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My last official duty as Former Chancellor was to Chair the Jury for the 2022 Leslie N. Boney Spirit of Fellowship Award. Joining me on the jury was last year’s recipient, Ed Kodet, FAIA and the 2022 Chair of the Council of Regional Representatives, Jeanne Jackson, FAIA.
This Spirit of Fellowship award was first presented in 2000 by Chancellor Robert Odermatt to Leslie N. Boney, FAIA for his outstanding service and commitment to the College. Later that same year, the Executive Committee of the College voted to name the award after the first recipient, and it became known as the LESLIE N. BONEY SPIRIT OF FELLOWSHIP AWARD
This award recognizes continuous exceptional service and dedication to the College and has been awarded every year since 2000 – a wonderful tradition of our College. Our jury met virtually and based on an excellent nomination letter prepared by Peter Kuttner, FAIA we unanimously recommended a candidate to the current ExCom to endorse as this year’s recipient: EDWARD VANCE, FAIA. This award was presented to Ed during the Inauguration Ceremony in December!
Let me summarize a small portion of his outstanding work on behalf of our College:
• Creating the AIA COF Newsletter (now the Quarterly) by developing content, a new and fresh graphic format, enlarged editorial content, connection with NAC and YAF, and the hiring of a dedicated editor.
• Another communication tool that Ed help to enhance was to consolidate a more concise history of the COF Red Book to better “tell our story.” Working with Rebecca Edmunds, AIA, who was the 2019 Boney Award Recipient, the book has become a cherished keepsake of all new Fellows as a memory of their Investiture Ceremony, and a wonderful addition to all of our personal libraries.
• He developed the Former Chancellors Directory and the Path to Fellowship – both unified booklets that are widely utilized by many aspiring Fellows and Components.
• Ed created a new Executive Committee Welcome Packet as well as one specifically for new Council of Regional Representatives members.
• Ed created EP Component Grants application brochures and produced a needed update to the Latrobe Prize call for submissions booklet.
• Working hand in hand with Al Rubeling, FAIA he has been an ardent support of the Chancellors Cup Golf Tournaments that continues to be a major fundraiser for the College.
• …and, as Peter mentioned in his nomination letter, “as a labor of love” he has been creating wonderful Chancellor Annuals highlighting the year as Chancellor.
EDWARD VANCE, FAIA is so deserving of this Award. He continues this strong tradition in recognition of individuals that have made outstanding contributions through long lasting service to our College. Congratulations Ed!