Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA | The Fifty Sixth Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows
AIA College of Fellows
The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20006-5292
Raymond “Skipper” Post, FAIA
The 56th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows
Raymond “Skipper� Post, Jr., FAIA was inaugurated as the 56th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows on December 7, 2017. The Ceremony was held at the AIA Headquarters Building in Washington D.C. He succeeded Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA in representing more than thirty two hundred Fellows worldwide.
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting and the Inauguration of Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA Washington, D.C.
The 2018 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee (R to L) Chancellor | Raymond “Skipper” Post, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Bursar | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Secretary | John J. Castellana, FAIA
The 2017 Chancellor | Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA with from R to L
Bryan Post Ruby Vance Elaine Kuttner Barbara Castellana
Reception at the AIA Octagon
A GRACIOUS WELCOME The 55th AIA College of Fellows Chancellor Lenore Lucey, FAIA passes the baton to Skipper Post, FAIA.
have had the incre dible go o d for tune to have
known and worke d with Skipp er Post, FAIA for many years, in many set tings. When the C olle ge’s Nominating C ommit te e put for ward his name to follow me on the Exe cutive C ommit te e I was thrille d. Over lunch at Skipp er’s first ExC om me eting as an obser ver, we b onde d over several issues facing the C olle ge we b oth felt strongly ab out. Over the past 3 1/2 years we’ve grown into par tners as we disc overe d our hop es and goals for the C olle ge were even more closely aligne d. On the ExC om, Skipp er c ontinue d his role as sage c ounsel, passionate advo cate and challenging debater. We b oth relish a ‘strong’ discussion and the ultimate satisfactor y resolution of the question. I know his year as Chanc ellor will c ontinue to move the C olle ge for ward as he brings those skills to the talente d group who will ser ve us in 2018 – and b eyond. I’m proud that over the past 4 ½ years the ExC om has move d to more c ompletely explain to the memb ership its purp ose and de dication, - that is: to c ommunicate the C olle ge’s stor y b et ter; to strengthen its financial base through increase d fundraising; and to enhanc e its c ommitment to supp or t and enc ourage the next generations of archite cts through additional pro gram
Lenore Lucey, FAIA - 2017 Chancellor
funding as we raise more money. With the help of all
of y ou in his ro om the C olle ge will suc c e e d in all
I would ask all the former C olle ge of Fellows
thre e areas.
Chanc ellors to join me as we salute our new
This me dal is a symb ol of the of fic e of Chanc ellor.
Chanc ellor, Raymond G. “Skipp er” Post, Jr., FAIA.
With this me dal, I am honore d to invest the
Last year I said: “I hop e into the future the
Skipp er, we have worke d to gether over de cades to
56th Chanc ellor of the C olle ge of Fellows of The
Exe cutive C ommit te e will work to gether to
advanc e the purp oses of the C olle ge of Fellows
American Institute of Archite cts.
c ontinue to make the C olle ge an increasingly
and the AIA.
inclusive b o dy that is representative of the rich
Ladies and gentleman, please join me, President
diversity of the so ciety archite cts ser ve.” Also,
It is my pleasure to announc e and c elebrate your
Vonier, and the Former Chanc ellors in toasting our
that it was my fer vent hop e that in years to c ome
inauguration as the 56th Chanc ellor of the C olle ge
new Chanc ellor, Raymond G. “Skipp er” Post, Jr.,
there will b e many more ‘Fellowomen’ ser ving the
of Fellows of the American Institute of Archite cts.
C olle ge on the ExC om and as Chanc ellor. As I
All of us are c onfident you will b e an inspire d and
depar t, I c ontinue to challenge the ExC om – and
inspiring leader. President Vonier, please esc or t
To the promise of the New Year and of new
all of you - to strive for those goals. At this time,
Skipp er to the front.
ac c omplishments: May wisdom and go o d for tune
Raymond Skipper Post, Jr., FAIA was inaugurated as the 56th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows on December 7, 2017. The Ceremony was held at the AIA Headquarters building in Washington D.C. He succeeded Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA in representing more thirty two hundred Fellows worldwide.
elc ome to all of you gathere d here this evening
for this momentous o c casion, at least for me, but more imp or tantly for the c ontinuation of not just the leadership of the C olle ge of Fellows, but for carr ying for th the torch tonight and tomorrow night of arguably one of the most re c o gnizable professional so cieties in the world - the American Institute of Archite cts - the AIA - and our C olle ge of Fellows which, I add honors, not an elite status of sp e cial memb ers, but rather, re c o gnizes those who have given back to the profession, and to the public by leading the way in one of several avenues of extraordinar y ser vic e. I am over whelme d by the presenc e here tonight of so many ver y go o d friends - former and future chanc ellors and presidents. I cannot put into words the fe elings I have for you, the ver y essenc e of AIA leadership over the last several de cades, and I honestly can say that I hold you in the highest re gard. Last year at this event, Lenore said “one do esn’t star t out dreaming of b eing Chanc ellor of the C olle ge of Fellows.” I will add - nor president of the AIA. I still rememb er ver y well the year 1990 when I had just b e gun my national involvement in the AIA. I was in Houston to at tend the National C onvention and I was walking near the vehicle drop of f lo cation when I heard my longtime
Skipper Post, FAIA - 2018 Chancellor
and ver y go o d friend Norman Ko onc e call out to me from some distanc e. He b e ckone d me over not only to say
hell o, but to intro duc e me to the AIA President -
the four or five of you who pulle d me aside at
a friendly man with a hear ty laugh and a twinkle
the c onvention in D enver and said “You must run
in his eyes - it was Syl Damianos. I c ould not
for of fic e in the C olle ge of Fellows,” for Norman
b eli eve it! I was in awe! I just met the president
Ko onc e and Sue for almost 50 years of friendship
of the AIA!
and c ollab oration, b oth in an archite ctural JV and in the AIA, and for my ver y go o d friend, President
Likewise, I re call my first b oard me eting in 1991
Tom Vonier and his wife Franc oise, who worke d
when I sat as a gre en freshman and I raise d
with me from the time of my Presidency when
my hand to make a c omment, and the president
I was in Franc e to assist in the intr o duction of
resp onde d, and said “yes, Rusty? ” That was Jim
Western Europ e as a voic e in the AIA to his role
Lawler and he still calls me Rusty. Jim also said a
this past year as emissar y of the AIA as I worke d
lot more to me in a long let ter of C ongratulations
my way through my roles as chair of the Former
as I re c eive d my fellowship the next year, but my
Presidents group and Vic e- Chanc ellor of the
favorite exc erpt is “Use your strong voic e; use it
C olle ge of Fellows.
well and use it carefully.” Now, it would probably make a great stor y for It is dangerous to p oint to a few b e cause so many
me to say that, standing in the hot Houston sun
of y ou have b e en so imp or tant to me, but I must
in 1990 or b eing calle d by the wrong nickname
of fer my sp e cial appre ciation for Randy Vosb e ck,
in 1991, I then and there de cide d I wante d to
wise and calm in his c ounsel, Chet Wido m for
b e President of the AIA and Chanc ellor of the
his mentorship when I was president ele ct, for
C olle ge of Fellows. I did not. He ck, in 1990
with Syl, I didn’t even dream that I would ever
as chairman of our este eme d group……exc ept
of ever y thing that is “Fe deral” in Washington
b e a fellow, and with Jim - as I re c eive d my
mayb e tonight.
DC, and he has a staf f of some 2,300. Steve, I
Fellowship - that I would ever b e Chanc ellor of the ver y C olle ge that was inducting me.
fe el that I owe you an ap olo gy for not holding So that is a synopsis of my AIA life, and to o
this event in one of your b eautiful spac es as
much of me. I want to move on to re c o gnize
we have for the last two years. But sinc e 1990
But somewhere b etwe en my early years in life
some sp e cial p e ople and groups. This ro om
this building has b e en home to me, and when
and graduation from Texas A&M, my parents
is so full of sp e cial p e ople that I c ould just
the White House Christmas tre e lighting event
taught me that ser vic e to others should b e
ab out do what o c curre d at the de dication of a
was move d a we ek later than this event, and
an imp or tant par t of life. My father was an
new building we had designe d for a Un iversity
we c ould actually get here from our hotels. I
archite ct, and a ver y go o d one - a ver y smar t
in Baton Rouge. True stor y. The emc e e went
wante d to c ome home to our b eautiful o ctagon
man, so I just presume d that archite cture was
through the usual roll call of re c o gnition - the
house (thank you, Norman) where histor y
to b e my life’s work. My mother was c onsume d
governor, the mayor, the university president,
has b e en made b oth in the formative years of
with ser vic e to others in so many ways that they
le gislators, many other dignitaries, even the
our great c ountr y and of the AIA, and to this
are unc ountable. So my future was thrust up on
archite ct and the c ontractor - then he aske d
wonder ful building we are now in which has
me - archite cture and ser vic e, and obviously
for ever yone else who had not b e en re c o gnize d
ser ve d us so well for so many years.
ser vic e in and through archite cture. Another
to stand so that they c ould b e re c o gnize d for
trait which wound its way into my life is that
their imp or tanc e to the proje ct. My p oint is that
One of the C olle ge’s primar y goals is to
when I exp erienc e something in a group or
ever y one of you is imp or tant to the AIA and its
supp or t young archite cts, and some of the YAF
organization that b others me - that just se ems
C olle ge of Fellows, the roughly half of you who
leadership are with us tonight. Please welc ome
wrong - I would rather jump into the middle of
now ser ve or have ser ve d as an ele cte d leader.
the current chair, Evelyn Le e, AIA, and her
it to lead it to change than just whine ab out
The other half of you are here as a guest or
husband, and past chair Josh Flowers, AIA,
it. And I have jump e d into the middle of many
sp ouse who is or has b e en the supp or t standing
who is standing in for next year’s chair, Larr y
things that se eme d wrong to me, and a few
next to that ele cte d leader. All of us ele cte d
Fabbroni, AIA.
times found myse lf tosse d back out, but I think
leaders know and appre ciate the imp or tanc e of
that i s calle d exp erienc e.
our supp or ters - our sp ouses and our friends.
As we move into 2018, I c ould not b e more
So I am asking all of you sp ouses and friends of
please d than to have the camaraderie and
Nonetheless, i b elieve that my desire to make
the ele cte d leaders in this ro om to let the past
working relationship with my exe cutive
changes for the b et ter has lead me to b e
and current leaders thank you with a round of
c ommit te e memb ers - the of fic ers of the
standing in front of you this evening. I hop e I
C olle ge. For my thre e years on the ExC om
have supp or te d go o d changes, and I resp e ct
thus far, I have exp erienc e d a fantastic working
those times when I have b e en tosse d out of the
Like I said, ever y p erson in this ro om i s
group of men and women, and I have no doubt
pro c ess of change. I don’t think the reje c tions
imp or tant, but I want to re c o gnize some ver y
that we will c ontinue what I p ersonally have
were always c orre ct, but I resp e ct the will of
sp e cial p e ople. I want to star t by re c o gnizing
exp erienc e d with Chanc ellors Bill Stanley, Al
the group to make that de cision. As a past AIA
Stephen Ayers, FAIA, Archite ct of the Capitol,
Rub eling, John Sorrenti, and of c ourse, my
president, I have to say to my fellow former
and his wife, Jennifer. In the event you are
ver y go o d friend and mentor, Lenore Luc ey.
presidents, nothing has made me prouder than
not aware of it, Steve’s job is huge. He is
You have already met your 2018 exe cutive
b eing sele cte d by you to ser ve for a few years
resp onsible for the entire physical environment
c ommit te e, Ed Vanc e as Vic e- Chanc ellor and
“I a m o ve r wh e l m e d b y
th e p r e se n c e h e r e to n i g h t o f so m a n y ve r y g o o d f r i e n d s - fo r m e r a n d fu tu r e c h a n c e l l o r s a n d p r e si d e n ts. I c a n n o t p u t i n to wo r d s th e fe e l i n g s I h ave fo r yo u , th e ve r y e sse n c e o f A I A l e a d e r sh i p o ve r th e l a st se ve ra l d e c a d e s, a n d I h o n e stl y c a n sa y th at I h o l d yo u i n th e h i g h e st r e g a r d .”
his wife Ruby; Peter Kuttner as Bursar for one
you more than I can express. I thank you and
Those of you who were here in the good old days,
more year and his wife, my boating pal, Elaine;
the staff who support you and all of us including
when board classes were actually a cohesive
and John Castellana as our new secretary and his
Tonya Horsely and Muza Asadova. And to continue
group of architects from all over the countr y who
wife, Barb. I can tell you, this is an outstanding
with staff, where would most of you out there,
grew together as good friends and who fought
group, and I go into my final year feeling very
along with me, have been without Ray Rhinehar t,
together for their goals within the AIA - (I think
comfortable that the good work of the COF
Hon. AIA? “Talk about make you look better than
we even occasionally drank together) - you will
ExCom will continue in a manner of excellence in
you really are!” Thank you Ray and Walter. And
appreciate my recognition of my classmate and
2018 and beyond.
finally one of the last staff members still here
good friend, Lee Bearsh, and his wife Karen, from
from, it seems, the first time I walked into this
Binghampton, NY. Thank you two for celebrating
In all of my service with AIA, I have been
building as a board member, I offer a special
with me.
fortunate to have been supported by staff which,
thanks to Pam Day, Hon. AIA for continuing to
honestly, has made me look better than I really
support me and my constant requests. I know
Finally, and the best is last, I am so for tunate and
am. For the College, that situation continues
I drive her crazy, but I only occasionally get a
thankful to have my entire close family her e. My
with Terri Stewart, Hon. AIA. Terri, I appreciate
snarky response, but all in fun.
sister, Toni Post, from Houston, who car ve d her
own care er with shell oil and who has always
Patrick came into our lives unexp e cte dly. Here
Latrob e Prize; and to supp or t, mentor, and
supp or te d my eve r y endeavor. And who, even
was our single daughter with a then 12 year old
enc ourage our young AIA archite cts via the
though retire d, still maintains a full calendar of
son, and we wondere d how Patrick would fit into
Young Archite cts Forum, emerging professional
c ommunity ser vic e. Toni? (and no, she did not
all of our lives. I think all you have to do is lo ok
grants, the Leadership Institute, and other such
flo o d during Har vey.)
at Mia and Raymond, and you know how great
Patrick is - to them and to us. Now to our two children and their families - we
The only promotional c omment I will make
are so for tunate to have the b est daughter-in-
Finally, any thing I would say is not enough
ab out next year is that I intend to work ver y
law and son-in-law we c ould imagine c ome into
ab out my wife of 54 years, Br yan. How she has
hard for a more organize d and enhanc e d
our lives - please me et our son, Ray, and his
put up with me I will never understand (and
pro gram of donations and gif ts. Presently,
wife, Jenny, with their two young men, Jordan
she o c casionally reminds me that she do es not
there is a pitifully small group of donors, and I
and Andrew. The first time we met Jenny was
understand, either), but she has supp or te d me
must b e honest, we cannot supp or t our current
in D e c emb er of 1995 in the Librar y of C ongress
in all I have done. In fact, she was the final and
pro grams in the manner they deser ve if we
at my Presidential Inauguration. Those of you
de ciding factor when I was debating whether to
do not increase our donation numb ers and
who were there will re call that we had a light
run for of fic e in the C olle ge of Fellows. Thank
amounts. There is no reason why we cannot
snow during the event, and we walke d outside to
you. I love all of you.
c onsiderably increase the financial par ticipation
a winter wonderland. Ray rep eate dly aske d us if
of our fellows. We now have less than 10% -
he c ould bring his somewhat new girlfrien d with
You may have notic e d, I have not yet sp oken
less than 10% - (and I would b e embarrasse d
him. We kind of resiste d sinc e we had not yet
ab out the workings of the C olle ge of Fellows,
to tell you exact numb er) - of our fellows who
met Jenny, but we gave in. As so on as we saw
and I do not intend to‌‌much. This is not
donate. Will you former Chanc ellors and former
her we imme diately thought - no wonder Ray
a business me eting. Hop efully you know
Presidents please help me with this?
p ersiste d!
what we stand for and what we do, but as a reminder there are thre e major cate gories of
We have b e en weak in our metho ds of doing all
And our daughter, Wendy, and her husban d,
our work: to maintain the C olle ge - including
the things that must b e done for a suc c essful,
Patrick Mar tin, and Wendy’s son, Raymond,
financially; to supp or t archite ctural research,
active donation ef for t, and that is going to
and their daughter, Mia. Likewise with Je nny,
primarily through the $100,000 grant for the
change. Lenore intro duc e d me to a wonder ful
lady, B eth Stef fian, widow of Peter Stef fian,
what you c ould imagine. Now, you all know
Exe c, C olle ge of Fellows Chanc ellor and more
FAIA, who many of you knew. B eth is a retire d
Lenore, and most have known her for a long
- so much more. The highest c ompliment that
fund raising c onsultant, and she has of fere d to
time, so it will c ome as no surprise that in her
I can pay her, in addition to acknowle dging her
assist and guide us - pro b ono. I do not b elieve
New York state of mind, we do o c casionally
de dication, is that she always, always, thinks
in establishing unrealistic goals that just sound
disagre e! Twic e in four years, I think. But
ab out the memb ers, not you and me sit ting here
go o d tonight, but unachievable tomorrow.
I did let her have her way, (actually, it is
in our finer y, but the memb ers back home, just
quite refreshing to disagre e with resp e ct and
tr ying to run a practic e, or c ontributing their
talents in some diverse way. How, she asks,
I se e no reason not to have at least half of our fellows - 1,500 of the 3,000 - not 204
do es what we are ab out to do af fe ct them?
of the 3,000 - make annual donations, and
In case you are the rare p erson in this ro om
increase our annual amounts from the static
who do es not know Lenore’s histor y of ser vic e,
Lenore, I cannot imagine this past year without
$130,000 a year to $300,000 a year over the
let me explain it this way. I re c ently had the
you at the helm as c ommander, while I was
next thre e years. Simultane ously, we will b e
opp or tunity to write a referenc e let ter for
just a plain Skipp er standing by your side. You
more active in explaining what we do with our
Lenore. As I usually do, I aske d for her bio so
taught me a lot, and the C olle ge of Fellows is
money, let ting ever yone know ab out our annual
my let ter would b e factually c orre ct. Lenore
a b et ter organization now than it was when you
$65,000 for Latrob e, $7,500 for the leadership
and I have known each other and worke d
arrive d. We all thank you. And thank all of you
institute, $15,000 for young archite ct awards,
to gether for a long, long time, but when I read
for c oming tonight to share in the fellowship
$25,000 for c omp onent grants for emerging
her bio, I was over whelme d with what she has
of family and friends. Rest well. There is much
professionals, and on and on. We can do it!
done, and a p ower ful thought jump e d into my
go o d work to b e done in the days, we eks, and
I know we can! So that’s my goal, and I’m
mind which I include d in the let ter.
months to c ome.
It was simple, straight-for ward, shor t and to
Go o dnight to all!
c ounting on you leaders to help us get there. Without doubt, my C olle ge of Fellow s ser vic e
the p oint. It was: “What has this woman not
has b e en remarkably enhanc e d by ser ving with
done for the AIA and for Archite c ture?!” She has
my ver y go o d friend, Lenore Luc ey. We have
b e en an Archite ct with a small firm, with a large
share d so much and have c ollab orate d b eyond
firm, Exe c with NCARB, C omp onent Exe c, AIAS
Skipper Post, FAIA with the Former Chancellors of the AIA College of Fellows
Skipper Post, FAIA with the Former Presidents of the American Institute of Architects
College of Fellows Executive Committee
From left to right | top to bottom:
Chancellor | Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA Vice Chancellor | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Bursar | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Secretary | John J. Castellana, FAIA Executive Director | Terri S. Stewart, Hon. AIA
“Skipper’s ascension to the Chancellory of the AIA College of Fellows began in 2014 at the Annual Business Meeting of the AIA College of Fellows during the National Convention held in Chicago, Illinois. The 2014 College of Fellows Nominating Committee had recommended him as Bursar and his nomination was approved and ratified by a unanimous vote by all those in attendance.
The AIA College of Fellows
Class of 2014
Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University | Chicago, Illinois
Former Presidents of The American Institute of Architects
2014 AIA President Helene Combs Dreiling, FAIA
2014 COF Chancellor William Stanley, Jr., FAIA
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting Honolulu, Hawaii
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting and the Inauguration of Albert W. Rubeling, Jr., FAIA AIA Headquarters Building - Washington, D.C.
The 2015 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee Chancellor | Albert W. Rubeling, Jr. FAIA Vice Chancellor | John R. Sorrenti, FAIA Bursar | Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA Secretary | Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
AIA College of Fellows Spring Board Meeting Palm Springs, California
AIA National Convention Atlanta, Georgia
The Chancellor’s Cup Invitational East Lake Golf Club
The Chancellor’s Cup Open TPC Sugarloaf
Investiture - Oh Happy Day! Ebenezer Baptist Church Atlanta, Georgia
2015 COF Chancellor Albert W. Rubeling, Jr., FAIA
2015 COF Jury Chair John Castellana, FAIA
2015 AIA President Elizabeth Chu Richter, FAIA
The AIA College of Fellows
Class of 2015 Ebenezer Baptist Church | Atlanta, Georgia
Convocation Hyatt Regency Hotel Atlanta, Georgia
AIA College of Fellows August Board Meeting Gladstone, New Jersey
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting Deer Valley, Utah
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting and the Inauguration of John R. Sorrenti, FAIA Russell Senate Building - Washington, D.C.
The 2016 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee Chancellor | John R. Sorrenti, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA Bursar | Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA Secretary | Edward A. Vance, FAIA
The 2016 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee Chancellor | John R. Sorrenti, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA Bursar | Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA Secretary | Edward A. Vance, FAIA
AIA College of Fellows ExCom 2015 Year End
AIA College of Fellows Spring Board Meeting Southbridge Napa Valley, California
Fellows Reception
Sens Restaurant | San Fransisco, CA
AIA National Convention Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Chancellor’s Cup Open White Manor Country Club
Irvine Auditorium University of Pennsyvania
(L to R) 2016 AIA President Russell Davidson, FAIA 2016 COF Jury Chair Diane Georgopulos, FAIA 2016 Chancellor John R. Sorrenti, FAIA
The AIA College of Fellows
Class of 2016 Irvine Auditorium | Philadelphia, Pennylvania
2016 Chancellor John R. Sorrenti, FAIA
COF Annual Business Meeting Union League, Philadelphia
Convocation Marriott Marquis Grand Ballroom Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting Newport, Rhode Island
Fellows Reception Brown University
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting Washington, D.C.
The Inauguration of Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA U.S. Capitol Visitor Center - Washington, D.C.
The 2017 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee Chancellor | Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA Secretary | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Bursar | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA
Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA was inaugurated as the 55th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows on December 8, 2016. The Ceremony was held in the U.S. Capitol Vistor Center in Washington D.C. She succeeded John R. Sorrenti, FAIA in representing more than three thousand Fellows worldwide.
AIA College of Fellows ExCom 2016 Year End
AIA College of Fellows Spring Board Meeting Austin, Texas
Fellows Reception Texas Society of Architects
AIA National Convention | A’17 Orlando, Florida
The Chancellor’s Cup Invitational Bay Hill Golf Club
The Chancellor’s Cup Open Grand Cypress Golf Club
New Fellows Reception Club 39
The Former Chancellor’s Luncheon The Citrus Club
The Phillips Auditorium Orlando, Florida
2017 Chancellor Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
The 2017 Executive Committee of the AIA College of Fellows (L to R) Peter Kutner, FAIA, Lenore Lucey, FAIA, Skipper Post, FAIA and Edward Vance, FAIA
A Message of Responsibility Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
ellows, c olleagues, families and friends, go o d
af terno on and welc ome to the Walt Disney Theater at the Dr. Phillips C enter for the Per forming Ar ts. The Phillips was designe d by Bar ton Myers Asso ciates, heade d by Bar ton Myers, FAIA and op ene d in 2014. There is more information ab out this wonder ful c omplex in your Investiture Pro gram. This af terno on we invest the Class of 2017 into the C olle ge of Fellows. Advanc ement to the C olle ge of Fellows re c o gnizes and c elebrates your individual significant achievement. With all that you have done for the profession – all
that has brought you here to day – you share a singular
It is now your res ponsibilit y to stimulate a sharing of interests among ALL Fellows.
at tribute with the current memb ers of the C olle ge: your passion for doing more. B e c oming an archite ct is not under taken lightly. We undergo a grueling e ducation; and in practic e, endure long days, fre quent charret tes, and unending c omp etition. B e c oming an archite ct re quires passion and de dication. For Fellows that translates into going to work each day on proje cts we b elieve will influenc e so ciety and change p e ople’s lives. Thank you all for your c ommitment and de dication to our profession. You are b eing re c o gnize d here to day for having significantly c ontribute d to the profession in various
way s, through ser vic e to the AIA, e ducation, the
passion for the profession. We urge you to insure
of 2017. Memb ership in the C olle ge of Fellows
c ommunity, and our asso ciate d organizations.
your memb ership in the C olle ge is meaningful
is the highest memb ership honor the AIA can
To day and tomorrow at Fellows events the C olle ge
through par ticipation in lo cal pro grams and events
b estow on those who evidenc e exc eptional work
expresses our c ongratulations and our appre ciation
to make the profession more visible and valuable
and c ontributions to archite cture and so ciety. It
for all you have c ontribute d. As a memb er of
to your c ommunity. And, as a steward of the
is a re c o gnize d achievement that brings with
the C olle ge we ask only that you return to your
profession, we urge you to follow the C olle ge’s
it an obligation to share your knowle dge and
c ommunity and c ontinue to share your time and
leadership and supp or t mentoring of the next
de dication to ethical and professional exc ellenc e
talent to b enefit the profession and mentor its next
generations of archite cts – students, emerging
with c olleagues and suc c e e ding generations of
professionals and young archite cts.
archite cts.
There is a reason why c eremonies like this are
You will re c eive your me dal to day from AIA
It is now your resp onsibility to stimulate a sharing
calle d ‘c ommenc ement.’ First, re c eiving your
President Thomas Vonier, FAIA; and then b e
of interests among Fellows, to promote the
me dal represents re c o gnition of your significant
re c eive d into the C olle ge by me and the C olle ge’s
interests of the Institute, to advanc e the profession
achievement at this p oint in your life. S e c ond,
Exe cutive C ommit te e. As you leave the stage you
of archite cture, to mentor young archite cts and to
it signifies the b e ginning of a new phase holding
will re c eive the Histor y of the C olle ge of Fellows
b e of ever-increasing ser vic e to so ciety.
great p otential for c ontinue d demonstration of your
and Dire ctor y which includes this illustrious Class
2017 Chancellor Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
2017 COF Jury Chair Mary Kay Lanzillotta, FAIA
2017 AIA President Tom Vonier, FAIA
The AIA College of Fellows
Class of 2017
Phillips Auditorium | Orlando, Florida
COF Annual Business Meeting The Rosen Hotel, Orlando
2017 Chancellor Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
Newly Elected 2018- ‘19 COF Secretary John Castellana, FAIA
Convocation Hyatt Regency Ballroom Orlando, Florida
A Message of Welcome Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
o o d Evening. To Fellows and Honorar y Fellows
of the C olle ge, to Memb ers of the Institute, to the families, friends, c olleagues and guests from around the c ountr y and around the world. It is inde e d a pleasure, and my privile ge to welc ome you. I am Lenore M. Luc ey, the 55th Chanc ellor of the C olle ge of Fellows of the American Institute of Archite cts. Yesterday we elevate d 178 Fellows and 8 Honorar y Fellows to Memb ership in the C olle ge in our traditional and formal Investiture c eremony. Each year this C onvo cation Dinner is held in joy ful c elebration of the new Fellows achievements and the achievements of those who pre c e de d them. Let me b e gin with our traditional intro ductions of the leadership of the profession. First, the memb ers of the Exe cutive C ommit te e of the C olle ge of Fellows:
Vic e Chanc ellor, Raymond G. “Skipp er” Post, FAIA
As Fe l l o w s, w e a r e re c o g ni ze d a s t h e le a d e r s who se i ze the op p o r t un it y to b e me nto rs t o t h e n ext g e ne r ati o n.
and his wife Br yan, Se cretar y, Edward A. Vanc e, FAIA and his wife Ruby War than-Vanc e, and Bursar, Peter G. Kut tner, FAIA and his wife Elaine, and the re c ently ele cte d COF Exe cutive C ommit te e memb er for 2018, Se cretar y, John J. Castellana, FAIA and his wife Barbara. Yesterday at the Investiture we were all inspire d by our new Fellows achievements – as brief as those statements were. I hop e you, our new Fellows, were
inspire d by re c eiving your me dal - one of the most
promote the purp oses of the Institute, advanc e
The American Institute of Archite cts is delighte d to
imp or tant re c o gnitions an archite ct can re c eive.
the profession of archite cture, to mentor young
honor each memb er of the C olle ge of Fellows Class
It is a symb ol of the extraordinar y passion that
archite cts, and to b e of ever-increasing ser vic e to
of 2017.
you each have for your profession, as practitioners
so ciety.
and as leaders who make a dif ferenc e in our c ommunities.
I am humble d to have par ticipate d in your elevation As Fellows, we are re c o gnize d as the leaders who
to the C olle ge and to share this evening with you.
seize the opp or tunity to b e mentors to the next With Fellowship c omes a resp onsibility. As role
generation and elevate the profession through our
mo dels, each of you is uniquely obligate d to do
vision. As Fellows we represent the values, supp or t
more. To give more. You now have the opp or tunity
the development and enc ourage the sustainability
and the duty to share your knowle dge, your
of the practic e of archite cture.
exp erienc e and your time. C ongratulations again to each of you. Your As its newest memb ers, we ask you to join us in
achievements are now a par t of the le gacy of the
ser ving the C olle ge’s Bylaws mandate d Purp ose -
AIA C olle ge of Fellows.
to stimulate a sharing of interests amon g Fellows,
2017 Chancellor Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
2017 AIA President Tom Vonier, FAIA
2017 Vice Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA with 2007 Chancellor Frank Lucas, FAIA
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting New York, New York
2017 Chancellor Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
Fellows Reception AIA New York | Center for Architecture
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting Washington, D.C.
The 2018 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee
Chancellor | Raymond “Skipper” Post, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Bursar | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Secretary | John J. Castellana, FAIA Executive Director | Terri Stewart, Hon. AIA
AIA College of Fellows ExCom 2017 Year End
AIA College of Fellows Spring Board Meeting Santa Fe, New Mexico
Fellows Reception Albuquerque, New Mexico
Fellows Reception Sante Fe, New Mexico
AIA National Conference | A’18 New York, New York
The Chancellor’s Cup Open
Eisenhower Park Golf Course, NY
New Fellows Reception
Club 39 - New York, NY
The Former Chancellor’s Luncheon The Friars Club - New York, NY
The 2018 Executive Committee of the AIA College of Fellows (L to R) John Castellana, FAIA, Chancellor Skipper Post, Jr., FAIA, Edward Vance, FAIA, and Peter Kuttner, FAIA.
Investiture St. Patricks Cathedral
2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA with 2018 COF Jury Chair Karen Nichols, FAIA
A Message of Committment Chancellor Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA
c olleagues,
go o d
af terno on and welc ome to St. Patrick’s Cathe dral. Our thanks go out to the Archdio c ese of New York for making this venue available to us, and to John Sullivan, FAIA, for c o ordinating this ef for t. C onstruction on St. Patrick’s b e gan in 1858 with its do ors op ening in 1879. St. Patrick’s was designe d by James Renwick, and then in re c ent years a major restoration was under taken by Murphy Burnham and
But trick, represente d here to day by Jef frey Murphy,
Ad va n c e m e nt to th e C o lle ge of Fe llo ws re c og n iz es and c elebrat e s yo u r in dividu a l s ign if ic a n t ach ievem en t s .
FAIA, and Mar y Burnham, FAIA, for which they re c eive d a National AIA Honor Award in 2016. And what a proud moment this must b e for Mar y as she will b e investe d at this event and she is a four th generation Fellow. There is more information ab out this wonder ful cathe dral in your Investiture Pro gram. This af terno on we invest the Class of 2018 into the C olle ge of Fellows. Advanc ement to the C olle ge of Fellows re c o gnizes and c elebrates your individual significant achievements. With all that you have done for the profession – all that has brought you here to day – you share a singular at tribute with the current memb ers of the C olle ge: your passion for doing more.
B e c oming an archite ct is not under taken lightly. We
ask only that you return to your c ommunity and
next generations of archite cts – students, emerging
undergo a grueling e ducation; and in practic e, endure
c ontinue to share your time and talent to b enefit
professionals and young archite cts.
long days, and unending c omp etition.
the profession and mentor its next generations, as
B e c oming
an archite ct re quires passion and de dication.
well as to supp or t the C olle ge.
Fell ows, that translates into proje cts we b elieve will
re c eive
me dal
to day
President Carl Elefante, FAIA; and then b e re c eive d
influenc e so ciety and improve the quality of life.
Re c eiving your me dal represents re c o gnition of your
into the C olle ge by me and the C olle ge’s Exe cutive
Thank you all for your c ommitment and de dication
significant achievement at this p oin t in your life and
C ommit te e. As you leave the stage you will re c eive
to our professio n.
it signifies the b e ginning of a new phase of great
a b o ok of the Histor y of the C olle ge of Fellows and
p otential for your passion for the profession. This
a Dire ctor y which includes this illustrious Class of
You are b eing re c o gnize d here to day for having
is your star t of doing more, and you will hear that
significantly c ontribute d to the profession, through
again. We urge you to insure your memb ership in the
ser vic e to the AIA, e ducation, the c ommunity, and
C olle ge is meaningful through par ti cipation in lo cal
It is now my pleasure to intro duc e the 94th President
our asso ciate d organizations. To day and tomorrow
pro grams and events to make the profession more
of The American Institute of Archite cts, Carl Elefante,
visible and valuable to your c ommunity. And, as a
c ongratulations and our appre ciation for all you
steward of the profession, we urge you to follow the
have c ontribute d. As a memb er of the C olle ge we
C olle ge’s leadership and supp or t mentoring of the
C olle ge
Former Chancellors of The American Institute of Architects
Former Presidents of The American Institute of Architects
2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA
The AIA College of Fellows
Class of 2018 St. Patricks Cathedral | New York, NY
COF Annual Business Meeting The New Yorker Hotel | Grand Ballroom
The New Yorker Hotel New York, New York
2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA
The 2018 Executive Committee of the AIA College of Fellows (L to R) Chancellor Skipper Post, Jr., FAIA, Vice Chancellor Edward Vance, FAIA, Bursar Peter Kuttner, FAIA, Secretary John Castellana, FAIA, and newly elected Bursar-Elect Roger Schluntz, FAIA .
Roger Schluntz, FAIA COF ExCom’s Bursar-Elect
Welcome to the 66th Annual Business Meeting Chancellor Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA
o o d af terno on.
I am Skipp er Post, the 56th
Chanc ellor of the AIA C olle ge of Fellows. All of us on the Exe cutive C ommit te e of the C olle ge are delighte d to se e you at this year’s Business Me eting. We extend a par ticularly warm welc ome to our new Fellows, Honorar y Fellows and sp e cial guests. We c ome to gether at this time each year to c onduct the business of the C olle ge. We will review the af fairs of the C olle ge, share our
goals and plans, and ele ct the memb ers of the Exe cutive C ommit te e who will ser ve in 2019.
We c ome together at this time each year to c onduct the business of the C olle ge.
I anticipate an unusually packe d agenda to day, so I am going to imp ose some of our business on you as you eat. But first let me intro duc e the 2018 Exe cutive C ommit te e: Vic e Chanc ellor, Edward A. Vanc e, FAIA and his wife Ruby; Bursar, Peter G. Kut tner, FAIA and his wife Elaine; Se cretar y, John J. Castellana, FAIA and his wife Barbara. At this time, I would like to re quest a moment of silenc e as we rememb er those Fellows who passe d away in 2017. Thank you. You will find c opies of the C olle ge of Fellows Fund 2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA addressing the members of the College of Fellows
Annual Rep or t on your tables. In it you will find more c omplete c ommentar y on the year than we have time to present in detail.
Sinc e last year’s Business Me eting, your 2017
Of those who donate various amounts, just 15% of
wonder ful exe c, Terri Stewar t, Hon AIA, and her
worke d
the donors c ontribute d 70% of our annual donate d
assistant, Muza Asadova --- ladies, stand, and thank
diligently on the C olle ge’s pro grams and initiatives
funds. This, simply put, is not fair. Now, ladies and
including the 2017/2018 Latrob e Prize which is well
gentlemen, we simply ne e d more --- more donors
under way. David Fannon, AIA, Michelle Lab oy, and
and higher levels.
In working with those who will
To close my remarks, I onc e again thank my fantastic
Peter Weiderspahn, AIA of Nor theastern University,
follow me as Chanc ellor, we have agre e d to a thre e
Exe cutive C ommit te e, Ed, Peter and John. I tell them
are c oncluding their work entitle d “Future-Use
year goal of ab out half, or 1,500, of our Fellows to
they are like having thre e 10 -month old Labrador
Archite cture: D esign for Persistent Change” and
make a donation similar to the p erc entages donate d
retrievers on leashes; all I have to do is mention an
the call is currently out for the 2019 – 2020 Latrob e
last year --- some donating $100, many donating
idea and they are pulling me to the ground, dragging
$500, a bunch at $1,000, and then those at $5,000
me down the trail, as they take of f running.
Exe cutive
C ommit te es
and even $10,000. Now, our goal is to increase our The Emerging Professional C omp onent Grants were
c orpus to a c omfor table level so that our pro grams
awarde d to four te en AIA C omp onents across the
can live of f of the pro c e e ds. We are living to o close
c ountr y totaling $32,500. The C olle ge supp or ts
to the e dge of our financial capability and almost
the Young Archite cts Forum with a liaison from the
totally subje ct to the whims of our investment
Exe cutive C ommit te e. We provide supp or t financially
p or t folio.
for the YAF’s Leadership Institute, through the AIA
is one of mo derate risk and reward --- ab out the
C enter for Civic Leadership, and their Mini-MBA
middIe of the graph.
Pro gram at C onvention. In addition, the Exe cutive
I know I am mostly preaching to the choir in this
C ommit te e and a YAF representative jur y the Young
ro om, but please help us by c ontinuing to c ontribute
Archite ct Awards and provide an honorarium to
what you can, star t c ontributing if you are a new
each of this year’s re cipients. Our total supp or t of
Fellow, and enc ourage others to star t c ontributing.
these YAF initiatives was $19,500 in 2017.
We, as the C olle ge of Fellows, can and should do
Incidentally, our investment p or t folio We monitor it ver y closely.
more. Thank you. Last year at this me eting I mentione d the imp or tanc e of fund raising, and told you then that you would
Let me close by thanking a group who has inde e d
hear more from me on this topic. Sinc e I have b e en
made a major c ontribution year af ter year, now
on this Exe cutive C ommit te e for the past thre e and
totaling over half a million dollars.
a half years we have talke d ab out increasing our
Chanc ellor’s Cup golf tournament, so thanks to the
fund raising ef for ts. This year I have taken it on as
many p e ople involve d, and esp e cially chairman Al
my p ersonal goal. While there are many in this ro om
Rub eling, FAIA. Ladies and gentlemen of the golf
who have b e en ver y generous, and there are many in
c ommit te e, please stand and b e re c o gnize d by our
this ro om hearing this for the first time, I ap olo gize
That is the
for sp eaking ver y dire ctly to the situation that we ne e d to do b et ter --- much b et ter. I hop e you have
I also want you to know that th e AIA makes a
heard me say, and have read this, but Fellowship is
the star t of doing more. The facts are these: Less
of Fellows Fund, and also gives us tremendous
than 10% of Fellows donate to the COF Fund at all.
c ontribution
supp or t,
C olle ge
I will now op en the flo or for any new business,
se e, many do not understand that the C olle ge of
Fellows b e cause I knew it was a lot, and b e cause it
Fellows is a memb er group of the AIA.
hur t me p ersonally and de eply when the C olle ge was
limite d c omments re garding the current distasteful
app oints the Fellows Jur y, the AIA Jur y sele cts the
the organization b eing calle d out for doing nothing,
situation of what has b e en generally lab ele d as
Fellows, and then invests them as Fellows.
when in reality we c ould do nothing in re gard to
sexual harassment. Let me first state ver y clearly
C olle ge re c eives the new class of Fellows each year,
a sp e cific incident.
that I p ersonally abhor any abuse, any harassment,
and thereaf ter administers the goals of what the
this ver y me eting in which more than four p e ople on
of any kind, whether due to p ower, e go, mental
Fellows wish to do.
The C olle ge cannot, as some
the Exe cutive C ommit te e c ould of fer suggestions
illness, or any other reason. I will tell you, though,
have calle d for, strip a memb er’s Fellowship status.
and guidanc e toward a more p ermanent solution. I
that this is an opp or tunity to fac e this issue in a
We have neither the administrative or governanc e
wishe d many of those making such calls would have
broader reach toward resolution of a bigger picture
authority nor the investigative resourc es, or even
c onsidere d the reality of what the C olle ge c ould
than one instanc e.
It is an issue of harassment
the right, to make a judgment much less issue a
and c ould not actually do.
and abuse, and is one with which we have not b e en
punishment. That is the duty and obligation of the
op enly c onfronte d in my fif ty plus years in the AIA.
p ersonally
b e gin
of fering
I knew that we were close to
Now, from my viewp oint, what can the C olle ge do?
Let me star t by stating in what may b e
From the first public ut teranc es leading to the current
I have at tempte d to read ever y word writ ten in re gard
c onsidere d an e goist term that a Fellow in the AIA
situation , I was in imme diate c ontact with the AIA
to the current harassment issue, and I have replie d
is c er tainly c onsidere d a leader within the larger
leadership and with my Exe cutive C ommit te e. You
to sp e cific and p ersonal re quests for information as
AIA organization. Isn’t that why we were ac c epte d
to what has, and was, and is o c curring as the AIA fac e d, and fac es, a dif ficult, te dious, emotional issue fraught with serious implications from ever y angle, ever y viewp oint. I have not sp oken for the AIA, and I do not do so now.
Nonetheless, as Chanc ellor,
I was in significant dialo gue day af ter day, we ek af ter we ek, with the AIA leadership.
Frankly, and
I say this resp e ct fully in the presenc e of the AIA leadership right now, I wante d the AIA to explain more of what they had done, more of what they were doing, to the memb ers and par ticularly to the
as Fellows, b e cause we lead in some asp e ct or other
single p erson who has said we should do nothing.
of the profession of archite cture? Then, as leaders
And I do not susp e ct that there are silent memb ers
within our professional organization, we can exer t
out there who b elieve what happ ene d is OK, and that
our leadership in this current sc enario, but within
we should do nothing. So I am c onfident in saying
our b oundaries of our authority to do so. We must
that I think ever y single one of the Fellows, in fact
make careful, intelligent c onsideration of how we
ever y single AIA memb er, wants to c onfront this
can b est fac e this new dilemma, not make some
issue. But let’s do it right as the C olle ge of Fellows,
kne e-jerk pronounc ement that sounds go o d to day
and right as the American Institute of Archite cts.
but is found to b e full of holes as we c onsider it in the longer term future, whether that b e we eks or
Now I will op en the flo or for any new business.
months. We still must follow a due pro c ess metho d of achieving our goals. This problem did not b e gin
There b eing no fur ther business, I lo ok for ward to
thre e months ago, it b e gan many years ago, so let’s
se eing you at the C onvo cation Dinner this evening
get it right. One thing I have notic e d is this: of all
and I de clare the 2018 Annual Me eting of the
the many c omments, some sho oting from the hip,
C olle ge of Fellows Fund adjourne d.
some thought ful suggestions, some cautions for due diligenc e, and on and on, I have not heard one
Convocation New York Hilton | Grand Ballroom New York, NY
A Message of Inspiration Chancellor Skipper Post, Jr., FAIA
o o d Evening! And what an evening this is for all
of us --- For you new fellows, AND for so many who have b e en with you along the way, all the providers and enc ouragers, the inspirers, the pro dders, the b elievers in you! It is my pleasure, and my privile ge, to welc ome ever y single one of you.
I am Skipp er Post, the 56th
Chanc ellor of the C olle ge of Fellows of the American Institute of Archite cts. Yesterday we elevate d 152 Fellows and 2 Honorar y Fellows to Memb ership in the C olle ge in our traditional and
c eremony.
C onvo cation Dinner is held in joy ful c elebration of the new Fellow’s achievements and the achievements of those who pre c e de d them. Let me b e gin with the
As Fe l l o w s, w e a r e re c o g ni ze d a s t h e le a d e r s who se i ze the op p o r t un it y to b e me nto rs t o t h e n ext g e ne r ati o n a nd e le v at e t h e pro fe ssi o n thr o u gh o u r v isi o n.
C onvo cation’s
intro ductions
leadership of the profession. First, the memb ers of the Exe cutive C ommit te e of the C olle ge of Fellows and their guests: This is my fantastic team! First, my guest, my wife of 55 years, Br yan Simmons Post; Vic e Chanc ellor, Edward A. Vanc e, FAIA and his wife Ruby; Bursar, Peter G. Kut tner, FAIA and his wife Elaine, Se cretar y, John C. Castellana, FAIA and his wife Barbara, and the re c ently ele cte d COF Exe cutive C ommit te e memb er for 2019, Bursar, Ro ger Schlunt z, FAIA. Next, the leadership of The American Institute of
Archite cts: President Carl Elefante, FAIA, and his
It is not even a plateau. It is not an elite p osition
you. Your answer is not going to b e “well, I’m at the
wife, Adriana; President-Ele ct Bill Bates, FAIA and
for its own sake. It is the star t of doing more. More
top, I’ve p e eke d, I’m done.” No, in some form it is
his wife, Maggie McD ermot t; Rob er t A. Iv y, FAIA,
for the profession, more for the C olle ge, for the
going to b e something like this: “it just means that
Exe cutive
Exe cutive
AIA, more for our young archite cts, and more for
I have a lot more work to do for my c ommunity, for
Of fic er and his wife, Holly and newly-ele cte d 2019
research. More for our c ommunities, and more for
my profession, for our young p e ople.” Yes, this is
First Vic e President, who will b e Preside nt in 2020,
our planet.
the star t of doing more.
It is, simply put, a passion for doing more. No, that
As Fellows, we are re c o gnize d as the leaders who
There are many staf f memb ers from the AIA’s
me dal around your ne ck do es not mean you are
seize the opp or tunity to b e mentors to the next
national c omp onent here tonight including the
finishe d.
Go back to your homes, to your of fic es,
generation and elevate the profession through our
C olle ge’s Exe cutive Dire ctor, Terri Stewar t, Hon,
to your scho ols, to your c ommunities, and do even
vision. As Fellows, we represent the values, supp or t
AIA, Muza Asadova and Tonya Horsley. Along with
more than you have done to reach this p osition.
the development and enc ourage the sustainability
them, all AIA staf f please stand and b e re c o gnize d.
With Fellowship c omes a resp onsibility.
of the practic e of archite cture.
Vic e
Jan e Fre derick, FAIA.
I know
ever y single one of you, p erhaps not p ersonally, but Yesterday at the Investiture we were all inspire d
by reputation --- by achievement.
by our new Fellow’s achievements - as brief as those statements were.
done a lot to get here. Now, star ting right now, we
I hop e that each of you
So I have no fear, I have no doubt, in exp e cting that
new Fellows were inspire d by b eing investe d and
you will ramp up what you have already b e en doing
re c eiving your me dal - one of the most imp or tant
with your life as an AIA archite ct. I want you to think
re c o gnitions an archite ct can re c eive. But it is more
ab out this. What will your answer b e when some one
than that. It is not the end of a road.
asks “so what do es it mean to b e a Fellow? ” I know
2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA
C ongratulations again to each of you. You have
2018 AIA President Carl Elefante, FAIA
exp e ct more out of you….lots more! Thank all of you! Now it is time to C elebrate!! Please enjoy the rest of your evening.
2018 Vice Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA with 2018 Boney Award Recipient - Barry Johns, FAIA
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting Portland, Maine
2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA
Fellows Reception Gulf of Maine Research Institute | Portland, Maine
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting Washington, D.C.
The 2019 Latrobe Prize Jury (LtoR)
Edward A. Vance, FAIA, John J. Castellana, FAIA, Chair Marilyn Taylor, FAIA, Curt Fentress, FAIA, Marvin Malecha, FAIA and Gordon Chong, FAIA
2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA
The 2019 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee (LtoR) Secretary | John J. Castellana, FAIA Chancellor | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Bursar | Roger Schluntz, FAIA
The Council of Former Chancellors
The Inauguration of Edward A. Vance, FAIA Russell Senate Building - Washington, D.C.
The 2019 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee Chancellor | Edward A. Vance, FAIA, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Secretary | John J. Castellana, FAIA Bursar | Roger L. Schluntz, FAIA
AIA College of Fellows ExCom 2018 Year End
a y mo n d “ S k i p p er ” P o s t graduat e d f rom Tex as A & M Un i v e rsi ty i n 19 6 3, a n d a lmos t imme diat ely s t ar t e d hi s ow n p rac ti c e wh i c h i s n o w approaching f if t y years of c o n t i n ue d a r c h i te c tu ra l a n d p l anning s er vic es . Skipp er’s f i rm h a s und er ta k en th o u sa n d s of proje ct s including t he L oui s i a n a State C a p i to l Ma ster Plan res ult ing in t w o m i l l i on s quar e fe et o f n ew o f fi c e s pac e, a $ 40m s t at e of f ic e b u i l d i n g , $ 6 0 m o f p h a se d exp a ns ion of t he Bat on Rouge C on v e n t i o n C en ter , n u mer o u s churches and s cho ols , m i xe d us e h o u si n g , l i b ra r i es, and t hre e c our t hous es of w h i ch t h e mo st r e c en t wa s a $100m building in dow nt ow n Bat on R o uge. A s a “c o m mu n i ty a r c h i te c t” h e s er ve d on and chaire d num e r o us t a sk g r o u p s, c o mm i t t e es , and b oards . In AIA s e r v i c e , fol lo wi n g h i s l o c a l a n d s t at e pres idencies , Pos t s e r v e d on th e n ati o n a l AI A B oard of Dire ct ors in 1991 th r o ugh 1 9 9 3. H e wa s el e c te d as nat ional AIA Pres ident fo r 1 9 9 6 . He ser ve d severa l terms on t he b oard of t he A m e ri ca n A rc h i te c tu ra l Fo u n d at ion. He w a s a p p o i n te d to th e Louis iana St at e B oard of A r ch i t e ct ural E xa mi n er s, a n d s er ve d as it s pres ident in 1 9 9 9. P os t h a s b e en r e c o g n i ze d w it h t he M e dal of Honor o f A I A / L ou i si a n a , a s Ou tsta n d ing Alumnus of t he Tex as A & M C ol l e ge o f Ar c h i te c tu r e, as Bus iness Pers on of t he Ye a r by t h e Bato n R o u g e Bu si n e ss Rep or t , as Out s t anding V o l un t e e r of th e Lo u i si a n a Ar t and Scienc e Mus eum, and w a s aw a rd e d th e Bato n R o u g e Volunt e er Act ivis t Aw ard. A b o v e a l l , S k i p p er ’s d e d i c ati o n remains highes t t o his w i fe , Br y a n , o f fi f ty-fi ve yea r s, t heir t w o children, Ray and W e n dy, a n d th ei r fo u r g ra n d c h i l dren.
he American Institute of Archite cts through its B oard of Dire ctors is please d to c onfer this Presidential Citation up on Raymond G. Post Jr., FAIA to c omme morate his ser vic e to the AIA C olle ge of Fellows as its 56th Chanc ellor stimulating a sharing of interests among fellows, promoting the purp oses of the institute, advancing the Profession of Archite cture, and mentoring young archite cts, all in an ever-increasing ser vic e to so ciety. Ca r l E lefant e, FA I A 2 0 1 8 Pr es id ent Bruc e W. Sek anic k , FA IA 2 0 1 8 Se c r et ar y D e c emb er 2018
Postface Avatars of Professionalism It’s an honor to part the curtains to deliver the postface to a remarkable production. It’s also a challenge: How in a few brief paragraphs to suggest what has brought those profiled in these pages to the highest levels of achievement and honor within the profession. Best to step out of the way and get on with it; let them speak for themselves. Yet, I do have somewhat of a leg up. Over the years—first as a young architect, then as a member of the AIA Board, as editor in chief of Architectural Record, and now as the AIA’s EVP/CEO—I have had the privilege of learning from and working with a surprising number of the women and men who appear in this Directory. Of these, Norman Koonce, FAIA, and Raymond “Skipper” Post, FAIA step forward. They have pride of place because each is a recognized leader in the part of the world I come from. Like me, both served on the AIA’s national Board as Gulf States Regional Directors, which is how I came to know them. First Norman, then Skipper, were examples to follow and learn from as I charted my own path in the profession. What I saw in Norman and, later, in Skipper were leaders who showed an unflagging generosity. Both exuded a confident but open demeanor that welcomed me and other young architects into an ever-widening circle of professional colleagues and friends. But the lessons learned went even deeper than that. The way Norman and Skipper met the world, how they carried themselves, and their confidence that architects could make a positive difference was a model of what I wanted to become. I looked up to both as avatars of professionalism. Still do. The more I thought about this as I sat down to write, the more it became clear that for all their differences—and they are different—the men and women profiled in this book in fact share these same traits: confidence, an openness, a willingness to meet the world coupled with a quality of will or force to get things done—all these plus generosity to what we now call “emerging professionals.” What you are about to read in the pages is a history, yes, but more than that, it’s a primer for the young women and men who would be architects. Read it to be inspired. Read it for the qualities of dedicated, mentoring leadership that shaped me as a young architect. Then forge your own path as you are transformed and help to transform this amazing profession.
Robert Ivy, FAIA Chief Executive Officer/EVP
Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA
The 56th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows
Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA | The Fifty Sixth Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows
AIA College of Fellows
The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20006-5292
Raymond “Skipper” Post, FAIA
The 56th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows