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General Motocross Rules

4. Expert-class champions from the previous year will be awarded a No. 1 plate (with a letter suffix), which they may use in any class during the season. If they choose not to use their assigned AHRMAcompetition number, it will be held for them until the following season. A rider who wins more than one class championship should use only one of the No. 1/ letter combinations to aid in scoring and identification.

Number/letter combinations for each Expert class champion are: Historic 500......................1A Ultima 500.......................1H Historic Four-Stroke.........1B Ultima 250.......................1J Historic 250......................1C Ultima 125.......................1K Historic 125......................1D Ultima Four-Stroke..........1S Gran Prix 500...................1E Open Age.........................1L Gran Prix 250...................1F 40+...................................1M Gran Prix 125...................1G 50+...................................1N Gran Prix Four-Stroke......1R 60+...................................1P Women..............................1W 70+...................................1Q Pre-Modern 125................1T Pre-Modern 250...............1U Pre-Modern 500................1V Pre-Modern 4-Stroke ......1X All competitors must display their AHRMA-assigned number unless granted prior permission to run a different number at that event only. 5. In addition to the rules in Section 11, riders must comply with all applicable rules in Sections 3 (events and race procedure), 4 (entry procedure) and 6 (offenses, penalties, protests and appeals), rule 9.7.11 (fuel) and rule 9.7.17 (AHRMAdecals; two required and may be placed on any readily-visible part of the motorcycle). 6. Steering dampers are not allowed unless OEM or friction-type.


The following rules in the Vintage Motocross section also apply to AHRMA Post Vintage MX: • 11.3 Motocross Rider Grading System (Note: Rule 11.3h, dual-ability level, does not apply in Post Vintage classes.) • All AHRMA Post Vintage motocross classes are further divided into

Intermediate and Expert categories. Novice classes are as follows: Historic,

Grand Prix, Ultima, Pre-Modern, Open Age, 40-60, 60+ and Women. There are no displacement classifications in any Novice class.All Novice classes shall run in Novice-only motos and shall not be combined in a moto with any Intermediate or Expert class.

• 11.4 Equipment Required of All Motocross Riders • 11.5 Scoring at AHRMA Events • 11.6 Series Points Awards • 11.7 Race Procedures

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