Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
The 55th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows
Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA was inaugurated as the 55th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows on December 8th, 2016. The Ceremony was held in the U. S. Capitol Vistor Center in Washington D.C. She succeeded John R. Sorrenti, FAIA in representing more than three thousand fellows worldwide.
The Inauguration of Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA The 55th Chancellor of the AIA College of Fellows
The 2017 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee Chancellor | Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Raymond “Skipper” Post, FAIA Secretary | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Bursar | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA
A HEARTFELT WELCOME The 54th Chancellor John Sorrenti, FAIA passes the baton to Lenore
have had the wonder ful for tune of b eing a friend
and c olleague of Lenore M. Luc ey, FAIA for many years, going back to the last c entur y in 1988 when we first met at a NYS/AIA Annual Me eting in Montauk, Long Island at my first AIA/ NYS me eting. Two p e ople were running for one p osition. I held the vote for the Long Island Chapter, Lenore was Representing the New York Chapter. Af ter the candidates gave their sp e e ches, Lenore calle d for a time out. Caucuses b e gan and the next thing you know, she had MY vote, the ele ction was over and I knew right then and there Lenore was a leader and some one to emulate for the rest of my AIA life. These past four years have b e en extra sp e cial for me working closely with her on the ExC om, and I know that this next year the C olle ge will c ontinue to thrive and advanc e its missions. Lenore, we have worke d to gether over a numb er of years to advanc e the purp oses of the C olle ge and it is my pleasure to announc e and c elebrate your inauguration as our next Chanc ellor. All of us are c onfident you will b e an inspire d and ef fe ctive leader. So with this me dal, I am honore d to invest you as the 55th Chanc ellor of The American Institute of Archite cts C olle ge of Fellows. May wisdom and go o d for tune guide you and the C olle ge!
Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA was inaugurated as the 55th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows on December 8th, 2016. The Ceremony was held in the U.S. Capitol Vistor Center in Washington D.C. She succeeded John R. Sorrenti, FAIA in representing more three thousand fellows worldwide.
amily, Friends, Fellows…and esp e cially my ver y dear
friend John Sorrenti. One do esn’t star t out dreaming of b eing Chanc ellor of the AIA C olle ge of Fellows. Af ter b e c oming an archite ct, you may disc over you really didn’t even know all that b eing an archite ct means. And you c er tainly don’t have the fo ggiest idea of what the C olle ge is or what it do es. You b e gin your care er, as most do, with a desire to design buildings and se e them built. As you pro c e e d, you go where that calling takes you – you se e opp or tunities to grow and develop, to tr y new and dif ferent asp e cts of your chosen profession, and in shor t order find you’ve gone down roads you never planne d or envisione d. Then, one day you’re standing at a dinner like this, in awe of those gathere d to c elebrate what is for me the most significant night in a lifetime of practic e. I venture 97% of those in the ro om have worke d with me for de cades longer than any of us want to admit. Some of you have known me your whole lives or close to it. In addition to that b eing humbling, it’s terrifying. Why? Over the years, you have b e en my strongest supp or ters, most appre ciate d mentors, and diligent critics. I don’t want to disapp oint you!
So b e for e t urni ng t o som e bri ef r e m ar k s an d an ove r vi e w
Th e C ol l e ge ’s s t ro nge s t a nd mo s t v a l u e d me nt o ri ng
o f what I want t o pursue i n 2017, l e t m e catch m y br e ath by
r e l ati on s hi p i s w i t h t he Yo u ng A rc hi t e c t s Fo ru m. P l e a s e
in tr o duc ing a few guest s not re c o g n i ze d e ar l i e r .
we l c om e YA F o f f i c e rs , 2 016 P re s i d e nt J o s h F l o w e rs , A I A a nd 20 17 Pr e s i d e nt - E l e c t E v e l y n L e e , A I A . Yo u t w o hav e b e e n
A f te r a c ompl i ment was m ade ab ou t Fr e d A s tai r e ’s dan ci n g
s p e ci al fo r me t o w o rk w i t h, a nd I l o o k fo r w a rd t o a gre at 2 017
th e c omme nt w as made: “Sure he was g r e at, bu t don’ t for g e t
to g e th e r .
Gin g e r R o g ers di d ever y t hi ng he di d back war ds an d i n h i g h he els.”
I wan t to re c o gni z e my me nt o rs , f ri e nd s , a nd a d v i s o rs , A nn Stacy, H o no ra r y A I A , a nd B a rb a ra J. R o d ri gu e z , H o no ra r y A I A ,
Plea se r e c o gni ze my fri ends and sp e ci al par tn e r s i n h e e l s , L .
wh o c ou l d no t b e w i t h u s t o ni ght . T he y a re e xe mp l a rs o f t he
Ja n e Ha s tings, FAI A, t he 3 0t h and f i r s t wom an Ch an c e l l or ;
i m p or tan c e a nd v a l u a b l e w o rk o f t he C o u nc i l o f A rc hi t e c t u ra l
a n d B etse y Ol eni ck D ougher t y, FAI A , th e 42n d Ch an c e l l or an d
C om p on ent E xe c u t i v e s w i t h w ho m t he C o l l e ge i s d e e p e ni ng
s e c o n d woman t o ser ve. Carol e O l s h avs k y, FA I A , th e 46 th
i ts r e l ati o ns hi p . A t t hi s p o i nt I a l s o w a nt t o a c k no w l e d ge R a y
C ha n c e llo r and t hi rd w om an t o se r ve c oul d n ot b e wi th us
Rh i n e h ar t , H o no ra r y A I A , w ho s e a d v i c e a nd c o u ns e l o v e r t he
tonig ht. It i s m y fer vent hop e t hat i n ye ar s to c om e th e r e wi l l
ye ar s an d e s p e c i a l l y i n t he l a s t t hre e w e e k s w a s i nv a l u a b l e .
b e ma ny more Fel l ow om en ser vi ng th e C ol l e g e on th e E x C om
Ray p e e l e d me o f f t he c e i l i ng ma ny t i me s a s I p re p a re d t he s e
a n d a s C ha nc el l or.
r e m ar k s .
I h op e y o u al l not i c e d t he gorge ous Capi tol D om e on your
I n 20 17 I w i l l b e jo i ne d a nd s u p p o r t e d i n t he C o l l e ge ’s e f fo r t s
wa y in to n ight . C ongrat ul at i ons go to A r ch i te ct of th e
by a ve r y t a l e nt e d E xe c u t i v e C o mmi t t e e w hi c h J o hn ha s
C a pito l S tephen Ayers, FAI A, and h i s de di cate d te am — wh at
al r e ady d u b b e d t he A -Te a m: R a y mo nd S k i p p e r P o s t , FA I A a s
a n a c h ie v ement ! I’ve c onveye d ou r s i n c e r e appr e ci ati on to
V i c e Ch anc e l l o r, w i t h hi s w i fe B r y a n; c o nt i nu i ng a s S e c re t a r y
S tep h en for host i ng t he use of t he Capi tol V i s i tor C e n te r ’s
E dwar d V a nc e , FA I A , w i t h hi s w i fe Ru b y ; a nd o u r ne w B u rsa r
A tr ium. It’s t rul y an honor.
P e te r Ku t t ne r, FA I A , w ho s e w i fe E l a i ne c o u l d no t jo i n u s ton i g h t.
If y ou’r e wonderi ng w here he’s seate d, Ste ph e n h ad to l e ave r ig ht a f te r t oni ght ’s re c ept i on. H e h ad a pr i or e n g ag e m e n t— an
N e x t ye ar , a nd I ho p e i nt o t he fu t u re , t he E xe c u t i v e C o mmi t t e e
in v itatio n to Presi dent Obam a’s l as t H ol i day B al l at th e Wh i te
wi l l wor k t o ge t he r t o c o nt i nu e t o ma k e t he C o l l e ge a n
Hous e. Ta lk ab out b ei ng out rank e d!
i n cr e as i ngl y i nc l u s i v e b o d y t hat i s re p re s e nt at i v e o f t he ri c h di ve r s i ty o f t he s o c i e t y a rc hi t e c t s s e r v e .
“One doesn’t start out dreaming of being Chancellor of the AIA College of Fellows. After becoming an architect, you may discover you really didn’t even know all that being an architect means. And you certainly don’t have the foggiest idea of what the College is or what it does. You begin your career, as most do, with a desire to design buildings and see them built. “
College of Fellows Executive Committee
From left to right | top to bottom:
Chancellor | Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Raymond “Skipper” Post, FAIA Secretary | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Bursar | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Executive Director | Terri S. Stewart, Hon. AIA
“Lenore’s ascension to the Chancellory of the AIA College of Fellows began in 2013 at the Annual Business Meeting of the AIA College of Fellows during the National Convention held in Denver, Colorado. The 2013 College of Fellows Nominating Committee had recommended her as Secretary and her nomination was approved and ratified by a unanimous vote by all those in attendance.
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting Toronto, Ontario | Canada
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting and the Inauguration of William Stanley Jr., FAIA Washington, D.C.
AIA College of Fellows Spring Board Meeting Puerto Rico
AIA National Convention Chicago, Illinois
The Chancellor’s Cup Open
Cantigny Golf Course - Chicago
Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University Chicago, Illinois
2014 COF Chancellor William Stanley, Jr., FAIA
2014 AIA President Helene Combs Dreiling, FAIA
2014 Executive Committee of the AIA College of Fellows with 2014 AIA President Helene Combs Dreiling, FAIA
Former Chancellors of The AIA College of Fellows
The AIA College of Fellows
Class of 2014
Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University | Chicago, Illinois
Former Presidents of The American Institute of Architects
2014 AIA President Helene Combs Dreiling, FAIA
2014 COF Chancellor William Stanley, Jr., FAIA
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting Honolulu, Hawaii
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting and the Inauguration of Albert W. Rubeling, Jr., FAIA Washington, D.C.
The 2015 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee Chancellor | Albert W. Rubeling, Jr. FAIA Vice Chancellor | John R. Sorrenti, FAIA Bursar | Raymond “Skipper” Post, FAIA Secretary | Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
AIA College of Fellows Spring Board Meeting Palm Springs, California
AIA National Convention Atlanta, Georgia
The Chancellor’s Cup Invitational East Lake Golf Club
The Chancellor’s Cup Open TPC Sugarloaf
Investiture - Oh Happy Day! Ebenezer Baptist Church Atlanta, Georgia
2015 COF Chancellor Albert W. Rubeling, Jr., FAIA
2015 COF Jury Chair John Castellana, FAIA
2015 AIA President Elizabeth Chu Richter, FAIA
The AIA College of Fellows
Class of 2015 Ebenezer Baptist Church | Atlanta, Georgia
Convocation Hyatt Regency Hotel Atlanta, Georgia
AIA College of Fellows August Board Meeting Gladstone, New Jersey
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting Deer Valley, Utah
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting and the Inauguration of John R. Sorrenti, FAIA Washington, D.C.
The 2016 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee Chancellor | John R. Sorrenti, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA Bursar | Raymond “Skipper” Post, FAIA Secretary | Edward A. Vance, FAIA
The 2016 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee Chancellor | John R. Sorrenti, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA Bursar | Raymond “Skipper” Post, FAIA Secretary | Edward A. Vance, FAIA
AIA College of Fellows ExCom 2015 Year End
AIA College of Fellows Spring Board Meeting Southbridge Napa Valley, California
Fellows Reception
Sens Restaurant | San Fransisco, CA
AIA National Convention Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Chancellor’s Cup Open White Manor Country Club
Irvine Auditorium University of Pennsyvania
(L to R) 2016 AIA President Russell Davidson, FAIA 2016 COF Jury Chair Diane Georgopulos, FAIA 2016 Chancellor John R. Sorrenti, FAIA
The AIA College of Fellows
Class of 2016 Irvine Auditorium | Philadelphia, Pennylvania
2016 Chancellor John R. Sorrenti, FAIA
COF Annual Business Meeting Union League, Philadelphia
Convocation Marriott Marquis Grand Ballroom Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting Newport, Rhode Island
Fellows Reception Brown University
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting Washington, D.C.
2017 Latrobe Prize Jury
AIA College of Fellows ExCom 2016 Year End
AIA College of Fellows Spring Board Meeting Austin, Texas
Fellows Reception Texas Society of Architects
AIA National Convention | A’17 Orlando, Florida
The Chancellor’s Cup Invitational Bay Hill Golf Club
The Chancellor’s Cup Open Grand Cypress Golf Club
New Fellows Reception Club 39
The Former Chancellor’s Luncheon The Citrus Club
The Phillips Auditorium Orlando, Florida
2017 Chancellor Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
The 2017 Executive Committee of the AIA College of Fellows (L to R) Peter Kutner, FAIA, Lenore Lucey, FAIA, Skipper Post, FAIA and Edward Vance, FAIA
A Message of Responsibility Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
ellows, c olleagues, families and friends, go o d
af terno on and welc ome to the Walt Disney Theater at the Dr. Phillips C enter for the Per forming Ar ts. The Phillips was designe d by Bar ton Myers Asso ciates, heade d by Bar ton Myers, FAIA and op ene d in 2014. There is more information ab out this wonder ful c omplex in your Investiture Pro gram. This af terno on we invest the Class of 2017 into the C olle ge of Fellows. Advanc ement to the C olle ge of Fellows re c o gnizes and c elebrates your individual significant achievement. With all that you have done for the profession – all
that has brought you here to day – you share a singular
It is now your res ponsibilit y to stimulate a sharing of interests among ALL Fellows.
at tribute with the current memb ers of the C olle ge: your passion for doing more. B e c oming an archite ct is not under taken lightly. We undergo a grueling e ducation; and in practic e, endure long days, fre quent charret tes, and unending c omp etition. B e c oming an archite ct re quires passion and de dication. For Fellows that translates into going to work each day on proje cts we b elieve will influenc e so ciety and change p e ople’s lives. Thank you all for your c ommitment and de dication to our profession. You are b eing re c o gnize d here to day for having significantly c ontribute d to the profession in various
way s, through ser vic e to the AIA, e ducation, the
passion for the profession. We urge you to insure
of 2017. Memb ership in the C olle ge of Fellows
c ommunity, and our asso ciate d organizations.
your memb ership in the C olle ge is meaningful
is the highest memb ership honor the AIA can
To day and tomorrow at Fellows events the C olle ge
through par ticipation in lo cal pro grams and events
b estow on those who evidenc e exc eptional work
expresses our c ongratulations and our appre ciation
to make the profession more visible and valuable
and c ontributions to archite cture and so ciety. It
for all you have c ontribute d. As a memb er of
to your c ommunity. And, as a steward of the
is a re c o gnize d achievement that brings with
the C olle ge we ask only that you return to your
profession, we urge you to follow the C olle ge’s
it an obligation to share your knowle dge and
c ommunity and c ontinue to share your time and
leadership and supp or t mentoring of the next
de dication to ethical and professional exc ellenc e
talent to b enefit the profession and mentor its next
generations of archite cts – students, emerging
with c olleagues and suc c e e ding generations of
professionals and young archite cts.
archite cts.
There is a reason why c eremonies like this are
You will re c eive your me dal to day from AIA
It is now your resp onsibility to stimulate a sharing
calle d ‘c ommenc ement.’ First, re c eiving your
President Thomas Vonier, FAIA; and then b e
of interests among Fellows, to promote the
me dal represents re c o gnition of your significant
re c eive d into the C olle ge by me and the C olle ge’s
interests of the Institute, to advanc e the profession
achievement at this p oint in your life. S e c ond,
Exe cutive C ommit te e. As you leave the stage you
of archite cture, to mentor young archite cts and to
it signifies the b e ginning of a new phase holding
will re c eive the Histor y of the C olle ge of Fellows
b e of ever-increasing ser vic e to so ciety.
great p otential for c ontinue d demonstration of your
and Dire ctor y which includes this illustrious Class
2017 Chancellor Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
2017 COF Jury Chair Mary Kay Lanzillotta, FAIA
2017 AIA President Tom Vonier, FAIA
The AIA College of Fellows
Class of 2017
Phillips Auditorium | Orlando, Florida
COF Annual Business Meeting The Rosen Hotel, Orlando
2017 Chancellor Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
Newly Elected 2018- ‘19 COF Secretary John Castellana, FAIA
Convocation Hyatt Regency Ballroom Orlando, Florida
A Message of Welcome Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
o o d Evening. To Fellows and Honorar y Fellows
of the C olle ge, to Memb ers of the Institute, to the families, friends, c olleagues and guests from around the c ountr y and around the world. It is inde e d a pleasure, and my privile ge to welc ome you. I am Lenore M. Luc ey, the 55th Chanc ellor of the C olle ge of Fellows of the American Institute of Archite cts. Yesterday we elevate d 178 Fellows and 8 Honorar y Fellows to Memb ership in the C olle ge in our traditional and formal Investiture c eremony. Each year this C onvo cation Dinner is held in joy ful c elebration of the new Fellows achievements and the achievements of those who pre c e de d them. Let me b e gin with our traditional intro ductions of the leadership of the profession. First, the memb ers of the Exe cutive C ommit te e of the C olle ge of Fellows:
Vic e Chanc ellor, Raymond G. “Skipp er” Post, FAIA
As Fe l l o w s, w e a r e re c o g ni ze d a s t h e le a d e r s who se i ze the op p o r t un it y to b e me nto rs t o t h e n ext g e ne r ati o n.
and his wife Br yan, Se cretar y, Edward A. Vanc e, FAIA and his wife Ruby War than-Vanc e, and Bursar, Peter G. Kut tner, FAIA and his wife Elaine, and the re c ently ele cte d COF Exe cutive C ommit te e memb er for 2018, Se cretar y, John J. Castellana, FAIA and his wife Barbara. Yesterday at the Investiture we were all inspire d by our new Fellows achievements – as brief as those statements were. I hop e you, our new Fellows, were
inspire d by re c eiving your me dal - one of the most
promote the purp oses of the Institute, advanc e
The American Institute of Archite cts is delighte d to
imp or tant re c o gnitions an archite ct can re c eive.
the profession of archite cture, to mentor young
honor each memb er of the C olle ge of Fellows Class
It is a symb ol of the extraordinar y passion that
archite cts, and to b e of ever-increasing ser vic e to
of 2017.
you each have for your profession, as practitioners
so ciety.
and as leaders who make a dif ferenc e in our c ommunities.
I am humble d to have par ticipate d in your elevation As Fellows, we are re c o gnize d as the leaders who
to the C olle ge and to share this evening with you.
seize the opp or tunity to b e mentors to the next With Fellowship c omes a resp onsibility. As role
generation and elevate the profession through our
mo dels, each of you is uniquely obligate d to do
vision. As Fellows we represent the values, supp or t
more. To give more. You now have the opp or tunity
the development and enc ourage the sustainability
and the duty to share your knowle dge, your
of the practic e of archite cture.
exp erienc e and your time. C ongratulations again to each of you. Your As its newest memb ers, we ask you to join us in
achievements are now a par t of the le gacy of the
ser ving the C olle ge’s Bylaws mandate d Purp ose -
AIA C olle ge of Fellows.
to stimulate a sharing of interests amon g Fellows,
2017 Chancellor Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
2017 AIA President Tom Vonier, FAIA
2017 Vice Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA with 2007 Chancellor Frank Lucas, FAIA
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting New York, New York
2017 Chancellor Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
Fellows Reception AIA New York | Center for Architecture
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting and the Inauguration of Raymond “Skipper” Post, FAIA Washington, D.C.
The 2018 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee (R to L) Chancellor | Raymond “Skipper” Post, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Bursar | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Secretary | John J. Castellana, FAIA
The 2017 Chancellor | Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA with from R to L
Bryan Post Ruby Vance Elaine Kuttner Barbara Castellana
Reception at the AIA Octagon
The 2018 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee
Chancellor | Raymond “Skipper” Post, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Bursar | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Secretary | John J. Castellana, FAIA Executive Director | Terri Stewart, Hon. AIA
AIA College of Fellows ExCom 2017 Year End
enore M. Luc ey, FAIA, the C olle ge’s 55th Chanc ellor is the re cipient of the 2018 Edward C. Kemp er Award, given annually to an archite ct who has c ontribute d significantly to the profession through ser vic e to the AIA. An advo cate for archite cts and a leader in demonstrating their relevanc e and influenc e on so ciety, Luc ey, has built a le gacy of c ontinuous ser vic e to the built environment. In her roles of design professional, former exe cutive dire ctor of AIA New York, a leader of the AIA C olle ge of Fellows Exe cutive C ommit te e, and a National C ouncil of Archite ctural Re gistration B oards exe cutive, Luc ey has de dicate d her prestigious care er to advancing the profession. The ef fe ct Luc ey has had on the design profession was felt early in her care er when she ser ve d on the Citiban k B-7 7 Task Forc e, which in the 1970s reshap e d the p ersonal banking exp erienc e by developing the prototyp e for the first ATM. She also elevate d the design sensibility of the American Broadcasting C ompanies (ABC), which resulte d in two award-winning Kohn Pe dersen Fox buildings, the restoration of an ic onic factor y building for ABC Radio, and a slew of other proje cts designe d by some of the nation’s most-re c o gnize d firms. Luc ey’s leadership has had a transformative ef fe ct on the C olle ge of Fellows, where she le d the ef for ts to tell the stor y of the C olle ge’s c ontributions to the next generation through its grants and awards to young archite cts and c omp onents. She worke d to strate gically deploy the AIA’s Latrob e Prize to research ef for ts that would imme diately impact practitioners. In 2017 the prize was awarde d to thre e faculty memb ers from the Nor theastern University Scho ol of Archite cture for their study, “Future-Use Archite cture” which promises to ultimately lead archite cts to design more resilient buildings from their inc eption. As the leader of AIA New York and o f the New York Foundation for Archite cture, her strong c onvictions help e d p osition the chapter as a sought-af ter voic e among c ountless city agencies, b oards, and c ommissions. Her writ ten pie c es for O culus, the chapter’s magazine, have b e en reprinte d by c omp onents across the c ountr y and in nationally re c o gnize d publications.
dynamo , a p o w er ho u se o f en th usiasm and s t r engt h, s h e n e v e r c h ose the mo r e t ravele d and e a si e r road when s he saw o p p o r t un i t i e s t o a dvo cate fo r a mo r e inc lus iv e, d i v e r se , a nd relevant p r o fess io n. Wh at e v e r t he ch allen ge, w het her t o ear n fo r t h e c o lle ge a clear er and mo r e e f fe ct i v e voic e, in cre as e t he r es o ur c es n e e d e d t o carr y fo r w ar d it s miss i o n , o r re double its c o mmit ment t o m e n t o r t he youn g w o men and men w h o a r e t he future o f t he p r o fess io n , sh e i nveste d in her r o le as C hanc e l l o r t h e wisdom and exp er ienc e gaine d f r o m h er many le ad er s hip r o les , alo n g w i t h t he trust she ear ne d in t hese r o l e s a s an hones t and a c ar ing ad v i so r t o make a p os it iv e d if fer enc e in th e l i v e s of all those s he t o uc he d .
Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
The 55th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows
AIA College of Fellows
The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20006-5292