Journey of a Form Along The Line of Time

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Jour ne yofaFor m Al ongTheLi neofTi me

AzadehAkhl aghi KรถkenEr gun MohsenAhmadvand SadeghTi r af kan Shahr am Kar i mi Si amakFi l i zadeh

Ci nnahCad.66/2 ร ankaya/ANKARA

muz eyyen@f oyart . com. t r +9031 24422830

oya@f oyart . com. t r

Memor yi st hesher i f foft hesoul * ,i ti si nt er t wi ned wi t houri dent i t yandconsci ousness.Thus,anydi al ogue,ei t herwi t hour sel vesorwi t hot her s,i sdependedt or emembr ance.Memor yi sf l ui d:i tbr i ngspast t opr esentandconnect spr esentt of ut ur e,i not her wor ds,i tshapesourunder st andi ngsofpr esentand f ut ur e.Mor eover ,memor yi spl ast i c:pr esentevent s andcur r entdi scour sesandci r cumst ancesaf f ectour per cept i onsofpast . Thi sexhi bi t i oni ssett obeawi ndow t oI r ani anmi nd: asuppr essedconsci ousnesswhi chi nt hemomentof cr eat i on,di vesi nt oi t sownpast ,scour st hr oughi t andbr i ngst hepastmoment st ot hepr esent ,r evi vi ng t hem i ndi f f er entf or ms.Usi ngst or i es,myt hsandr i t ual scr eat i vel y ,I r ani anar t i st sengenderanew wor l d,awor l di nwhi cht hebor der sbet weenpast andpr esent ,t r adi t i onandmoder ni t yi sf adi ng.Ahet er ot opi acr eat edi nr esul tofl i vi ngt hepastwhol ehear t edl yandr epeat edl yi npr esent . * MohsenNamj oo,“ Af at �

AzadehAkhl aghi I r ani anphot ogr apher ,f i l mmakerandt r ansl at or .She wasbor ni n1978,Shi r az.Akhl aghigr aduat edf r om RMI TUni ver si t y ,Mel bour ne.Shei saconcept ual ar t i st ,begi nni nghercar eeri n2001.Hermai nconcer ni sst agedphot ogr aphy .Herwor kshavebeen showni nvar i ousnat i onalandi nt er nat i onalmuseum. Shehast he3r dpr i zef r om UNHabi t atPhot ogr aphy compet i t i oni n2009,Londonandal sowont he1st pr i zeatt heWomanandUr banLi f ecompet i t i on2010, Tehr an.Shemadecoupl eofshor tf i l mswhi chwer e scr eenedi nnumer ousf i l mf est i val ssuchasBer kel ey , PusanandOsl o.Shecur r ent l yl i vesandwor ksi nTehr an/ I r anandMel bour ne/ Aust r al i a.

AzadehAkhl ahi ’ spr oj ect ,ByanEyeWi t ness( 2013) ,i s ar ecr eat i onoft hemostnot or i ousdeat hscenesf r om I r ani anhi st or y .I tt ookhert hr eeyear st or esear ch andsel ectt heevent s,f r om r evel ot i onar ysoci ol ogi st s whodi edmyst er i ousl yaf t erbei ngr el easedf r om sol i t ar yconf i nementt ot hest udentact i vi stshotbyt he secr etpol i ce.I magesofAkhl ahiwhowor kedasanassi st antdi r ect orf oryear sar ehi ghl yci nemat ogr aphi c andherwor ksr emi ndofRenai ssancer el i gi ousar t .

St agedPhot ogr aph. 210x168 Tehr an-For oughFar r okhzad,cont r over si alpoet whoswer vedhercart oavoi dcr ashi ngi nt oschool chi l dr en,t hencr ashedi nt oast onewal landdi ed oni mpact . 13Febr uar y1967.

St agedPhot ogr aph. 168x110 Communi sti nt el l ect ualTaghiAr anidi ed i npr i son.Att hemor gue,hi sf aceandbody wer eunr ecogni zabl ebecauseoft het or t ur ehe wassubmi t t edt o.Hi sownmot hercoul dnot i dent i f yhi m. 4Febr uar y,1940.

St agedPhot ogr aph. 210x168 Mashhad-Col onelMohammedTaghi KhanPesyan.The f uner alpr ocessi onoft hepopul armi l i t ar yl eaderwho wasbeheaded.Hi sheadwasbr oughtbackTehr ant o pr ovehi sdeat h. 7Oct ober1921.

St agedPhot ogr aph. 168x110 Evi nHi l l s,Tehr an-Bi j anJazani ,l ef t i sti nt el l ect ualwhowasexecut edi nmyst er i ous ci r cumst ances. 18Apr i l1975.

KökenEr gun Bor ni n1976.Hest udi edact i ngatİ st anbulUni ver si t y andcompl et edhi spost gr aduat edi pl omast udi esi n Cl assi csatKi ng' sCol l egeLondon,f ol l owedbyan M. A.i nVi sualCommuni cat i onDesi gnf r om Bi l giUni ver si t y .Af t erwor ki ngwi t ht heAmer i cant heat r edi r ect orRober tWi l son,hebecamemor ei nvol vedi ncont empor ar yar t ,speci f i cal l yvi deoandper f or mance. Er gunhasexhi bi t edi nt er nat i onal l yatvar i ousi nst i t ut i onsandhi svi deowor khasbeenscr eenedatf i l m f est i val s,i ncl udi ngOber hausen, Rot t er dam,Sydney andZagr eb.Hewast he2007r eci pi entoft heTi ger Awar doft heRot t er dam Fi l m Fest i valf orhi sshor t f i l m“ TheFl ag” .

ASHURA’( 2012) ,HD Vi deo,22’ ’ KökenEr gunhaswor kedi ncl osecol l abor at i onwi t h t hepeopl eofZeynebi ye,document i ngt hei rpr epar at i onsf ort hecer emoni esi n2010.Ther ear eappr oxi mat el yonemi l l i onCaf er iShi i t esi nTur key ,mostof whi chl i vei nI st anbulandt heeast er nbor dert ownof I gdi r .I nI st anbult heyi nhabi tashant yt ownnei ghbor hoodi nt heout ski r t soft heci t y ,whi cht heyst ar t ed bui l di ngi nt hel at e1970s.Thenei ghbor hoodi scal l ed Zeynebi ye,r ef er r i ngt oHussei n’ scour ageoussi st er , Zeyneb.

MohsenAhmadvand MohsenAhmadvandwasbor ni n1982,i nTehr an, I r an.HehasaBAi nPai nt i ngf r om Tehr anUni ver si t y Facul t yofFi neAr t s.Thear t i sthasbeeni nf l uencedbywr est l i ng,ol dphot ogr aphs,t henewspaper s,mass medi a,Al i r ezaEspahbodandAr deshi rMohasses.He l ovespenandpaperwhi l ehei sopent oal lmedi a. Hecr ossesandbl endsmanyf r ont i eranddi sci pl i nes. Ahmadvandi sanar t i stwi t hhumour ,poet r yanda gr eatdealofski l li ncr eat i ngj uxt aposi t i onandt ensi oni nhi swor ks.

MohsenAhmadvand’ swor ksar ei mbuedwi t h dar khumori nt hewayi twaswi t hanot hergr eat ar t i st ,Ar deshi rMohassess.Ahmandvandbr i ngs pr edi cament sandcal ami t i esofourwor l dunder hi smagni f yi nggl ass.Thr oughsat i r eandmovement sofasl i ckpen,heput sdownhi si nner emot i onsandt hought sonpaper .I nhi swor ks onecandet ectdel i cat esent i ment s,deepmedi t at i ons,andgr eatsuf f er i ng.Wor ksoft hi syoung ar t i star ei nsyncwi t ht heevent sofhi sageand att hesamet i mer ecal lt heconsequencesofhi s past .

Li onandBanana Wor ksOnPaper 2013 80X 50

Whati sWr ongwi t hYou? Wor ksOnPaper 2013 80X 50

Unt i t l ed Wor ksOnPaper 2008 28x40

Por t r ai tD' Homme Wor ksOnPaper 2008 28x40

SadeghTi r af kan SadeghTi r af kan( 19652013)wasanI r ani ancont empor ar yar t i stwhol i vedmai nl yi nTehr an,I r an.Ti r af kan empl oysdi f f er entmedi ai nhi swor k:phot ogr aphy , vi deoi nst al l at i on,andcol l age.Depor t edf r om I r aqt o I r anatt heageofsi xandamemberoft heyout hmi l i t i ai nt heI r anI r aqwarasat eenager ,SadeghTi r af kan exper i encedl ossatanear l yage.

Al waysI nOurThought s Scul pt ur e ( Met alwi r e,cl ot h,gl ass,di gi t alpr i nt s) 2013 Hei ght :210cm( each) Di amet er :56cm( each)

Shahr am Kar i mi Bor ni n1957,I r an.Kar i migr ew upi nShi r az.Hei sa sel fmadear t i stwhohasbeensuccessf ulbot hi nhi s owncount r yandi nt heWest .Kar i mi ’ swor kshavebeen exhi bi t edi nnumer ouscount r i esr angi ngf r om I r an, Tur key ,Ger many ,US,andSwi t zer l andt onameaf ew. Hi swor kspor t r ayt hedi l emmaoft hecont empor ar ybi cul t ur alI r ani anwhoseekshi shi st or i calandper sonal i dent i t ybyweddi nghi sper sonalpastwi t hcont empor ar yf or m.Peopl e,f l ower s,t heambi enceofanI r ani an vi l l agest r andedonhi scanvasbespeakoft hepast si mpl i ci t yofI r anandyeti nt her emot ecor ner soft he samepi eceweof t encomeacr osst hedepi ct i onofa r ealhi st or i caleventbl endedi nt ot heweavesoft he ar t i st ’ scanvas.Shahr am Kar i mii spr esent l yl i vi ngand wor ki ngi nGer manyandt heUni t edSt at es.

Par dehdar ii saki ndofNaghal i( st or yt el l i ng) whi chi sper f or medbyPar dehkhanimost l y i nt hest r eet sandi nmobi l ef or m.Ther ei s ahangi ngpi eceofcl ot honwhi chsome scenesofast or yar epr i nt ed.Thepar dehdar ( st or yt el l er )nar r at est hest or ywi t ha demonst r at i onoft hescenes.Thi ski ndof nar r at i oni susedf orepi csaswel lasr el i gi ous st or i es.Shahr am Kar i mi ,i nLook,combi nes t hi sol dr i t ualofPar dehkhaniwi t hmoder n st or i esandnar r at i ves.

“ Look”( i nst al l at i on) ,Mi xedmedi aon col l ect edphot ogr aphs, 2009,di mensi onsvar i abl e. Vi deover si on’ sdur at i on:8′

Si amakFi l i zadeh Si amakFi l i zadehwasbor ni nTehr ani n1970andhol ds agr aphi cdesi gndegr eef r om Tehr anAzadUni ver si t y . I n2012,t hecompl et edser i esRost am I I–TheRet ur n wasacqui r edbyt heLosAngel esCount yMuseum ofAr t ( LACMA)f ori t sper manentcol l ect i on.Whi l epayi ng homaget ot hepastt hr oughexqui si t el ydet ai l edmi ni at ur es( whi chst yl i st i cal l yr ecal lt hePer si ant eahouse pai nt i ngst hatwer eof t enusedt oi l l ust r at et het al esof t heShahnameh) ,t hej uxt aposi t i onofphot ogr aphyand i l l ust r at i oni nhi swor ksemphasi zest hesat i r i cali nt ent oft heser i es.Thewor ksar eatoncecut t i ngedgewhi l e al sor espect f ulofhi st or y;i nbot hcont entandt echni quevi ewer scanbet r anspor t edi nt ot henar r at i ve whi l est i l lcomf or t abl ewi t hapl et hor aofmoder nday r ef er ences. I nhi si ngeni ousmi xedmedi aser i esRost am 2-The Ret ur n,I r ani anar t i stSi amakFi l i zadehdr awsupon t her i chl i t er ar yandvi sualt r adi t i onsoft heShahnama orBookofKi ngs.Aswi t hot herl i t er ar ymast er pi eces, t heShahnama,t heI r ani annat i onalepi c,hasan appealandanel ast i ci t yt hathasal l owedsuccessi ve gener at i onst odi scoverori nventnew meani ngs.I n hi sr et el l i ngoft hecl assi cPer si ant al e,Fi l i zadehbypassesi t suni ver sal i t i esi nf avorofmor especi f i c soci alcomment ar y .Hi sski l l f ulbl endi ngofanachr oni st i candcont empor ar ydet ai l scar r yt hevi ewerf r om t hemyt hi calr eal m ofI r an’ sgr eat estchampi on Rost am-t ot hear t i st ’ st akeont heki t schconsumer i sm andpopul arcul t ur eoft oday’ sTehr an.

Fi nal l yRost am I IKi l l sHi sSon( Sohr ab) NotKnowi ngThatHei st heFat her Di gi t alpr i nt 2009 140X 106. 5

TheSol di er sofEvi lar eKi l l edby Rost am I I Di gi t alpr i nt 2009 139X 106

Rust am Ret ur nsatAge30Af t er Bei ngBr oughtUpAbr oad Di gi t alpr i nt 2008 82x126

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