The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20006-5292
Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA | The Fifty Eighth Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows
AIA College of Fellows
Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA
The 58th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows
Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA was inaugurated as the 58th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows on December 12, 2019. The Ceremony was held at the AIA Headquarters Building in Washington D.C. He succeeded Edward A. Vance, FAIA in representing more than thirty two hundred Fellows worldwide.
The Inauguration of Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Washington, D.C.
The 2020 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee (R to L) Chancellor | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Vice Chancellor | John J. Castellana, FAIA Bursar | Roger Schluntz, FAIA Secretary | Frances Halsband, FAIA
Menu Plated Dinner POACHED PEAR SALAD WITH HAZELNUTS AND BLUE CHEESE Inauguration of the Fifty-eighth Chancellor Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA December 12, 2019
Introductions and Remarks Edward A. Vance, FAIA 2019 Chancellor The AIA College of Fellows Robert Ivy, FAIA Chief Executive Office The American Institute of Architect William J. Bates, FAIA 2019 President The American Institute of Architect Dinner
Inauguration of the Fifty-eighth Chancellor
Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA 2020 Chancellor
Remarks L. Jane Frederick, FAIA First Vice President The American Institute of Architects
* Please inform your server of any food allergies or dietary restrictions
2020 Executive Committee Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA, Chancellor John J. Castellana, FAIA, Vice Chancellor Roger Schluntz, FAIA, Bursar Frances Halsband, FAIA, Secretary
A HEARTFELT WELCOME The 57th AIA College of Fellows Chancellor Edward Vance, FAIA passes the baton to Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA.
o o d evening! On b ehalf of my friends and c ol-
leagues, it is my great pleasure to welc ome you, our distinguishe d guests and memb ers, to the inauguration of the 58th Chanc ellor of the C olle ge of Fellows of The American Institute of Archite cts. I’m delighte d many of the present and past leaders of the American Institute of Archite cts, the C olle ge of Fellows, and a numb er of AIA senior staf f memb ers are here to witness and b e a par t of tonight’s c elebration. This evening will b e the 58th time the American Institute of Archite cts C olle ge of Fellows has inaugurate d a new Chanc ellor. It was an absolute honor and privile ge to ser ve as this year’s Chanc ellor and I’m c onfident this time next year, Peter will fe el the same way. As I said last year, ser ving on this Exe cutive C ommit te e is ver y much like a mile relay team and here we are tonight back in the star ting blo cks where we will pass the baton yet again to a new pac eset ter. I was for tunate to ser ve our more than 3,200 memb ers, host an outstanding National C onferenc e in Las Ve gas, b e par t of creating a strong public awareness pro gram for the C olle ge that has reache d more 330,000 readers world-wide, as well as maintaining the C olle ge’s Fund that is entruste d to each us to preser ve and grow. 2019 Chancellor Edward A. Vance, FAIA
2019 AIA President
1990 Former Chancellor
2020 AIA President
Robert Ivy, FAIA
William Rose Jr., FAIA
William Bates, FAIA
Jane Frederick, FAIA
We travele d to D enver and Minneap olis, c onduct-
lows (C ongratulations to you b oth again). We jurie d
e ducational outc omes. With this year’s award, the
ing the business of the c olle ge and me eting with
and awarde d 22 young archite ct award re cipients
C olle ge has disp erse d over $1 Million sinc e its in-
fellow memb ers and sharing b est practic es Then
this year providing each with a $ 500 cash prize.
c eption in 2000. Think ab out it, One million dollars!
on to C olumbus, Ohio to take a sp onsorship role
We awarde d another $40,000 in grants to Lo cal
It’s a remarkable achievement which demonstrates
in the CACE Annual Me eting where I witnesse d the
C omp onents across the c ountr y to promote Emerg-
that growing our profession’s b o dy of knowle dge is
extraordinar y work of our c omp onent exe cutives
ing Professional initiatives each ser ving one of our
one of our primar y missions, and one we are most
ser ving at the highest level, the ne e ds of our Insti-
prime missions to mentoring young archite cts.
passionate ab out.
to take par t in the Royal Archite ctural Institute of
And finally, we awarde d our 10th Latrob e Prize, this
These are only the highlights of the work the C ol-
Canada’s national c onferenc e where we c ontinue d
nation’s most generous grant to supp or t research in
le ge has ac c omplishe d this year, ac c omplishments
to strengthen our relationship with our friends to
archite cture, to Drexel University and Perkins East-
in research, mentorship and outreach that have
the Nor th and to witness Ivenue and Elizab eth in-
man which will endeavor to advanc e the knowle dge
only strengthene d and c ontribute d to the founda-
veste d as honorar y memb ers of their C olle ge of fel-
of how high-quality scho ols can p ositively impact
tion of the C olle ge’s le gacy built by those who
tute’s memb ers. We journeye d to Toronto, Ontario
have c ome b efore. I must of fer my most hear t felt
THREE Vic e Presidents, a National Treasurer and
2014 Chanc ellor William J. Stanley, III, FAIA
thanks to four of the finest mentors I c o uld have
a National Se cretar y. Talk ab out a Class that has
2015 Chanc ellor Alb er t W. Rub eling, Jr., FAIA
ever hop e d for. Al, John, Lenore and Skipp er…
an over achievement problem! On top of b eing a
2016 Chanc ellor John R. Sorrenti, FAIA
you have b e en more than extraordinar y leaders
NINER, he has won the AIA Firm Award, c ount-
2017 Chanc ellor Lenore M. Luc ey, FAIA
of the c olle ge and the Institute you have b e c ome
less design awards, sat on more national c om-
2018 Chanc ellor Raymond “Skipp er” Post, FAIA
my closest friends and I will never c ease to cher-
mit te es than I can c ount, and knows more ab out
ish that….ever. THANK YOU.
this Institute statistically than any one I know. In
Tonight, we honor the le gacy of these Former
other words if you want to know any thing ab out
Chanc ellors and all the Former Chanc ellors who
have help e d establish and lead a robust c ommu-
And now I want to re c o gnize the outstanding team
nity of professionals who represent a 21st c en-
I had the privile ge to ser ve with. Star ting with our
tur y C olle ge of Fellows.
Distinguishe d Bursar, Mr. Ro ger Schlunt z, FAIA.
D espite the fact he has a wit sharp enough to
Ro ger and I have known each other for the b et-
shave with, he and his ele gant wife El aine are the
ter par t of two de cades, however until he joine d
swe etest c ouple you’ll ever have the privile ge of
Please join me in giving a warm welc ome to one
the ExC om did I fully appre ciate the breadth of
knowing. Ne e dless less to say, if there was any-
of our most passionate advo cates, Mr. Peter G.
this man’s ac c omplishments and the impact he’s
one I c ould cho ose to take the baton and lead the
Kut tner, FAIA.
made on the profession. He’s b e en eve r y where,
C olle ge into the future, it would b e you Peter! Peter, this o c casion is rich in c eremony, proto-
knows ever yone, and has done ever y thing. Ro ger, you’re a remarkable Bursar, and we lo ok for ward
The C olle ge c ould NOT b e in b et ter hands!!!
c ols and long-standing traditions.
It is e qually
represente d by one single, yet p ower ful state-
to great things from you in the c oming years. And now we are ready to c elebrate the momen-
ment. It’s a statement that b elies the tremen-
Whi ch brings me to Mr. John Castellana, FAIA.
tous o c casion that we’ve all c ome to witness to-
dous resp onsibility as well as the honor of ser v-
Joh n you’ve have b e en calle d the most organize d
night—the Inauguration of the 58th Chanc ellor
ing as Chanc ellor of the AIA C olle ge of Fellows.
man in the world, but you are so much more.
of The American Institute of Archite cts C olle ge
Joh n is kind, thought ful, c ollab orative and car-
of Fellows.
“With this me dal, we invest the 58th Chanc ellor of the American Institute of Archite cts C olle ge
ing. As the 2015 chairman of the Fellows Jur y, he
of Fellows, Peter G. Kut tner, FAIA.”
has brought his insight ful exp erienc e to our jur y-
At this time, I would like to invite the Former AIA
ing duties in ways that have improve d our work
C olle ge of Fellows Chanc ellors who are here to-
and results on this c ommit te e for years to c ome.
night to join me. As I call your names, in the or-
We are all c onfident you will b e an inspire d and
THANK YOU JO HN and Barbara. And now to the
der of your ser vic e to the Institute, please gather
ef fe ctive leader.
man who will suc c e e d me tonight. Mr. Peter G.
on each side of the le ctern. C ongratulations!
Kut tner, FAIA. 1990 Chanc ellor William Rose, Jr., FAIA First of all, Peter’s p e digre e is unrivalle d in the
1998 Chanc ellor Harold L . Adams, FAIA
annals of this Institute. He c omes from a b oard
2002 Chanc ellor C. James Lawler, FAIA
class notoriously known as the NINERS which
2004 Chanc ellor B etsey Olenick D ougher ty, FAIA
strikes fear in the hear ts of lesser b oard classes.
2009 Chanc ellor D onald Hackl, FAIA
The NINERS have pro duc e d no less than T WO
2010 Chanc ellor Edward J. Ko det, FAIA
National Presidents, T WO C olle ge Chanc ellors,
2013 Chanc ellor Ronald L . Skaggs, FAIA
“Despite the fact he has a wit sharp enough to shave with, he and his ele gant wife Elaine are the swe etest c ouple you’ll ever have the privile ge of knowing. Ne e dless to say, if there was anyone I c ould cho ose to take the baton and lead the C olle ge into the future, it would b e you Peter! ”
Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA was inaugurated as the 58th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows on December 12, 2019. The Ceremony was held at the AIA Headquarters building in Washington D.C. He succeeded Edward A. Vance, FAIA in representing more thirty two hundred Fellows worldwide.
ACCEPTANCE WITH GRATITUDE 2020 Chancellor Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA
a m d e l i ght e d a nd ho no re d t o b e he re , i n t he p re s e nc e o f s o ma ny gre at l e a d e rs w ho s e v i s i o n a nd c o mmi t me nt l a i d t he fo u nd at i o n fo r w hat t he C o l l e ge o f Fe l l o w s i s t o d a y. I t i s a p ri v i l e ge t o a c c e p t t hi s l e a d e rs hi p p o s t a nd I d o no t t a k e t he re s p o ns i b i l i t i e s t hat c o me w i t h i t l i ght l y. M y c o mme nt s t o ni ght b e gi n w i t h a ro a d t ri p . T he y e a r i s 19 7 2 . I t i s a n u ns e a s o na b l y w a rm a nd s u nny d a y a nd I a m d ri v i ng a ma i z e a nd b l u e U ni v e rs i t y o f M i c hi ga n v a n o n I nt e rs t at e 6 9 he a d i ng s o u t h s o me w he re b e t w e e n A nn A rb o r a nd H o u s t o n. W i t h me , a re t hre e o t he r a rc hi t e c t u re s t u d e nt s , A I A S c o l l e a gu e s a nd c l o s e f ri e nd s . W i t h u s , t e t he re d t o t he t o p o f t he v a n i s t he l a rge , c a re fu l l y w ra p p e d p ro t o t y p e o f o u r ne w l y d e s i gne d , B u c k y - Fu l l e r i ns p i re d , a i r- d ro p d i sa s t e r ho u s i ng u ni t . A l l o f o u r mat e ri a l s , t he v a n, o u r t rav e l e x p e ns e s a nd o u r s t a y i n H o u s t o n a re c o v e re d b y a gra nt aw a rd e d t o u s b y t he A I A . W e hav e b e e n i nv i t e d t o p re s e nt o u r p ro je c t at o u r f i rs t e v e r A I A C o nv e nt i o n! W i nd o w s w i d e o p e n, w a rm b re e z e ! A l l ma nne r o f t a l k a b o u t a rc hi t e c t u re a nd o u r fu t u re s ! Ye s ! W e a re he a d i ng fo r t he “ b i g t i me ” ! T he w o rl d i s o u r o y s t e r!
Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA - 2020 Chancellor
M o s t e v e r y o ne ha s ha d a n a rc hi t e c t t hat i ns p i re d t he m a s a s t u d e nt a nd y o u ng p ro fe ss i o na l . Fo r me , i t w a s B u c k y Fu l l e r. H e w a s my he ro ! I ne v e r t i re d o f he a ri ng hi m t a l k a b o u t t he p o w e r o f re s e a rc h a nd
kn o wle dg e cr e at i on. I l ove d how he l i n k e d th e f i e ld o f a r chite ct ure w i t h t he sol vi ng of bi g s oc i e ta l iss ues . E ven t hen, 45 years ag o, B u ck y w as ur g ing a rchi t e ct s t o t ake act i on to add re ss th e s ustai nabi l i t y of what he cal l e d, our “s p a c e s h ip ea r t h”. B u t th er e wa s anot her reason I l ove d B u ck y, l i ke a child draw n t o shi ny obje ct s , I was d rawn to his m ar vel ous ge om et ri c st r u ctur e s ! A n d I built my fai r share of t hem . We l l , O K, w h en I sa y “my fai r share” I m ean - I bui l t s e vera l h un dr e d of t hem over t he c ou r s e of 4 y e ar s . Ev e r y p ossi bl e si ze and shap e u s i n g e ve r y c onc e iv a bl e m at eri al - pap er, fo am -c or e , p l y w o o d, me tal ro ds and cabl es, st e e l pl ate s , c h i p b oa r d, plast i c, gl ass, and yes, eve n l e ath e r. I built r ho mb oi ds, i c osahe drons, do de cah e dr ons , tr un cat e d o ct ahe drons. W i t h th e e n c o ura g ement and supp or t of a great pr ofe ss or a n d mentor , a few of us bui l t a m u l ti -s tor y
te n s e g r i ty towe r for th e l obby of t he a rc hi t e c tu r e bui l di n g , an d l ate r a 1 0 -fo o t hi gh, fu l l y e n cl os e d tr u n cate d o ctah e dr on c a p s u l e o n t he l awn of th e ar ch i te ctu r e s ch o o l . E v e nt u a l l y th i s sam e s m al l te am de ve l op e d t he p ro t o t y p e of th e for e -m e n ti on e d s tr e ss e d fa b ri c a i rd ro p di sas te r -h ou s i n g -u n i t, de s i g n e d t o l a nd c o mpl e te l y e r e cte d. We l l , m os t of the t i me ! To day, as I r e f l e ct on th at ti m e o f my l i fe I re al i ze h ow fou n dati on al i t was , a nd ho w mu c h of m y s uc c e ss was th e r e s ul t of a ne t w o rk o f s u pp or t. • H ad m y r e s e ar ch pr ofe ss or & me nt o r no t s u pp or te d an d e n c ourag e d m y o w n re s e a rc h an d de ve l opm e n t; • H ad th e D e an of th e ar ch i t e c t u re s c ho o l n ot s ubm i t te d th e ai r dr op pr oj e c t t o t he A I A ; • A n d h ad th e A I A n ot s i g na l e d i t s s u p p or t wi th th e awar d th at i n s pi r e d u s t o c o nti n ue on ou r path ,
It i s v er y unlikel y t hat I w oul d b e stan di n g h e re this ev eni ng. I n t hat sense, m y ve r y C h a n c e llo r ship i s a pro duct of t he Th r e e M i ssions of o u r C ol l e ge: • R e c o g n izin g and supp or t i ng resea r ch an d kn o wle dg e c r eat i on • Me ntor in g s tudent s and emergi ng pr ofe s s i o na ls • Sup p o r tin g t he C ol l e ge and bui l d i n g i ts fu n ding ca pa ci t y I b elie v e in th ese m i ssi ons. They mat te r ! Th e y c a n ma ke a r eal di f ferenc e i n t he wo r l d! A s I t a ke the r ein s from Chanc el l or E d V an c e , I c a n sa y with g reat c er t ai nt y t hat t he C ol l e g e o f Fe llo ws is st ronger t han i t has eve r b e e n . T h i s did no t happ en by chanc e. St an di n g on t h e s h oulde r s of ever yone who came b e for e t h e m, e a ch C hanc el l or and E xe cut i v e C om -
m i t te e h as m ove d u s to th e n e x t st e p . So as 20 20 appr oach e s , wh at I S o u r ne x t s te p? O n e th i n g we do k n ow i s th at t he C o l l e g e i s s ol i d an d i t i s p oi s e d for fu l l e nga ge m e n t. Th e r e i s n o doubt we wi l l c o nt i nu e t o s tr e n g th e n an d bu i l d u p on our s uc c e ss e s : • Th e L atr ob e pr i ze an d our s u pp o r t fo r t he U pj oh n G ran ts , • O ur Youn g A r ch i te ct A war ds , an d E P C o mp on e n t g ran ts , • O ur e f for ts i n at tracti n g s tr on g l e a d e rs t o th e Fe l l ows h i p an d rai s i n g fun ds t o c o nt i nu e ou r g o o d wor k . H owe ve r , I al s o b e l i e ve th at th i s y e a r, a nd du r i n g th i s de cade , we h ave th e s t re ngt h, an d th e ban dwi dth to e x pan d o u r e f fo r t s . A n d we do n ot n e e d to l o ok far for t he o p p o rtun i ty. A s we h e ar d e ar l i e r th i s e veni ng f ro m B i l l , Jan e , an d Rob e r t, you m ay hav e b e -
c o me aw a re re c e nt l y t hat t he A I A i s t a k i ng a d ra mat i c s t e p i n t he ne w S t rat e gi c P l a n t o d i re c t e ne rgy a nd re s o u rc e s t o w a rd t he u np re c e d e nt e d c ha l l e nge s t hat c l i mat e c ha nge i s p re s e nt i ng. T he I ns t i t u t e s t e p p i ng u p t o t he p l at e , l a u nc hi ng “ T he B i g M o v e To w a rd E N V I R O N M E N TA L S U S TA I N A BI L I T Y ” – a n a mb i t i o u s a nd b o l d u nd e r t a k i ng t hat w i l l re q u i re e v e r y p a r t o f t he A I A t o c o me t o ge t he r – t o b ri ng t o b e a r o u r gre at e s t s t re ngt hs . T he C o l l e ge i s w e l l p o s i t i o ne d t o b e a n a c t i v e p a r t i c i p a nt – a fu l l p a r t ne r - i n t hi s e f fo r t . O p p o r t u ni t i e s e x i s t t o e nha nc e o u r re s e a rc h gra nt s , gi v i ng ne w fo c u s t o c l i mat e . W e c a n c o o rd i nat e o u r e f fo r t s w i t h t he Yo u ng A rc hi t e c t s Fo ru m, re c o gni z i ng a nd e nc o u ra gi ng t he a l re a d y b o u rge o ni ng gro u p s o f y o u ng p ro fe ss i o na l s w ho a re fo c u s e d o n s u s t a i n-
“M ost ever yone ha s
ha d a n a rchi te ct that i nspi re d them a s a student a nd young professi ona l . For me, i t wa s B ucky Ful l er. He wa s my hero! I never ti re d of hea ri ng hi m ta l k a b out the p ower of resea rch a nd knowl e dge creati on.
ab ility a nd enc ouragi ng ot hers t o tak e th e plun g e . W e c a n a ls o pl ay a st rong rol e i n c om m u n i cating th e overal l message and t he i n s pi r e d stor ies o f t hose Fel l ows al ready m ak i n g hea dwa y wit h t hei r Passi on for D oi n g Mor e and o f c o urse t hi s gi ves an adde d di m e n s i on and enha n c e d purp ose t o our fund rai s i n g .
We h av e t h e w h e r e w i t h al , t h e k n o w - i t al l , t o fe e d e v e r y b o d y, cl o t h e e v er y b o d y, an d g i v e e v e r y h uman o n Ear t h a c h a n c e. We kn o w n o w w h at w e c o ul d n e v er h av e kn o w n b e fo r e , t h at w e n o w h av e t h e o p t i o n fo r al l h uman i t y t o make i t s u c c e ss ful l y o n t h i s p l an e t , i n t h i s l i fet i m e.”
The r e is a quot e t hat l ong i mpresse d m e :
Sou n d fam i l i ar ? Th e pr e s ci e n t B u c k mi ns t e r Ful l e r m ade th at s tate m e n t o v e r 50 y e a rs ag o. Ye t i t i s c e r tai n l y s ti l l tr u e t o d a y.
“ We ar e blesse d with te chno l o g y t h at would b e indescriba ble to our fo r e fat h e r s.
I look for ward to working together with the AIA to shape our enhanced par tnership in the
coming year. I want to extend my appreciation for all of you who took the time to attend this dinner. A par ticular thanks to all of the former Chancellors and Presidents who came tonight to suppor t the C ollege and to help us begin this next year’s journey. Also my family is here tonight; my wife Elaine, my suppor ter, collaborator and full par tner in ever y aspect of my life; our son Paul who flew in from Utah along with his wife Erika and their son Erikson Kuttner; our son Michael who is midway between his home in Boston and a new adventure out west; and finally my
brother Phil Kuttner, the CEO of Little Diversified Architectural Consulting in Charlotte. He’s here with his wonderful wife Susan. I a lso wa n t to ext end hear t fel t t hank s to m y 2 0 0 9 A IA B oa rd Cl ass: The Ni ners. Ou r cl ass c re ate d a c ulture of c ommi t t e d AI A l e ade r s w h o a r e well r epresent e d here t oni ght: For m e r Pr es id ents Mi ckey Jac obs, FAI A an d Je f f P o t te r , FA IA ; Form er Chanc el l or Bi l l Stan l e y, FA IA ; J o hn Padi l l a, AI A, B oard V P an d S e c r eta r y ; D e nni s Andrejko, FAI A, B o ar d V P; Ev e ly n Le e, A I A, back agai n on t he ne w A I A
B oar d. Se ve ral oth e r s of m y cl ass a l s o d o v e back i n to s tate an d l o cal l e ade r s h i p . You ar e al l am azi n g -- Th an k yo u fo r s u rr oun di n g m e al l th e s e ye ar s wi t h s u p p o r t an d f r i e n ds h i p an d of c ou r s e , a d e e p t ha nk you to m y e ve r -e vol vi n g E x C om C o mmu ni t y, an d th e Ch an c e l l or s wh o s h ap e d my o w n E x C om e x p e r i e n c e : • L e n or e L uc e y, FA I A - m y pas t N C A R B c o l l e ag ue wh o br oug h t to th e of f i c e b o t h c l a ri t y an d vi s i on • Sk i pp e r P os t, FA I A – O u r N o r t h S t a r!
L e a d e r a nd sa i l o r e x t ra o d i na i re . H e re w i t h hi s w i fe B r y a n – w ho o f fe re d s l y hu mo r a nd w a rm f ri e nd s hi p t o u s a l l . • A nd C ha nc e l l o r E d V a nc e , FA I A – b ri ngi ng a n u nmat c he d p a ss i o n fo r t he C o l l e ge – a l w a y s b u i l d i ng aw a re ne ss a nd f i na nc i a l s u s t a i na b i l i t y, a n e xq u i s i t e p ho t o gra p he r a nd a gre at c o mmu ni c at o r. I t ’s ha rd t o t hi nk o f t he E x C o m w i t ho u t E d a nd o f c o u rs e hi s l o v e l y w i fe Ru b y, w ho w o rk e d d i l i ge nt l y a nd c o nt ri b u t e d gre at l y t o a l l t he s u c c e ss e s o f o u r y e a rs t o ge t he r.
A N D N OW MY 2020 E XCOM: Vi c e Ch an c e l lo r , Jo h n Cast el l ana, FAI A w ho br i n g s h i s g r e at or g ani zat i onal ski l l s, a k e e n i n te l lig e nc e , a nd humor t o al l t asks l ar g e an d sma ll, a nd hi s wi fe Barbara who s e u n waver in g sup p or t and w onder ful l augh te r k e e ps a ll of us g oi ng. Our Bursar, Ro ger Sch l u n t z, FA IA , who bri ngs t he much- wel c o m e d vi e wp oin t of the Academy and an i n sati abl e p enc h a nt for fundrai si ng. And at th i s ti m e I would like t o formal l y wel c ome our Se cr e ta r y a n d most re c ent l y el e ct e d E x C om m e m -
b e r : Fran c e s H al s ban d, FA I A – A l o ng w i t h h e r ove ral l e x p e r i e n c e an d k n o w l e d ge o f t he f i e l d, Fran c e s h as al r e ady tak e n o n a mu c h n e e de d e m ph as i s on e qui ty and d i v e rs i t y. I l o ok for war d to a g r e at an d p ro d u c t i v e ye ar . N ow, th e r e r e m ai n s on e l a s t i t e m o n ton i g h t’s pr o g ram an d a ve r y imp o r t a nt o ne . E d, pl e as e c om e for war d. I t i s i n de e d an h on or to pr e s e nt t hi s aw a rd for your s e r vi c e as th i s ye ar ’s C ha nc e l l o r.
T he i ns c ri p t i o n re a d s : “ In r e c o gn i t i o n o f h i s d e d i c at e d l ea d e r s h i p a n d s e r v i c e, Ed w a r d A . Va n c e , FA IA , 2 0 1 9 Ch a n c el l o r , A IA C o l l e ge o f Fel l o w s .” T ha nk y o u , E d , a nd t ha nk a l l o f y o u fo r c o mi ng t o ni ght t o s ha re i n t he fe l l o w s hi p o f fa mi l y a nd f ri e nd s . R e s t w e l l . T he re i s mu c h go o d w o rk t o b e d o ne i n t he d a y s , w e e k s , a nd mo nt hs t o c o me . G o o d ni ght t o a l l !
Chancellor Peter G. Kuttner with his wife Elaine
College of Fellows Executive Committee
From left to right | top to bottom:
Chancellor | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Vice Chancellor | John J. Castellana, FAIA Bursar | Roger L. Schluntz, FAIA Secretary | Frances Halsband, FAIA Executive Director | Terri S. Stewart, Hon. AIA
2016 Philadelphia
“Peter’s ascension to Chancellor of the AIA College of Fellows began in 2016 at the Annual Business Meeting of the College during the National Convention held in Philadelphia, PA. The 2016 College of Fellows Nominating Committee recommended him as Bursar with his nomination approved and ratified by a unanimous vote by all members in attendance.
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting Newport, Rhode Island
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting Washington, D.C.
The Inauguration of Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA U.S. Capitol Visitor Center - Washington, D.C.
The 2017 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee Chancellor | Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA Secretary | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Bursar | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA
Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA was inaugurated as the 55th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows on December 8, 2016. The Ceremony was held in the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center in Washington D.C. She succeeded John R. Sorrenti, FAIA in representing more than three thousand Fellows worldwide.
AIA College of Fellows ExCom 2016 Year End
AIA College of Fellows Spring Board Meeting Austin, Texas
Fellows Reception Texas Society of Architects
AIA National Convention | A’17 Orlando, Florida
The Chancellor’s Cup Invitational Bay Hill Golf Club
The Chancellor’s Cup Open Grand Cypress Golf Club
New Fellows Reception Club 39
The Former Chancellor’s Luncheon The Citrus Club
The Phillips Auditorium Orlando, Florida
The 2017 Executive Committee of the AIA College of Fellows (L to R) Peter Kuttner, FAIA, Lenore Lucey, FAIA, Skipper Post, FAIA and Edward Vance, FAIA
The AIA College of Fellows
Class of 2017
Phillips Auditorium | Orlando, Florida
COF Annual Business Meeting The Rosen Hotel, Orlando
2017 Chancellor Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
Newly Elected 2018- ‘19 COF Secretary John Castellana, FAIA
Convocation Hyatt Regency Ballroom Orlando, Florida
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting New York, New York
2017 Chancellor Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
Fellows Reception AIA New York | Center for Architecture
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting Washington, D.C.
The 2018 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee
Chancellor | Raymond “Skipper” Post, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Bursar | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Secretary | John J. Castellana, FAIA Executive Director | Terri Stewart, Hon. AIA
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting and the Inauguration of Raymond “Skipper” Post, Jr., FAIA Washington, D.C.
The 2018 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee (R to L) Chancellor | Raymond “Skipper” Post, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Bursar | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Secretary | John J. Castellana, FAIA
The 2017 Chancellor | Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA with from R to L
Bryan Post Ruby Vance Elaine Kuttner Barbara Castellana
Reception at the AIA Octagon
Raymond Skipper Post, Jr., FAIA was inaugurated as the 56th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows on December 7, 2017. The Ceremony was held at the AIA Headquarters building in Washington D.C. He succeeded Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA in representing more thirty two hundred Fellows worldwide.
Skipper Post, FAIA with the Former Chancellors of the AIA College of Fellows
Skipper Post, FAIA with the Former Presidents of the American Institute of Architects
AIA College of Fellows ExCom 2017 Year End
AIA College of Fellows Spring Board Meeting Santa Fe, New Mexico
Fellows Reception Albuquerque, New Mexico
Fellows Reception Sante Fe, New Mexico
AIA National Conference | A’18 New York, New York
The Chancellor’s Cup Open Eisenhower Park Golf Course, NY
New Fellows Reception
Club 39 - New York, NY
The Former Chancellor’s Luncheon The Friars Club - New York, NY
The 2018 Executive Committee of the AIA College of Fellows (L to R) John Castellana, FAIA, Chancellor Skipper Post, Jr., FAIA, Edward Vance, FAIA, and Peter Kuttner, FAIA.
Investiture St. Patricks Cathedral
Former Chancellors of The American Institute of Architects
Former Presidents of The American Institute of Architects
The AIA College of Fellows
Class of 2018 St. Patricks Cathedral | New York, NY
COF Annual Business Meeting The New Yorker Hotel | Grand Ballroom
The New Yorker Hotel New York, New York
2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA
The 2018 Executive Committee of the AIA College of Fellows (L to R) Chancellor Skipper Post, Jr., FAIA, Vice Chancellor Edward Vance, FAIA, Bursar Peter Kuttner, FAIA, Secretary John Castellana, FAIA, and Bursar-Elect Roger Schluntz, FAIA .
Convocation New York Hilton | Grand Ballroom New York, NY
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting Portland, Maine
Fellows Reception Gulf of Maine Research Institute | Portland, Maine
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting Washington, D.C.
The 2019 Latrobe Prize Jury (LtoR)
Edward A. Vance, FAIA, John J. Castellana, FAIA, Chair Marilyn Taylor, FAIA, Curt Fentress, FAIA, Marvin Malecha, FAIA and Gordon Chong, FAIA
2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA
The 2019 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee (LtoR) Secretary | John J. Castellana, FAIA Chancellor | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Bursar | Roger Schluntz, FAIA
The Council of Former Chancellors
The Inauguration of Edward A. Vance, FAIA
Kennedy Caucus Room | Russell Senate Building - Washington, D.C.
The 2019 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee Chancellor | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Vice Chancellor | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Secretary | John J. Castellana, FAIA Bursar | Roger L. Schluntz, FAIA
Edward A. Vance, FAIA was inaugurated as the 57th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows on December 6, 2018. The Ceremony was held in the Kennedy Caucus room in the Russell Senate Building in Washington D.C. He succeeded Skipper Post, FAIA in representing more thirty three hundred Fellows worldwide.
AIA College of Fellows ExCom 2018 Year End
AIA Grassroots Conference Washington, DC
AIA College of Fellows Spring Board Meeting Denver, Colorado
Fellows Reception AIA Colorado
AIA National Conference | A’19 Las Vegas, Nevada
Former Chancellor’s Reception The Vance Residence | Las Vegas
The Chancellor’s Cup Open TPC Summerlin, Nevada
New Fellows Reception
World Market Center, Las Vegas
The Former Chancellor’s Luncheon The Smith Center for the Performing Arts
The AIA College of Fellows Executive Committee and Council of Former Chancellors and Spouses The Smith Center for the Performing Arts | Las Vegas, Nevada 2019
Investiture The Smith Center
Former Presidents of The American Institute of Architects
Former Chancellors of The American Institute of Architects
The AIA College of Fellows
Class of 2019 The Smith Center for the Performing Arts
COF Annual Business Meeting Wynn Las Vegas | Latour Ballroom
2018 Chancellor Skipper Post, FAIA
Convocation Wynn Las Vegas | Latour Ballroom
The 2019 COF Latrobe Prize Laureate with AIA Leadership (L to R)
AIA President William Bates, FAIA, Vice Chancellor Peter Kuttner, FAIA, Sean O’Donnell, FAIA, EVP/CEO Robert Ivy, FAIA, Chancellor Edward Vance, FAIA, Secretary John J. Castellana, FAIA and Bursar Roger Schluntz, FAIA.
2019 Chancellor Edward Vance, FAIA with 2019 Boney Award Recipient - Rebecca Edmunds, AIA
AIA College of Fellows Fall Board Meeting Minneapolis, Minnesota
Fellows Reception AIA Minneapolis
AIA College of Fellows December Board Meeting Washington, D.C.
The 2019 AIA College of Fellows | Executive Committee (LtoR) The 2019 COF ExCom with the Latrobe Prize Laureate (LtoR)
Edward A. Vance, FAIA, Sean O’Donnell, FAIA, Frances Halsband, FAIA, Peter Kuttner, FAIA, John J. Castellana, FAIA, Roger Schluntz, FAIA and Bruce Levine, J.D.
Vice Chancellor | Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Secretary-Elect | Frances Halsband, FAIA Chancellor | Edward A. Vance, FAIA Bursar | Roger Schluntz, FAIA Secretary | John J. Castellana, FAIA
2019 Council of Former Chancellors
2020 Chancellor Peter Kuttner, FAIA
AIA College of Fellows ExCom 2019 Year End
AIA College of Fellows Spring Board Meeting ZOOM
Governance during the Pandemic by Chancellor Peter Kuttner, FAIA
Fellows who are familiar with the COF Executive Committee, or who have followed this COF Newsletter, know that we meet at least five times a year. We gather at Grassroots, the national conference, and at Governance Week in December. We also try to meet in the spring and in the fall in different cities across the country, where we can meet the Fellows in that area. This year we had planned to go to Boulder, Colorado, in the spring and Charleston, South Carolina, in the fall, to meet with Fellows from the Western Mountain Region, and the South Atlantic Region, until the pandemic caught up with us after Grassroots. Like much of the rest of the world, the COF ExCom moved immediately online. We meet in Zoom, and have adapted our meeting format. Where we used to spend two days in a meeting room, we have changed to two-hour weekly meetings staged over several
weeks. In the Spring we had five weeks of meetings, which allowed us to gather information we needed for subsequent sessions and adapt our discussion to the changing calendar and the virus. While we missed seeing each other in person, we appreciated this new level of efficiency. We met for our most recent summer meeting several times in July and August and have kept all our programs moving forward. Specifically, we just awarded the latest round of Emerging Professional Component Grants, developed the COF Heritage Society for estate donations to the COF Fund, and have begun new mentoring outreach with YAF. We also had our first Zoom meeting with the COF Regional Representatives. We are moving the College forward, though we still long for the collaboration of face-to-face.
CHANCELLOR’S MESSAGE 2020 – A crisis for the profession
“2020 has forced the College of Fellows, the AIA, the Profession, and all of us as citizens to reconsider public health, economic stability, climate change, and institutional racism together, with a renewed focus on diversity and inclusion.”
Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA
n just a few short months 2020 has fundamentally shocked us all by revealing a series of crises provoking our society to finally become aware of the pervasiveness of systemic injustice. The College of Fellows and the AIA believe as architects we must acknowledge the scale and scope of this injustice around us, and support efforts for change.
minorities in general are disproportionately affected by the impact of climate change, access to health care, downturns in economy, and pervasive racism. We need to address this in our own firms, in the AIA, in the schools of architecture, and in our communities. The article “An End to Racism” talks more about efforts within the College, and ways to be involved.
Awakening to the Need for Societal Change In our first February issue this year, we emphasized the long overdue and pressing need to address climate change, and the activity around the AIA Climate Initiative. By the May issue, the coronavirus had taken hold, creating a new public health crisis and an economic meltdown for every element of society, including architects. Now, in the aftermath of George Floyd, the BLM movement, urban protests, and the deterioration of fundamental civil rights for underrepresented minorities, we are struck with how blind we have been to inequity around us everywhere.
2020 Business Meeting We were not able to hold the Annual COF Business meeting at A’20, which we are required to do and look forward to. With AIA holding the Annual AIA Business meeting beginning on September 1, 2020, we are planning to hold the College online on October 1, 2020. The article “Look Forward To Seeing You On October 1st” has more detail on the event and a link to register. This is an opportunity for Fellows who might not ordinarily be able to attend to join online via Zoom.
It is clear now that all the issues we face today are related. Climate, health, employment, and inclusion must be addressed. Black Americans and most
COF Regional Representatives In the same way our last issue focused on our 2020 class of New Fellows, this issue is highlighting our 2020 Council of Regional Representatives, the
CHANCELLOR’S MESSAGE (Continued) governance backbone of the College of Fellows. The article at the center of this issue introduces you to Jeanne Jackson, FAIA, our Regional Director Chair and the 35 Representatives, provides contact information, and explains some of their activities and their support of the College. This is an opportunity for all the Fellows to get in touch with their Representatives. Call for Nominations – COF Secretary Later in this issue you will find 2021 Vice-Chancellor Roger Schluntz, FAIA’s call for nominations for the position of College of Fellows Secretary, due next February 5, to serve on the 2022 Executive Committee for a four-year term. We urge you to submit for this important leadership position in the College, as we deal with the long-term implications of all the issues we are discussing today. This position would lead to becoming the 2025 Chancellor of the College.
Young Architects Award The Young Architects Award jury has been assembled; and we will continue that important award recognizing and rewarding an ever expanding range of Emerging Professionals. The jury composition has been revised to include the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor, two people from the College in general, and two from YAF, to assure we are more representative in terms of gender, ethnicity, and age.
Heritage Society of the AIA College of Fellows Fundraising for the AIA College of Fellows Fund, to continue our programs supporting research and mentoring, is still a high priority. You will see that the COF ExCom has established a new “Heritage Society of the AIA College of Fellows” to formally recognize those individuals who have demonstrated a life-long commitment to the College of Fellows with a revocable estate bequest. Please review the Latrobe Prize program and consider College of Fellows in your The 2019 Latrobe, awarded to Drexel University and estate planning philanthropy. Of course you can Perkins Eastman and partnered with the District of continue to donate to the College Fund on our web Columbia and Baltimore City Public Schools, titled site at “Addressing a Multi-Billion Dollar Challenge,” is under way. They are working to advance the knowledge of how As I noted at the outset, a lot has happened that affects high-quality schools can positively impact educational each of us in different ways. This is a partial summary outcomes. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic and of the last several months, and an introduction to the ongoing school closures, it has been difficult to more detail in this issue of the College of Fellows complete all of the data gathering in the case study Newsletter. Please accept it as an invitation to get schools. involved, contact your representatives, nominate or volunteer, contribute, and reach out to the community The COF ExCom has agreed to some extension of the around you. reporting time, as well as some variances in the study. Further, due to the many other delays this year, we are also postponing the 2021 Latrobe for one year and picking up in 2022. We will keep you posted. Peter Kuttner, FAIA
2020 Chancellor
AIA College of Fellows Annual Business Meeting ZOOM
As with everything else,
this year's meeting was
online through Zoom. While it was disappointing to not meet face-to-face, online we were able to gather over 250 Fellows." Peter Kuttner, FAIA
As noted in the “Chancellor’s Message,” our
2020 Annual Business Meeting for the AIA College of Fellows Fund, Inc. was postponed until October this year. Ordinarily we gather on Saturday afternoon at the annual Conference on Architecture. With A’20 in Los Angeles canceled, the AIA Business Meeting was rescheduled for September. We waited for National’s session, and then held ours October 1st. As with everything else, this year’s meeting was online through Zoom. While it was disappointing to not meet face-to-face, online we were able to gather over 250 Fellows. We had a good mix of new Fellows, Regional Representatives, and Former Chancellors, along with many who have never attended a COF Business Meeting before. As a result, we had the largest COF Fund Annual Business Meeting we have ever had.
Both AIA EVP/CEO Robert Ivy, FAIA and AIA President Jane Frederick, FAIA joined us and presented an overview of the work of the Institute and the Board. Chancellor Kuttner Report: • The 2019 Latrobe Prize “Addressing a Multi-Billion Dollar Challenge” research has been delayed due to the virus-caused school closings • The 2021 Latrobe Prize will be postponed to 2022. • The College funded seven local component grants for a total of $22,510 supporting Emerging Professional programs. • The College supports the Young Architects Forum (YAF) with a liaison from the Executive Committee, sponsorship of the Leadership Institute
• (Forefront), and the Mini-MBA Program at Conference. • The COF juries, along with a representative of the YAF, the Young Architect Awards and provides a stipend to each of the 2020 recipients. Total support of YAF initiatives was $18,500. Vice Chancellor Castellana Report: • The Nominating Committee for 2021 was chaired by John Castellana, FAIA, and consisted of Kevin Flynn, FAIA, Craig Hamilton, FAIA, Mary Kay Lanzilotta, FAIA, Gray Plosser, FAIA, and Gabriela Baierle, AIA from the Young Architects Forum. • The selected nominee for Bursar was Ron Blitch, FAIA.
CHANCELLOR’S MESSAGE 2020 – The Year That Wasn't
“On top of the looming climate imperatives, the coronavirus pandemic forced a public health crisis and an economic downturn, and the subsequent realization of the extent that systemic racism created unequal outcomes for marginalized populations.” Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA
e began 2020 like any other year, but we are coming out of it with an entirely new awareness and ethos regarding the impact of public health, economic security, climate change, and equity across society. Hopefully in 2021, as new vaccines and our leaders move us toward an end to the pandemic, these hard lessons will have a permanent impact as we design for a better future for all. The Year That Wasn't I believe began each issue of the College of Fellows Newsletter in 2020 remarking on how unusual the year has been, and this issue is no different. College traditions we look forward to never happened. Our new Fellows had no Investiture, and we had no Party with the Fellows, Convocation Dinner, or Golf Tournament. The COF Executive Committee was not able to visit any of the components, and our Business Meeting, Governance Week, and John Castellana’s Inauguration all were held virtually. As John highlights in the article “Conference on Architecture 2021,” we do have plans to make A’21 in Philadelphia a celebration for both this year and the next.
The Year We Never Expected While we lament the events we missed this past year, the world reeled from one crisis to another. On top of the looming climate imperatives, the coronavirus pandemic forced a public health crisis, an economic downturn, and the subsequent realization of the extent that systemic racism created unequal outcomes for marginalized populations. On the environmental front, we continue to actively support the AIA climate initiative (see “The Climate Interview Series” by Julie Hiromoto, AIA). Regarding racial inequity, there has been spirited discussion on KnowledgeNet regarding best practices, a formal statement condemning racism, and advocacy for the “Black Lives Matter” advertisement in the New York Times. We have endorsed the granting of minority scholarships through the Architects Foundation, and promote a renewed relationship with the National Organization of Minority Architects (see “Step on a Path Toward Equity” by Edward Ransom, AIA, NOMA on BosNOMA).
Next Year's Executive Committee As I leave the office of Chancellor, I want to thank my incredible 2020 COF Executive Committee for their hard work, innovative ideas, and unwavering support. Vice Chancellor John Castellana, FAIA , Bursar Roger Schluntz, FAIA, and Secretary Frances Halsband spent many hours online as we worked throughout the year. They will be joined this coming Focusing on Membership year by Ron Blitch, FAIA. Ron will also serve as our For our first Newsletter cover this year, we featured liaison to the Young Architects Forum (YAF), and the former Chancellors who were in attendance at Frances will be our ex-officio member of the Council the Inauguration, on the stairs at Headquarters. Our of Regional Representatives. second cover showcased all one hundred sixteen New Fellows as a way of offering consolation for them Call for Nominations - Secretary having no Investiture ceremony. The third quarter we You will see a call for nominations from Roger highlighted the Regional Representatives, applauding Schluntz, FAIA in this issue, to select the next their extraordinary effort in College governance. In this Secretary of the College of Fellows, who will final issue of 2020, we are recognizing the members, eventually serve as Chancellor in 2025. This position represented by thirty-five of them who showed up on is critical to the future of the College. I encourage Zoom at our annual COF Business Meeting. you to volunteer. As to other architectural matters, we communicated to the White House our opposition to the executive order attempting to define “good design” for federal projects. We also sent a formal protest regarding the selection of a non-architect to be installed as the new Architect of the Capital. Both met with limited success, but we did get our organization and our position out there.
Because the A’20 Conference on Architecture was cancelled, and the AIA Business Meeting was postponed, we decided to wait and held ours in October. This year’s meeting was online; although we could not meet in person, we were able to host more than two-hundredfifty (250) Fellows – the largest COF Business Meeting we have ever had. There is more detail later in this issue.
The New 2021 Chancellor John Castellana, FAIA had a wonderful online inauguration on December 9th, and begins the New Year as the 59th Chancellor of the College of Fellows. That event will be covered in the next issue of the COF Newsletter. John will be a terrific Chancellor and I wish him the best in the coming year.
Peter Kuttner, FAIA 2020 Chancellor
Investiture 2020 The Kennedy Center
The 2020 College of Fellows Executive Committee
Former Chancellors of The American Institute of Architects
Former Presidents of The American Institute of Architects
A Message of Celebration Chancellor Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA
o ngrat u l at i o ns t o t he 2 02 0 N e w Fe l l o w s a nd w e l c o me t o y o u r f ri e nd s a nd fa mi l i e s ! T hro u gh t he p a nd e mi c a nd t he l a s t t w o y e a rs o f c o p i ng w i t h a ne w w o rl d , w e hav e ha d t o p o s t p o ne t w o I nv e s t i t u re s t o c e l e b rat e y o u r o u t s t a nd i ng a c c o mp l i s hme nt - b u t , f i na l l y T H E D AY ha s a rri v e d t o s t a r t t hi s C e l e b rat i o n!
We l o o k fo r w a r d t o hav i ng y o u c o nt i nu e y o u r exc e l l e nc e o n b e ha l f o f o u r p r o fe ss i o n a nd no w a s a v a l u e d m e mb e r o f o u r C o l l e ge ”.
W e a l s o w a nt t o w e l c o me y o u a l l t o t hi s s p e c t a c u l a r s e t t i ng i n t he Ke nne d y C e nt e r fo r t he P e r fo rmi ng A r t s , d e s i gne d b y A I A Go l d M e d a l re c i p i e nt E d w a rd D u re l l S t o ne , FA I A . T he C e nt e r o p e ne d i n 19 7 1, a nd i n 2 019 w a s e x p a nd e d b y a no t he r G o l d M e d a l aw a rd e e S t e v e n H o l l , FA I A . C e l e b rat i ng P re s i d e nt J o hn F. Ke nne d y ’s l e ga c y, t he C e nt e r p re s e nt s t he at e r, c o nt e mp o ra r y d a nc e , b a l l e t , v o c a l mu s i c , c ha mb e r mu s i c , H i p H o p , c o me d y, i nt e rnat i o na l a r t s , a nd ja z z . T hi s p a r t i c u l a r s p a c e w e a re i n t o d a y t he ho me o f t he W a s hi ngt o n N at i o na l O p e ra - t he s i t e fo r t he p re s t i gi o u s a nnu a l Ke nne d y C e nt e r H o no rs . O u r p ro fe ss i o n o f a rc hi t e c t u re i s a p ro u d p a r t o f t hi s nat i o na l a r t s c o mmu ni t y. To d a y, y o u hav e a l re a d y re c e i v e d y o u r Fe l l o w s me d a l , a nd w i l l b e c o ngrat u l at e d b y J a ne a nd P e t e r. Yo u w i l l t he n b e w e l c o me d i nt o t he C o l l e ge
b y m e a lo n g wit h t he C ol l e ge’s 2020 E xe cu ti ve C o mmit te e. To al l ay heal t h c onc ern s , we wi l l n o t b e s h a kin g hands. As you l eave th e s tag e y o u will r e c e i ve your c opy of t he C ol l e g e o f Fello ws D ire ct or y and i t s H i st or y. I t n ow i n c l ud es this di st i ngui she d Cl ass of b oth 20 20 a n d 2 0 2 1 Fellow s. We a r e de lig h te d t o fi nal l y have t he op p or tu n i ty fo rm a lly r e c o gni ze your c ont ri bu ti on s to a rc hite ctur e. I can’t hel p but re call m y own In v e s titur e in Phi l adel phi a m any y e ar s ag o, a n d r ea liz e it was just t he b e gi nni ng of m an y n e w f r ie nd shi ps and fut ure c ol l a b orati on s . To g e th er y o u are a uni que and i mp or tan t ban d o f p r ofessional s, ext endi ng t he sc op e an d
2020 COF Jury Chair Paul Mankins, FAIA
i m pact of ar ch i te ctur e to day an d t o mo rro w. A s you ar e e l e vate d to th e C ol l e ge o f Fe l l o w s you j oi n appr ox i m ate l y 3 3 0 0 othe r o u t s t a nd i ng ar ch i te cts f r om ar ou n d th e wor l d – y o u hav e al l ach i e ve d g r e at ac c om pl i s h me nt s i n y o u r s tor i e d car e e r s . We l o ok for w a rd t o y o u r c on ti n uati on of e xc e l l e n c e as yo u mo v e o n t o th e n e x t ch apte r ! We ag ai n c on g ratul ate al l of you r o u t s t a nd i ng ac c om pl i s h m e n ts an d we l o ok for w a rd t o hav i ng you c on ti n ue your e xc e l l e n c e on b e ha l f o f o u r pr ofe ss i on an d n ow as a val u e d me mb e r o f o u r C ol l e g e . A s you l e ave DC an d a rri v e sa fe l y at h om e , pl e as e s tar t th i n k i n g ab o u t t he jo u rne y
2020 AIA President L. Jane Frederick, FAIA
a he a d a nd ho w y o u c a n e nha nc e y o u r c a re e r b y me nt o ri ng o u r ne x t ge ne rat i o n o f y o u ng a rc hi t e c t s , s u p p o r t i ng o u r re s e a rc h e f fo r t s a nd he l p i ng t o s u s t a i n t he C o l l e ge s o t hat o u r l e ga c y c o nt i nu e s w e l l i nt o t he fu t u re ! Fri e nd s , Fa mi l i e s a nd C o l l e a gu e s p l e a s e jo i n u s i n C O N G R AT U L AT I N G t he 2 02 0 C l a ss o f Fe l l o w s o f t he A me ri c a n I ns t i t u t e o f A rc hi t e c t s ! W e l o o k fo r w a rd t o s e e i ng y o u t hi s e v e ni ng at A I A at 9 p m A I A t o fu r t he r c e l e b rat e y o u r ho no r! U nt i l t he n… . l e t ’s s t a r t t he C E L E B R AT I O N ! ! !
2020 COF Chancellor Peter Kuttner, FAIA
The AIA College of Fellows
Class of 2020 The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
2020 Investiture AIA Headquarters
eter G. Kut t ner, FAI A i s a Pri n ci pal an d pas t-P r e s i de n t of C a mb r id g e Seven, a B ost on- base d f i r m of ar ch i te cts , pl an n e r s , ur b a n de si gners, exhi bi t desi gn e r s , an d g raph i c ar ti s ts . C a mb r id g e Seven, whi ch re c ei ve d th e A I A A r ch i te ctu r e F i r m A wa r d , is known for i t s work wi t h mus e um s , aqu ar i u m s , vi s i tor s ’ c e nter s , hot el s, academ i c bui l di n g s , tran s p or tati on s ys te m s , a n d mixe d- use devel opm ent s. Pe ter is know n, i n par t i cul ar, for hi s th ou g h t ful de s i g n of s pac e s for infor mal and form al l earni ng i n aquar i um s , m u s e u m s , an d e xhibits . Pet er desi gne d t he Kno ck Kn o ck Ch i l dr e n’s Mu s e u m in B ato n R ouge and t he Di sc over y Mus e um e x pan s i on i n A cton , Ma ssa chus et t s whi ch op ene d i n 2 0 1 9. He r e c ently expande d t he New E ngl an d A quar i um an d c om pl e te d th e ne w C hi l dren’s Zo o at Frank l i n Par k . P e te r h as pr ovi de d ma s te r pla nni ng for t he Museum o f Sci e n c e i n B os ton , th e South C a r olina A quari um, and t he Loui si an a State Mus e um as we l l as a r chite ctural desi gn for t he new U.S. Mar s h al s Mu s e u m i n For t S mith , A r kansas. H e i s current l y se r vi n g as P r i n ci pal -i n - Ch ar g e for th e Hohhot Chi l dren’s Di sc ove r y Mu s e u m i n Ch i n a an d th e ne w M o te Mari ne Aquari um i n Saras ota, F l or i da. A g ra d uate of t he Uni versi t y of Mi ch i g an , Pe te r h as b e e n an a ctiv e A IA memb er si nc e st uden t days , an d i s a pas t B os ton S o c ie ty o f Archi t e ct s (BSA) Pre s i de n t, N ati on al A I A B oar d Me mb e r , a nd Vi c e Presi dent of AI A . H e cu r r e n tl y s e r ve s on th e B S A B oa r d, The BSA Foundat i on B oar d, i s an O ve r s e e r E m e r i tu s o f the B os ton Archi t e ct ural C ol l e g e , an d i s th e V i c e Ch an c e l l or o f the A IA C ol l e ge of Fel l ow s. H e c on tr i bute d h i s ar ch i te ctu ral s ketche s to t he BSA Chapt er Let te r for m an y ye ar s , cr e ate d “Ma r g in a lly Archi t e ct ure” for t he B SA m ag azi n e A r ch i te ctur e B o ston, a nd c ont i nues t o sket ch ar oun d th e m ar g i n s .
he American Institute of Archite cts through its B oard of Dire ctors is please d to c onfer this Presidential Citation up on P eter G. Kut tner, FAIA to c ommemorate his ser vic e to the AIA C olle ge of Fellows as its 58th Chanc ellor stimulating a sharing of interests among fellows, promoting the purp oses of the Institute, advancing the Profession of Archite cture, and mentoring young archite cts, all in an eve r-increasing ser vic e to so ciety. L . J ane Fr e d er ic k , FA I A 2 02 0 P r es id ent J as o n Wint er s , A I A 2 0 2 0 Se c r et ar y D e c em b er 2020
Newly inaugurated Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA with the Former Chancellors of the AIA College of Fellows
Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA
The 58th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows
2019 -2020 DOING MORE IN CHALLENGING T IMES - The 58th Chancellor of the College of Fellows, Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA was inaugurated in December 2019 during Governance Week in the mezzanine of the AIA National Headq uarters in Washington, DC. The location reflected Kuttner’s emphasis on “doing more” including increasing the C ollege’s alignment with the Institute on its central focus on the AIA Climate Initiative. The night after the Chancellor’s inauguration, the AIA inaugurated its 2020 President, L . Jane Frederick, FAIA. The College’s 2020 Board of Directors also included esteemed members John Castellana, Vice Chancellor; Roger Schluntz, Bursar; and Frances Halsband, Secretary. The year began with no sense that 2020 would differ from any other year. Kuttner and his Board colleagues prepared to intensify their focus on the College’s core mission while positioning the coming Latrobe Prize, Young Architects Awards, and The Newsletter around the Climate Initiative. Kuttner also planned to encourage engagement of the College’s members involved in climate change work to reinforce the AIA’s efforts through the lens of Fellowship. The College provides a valuable and deployable commun ity of expertise to support environmental stewardship in the profession and aid the AIA’s work. Taking cues from Frederick’s inauguration statement and the AIA Strategic C ouncil’s development of the Framework for Design Excellence, a series of goals and beliefs that extends the profession’s call to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public to have broader meaning by addressi ng the challenges of increasing climate extremes and social inequity. The C ollege adopted the Framework as well. Members of the Board attended AIA Grassroots in New Orleans in Febr uary as part of their commitment to alignment with the Institute. And then the pandemic hit, kicking off a year defined by the upending of social, cult ural, environmental, and public health norms. Before COVID-19, the Board’s only in-person meeting was the Saturday after the December 2019 inauguration to kick off the year. With the pand emic, the first of the Board’s traditional four in-person meetings scheduled for Boulder in the spring went online. As the year progressed, cancelations continued with the A’20 conference already planned for Los Angeles, the fall Charleston meeting, and December’s governance week all dropping away. Like many adjusting to continue making progress amid the pandemic, Kuttner turned a challenge into serendipity. He translated the typical three-day spring meeting into a series of two-hour sessions-commonly considered the effective limit for a virtual meeting. At that first meeting, the Board quickly realized that creating this series of two-hour meetings, scheduled a week apart from each other, could be even
more effective. In the end, the initial spring meeting spanned five weeks and enabled the Board to meet and discuss initiatives while coordinating with related milestones in the Institute’s work. For example, the Board’s first spring meeting occurred before the AIA’s Strategic Council and Board had their first meetings. Thus, College leadership arranged sessions before and after the Strategic Council’s meeting, so they could integrate insight and intelligence from AIA leaders hip’s work into that of the College. The same strategy benefitted alignment with the College’s regional representatives. Thus, the Board continued the vir tual meeting pattern across the year. The Board faced concerns that the impact of the pandemic would over whelm initial College effor ts to focus on climate action and resiliency planning as a single initiative for the Institute, as other critical issues began to emerge. When George Floyd died, 2020 became a year defined by crises. Kuttner believed the College had to shift its strategic focus to the overlap between the converging issues. Under his leadership, the Board realigned to define all these issues related to the virus, racism and social equity, and resilience and climate change collectively as a new and unique public health crisis. The Board and the College did not shy away from taking controvers ial stands. A group of Fellows organized, in solidarity with the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA), to take out a full-page ad for “Black Lives Matter” in the New York Times. It was signed by over 400 archit ects and design professionals expressing their “complete commitment to and suppor t for the protection of Black lives and the advancement of Black livelihood.” This was one of several effor ts to address equity, intended to bring wider knowledge to the fact that of the n6,ooo-plus licensed architects in the United States, less than two percent are Black and less than a quar ter of Black architects are women; statistics that have remained consistent for decades. This created some conflict on the College’s blog and social media platforms but led to an increased alliance with NOMA and an increase in College jur y sizes and change in jur y requirements to allow more diversity among jur y members. Interest by Fellows in mentoring and scholarships for underser ved groups led to the College suppor ting·existing programs led by the Architects Foundation. Much of the regular business of the College was maintained through it all. With the loss of oppor tunities to bring the College’s members together physically, Kuttner led the Board to refocus on members via outreach. The newsletter, email and the social media platforms established under Chanc ellor Vance became the primar y and vital mechanisms for connecting with members. Each issue of the newsletter focused
on our members: the first was the Inauguration with all former chancellors on the cover, next was a grid of the faces of over a hundred new Fellows, and the third featured the faces of the Regional Representatives. To share with members how the College was operating, the 4th quar ter cover was a Zoom grid of faces in the business meeting in October. The masthead of the website featured the new Fellows as well. With the AIA postponing their business meeting with the abandon m ent of the A’20 conference, the AIA’s business meeting was held in the fall, pushing the College’s meeting to October 1st. A positive result of holding it vir tually was that over 250 members were present-more members than had ever attended during a convention. The high attendance also signaled that the Board’s outreach effor ts were keeping members engaged, as did the fact that more money was donated than in many years prior. Kuttner also attributed some of the increased contributions to pandemic empathy, existing initiatives to increase member donations, and the creation this year of the Heritage Society of the AIA College of Fellows. The Heritage Society established a framework to acknowledge members who include donations to the College in their estate planning. Recent Latrobe Prize recipients have focused more on applied research that benefits practitioners. The 2019 award funded “Addressing a Multi-Billion Dollar Challenge” to research the impact of design on educational outcomes. With schools closed because of the pandemic, the research work was postponed for an entire year. As a result, the Board diver ted the Latrobe funds to the AIA to help sponsor a separate, smaller grant to re-look at the relationship between education, practice, and the needs of the profession. The Board also helped jury the AIA Upjohn Research Initiative grants to five research projects focusing on energy conser vation and climate change. For younger professionals and Components, the College awarded seven 2020 EP Component Grants totaling $22,510, with a few focused on how emerging professionals can address climate change. The long-range effects of the pandemic on the workings of the College and the Institute are yet to be realized. However, the introduction of vir tual platforms to the meetings and operations of the College’s Board of Direct ors brought a new tool to facilitating and sustaining engagement between Board members and with the College’s members. Kuttner’s continued focus on the overlap of challenges faced by the profession and society laid the groundwork for advancing climate action, fostering equity and inclusion among members, finding new ways to work together through difficult times, and fur thering the College’s commitment to doing more.
1952 - 1954
Bernard B. Rothschild, FAIA
1983 - 1984
Lawrence J. Leis, FAIA
2004 - 2005
Alexander Robinson III, FAIA
1954 - 1956
Donald C. Hardison, FAIA
1984 - 1985
Ted P. Pappas, FAIA
2005 - 2006
Edgar I. Williams, FAIA
1956 - 1957
Vladimir N. Ossipoff, FAIA
1985 - 1986
Frank Edward Lucas, FAIA
2006 - 2007
Roy F. Larson, FAIA
1957 - 1960
S. Scott Ferebee Jr., FAIA
1986 - 1987
Carole Olshavsky, FAIA
2007 - 2008
Morris Ketchum Jr., FAIA
1960 - 1962
Charles William Brubaker, FAIA
1987 - 1988
Donald J. Hackl, FAIA
2008 - 2009
Paul A. Thiry, FAIA
1962 - 1964
Preston M. Bolton, FAIA
1989 - 1989
Edward J. Kodet, FAIA
2009 - 2010
G. Holmes Perkins, FAIA
1964 - 1966
William A. Rose Jr., FAIA
1989 - 1990
Chester A. Widom, FAIA
2010 - 2011
Norman L. Schlossman, FAIA
1966 - 1968
Robert B. Marquis, FAIA
1990 - 1991
Norman Koonce, FAIA
2011 - 2012
John Noble Richards, FAIA
1968 - 1970
L. Jane Hastings, FAIA
1991 - 1992
Ronald L. Skaggs, FAIA
2012 - 2013
J. Roy Carroll Jr., FAIA
1970 - 1972
John A. Busby Jr., FAIA
1992 - 1993
William J. Stanley, III, FAIA
2013 - 2014
U. Floyd Rible, FAIA
1972 - 1973
Thomas H. Teasdale, FAIA
1993 - 1994
Albert W. Rubeling, Jr., FAIA
2014 - 2015
Albert S. Goleman, FAIA
1973 - 1974
Robert T. Coles, FAIA
1994 - 1995
John R. Sorrenti, FAIA
2015 - 2016
Robert S. Hutchins, FAIA
1974 - 1975
Ellis W. Bullock Jr., FAIA
1995 - 1996
Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA
2016 - 2017
William J. Bachman, FAIA
1975 - 1976
Jack DeBartolo Jr., FAIA
1996 - 1997
Raymond “Skipper” Post, FAIA
2017 - 2018
Philip J. Meathe, FAIA
1976 - 1977
Harold L. Adams, FAIA
1997 - 1998
Edward A. Vance, FAIA
2018 - 2019
George E. Kassabaum, FAIA
1977 - 1978
James D. Tittle, FAIA
1998 - 1999
Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA
2019 - 2020
David A Pugh, FAIA
1978 - 1979
Robert A. Odermatt, FAIA
1999 - 2000
John J. Castellana, FAIA
2020 - 2021
Robert L. Durham, FAIA
1979 - 1980
Harold Roth, FAIA
2000 - 2001
Leslie N. Boney Jr., FAIA
1980 - 1981
C. James Lawler, FAIA
2001 - 2002
William J. Jarratt, FAIA
1981 - 1982
Sylvester Damianos, FAIA
2002 - 2003
William C. Muchow, FAIA
1982 - 1983
Betsey Olenick Dougherty, FAIA
2003 - 2004
The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20006-5292
Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA | The Fifty Eighth Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows
AIA College of Fellows
Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA
The 58th Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows