Edward A. Vance, FAIA | The Fifty Seventh Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows
AIA College of Fellows
The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20006-5292
Edward A. Vance, FAIA
The 57th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows
Edward Alan Vance, FAIA was inaugurated as the 57th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows on December 6, 2018. The Inauguration Ceremony was held in the Kennedy Caucus Room in the Russell Senate Building in Washington D.C. He succeeded Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA in representing more than thirty three hundred AIA Fellows worldwide.
The Inauguration of Edward A. Vance, FAIA
Kennedy Caucus Room | Russell Senate Building - Washington, D.C.
The 2019 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee Chancellor | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Secretary | John J. Castellana, FAIA Bursar | Roger L. Schluntz, FAIA
A GRACIOUS WELCOME The 56th AIA College of Fellows Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA passes the baton to Skipper Post, FAIA.
o o d evening!
On b ehalf of my c olleagues, it’s
my great pleasure to welc ome you – our distinguishe d guests and memb ers to the inauguration of the 57th Chanc ellor of the C olle ge of Fellows of The American Institute of Archite cts. I’m delighte d many of the present and past leaders of the American Institute of Archite cts, the C olle ge of Fellows, and a numb er of AIA senior staf f memb ers are here to witness and b e a par t of tonight’s c elebration. Please stand as I intro duc e you: AIA 2018 President Carl Elefante, FAIA and his wife Adriana, AIA First Vic e President, Bill Bates, FAIA and his wife, Maggie McD ermot t, and AIA First Vic e Presi dent-ele ct, Jane Fre derick, FAIA and her husband Mi chael. Former C olle ge of Fellows Chanc ellors – please stand. Former AIA Presidents - would you all please stand. We are joine d tonight by representatives from our national staf f who I ask to stand as you are intro duc e d. First, my go o d friends for many years, the E VP/ CEO of The American Institute of Archite cts, Rob er t Iv y, FAIA, and his wife, Holly, the AIA’s Chief of Staf f, Abigail Gorman is here tonight. Also, our staf f working dire ctly with the C olle ge, Terri’s wonder ful assistant Muza C onfor ti, Tonya Horsley who is so ver y exc ellent at arranging all of our travel and venue re quirements,
Skipper Post, FAIA - 2018 Chancellor
and C olle ge of Fellows Exe cutive Dire ctor, Terri Stew-
ar t, Hon. AIA.
What would we do without Terri?
Well, ab out half of what we do.
was a lot of help from my friends. Those of you who
fe eling of a sp e cial b ond, a camaraderie of working
have had the opp or tunity to hold this p osition all
to gether for c ommon goals with a fe eling of op en-
had an Exe cutive C ommit te e surrounding you. As I
ness which allowe d a resp e cte d view from ever y
This job was a learning exp erienc e from day one. I
depar t this p osition, I have had a wonder ful opp or-
one of us to listen to a dif ferent opinion or idea,
can’t re call another organization in which I jump e d
tunity, a learning opp or tunity, to share my grow th
p erhaps a subtle warning ab out unintende d c onse-
imme diately onto the Exe cutive C ommit te e, a small
in the C olle ge as I followe d Bill Stanley, Al Rub el -
quenc es or a fresh idea ab out a slightly dif ferent
Exc om at that, without having previously ser ve d
ing, John Sorrenti and Lenore Luc ey.
Not one of
path to a c ommon goal which brought us to gether.
as a memb er of the organization, then p erhaps a
these was less than a wonder ful m entor in ways as
Yes, that’s what brought us to gether. And not just
b oard p osition which was probably pre c e de d by a
dif ferent as their p ersonalities.
the four of us, but the sp ouses right there with us.
c ommit te e chairmanship or more. But suddenly in
They, to o, brought us to gether.
2014, there I was on an Exe cutive C ommit te e with
But taking absolutely nothing away from this group,
lit tle understanding of how it, or the entire organi-
I found there to b e something extra sp e cial ab out
I can absolutely state, without a doubt, that our
zation it ser ve d, really worke d. For tunately, there
those who ser ve d on “my” Exc om. I guess it was the
C olle ge of Fellows c ontinues in exc ellent hands for
at least the next four years. If you think I am just
me eting. His wit is as dr y as his b elove d mar ti-
e d and c o op erative relationship. But in addition
b eing nic ely patronizing, you don’t know me well
nis. Peter Kut tner was an extraordinar y Bursar
to those issues which HAD to b e resolve d, there
enough. I c ould not b e more sinc ere. They re-
for two years, watching over our dollars, explain-
were more that simply ne e de d to b e done for the
sp onde d to ever y re quest I aske d of them. They
ing via multi-c olore d graphs the ebb and flow of
go o d of the C olle ge of Fellows and for the AIA.
fre quently were already a step ahead of me. They
revenues and exp enses. And no wonder he is so
Carl and I did them all.
were ef ficient, organize d, prompt, delib erate, and
go o d --- as his wife, Elaine, surely m olde d him
always, always, resp e ct ful of ever y p erson, ever y
into exc ellenc e for these many years.
You can
You know, I found it interesting to realize the
issue, ever y p otential outc ome.
lo ok for ward to two more great years from Peter,
varie d p ersp e ctive that b oth AIA memb ers and
along with Elaine.
Fellows had of the relationship b etwe en the C ol-
Let me star t with the man who will replac e me
le ge and the AIA. They ran b etwe en the extremes
this evening. I kind of knew this tall, lanky one
Now for the most organize d man in the world!
of some thinking that the AIA was a subset of the
who was always roaming around taking pho-
No one can imagine the unb elievable manner
C olle ge and some thinking that the C olle ge was
to graphs.
Lit tle did I know how well we would
which John Castellana pie c es his COF work to-
just another ever yday c ommit te e.
b ond, how close we would b e c ome. If a Labrador
gether, nor the manner in which he subtly leads
understo o d and resp e cte d the relationship b e -
retrie ver was tall and thin, that would b e an Ed
a task group or a c ommit te e. His presentations
twe en the two, as did I in turn, and I think it was
Vanc e, just lo oking at you saying “what can I do
are master fully done, clearly indicating in a most
that mutual understanding and resp e ct which al-
for you, what can I fetch for you? ” Ed, you and
suc cinct way the path to a suc c essful solution.
lowe d us to approach and resolve mutual issues
your wife, Ruby, will do a fantastic job in 2019. I
Of c ourse, along with John came Barbara. Ever
which well-ser ve d b oth, and were detrimental to
thank you for the past, and wish you the b est in
vivacious, with that infe ctious laugh, and I’ll
the future.
c ontinue with the do g analo gy, Barb is the lit tle p o o dle jumping up and down saying “let’s go
Now the next two, and I’ll take them one at a
do something fun, any thing, I don’t care what,
time, but the next two are the most organize d
c ome-on, let’s go!”
men in the world. Kind of like the b e er ad pro claiming the most interesting man in the world.
Finally, and most imp or tantly, my wife of 55
Go o d gosh! Graphs and graphics and thre e ring
years, Br yan. For her supp or t, for talking me into
binders and laptops and files and six printe d
running for this p osition, for her understanding
c opie s to hand out to those of us (that would b e
of my trials and frustrations and triumphs, for
me) who c ould not get their c omputer to work,
working with me in planning me etings and events.
or forgot to bring that last print out they gave
Thank all of you for your leadership, your sup-
me yesterday as I would hear an extremely p olite
p or t, and for your friendship. I love all of you.
voic e simply saying “here, Skipp er, here’s anoth er c opy.”
It is now my pleasure to intro duc e the 94th pres ident of the AIA, Carl Elefante, FAIA. I did not
First, our so on to b e Vic e- Chanc ellor, and the
know Carl prior to his ele ction to his p osition,
one who came in se c ond as the most organize d
but in this last year we had a wonder ful rela -
man in the world only b e cause he forgot one of
tionship, sometimes ne c essitate d by critical is-
his thre e ring binders at home for our last Exc om
sues that allowe d nothing less than a c o ordinat-
Carl always
“I ca n a bsolu t ely st at e,
w it ho u t a dou b t , t hat o u r C olle ge of Fellow s c o nt inu es in exc ellent ha nds for at lea st t he nex t fo u r yea rs. I f you t hink I a m ju st b eing nic ely p at ronizing, yo u d o n’ t know m e w ell enou gh. I c o u ld no t b e m o re sinc ere. T hey resp ond e d t o ev er y re qu est I a ske d o f t hem . T hey f re qu ent ly w ere a lrea dy a st ep a hea d of m e. T hey w ere ef f icient , o rga nize d , p ro m p t , d elib erat e, a nd a lw a ys, a lw a ys, resp e ct fu l o f ev er y p erso n, ev er y issu e, ev er y p o t ent ia l ou t c o m e.”
Edward A. Vance, FAIA was inaugurated as the 57th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows on December 6, 2018. The Ceremony was held in the Kennedy Caucus room in the Russell Senate Building in Washington D.C. He succeeded Skipper Post, FAIA in representing more thirty three hundred Fellows worldwide.
ha nc e l l o r P o s t , me mb e rs o f t he C o l l e ge o f Fe ll o w s E xe c u t i v e C o mmi t t e e , o f f i c e rs o f T he A me ric a n I ns t i t u t e o f A rc hi t e c t s , ho no re d gu e s t s , a nd A I A me mb e rs e v e r y w he re , I’ m b o t h p ro u d a nd hu mb l e d t o s t a nd b e fo re y o u t o ni ght . P ro u d t o b e s o ho no re d b y c o l l e a gu e s I a d mi re a nd re s p e c t . H u mb l e d b e c a u s e I w a nt t o l i v e u p t o t he t ru s t y o u ’ v e s ho w n i n me . I w a nt t o b e w o r t hy o f t he i nc re d i b l e re s p o ns i b i l i t y o f b e i ng a fa i t hfu l s t e w a rd o f t he l e ga c y o f t ho s e w ho hav e c o me b e fo re me . W i t h y o u r s u p p o r t a nd y o u r e nc o u ra ge me nt … I p l e d ge t o d o my v e r y b e s t t o s e r v e t he p ro fe ss i o n w e a l l l o v e . I n hi gh s c ho o l , I w a s a s t u d e nt at hl e t e . A s y o u c a n t e l l , my s p o r t o f c ho i c e w a s c l e a rl y no t fo o t b a l l . I w a s t a l l at a n e a rl y a ge , s o nat u ra l l y I grav i t at e d t o b a s k e t b a l l a nd ne v e r c o ns i d e re d a no t he r s p o r t e x c e p t o ne d a y, my c o a c h sa i d t o me , “ H av e y o u e v e r t ho u ght o f go i ng o u t fo r t ra c k ? ” I t w a s a n e a rl y l e s s o n, a l e ss o n a b o u t t he p o w e r o f me nt o ri ng. M o re a b o u t t hat l at e r.
Edward A. Vance, FAIA - 2019 Chancellor
Tra c k mi ght s e e m l i k e a n i nt e ns e l y i nd i v i d u a l s p o r t rat he r t ha n a n e xe rc i s e i n t e a mw o rk . B u t no t w he n y o u ’ re ru nni ng t he re l a y. T he l e a d ru nne r t a k e s t he b at o n a nd s e t s t he p a c e fo r t he o t he r me mb e rs o f t he t e a m. B e fo re e a c h ha nd o f f , t he ne x t ru nne r a c c e l e rat e s , s o t he t ra ns fe r i s s mo o t h, a nd t he p a c e o f
t h e te a m ma int ai ne d.
Fe l l ows do? Wh at i s i ts r e as on fo r e x i s t i ng? Wh o do e s i t s e r ve ?
T h e lea de r s h ip anal o gy i s obvi ous: Fo r a s h or t tim e, we carr y t he bat on, n ot for o u rse lv e s , but for t he rest of t he t e am . Th e p a c e h a s b e en set by t hose who came b e for e u s . Our c h a lle nge i s t o m ai nt ai n t he pac e for t h o s e who follow, and t hen hand of f th e baton a s t he te a m sp e e ds t oward t he goal . So I te n d t o se e the ele ct e d Chanc el l ors of t he C ol l e g e a s an end le ss m i l e rel ay t eam of four, e ach of u s sta nd ing r eady provi di ng our sup p or t un t i l we ultimatel y t ake t he l ead oursel ve s , th e n p a ssin g the bat on t o t he next i n l i n e , fadi n g t o t he ba ck a s ot hers c om e for ward. So I am p l e a se d a n d p roud t o t ake t he bat on lo ok i n g to h a n d it o f f to Pet er t hi s t i m e next ye ar . Wi t h th at in mi nd, I’d l i ke t o of fer an an s we r t o th os e wh o ask: W hat do es t he C o l l e g e of
My an s we r i s th i s : “ We ar e th e p a c e s e t t e r fo r th e pr ofe ss i on .” Th e g oal i s ob v i o u s : A t ru l y i n cl u s i ve , pr os p e r ou s pr ofe ss i o n p re p a re d th r oug h trai n i n g an d e x p e r i e n c e t o s e r v e no t s om e , n ot e ve n th e m an y, bu t a l l o f s o c i e t y th r oug h th e p owe r of de s i g n . E v e r y o ne ! H o w do we s e t th e pac e ? B y k e e pi n g o u r e y e s f i xe d on th r e e m ar k e r s : (1) Th e b o dy of k n owl e dg e , th e v e r y s o u rc e of our pr ofe ss i on’s cr e di bi l i ty; ( 2) Th e youn g wom e n an d m en w ho a re t he fu tu r e of our pr ofe ss i on ; an d
( 3) T he ca pa ci t y of t he C ol l e ge t o en abl e t h e re s ea r ch th at bui l ds t he b o dy of k n owl e d g e , a nd to c om m i t oursel ves t o m entor th e g e n e rations that w i l l c om e af t er us. T h e s e ma r ke r s or pri ori t i es i f you w i l l — r e s e arch , me ntor ing, and organi zat i on—sh ou l d b e fa milia r . T hey’re not pri ori t i es t hat I’ ve t h o u gh t up. A ll t hre e are t he out c ome of th e v i s i o na r y le a de r shi p of t hose who cam e b efo re me . T he y s et t he pac e. T h e y e s ta blis h e d t he Lat rob e Pri ze, our p ro fession’s most generous grant t o th os e w h o a r e a dd ing t o our professi on’s b o dy of kn o wle dg e; a $100,000 grant gi ven bian n u a l l y to s upp o r t research l eadi ng t o sig n i f i c a n t a dv a nc e s i n t he archi t e ct ural p r ofe s s i o n . With n ext year’s pri ze, t he C ol l e g e wi l l h av e awa r d e d $1 mi l l i on si nc e i t s i nc epti on i n 2 00 0. A l l o w me to s h are a st or y. I t came o ut of a n i n v itatio n C hanc el l or Luc ey ext end e d to o b s e r v e th e j ur y for t he 2017 Lat rob e Pr i ze . A f t e r th e awa r d w as gi ven, I fi rst c on g ratu l at e d th e r e cipi ent but t hen I found m ys e l f askin g that as generous as t he Pr i ze i s , $ 1 00,0 0 0 se e me d t o b e a drop i n t he b uck e t fo r t w o y ea r s of i nt ense research. The i r r e s p o n s e wa s ey e - op eni ng: “You don’t u n de r s t a n d the y sa id; t he prest i ge of t he C ol l e g e o f Fello ws Latr ob e Pri ze op ens do ors, s om e o f w h ic h we didn’t even know were t h e r e !” It w a s at that mom ent I real i ze d how m u ch Lat rob e mea n s t o t he academi c res e ar ch c o m munity.
Wh i ch n atu ral l y l e ads to th e s e c on d p ri o ri t y, m e n tor i n g . Th e l e ade r s wh o cam e up to th e s t a ge t on i g h t i n ve s te d i n th e futur e , by cr e at i ng a nd fu n di n g th e You n g A r ch i te ct A war d (a p rog ram th at h as b e e n adopte d by an i nc re a si n g n u m b e r of c om p on e n ts ) an d t o ge t he r wi th th e A I A … . s upp or t th e You n g Arc hi t e c t s For u m , wh i ch addr e ss e s th e r e l e vant i ss u e s faci n g r e c e n tl y l i c e n s e d ar ch i te cts . O ur th i r d pr i or i ty i s i n te g ral to th e s u c c e ss of th e f i r s t two. Wi th th e g e n e r ou s s u p p o r t of our m e m b e r s , th e l e ade r s h i p of t he C o ll e g e h as s tr e n g th e n e d O U R capaci t y t o s u pp or t r e s e ar ch , m e n tor i n g , an d ( s o me t hi ng of g r e at i m p or tan c e to m e ) ou r cap a c i t y t o c om m u n i cate m or e e f fe cti ve l y to o u r me mb e r s an d b e yon d. Th e r e s ul t h as b e en a p ro g r e ss i ve de m ys ti f i cati on of wh at th e C o l l e ge i s an d an i n cr e as e i n i ts pr e s ti g e an d i mp a c t . N ot to o l on g ag o, I was h avi n g a c o nv e rsati on wi th on e of ou r m e m b e r s wh o fo r ma ny ye ar s pr o cras ti n ate d appl yi n g for fe l l o w s hi p . A s we al l k n ow, i t tak e s a fai r am ou nt o f t i me an d e f for t wi th n o g u aran te e of s u c c e ss . H owe ve r , i n th e e n d, h e to ok th e p l u nge . Wh y? H e di d i t for h i s par e n ts ! H e w a nt e d t o s h ow th e m wh at h e h ad don e i n h i s c a re e r t o b e t te r th e pr ofe ss i on an d th e practic e o f a rch i te ctur e . H e was r e war de d by th e i mme ns e pr i de h e saw i n th e i r e ye s as th e y re a d hi s appl i cati on m ak i n g th e e n ti r e e f for t w o r t h i t r e g ar dl e ss of th e ou tc om e . H e was e l e v at e d i n 20 1 6 an d h i s par e n ts we r e th e r e i n t he
a u d i e nc e a nd a s he w a l k e d a c ro ss t he s t a ge t o re c e i v e hi s me d a l … . . t he y w e p t w i t h p ri d e . C a n a ny o f y o u i ma gi ne a mo re p e rs u a s i v e e nd o rs e me nt fo r t he p re s t i ge o f Fe l l o w s hi p ? I n c o nv e rsat i o ns w i t h e me rgi ng p ro fe ss i o na l s , I hav e d i s c o v e re d t hat T H E Y hav e t he b i gge s t e a rs fo r o u r me ssa ge . A t a n e a rl y a ge , T H E Y re c o gni z e t hat me mb e rs hi p i n t he C o l l e ge i s a p o s i t i v e , l o ng- t e rm go a l , a ma rk o f d i s t i nc t i o n w o r t h t he e f fo r t t o a c hi e v e i t . To ni ght , a s I l o o k d o w n t he ro a d o f t he ne x t t w e l v e mo nt hs , I e a ge rl y a c c e p t t he c o mmi t me nt t he C o l l e ge ha s ma d e t o re s e a rc h, me nt o ri ng, a nd o rga ni z at i o na l s t re ngt h. N o t ju s t t o c a rr y t he m fo r w a rd , b u t t o b u i l d o n a l l t hre e , w i t h a go a l o f l e av i ng a n e v e n s t ro nge r C o l l e ge t o t he p a c e s e t t e rs w ho w i l l fo l l o w. I w a nt t o b u i l d o n t he re s e a rc h b e i ng s u p p o r te d b y t he L at ro b e P ri z e b e c a u s e i n a w o rl d c ha l l e nge d b y c l i mat e c ha nge , p o p u l at i o n gro w t h, a nd t he l i mi t s o f nat u ra l re s o u rc e s , w e mu s t fo c u s o n t he fu t u re a d a p t a b i l i t y a nd s u s t a i na b i l i t y o f t he b u i l t e nv i ro nme nt . R e s e a rc h t hat c a n b e A P P L I E D rat he r t ha n t he o re t i c a l p a p e rs t o b e s he l v e d M U S T b e o u r go a l A N D t he go a l o f o u r p ro fe ss i o n. I w a nt t o c o nt i nu e t he p ro c e ss o f d e my s t if y i ng t he C o l l e ge a nd i t s p u rp o s e s . T hi s i s s o me t hi ng C ha nc e l l o r Ru b e l i ng b e ga n i n 2 015. W e a re no w a n i nt e gra l p a r t o f t he A I A B o a rd a ge nd a . W e hav e t ra ns fo rme d a nd i mp ro v e d t he C o l l e ge ’s N e w s l e t t e r, a nd w e hav e ma d e
“I a m p ro u d t o b e so
hono re d by c ollea gu es I a d m ire a nd resp e ct . H u m b le d b e ca u se I w a nt t o liv e u p t o t he t ru st you ’ v e sho w n in m e. I w a nt t o b e w or t hy of t he incre dib le resp onsibilit y o f b eing a fa it hfu l st ew a rd of t he le ga cy o f t hose w ho hav e c om e b efo re m e.”
gr e at p r o g ress i n usi ng t he t o ol s of s o ci al m e dia to e xpand our message. But th e message ne e ds t o b e br oadcas t fr om ma n y out l et s, not just W ashi n g ton . I t’s so me th ing l i ke t he i mage of t he As p e n Tr e e t h at A IA Presi dent H el ene Drei l i n g u s e d to de s cr ib e our i nt erc onne ct e dness. We n e e d to pr o v ide th e supp or t t o enabl e ever yon e to b e a messe ng er. Thi s i s an opp or t uni ty for ou r Re g iona l Represent at i ves t o st ep for war d to ge t the message out . I b e g a n my rem arks by sayi ng t h at r u n n i n g
a s u c c e ss fu l r e l ay rac e r e qu i r es a d e d i c at e d te am . Th e pr i or i ti e s I ou tl i n e d t o ni ght a nd th e opp or tun i ti e s I wan t to pur s u e ne x t y e a r ar e n ot s om e th i n g an yon e of u s c a n d o o n our own . I c e r tai n l y can’ t. Wh ate ve r I h ave ac c om pl i s h e d t hat ha s br oug h t m e h e r e ton i g h t wou l d no t hav e b e e n p oss i bl e wi th out th e s u pp or t o f a l l o f y o u i n th i s r o om . I wou l d b e g i n to n ame na me s , b u t on l y at th e r i s k of e i th e r i n adv e r t e nt l y l e av i n g s om e on e out or s p e ak i n g t he re s t o f t he n i g h t.
I w i l l s p a re y o u . H o w e v e r, a m c o mp e l l e d t o re c o gni z e t he Fo u r Fo rme r C ha nc e l l o rs t hat I ha d t he p ri vi l e ge o f s e r v i ng, s t a r t i ng w i t h t he i nc o mp a ra b l e A l Ru b e l i ng w ho’s “ Pa ss i o n fo r d o i ng mo re ” gav e o u r me mb e rs a n u nd e rs t a nd i ng t hat a c hi e v i ng fe l l o w s hi p i s no t t he e nd b u t a b e gi nni ng. H e w a s fo l l o w e d b y t he w i s e a nd c a ri ng J o hn S o rre nt i w ho s e d ri v i ng p a ss i o n w a s t o l e a d b y gi v i ng b a c k t o t he p ro fe ss i o n t hat gav e hi m s o v e r y mu c h.
T h e n ca me a p owerhouse of ent husi asm, L en o re Luc e y wh o never mi sse d an opp or tu n i ty t o ad v o c ate for a more i ncl usi ve, di vers e an d re l e v a nt pr o fe ssi on. A n d fin a lly S kipp er Post ….who over t he pas t y e ar ha s g uid e d our shi p t hrough som e ve r y t ro u b le d wate r s wi t h a grac e and l eade r s h i p s e l d om found t o day. H e i s a t rue g e n tl em an , g ra c e d with Rot ari an de c ency, an e ag l e s c o u t s mo ra l c om pass and a sout hern ch ar m t h at n o one ca n deny. H i s ki ndness, sou th e rn p o lite ne ss and wi l l i ngness t o al wa ys pu t o t h e r p e op le ’s i nt erest s ahead of hi s own s e r ves a s our nor t hern st ar as w e t hat fol l ow t a ke th e he lm e ach i n our t urn. I a m ind e e d for tu nat e t o cal l al l of t hes e f i n e p e o p l e my f r ie nds. W hat ever i s achi ev e d i n t h e month s a h ead i n advanci ng an a g e n da o f res ea r ch, ment ori ng, and organi zati on al s t re n g th will n ot b e achi eve d w i t hou t you r s u p p or t. If at ti mes I se em t o fai l t o ackn o wle dg e that ours i s a c ol l e ct i ve rac e th at d e p e nd s on a ll of us doi ng our b est on b e h al f o f t h e C o lle g e , b e pat i ent w i t h m y shor tc om -
i n g . B e l i e ve m e , I k n ow b e t te r . I ac c e p t t he ch al l e n g e of l e ade r s h i p g rate fu l for t he s u p p or t of th e br i g h te s t an d th e b e s t.
w e ’ v e f i ni s he d . T he mi ra c l e i s t hat w e ’ v e ha d t he c o u ra ge t o s t a r t .”
I can’ t s te p away f r om th i s s tag e wi t ho u t a ck n owl e dg i n g th e s p e ci al de bt I h av e t o t he m e m b e r s of m y f i r m for n ot on l y t o l e rat i ng but s upp or ti n g m y e x tra-cur r i cu l ar e nga ge m e n ts wi th th e C ol l e g e .
I’ v e w o rk e d w i t h y o u . A l t ho u gh c o mp l e t e s u cc e ss i s a l w a y s a b i t b e l o w t he ho ri z o n, ne v e r b e d i s c o u ra ge d o r t i re . I k no w y o u hav e t he c o u ra ge a nd s t a mi na t o fo rge a he a d . T he ra c e i s go o d . W e a re t he p a c e s e t t e rs . W e ho l d t he b at o n. L e t u s b e gi n!
Th an k you!
T ha nk y o u !
A n d I wou l d b e m or e th an r e m i ss , p e rha p s e ve n r i s k i n g b o di l y h ar m , i f I di dn’ t a c k no w l e dg e b e for e al l of you th e l ove of my l i fe . Ruby, you r n am e i s f i t ti n g for th e w o nd e r fu l rar e an d pr e ci ous j e we l you ar e . L i g ht o f my l i fe , s h ar e r of m y dr e am s , an d l ov i ng c o n s ol ati on du r i n g th os e ti m e s th at w e a r y t he b o dy an d ti r e th e s oul . You ar e th e S u n t hat br i g h te n s m y day; an d th e Mo on that l i ghte n s m y path at n i g h t. Joh n B i n g h am wr i te s i n A B e g i n n ers G u i d e to th e Joy of Run n i n g : “ Th e m i racl e i s n’ t t hat
N o w,
the re rem ai ns one l ast i t e m on to n ig h t’s p r o gram and a ver y i mp o r tan t on e . S kip p er , please c ome for w ard. I t ’s i n de e d an h ono r to p resent t hi s aw ard for your s e r vi c e a s this y e ar’s Chanc el l or. The i n s cr i pti on r ea ds :
“ I n r e c ognition of his de dicate d l e a d e r s hip and s e r v ic e , R aymo nd G. P o st Jr . , FAI A, 20 1 8 C hanc ello r, AIA C olle ge of Fe llows .
Th an k you, E d, an d th an k al l o f y o u , a nd I do m e an e ve r y on e of you, for t he ho no r o f s e r vi n g you , th e C ol l e g e , an d the A I A . T ha nk you for th i s Cr ys tal , th i s c e r ti fi c at e a nd t hi s m e dal . Su n day e ve n i n g , af te r B r y a n a nd I h ave ar r i ve d h om e , I wi l l do th e sa me t hi ng I di d i n 1 9 9 6 wi th m y A I A pr e s i d e nt ’s me d a l . I wi l l p our a g l ass of s i n g l e m al t s c o t c h, ne at , an d I wi l l pl ac e th i s m e dal b e fo re me , a nd I wi l l r e f l e ct on m y m an y ye ar s a nd a c t i v i t i e s i n th e A I A , cu l m i n ati n g wi th s er v i ng y o u , a nd 3 ,20 0 Fe l l ows , as Ch an c e l l or in 2 018 .
T ha nk y o u , S k i p p e r a nd t ha nk a l l o f y o u fo r c o mi ng t o ni ght t o s ha re i n t he fe l l o w s hi p o f fa mi l y a nd f ri e nd s . R e s t w e l l . T he re i s mu c h go o d w o rk t o b e d o ne i n t he d a y s , w e e k s , a nd mo nt hs t o c o me . Go o d ni ght t o a l l !
College of Fellows Executive Committee
From left to right | top to bottom:
Chancellor | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Secretary | John J. Castellana, FAIA Bursar | Roger L. Schluntz, FAIA Executive Director | Terri S. Stewart, Hon. AIA
“Ed’s ascension to Chancellor of the AIA College of Fellows began in 2015 at the Annual Business Meeting of the College during the National Convention held in Atlanta, Georgia. The 2015 College of Fellows Nominating Committee recommended him as Secretary with his nomination approved and ratified by a unanimous vote by all members in attendance.
The Chancellor’s Cup Invitational East Lake Golf Club
The Chancellor’s Cup Open TPC Sugarloaf
Convention Hyatt Regency Hotel Atlanta, Georgia
New Fellows Reception Peach Tree Center Atlanta, Georgia
Investiture - Oh Happy Day! Ebenezer Baptist Church Atlanta, Georgia
2015 COF Chancellor Albert W. Rubeling, Jr., FAIA
2015 COF Jury Chair John Castellana, FAIA
2015 AIA President Elizabeth Chu Richter, FAIA
2015 COF Secretary Lenore Lucey, FAIA
The AIA College of Fellows
Class of 2015 Ebenezer Baptist Church | Atlanta, Georgia
Convocation Hyatt Regency Hotel Atlanta, Georgia
2015 COF Chancellor Albert W. Rubeling, Jr., FAIA
2015 AIA President Elizabeth Chu Richter, FAIA
AIA College of Fellows August Board Meeting Gladstone, New Jersey
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting Deer Valley, Utah
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting and the Inauguration of John R. Sorrenti, FAIA Russell Senate Building - Washington, D.C.
The 2016 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee Chancellor | John R. Sorrenti, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA Bursar | Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA Secretary | Edward A. Vance, FAIA
The 2016 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee Chancellor | John R. Sorrenti, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA Bursar | Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA Secretary | Edward A. Vance, FAIA
AIA College of Fellows ExCom 2015 Year End
AIA College of Fellows Spring Board Meeting Southbridge Napa Valley, California
Fellows Reception
Sens Restaurant | San Francisco, CA
AIA National Convention Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Chancellor’s Cup Open White Manor Country Club
Irvine Auditorium University of Pennsylvania
(L to R) 2016 AIA President Russell Davidson, FAIA 2016 COF Jury Chair Diane Georgopulos, FAIA 2016 Chancellor John R. Sorrenti, FAIA
The AIA College of Fellows
Class of 2016
Irvine Auditorium | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2016 Chancellor John R. Sorrenti, FAIA
COF Annual Business Meeting Union League, Philadelphia
Convocation Marriott Marquis Grand Ballroom Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting Newport, Rhode Island
Fellows Reception Brown University
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting Washington, D.C.
The Inauguration of Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA U.S. Capitol Visitor Center - Washington, D.C.
The 2017 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee Chancellor | Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA Secretary | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Bursar | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA
Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA was inaugurated as the 55th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows on December 8, 2016. The Ceremony was held in the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center in Washington D.C. She succeeded John R. Sorrenti, FAIA in representing more than three thousand Fellows worldwide.
AIA College of Fellows ExCom 2016 Year End
AIA College of Fellows Spring Board Meeting Austin, Texas
Fellows Reception Texas Society of Architects
AIA National Convention | A’17 Orlando, Florida
The Chancellor’s Cup Invitational Bay Hill Golf Club
The Chancellor’s Cup Open Grand Cypress Golf Club
New Fellows Reception Club 39
The Former Chancellor’s Luncheon The Citrus Club
The Phillips Auditorium 2017 Chancellor Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
Orlando, Florida
The 2017 Executive Committee of the AIA College of Fellows (L to R) Peter Kuttner, FAIA, Lenore Lucey, FAIA, Skipper Post, FAIA and Edward Vance, FAIA
The AIA College of Fellows
Class of 2017
Phillips Auditorium | Orlando, Florida
COF Annual Business Meeting The Rosen Hotel, Orlando
2017 Chancellor Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
Newly Elected 2018- ‘19 COF Secretary John Castellana, FAIA
Convocation Hyatt Regency Ballroom Orlando, Florida
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting New York, New York
2017 Chancellor Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
Fellows Reception AIA New York | Center for Architecture
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting Washington, D.C.
The 2018 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee
Chancellor | Raymond “Skipper” Post, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Bursar | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Secretary | John J. Castellana, FAIA Executive Director | Terri Stewart, Hon. AIA
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting and the Inauguration of Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA Washington, D.C.
The 2018 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee (R to L) Chancellor | Raymond “Skipper” Post, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Bursar | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Secretary | John J. Castellana, FAIA
The 2017 Chancellor | Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA with from R to L
Bryan Post Ruby Vance Elaine Kuttner Barbara Castellana
Reception at the AIA Octagon
Raymond Skipper Post, Jr., FAIA was inaugurated as the 56th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows on December 7, 2017. The Ceremony was held at the AIA Headquarters building in Washington D.C. He succeeded Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA in representing more thirty two hundred Fellows worldwide.
Skipper Post, FAIA with the Former Chancellors of the AIA College of Fellows
Skipper Post, FAIA with the Former Presidents of the American Institute of Architects
AIA College of Fellows ExCom 2017 Year End
AIA College of Fellows Spring Board Meeting Santa Fe, New Mexico
Fellows Reception Albuquerque, New Mexico
Fellows Reception Sante Fe, New Mexico
AIA National Conference | A’18 New York, New York
The Chancellor’s Cup Open Eisenhower Park Golf Course, NY
New Fellows Reception
Club 39 - New York, NY
The Former Chancellor’s Luncheon The Friars Club - New York, NY
The 2018 Executive Committee of the AIA College of Fellows (L to R) John Castellana, FAIA, Chancellor Skipper Post, Jr., FAIA, Edward Vance, FAIA, and Peter Kuttner, FAIA.
Investiture St. Patricks Cathedral
Former Chancellors of The American Institute of Architects
Former Presidents of The American Institute of Architects
The AIA College of Fellows
Class of 2018 St. Patricks Cathedral | New York, NY
COF Annual Business Meeting The New Yorker Hotel | Grand Ballroom
The New Yorker Hotel New York, New York
2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA
The 2018 Executive Committee of the AIA College of Fellows (L to R) Chancellor Skipper Post, Jr., FAIA, Vice Chancellor Edward Vance, FAIA, Bursar Peter Kuttner, FAIA, Secretary John Castellana, FAIA, and Bursar-Elect Roger Schluntz, FAIA .
Convocation New York Hilton | Grand Ballroom New York, NY
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting Portland, Maine
Fellows Reception Gulf of Maine Research Institute | Portland, Maine
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting Washington, D.C.
The 2019 Latrobe Prize Jury (LtoR)
Edward A. Vance, FAIA, John J. Castellana, FAIA, Chair Marilyn Taylor, FAIA, Curt Fentress, FAIA, Marvin Malecha, FAIA and Gordon Chong, FAIA
2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA
The 2019 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee (LtoR) Secretary | John J. Castellana, FAIA Chancellor | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Bursar | Roger Schluntz, FAIA
The Council of Former Chancellors
AIA College of Fellows ExCom 2018 Year End
AIA College of Fellows Spring Board Meeting Denver, Colorado
Fellows Reception AIA Colorado
AIA National Conference | A’19 Las Vegas, Nevada
Former Chancellor’s Reception The Vance Residence | Las Vegas
The Chancellor’s Cup Open TPC Summerlin, Nevada
New Fellows Reception
World Market Center, Las Vegas
The Former Chancellor’s Luncheon The Smith Center
The AIA College of Fellows Executive Committee and Council of Former Chancellors and Spouses The Smith Center for the Performing Arts | Las Vegas, Nevada 2019
Investiture The Smith Center
2019 Chancellor Edward Vance, FAIA with 2019 COF Jury Chair Mary Cox, FAIA
A Message of Dedication Chancellor Edward A. Vance, FAIA
Th r o u g h o u t yo u r c a re e r s , yo u h ave m a d e extra o r din a r y ach ievem en t s a nd de m o n str ate d yo u r de votio n t o the fu tu r e of t he pr o fe ss io n.
ellows, c olleagues, friends and families,it gives me great pleasure to welc ome you here this af terno on to the Smith C enter for the Per forming Ar ts! Prior to its op ening, Las Ve gas was actually one of the largest cities in the c ountr y without a p er forming ar ts c enter,but when the Reynolds Foundation made (what would b e c ome the se c ond largest donation to the p er forming ar ts in this c ountr y’s histor y) of $150 MM, Las Ve gas b e came the proud home of this extraordinar y facility designe d by the renowne d archite ct David M. Schwarz. Drawing inspiration from Ho over Dam’s Ar t D e c o style, David’s mission was to design a masterpie c e that lo oke d as though it had b e en here for a c entur y and would last for generations to c ome. I want to b e gin by taking this opp or tunity to thank my ver y go o d friend, the President and CEO of the Smith C enter, Mr. Myron Mar tin, who worke d kindly with me over the last several years to make sure we c ould all b e here, in this plac e….on this day….at this time….as we invest the Class of 2019 into the AIA C olle ge of Fellows. I c ould not b e more please d. Advanc ement to the C olle ge of Fellows re c o gnizes and c elebrates significant individual achievement. B e c oming an archite ct is not under taken lightly. Our e ducation and lic ensure pro c ess are rife with challenges. In practic e, those challenges c ontinue whether one star ts a firm, works in a firm, b e c omes an e ducator, or go es into public ser vic e. It takes c ourage, enduranc e, passion, c ommitment and no small dose of inspiration
to b e an archite ct. For Fellows, our mission is clear: to create a truly inclusive, prosp erous profession prepare d through training and exp erienc e to ser ve not some, not even the many, but all of so ciety through the p ower of design.
As a memb er of the C olle ge, we ask only that you return to your c ommunity and c ontinue to share your time, your talent and your treasure, to fur ther the missions of the c olle ge and b enefit the profession while mentoring our next generation into the future.
You all have ac c omplishe d just that. And I along with my este eme d c olleagues here on the stage must thank you for your c ommitment and de dication to this Institute and our profession. Throughout your care ers, you all have made extraordinar y achievements, demonstrate d your devotion to the future of the profession and have proven to have a passion for doing more. To day, you are b eing re c o gnize d for having significantly c on tribute d to our profession through design, practic e, e ducation, leadership to the Institute and ser vic e to so ciety.
Re c eiving your me dal to day not only re c o gnizes your significant achievements but signals a new chapter of doing more for this wonder ful and c onse quential profession we all share. You will hear me say this again over the next days, that b e c oming a fellow is more than just another ac c olade in your care er, it is a call to action, to c ontinue rising ab ove and b eyond the norm of practic e to make the profession more visible and valuable to your c ommu nity at home, to the profession and to the public at large. As a fellow, you are now truly a steward of the profession’s
2019 COF Jury Chair Mary Cox, FAIA
2019 AIA President William Bates, FAIA
future “Our emerging professionals”. As a B oard memb er and now as Chanc ellor, I have disc overe d that THEY have the biggest ears for our message. At an early age, THEY re c o gnize that memb ership in the C olle ge is a p ositive, long-term goal, a mark of distinction wor th the ef for t to achieve it. So, we urge you to follow the C olle ge’s leadership and supp or t mentoring of our future generations of students, emerging professionals and young archite cts. To day, you will re c eive your Fellows me dal from AIA President William J. Bates, FAIA; and then b e re c eive d into the C olle ge by me and the C olle ge’s Exe cutive C ommit te e. As you leave the stage you will re c eive your c opy of the C olle ge of Fellows Dire ctor y and its Histor y, which includes this distinguishe d Class of 2019 Fellows.
2019 COF Chancellor Edward Vance, FAIA
Former Presidents of The American Institute of Architects
Former Chancellors of The American Institute of Architects
The AIA College of Fellows
Class of 2019
The Smith Center for the Performing Arts
COF Annual Business Meeting Wynn Las Vegas | Latour Ballroom
2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA
Convocation Wynn Las Vegas | Latour Ballroom
A Message of Celebration Chancellor Edward A. Vance, FAIA
hat a tremendous evening this is for all of
us gathere d here to c elebrate the outstanding Class of 2019 —our new Fellows. I welc ome them into the C olle ge. And I thank all of you here who have b e en par t of helping these individuals achieve Fellowship: all the supp or ters and che erleaders, the inspirers, the c oaches, the b elievers! A suc c essful care er in archite cture is challenging enough. All the individuals here who wear this me dal have gone ab ove and b eyond that challenge and c ontribute d significantly to the profession and practic e of archite cture.
As the 57th Chanc ellor of the AIA C olle ge of Fellows, it is my pleasure, and privile ge, to have each and ever y one of you with us tonight. Yesterday we elevate d 115 Fellows and nine Honorar y Fellows to memb ership in
All the i nd i v i d ua ls h e r e who w e a r thi s m e d a l h av e g o ne a b o v e a nd b e y o n d t h at c ha l l e ng e a nd c o n t r ib u t e d s igni f i c a ntl y to t h e pro fe ssi o n a nd p r a c t ic e o f a rchi te c tu r e .”
the C olle ge in our Investiture C eremony held at the ele gant Smith Per forming Ar ts C enter. For me it will remain the highlight of the c onferenc e as it do es ever y year and I trust each of you that were elevate d will rememb er it as one of the finest things in your museums of re c olle ction. Each year this C onvo cation Gala represents the joy ful c elebration of the achievements of our new Fellows and those who pre c e de d them. Let me b e gin with the C onvo cation’s traditional intro ductions of the leadership of the C olle ge. First, the memb ers of the Exe cutive C ommit te e of the C olle ge of Fellows and their guests:
This is one inc omparable team and I c ount myself
exc ellenc e. Only 3 p erc ent of AIA memb ers around
lives. We have the to ols and the talent to c ontribute
inde e d for tunate to have ser ve d with these fine
the world have this distinction. But this is not an
to so ciety in the most profound ways. As Fellows
indi viduals who b elieve in our missions and values
end my friends, this is a b e ginning. Fellowship is
we are re c o gnize d as the leaders – the ones with
and volunte er their time without reser vation in an
ab out b et tering the profession through giving back!
the opp or tunity to mentor the next generation and
ef for t to leave the C olle ge b et ter than they found it.
the ones who elevate the profession through our
First, my wife, Ruby Vanc e, Vic e Chanc ellor, Peter
Achieving fellowship and b eing a memb er of the
vision and passion for doing more. We are the ones
G. Kut tner, FAIA and his wife Elaine, Se cretar y,
c olle ge of fellows is two dif ferent things. Let me
who represent the values, supp or t the development
Joh n J. Castellana, FAIA and his wife Barbara, and
explain. Some of you will go home and revel in the
and enc ourage the sustainability of the practic e of
our remarkable Bursar Mr. Ro ger L . Schlunt z, FAIA.
honor that has b e en b estowe d up on you this we ek.
archite cture!
You’ll tell all your friends and wear your me dal as Finally it is my pleasure to announc e our newly
of ten as you can including the shower which I don’t
We are the do ers.
ele cte d Se cretar y - Francis Halsband, FAIA who
re c ommend….b e cause the ribb ons ink will run!
We are the pac eset ters.
will formally take John’s seat this D e c emb er. C ongratulations Francis.
We are the AIA C olle ge of Fellows! But others of you will get involve d in the C olle ge. Perhaps at the lo cal level or even the re gional level,
So I will close with my p erson c ongratulations to
Yesterday, we were all inspire d at the Investiture
ser ving as a Re gional Representative of the C olle ge
each and ever yone of you for achieving fellowship
C eremonies where we heard the brief achievement
and p erhaps some of you will b e standing up here as
this we ek and challenging you to do ever y thing you
summaries of each memb er of the Class of 2019.
Chanc ellor in years to c ome. B elieve me, if I can do
can to make the C olle ge as proud of you as you
You have all achieve d the AIA’s highest memb ership
it….so can you. You se e, as Fellows of the C olle ge,
are of the C olle ge!! Please enjoy the rest of your
hon or for your exc eptional work and c ontributions to
we don’t just have the opp or tunity to improve the
evening. Thank you all ver y much…..and now it’s
archite cture and so ciety and exemplify archite ctural
profession, we have the chanc e to change p e ople’s
time to C elebrate.
2019 Chancellor Edward Vance, FAIA
2019 AIA President William Bates, FAIA
AIA’s EVP/CEO Robert Ivy, FAIA
The 2019 COF Latrobe Prize Laureate with AIA Leadership (L to R)
AIA President William Bates, FAIA, Vice Chancellor Peter Kuttner, FAIA, Sean O’Donnell, FAIA, EVP/CEO Robert Ivy, FAIA, Chancellor Edward Vance, FAIA, Secretary John J. Castellana, FAIA and Bursar Roger Schluntz, FAIA.
2019 Chancellor Edward Vance, FAIA with 2019 Boney Award Recipient - Rebecca Edmunds, AIA
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting Minneapolis, Minnesota
Fellows Reception AIA Minneapolis
2019 RAIC Festival Toronto, Canada
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting Washington, D.C.
The 2019 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee (LtoR) The 2019 COF ExCom with the Latrobe Prize Laureate (LtoR)
Edward A. Vance, FAIA, Sean O’Donnell, FAIA, Frances Halsband, FAIA, Peter Kuttner, FAIA, John J. Castellana, FAIA, Roger Schluntz, FAIA and Bruce Levine, J.D.
Vice Chancellor | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Secretary-Elect | Frances Halsband, FAIA Chancellor | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Bursar | Roger Schluntz, FAIA Secretary | John J. Castellana, FAIA
2019 Council of Former Chancellors
2020 Chancellor Peter Kuttner, FAIA
The Inauguration of Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Washington, D.C.
The 2020 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee (R to L) Chancellor | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Vice Chancellor | John J. Castellana, FAIA Bursar | Roger Schluntz, FAIA Secretary | Frances Halsband, FAIA
A HEARTFELT WELCOME The 57th AIA College of Fellows Chancellor Edward Vance, FAIA passes the baton to Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA.
o o d evening! On b ehalf of my friends and c ol -
leagues, it is my great pleasure to welc ome you, our distinguishe d guests and memb ers, to the inauguration of the 58th Chanc ellor of the C olle ge of Fellows of The American Institute of Archite cts. I’m delighte d many of the present and past leaders of the American Institute of Archite cts, the C olle ge of Fellows, and a numb er of AIA senior staf f memb ers are here to witness and b e a par t of tonight’s c elebration. This evening will b e the 58th time the American Institute of Archite cts C olle ge of Fellows has inaugurate d a new Chanc ellor. It was an absolute honor and privile ge to ser ve as this year’s Chanc ellor and I’m c onfident this time next year, Peter will fe el the same way. As I said last year, ser ving on this Exe cutive C ommit te e is ver y much like a mile relay team and here we are tonight back in the star ting blo cks where we will pass the baton yet again to a new pac eset ter. I was for tunate to ser ve our more than 3,200 memb ers, host an outstanding National C onferenc e in Las Ve gas, b e par t of creat ing a strong public awareness pro gram for the C olle ge that has reache d more 330,000 readers world-wide, as well as maintaining the C olle ge’s Fund that is entruste d to each us to preser ve and grow.
2019 Chancellor | Edward Vance, FAIA
2019 AIA President
1990 Former Chancellor
2020 AIA President
Robert Ivy, FAIA
William Rose Jr., FAIA
William Bates, FAIA
Jane Frederick, FAIA
We travele d to D enver and Minneap olis, c onduct -
lows (C ongratulations to you b oth again). We jurie d
e ducational outc omes. With this year’s award, the
ing the business of the c olle ge and me eting with
and awarde d 22 young archite ct award re cipients
C olle ge has disp erse d over $1 Million sinc e its in-
fellow memb ers and sharing b est practic es Then
this year providing each with a $500 cash prize.
c eption in 2000. Think ab out it, One million dollars!
on to C olumbus, Ohio to take a sp onsorship role
We awarde d another $40,000 in grants to Lo cal
It’s a remarkable achievement which demonstrates
in the CACE Annual Me eting where I witnesse d the
C omp onents across the c ountr y to promote Emerg-
that growing our profession’s b o dy of knowle dge is
extraordinar y work of our c omp onent exe cutives
ing Professional initiatives each ser ving one of our
one of our primar y missions, and one we are most
ser ving at the highest level, the ne e ds of our Insti-
prime missions to mentoring young archite cts.
passionate ab out.
to take par t in the Royal Archite ctural Institute of
And finally, we awarde d our 10th Latrob e Prize, this
These are only the highlights of the work the C ol-
Canada’s national c onferenc e where we c ontinue d
nation’s most generous grant to supp or t research in
le ge has ac c omplishe d this year, ac c omplishments
to strengthen our relationship with our friends to
archite cture, to Drexel University and Perkins East -
in research, mentorship and outreach that have
the Nor th and to witness Ivenue and Elizab eth in-
man which will endeavor to advanc e the knowle dge
only strengthene d and c ontribute d to the foun-
veste d as honorar y memb ers of their C olle ge of fel -
of how high-quality scho ols can p ositively impact
dation of the C olle ge’s le gacy built by those who
tute’s memb ers. We journeye d to Toronto, Ontario
have c ome b efore. I must of fer my most hear t felt
THREE Vic e Presidents, a National Treasurer and
2014 Chanc ellor William J. Stanley, III, FAIA
thanks to four of the finest mentors I c ould have
a National Se cretar y. Talk ab out a Class that has
2015 Chanc ellor Alb er t W. Rub eling, Jr., FAIA
ever hop e d for. Al, John, Lenore and Skipp er…
an over achievement problem! On top of b eing a
2016 Chanc ellor John R. Sorrenti, FAIA
you have b e en more than extraordinar y leaders
NINER, he has won the AIA Firm Award, c ount-
2017 Chanc ellor Lenore M. Luc ey, FAIA
of the c olle ge and the Institute you have b e c ome
less design awards, sat on more national c om-
2018 Chanc ellor Raymond “Skipp er” Post, FAIA
my closest friends and I will never c ease to cher-
mit te es than I can c ount, and knows more ab out
ish that….ever. THANK YOU.
this Institute statistically than any one I know. In
Tonight, we honor the le gacy of these Former
other words if you want to know any thing ab out
Chanc ellors and all the Former Chanc ellors who
have help e d establish and lead a robust c ommu-
And n ow I want to re c o gnize the outstanding team I had the privile ge to ser ve with. Star ting with our
nity of professionals who represent a 21st c en-
Distinguishe d Bursar, Mr. Ro ger Schlunt z, FAIA.
D espite the fact he has a wit sharp enough to
Ro ger and I have known each other for the b et -
shave with, he and his ele gant wife Elai ne are the
ter par t of two de cades, however until he joine d
swe etest c ouple you’ll ever have the privile ge of
Please join me in giving a warm welc ome to one
the E xC om did I fully appre ciate the breadth of
knowing. Ne e dless less to say, if there was any-
of our most passionate advo cates, Mr. Peter G.
this man’s ac c omplishments and the impact he’s
one I c ould cho ose to take the baton and lead the
Kut tner, FAIA.
made on the profession. He’s b e en ever y where,
C olle ge into the future, it would b e you Peter!
knows ever yone, and has done ever y thing. Ro ger, you’re a remarkable Bursar, and we lo ok for ward
tur y C olle ge of Fellows.
Peter, this o c casion is rich in c eremony, protoThe C olle ge c ould NOT b e in b et ter hands!!!
to great things from you in the c oming years.
c ols and long-standing traditions.
It is e qually
represente d by one single, yet p ower ful stateAnd now we are ready to c elebrate the momen -
ment. It’s a statement that b elies the tremen-
Which brings me to Mr. John Castellana, FAIA.
tous o c casion that we’ve all c ome to witness to-
dous resp onsibility as well as the honor of ser v-
John you’ve have b e en calle d the most organize d
night—the Inauguration of the 58th Chanc ellor
ing as Chanc ellor of the AIA C olle ge of Fellows.
man in the world, but you are so much more.
of The American Institute of Archite cts C olle ge
John is kind, thought ful, c ollab orative and car -
of Fellows.
ing. As the 2015 chairman of the Fellows Jur y, he
“With this me dal, we invest the 58th Chanc ellor of the American Institute of Archite cts C olle ge
has brought his insight ful exp erienc e to our jur y -
At this time, I would like to invite the Former AIA
ing duties in ways that have improve d our work
C olle ge of Fellows Chanc ellors who are here to-
and results on this c ommit te e for years to c ome.
night to join me. As I call your names, in the or -
We are all c onfident you will b e an inspire d and
THANK YOU JOHN and Barbara. And now to the
der of your ser vic e to the Institute, please gather
ef fe ctive leader.
man who will suc c e e d me tonight. Mr. Peter G.
on each side of the le ctern.
Kut tner, FAIA.
of Fellows, Peter G. Kut tner, FAIA.”
C ongratulations! 1990 Chanc ellor William Rose, Jr., FAIA
First of all, Peter’s p e digre e is unrivalle d in the
1998 Chanc ellor Harold L . Adams, FAIA
annals of this Institute. He c omes from a b oard
2002 Chanc ellor C. James Lawler, FAIA
class notoriously known as the NINERS which
2004 Chanc ellor B etsey Olenick D ougher ty, FAIA
strikes fear in the hear ts of lesser b oard classes.
2009 Chanc ellor D onald Hackl, FAIA
The NINERS have pro duc e d no less than T WO
2010 Chanc ellor Edward J. Ko det, FAIA
National Presidents, T WO C olle ge Chanc ellors,
2013 Chanc ellor Ronald L . Skaggs, FAIA
“Despite the fact he has a wit sharp enough to shave with, he and his ele gant wife Elaine are the swe etest c ouple you’ll ever have the privile ge of knowing. Ne e dless to say, if there was anyone I c ould cho ose to take the baton and lead the C olle ge into the future, it would b e you Peter! ”
Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA was inaugurated as the 58th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows on December 12, 2019. The Ceremony was held at the AIA Headquarters building in Washington D.C. He succeeded Edward A. Vance, FAIA in representing more thirty two hundred Fellows worldwide.
AIA College of Fellows ExCom 2019 Year End
a n c e was el e ct e d Chanc el l or by m e m b e r s of th e C ol l e g e o f Fello ws ci t i ng hi s out st andi ng l e ade r s h i p an d s e r vi c e to th e Ins titute, the professi on of archi t e c tu r e an d h i s c om m u n i ty. H e i s th e f ir s t chanc el l or t o b e nam e d f r om th e s tate of N e vada an d o nly the th ir d t o c om e from t he W este r n Mou n tai n Re g i on s i n c e i t s in c ep tion i n t he earl y 195 0s. Va n c e ’s e n g ag e m e n t wi th A I A e xemplif ies how sust ai ne d ser vi c e to th e I n s ti tu te advan c e s th e p r o fe ssion o f archi t e ct ure re gi onall y an d n ati on al l y. V an c e se r v e d as C ol l e ge of Fel l ow s V i c e - Ch an c e l l or i n 20 1 8 , a s J ur y Me m b er for t he 2019 Latr ob e P r i ze , Se cr e tar y for t he C olle g e of Fel l ows from 2016 -20 17, on th e A I A N ati on al B oa r d f r o m 2010 –2012, and as Ch ai r of A I A /A CSA Topaz M e da llio n Jur y i n 2012. Vanc e re c ei ve d th e A I A Ri ch ar d U pj oh n Fe llo ws h ip Me dal i n 2012 for c ontr i buti on s to th e pr ofe ss i on t hr o ug h h is ser vi c e on t he AI A Nati on al B oar d of Di r e ctor s . V an c e v olun tari l y aut hors and e di t s th e A I A C ol l e g e of Fe l l ows mo n thly n ewsl et t er as w el l as nume r ous c ol l e g e pu bl i cati on s a nd b o o ks for AI A l eadershi p and awar d r e ci pi e n ts . He ha s b e en aw arde d t he AI A Neva da Youn g A r ch i te ct Ci tati on , t he A IA N ev ada Ser vi c e Aw ard and th e A I A N e vada Si l ve r Me dal . He wa s elev at e d t o t he AI A C ol l e g e of Fe l l ows i n e ar l y 20 14 a nd r e c eiv e d t he AI A W MR Si l ver Me dal i n O ctob e r of th e sam e y ea r , th e hig hest honor b est owe d o n an ar ch i te ct i n a s i x -s tate re g ion. M r . Vanc e i s act i vel y re gi st er e d as an A r ch i te ct i n s e ve n s tate s a nd is NCARB c er t i fi e d. V an c e at tende d Mo orhead St at e U n i ve r s i ty for th r e e ye ar s b efor e r e c e ivi ng hi s Bachel or of Ar ts ( 1 9 79 ) an d B ach e l or of A rc h ite ctur e (1981) de gre es from Nor th Dak ota State U n i ve r s i ty. He mov e d to Las Ve gas i n 1987 wher e h e h as practi c e d for m or e t ha n 30 y e a rs. H e i s t he Foundi ng P r i n ci pal of E V &A A r ch i te cts , a La s V e g a s base d desi gn fi rm s p e ci al i zi n g i n c om m e r ci al , h os pita lity a nd heal t hcare archi t e c tu r e .
he American Institute of Archite cts through its B oard of Dire ctors is please d to c onfer this Presidential Citation for Outstanding Ser vic e up on Edward A. Vanc e, FAIA to c omme morate his ser vic e to the AIA C olle ge of Fellows as its 57th Chanc ellor stimulating a sharing of interests among fellows, promoting the purp oses of the institute, advancing the Profession of Archite cture, and mentoring young archite cts, all in an ever-increasing ser vic e to so ciety. William J. B at es , FA I A 20 1 9 A I A Pr es id ent Jaso n C. Wint er s , A I A 20 1 9 A I A Se c r et ar y D e c emb er 2019
Newly Inaugurated Chancellor Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA with the Former Chancellors of the AIA College of Fellows
Edward A. Vance, FAIA
The 57th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows
2018-2019 TRANSFORMAT IONAL OUT REACH The 57th Chancellor of the C ollege of Fellows, Edward A. Vance, was inaugurated in the Kennedy Caucus Room of the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, DC. Chancellor Vance had been the first Fellow to join the C ollege’s Board in the year after his elevation. From his initial role as Secretar y and throughout his chancellorship, Vance’s leadership focused on increasing awareness of the C ollege of Fellows through sophisticated communications and heightened outreach. Vance began his term by advocating for and overseeing the revision of the AIA College of Fellows History & Directory. Previous editions had been researched, written and revised thanks to a dedicated group of volunteer Fellows including Betsey Dougherty, L. Jane Hastings, Ronald L. Skaggs, Alber t W. Rubeling Jr., John R. Sorrenti, and the C ollege’s administrative staff. Vance recognized the book’s historical narrative, which was updated annually with each Chancellor contributing the highlights of their tenure, required professional review and revision to ensure consistency and relevancy for current and future generations of Fellows. He also envisioned a publication that reflected the growing diversity in the C ollege and the profession by including significant milestones and changing demographics of its members. Chancellor Vance gained Board approval to hire professional writer, Rebecca W. E. Edmunds, AIA, to completely revise the Director y. She worked closely with AIA Archivist Nancy Hadley, Associate AIA, to research the College’s history, founding documents and membership files. Their collective work improved the relevancy and accuracy of the information included in the 2019 edition. C ollege chancellors Lenore M. Lucy and Raymond G. Post Jr. added their histories as well. The revision was published in time for the 2019 Class Investiture. Other communications initiatives led by Chancellor Vance included a redesign of The AIA College of Fellows Annual Report: 2019 Annual Business Meeting. Produced by the C ollege beginning with this edition, the repor t focuses on the initiatives and accomplishments of the C ollege. Across Vance’s four-year tenure, the board’s leadership pulled back the curtain on the activities of the institution, spread awareness of the C ollege’s work through numerous publications, and strengthened its purpose and mission for current and future members. A new C ommunications Report chapter in the C ollege’s Annual Report established data benchmarks for tracking outreach, social media engagement, publication, and web traffic. Over Vance’s four-year term, 41 publications reached
over 44,000 readers worldwide including: 16 quarterly redesigned newsletters, Five COF Chancellor’s Annuls, Five AIA President Annuals, 10 publications related to C ollege of Fellows operations including guides to Latrobe submissions, C omponent Grant applications, the Path to Fellowship, The Former Chancellors Directory, welcome packets for new COF Regional Representatives and new members of the COF Executive C ommittee, By-Laws and other relevant materials. The 2019 Latrobe Prize—the 10th awarded—went to principal investigators Fellow Sean O’Donnell, Principal and K-12 Practice Leader at Perkins Eastman, and Bruce Levine, J.D., Associate Clinical Professor at Drexel University. Their submittal entitled “Addressing a Multi-Billion Dollar Challenge” endeavors to advance knowledge of the ways High- Quality Schools can positively impact Educational Outcomes. They have partnered with the District of C olumbia and Baltimore City Public Schools. The jury selected this research effort because of its potential to provide design tools for architects and school districts that will positively impact millions of students and teachers in schools across the country and around the world. The biennial $100,000 prize is awarded for research leading to significant advances in the profession. Ten Latrobe Prizes totaling $1 million have furthered research on a variety of issues important to the profession. The College founded the Young Architects Forum in 1991. As Chair of the Young Architects Award Jury, Chancellor Vance led selecting and honoring twenty-two of the AIA’s most outstanding new professionals. The College’s 2019 Annual Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico, brought the YAF and the C ollege leaders together to continue to foster a unified and consistent mentorship network for the Institute’s brightest and most passionate leaders. The two groups—the COF and YAF—met again at AIA Grassroots in March 2019 and at A’19 in June 2019. Vance also chaired the Emerging Professional Component Grants Jury, awarding $40,000 to twelve state and local AIA components across the country. Vance continued the College’s long-standing tradition of strengthening the relationship with the RAIC by attending their National Convention in 2018 and 2019 taking part in their Investiture ceremonies, the International Prize event, and their annual Syllabus Program C onvocation. Vance shared the C ollege’s newly developed newsletter template with RAIC staff. Vance also advocated for stronger and more transparent relationships between the AIA Board of Directors. He re-
vitalized the practice of the College of Fellows reporting on initiatives to the AIA Board of Directors at Grassroots and during Governance week. Furthering a mission championed by previous chancellors and board members, Vance advanced the College’s collective effort to increase member donations. He oversaw a new initiative to build the College’s financial reserves with the launch of the IRA Charitable Rollover Campaign. When Fellow Paul Stevenson Oles, whose sketching talent was used by the late I.M. Pei among others, wanted to join the College’s donor base, Vance encouraged his donation of a drawing of the AIA Octagon House. The College created a limited edition of signed prints as gifts of appreciation for the College’s most significant donors, those with Legacy 30 status. The effort raised tens of thousands of dollars. For the 65th Investiture at A’19 in Las Vegas, Chancellor Vance selected and secured the renowned Smith Center for the Performing Arts, designed by David M. Schwarz Architects, Inc. One-hundred-and-fifteen new Fellows and nine Honorary Fellows were invested into the College of Fellows with Jury Chair Mary P. Cox and 2019 AIA President and Fellow, William Bates presiding. Their elevation was celebrated at the Convocation with nearly 800 attendees. Vance personally funded the videoing of the Investiture and the Convocation, making 2019 the first year these events are available open source to College members. All COF activities were held in the Smith Center, except for the World Market Center for the Party with the Fellows and the Convocation. The A’19 Chancellor’s Cup Golf Tournament held at TPC Summerlin became the highest grossing tournament in the College’s history, raising more than $50,000 for the College’s future grants and awards programs. With Vance’s leadership, the College continued its transformation into a more relevant and accessible organization for members and those served by the College. Alignment with the AIA on issues of climate change and equity, diversity, and inclusion were of particular focus as was the disparity of black architects overall and women in firm leadership. One such strategy Vance pushed forward was increasing the size and composition of Latrobe Prize and component grants juries. His vision included replacing the former chancellor seat with a new juror selected from YAF leadership—a change that advances diversity both in jury members and the research and grants awarded. Vance established formal protocols for juror selection to ensure the reconfigured, inclusive jury pool continues beyond his chancellorship.
1952 - 1954
Bernard B. Rothschild, FAIA
1983 - 1984
Lawrence J. Leis, FAIA
2004 - 2005
Alexander Robinson III, FAIA
1954 - 1956
Donald C. Hardison, FAIA
1984 - 1985
Ted P. Pappas, FAIA
2005 - 2006
Edgar I. Williams, FAIA
1956 - 1957
Vladimir N. Ossipoff, FAIA
1985 - 1986
Frank Edward Lucas, FAIA
2006 - 2007
Roy F. Larson, FAIA
1957 - 1960
S. Scott Ferebee Jr., FAIA
1986 - 1987
Carole Olshavsky, FAIA
2007 - 2008
Morris Ketchum Jr., FAIA
1960 - 1962
Charles William Brubaker, FAIA
1987 - 1988
Donald J. Hackl, FAIA
2008 - 2009
Paul A. Thiry, FAIA
1962 - 1964
Preston M. Bolton, FAIA
1989 - 1989
Edward J. Kodet, FAIA
2009 - 2010
G. Holmes Perkins, FAIA
1964 - 1966
William A. Rose Jr., FAIA
1989 - 1990
Chester A. Widom, FAIA
2010 - 2011
Norman L. Schlossman, FAIA
1966 - 1968
Robert B. Marquis, FAIA
1990 - 1991
Norman Koonce, FAIA
2011 - 2012
John Noble Richards, FAIA
1968 - 1970
L. Jane Hastings, FAIA
1991 - 1992
Ronald L. Skaggs, FAIA
2012 - 2013
J. Roy Carroll Jr., FAIA
1970 - 1972
John A. Busby Jr., FAIA
1992 - 1993
William J. Stanley, III, FAIA
2013 - 2014
U. Floyd Rible, FAIA
1972 - 1973
Thomas H. Teasdale, FAIA
1993 - 1994
Albert W. Rubeling, Jr., FAIA
2014 - 2015
Albert S. Goleman, FAIA
1973 - 1974
Robert T. Coles, FAIA
1994 - 1995
John R. Sorrenti, FAIA
2015 - 2016
Robert S. Hutchins, FAIA
1974 - 1975
Ellis W. Bullock Jr., FAIA
1995 - 1996
Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
2016 - 2017
William J. Bachman, FAIA
1975 - 1976
Jack DeBartolo Jr., FAIA
1996 - 1997
Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA
2017 - 2018
Philip J. Meathe, FAIA
1976 - 1977
Harold L. Adams, FAIA
1997 - 1998
Edward A. Vance, FAIA
2018 - 2019
George E. Kassabaum, FAIA
1977 - 1978
James D. Tittle, FAIA
1998 - 1999
Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA
2019 - 2020
David A Pugh, FAIA
1978 - 1979
Robert A. Odermatt, FAIA
1999 - 2000
Robert L. Durham, FAIA
1979 - 1980
Harold Roth, FAIA
2000 - 2001
Leslie N. Boney Jr., FAIA
1980 - 1981
C. James Lawler, FAIA
2001 - 2002
William J. Jarratt, FAIA
1981 - 1982
Sylvester Damianos, FAIA
2002 - 2003
William C. Muchow, FAIA
1982 - 1983
Betsey Olenick Dougherty, FAIA
2003 - 2004
Edward A. Vance, FAIA | The Fifty Seventh Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows
AIA College of Fellows
The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20006-5292
Edward A. Vance, FAIA
The 57th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows