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Ihave al wayshad a consi der abl ei nt er esti n Ar chi t ect ur e si nce chi l dhoud. WhenenerIwoul dwal kandseeabeaut i f ulbui l di ng,Ihadt ost opt oadmi r ei tand t ot hi nkhow t heAr chi t ectdesi gnedt hatbui l di ng.St udyi ngAr chi t ect ur et odayhas r eal l yi mpact edmyl i f et ol i vei nt hef i el dofmyi nt er estf ort her estofmyl i f e.I t i sgi vi ngmeknowl edget ohel pmakepeopl e’ sl i f eeasi eri nsi det hebui l di ngst hat Iwi l lbedesi gni ng. AhmedCompaor e

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