Hi there! Welcome to your first year at Western and at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities!
Let us introduce you to Premier, your first-year guide to everything Western and Arts. In this edition, you can find information about academic and health resources around campus, details about the Arts and Humanities Students' Council (for short, AHSC), and all the ways you can get involved with the community at Western and your amazing faculty. Plus, much, much more!
We know that the transition to university can be overwhelming. That's why Premier exists! We hope the answers to (mostly) all your questions are here. But don't stress too hard - we guarantee that you'll love it here!
Welcome Message .......................................... 2 Get To Know The AHSC ..................................... 4 What is the AHSC? Elected Roles Hired Roles The AHSC Publications ................................ 11 Academic Resources ..................................... 12 Health Resources .......................................... 15 Departmental Committees and USC Clubs ....................................................... 17 Upcoming AHSC Events .............................. 20 TABLE OF
GETtoknow theahsc
What is the AHSC?
We are a team of student-volunteers who’ll guarantee you the best student experience the Arts and Humanities faculty can offer. We host events, speakers, formals, charity events, plays, and so much more!
Our office is located in University College (UC) Room 2135. Attend office hours if you have any questions, or just to make some friends. Details about our office hours and in-person meetings will be posted on our social media!
FindusonInstagram: ahscwesternu FindusonFacebook: ahscwesternu aVisitourwebsite: hscwesternu.com 4
elected roles on council
AHSC President
They oversee all portfolios of the AHSC, making sure that all council activities are kept on track. They maintain its order, structure, and integrity.
AHSC Councillor
They represent the interests of the Arts and Humanities on the University Student Council. They are the liaison between the two student bodies.
Elected Roles on council
Vice President of Equity
They focus on facilitating social justice in the faculty through charitable and awareness campaigns, curriculum review, and student collaboration.
Vice President of Events
They are responsible for planning and producing all Arts and Humanities student body’s events.
Vice President of Finance
They assist the President and all departments in their financing, record financial transactions and issue refunds, and prepare the budgets for the school year.
Vice President of Academics
They are in charge of promoting academics on behalf of the student body and communicating with the A&H Academic Counsellors and Associate Dean Academics.
Vice President of Communications
They manage all areas of the council with its needs pertaining to communication, including helping in advertising events and contacting outside parties.
Vice President of Publications
They supervise all AHSC official publications, facilitating their printing and their respective launch parties to promote said publications.
Department Representatives
They assist in promoting the interests of their department by keeping in contact with their h
i /di Classical Studies DR Philosophy DR English, Writing, Theatre, Medieval, and Film Studies DR Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies DR SASAH DR French DR Visual Arts DR Linguistics and Languages & Cultures DR 6
hired roles on council
They are responsible for working with the VPs of their portfolio and overseeing their First Year Associates.
Head Soph
They oversee the hiring and training of sophs, as well as programing events for orientation.
Arts and Humanities Soph PAs
They are the liaisons between the Head Soph and Faculty Sophs, assisting the Head Soph in their communication and training of the team.
Haveanyoftheseportfolios grabbedyourattention?Wouldyou liketogetinvolvedwiththeAHSC andgainmarketableskills?Apply foraFirstYearAssociateposition, aroletailoredspecificallyfor incomingArtsstudents!Watchour Instagram( ahscwesternu)tosee whenthesepositionsgolive!
Administrative Assistant: They record each AHSC meeting’s minutes, assist the Speaker in the administration of the elections of the AHSC, and ensure that all AHSC motion votes are made public.
Speaker: They set the agenda for all meetings of the AHSC, ensure that order is maintained during all meetings, and enforce disciplinary action where warranted.
DC Commissioner: They communicate with the heads of all Departmental Committees and report to the President about any updates.
Advocacy Research Coordinator: They conduct research to provide comprehensive educational resources for AHSC campaigns and other equity-based initiatives.
Equity Policy/Curricula Reviewer: They review the constitution through an equity-based lens and suggest amendments accordingly, and encourage diversity and accessibility.
Equity Communications and Outreach Coordinator: They facilitate communication and collaboration between equity-based USC peer programs and groups on campus with the AHSC.
Philanthropy Commissioner: They organize and coordinate the involvement of the AHSC and A&H students in charitable events and initiatives.
Play Coordinator: They are responsible for coordinating, casting, and directing the annual AHSC play.
Community Outreach Commissioner: They are responsible for researching all related events, jobs, and opportunities occurring in the greater London community.
Theatre Community Commissioner: They are responsible for coordinating the Theatre Review Programme, establishing communications with London theaters, and recruiting a team of Western student writers.
CommunicationsPortfolio Graphic Design Commissioner: They are responsible for designing the visual and creative content of AHSC promotional materials, including, but not limited to posters, graphics, videos, and banners.
Website Design Commissioner: They ensure that the AHSC website is consistently functional and are responsible for maintaining and updating it weekly.
Social Media Commissioner: They are responsible for maintaining AHSC social media outlets for promotional purposes.
Video Design Commissioner: They are responsible for designing video content for AHSC promotions.
Promotions and Photography Coordinator: They are responsible for distributing physical promotional materials for all AHSC events and elections.
SDF Coordinator: They conduct and promote the business of the Student Donation Fund according to the principles set out in the Constitution.
Academic Managing Editor: They are primarily responsible for selecting the content of Semicolon (AHSC's Academic Publication).
Creative Managing Editor: They are responsible for selecting the content of Symposium (AHSC's Creative Publication).
Copy Editor: They are responsible for reviewing the content of all AHSC Publications for typographical errors and maintaining author integrity.
Layout Editor: They are responsible for the design and layout of all AHSC Publications.
Cover Designer: They are responsible for the design and layout of all AHSC Publication covers.
Social Media Coordinator: They are responsible for maintaining AHSC social media outlets for promotional purposes.
Alumni Relations Commissioner: They are responsible for the publication of articles written by students on their interviews with A&H alumni, as organized in conjunction with the faculty’s Alumni & Development Officer.
Abi-annualpublication demonstratingthe academicachievementsof currentWesternstudents.
WeacceptA-levelessays fromanyArtsand Humanitiescourseoffered oncampus!
Abi-annualpublication showcasingcreativewriting,poetry, visualart, photography, andmore.Weacceptsubmissions fromallcurrentArtsand Humanitiesstudents!
academic resources
Sessional Dates
To keep track of any and all important deadlines (e.g. “When is the last day to drop a course?”), visit our Office of Registrar’s website. There, you can find all information separated by month and year:
https://registrar.uwo.ca/resources/important dates and d eadlines.html
Academic Module Requirements
If you need to know exactly what courses are required for your degree, the Western Academic Calendar is the website to go. There, you can look up any degree in any faculty (ranging from Majors to Honours to Certificates, etc.) and discover the required courses for said modules. You can also look up a list of all courses offered by faculty, to get inspiration for electives. The link is as follows: https://www.westerncalendar.uwo.ca/
Draft My Schedule
Beyond your first year, you will begin fulfilling more of the requirements for your module (which in the humanities often includes more choice to follow your interests)! Use Draft My Schedule to help plan your degree: https://draftmyschedule.uwo.ca/login.cfm
Academic Counselling
Located in University College (UC) 2230, this is where you can go for help with course advice and registration.
Contact: arts@uwo.ca or you can reach our Academic Counsellors, Amanda Green (agreen@uwo.ca) and Ben Hakala (bhakala@uwo.ca)
Drop-in Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Friday: 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
For more, visit
Student Central
Located in the Student Services Building, 1120, here you can receive a transcript, replace a student card, or chat with a Financial Aid Officer about bursaries, OSAP, budgeting, or anything else finance-related. Contact their Virtual Helpline for questions of all kinds
(https://studentservices.uwo.ca/callBack/). Other: contact@uwo.ca or (519) 661-2100.
In Person Hours (for pick up of ordered documents only):
Monday - Friday: 10:00AM - 4:00AM
Online Chat Hours (https://westernchat.uwo.ca/): Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Wednesday: 10:00AM - 4:00PM
Writing Support Centre
Located in the Student Services building, 4100, The Writing Support Centre is there to help with essay advice, cover letter tips, or even with a thesis! The Writing Support at Weldon offers one-on-one appointments with other students who volunteer (Mezzanine, M14 and M15).
Contact: wsc@uwo.ca or (519) 661-3655
Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Online Writing Assistance: http://writing.uwo.ca/undergrads/online writing help.html
The Writer-in-Residence and Student Writer-inResidence can help you workshop creative pieces (or an essay!) in a stress-free environment. Professors can be intimidating to go and talk to so it’s nice to have a professional writer or fellow student to discuss with.
OMNI (Western’s Library)
OMNI is Western’s Library database. You can find the database at https://www.lib.uwo.ca/index.html and it includes tools including Advanced Search, links to top databases, research guides, and instructions on how to use Western’s printers. You can also borrow books on the database from other universities by clicking on the book, logging into your account, and either click ‘request’ to order a physical book, or click ‘digitization’ to request a portion of the book to be scanned and emailed to you.
health resources
Academic Support and Engagement
Located in the Western Student Services Building, 4th Floor, the Academic Support and Engagement office offers accessible education and learning development counselling.
Call: (519) 661-3017
Email: ase@uwo.ca
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00PM
Student Health Services
Located in Thames Hall, 2170, this is an appointmentbased clinic providing all types of medical and counselling services to students. You can be seen immediately and get a doctor’s note to verify an absence, discuss options surrounding birth control, allergies, immunizations, etc.
Call: (519) 661-3030
Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Student Emergency Response Team (SERT)
In the event of an injury or medical emergency on campus, call SERT. These are students who are trained in emergency medical care, and will be the first to arrive at your medical emergency.
Contact: Call 911 OR (519) 661-3300 from a cell phone.
Residence Counselling
With offices located in Ontario Hall, 3C10, counselling services are provided for students living in residence. They provide short-term, confidential counselling to help students manage a variety of mental health and emotional challenges. For more information, contact your Residence Advisor or Residence Manager. Contact: Any student living in residence on main campus can email needtotalk@uwo.ca to schedule an appointment with a Residence Counsellor.
The Rec Centre
Membership to Western’s Student Recreation Centre is included in your tuition. There is a pool, yoga, Zumba classes, and a variety of drop-in classes (spin, sculpt & sweat, cardio kickboxing!) scheduled weekly, and many intramural sports to play! Contact info: https://www.uwo.ca/campusrec/about/contact us.html
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 6:30 am to 11:30 pm
Friday: 6:30 am to 8:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am to 11:30 pm
Departmental Committees & USC Clubs
The Coterie: English Society
The Coterie is open to students from all faculties, and is run by a dedicated group of students who are passionate about finding opportunities for students to share their work, connect, and participate in events from poetry slams to helpful academic information sessions. Follow the Coterie on Instagram to keep in the know @westerncoterie!
ICONOCLAST is an arts and culture collective aiming to discuss student and campus issues through an intersectional, inclusive, and expressive lens to elevate the student experience. Along with a bi-annual publication, we are expanding our events to include gallery showings and workshops. Follow us on Instagram @iconoclastuwo!
Western Undergraduate Film Society (WUFS)
Follow WUFS on Instagram @wufsofficial and attend their weekly screenings of films throughout the academic year! Also, keep an eye open for their annual film festival featuring the works of filmmakers from Western and Fanshawe.
Spanish Club
This club offers various opportunities, from learning and improving the Spanish language, to familiarising students with Latin American and Spanish cultures, and making friends along the way! Find them on Instagram @uwospanishclub!
The Classics Society
The Classics Society is for Classic students and anyone interested in Ancient Greece, Rome, and the Eastern Mediterranean. Join to participate in social events and mingle with those who share a common interest! Don’t forget to follow them on Instagram @westernclassicssociety.
School of Thought
School of Thought encourages students with an interest in Philosophy to participate in discourse through social and academic events hosted throughout the year. All events are free and open to all students. Find them on Instagram @uwoschoolofthought!
Visual Arts Supporters Association (VASA)
VASA hosts events throughout the year such as art sales, bake sales, social nights, and screenings. VASA produces an annual publication called Aeterna, which allows artists to explore a wide range of topics in a collective theme. Follow them on Instagram @vasawestern!
Western Arts and Theatre Community Hub (WATCH)
WATCH strives to create a community where students can improve their skills as theatre-critics, and develop analytical and review-writing skills! Visit the AHSC website for info on how to join departmental committees!
The Gender Studies Student Collective (GSSC)
The Collective is the perfect place to go for GSWS students to get help with assignments through workshops and study days. They also offer the opportunity for students to submit their work to their student journal, Tulips. Follow them on Instagram @gsscwestern!
USC Clubs Week
With almost 200 clubs to choose from, there’s something here for you! Get involved during Clubs Week which takes place in September. This event showcases all of the clubs and provides students with a chance to learn more about the opportunities available within each one! To learn more, visit https://westernusc.ca/clubs/
upcoming ahsc events
premier was Brought to you by: Julia Piquet (VP Pubs) Abbie Faseruk (AVP PUBS)