuradha Kowtha, CEO and Transformation Consultant at www.ManifestByDesign.com, is a wife of and mother and share her message s truth our g ptin acce ose, living on purp with and sharing them the world.


Happier You

I once heard Suze Orman say on her weekly podcast, that we do such a great time throughout the year, digging ourselves out of debt and creating wealth, saving money for the future, but often it’s this time of year that undermines our focus. We unwittingly undo our saving and scrimping, ending up in a place worse than before. We see so many things we’d like to have, we feel obliged to buy things for others and there is an unwritten rule, that we must not be a ‘scrooge’ at this time of year. It doesn’t feel wealthy to give from a place of lack, nor does it feel nice to be dishonest about what we can truly afford. We also might ‘make investments’ that truly are not in alignment with our goals and lifestyle choices. Whatever the inner dialogue you have, when things get stressful, we’ll generally resort to pushing the ‘panic’ button. The worst part is we then see the truth afterward and emotionally beat ourselves up. That act does the most damage. It wires our brain to continually make the same type of choices again and again. Instead, we need to keep true to our plan and get very honest. We can equally rewire our brains for wealth and abundance, instead of shame, fear or guilt. Luckily there is a bit of hope. 2015 is potentially a year of growth and of abundance. It’s a year of 8, numerologically speaking. [2+0+1+5=8]. 8 is a number associated with

Ultimate LIfe

Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015


Feb/March 2015


Ultimate LIfe




Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015

A peek inside



Healthy True you You

Numerology Report


hat is conjured up in your mind when you hear the name Lady Gaga? The bets are of an instant vision of someone with quirky hair, a mask and the wackiest outfit you’ve ever seen. Is she Original? Yes. Tenacious? Check. Creative? Without doubt. Miss Germanotta simply oozes the creatively powerful, stand out-of-the-crowd authoritative energy of the ‘1’ that’s all over her numerology chart and which fuelled Stefani’s transformation into the awesome institution that is Lady Gaga. Literally being number 1 is what makes her tick.

ni J a f e t S anne o elina a g nott Anm a r Ge rn: 6 Bo 28, 198 h Marc


Born This Way

Stefani was born half italian, half german and was raised in New York to hard working catholic parents, who supported her obvious creative flair from a very young age. This saw her playing the piano at age 4 and being actively involved in theatre until she dropped out of her performing arts studies in university, to embark upon her singer/song writer career. The huge energy of the ‘1’ that drives Gaga, is the primordial masculine energy of creation which is associated with ambition, is highly original and most of all, these kind of folks like, no need, to be their own boss. They lead, even trample, and never ever follow. They are also fiercely loyal but can crush with-

out mercy if they sense injustice and ever pokerfaced, won’t bat an eyelid afterwards. To anyone who is familiar with our favourite iconic Popstar this will be starting to sound quite familiar. Often highly attractive too, strong 1’s have very high standards both for themselves and their partner (who will be left outside in the rain if they don’t conform!). Both Gaga’s Life Path (her natural ‘way’) and also her Birthday Number (that gives a sort of flavour to one’s Life Path) are this same number. Her Destiny Number also has a very similar distinctive go-getting aroma. This makes Lady Gaga a personified tasty dish of Raaaaa with flavours of Raaaaaa a side order of Raaaaaaaa! Lady Gaga hauled herself up the ladder of fame through sheer hard work and an unshakeable personal belief (typical of the strong ‘1’ energy) that “someday you won’t be able to order a cup of coffee at the deli without hearing or seeing me”. This unwavering commitment to personal success was not without consequence however, as she revealed in an interview with Elle magazine “do you know the men I had to crawl through, the people that disrespected my body, my mind, my heart?”. Personal trauma saw her battle with an eating disorder and drug abuse, which looking at her personal challenge number 2 during this period, makes sense, as it deals with heightened personal sensitivity which doesn’t handle extremes well. We each have 5 highly significant energies which show our personal energetic make-up known as our Core Numbers, and of these 5 in Gaga’s chart, two are the most highly sensitive possible and another two are the absolute opposite, like being a lamb and a lion at the same time. This shows something of a rift between how she feels inside and how she comes across professionally which must be quite painful. These opposing internal forces were explained by the lady herself when she also told Elle magazine “I am — Stefani is — a perpetually tortured artist…that’s why I changed my name. I can’t be her in public. She would be a mess!” Gaga was born with personal challenges involving lack of selfconfidence, highly critical introspection, and to this day the outrageously flamboyant superstar still says she feels like a “looser kid in high school”. Although this may seem alien to us she readily reflects upon and admits whatever weaknesses and foibles she feels she has, but doesn’t let that stop her “shooting fear in the face” and has been beautifully quoted as saying “if you don’t have any shadows, you aren’t in the light”. What a wonderful expression of self-love and inspiration to her millions of adoring fans who get so much more than a catchy tune and a show once they’ve scratched the surface of this female power-house. This self-love is highly evident in her personal energetic tapestry and more than any other facet of her being, she is subconsciously concentrating on this, the most important aspect of personal Soul evolution; and it shows.

From a young age Gaga chose to honour probably the most self-loving action possible in life; to choose work that she felt personally passionate about and that felt right, regardless of anyone else’s opinion, comments about how she would “never succeed” and despite several failed attempts at success. This simply screams of the unstoppable raw dynamism and intelligence of the ‘1’ energy that dominates this lady’s chart. She is quoted as saying “peace; it does not mean to be in a place where there is no trouble, noise, or hard work, it means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart”. This one quote personifies how it is to live with two opposing internal forces and marry them to success; to “marry the night”. Lady Gaga’s inordinate amount of ‘1’ energy provides her with a strong sense of personal identity, drive and thirst to lead. No surprise then that her dominating energy is also intrinsically the number of the ego. The lady herself said “I didn’t create the fame, the fame created me…I don’t want the $5 in your pocket, I want your Soul”. In fact she has so much of this particular masculine energy, that her name could be easily interchanged from Lady Gaga to Sir Ego. That’s what makes Gaga paradoxically anything but a ‘lady’ and is probably the sole reason how she went from being dropped from her first record label after just 3 months (and turning to go-go dancing in the “seedy nightlife of New York’s lower east side”), to being a Guinness World Record Breaking recording artist with 5 Grammy’s and a host of other awards to boot. By being true to her nature and harnessing her natural powers. It’s probably no shocker to discover that Miss Germanotta ‘s Destiny Number is that of the powerful, masterful and highly productive number 22. This lady came to really get things done and leave a lasting legacy. Her Destiny number means that she has come to learn about practicality and developing her vision in to reality- in short it’s about manifesting spiritual abundance on the physical plane. Coupled with her strong 1 energies (as these are both representative of strong leadership), this means that Lady Gaga is really anything but ‘gaga’. In fact she is known for being somewhat of a creative genius, marketer par excellence and a highly astute business woman. Up until last year she had sold over 24 million albums as a songwriter and recording artist alone and is also an actress, dancer, successful fashion designer and philanthropist with her own charity.

“Changing the World One Sequin at a Time”

The lady in question has a very spiritual, philanthropic side and in addition to the many pies that contain her fingers, there is a sweet benevolent bake in the form of her own charity. Founded in 2011 the Born This Way Foundation helps unite young people to create advocates for a “braver, kinder world” and provides motivational

Lady Gaga’s Soul Statement.

I must use my significant spiritual and creative talents to lead in my chosen field and inspire others with my innate drive and originality. I will leave a lasting legacy that will benefit many and will help to inspire people to cultivate self-acceptance, through leading by example. I must guard against excesses and also remain balanced emotionally. This includes remaining emotionally accessible to allow me to have personally positive relationships. I must also learn to live the wisdom I teach and love myself unconditionally whilst being proud of my achievements instead of mentally dissecting myself, and how I appear to others. When I have tempered my egotistic need to be perfect and adored by others I will have inner peace and will have even more spiritual insight into my true ‘self’. I can then use my wisdom to help and inspire many others.


Healthy True you You

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Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015

Healthy True you You


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The Edge of Glory her life and she gave a poignant message to her fans (who she calls her ‘little monsters’) during her worldwide Monster Ball Tour to “celebrate all the things you don’t like about yourself; love yourself.” Changing our name and how we introduce ourselves alters the energies that we emit, and when Stefani changed her name to Lady Gaga in 2007, this altered her persona to none other than the number of sex, drugs and rock and roll; the ‘5’ of course. The next challenge Mother Monster is set to experience from her 30’s involves these same ostentatious and unpredictable ‘5’ energies, Lord help us! This particular challenge involves having roots and a foundation, to give a sense of personal emotional security, rather

retreats, in addition to supporting programmes and initiatives that deal with all aspects of empowering young men and women. The charity has a tour bus which travels extensively to inspire, educate, inform and entertain young people with a hands on approach, carried out by a team of workers including Gaga and her Mother. Having stolen the crown from Madonna as the new Queen of Controversy, and then made it ten foot taller, Gaga’s controversial dress made of meat that she wore for the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards was in fact worn as an act of defiance against discrimination in the military. Speaking to Ellen DeGeneres she revealed the meaning behind the notorious dress; “If we don’t stand up for what we believe in and if we don’t fight for our rights, pretty soon we’re going to have as much rights as the meat on our own bones.” Lady Gaga has stood as a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) advocate from the earliest days of her career. She has publically marched in Pride parades, launched her own non-profit anti-bullying organization, and continues to be a substantial voice for LGBT equality using her global platform to advantage. This humanitarian aspect of Gaga is seen in her ‘Soul Urge’, which is the underlying current of

than seeking the ‘self’ in other people, places or materialistic things. The danger with this challenge is becoming a rolling stone and being swept away with a yearning for excitement, experiences and especially freedom, which paradoxically can only be truly experienced with a secure foundation. She will have to learn the value of commitment in her own way, deal with unpredictable highs and lows whilst remaining stable and as a result she will have a deep understanding of her true ‘self’ and gain insight into the answers she seeks, found in the serious, deep and mystical energies of the ‘7’. Let’s hope this superstar remembers to keep personally applying her self-loving attitude, as this rollercoaster period in her life will then give way to a

what motivates her on the deepest level; it is to be an inspiration as a spiritual illuminator. This is the very thing that will serve the Soul expansion she has come as Stefani to experience and will increase her conscious awareness in line with her deepest ‘Heart’s Desire’. She has been quoted as saying “I am the excuse to explore your identity. To be exactly who you are and to feel unafraid. To not judge yourself, to not hate yourself.” In terms of numerology, which deals with un-coding our personal energetic tapestry to enable us to

time in her early 40’s of even harsher self-introspection on her spiritual journey. This is a hard challenge which is totally self-created mentally and can be as easily overcome by authentic self-acceptance. This challenge also involves lightening up and relaxing on all levels, physically, emotionally and mentally and taking care of yourself in the way you need as an individual. Also allowing others to take care of you. During this period we should see a new, more authentic Gaga emerge if she doesn’t let fear hold her back from shining her true light and not holding up the torch others want to see. The reward for maintaining a centre of selflove during this testing time is the highly spiritual and insightful master energy of the 11.

Healthy True you You

Until Gaga is in her early thirties she will still be under the challenge of the introspective and sensitive ‘2’ energy which is a harsh but typical challenge that faces all humans; caring what people think. If we look at the old saying “the lady doth protest too much” and apply it to the myriad of comments about how she doesn’t care about what people think, and then again against admissions about how she wants to be something people “cherish” we simply have a woman, a human, doing her best to be her best… “When I wake up in the morning, I feel like any other insecure 24-yearold girl. Then I say, ‘Bitch, you’re Lady Gaga, you get up and walk the walk today.” Her unstoppable drive and refusal to let her personal weaknesses slow or smear her is evident in every facet of

understand ourselves better, and help us be as true to our nature as possible; there could be no better, more apt quote. A no more beautiful quote. Lady Gaga is certainly succeeding in her mission to be the best in her game, to lead, innovate, shock, inspire, educate and entertain, but most of all to promote the self-love she unendingly seeks within herself. “Applause” indeed.


Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015

True you




Lesson 2

Feb/March 2015 Ultimate LIfe

True you

Carmel Sastre www.auraandchakrahealing.com Auraandchakrahealing@hotmail.co.uk I am an Energy Healer, Master Reiki practitioner and a provider of Distant energy healing. I teach Reiki, Energy Healing and a guide medications to clear auras and chakras, opening your intuition and clairvoyance. The medication technique I have developed is called the Spiritual Healing Technique of the Golden Universe and Fertile Mother Earth.

2nd Chakra


Lesson 2 by Carmel Sastre


ets take a look at the 2nd Chakra otherwise known as the Sacral Chakra. In this article as well as in the video about the 2nd Chakra I will be covering the basic nature and characteristics of the second chakra and how it can effect ones daily life and state of wellbeing – I shall also suggest what to do to restore inner and outer balance and wellbeing. This chakra is the second of the seven major chakras. The corresponding physical location of this chakra is in the centre of the abdomen two fingers below the belly button.) It is separate and different


from the nearby spleen chakra with which it is sometimes confused. It naturally emanates and vibrates with the colour ray orange and is characterised by the Water Element. Whilst the first chakra governs the relationship with ourselves or within ourselves -this chakra governs relationship with others: such as with friends, with our partner, with colleagues, with the family. Feelings, emotions and sentient sensing is characteristic of the functioning of this chakra as well as sexuality and sensuality. Hence it is very relevant in how we are not only within ourselves


Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015




True you but in our personal relationships and contact with others – partners, family, friends, work situations etc This can be a two edged sword so to speak as the positive side of this energy is balanced positive pleasure - whereas the out of balance side gives feelings of guilt, repression and limitation. A well balanced functioning chakra typically exhibits: • Passion, sexual satisfaction, happy with sexual life • Healthy boundaries • Able to cope with changes • Have realistic creative ideas that you want to put in place • You are happy emotionally! Whereas an out of balance chakra may well result in such as:


          

Sexual addictions Instability Insensibility Emotional attachment/dependency Fear of change and poor boundaries Invasion from others Avoidance of pleasure Too sensitive Fear of sexuality Mood swings Poor social skills

These traits, feelings or attitudes will vary in significance at different times and from individual to individual The parts of the body relating to this chakra are the lower back, abdomen, the hips, genitals. The watery aspects of our physical body: Kidneys, bladder, urinary tract. The

Feb/March 2015 Ultimate LIfe penis although is a sexual organ is in fact relating to the first chakra. So it may be the case that have problems in these areas is a sign that there are unresolved issues needing to be cleared and realigned.Problems may be for example: • • • • • •

Reproductive issues Lower back pain Hip problems STDs, herpes, yeast infections, urinary infections. Menstrual pain and problems Inflexibility in the muscles in general

With this in mind it would be a good exercise to see if you are doing any of the following: • Do you take time to do things that give you pleasure and make you happy?

• What did they tell you when you were a child about feelings and emotions? You may have a lot of information by answering this as you may well see the kind of programming and conditioning that is set up in your 2nd chakra. Steps you can take to help rebalance your second chakra and bring your physical and subtle bodies into alignment and harmony: • Regular healing sessions (Aura and chakras, and focus particularly in this 2nd chakra) • Sport or movements that help to acquire flexibility: Yoga, stretches, dance, bike, class, move your body, try to be more flexible with your thoughts – start to drop limitations. • To believe that you have the right to feel. You have maybe been told in the past that “you should not feel like that!”

• Can you refrain from indulgence in your emotions if it is necessary?

• Allowing Feeling - which allows in turn to balance the chakra, but not allowing you to feel blocks it.

True you

• Do you express your emotions well?


Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015

Healthy You


Healthy You

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Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015


Feb/March 2015


Ultimate LIfe




Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015


Easy Almond Sponge Cake Low Sodium and Low Fat Recipe Ingredients: 1 cup cake flour 1/2 cup sugar substitute, divided 10 egg whites, at room temperature 1 1/4 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon almond extract

Instructions: Place the flour and the 1/2 of the sugar in a sifter and sift together in large mixing bowl. Place the egg whites in another mixing bowl. Add the cream of tarter and beat on high speed with an electric mixer. Add half of the remaining sugar and continue to beat for 1 minute. Add the rest of the sugar and beat again for 1 minute. Stir in the almond and vanilla extract. With a rubber spatula mix together the flour mixture and the egg mixture. Place the oven temperature to 350 degrees and allow the oven to heat up. Place the batter in an ungreased cake pan. Bake for 45 minutes or until the cake bounces back easily when lightly touched.

Nutritional Information (Approximate Values) Number of Servings: 14 Serving Size: 1 slice Per Serving Calories 129 Carbohydrate 29 g Fat 0 g


Saturated Fat 0 g Fiber 0 g Protein 3 g Sodium 78 mg

Feb/March 2015

Ultimate LIfe

Egg & Turkey Quiche Ingredients: 10 eggs, slightly beaten 2 green peppers, chopped 2 teaspoons of parsley flakes 1 teaspoon of oregano Salt and pepper to taste 2 cups of diced cooked turkey 2 tablespoons of onion flakes 2 teaspoons of dried chili pepper flakes 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder



Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium bowl, slightly beat eggs and add green peppers, parsley, oregano, turkey, onion flakes, chili pepper flakes, garlic powder and salt and pepper. Spray an 8 inch cake pan with non stick cooking spray. Pour quiche mixture into pan and bake until set. (Approximately 30-35 minutes). Cut and serve immediately.


Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015

r u o y g n i Test

l o r e t s e l o Ch and Why?



heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular problems. It can let you know whether or not you need to make changes to your current lifestyle so that you can be healthier in YOUR future.

So why is this test so important? The simple answer is because it can help you prevent

One of the more common reasons people give for not undergoing a cholesterol screening test is ‘it’s an inconvenience having to go to the doctor or hospital just for that’. Today however, you can actually perform the test right in your own home, thanks to the handy cholesterol testing kits that are now available in pharmacies everywhere.

often remind their patients to come in once a year to undergo a cholesterol test. Many of us just smile and nod, while some do intend to have the test done yearly. But most people either forget or purposely don’t go because they don’t see what the big deal is about having their cholesterol levels checked.


Feb/March 2015

Another way of doing the cholesterol test at home is to visit websites of pathology laboratories that take samples and send the results back to you. Basically, what you have to do is take some of your blood and put it in a sealed container that they provide and then mail the sample to them along with a stamped self-addressed envelope. They will run the tests in their laboratory and send the detailed results back to you in a day or two. This method is certainly more convenient as it is not as time-consuming as a visit to the doctor. Now that these handy testing methods are available, there is no longer any reason for you to put off cholesterol screening indefinitely. As you keep postponing your testing, your cholesterol

levels may be rising beyond the healthy range and you may already be in serious trouble without even realizing it. Ignoring a potential health problem will not make it go away and will probably lead to bigger problems in the future. Unfortunate consequences of our modern lifestyle for many people are the accompanying lifestyle diseases such as type 2 Diabetes and heart disease. Corresponding advancements in medical technology are making options such as these home test kits available to the greater community. So the least we can do is take advantage of this technology when it benefits us! Home testing kits for cholesterol have actually been available since the early 1990s but it is only now that people are really starting to take advantage of this device to improve their health. Don’t be the last to try it — get tested now. Once you have the results you can make informed decisions regarding your health and future. Don’t ignore possible problems. Accept responsibility for your own health and do what is necessary to maintain and hopefully improve it.


These home cholesterol test kits are not expensive either, so it won’t be a huge financial burden to get each member of your family checked once a year. They are also very easy to use and you don’t need to have any medical background at all in order to perform the test. These test kits have been thoroughly tested and are quite reliable, providing highly accurate results.

Ultimate LIfe


Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015


Feb/March 2015


Ultimate LIfe




Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015

Splittraining like a pro Skyrocket your Gym results

Body fit

The term Split refers to separating your muscle groups within your training program throughout the week. The split mostly depends on how frequently you train per week or how much time you’re able to spend in the gym each training session. If you’re a professional athlete, the split depends on your training goals alone. Of course, even if you’re not an pro athlete, you can still organize your split depending on your training goals. The following splits are adjusted for a 6 muscle group plan (chest, back, shoulder, biceps, triceps and legs). Abs are not mentioned because I take it for granted that you train them 2-3 times/week along with any other muscle group you like. Trapezius is also not mentioned because 99% of trainees and trainers include it in shoulder training days.

#1: One muscle group/day This is the ultimate hardcore bodybuilding split. This split is great if your training goal is maximum strength or hypertrophy since you concentrate your entire workout


on one muscle group and the resting period for each muscle group is more than 72 hours. It’s a given that you must work out 6 days/ week to use this split and maximize the results! A good split would be: Day 1: chest, Day 2: back, Day 3: shoulders, Day 4: biceps, Day 5: triceps, Day 6: legs.

#2: Two muscle groups/day This split is great if your training goal is strength endurance. It will work pretty well even if your goal is hypertrophy. It’s also very popular among people who

Feb/March 2015 Ultimate LIfe

#3: Upper body – Lower body split This is great for people who cannot go to the gym more than 2 times/week. In this split, you train your chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps the first day and your quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus and calves the second day. Of course, the results are compromised, especially in the first day since you won’t be able to hit every muscle group as hard as possible.

#4: Whole body workout This workout plan is great for beginners (adaptation period) or trainees who don’t want to gain too much muscle. You may choose this program even if you train every day, but the intensity should be low to avoid injuries since the rest period for every muscle would be less than 24 hours!

#5: Big muscle groups – Small muscle groups This is a great split for both beginners and advanced trainees. You split your workout routine in two days and you train the large muscle groups the first day (chest, back, legs) and the small muscle groups the second day (shoulders, biceps, triceps). You don’t have to work out only 2 times/week to pick this split, you may also use it even if you train 4-5 times/week. Training goals that can be achieved with this particular split are hypertrophy and strength endurance.

#6: Front surface muscle groups – Back surface muscle groups

This split is also called anterior chain-posterior chain. This split is used by advanced trainees mostly for strength endurance and hypertrophy. Again, you split your training program in two days; you train the muscles of the front surface of your body the first day (chest, biceps, abs, anterior shoulders and quadriceps) and the muscles of the back surface of your body the second day (back, trapezius, lateral & posterior shoulders, triceps, hamstrings, gluteus and claves). Of course, you can still use this split even if you train more than 2 times/week. All these splits are the very popular among trainees and they can be used by anyone given the fact that there will be supervision by a trainer! Each and every split results in different training goal and of course you should always adjust the intensity (load) and the volume (duration) of your workout to your training experience (level).

By Lazaros Christoforidis, Greece Fitness coach’ 43

Body fit

work out 3 times/ week because it’s a good way to go through all 6 muscle groups in 3 days. However, even if you train 4 or 5 times/week, you can still use this split to work out some muscle groups twice/ week (maybe your weak points).

Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015

Healthy You


Healthy You

Feb/March 2015 Ultimate LIfe


Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015

HOW to gain

muscle G

and burn fat at the same time

Body fit

aining muscle while losing fat is not easy and there’s no way to get the maximum results, so you need to compromise the results to achieve both goals. However, there are certain ways to gain muscle and burn fat at the same time. High intensity workout is the key to success in this particular case. #1: Perform compound exercises Compound or multi-joint exercises stimulate two or more muscle groups at a time. The most popular compound exercises are deadlift, squat, bench press and military press. The reason why these exercises are so effective when it comes to muscle gain is because they stimulate large muscle groups such as back, legs and chest. However, smaller muscle groups such as shoulders and arms play a supportive role as well which means your whole body gains size and strength. But compound exercises are also great for some fat loss. To be exact, you can’t directly burn fat through weightlifting, but compound exercises increase the temperature of your body more than isolation moves do. This is called thermogenesis and it’s a fundamental function of the human body which makes it burn calories. So the higher the temperature of the body, the more calories you’ll burn!


#2: Work your whole body

If you don’t have time for a wholebody workout, at least train the big muscle groups in one day! The reason to do that is similar to the previous point. If you train your whole body in one day, you’ll stimulate your body to produce bigger amounts of some crucial muscle building hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone which will enable you to gain more lean muscle. The effect of thermogenesis will also play a decisive role because when you stimulate large muscle groups the temperature increases and the body needs energy, so it has to burn down calories to get the required energy.

#3: Perform 15-20 reps The repetition range of your workout pretty much defines your training goal. So if you perform 15-20 reps per set, your training goal is strength endurance. Strength endurance is by far the best way to find the balance between muscle gain and fat loss. By performing 15+ reps, you spend more time under tension per set which stimulates your body to burn more calories to meet the energy expenditure to keep your muscle system going!

#4: Keep your rest between sets short Rest time between sets is another factor that defines your training goal. Since I’ve already made clear

that your training goal is strength endurance, your rest between sets should be 45’’-1’. When you keep your rest time short, you don’t allow your body to refill the energy tank after every set. This leads to energy depletion faster and it makes the body look for energy using mostly carbs (fat is only used as energy source in aerobic exercise). Although carbs is the main fuel for high intensity exercises, your body burns down a huge amount of calories for many hours after your workout. That’s why people who lift weights tend to gain lean muscle and not fat even if they don’t do aerobic workout at all!

#5: Workout for more than an hour The training protocol suggests that when the intensity of the workout is high, the duration should be short. But the term “intensity” is defined by the load (weight lifted), so strength endurance workout (the intensity is 50%-60% of 1 RM) must last long. A 70min-100min workout will do the trick! A 70+ minutes workout will literally “ruin” your energy reserve and make your body “engine” hit the red line. Like I said before, this won’t burn fat directly, but it will force your organism to burn calories like crazy and it will keep burning at high rate for many hours after your workout.

Feb/March 2015 Ultimate LIfe

By Lazaros Christoforidis, Greece Fitness coach’

#6: Change your training system

Body fit

Straight sets (perform each set after another with some rest between) is the most common training system because it works (of course), but you should try to change your training system to spice up your workout and get maximum results out of it. Super sets, tri sets, giant sets and burnout sets are just some of the training systems that will help you get bigger, stronger muscles and burn down some extra calories as well. All the systems I mentioned are great for a strength endurance training because they all have something in common; they keep your muscles under tension longer!

#7: Do cardio after weights So you have just finished your weightlifting routine and your muscles are pumped and sore, but you’re not quite done yet! If you want to combine muscle mass and low body fat percentage, you have to do some cardio (20-30 minutes) after weights. The reason to do that is because you have already depleted your stored carbohydrate (glycogen) and once you get on the treadmill, you’ll start using fat as energy fuel right away. That’s why only 20 minutes of cardio are enough after a high intensity weight workout.

In conclusion, strength endurance training is the best way to tone your muscles and lose some fat. Of course, when you use this method, the results are compromised which means that you cannot have either maximum muscle gain or fat loss. But it’s a pretty good way to work out if all you want is just general good health and a toned physique!


Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015


Feb/March 2015 Ultimate LIfe


elationships 49

Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015


Do your Relationships Always Fail? Donia Becker, www.askdonia.com

By Donia Becker, www.askdonia.com


e put a lot of meaning into relationships. We can internalize how people treat us and make it mean something about who we are. We often define our self worth by the way we are treated by others. So when we have breakdowns in a relationship we put a lot of significance into this. Ever wonder why relationships go sour and end up racking your brain to answer the question of “why”?


Why did we break up, why did s/he suddenly go cold? Why doesn’t s/he answer my texts? At times like this, it is best to consider what factors originally brought you together. Then consider if these factors are still actively present in your relationship. For example, if you were causally dating someone and then wanted to get more serious, this could put your partner off. Especially if it was the original agreement that neither of you wanted anything serious. If your

Feb/March 2015 Ultimate LIfe

It is really up to you to determine how you want to be treated in any specific relationship. Unfortunately, how we start out does determine a lot about the overall interactions of our relations. It is the same way with first impressions. We only get one chance to make it. However, as long as we are true to ourselves, know and stick to our values and beliefs and are in integrity with our true desires, we will always be in the best of relations.

relationship was mostly based on going out and having a good time and suddenly you got laid off, lost your apartment and just wanted to complain about your unfair circumstances, this particular buddy is not going to want to stick around. We all get together with people for a purpose. When the original purpose of the relationship changes, all parties have to agree to move along. Each person has the choice to move along with the changes and grow into something else, or to move on to another relationship, because the original circumstances of the relationship is all they wanted. It is very common that we had childhood friends who we loved playing with, and were inseparable as kids. Sometimes

these relationships span over decades, and then at some point, we want different things. Maybe one party was always relied on by the other for problem solving and suddenly that very same person now has her own issues. When the roles start to change, it is very likely that the relationship will dissolve. It may simply be that the other party is incapable of being any other way. So, it’s always vital to see how relationships first develop. After all, you teach people how to treat you. If at the beginning of a relationship you are always generous, kind and


So next time, you have a relationship gone sour have a look at what part of the game plan has changed. Look at how you were originally when you first got together. Then choose, if you want to try on something new in the relationship or move on to another whole new relationship.

About The Author Donia is a Business and Personal Development Consultant. She has worked and lived internationally in the areas of Organizational and Human Development. Her passion in life is working with people in a supportive role to bring out the best for themselves and for their organization. Donia can be contacted at: info@askdonia.com

available, then it is given that this is what you are. If suddenly you start holding back and being unavailable, it changes the game plan.


Ultimate LIfe Feb/March 2015

Healthy You


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