2009 AIA President Marvin J. Malecha, FAIA

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Mar vi nJ.Mal echa,FAI Awasi naugur at edast he85t hPr es i dentoft heAmer i canI ns t i t ut eofAr chi t ect s dur i ngcer emoni eshel donDecember5t h,2008att heNat i onalPor t r ai tGal l er yi nWas hi ngt on,DC. Hes ucceededMar s hal lE.Pur nel l ,FAI Ai nr epr es ent i ngmor et han80, 000AI Amember swor l dwi de.

Marvi n' sas cens i ont ot hePr es i dencyoft heAmer i canI ns t i t ut eofAr chi t ect sbeganatt he 2008DecemberBoar dmeet i nghel di nWas hi ngt on,DC.wi t ht het r ans i t i onofl eader s hi pf r om 2007Pr es i dentMar s hal l .E.Pur nel l ,FAI A.

TheI naugur at i onofMar vi nJ .Mal echa,FAI A TheNat i onalPor t r ai tGal l er y,Was hi ngt on,DC.

T henewl yel ec t edPr es i dentMa r v i nJ . Ma l ec ha , F AI A wi t hPa s tPr es i dentMa r s ha l l E. Pur nel l , F AI A.

AI ANa t i ona lBoa r dofDi r e c t or s

2 0 0 9

Mar vi nJ.Mal echa,FAI A Pr esi dent

Wal t erHai nsf ur t her ,AI A Vi cePr esi dent

Geor geH.Mi l l er ,FAI A Fi r s tVi c ePr es i den t

Pamel aJ.Loef f el man,FAI A Vi c ePr es i den t

Pet erAr senaul t ,AI A Vi cePr esi dent

Cl ar kManus,FAI A Vi cePr esi dent

St ephenK.Loos,AI A Secr et ar y

HalP.Munger ,FAI A Tr easur er

AnaGuer r a,Assoc.AI A Associ at eRepr esent at i v e

Fr edr i cM.Bel l ,FAI A CACERepr esent at i v e

Chr i st i neW.McEnt ee Ex ec u t i v eVi c ePr es i den t / CEO

Denni sA.Andr ej ko,AI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,New Yor k

Wi l l i am M.Babcock,Hon.AI A CACEDi r ect or

Donal dR.Bar sness,AI A

Dougl asA.Benson,AI A

Regi onalDi r ect or ,Nor t hCent r alSt at es

Regi onalDi r ect or ,Nor t hwest&Paci f i c

JW Bl anchar d,Assoc.AI A St udentDi r ect or

St acyBour ne,AI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,Fl or i da/ Car i bbean

ThomasB.Br aham,AI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,I l l i noi s

Donal dC.Br own,AI A Regi on al Di r ec t or ,Gu l fSt at es

D.Gr aham Davi dson,FAI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,Mi ddl eAt l ant i c

Fr eder i ckF.But t er s,Esq. ,FAI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,Mi chi gan

Russel lA.Davi dson,AI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,New Yor k

Kevi nJ.Connol l y,AI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,Nor t hCent r alSt at es

Davi dDelVecchi o,AI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,New Jer sey

JamesDet er manJr . ,AI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,Mi ddl eAt l ant i c

Ri char dDeYoung,AI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,Pennsyl v ani a

Gabr i elDur andHol l i s,FAI A Regi on al Di r ec t or ,Tex as

Er i caRi ouxGees,AI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,New Engl and

Jef f r eyT.Gi l l ,AI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,Cal i f or ni a

Mi ckeyJacob,AI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,Fl or i da/ Car i bbean

Leonar dE.Kor oski ,AI A Regi on al Di r ec t or ,I l l i n oi s

Debr aKunce,AI A,LEEDAP Regi on al Di r ec t or ,Oh i oVal l ey

Pet erKut t ner ,FAI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,New Engl and

AnneLai r dBl ant on,AI A Regi on al Di r ec t or ,Cal i f or n i a

Ral phLer ner ,FAI A,HKI A I nt er nat i onalDi r ect or

Ri char dD.Li cat a,AI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,West er nMount ai n

MegganLux,AI A Associ at eDi r ect or

PaulD.Manki ns,FAI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,Cent r alSt at es

R.KentMat her ,AI A Regi on al Di r ec t or ,Cal i f or n i a

Ter r enceE.O’ Neal ,AI A Regi on al Di r ec t or ,New Yor k

Pat r i ckT.Oni shi ,AI A

JohnA.Padi l l a,AI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,West er nMount ai n

Regi onalDi r ect or ,Nor t hwestandPaci f i c

Jef f er yPot t er ,AI A Regi on al Di r ec t or ,Tex as

Tr ul aH.Remson,AI A,LEEDAP Regi onalDi r ect or ,Gul fSt at es

JohnW.Roger s,AI A,ACHA Regi on al Di r ec t or ,Oh i oVal l ey

Dr uSchmi dt Per ki ns Publ i cDi r ect or

Wi l l i am J.St anl eyI I I ,FAI A,NOMA Regi onalDi r ect or ,Sout hAt l ant i c

Davi dThur m,Esq. Publ i cDi r ect or

Pamel aM.Touschner ,FAI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,Cal i f or ni a

Edwar dT.Zei gl erJr . ,AI A Regi onalDi r ect or ,Sout hAt l ant i c

Edwar dW.Tucker ,AI A Regi on al Di r ec t or ,Th eVi r gi n i as

Edwar dJ.Vi dl ak,AI A Regi on al Di r ec t or ,Cen t r al St at es

AI AGr as s r oot sConvent i on Was hi ngt on,DC

AI ASpr i ngBoar dMeet i ng Mi nneapol i s ,Mi nnes ot a

The2009AI ANat i onalConvent i on SanFr anci sco,Cal i f or ni a

AI ABoar dMeet i ng

Phi l adel phi a,Pennsy l v ani a

St r at egi cPl anni ngSessi on

AI AHeadquar t er s

Washi ngt onD. C.

AI AFal lBoar dMeet i ng

Vancouv er ,Canada

AI ADecemberBoar dMeet i ng Washi ngt onD. C.

TheDecemberBoar dMeet i ngdr ew t oacl os eandi twast i met opas s t hegavelt oMar vi n' sgoodf r i endandcol l eague,Geor geMi l l er ,FAI A. Fr i endsandf ami l yal ongwi t hmanyf or merpr es i dent swer ei nat t endance t owi t nes st hef ar ewel ls peechesoft heCl as sof2009,t heExecut i ve Commi t t eeaswel lasaf ew ot heract soft r adi t i ont hatmakeourt i meon t heboar ds omemor abl eandt hef r i ends hi pswemakel as tal i f et i me.

TheI naugur at i onofGeor geH.Mi l l er ,FAI A Nat i onalPor t r ai tGal l er y,Was hi ngt onD. C.

Ma r v i nJ . Ma l e c h a , F A I A


l esGupt on Phot oCr edi t s:Char Denni sAndr ej ko,FAI A Pet erAr senaul t ,FAI A Sonni eMason Edwar dVance,FAI A Edwar dZei gl er ,FAI A

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