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Figure 14 - Strategic Framework of Portland Plan

Figure 14 - Strategic Framework of Portland Plan (Source: Portland Plan, 2012)

The 2030 objectives are based on three factors with its territorial focus at the scale of neighbourhoods, viz. 1. The overall urban form or shape of the community, including where jobs and housing are located, the presence of parks and open spaces and the location of stores and services. 2. How people and goods move around. 3. The fuels used to power transit, cars and trucks


Ideation, definition, and features

The local authority started working on the concept of 20-minute neighbourhood on residents’ request in improving walking ad provision of basic services near residences. The city administration also had recognised land-use planning as a major opportunity to address carbon emissions and climate change

Subsequently, an objective of creating ‘Complete neighbourhoods’ was adopted in the city’s urban development agenda for formulating city development plans. Although the ’20minute terminology’ was used in the drafting of its plans among the various actors, the City Council rather refers it to ‘healthy connected city’ and the promotion of ‘Complete and Vibrant Neighbourhoods centres’ (Da Silva et al., 2020; Emery & Thrift, 2021, p. 60) This amendment, the city planners suggest was due to elderly groups who highlighted that the 20 minute distance based on walkability factor can be different for different age groups and their individual mobility limitations.

The ’20-minute neighbourhood’ concept was outlined through intensive participatory processes with the citizens using the means of community workshops and surveys to enable the council in identifying the requirements of each community group. The residents reviewed the research from the city planners on the existing scenario of Portland, provided feedback and ranked their top priorities for the neighbourhoods. A final ‘negotiated definition’ of what is accessible in proximity at city level was formulated and is defined as,

Neighbourhood where one has safe and convenient access to the goods and services needed in daily life. This includes a variety of housing options, grocery stores and other commercial services, quality public schools, public open spaces and recreational facilities, affordable active transportation options and civic amenities.

An important element of a complete neighbourhood is that it is built at a walkable and bikeable human scale and meets the needs of people of all ages and abilities. (City of Portland, 2012, p. 76)

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