I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animal is a Deer. They like to eat grass, weeds, shrubs, twigs, and nuts. They have a long tail and white on its underside. They have protective coloring. I had fun learning about animals in a forest.
I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animal is bear. They weigh over 800 pounds. They are a large, heavy animal with thick fur. I had fun learning about animals in a forest.
I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animals is a wolf. They can grow to be 7 feet long. The head wolf is called the alpha wolf. I had fun learning about animals in a forest. Alex
I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animal is a hummingbird. They use their long bills to get food from plants. They are very small birds. I had fun learning about animals in a forest.
I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animal is a fox. They are very flexible and can climb up and down trees easily. They have powerful, hooked claws.
I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animal is a bear. They weigh over 800 pounds. They are a large, heavy animal with thick fur. I had fun learning about animals in a forest.
I learned about animal in a forest. My favorite animal is a deer. They like to eat grass, weeds, shrubs, twigs, and nuts. They are shy animals and do not hunt in herds. I had fun learning about animals in a forest.
I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animal is a fox. They have hooked claws. They are very flexible and can climb up and down trees easily. I had fun learning about animals in a forest. Dusty
I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animal is a coyote. They can weigh from 15 to 44 pounds. Their fur is grayish tan. I had fun learning about animals in a forest.
I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animal is a wolf. They are social creatures. They live and hunt in packs. I had fun learning about animals in a forest.
I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animal is a deer. They are shy animals and do not hunt in herds. Only the males have antlers. I had fun learning about animals in a forest.
I learned a lot about animals in a forest. My favorite animal is a deer. They like to eat grass, weeds, shrubs, twigs, and nuts. They have protective coloring. I had fun learning about animals in a forest.
I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animal is a Hummingbird. Hummingbirds are very small. They use their long bills to get food from plants. I had fun learning about animals in a forest. Grace
I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animal is a deer. They are shy animals and do not hunt in herds. Only males have antlers . I had fun learning about animals in a forest.
I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animal is a deer. They have a long tail and white on its underside. Only male have antlers. I had fun learning about animals in a forest.
I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animal is a Hummingbird. Hummingbirds are very small birds. A hummingbird wings make a sound because they flap so quickly. I had fun learning about animals in a forest.
I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animal is a deer. Only the males have antlers. They have protective coloring, or camouflage, that allows it to hide in the undergrowth. I had fun learning about animals in a forest.
I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animal is a wolf. They live and hunt in packs. They are social creatures. I had fun learning about animals in the forest.
I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animal is a squirrel. They like to climb trees. They like seeds and nuts. I had fun learning about animals in a forest.
I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animal is a deer. They like to eat grass, weeds, shrubs, twigs, and nuts. They have a long tail and white on its underside. I had fun learning about animals in a forest.
I learned about animals in a forest. My favorite animal in a Bear. They weigh over 800 pounds. They are usually active at night. I had fun learning about animals in a forest.