Chapter 9: Kwesi

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Chapter 9: Kwesi !

! Â I suppose most or many of us have some

memories of doomsday apprehensions at the mention of someone diagnosed as having cancer, maybe even someone we did not know. It never mattered what kind of cancer; the issue of treatment was never a part of the announcement. In the same moment, there were thoughts of hearing about the mortality rate for those who were aicted by this dreaded disease. However, the careless of youth dismisses such

information as irrelevant to youthful pursuits. After graduating from college, I had the privilege of doing work in the field of alcohol, tobacco and drugs prevention at The Bobby E. Wright Comprehensive Behavioral Health Center. The focus was on the harmful effects of excessive tobacco use especially on the developing young. Tobacco being a leading cause of disease such as cancer and the most preventable cause of related death, I found the experience quite invaluable, strengthening my resolve to

never smoke as well as my becoming a staunch advocate of anti-tobacco ideals. I was confident in the fact that I did not smoke, so tobacco related cancer was not a health concern for me-- no problem with addictions or the possible aictions. I spent much time informing people in general and youth in particular about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs use and I am still to this day indirectly involved with doing this work. !

Presently, I am Director of the African American Male Resource Center of Chicago State University, where I am afforded the opportunity to engage, embrace, educate, enlighten, empower, and encourage African males to succeed against the odds.

On the evening of July 1, 2013 I was experiencing physical discomfort in my chest, stomach and back that later required hospitalization. Subsequently, I was examined and tested and was surprised to learn after ruling out the possibility of a

heart attack, there were two diagnoses. The first was for the initial health issue. As serious as I considered that, it was minimized by the second diagnosis. I recalled hearing of people who had cancer and I remember the mixed emotions and in my mind was the fact that it was not someone else this time and in my mind loomed the terrifying specter of cancer and the moot question was, how this could be? And then the doubt, the tacit question of why me and as time passed the question of what does this all mean. I thought about my

wife, children and all my loved ones. I thought about friends, work and the many people that I come in contact with daily in my professional life. I considered my spiritual relations with family and close friends. Then more questions: how bad is it? In retrospect, my spiritual self went into denial that this was not the end. I believed I had a choice. I could succumb to fear or I could believe in the things at my disposal to remedy the situation. I could explore all available treatment. Thanks to the helpful advice from loving and concerned

individuals, I am undaunted and have resolved to overcome this ordeal to focus on doing all that is necessary for the maximum eect in my recovery, to maintain a strong spirit , and to submit to the power of the Absolute, the love and support of family , friends and health workers involved with my treatment. We plan to continue spiritually strong and positive, content with the happiness shared. I will simply choose to live and let my life be a reflection of the love and concern given me.  Â

While in the hospital it was determined after extensive blood test that my Prostatespecific antigen (PSA) where extremely high. I had a biopsy, after which we received the diagnosis of advance stage prostate cancer level IV and that it had metastasis. Thus far, my treatment interventions have included hormones therapy and immunotherapy along with a regiment of exercising, eating healthy and herbs and vitamins. .Â

Through it all it has truly been a team eort my family and friends . Greetings Family & Friends:
 I extend to you the message of Love and Peace. I have heard it said that "life is war." In the context of inevitable adversities such as conflict, obstacles and opposition, I say this true. I also say that all threats to one's well-being (mental, physical or spiritual) must be met boldly and with firm resolve if they cannot simply be ignored. I believe that there is no greater weapon than the power of the human spirit. When engaged in unity

with kindred spirits it is an awesome force, inspired by the omnipotence of the Creator. There are NO adversities in life where a unified support system is inessential for no battles in life are won alone. There is always the loving respect of family, friends, community and those connected by human compassion around you. For every battle, adversity...every obstacle...every conflict we have fought side by side, and our victories were made possible by the concerted and inspiring eorts of those we've struggled with and those we've struggled for and

those we've struggled because of. This has always been a source of comfort and encouragement and I am eternally grateful to be so blessed.
 To all who have honored me with the warmth of your spirits, I am and remain Your faithful, humble noble servant 

Dear family & friends , 
 It is with a most profound feeling of gratefulness to the Absolute and the

spiritual manifestations of your comfort and encouragement that I greet you. Life presents many adversities, none of which are overcome by individual eorts alone. The past year has been challenging and I feel especially blessed in spite of all that has transpired. It is diďŹƒcult sometimes to articulate gratitude in the context of such displays of thoughtfulness as I have been blessed to receive from you all. I thank the Absolute for allowing me the privilege of being a part of your greatness. In being a part of you, I feel my life greatly improved.

I firmly believe that blessings flow from God, [The Absolute]...powers greater than me. And on this earthly plane, there is the Love of God personified by people genuinely concerned about the welfare of others, such as you. I am touched by these displays of empathy and kindness and they are very much appreciated. 
 I find it difficult to truly express verbally the depths of my gratitude. I have received so many Love checks on a daily basis and feel

they have enriched my life reinforced my commitment purpose and given it new meaning.

I am awed by the undeniable power of the human spirit. I have been reflecting on what I have always known. That is that no one exists without the collective spiritual support of others. It is most evident at such times we are spiritually challenged and most in need of the positivity of uplifting sentiments I feel most fortunate to be the recipient of and reciprocator of the love your

kind words inspire. 

Adversity has a way of affirming our connectedness as spiritual beings to remind us that Love is all that matters. God is Love and Love is God. Again I as well as my family humbly thank everyone for their support and look forward continuing sharing my life with each of you 

Again I thank you so very much and remain, your Brother in the spirit of Love. I look forward to seeing all of you in the days to

come Peace and Love. 

Medase pa / Asante Sana / Modupe [Thank You]
 Kwesi Ronald Harris, Servant Leader 

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