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Rider Eligibility

All helmets are subject to inspection byAHRMAcompetition officials to ensure compliance. This inspection does not warrant the condition of a participant’s helmet. It is the responsibility of the participant to ensure his/her helmet is in good and safe condition. Riders are prohibited from using damaged helmets. If there is any question regarding the condition of a helmet, an appropriate helmet expert should be contacted for inspection and advice.


3.4.1 GENERAL a) All riders in AHRMA events, including roadrace (including Sidecar passengers), motocross, dirt tracks, cross country, and trials, must be full members of AHRMA. Additionally, all AHRMA Road Racers must hold an AHRMA Digital Roadrace or Active, Student or Probationary License. b) Four classes of Digital Roadrace Licensing 1. ACTIVE - Unrestricted competition license 2. STUDENT- Restricted competition race license allowing full race privileges subject to wearing a safety vest at events and monitoring of performance by race control 3. PROBATION - Restricted competition race license subject to Race Director and Referee discretion 4. REVOKED - Competition race privileges have been denied; member is not currently permitted to participate in race events c) Control and Administration of Race Licenses. For Active and Suspended, no further administration is required. MSR features a rider “type” whereby members with a full license are permitted to register at future events, and riders with a suspended license are prohibited from registering for any future events. For Student, it will be the responsibility of the student to inform the Race School Director or otherAHRMAofficial that they have complied with the requirement to participate in three race weekends covering six separate days so their license can be changed from Student to Regular status. MSR will support this by allowing the Race School Director to run reports before each race event listing all registered racers who are in this class. Educational materials can be prepared during school instruction to inform students of the race license structure and their responsibility to monitor their status and report when they have met the requirements to be full ACTIVE members. The Referee, Race Director, or their designee with MSR administration privileges will be authorized to change the status of student racers as it can be verified in MSR that they have complied with the three-race requirement. For Probation, it will be the responsibility of the Race Director and Referee to monitor and update the subject race license in accordance with the documented terms of the probation. d) Riders must present proof of medical insurance coverage before being permitted to compete in an AHRMA National-championship event. e) AHRMA non-racing members are not eligible to compete in AHRMA events. f) No rider under the age of majority may compete without the notarized, written consent of parents or guardians. Minimum rider age is 18 for roadrace, flat track and TT, and 16 years for motocross and cross country. If under 21, proof of age is required. g) Each rider is responsible for the behavior and actions of any personnel, either family or crew, affiliated with him/her.Any punitive action required as a result of actions by family or crew will be levied against the rider.

h) It is the responsibility of every rider to inform race officials of any rider’s medical condition which may be worsened by participation at that particular event. i) Competitors for ALL disciplines are required to carry a medical card that provides an emergency contact and pertinent medical information for first responders in case of an incident while participating in any AHRMA sanctioned event. The card is to be placed in an AHRMA-supplied break-away lanyard worn around the neck. j) All entries must be signed by the individual rider who plans to compete, and no rider may practice or compete without properly registering. k) There is no limit to the number of classes a rider may compete in on a given day. However, the referee may remove a rider from the track who appears to be fatigued and no longer riding safely. l) Children are allowed in the paddock area but must be controlled at all times by a responsible adult. Proper compliance is the sole judgment of the race officials. Pets may be kept in the paddock area only if they are constrained by leash or locked in a vehicle. Pets and children are banned from pit road (exception would be an individual who was a properly licensed mechanic, meeting the age requirement). See Section 6 for Offenses & Penalties. m) All riders must have a fire extinguisher with a minimum recharge rating of 5BC available at all times in their pit area. All extinguishers must carry current recharge tags. Note:A“5BC” extinguisher extinguishes B- and C-class fires. B-class fires involve flammable liquids such as gasoline or grease. C-class fires involve electrical equipment. The “5” indicates, roughly, how many square feet of fire the extinguisher can extinguish. n) Each rider shall be responsible for leaving his or her pit area in a clean and acceptable condition at the end of the race meet. o) Each rider shall be responsible for arranging the removal of his or her motorcycles, motor vehicles and trailers at the end of the race meet. p) All riders in an AHRMAevent must attend the rider’s meeting. Roll call may be held, and absentees may be penalized. q) An AHRMA region may not discriminate against AHRMA members from outside its region. Any AHRMA member willing to travel and compete in the required number of events to qualify for an AHRMA regional series shall be eligible for that series’ awards. r) Proof of membership should be on all entry forms. This includes membership number and expiration date. 3.4.2 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED OF ALL ROADRACE RIDERS The following must be worn at all times when riding on the active course, hot lanes, or warm-up areas: a) A riding suit of leather, leather and Kevlar, or Kevlar, with appropriate padding, as approved by tech inspection. It must be one-piece construction or, if a twopiece suit is worn, the upper and lower pieces must be securely fastened together. Tech inspection by AHRMA does not warrant the condition of a participant’s riding suit. It is the responsibility of participants to ensure that their riding suit is in good and safe condition. Participants are encouraged to have their riding suit examined by appropriate experts if they have questions regarding its condition. b) Leather gloves with no holes or other openings, except breathing holes. c) Leather or plastic boots of sufficient height to overlap the bottom of the trouser leg at all times, and in no case less than eight-inches tall (except Sidecar passengers).

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