Geor geMi l l er ,FAI Awasi naugur at ed86t hPr es i dentoft heAmer i canI ns t i t ut eofAr chi t ect si nDecember 2009.Thecer emonywashel datt heNat i onalPor t r ai tGal l er yi nWas hi ngt onD. C.i nf r ontofhundr edsof honor edgues t sanddi gni t ar i es .Thef ocusofhi sadmi ni s t r at i onwas" Des i gnMat t er s "whi chwasa cons i s t entandval uedmes s agehenevermi s s edanoppor t uni t yt oconvey.
TheI naugur at i onofGeor geH.Mi l l er ,FAI A Nat i onalPor t r ai tGal l er y,Was hi ngt onD. C.
Mi ami 201 0AI ANat i onalConvent i on
TheAI AFel l owsI nves t i t ur eCer emonywashel datt heAdr i enneAr s htCent eri nMi ami ,Fl or i da.
TheFel l ow' sConvocat i onDi nnerwashel datLoewsMi amiBeachHot el . Pi ct ur edabovear e2009AI APr es i dent ,Mar vi nJ .Mal echa,FAI A,201 0Gol dMedal i s t ,Pet erBohl i n,FAI A and201 0AI APr es i dentGeor geH.Mi l l er ,FAI A.
AI AFal lBoar dMeet i ng
201 0AI ABoar dMeet i ng Geor ge' st er m camet oacl os ei nDecemberandi twast i met opas st hegavelt ohi sgood f r i end Cl ar kManus ,FAI A.
201 1I naugur at i onofCl ar kManus ,FAI A AI ANat i onalHeadquar t er s ,Was hi ngt onD. C.
Thanksf oraGr eatYear Geor ge! Fr om al lofusatt heAI A & TheDi r t yDoz en.
Newly inaugurated AIA President George Miller, FAIA with 2009 AIA President Marvin J. Malecha, FAIA surronded by the former Presidents of the American Institute of Architects.