The AIA College of Fellows
IN THIS ISSUE: The COF Fall Board Meeting December Board Week The AIA & COF Inaugurals
The American Institute of Architects | 1735 New York Ave NW | Washington, DC 20006-5292
AIA College of Fellows Founded in 1952, the College of Fellows is composed of members of the Institute who are elevated to Fellowship by a jury of their peers. Fellowship is one of the highest honors the AIA can bestow upon a member. Elevation to Fellowship not only recognizes the achievement of the architect as an individual, but also elevates before the public and the profession those architects who have made significant contributions to architecture and to society. 2
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COF RESOURCE GUIDE THE PATH TO FELLOWSHIP The American Institute of Architects College of Fellows Path to Fellowship 2019
The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20006-5292
A publication of the AIA College of Fellows 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006-5292 w
NEWSLETTER Mission to explore and communicate the acitivities and goals of the College of Fellows
The AIA College of Fellows
Investiture - St. Patrick’s Cathedral A’18 COF Recap
2019 Executive Committee Chancellor Edward A. Vance, FAIA Vice Chancellor Peter Kuttner, FAIA Secretary John Castellana, FAIA Bursar Roger Schluntz, FAIA
The American Institute of Architects | 1735 New York Ave NW | Washington, DC 20006-5292
2019 Editorial Committee Editor-In-Chief Jeff Pastva, AIA Chair Regional Representatives Ron Blitch, FAIA COF Executive Director Terri Stewart, Hon. AIA, CAE AIA Staff Liaison Muza Conforti
The American Institute of Architects College of Fellows
Component Grants for Emerging Professionals
The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20006-5292
The American Institute of Architects College of Fellows 2019 Regional Representative WELCOME PACKET The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20006-5292
The American Institute of Architects College of Fellows Executive Committee Handbook & Welcome Packet The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20006-5292
COLLEGE OF FELLOWS FORMER CHANCELLORS DIRECTORY Copyright 2019 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. Views expressed in this publication are solely those of the authors and not those of the American Institute of Architects. Copyright © of individual articles belongs to the Author. All image permissions are obtained by or copyright of the Author.
The American Institute of Architects College of Fellows Directory of Former Chancellors 2019
The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20006-5292
“We are the pacesetters of the profession.”
Edward A. Vance, FAIA
s I begin my year as your Chancellor, I want to thank my good friend Skipper Post, FAIA, for his exemplary service as our 56th Chancellor. With grace and leadership, Skipper expertly guided the College to meet our goals and objectives throughout the year while deftly mentoring his ExCom who will take the helm as Chancellor, each in our turn. Thank You, Skipper! Our 2019 COF Executive Committee includes Vice Chancellor Peter Kuttner, FAIA, Secretary John Castellana, FAIA and finally, our newest ExCom member Roger Schluntz, FAIA who will serve as our Bursar for the next two years. The position of Regional Representative Chair is held by Ron Blitch, FAIA who is in his final year of a 3-year term before he passes the baton to Jeanne Jackson, FAIA in December. There are 41 Regional Representatives throughout the country, including 5 open RR positions. Serving as the face of the College at local, state and regional AIA levels, the vital role of a Regional Rep is to not only encourage and inspire qualified architects toward the path to fellowship, but to convey the meaning, message and missions of the College within their respective regions. The College is in excellent hands and I am honored to serve with these colleagues and leaders as we
continue to move the College into the forefront of the profession, ever informed by the past while illuminating our way into the future. There is much to accomplish this year and our primary work during my term will be focused on advancing our three primary Missions of: • Supporting Scholarly Work (primarily through the Latrobe Prize) • Mentoring Emerging Professionals (primarily through the EP Component Grants) • Sustaining the College of Fellows and the COF Fund How will we do this? First, by continuing to improve communication and expanding our scope of viewers, readers and participants to incorporate not only members of the College but also the AIA Community-at-Large, Young Architects and AIA Staff Components whose better understanding of the COF is vital to the success of the College. Second, by educating our audience on the results and success stories of our Latrobe Prize and EP Component Grant recipients so that we can demonstrate how their passion and purpose helps to improve the profession for all of us. 5
CHANCELLOR’S MESSAGE (Continued) To this end, we will continue the work began in 2015 on our communication platforms including this Newsletter led by our editor Jeff Pastva, AIA. His talents, hard work and efforts have improved our capacity to communicate more effectively and to reach a broader audience. The outcome has been a progressive demystification of who and what the College is, with a lasting effect that increases our prestige and impact in our communities, country and worldwide. We have been working diligently on selecting the recipient of the 2019 Latrobe Prize, the College’s generous $100,000 grant given biannually to an individual, team or firm whose research, innovation and/or technology adds to and advances our architectural profession’s body of knowledge. With this year’s prize, the College will have awarded $1 million since its inception in 2000! Later this month, our distinguished jury will convene in Denver to interview the three finalists from whom this year’s laureate will be selected. The esteemed Latrobe Prize will be presented at the A’19 Convention. I hope you can join us in Las Vegas to help congratulate the next Latrobe Prize recipient!
with the staff at AIA National throughout the year on several initiatives including a new College of Fellows landing page on the AIA website which will have a new and improved donation page making it easier to give. I hope you share a simple vision with me that being a Fellow and Member of the College is more than a lapel pin or a medal around your neck, but instead, it is an honor and an opportunity to serve, support, give and participate. Let’s commit together to furthering the College’s missions toward research, mentoring and organizational strength. Not just to carry them forward, but to build on all three, so that we can create an even stronger College for the pacesetters who will follow. As your Chancellor, I promise to live up to the responsibilities you’ve entrusted in me and to be a faithful steward of the legacy left by those who preceded me. With your support and encouragement…I pledge to do my very best to serve the profession we all love.
The College remains committed to building on the research being supported by the Latrobe Prize because in a world challenged by climate change, population growth, and the limits of natural Edward A. Vance, FAIA resources, we must focus on the future adaptability 2019 Chancellor and sustainability of the built environment. Research that can be applied, rather than theoretical papers to be shelved, must be our goal and the goal of our profession. 2017 Chancellor Lenore Lucey, FAIA has often said that “The College raises money so that we can give it away.” To this, I would add that giving away money does not imply carelessness. Rather, it ensures confidence that by investing in research and emerging professionals, we are investing in our own profession and future leaders. To continue these essential programs we must be persistent in asking our members and supporters to continue their generous giving. We will be working 6
2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA with 2019 Chancellor Edward Vance, FAIA at the Russell Senate Building in Washington, DC.
“All of these events are great opportunities to support the College and your profession.” Ronald Blitch, FAIA
We enter 2019 with a roster of 41 Regional
Representatives for the College of Fellows and want to thank those retiring for their great service through their terms: • Lou Garapolo, FAIA • Alan Cobb, FAIA • Glenn Birx, FAIA • Glenn Gregg, FAIA • Chris Brasier, FAIA • Ed Ziegler, FAIA • Laurie Limbacher, FAIA • Stephen Reinke, FAIA
And we welcome our new Representatives and our Chair-Elect Jeanne Jackson, FAIA: • Kelly Hayes McAlonie, FAIA • Elizabeth Murphy, FAIA • Glenn Fellows, FAIA • Roula Alakiotou, FAIA • Stu Pettitt, FAIA • Alan Reed, FAIA • Michael Watson, FAIA • Sam Oboh, FAIA
Please mark your calendars for the A'19 AIA Conference on Architecture in Las Vegas from June 6-8. We will have our annual Regional Representatives meeting to discuss all of our efforts to encourage Fellowship in our regions and how best to support the COF's activities and fundraising needs. Please be sure to register for the Investiture Ceremony for new Fellows and for the New Fellows Party to welcome our newest members and celebrate with our newest colleagues. If you're a golfer please sign up for the Chancellor's Cup which is a great way to network as well. The 2019 Roster for the regional Representatives and Welcome Packet will be distributed shortly, if you have not submitted a Headshot for the RR Welcome Packet - please send to me soon!
Ron Blitch, FAIA, FACHA 2019 Chair | COF Regional Representatives 7
PROFILES College of Fellows Regional Representatives
Kelly Hayes McAlonie, FAIA New York
As a Regional Director for NY and based in Buffalo, I am very interested in growing the number of fellows in Upstate New York. Second, I am interested in increasing the diversity of the College of Fellows. Finally, I am interested in finding ways to better connect Fellows with our schools of architecture and the work of the Strategic Council. Kelly Hayes McAlonie, FAIA, LEED AP is an architect and the Director of Campus Planning at the University at Buffalo and 2012 President of the American Institute of Architects New York State. Kelly has dedicated her profession to educational architecture. She previously was Associate Vice President of Cannon Design, where she served in their Education Practice. Kelly began her architectural career designing children’s playgrounds and other learning environments for children. She has maintained that interest in the spaces and education of children, founding "Architecture+Education," an national award-winning program.
Roula Alakiotou, FAIA Illinois
Undeniably, Illinois is dominated by Metropolitan Chicago Architectural history, professional engagement and growth, including world-wide success of its professional practitioners. Thus, we are proposing to: • Seek, connect, encourage, and assist architects practicing in the farmlands and smaller towns outside of the Chicago Metropolitan area, to engage and honor the value of their accomplishments by promoting their career and record of work and by seeking elevation to fellowship. • Dedicate special effort seeking minority and/or women architects in expanding, promoting, collaborating and focusing their involvement for personal growth and professional recognition. • Seek the involvement of other IL Fellows in fundraising and collaborating with rural architects in an effort to achieve Fellowship.
PROFILES College of Fellows Regional Representatives
Glenn Fellows, FAIA Western Mountain Region
The WMR Leadership planning meeting was held in Albuquerque on January 25/26. Steve Loos, FAIA and I attended, as did Roger Schluntz, FAIA representing the College of Fellows. We had a chance to report to the group, right after the NAC and YAF representatives. The gathering was an excellent opportunity to work with the Region’s leaders, and outline initiatives for programs in the next year. For the WMR Fellows, we will organize three conference calls with the state Fellows scheduled a few weeks before Grassroots, Conference 19, and our WMR Conference (this year in Jackson Hole). The calls will be focused on five areas; mentoring young architects, advancing the Jason Pettigrew Leadership fund (an AIA WMR fund), positioning on recent ethics discussions, organizing the Fellows in the WMR, and discussing the reorganizing of our yearly regional conference.
Michael Watson, FAIA South Atlantic Region
Like all regions, we are awaiting the announcement of our new class of Fellows and Young Architects. We had 3 Fellows and three Young Architects Award submittals from SC this year and are hopeful for their success. Last year we had two members elevated to Fellowship; Adrienne Montare, FAIA & Thomas M. Savory, FAIA. We had a great turn out last October for a luncheon to celebrate newly licensed architects that was sponsored by AIASC and the SC Licensing Board and heavily attended by SC Fellows. Jane Fredrick, FAIA – newly elected AIA National 2019 First Vice President/2020 President-elect - spoke about developing leadership in the profession. She began her talk by asking – “do you remember when you passed the exam?” We will continue this event in 2019. The SC Fellows Advisory Committee will be engaging new candidates for the College and reviewing their submittals throughout the spring and summer. There’s more to come! 9
PROFILES College of Fellows Regional Representatives
Stuart Pettitt, FAIA Michigan
My interest in becoming a College of Fellows Regional Representative began as a way to continue my AIA National involvement after finishing a five year term on the Leadership Group of the AIA Committee on Architecture for Education. I plan to continue my service on the AIA Michigan New Fellows Recruitment and Advisory Committee and I would love to see all the Michigan Fellows participate in some way in FAIA activities. Stuart Pettitt, FAIA is a Principal at Straub Pettitt Yaste Architects in the Greater Detroit Area, and recieved his Bachelor of Architecture Degree from the University of Michigan.
Elizabeth Murphy, FAIA Ohio Valley
Perspectus Architecture Principal Elizabeth Corbin Murphy, FAIA has been appointed as one of two Ohio Valley Regional Representatives to the AIA College of Fellows for 2019. As Regional Representative, Murphy will serve as a liaison between the AIA Fellows within the Ohio Valley region and the AIA College of Fellows. This esteemed role encompasses four objectives: Generate awareness; Encourage participation among existing Fellows; Inspire professional growth among recently licensed Architects through fellowship within the Institute; and Influence AIA components disseminating messaging and information about the College.
PROFILES College of Fellows Regional Representatives
Alan Reed, FAIA Middle Atlantic
I am looking forward to working with Brenda Sanchez, my counterpart in DC, to continue the work she and Glenn Birx, my predecessor, have established in the previous years. Primarily, those initiatives include work with the YAF, outreach and mentorship to the local schools of architecture, and working to encourage advancement to Fellowship. Specifically, with regard to the latter, I would like to work to increase diversity within the College. I am also very interested in promoting the value of Fellowship within the institution and encouraging other Fellows to give back to the institution through donation of their time and/ or resources to bolster our efforts in the above initiatives.
Sam Oboh, FAIA International
Educated in Nigeria, he holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Architecture from Bendel State University (now Ambrose Alli University) and a Master of Science in Architecture from Ahmadu Bello University. Sam is also an alumnus of the University of Alberta, where he graduated with a Master of Arts, focusing on architectural communications. With an expansive career spanning over 24 years, Sam has been a strong advocate for integrating architectural practice with research and academia. He served as an adjunct lecturer at various universities in South Africa and Canada. Since 2010, Sam has worked with Public Services and Procurement Canada (formerly Public Works and Government Services Canada) as prime architect and Regional Manager of the Architecture and Engineering Centre of Expertise in the Western Region, which covers Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Recognizing Fellows of the College
Robert Ivy, FAIA Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) EVP and Chief Executive Officer Robert Ivy, FAIA, was honored with the Noel Polk Lifetime Achievement Award by the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters (MIAL) on Saturday, June 2 at an event in Jackson, Mississippi. This was the first time an architect received the Noel Polk Lifetime Achievement Award, which is given to Mississippi-connected artists and art patrons whose body of work over a lifetime of creating, performing, and/or supporting art is extraordinary and worthy of special honor. In addition to Ivy, the award was also presented to Pearl River Glass President and Chief Designer Andrew Cary Young at the event on Saturday, which was held at Two Mississippi Museums in Jackson. Editor’s note: For the full press release, please click here.
Clark Manus, FAIA Receives Legacy Award
ENR California is pleased to announce that Clark Manus, CEO of Heller Manus Architects and former president of The American Institute of Architects, will receive the Legacy Award for Northern California. The Legacy Awards are given annually by ENR regional editors to an individual who has achieved a lifetime legacy of service in design and construction, and who has given above and beyond to his or her profession and communities. Manus received his award as part of an ENR California breakfast event on Oct. 9 that also acknowledged 2018's regional Best Projects Awards. The event was held at 8 a.m. at the Julia Morgan Ballroom in San Francisco. Editor's note: For the full press release, please click here.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Recognizing Fellows of the College
by Patrick Ahearn, FAIA
Patrick Ahearn’s recently launched monograph, Timeless, reveals how historically motivated, human-scaled designs have advanced the art of place-making in some of America’s most affluent and storied destinations. Timeless features eighteen homes and explains how Ahearn adapts and applies philosophy’s greater good theory to each project. The greater good theory encapsulates his profound belief that architecture has the power to improve lives, increase happiness and encourage friendly and familiar interactions. To achieve this goal, Ahearn pays as much attention to the spaces between the buildings as the buildings themselves.
BSA COF Fireside Chat
by Christopher Moyer, Assoc. AIA
The Emerging Professionals Network (EPNet) kicks off a full year of programming with a cozy and enlightening fireside chat with the College of Fellows. This first event will host four Fellows discussing significant projects, career paths, and the evolution of architectural practice from leaders in the BSA (Boston Society of Architects) community. This is an opportunity to listen and to learn—and also to connect, bringing questions for the Fellows’ perspective on architecture matters from A to Z.
• Jim Batchelor FAIA Principal, Arrowstreet • Peter Kuttner FAIA Principal, Cambridge Seven Associates • Anne-Marie Lubenau FAIA Timeless just completed it's 3rd printing since Director, Rudy Bruner Award for Urban its winter launch and Ahearn is continuing a Excellence country-wide book tour through January. • Nancy Ludwig FAIA President and Senior Principal, ICON Architecture Editor’s note: For the full press release, please click here. 13
ANNOUNCEMENTS Recognizing Fellows of the College
Philip J. Poinelli, FAIA Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
Philip Poinelli, FAIA, SMMA Educational Facility Planner, reached a major career milestone earlier this month by becoming the Association for Learning Environments’ most recent recipient of its esteemed Lifetime Achievement Award. According to the A4LE itself, “the Lifetime Achievement Award is the most distinguished professional award bestowed to an individual Association for Learning Environments member. This award is designed to honor an individual who has distinguished themselves by making significant lasting contributions to the educational facility planning industry throughout their career […] the activities upon which the nomination is based shall have produced a body of work that consistently created a positive and significant regional, national or international impact on the learning environment.” Editor's note: For the full press release, please click here.
Design Thinking
by Andrew Pressman, FAIA
Design thinking is a powerful process that facilitates understanding and framing of problems, enables creative solutions, and may provide fresh perspectives on our physical and social landscapes. Not just for architects or product developers, design thinking can be applied across many disciplines to solve real-world problems and reconcile dilemmas. It is a tool that may trigger inspiration and the imagination, and lead to innovative ideas that are responsive to the needs and issues of stakeholders. Design Thinking: A Guide to Creative Problem Solving for Everyone will assist in addressing a full spectrum of challenges from the most vexing to the everyday. It renders accessible the creative problem-solving abilities that we all possess by providing a dynamic framework and practical tools for thinking imaginatively and critically. Every aspect of design thinking is explained and analyzed together with insights on navigating through the process. Editor's note: For more info, please click here.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Recognizing Fellows of the College
M. David Lee, FAIA Featured in the Boston Business Journal
M. David Lee, FAIA was recently featured in the Boston Business Journal with a profile in their InPerson section entitled "He's got designs on Boston". Traditional media sources are still a powerful way to showcase the great work that architects do to the public. We encourage this type of exposure and give kudos to local markets that see the value in what architects do. Editor’s note: To read the full article please click here.
Belmont Freeman, FAIA & Beatriz del Cueto, FAIA This past summer, the Graduate School in Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) of Columbia University offered a series of workshops to sites throughout the world for their graduate students in these three core programs. As teaching partners, Architects and Associate Adjunct Professors Belmont Freeman, FAIA, and Beatriz del Cueto, FAIA led a week-long workshop to Havana titled “Cuban Modern Architecture and Contemporary Preservation Challenges.” The workshop program benefitted from daily technical site tours led by important Cuban colleagues including Architect, Historian and well-known author Eduardo Luis Rodríguez, as well as Art Historian Yamira RodríguezMarcano from the Office of the Historian of the City of Havana. Based on their intensive sevenday experience, the twelve students produced remarkably varied and well-documented projects, including written reports, photo essays, and graphic analyses; presented at the GSAPP upon their return. 15
ANNOUNCEMENT Endorsed by the College of Fellows
Lessons from the Future is a unique collection of personal letters that have been written by some of the world’s most prominent and successful design professionals, including Pritzker Prize winners and AIA Gold Medalists. These are “letters to myself,” offering advice and insight that the writers wish they had received on the day they graduated from design school. The book also includes cartoons that complement the text. This is a terrific collection of wit and wisdom that will inspire anyone who is interested in what it takes to pursue a successful career in design. Lessons from the Future will make a great gift for any aspiring architect, young or old. Firms are using it to help recruit new talent, to reward newly licensed professionals, to recognize promotions, and as gifts to clients. Sponsors have lined up to provide copies to graduates of design schools across the country. To order copies, or inquire about sponsorship, contact: or Sample authors
Design schools which have distributed Lessons from
Deborah Berke
the Future to new graduates:
Norman Foster Yale School of Architecture
Art Gensler
Savannah College of Art & Design
Robert lvy
University of Minnesota
Ed Mazria
University of Nebraska
Richard Rogers
Washington State University
Witold Rybczynski
Arizona State University
Moshe Safdie
School of Visual Arts, New York
Denise Scott Brown
North Carolina State
Robert A.M. Sterm
Iowa State University
Richard Saul Wurman
University of Colorado ...and more than 50 others
Clemson University
Sponsors of the 2018 edition included HDR, Wight + Co, Fentress Architects, Spacesmith, LS3P, ESG, and more. Endorsed by the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows
Wren Editions
London & Atlanta
UPDATE From the COF Executive Committee
Young Architects Forum by Secretary John Castellana, FAIA
This past year, I was honored to be the liaison from the
College of Fellows to the Young Architects Forum (YAF) and through this it allowed me to experience first-hand the outstanding work that this group undertakes. My first exposure to the YAF was at their Practice Innovation Lab in Arlington, Virginia. A wonderful event that illustrated their enthusiasm and love for our profession! If you have not seen their quarterly publication – CONNECTION – please do! It is truly outstanding and full of rich articles and information that all practicing architects will find very enriching. The most recent issue is their first bi-lingual publication to help reinforce our relationship with international Architects. This past year, the following YAF Advisory Committee consisted of: • Lawrence Fabbroni, AIA (Chair) • Lora Teagarden, AIA (Vice Chair) • Evelyn Lee, AIA (Past Chair) • Stephen Parker, AIA (Public Relations Director) • Yu-Ngok Lo, AIA (Communications Director) • Abigail Brown, AIA (Community Director) • Ryan McEnroe, AIA (Knowledge Director) • AJ Sustaita, AIA (Public Relations)
Here are the highlights that YAF completed during 2018: Anti-Harassment, Abuse, Discrimination and Bullying Advocacy: YAF formulated a strong position paper, endorsed by the COF and presented to the AIA Board positively impacting the recently issued Code of Ethics. A’18 Conference on Architecture : • Mini-MBA sessions teaching architects business skills. • Commitment Wall – Reinforcing diversity and strong ethics. • Educational Sessions – YAF continues to sponsor a variety of sessions (Anti-Harassment, 2+2 in conjunction with the College of Fellows, etc.) YAF Data-Base : Scheduled to be launched in 2019, this tool will allow members to better understand what local groups are doing nationwide.
As you can see, our profession is indeed in GREAT HANDS! The College of Fellows continues to support the excellent work of the YAF through mentoring and active participation in awards programs that recognize the outstanding achievements of its members – it is a highlight of our year to recognize these Young Architects at our annual Party with the Fellows!
TPC SUMMERLIN Las Vegas, Nevada
The 23nd Annual Chancellor’s Cup Golf Open
A’19 - AIA’s National The Conference in Las Vegas is providing an opportunity to participate in an exciting golf event: June 5th. The Annual Chancellor’s Cup Open is an ideal opportunity for a
day of golf and fellowship with AIA Members and guests before the National AIA Conference in Las Vegas. This year’s tournament will mark the 23nd year of the event and will be played at the prestigious TPC Summerlin, home of Tiger Woods first PGA victory and the Shriners Invitational. It will be held on Wednesday June 5, 2019. The format is Captain’s Choice and all levels of golfers are welcome. The Chancellor’s Cup Open raises money for the College of Fellows to support the $100,000 biennial Latrobe Prize for research and the Emerging Professionals Component Grant Program. More than $500,000 has been raised over the past 22 years to support these important programs. Several sponsorship opportunities also remain for the 2019 tournament! For more information call or email Walt Galanty at (703) 549-9500 or
TPC SUMMERLIN Las Vegas, Nevada
The 23nd Annual Chancellor’s Cup Golf Open
Player Fee: $325 golf and all amenities; $400 w/club rental I wish to reserve the following: (Select one) ___ $325 golf ___ $400 golf w/club rental Shirt size: ______ Handicap: ______
(Select one) ___ Men’s right hand clubs ___ Women’s right hand clubs ___ Men’s left hand clubs ___ Women’s left hand clubs
Player and Payment information: Name:___________________________ Company:_____________________________ Email:____________________________ Phone number:________________________ ___ Check; ___ Credit Card: Type of card: ___________________ CC#: ___________________________________________ Name on Card: __________________________________ Expiration date: _________________ Tournament Itinerary 6:15 AM - Buses depart from the Host Hotel 6:45 AM - Players sign-in 7:00 AM - Breakfast & Warm-Up 8:00 AM - Shotgun start 1:00 PM - Lunch Reception, Awards & Prizes 3:00 PM - Buses depart for the Host Hotel 3:30 PM - Arrive at the Host Hotel
Questions: Walt Galanty-Tournament Management 703-549-9500 or Return form to: 703-549-9074 (F) or Make check payable to: AIA College of Fellows
AIA Chancellor’s Cup Open, C/O Tournament Management, 315 S Patrick St., Floor 2, Alexandria, VA 22314
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS College of Fellows | Leslie N. Boney Spirit of Fellowship Award by Vice Chancellor Peter Kuttner, FAIA
The College of Fellows Executive Committee is soliciting candidates for the Leslie N. Boney Jr. Spirit of Fellowship Award. Nomination of interested members should include: • A one-page nomination letter with bullets outlining qualifications; • May be self-nominated or nominated by others; • Include three letters of support; • All information shall be submitted in a single pdf Letters should be addressed to Chair Raymond G. Post, FAIA, AIA College of Fellows, 1735 New York Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20006-5292, and postmarked no later than April 6, 2019. Submittals shall be sent electronically to: The Jury is comprised of the outgoing Chancellor of the College (serving as Chair), the sitting Chair of the COF Regional Representatives, and the most recent recipient of the Boney Award. The Jury will review the qualifications of all candidates and recommend a nominee to the ExCom to be awarded at the Convocation Ceremonies held during the National Conference this year in Las Vegas.
Purpose The award recognizes continuous, exceptional service and dedication to the College. Past Recipients Barry Johns, FRAIC, FAIA, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Terri Stewart, Hon. AIA, Arlington, VA James D. Tittle, FAIA, Abilene, TX Harold L. Adams, FAIA, Baltimore, MD Robert I. Selby, FAIA, Champaign, IL Gretchen Penney, AIA, Charleston, SC Paul Welch, Hon., AIA, Sacramento, CA Robin Lee, Hon. AIA, Washington, DC Pauline Porter, Alexandria, VA Eugene J. Mackey, III, FAIA, St. Louis, MO Albert W. Rubeling, FAIA, Baltimore, MD Robert A. Odermatt, FAIA, Berkeley, CA Paul Barkley, FAIA, Falls Church, VA Norman L. Koonce, FAIA, Washington, DC L. Jane Hastings, FAIA & Norman Johnston, FAIA, Seattle, WA Raymond P. Rhinehart, Hon. AIA, Washington, DC Ernest H. Hara, FAIA, Honolulu, HI Leslie N. Boney Jr., FAIA, Wilmington, NC
History In 2000, then Chancellor of the College of Fellows, Robert A. Odermatt, FAIA, presented the first Spirit of Fellowship award to Leslie N. Boney Jr., FAIA, for his outstanding service and commitment to the College. Later that same year, the Executive Committee (ExCom) of the College voted to name the award after the first recipient, and thus it became known as the Leslie N. Boney Spirit of Fellowship Award. 20
2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA presenting the Boney Award to Barry Johns, FRAIC, FAIA, RIBA at the Convocation Ceremonies in New York, NY.
Contributing to the AIA College of Fellows Fund
• • • •
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• • •
• • •
• • •
• • •
Two Tickets to Convocation at the AIA National Conference
• • • • •
Diamond(s) set in a Gold Tag for your College of Fellows Pin (see below)
Special Recogintion at the COF Annual Business Meeting
$100 to $499 $500 - $999 $1,000 - $2,499 $2,500 - $4,999 $5,000 - $9,999
A set of 10K Gold Filled COF CuffLinks or Pendant Necklace*
Sponsor Patron Benefactor Fellow’s Circle Chancellor’s Circle
Acknowledgement on the College of Fellows Website for a Year
Annual Levels of Giving
Acknowledgement in the COF Quarterly Newsletter
To give go to :
Legacy Memberships Legacy 10 $10,000 - $19,999 Legacy 20 $20,000 - $29,999 Legacy 30 $30,000 and above •
All amounts are cummulative
• • • • •
Securities equal to $10,000 or more. A whole life policy of $10,000 or more. A percentage of estate to be $10,000 or more. Other revocable donation of $10,000 or more. Transfer of required minimum distribution.
1 2 3
• •
Estate A revocable estate commitment of $10,000 or more, in various methods : * First time gift only
Legacy 10 Pin with single diamond tag
Steve Oles, FAIA and the Octagon by Skipper Post, FAIA 22
“Steve Oles, FAIA is the co-founder of the American Society of Architectural Illustrators, and author of two major books on drawing.� 2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA
This story begins in Santa Fe, NM, in April of
2018. As is customary with the COF Executive Committee, when we hold a meeting in various parts of the country, we host a reception for local Fellows. The Chancellor makes introductions and announcements, and explains the conditions and goals of the current leadership. As Chancellor, and being passionate about the COF, particularly my professed 2018 goal of increasing donations from Fellows to the College, I explained our intense programs and our dire need for additional donations to build our corpus. After my remarks, I was approached by a Fellow I had just met in person following some email exchanges. His name was Steve Oles, FAIA. I had researched his fantastic work in illustrating architectural projects, many for exceptional, well-known firms. He volunteered that he wanted to be part of our donor base. I welcomed this, but had an idea. I asked Steve if he would consider making his donation in the form of a drawing of our beloved AIA Octagon House. He said yes! This would be a very limited number of signed prints which the College would use as a gift of appreciation to our very significant donors. An idea of the prominence of such a drawing by Steve Oles is the drawing he did for IM Pei of the renowned Pyramid at the Louvre in Paris, the original of which now hangs in the Louvre itself!
The final drawing is indescribably exquisite! Twenty five limited edition lithographs have now been printed and signed by Steve. The Executive Committee has elected to present these valuable prints to those donors who have reached the Legacy 30 status, meaning that they have donated $30,000 or more through the years. It is anticipated that, when possible, the presentation of these extraordinary prints will be made at the Annual Business Meeting of the College at Conference. The College of Fellows offers special thanks and deep appreciation to Steve Oles, FAIA, for his donation of this beautiful, and meaningful, drawing of the AIA's Octagon House. As the 2018 Chancellor, I am moved by Steve's significant donation. There is an old saying in the donor world which is "donate your time, talent, or treasure." To put it mildly, Steve has donated all three. Thank you, Steve!
2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA with Steven Oles, FAIA in his Santa Fe, New Mexico home last spring.
"We expect graduates to continue their involvement with AIA New York; these emerging professionals are poised to participate in our various committees and other important initiatives." Kavitha Mathew
n December 10, ten 2018 Civic Leadership Program (CLP) participants successfully completed their mentorship and training with a final event held at the Center for Architecture. Through CLP, participants develop skills to engage as designers in the civic process and gain valuable experience and exposure within the profession. The CLP is designed to encourage emerging professionals to seek prominent roles in the civic realm by honing their leadership, communication, and outreach skills. During the six-month period, these emerging architectural professionals are given opportunities to interface with municipal agencies, community development organizations, and local stakeholders, while coordinating development sessions and public events. 2018 marked the second year of the highly successful program, initially founded by the AIANY Emerging New York Architects Committee in 2017. For 2018, the program continued under the direction of AIA New York, with the help of funding from the College of Fellow component grant for emerging professionals. Graduates of the 2017 pilot program served as CLP advisors for the new class of leaders. The CLP consists of five development sessions, four team building sessions, and two public events, which together build a framework for engaging with the public realm. The curriculum for the development sessions is self-driven by the participants. Each development session includes a supplemental training or information seminar led by CLP advisors. At the onset of the program, the ten participants are paired and tasked with planning and hosting one of the
five monthly development sessions, as well as one of the two public events. The 2018 class was able to address such critical issues as transitional and affordable housing, grant writing, community board and nonprofit board service, as well as ideas to improve the education pipeline in NYC, all within the framework of their development sessions. They met with members of the Manhattan Borough President’s office, the Public Design Commission and Transportation Alternatives. The focus of the first public event was pushing the boundaries of an architect’s responsibility to the public and included speakers from BlackSpace and Concrete Safaris; the second focused on gauging the extent of civic engagement within local architecture firms, and included panelists from Studio Gang, The Architecture Lobby and WXY. 2018 CLP graduates have the option of continuing to work with the program in coming years. Graduates can apply to become advisors for the 2019 CLP sessions or join the Strategic Task Force, which helps to define the ongoing mission and structure of CLP. We expect graduates to continue their involvement with AIA New York; these emerging professionals are poised to participate in our various committees and other important initiatives. AIA New York plans to continue offering this program in coming years. Anticipation builds as we prepare for the 2019 program, with application opening scheduled for the Spring.
Pictured left to right: Amanda Miller, Michael Haggerty (front), Jade Ragoschke (back) Nadia Habib, Dyana Berthaud, Wells Megalli, Ashly Chirayil, Daniel Horn and Jenna Wandishin.
AIA New York Civic Leadership Program
COF Component Grant Recipient By Kavitha Mathew, AIA 25
Guides for Equitable Practice 26
By Emily Grandstaff-Rice, FAIA
Guides for Equitable Practice Guides for understanding and building equity in the architecture profession
The University of Minnesota for the American Institute of Architects Equity and the Future of Architecture Committee
"Ultimately, we hope that these Guides will shape our shared goal of a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable profession for all ." Emily Grandstaff-Rice, FAIA
ncreasingly, architects are being called to lead efforts in finding solutions to many of our society’s most pressing issues. To successfully meet these challenges, as well as the unknown challenges ahead, the profession of architects must have the talent, passion, and creativity of a diverse cohort of students, professionals, and leaders to reflect the society we serve. The Guides for Equitable Practice are one component of a broad commitment by the AIA to overcome inequities and advance the profession, the careers of individual architects, and the quality of the built environment by creating more diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplaces and interactions. The idea emerged from a series of AIA resolutions responding to growing awareness of equity issues in the architecture profession and the need for greater understanding of ways to improve the architecture community. Over the past year, the AIA has sponsored the development of the guides in partnership with the University of Minnesota led by RenÊe Cheng, FAIA and the AIA Equity and the Future of Architecture Committee. Since inception over 20 AIA Fellows have been involved in either leadership, advisory or research role for this effort. The guides help educate architects and firms on best practices for equity, diversity and inclusion principles and to provide strategies for incorporating the values into architectural practice. The individual guides meet needs identified by the AIA and its constituents. Some aspects of American culture have radically evolved in the past decade: for instance, legalization of single-sex marriage and recognition of nonbinary genders. In architecture, specifically, universal design mandates inclusionary principles reinforced by codes and regulations.
However, persistent gender pay gaps as well as racial disparities evident in school achievement and in health outcomes, for example, make it clear that many aspects of culture have not changed. Increasingly, corporations have connected their own diversity and inclusion efforts to ethical reputation and increased market share. Even more importantly, research showing improved decision-making and creativity by diverse teams has increased attention on how people’s differences can be leveraged to increase performance. The AIA has long anchored the profession with policies and resources on ethics and practices, and it was logical that the Institute would sponsor the development of urgently needed guidance at this time. Many recent resources on diversity, inclusion, and equity, while not all architecture specific, are extremely valuable to anyone working in or leading the architectural profession. These guides augment those resources, translating relevant research to actionable practices that can be used in the profession. Broadly, these Guides will help you make the business and professional case for ensuring that your organization meets the career development, professional environment, and cultural awareness expectations of current and future employees and clients. Ultimately, we hope that these Guides will shape our shared goal of a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable profession for all without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation or identity, or socioeconomic background and encourage an ongoing, meaningful, and productive dialogue about how best to realize the a successful, more inclusive, equitable, and diverse future for all. Editor's Note: AIA Members can access the guides here. 27
AIA Leadership Institute 2018 By Korey White, AIA 28
"Additional thanks to our sponsors, AIA College of Fellows, HDR, DLR Group, Virtual Learning Solutions, HunterDouglas and WSA Studio. This program cannot have the impact it has without them." The central question for AIA Leadership Institute 2018 (Li18) was “What’s at Stake?” More than ever before, boundaries are blurring, roles are changing, and much is at stake for our profession. How do we advance equity and inclusion in our communities and firms, so they become accessible and safe for everyone? Li18 was hosted on November 9, 2018 by the AIA Center for Civic Leadership (CCL) in partnership with the College of Fellows. The mission of the CCL is to advance leadership among architects to promote livable, healthy, sustainable and quality-designed environments for future generations through community participation and advocacy. AIA Chapters hosted Regional Venues in San Francisco, Orlando, Nashville, and Washington D.C. Leveraging technology, attendees were able to interact with the hosts and speakers of the national broadcast, as well as participate in live polling at each venue. Regional venues hosted local sessions tailored to their specific audience which complemented the broader message of the National Plenary Session simulcast at each location. Diverse perspectives were central to the selection of this year’s speakers. Li18 was hosted by Co-Chairs Korey White, AIA and Sarah Wingo, AIA who kicked off the national programming. Lenore Lucy, FAIA, presented on behalf of the College of Fellows’ and their generous support of the event. The first act featured a dynamic presentation
and conversation from Brad Lukanic, AIA, CEO of CannonDesign. He challenged attendees to think about the role of an architect and architecture firms beyond the 21st century and how best to push beyond the parameters of “what is” to “what can be.” Architects lead more than projects and Act two provided insight into how an architect can serve in an elected role to use their unique skillsets in the public sphere. Chair of the Center for Civic Leadership, Jud Kline, FAIA moderated a panel with three elected or appointed officials. Lisa Chronister, AIA, Richard Swett, FAIA, and Andy Pease, AIA discussed their journeys to Citizen Architect and engaged in a live Q+A. Act three included two perspectives on diversity, equity and leadership. Gabrielle Bullock, FAIA highlighted her expertise in building a firmwide culture that embraces all people and John Cary expounded on the practice of design for public good. The two perspectives delivered a cohesive message that we must, as individuals and practitioners, create workplaces that are dignified for all, communities that are safe for all, and a profession that is welcoming to all. Closing out the day, Jane Frederick, FAIA, AIA National 2019 President Elect, delivered a call to action. Now more than ever architects’ leadership is necessary, and each person is responsible for creating a more diverse and inclusive profession. Everything is at stake for architecture and our communities. 29
The COF Fall Meeting Black Point Inn Portland, Maine
“Black Point Inn, originally known as the Southgate House, was once one of the many grand hotels to call Prouts Neck home. Today, it's the last remaining hotel in Prouts Neck, and a true historical Maine hotel." Peter Kuttner, FAIA
Our College of Fellows Executive Committee traveled to Black Point Inn in Prouts Neck, Maine in September for the COF Fall Meeting. We conducted two days of intense meetings covering a variety of business items, including
the review of the year to date budget, our annual fundraising campaign, updates on the YAF Award Jury Task Force, the AIA Sexual Harassment Policy, the 2019 Latrobe Prize and our Regional Representatives program. 31
COLLEGE OF FELLOWS RECEPTION On Monday, September 17th the Executive Committee hosted the Fall AIA Fellows and Member Reception at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Strong-Turner Atrium located at 350 Commercial Street in Portland, Maine. We had a wonderful turnout of fellows
and AIA members alike, affording us an excellent opportunity to meet and greet our colleagues in and around the Portland Area. Chancellor Post addressed those in attendance, introducing the members of the ExCom and communicating the goals, current initiatives and programs of the College as well as answering questions posed by the group.
Fellows Reception
COF Board Week Washington, DC 34
“The Institute's Leadership convened in Washington DC in December to conduct their year end board meetings and to celebrate the transition of power of the AIA President and the Chancellor of the College of Fellows.” Jeff Pastva, AIA
2018 COF Executive Committee meeting with YAF Representative Ryan McEnroe, AIA.
This past December, the executive committee’s of both AIA and the College of Fellows convened in Washington, DC to conduct their year end board meetings and to celebrate the transition of power of the President and the Chancellor of the College of Fellows. The College’s meeting agenda included fundraising initiatives, jurying the 2019 Latrobe Prize and reviewing year end
financials of the COF Fund. Committee Chairs, including the YAF, COF Golf Tournament and Regional Representatives also gave their yearend reports to the ExCom. On Friday afternoon, the COF ExCom led by 2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA, gave their final report to the Council of Former Chancellors. 35
2018 President Carl Elefante, FAIA with Moshe Safdi and 2018 Vice-Chancellor Ed Vance, FAIA.
2. The 2019 Latrobe Prize Jury from (L to R) Ed Vance, FAIA, John Castellana, FAIA, Chair Marilyn Taylor, FAIA, Curt Fentress, FAIA, Marvin Malacha, FAIA and Gordon Chong, FAIA.
1. 2.
3. 3. 6.
4. 7.
5. 8.
3. Latrobe Prize Jury deliberating in the Richard Upjohn Room. 4. 2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA reporting to the AIA Board of Directors. 5. 2019 Chancellor Ed Vance, FAIA reporting out to the AIA Strategic Council.
6. The 2018 COF Executive Committe with the Council of Former Chancellors 7.
2019 College of Fellows Executive Committee from (L to R) Secretary John Castellana, FAIA, Chancellor Ed Vance, FAIA, Vice Chancellor Peter Kuttner, FAIA and Bursar Roger Schluntz, FAIA.
7. 37
2019 COF Inaugural The Kennedy Caucus Room Russell Senate Building Washington, DC 38
“Each year, the College of Fellows Inaugurates a new Chancellor to accept the commitment the College has made to research, mentoring, and organizational strength. Not just to carry them forward, but to build on all three, with a goal of leaving an even stronger College to the pacesetters who will follow.” by Jeff Pastva, AIA
n December 6th, 2018, Edward A. Vance , FAIA was inaugurated as the Fifty-seventh Chancellor of the AIA College of Fellows. The evening began with an elegant reception followed by the inaugural dinner and formal ceremonies held in the Kennedy Caucus Room located in the Russell Senate Building in Washington, DC. The COF ExCom extends its most sincere thanks to the former Architect of the Capitol, Stephen Ayers, FAIA for making the location possible. Vance will serve as the AIA's College of Fellows Chancellor
through December 5, 2019 along with the current Executive Committee which includes Peter Kuttner, FAIA as the College's Vice Chancellor, John Castellana, FAIA as Secretary and Roger Schluntz, FAIA as Bursar (pictured above). As the newly inaugurated Chancellor, Ed gave a moving speech communicating the College’s direction into the new year, focusing on the primary missions of the college which include supporting research through theLatrobe Prize, the mentoring of our next generation and sustaining the College.
Former Chancellor L. Jane Hastings, FAIA giving the COF Inaugural toast.
2. Terry Brown, FAIA with Rebecca Edmunds, AIA with Ed Vance, FAIA. 3. Ed Vance, FAIA with Rebecca and John Grounds, AIA.
1. 3.
3. 2.
4. 9. 4. 2018 COF Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA with 2018 AIA President Carl Elefante, FAIA.
5. 2018 AIA President Carl Elefante, FAIA delivers a rousing speech. 6. Ed Vance, FAIA and family. 7.
2018 COF ExCom with Spouses.
7. 5.
8. 2011 AIA President Clark Manus, FAIA with Susan Chin, FAIA. 9. Skipper Post, FAIA with former Chancellor and AIA President Syl Damianos, FAIA and 2019 AIA President Bill Bates, FAIA. 10. 2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA addressing those in attendance.
2019 Chancellor Ed Vance with his family.
2. Ed Vance, FAIA presenting the former Chancellor's medal to 2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA. 3. AIA EVP & CEO Robert Ivy, FAIA with his wife Holly.
1. 2.
3. 4. 42
1. 5.
6. 2. 5.
4. 2018 AIA President Carl Elefante, AIA with Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA inaugurating Ed Vance, FAIA as the 2019 COF Chancellor. 5. Ed Vance, FAIA with his great friends Jeff Faust and Jim Schmeckpeper, Esq. 6. 2019 AIA President Bill Bates, FAIA.
6. 43
2019 AIA Inaugural U.S. Peace Institute Washington, DC 44
“The leadership of the American Institute of Architects held its annual presidential inaugural ceremony at the U.S. Institute of Peace in Washington, DC.” by Jeff Pastva, AIA
2019 AIA President Bill Bates, FAIA with his wife Maggie and their family.
On Friday, December 7th, 2018, the leadership of the
with his goals for the coming year including his focus on
American Institute of Architects held its annual presidential
helping to make our profession one that welcomes and
inaugural ceremony at the
U.S. Institute of Peace in
nurtures the talent of everyone who has a passion for
Washington, DC. EVP/CEO Robert Ivy, FAIA opened the
design and who dreams of making our built world, and by
ceremonies followed by 2018 AIA President Carl Elefante,
extension our society, better.
FAIA passing the gavel to the Institute’s 96th President William J. Bates, FAIA. It is a significant milestone as Mr.
Bates will serve as the AIA's 96th president through
Bates is the second African American President in the AIA’s
December 6, 2019. The AIA's current Board of Directors
history after Marshall Purnell, FAIA since the founding of
also includes Jane Frederick as the 2019 First Vice
the American Institute of Architects in 1857. After Bill was
President, Patrick P. Panetta as 2018-19 Treasurer, and
officially inaugurated he addressed those in attendance
Emily Grandstaff-Rice as At-large Director. 45
The 2019 AIA Inaugural held in the grand atrium of the U.S. Institute of Peace.
2. Opening remarks by EVP/CEO Robert Ivy, FAIA 3. C. James Lawler, FAIA 4. William Stanley, FAIA 5. Ron Skaggs, FAIA 6. Thompson Penney, FAIA
1.1. 3.
3. 6.
6. 5. 9. 7.
Edward Kodet, FAIA
8. 2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA 9. Jack Miller with Tonya Horsley, Terri Stewart, Hon. AIA and former Chancellor's John Sorrenti, FAIA and Lenore Lucey, FAIA. 10. Terry Brown, FAIA with Ed Vance FAIA.
7. 9. 46
3. 4. 7.
4.5. 8.
8. 6.
9. 11.
10. 13.
11. 2008 AIA President Marshall Purnell, FAIA with 2009 AIA President Marvin Malecha, FAIA. 12. Sondra Skaggs with guest and Bryan Post. 13. 2019 AIA President Bill Bates, FAIA with his Maggie McDermott. 14. Terri Stewart, Hon. AIA with Kathleen O’Donnell, Jessica Rogers, Pam Day and Lindsey Mullarkey.
11. 14. 47
2019 COF Executive Committee Peter Kuttner, FAIA, John Castellana, FAIA, Roger Schluntz, FAIA & Ed Vance, FAIA.
2. Nela de Zoysa, Hon FAIA. 3. 2012 AIA President Jeff Potter, FAIA with Steve Jernigan, FAIA & guest.
1. 2.
3. 3.
2. 2.
4. 3.
4. Kelly Hayes McAlonie, FAIA (Center) with members of the 2019 AIA Strategic Council. 5. 2017 Chancellor Lenore Lucey, FAIA with Jack Miller, John Sorrenti, FAIA and Austin Stewart. .
5. 4. 48
1. 5. 6.
7. 8.
7. 6. 2.
6. Laura Marlo with guest. 7.
Sharon Sutton, FAIA.
8. Former AIA Treasurer Stuart Coppedge, FAIA with Jeanne Jackson, FAIA. 9. Gretchen Penney with her husband, Former AIA President Thompson Penney, FAIA.
9. 49
First Vice President Jane Frederick, FAIA (center) with Former Presidents Helene Combs Dreiling, FAIA, Susan Maxman, FAIA, Elizabeth Chu Richter, FAIA and Kate Schwennsen, FAIA.
2. Richard DeYoung, FAIA with
2019 President Bill Bates, FAIA.
3. Bill Bates, FAIA with Carl Elefante, FAIA 4. Carl Elefante, FAIA bestowing the AIA President's Medal on Bill Bates, FAIA. 5. Bill Bates, FAIA conferring the AIA Former President's Medal on Carl. 6. Pam Day, Hon. AIA with guests
5. 50
Bill Bates, FAIA with friends, Dan Kirby, FAIA, Marshall Purnell, FAIA, Sam Oboh, FAIA, 2014 Chancellor Bill Stanley, FAIA & Sharon Sutton, FAIA.
2. Pam Day, Hon. AIA with Lindsey Mullarkey 3. Inaugural toast by 1980 AIA President Randy Vosbeck, FAIA.
3. 52
4. 53
FELLOWS REMEMBERED Recognizing Fellows of the College
Wagdy Anis, FAIA Boston, MA
Alan Beard, FAIA Portland, OR
Daniel Barnum, FAIA Houston, TX
Randy Biallas, FAIA Alexandria, VA
Bob Bliss, FAIA Salt Lake City, UT
Paul Bowers, FAIA Grand Rapids, MI
William Conklin, FAIA New York, NY
Kent Cooper, FAIA Washington, DC
George Dolim, FAIA San Francisco, CA
FELLOWS REMEMBERED Recognizing Fellows of the College
Phil Durham, FAIA St. Louis, MS
Robert Frasca, FAIA Portland, OR
Robert Gatje, FAIA New York, NY
Michael Gebhart, FAIA Cambridge, MA
James Gibans, FAIA Cleveland, OH
Mike Goodwin, FAIA Tempe, AZ
John Hackler, FAIA Peoria, IL
Dellas Harder, FAIA Columbus, OH
Calvin Lewis, FAIA Des Moines, IA
FELLOWS REMEMBERED Recognizing Fellows of the College
Howarth Lewis, FAIA West Palm Beach, FL
Mortimer Marshall, FAIA Washington, DC
J. Victor Neuhaus III, FAIA Houston, TX
Ray Ovresat, FAIA Chicago, IL
Lee Pomeroy, FAIA New York, NY
Jerry Reich, FAIA Chicago, IL
John Schlossman, FAIA Hubbard Woods, IL
Edward Seibert, FAIA Sarasota, FL
Overton Shelmire, FAIA Dallas, TX
FELLOWS REMEMBERED Recognizing Fellows of the College
Darrell Smith, FAIA Eugene, OR
Charles Steger, FAIA Blacksburg, VA
Robert Tyler, FAIA Tarzana, CA
H. Thomas McGrath, FAIA Baltimore, MD
Wilmont Vickrey, FAIA Chicago, IL
Robert Lawton Jones, FAIA Sante Fe, NM
Bryce Weigand, FAIA Dallas, TX
Donation shows Appreciation Find out how at Jose Antonio Garcia, AIA Recipient of the AIA 2018 Young Architect Award “Thank You College of Fellows for funding the Young Architects Award Program and promoting a forum that allows us to share our unique professional experiences”
AIA College of Fellows
Contributors to the College of Fellows Fund 2018 Calendar Year LEGACY DONORS
($10,000 and above cumulative donations)
LEGACY 30 ($30,000-$39,999)
Harold L. Adams, FAIA Frank E. Lucas, FAIA Peter P. Marino, FAIA Donald E. Neptune, FAIA Victor A. Regnier, FAIA Joseph G. Sprague, FAIA LEGACY 20 ($20,000-$29,999)
Betsey Olenick Dougherty, FAIA Brian P. Dougherty, FAIA Donald J. Hackl, FAIA Jeanne M. Jackson, FAIA S. A. Klatskin, FAIA Edward J. Kodet Jr., FAIA Ivenue Love-Stanley, FAIA Robert A. Odermatt, FAIA Ted P. Pappas, FAIA Ronald L. Skaggs, FAIA John R. Sorrenti, FAIA William J. Stanley, FAIA William F. Vosbeck, FAIA LEGACY 10 ($10,000-$19,999)
Ronald A. Altoon, FAIA 60
Louis D. Astorino, FAIA Paul H. Barkley, FAIA Sigmund F. Blum, FAIA Joseph Boggs, FAIA Ellis W. Bullock, FAIA John A. Busby Jr., FAIA Donald W. Caskey, FAIA William D. Chilton, FAIA Gary B. Coursey, FAIA Sylvester Damianos, FAIA William A. Edgerton, FAIA Thomas B. Gerfen, FAIA John F. Hartray Jr., FAIA L. Jane Hastings, FAIA Russell V. Keune, FAIA Stephen J. Kieran, FAIA John R. Klai II, FAIA Norman L. Koonce, FAIA Carroll J. Lawler, FAIA Lawrence J. Leis, FAIA Rev. Howarth L. Lewis Paula J. Loomis, FAIA Steven Loomis, FAIA Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA Marvin J. Malecha, FAIA Clark D. Manus, FAIA Judsen R. Marquardt, FAIA George H. Miller, FAIA Thompson E. Penney, FAIA Raymond G. Post Jr., FAIA
William A. Rose Jr., FAIA Albert W. Rubeling Jr., FAIA John A. Ruffo, FAIA Jeffrey A. Scherer, FAIA Robert I. Selby, FAIA Jim M. Singleton IV, FAIA Steven L. Spurlock, FAIA Douglas L. Steidl, FAIA RK Stewart, FAIA Kim M. Tanzer, FAIA James D. Tittle, FAIA Edward T. M. Tsoi, FAIA Edward A. Vance, FAIA R. Randall Vosbeck, FAIA Chester A. Widom, FAIA Joseph J. Wisnewski, FAIA F.M. Wong, FAIA Enrique A. Woodroffe, FAIA Hofu Wu, FAIA Raymond Ziegler ANNUAL DONATIONS CHANCELLOR’S CIRCLE ($5,000 and above)
Peter P. Marino, FAIA Jim M. Singleton IV, FAIA Jeanne M. Jackson, FAIA
Robert A. Odermatt, FAIA
($2,500 - $4,999)
Daria F. Pizzetta, FAIA
Thomas G. Bacon, FAIA John J. Castellana, FAIA Clifford B. Curry, FAIA John R. Klai II, FAIA S. A. Klatskin, FAIA Edward J. Kodet Jr., FAIA Victor A. Regnier, FAIA Kalavati Somvanshi, FAIA Steven L. Spurlock, FAIA
Michael E. Plottel, FAIA John C. Portman III, FAIA Raymond G. Post Jr., FAIA Albert W. Rubeling Jr., FAIA John A. Ruffo, FAIA Roger Schluntz, FAIA Ronald L. Skaggs, FAIA Mr. Peter Smith, FAIA Joseph G. Sprague, FAIA Nithi Sthapitanonda, Hon. FAIA
James C. Susman, FAIA
($1,000 - $2,499)
Johannes Van Tilburg, FAIA
Harold L. Adams, FAIA
Robert J. Verrier, FAIA
Patrick J. Ahearn, FAIA Ronald A. Altoon, FAIA
Mary Burnham, FAIA
($500 - $999)
John Cetra, FAIA
John A. Busby Jr., FAIA David M. Riz, FAIA Joseph J. Aliotta, FAIA Navy F. Banvard, FAIA Ronald B. Blitch, FAIA William J. Bonstra, FAIA Tamara E. Burns, FAIA Thomas A. Butcavage, FAIA Katherine K. Chia, FAIA Gordon H. Chong, FAIA Gaylaird Christopher, FAIA Joseph Coppola, FAIA Thomas J. DeAngelo, FAIA Anne Marie Decker, FAIA Glenn H. Fellows, FAIA R. David Frum, FAIA
Katherine K. Chia, FAIA Andrew M. Cupples, FAIA Sylvester Damianos, FAIA Brian P. Dougherty, FAIA F. Earle Gaulden, FAIA Martin B. Gelber, FAIA Manuel G. Gonzalez, FAIA Daniel S. Hart, FAIA Edward M. Hord, FAIA Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Carroll J. Lawler, FAIA Frank E. Lucas, FAIA Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA Brian J. Mac, FAIA Dwight K. Mitsunaga, FAIA
Michael D. Garz, FAIA Vergel L. Gay Jr., FAIA Amy L. Gould, FAIA Frank M. Guillot, FAIA David T. Haresign, FAIA L. Jane Hastings, FAIA Eugene C. Hopkins, FAIA Margo P. Jones, FAIA Scott P. Kelsey, FAIA Wade Killefer, FAIA Sami M. Kirkdil, FAIA Thomas A. Liebel, FAIA Clark D. Manus, FAIA George H. Miller, FAIA Hal P. Munger, FAIA John Pearce Jr., FAIA J. Stuart Pettitt, FAIA Ronald M. Radziner, FAIA Shafik I. Rifaat, FAIA Ronnette Riley, FAIA Kenneth A. Rodrigues, FAIA Matthew L. Rossetti, FAIA Victor A. Saroki, FAIA Gene Schnair, FAIA Steven M. Shiver, FAIA RK Stewart, FAIA Walton R. Teague, FAIA David J. Varner, FAIA Peter F. Vieira Jr., FAIA James F. Voelzke, FAIA Randall Vosbeck, FAIA Cheryl C. Walker, FAIA Les Wallach, FAIA David C. West, FAIA 61
Contributors to the College of Fellows Fund 2018 Calendar Year Annie Chu, FAIA
Diane T. Georgopulos, FAIA
Jonah G. Cohen, FAIA
Randall C. Gideon, FAIA
Doris Cole, FAIA
Carl P. Giegold, FAIA
Gianne P. Conard, FAIA
Mark E. Gilliand, FAIA
Richard T. Connell, FAIA
Mark E. Ginsberg, FAIA
Lawrence H. Connolly, FAIA
Myron Henry Goldfinger
(Up to $499)
Lynn G. Craig, FAIA
Joann SUE Gonchar, FAIA
Stephen N. Abend, FAIA
Ralph Cunningham, FAIA
Emily A. Grandstaff-Rice, FAIA
Antonin Aeck, FAIA
Samuel E. D'Amico, FAIA
Dean W. Graves, FAIA
Roderick Ashley, FAIA
Arthur C. Danielian, FAIA
Richard J. Green, FAIA
Paula Baker-Laporte, FAIA
Coleman Davis-Pagan, FAIA
Nan R. Gutterman, FAIA
Larry R. Barr, FAIA
Howard S. Decker, FAIA
Lee R. Hahnfeld, FAIA
Glenn E. Bauer, FAIA
Frank E. Dittenhafer, FAIA
Robert G. Hale, FAIA
Phillip G. Bernstein, FAIA
Albert A. Dorman, FAIA
Philip D. Hamp, FAIA
Barbara A. Bestor, FAIA
Cornelius R. DuBois, FAIA
Henry Hardnett, FAIA
Lance L. Bird, FAIA
Williston L. Dye, FAIA
Dr. Martin J. Harms, FAIA
Heidi L. Blau, FAIA
Peter G. Ellis, FAIA
Robert S. Harris, FAIA
David Body, FAIA
Cassandra D. Ensberg, FAIA
Robert W. Hastings, FAIA
Robert Lewis Bostwick, FAIA
Dagmar B. Epsten, FAIA
Richard M. Heinz, FAIA
Robert A. Boynton, FAIA
Douglas Farr, FAIA
Jeffrey Heller, FAIA
Leon Bridges, FAIA
Stephen A. Fiskum, FAIA
Jonathan Herz, FAIA
Lance Jay Brown, FAIA
Kevin J. Flynn, FAIA
Charles A. Higueras, FAIA
Laurence C. Burns, FAIA
David G. Fong, FAIA
Thomas Hirsch, FAIA
John A. Burns, FAIA
Edward D. Francis, FAIA
Robert W. Hoye, FAIA
Thomas K. Butt, FAIA
John P. Franzen, FAIA
Kurt C. Hunker, FAIA
John M. Caldwell, FAIA
Linna JANE Frederick, FAIA
Meral Iskir, FAIA
Jesse D. Cannon Jr., FAIA
Verity L. Frizzell, FAIA
Roger P. Jackson, FAIA
Ellen C. Cassilly, FAIA
William B. Gallagher Jr., FAIA
Robert T. Jackson, FAIA
Clymer Cease Jr., FAIA
Lori Garrett, FAIA
Mark T. Jensen, FAIA
James Chaffers, FAIA
Gerard Geier II, FAIA
Pamela S. Jerome, FAIA
Drew White, FAIA Douglas S. Wignall, FAIA Scott A. Wolf, FAIA Howard Zimmerman, FAIA
Bruce E. Johnson, FAIA
Andrew G. Nielsen, FAIA
Terri Stewart, Hon. AIA, CAE
Stephen Johnson, FAIA
Edward R. Niles, FAIA
Michael J. Stransky, FAIA
Don M. Jones, FAIA
M. Celeste Novak FAIA, FAIA
James M. Suehiro, FAIA
Lance K. Josal, FAIA
John V. Nyfeler, FAIA
Douglas R. Suisman, FAIA
Paul Kinnison Jr., FAIA
Roksan Okan-Vick, FAIA
Eugene L. Surber, FAIA
William L. Kite Jr., FAIA
Paul W. O'Shea, FAIA
Robert J. Svedberg, FAIA
Judson A. Kline, FAIA
Gregory S. Palermo, FAIA
Joseph G. Tattoni, FAIA
James H. Kolker, FAIA
Jesse J. Peterson Jr., FAIA
Thomas H. Teasdale, FAIA
Peter Krasnow, FAIA
Peter A. Piven, FAIA
Chiu Lin Tse-Chan, FAIA
Patricia Lancaster-Brown, FAIA
Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, FAIA
Grant C. Uhlir, FAIA
Andrea P. Leers, FAIA
Cynthia K. Pozolo, FAIA
David A. Urschel, FAIA
Albert W. Lindeke III, FAIA
Andrew Pressman, FAIA
Guillermo Vasquez Consuegra
Winford V. Lindsay Jr., FAIA
Kathryn T. Prigmore, FAIA
Alfred Vidaurri Jr., FAIA
T. Jerry Lominack, FAIA
Homer L. Puderbaugh, FAIA
John Vinci, FAIA
William Love, FAIA
Marcel Quimby, FAIA
Lloyd G. Walter, FAIA
Jennifer A. Luce, FAIA
Kenneth G. Radtkey, FAIA
Gregory T. Waugh, FAIA
Robert C. Mack, FAIA
Kevin J. Ratigan, FAIA
Mark D. Weaver, FAIA
William T. Maclay, FAIA
Craig S. Reynolds, FAIA
Peter A. Weismantle, FAIA
Michael J. Malone, FAIA
M. Jack Rinehart Jr., FAIA
Lester Wertheimer, FAIA
R. Kent Mather, FAIA
Julia W. Robinson, FAIA
Alison M. Whitelaw, FAIA
Jane G. Mathews, FAIA
Harold G. Sadler, FAIA
Walter L. Wilson, FAIA
Laurie M. Maurer, FAIA
Dr. Carol S. Sakata, FAIA
Enrique A. Woodroffe, FAIA
Lorne L. McConachie, FAIA
Walter Schamu, FAIA
James R. Wooten, FAIA
James McCullar, FAIA
Clemens Bruns Schaub, FAIA
Gary V. Zimmerman, FAIA
Margaret McCurry, FAIA
Jeffrey A. Scherer, FAIA
Francis M. Zwart III, FAIA
Alan D. McGuinn, FAIA
Steven D. Schuster, FAIA
C. Andrew McLean, FAIA
Kenneth E. Schwartz, FAIA
Eugene E. McNaughton, FAIA
Aaron B. Schwarz, FAIA
David Metzger, FAIA
Charles E. Schwing, FAIA
Constantine Michaelides, FAIA
William D. Seider, FAIA
Kevin G. Montgomery, FAIA
Bruce W. Sekanick, FAIA
Joseph D. Monticciolo, FAIA
Dale E. Selzer, FAIA
James R. Nader, FAIA
Dr. Mardelle M. Shepley, FAIA
Thomas M. Nathan, FAIA
Marvin J. Sparn, FAIA 63
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