AIC Newsletter 9th Edition
CONTENTS 1 Featured Story
Interview with Jeremy Huang, NYU Stern 2016 Editor in Chief
5 Alumni Notes Choosing Hospitality Management at Cornell - Anonymous, Cornell 2017
Kam Yan
Editor Andy Blake
7 Alumni Leaders
Alena Shish
My Smith Story - Gigi Lai, Smith College 2017 A Majority in the Minorities - Sherry Liu, Duke University 2015
12 College Introduction Claremont Consortium - Caroline Lu, CMC 2016
17 US Teacher Bio Alena Shish – Middlebury College 2014 (Shenzhen)
Editor & Translator 曾冰然 Jane Zeng
Designer 蒋子祺 Effy Jiang
Contributors 黄捷 Jeremy Huang 赖一凡 Gigi Lai
Randall Telfer – Hamilton College 2012 (Wuhan)
陆楚园 Caroline Lu
Morgan Aveni – Swarthmore College 2013 (Chengdu)
许丽娜 Alena Shish 安浩然 Morgan Aveni
21 The 5E Camp
陶澄逍 Randall Telfer 伍嘉诚 William Wu 尹伶俐 Wendy Yin
28 AIC x The Supply
Leah House 葛松玮
29 AIC Update Third Annual College Fair in Beijing – Leah House
Featured Stor y
Interview with Jeremy Huang Founder of NYU’s Dorm Cleaning Business Interviewee: Jeremy Huang / NYU Stern 2016 Interviewer: Andy Blake Translator: Jane Zeng
Tell us a bit about the business you started while at NYU Stern. Our cleaners are NYU students. We are able to lower the price by more than 50% because 1. Students work part time and take orders on demand. They can do the order any time they want and take any order they want. The extra flexibility translates to more savings for our customers. Traditional cleaners work full time and the customers indirectly pay for the time the cleaners spending waiting for orders. 2. Students live close to each other. The shortening of the distance decreases the cost of traveling. I got this idea because my own room was very messy and I am just too lazy. When I talked to my friends they have the same problem, so I decided to do something about it. We are now working on expanding this out to the mainstream cleaning market. There will be a fully automated platform with mobile and web applications that connect customers and cleaners together. What’s your advice for students who want to start their own businesses? I have two pieces of advice that most entrepreneurs will agree with: 1) Persevere Almost all great ideas sound stupid at the beginning. Imagine someone coming to tell you about his billion dollar idea, “I am going to build a website that allows you
学生采访--黄捷 NYU宿舍清洁公司的创始人 采访对象:黄捷 / 纽约大学 Stern 商学院 2016届 采访者:Andy Blake 翻译:曾冰然 讲讲你在纽约大学Stern商学院上学时成立的公司。 我们的清洁工是纽约大学的学生。我们成功地把价 钱降低了50% 因为学生往往是兼职的,他们的工作 时间取决于客人的需求。工作的学生可以选择工作 的时间和工作的时长。这种工作时间的弹性同时也 转成了为客人省下的费用。常规的清洁工人是全职 工作者,客人们间接地支付他们在等订单时花的时 间。因为学生都住的非常近,短距离降低了在路上 花的费用。 我之所以产生了这样的想法是因为我自己的寝室就 非常的乱,而且我实在是太懒了,不想自己打扫。 当我和我的朋友们聊天时,我发现他们其实也有类 似的经历和问题。因此,我决定做一些事情来改变 现状。
司的失败率非常高是因为他么放弃得太早,太快 了。他们之所以会轻而易举地放弃是因为他们的未 来不指望着这个公司。对于学生来说,有太多选择 会让他们分心,比如实习,恋爱,学业等。 2)灵活性 大部分成功的起步公司都会在发展过程中改变他们 的方向和理念。当你发现你的发展方向出现了问题 时,你应该及时地改变这个状况。对于技术性项目 的创始人来说,灵活意味着学习商业方面的知识。 那些对于技术知识一窍不通的创始人也需要学习更 多的技术性知识。 Stern商学院如何帮助了你公司的发展与成长?
对于那些想成立自己的公司的学生,你有什么建议 吗?
我并不觉得Stern对我有任何的帮助。我觉得这也 是为什么我没有看到过从Stern走出来的非常厉害 的技术型企业家。而纽约大学倒是对我有很大的帮 助。NYU的创业投资基金帮我形成了我的战略和市场 调查。因此,对于那些从NYU走出来的价值过亿的企 业,我并没有觉得那么惊讶,比如Twitter, Foursqure, 和Bloomberg。Lady Gaga也是一位来自NYU的 非常有成就的企业家。
我有两条忠告,这也是两条最广受企业家肯定的建 议:
对于一个企业家,在最初发展阶段他要面临的最大 的挑战是什么?
1)坚持不懈 几乎所有的杰出的想法在最初都听起来很蠢。如果 一个人对你说他有一个价值过十亿的商机:’我要 建立一个网站,让你用140个字符来分享你的想法’ , 你的第一反应肯定是:’你没听说过博客吗?’ 然而,这个想法最终就成为了Twitter。许多的人 也许会对你说你的想法是多么的愚蠢,这都没有关 系。因为你要做的是去证明他们是错的。这也意味 着你要去做你认为是正确的事情。学生开的起步公
寻找一个绝配的市场是最大的挑战。因为你需要确 定消费者们会愿意购买你提供的产品。强硬的技术 水平通常是不够的。你还要愿意跟客户沟通,进行 市场调查从而确定你的产品是有价值有意义的。
我们正在准备将这个业务扩展到主流的清洁市场。 我们将搭建一个全自动的平台和网络应用程序从而 建立起客人和清洁工作者的联系。
如果你可以回到最初,改变你成立公司时的做法, 你会怎么改变? 我会把我们的网站建在Nodeis。Nodeis是最先进的网
to share your thoughts in 140 characters !” You would be like “Duh, have you heard of blogs ?” That idea just so happened to become Twitter. Many people might tell you your idea is stupid and that is ok. Your job is to prove them wrong. That means it is very important for you to do what you think is right. Student startup failure rate is very high mainly because they give up too early and too soon. It is too easy for them to give up since they are not betting their future on it. There are also too many distractions for students (like internships, relationships, school work, etc). 2) Be flexible Most successful startups change their ideas along the way. You want to turn the steering wheel when you know you are driving the car into a wall. For founders of tech-related projects, being flexible means they should be open to learning the business side of things. Technologically illiterate founders should be open to learning more about technology.
How has Stern helped to facilitate the growth of your business, if it has at all? I don’t think Stern has helped me in any way. I think that is a reason why I don’t see any great technology entrepreneurs coming out from Stern . NYU has helped me a lot though. Its venture fund has helped me shape my strategies and do market research. I was surprised to find out that NYU is the home to many successful multibillion dollars companies like Twitter, Foursquare and Bloomberg to a lesser extent. Lady Gaga is also a great entrepreneur from NYU. What do you think are the biggest challenges that an entrepreneur can face in the developing stages of building his or her business? Finding the market fit is the greatest challenge. That is, you want to make sure the product you provide will be paid for by your users. Being very good technically is often not enough. You must be willing to talk to your
customers and conduct market research to make sure you are making useful stuff. If you could go back and change the way you began your business, what would you change? I would build the site in Nodejs . It’s the latest web development framework and is amazingly fast and lightweight. We are now working on a new site in Nodejs to scale it up to other schools. What resources have you used at Stern to tap into your entrepreneurial side? It is very hard for a business school to produce entrepreneurs simply because business school trains you with traditional types of management expertise which only works in large organizations. That is good news for those who want to be an entrepreneur but could not go to a business school. Babson College may be an exception, but you still see so many more great startups coming from technical schools like Stanford than from business schools like Stern. How did the idea for your business develop? What avenues did you use to effectively market your product? I got this idea when I needed someone to clean my dorm rooms. Hiring a maid in NYC is ridiculously expensive (45 bucks an hour). We market our services through Facebook. What personal characteristics do you think help make someone a strong entrepreneur? 1) Be determined. 2) Be very determined. 3) Be extremely determined.
页发展框架,而且非常的快和轻便。我们正在建设 在Nodeis的一个新的网站。 你在Stern商学院利用了哪些与企业发展有关的资 源? 商学院之所以很难培养出企业家是因为商学院把学 生训练培养成传统的管理人才。而这些管理技能只 适用于大的企业组织。这对于那些想创业却又没能 上商学院的人来说也许是好事。Babson College也许 是个特例,但我们还是看到了很多技术型大学培养 出来的创业家,例如斯坦福大学。 你的商业理念是怎么发展的?你用从用了哪些渠道 来推广你们的产品服务? 我的商业创意源于我需要一个人为我清洁寝室。在 纽约请女仆打扫卫生十分的贵(45美金每小时)。 我们通过Facebook脸书来推广我们的服务。 你觉得哪些个人品质能帮助一个人成为成功的企业 家? 1)有决心 2)非常有决心 3)绝对得有决心
Alumni Notes The hospitality industry is one of the most dynamic industries in the world and continues to grow year after year. The name of “hospitality” includes food services, hotel, tourism, aviation, and many other service industries. As China’s economy shifts from manufacturing-typed economy to consumption economy, I firmly believe the hospitality industry will be the largest growing sector in the next decade.
culinary and food service, business computing, financial accounting and etc. to enrich their learning experience. I sometimes joke that Hotel School is great for training perfect husbands because guys here know how to cook good food. I always tell my high school friends to do the things that really excite them. Don’t follow other people’s paths. It’s not worth it. Try to learn something new, whether it’s
Choosing Hospitality Management at Cornell Author: Anonymous / Cornell University , 2017 Translator: Jane Zeng Not everyone is suitable in this industry. Different from other financial sectors, hospitality industry requires a genuine heart. Many applicants have been in the industry for at least a year before they decided to apply to a hospitality management program. At Cornell’s School of Hotel Administration, some students are interested in hotel/real estate development, some are excited about being the top sommelier, some are addicted to perfecting service operational management, etc. With a hotel school degree, students take on various career paths and pursue it with passion. I think this is what makes the hotel great because it offers a life-long skills that prepares you to become the leader in the future, regardless of what industry you will be in. I discovered my interest in hospitality management when I was still a child. I like to serve other people and make peoples’ day.. But a majority of students discovered interests later while participating in their hotel internships. For any prospective students, I would suggest to get an internship at a hotel and try it out. Cornell’s SHA looks for students who are the leaders of tomorrow in the hospitality field; therefore, it’s better for you to find out whether you are the right person for this field now. At Cornell’s SHA, students are often assigned into different groups for homework. Through group projects, students build interpersonal skill, leaderships and communication skills that will serve them well in the future. These skills are essential for any professions; even you don’t go into hospitality industry, you will still need leadership skills for personal growth. School requires students to take core courses such as hotel operation,
about yourself or what you’re studying. School is still so much fun, and it’s one of the last times you’re going to get the chance to really find your passions. Learn the things you can’t learn outside a classroom, as those things can often be more important. Even if you can get a job at Goldman Sachs, what does it really matter? There are many other professional careers you can take and become the pro at it. It’s funny to think about this, but it has been quite true. Many billionaires are not the best academic kids at the school because they did something that “A” level students think is wasting time. So my advice will be go out and do something that you feel passionate about.
酒店业是世界上最变化多端和最有活力的行业之 一。随着行业规模的增长,酒店业也逐渐涵盖了餐 饮服务,酒店,旅游,航空与很多其他的服务业。 随着中国的经济从制造经济转向消费经济,我坚信 酒店业将成为未来十年最有潜力的行业。 不是所有人都适合从事这一行业。与其他的金融行 业不同,酒店业要求一颗真诚的心。许多申请酒店 管理课程的人都有至少一年的相关工作经验。在康 奈尔的酒店管理学院,有的学生对酒店和地产业有 浓厚的兴趣,有的梦想成为顶尖的品酒师,有的执 迷于完美的服务管理模式。因此,酒店管理学院的 文凭为学生们提供了许多的职业规划选择,帮助他 们追求自己的梦想与热情。我想这也是为什么酒店 业是如此的让人热爱,因为它为学生提供能终身受 用的技能。无论以后你选择在什么行业发展,这些 宝贵的技能都将帮你成为行业的佼佼者和领导者。
我在非常小的时候就发现了自己对酒店管理的热 爱。我喜欢在别人服务的同时让他们度过愉快的时 光。但是多数学生都是在参加了实习后才发现自己 对酒店业的热爱的。对于所有的潜在学生,我十分 地建议大家去尝试一些相关的实习。康奈尔的酒店 管理学院寻找能够在酒店业成为明日之星的学生, 因此,在你选择酒店业之前最好试一试这是不是最 适合自己的行业。 在康奈尔的酒店管理学院,学生们经常需要以小组 围单位来完成作业。通过各种小组项目,学生们学 会了搭建自己的关系网络,锻炼领导能力和沟通能 力。即使你以后不在酒店行业发展,这些重要的技 能都将为我们日后的成功打下基础。学校还要求我 们学一些必修课程来丰富我们的学习经历,比如酒 店运营,烹饪,商务计算机,金融会计等。有的时 候我会开玩笑说酒店管理学院是训练完美的丈夫的 最佳场所,因为这里的男生都非常得会做饭。
选择康奈尔的酒店管理专业 作者:匿名 / 康奈尔大学 2017届 翻译:曾冰然
我总是让我的高中同学去尝试那些让他们感到激动 的事情。不要一味地跟从别人的脚步,因为那不值 得。要多尝试新鲜事物。学校里总是有各种各样有 意思的事情,这也是我们最后一个能真正地找到自 己的热情的地方。学习那些不能在课堂外学到的东 西,因为这往往更重要。就算你真的能在高盛得到 一份工作,它的意义又是什么呢?除了金融,还有 许多其他的职业选择,你也可以成为这些领域里的 权威人士。虽然这么想起里觉得很可笑,可这就是 事实。许多的亿万富翁并不是在学校里学习最好的 因为他们做了许多学习好的学生看起来浪费时间的 事情。所以,我能给大家的建议就是多去尝试不同 的事物并最终找到自己最有热情的事情去做。
Alumni Leaders
我的史密斯故事 作者:赖一凡 / 史密斯学院 2017届
在得知我就读于一所女校后,很多人都对我的大学生活感到非常好奇。因此,我经常收到五花八 门的提问,比如“你们学校真的一个男生都没有吗?有没有男教授?”或者“你们学校有男厕所吗?有男 生去的话怎么办?”在这些千奇百怪的问题中,我最经常听到的是这样两个问题:“你为什么会去一所女 校?在女校学习不会感到很奇怪吗?”在申请大学的时候,我并没有太注意女校这个因素,以前也从未有 过在女校就读的经验,所以我总是和别人说我选择在Smith读书不是因为她是一所女校,而是我喜欢这所学 校,而她刚好是一所女校罢了。 Smith最吸引我的莫过于她的学术设置,学校鼓励学生探索不同的学术领域,因此我们除了大一时 需要上一门Writing Intensive的课程以外,没有其他必修课。同时,我们还可以选择Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory的打分方式,也就是一门课的成绩不理想的话,成绩单上只会显示及格/不及格,而不会影响你的 GPA。在这样的条件下,我得以大胆尝试英语、西班牙语、心理学、经济、编程、艺术史、东亚历史研究等 等不同科目,探求自己兴趣之所在。除此之外,Smith的大部分课程都有非常严格的人数限制,小班教学使 得教授们能够关注到每一位学生,从而因材施教。比如说我的西班牙语教授在课后会写邮件告诉我以中文 为母语的学生会遇到哪些发音困难,并且在office hour的时候为我单独指导。在我必修的写作课上,英语 教授会花费大量的时间一丝不苟地阅读每一篇文章,从标点符号的使用到行文的整体结构,为学生提出非 常细致的建议。在我完成了课程后再去找她聊天时,她还非常认真地为我推荐课程,将她欣赏的教授的名 字写在一张小纸条上给我,让我非常感动。 Smith拥有开放自由的氛围,自称为Smithies的学生们非常关注社会问题,不论是课堂、餐桌还是 社交网络都可以经常看到Smithies们对诸多社会议题进行辩论。Smith致力于培养能够领导世界与改变世 界的杰出女性,作为这样一所女校的学生,Smithies格外关注性别议题,积极参与社会活动。在过去的一 年中,我认识了很多有想法也勇于自我表达的女孩子,在这样的大环境下我也逐渐开始在学习和生活中 speak up and take initiative。于是在大一开学不久我参加了Student Government Association的选举,竞 选年级Social Chair一职。Social Chair这个职位主要负责年级社交活动的组织和宣传,虽然这个职位不像
Class President和Vice President那么热门,但是我还是制作了一段的动画宣传片进行宣传,也像其他参加 选举的候选人一样在校园里chalking、在社交网络上拉票,最后也顺利当选了。虽然我在高中的时候参加 了很多课外活动,但是我对美国大学学生会的运作和活动开展的具体流程并没有直接的经历,所以刚一上 任我和内阁成员们就面临许多问题。我们需要解决的最大问题就是活动组织的资金来源,Smith的Student Government Association只会在大一内阁刚刚组建后一次性发放一笔数目很小的资金,接下来的四年里单独 举行活动都很难再次申请到额外的资金,所以年级内阁组建后第一个任务就是筹钱。为了得到必需的活动 资金,我们在过去的一年里开展了五花八门的筹款活动,我们在期末考前向家长提供Care Package预定服 务,家长订购后我们再向学生们派送这些爱心包裹,我们还在情人节的时候向全校学校提供Candy Grams的 代送服务,也通过售卖我们自己设计的Class Apparel来赚钱。得到资金后,我们组织了一些具有女校特色 的活动,比如说在供应巧克力火锅的Fondue Night上为大家提供社交的机会,我们也在期末考前夕组织Spa Night帮助大家解压。在过去的一年里,担任Social Chair的这个经历让我认识了很多朋友,也在一定程度上 使得我更快适应了美国大学的生活。 在前面我曾经说到很多人问我在女校是否感到很奇怪,我总是会回答我在Smith的时候觉得非常自 在。经过一年的学习生活,我时常庆幸我当时选择了Smith这所可爱的女校,最后我也祝愿大家在理想的学 校中收获成长。 番外:女校真的一个男生都没有吗? 严格来说,Smith一年制的American Studies Diploma Program是招收男生的。也正因为如此,在 我大一期间,Smith全校两千余名正式学生中有两位来自欧洲的男生。与此同时,Smith与附近的Amherst College、Hampshire College、Mount Holyoke College和University of Massachusetts at Amherst组成了Five College Consortium,五所学校的学生可以在其他的学校中选课。除此之外,本地的高中生也可以在Smith 选课。因此,在Smith的课堂上经常可以看到男生的身影。
A Majority in the Minorities Author: Sherry Liu / Duke University, 2015 Translator: Jane Zeng events. And I tried to keep CSA as a “family style” organization, despite the swelling growth of members, by remembering people’s names, ordering legitimate Chinese food despite the higher price, and happily offering my own set of Chinese games for entertainment. Cultural organizations like CSA exist not for the sake of entertainment out of boredom. The majority of our members is composed of international students, and to them, it can be a place that is “closest to home” in a foreign country. “Our culture is more than free food.”
In the past year, I had the honor to serve as the president of Duke Chinese Student Association (CSA), one of the many student-run cultural organizations on campus that (proudly) represents the Chinese undergraduate community. Thinking back, I’m still amazed of how I landed there. One of my own goals before coming to Duke was to mingle with a diversified group of people and explore new possibilities. Indeed, joining a sorority, playing sports, or performing in the next musical sound like bigger deals than hanging out with people of my own culture and speaking my native language. Why the president of a *Chinese* student association when you’ve paid all that effort to study in *the States*? One of my motivations had come from the culture shock I initially received in the United States. After tireless efforts of running around campus for weeks in search of cool events, organizations, and new friends, I was desperately longing for food from home and a friend who understands what I was talking about when it comes to Chinese pop culture. And for this desire of connection I later joined CSA as a freshman representative. As the president, I frequently reminded myself of that longing for a comfort zone when I was planning for
From such responsibility came the pride to present the organization with its best image. For a long time, CSA has centered its signature events around food - we’ve catered from the local Chinese restaurants, brought fresh vegetables and meat for hotpot, and provided traditional snacks for nearly every event. While among other things, it is the distinguished food culture that defines us; to have the organization representing Chinese culture labeled as a place for free food is never that comfortable. My Board members and I, as a result, have had a strong motivation to change this impression upon the day we were elected. From this perspective we were quite successful. Our events showed an increasing level of diversity and we started to take our members off campus more frequently - we answered doubts from freshmen by hosting academic workshops featuring summer plans, majors, and campus life; we spent our Saturday nights at the local performing arts center for the last show of Once; we went bowling; we invited an Astronomy professor to talk about the stars while we boated on the Jordan Lake, a recreation area in North Carolina. People have started to treat CSA more as a place to meet and mingle with friends. Trying out new ideas definitely requires extra amounts of energy, especially for off-campus events. We have hosted a Chinese brush-painting workshop with and celebrated mid-autumn festival with AKPhi and Lambda, an Asian sorority and fraternity, respectively. We enjoyed the first full moon with the Korean Student Association by
非主流中的主流 作者:刘文舜 / 杜克大学 2015届 翻译:曾冰然 ‘只是他们一帮中国人自娱自乐罢了’ 去年,我有幸担任了杜克大学中国学生联合会的主 席(CSA)。CSA是校园里为数不多了一个代表中国 本科生的、完全由学生组织的团体。现在回想起 来,我仍不敢相信自己是怎么成为CSA的主席的。 我来到杜克的目标之一是认识各种各样背景的人并 尝试不同的经验。因此,加入姐妹会,参加体育校 队,在音乐会上演奏听起来比和与自己有相同背景 的人打交道有意义多了,毕竟中国学生只是学校里 的一个小群体。那么我又何必费这么大劲儿考上了
美国的大学后成为中国学生联合会的主席呢? 其中一个原因来源于我初来美国时感受到的巨大的 文化差异。经过了几个星期对课外活动和小伙伴的 搜寻,我迫切地想吃一顿家里的便饭,和朋友谈谈 我们都了解的中国流行文化。我强烈的与外界沟通 交流的欲望敦促我成为了中国学生联合会的大一代 表。 作为CSA的主席,我时常提醒自己用我们的活动为大 家提供一个舒适安逸的氛围。为了保持 CSA这个大家庭温馨的氛围,尽管我们的人数在日益
增加,我还是会坚持记住每个人的名字,订购更高 价却有质量的美食,并为大家提供我们自己的中国 式娱乐游戏。像CSA这样的文化类组织之所以存在不 光是为了娱乐大众,更是为了给广大的海外学子提 供一个像家一样的港湾。 ‘我们的文化不光只有食物。’ 肩负着为大家提供一个如家似的环境,我也自豪地 想把中国文化和CSA最好的一面展现给大家。一直以 来,CSA都围绕着中国的饮食文化举行了一系列的活
动:我们通过当地的中国餐厅提供新鲜的火锅;我 们还为每次活动准备了精美的小吃。就这样,中国 独特的饮食文化成为了CSA最明显的标志。然而,当 一个代表中国文化的组织被定义为一个提供免费吃 喝的地方时,大家心里多少有些不好受。因此,在 我和CSA的理事会成员获选后,我们决定改变大家对 CSA的这一浅显的印象。 为了改变大家对CSA的看法,我们尽量多元化我们 的活动、带大家参加更多校外的活动,我们还为大 一新生提供关于选择专业,适应校园生活和暑假计 划的建议。周末,我们在当地的艺术中心欣赏表演
《Once》,我们去打保龄球,我们邀请天文学的教 授和我们共游Jordan湖,畅谈宇宙行星。尽管我们 的活动依旧保留了标志性的饮食文化,大家逐渐开 始把CSA当成一个让大家社交,认识朋友的地方。 为了使CSA的活动更多样化,我们花费了大量的精力 在举办校外活动上:我们和AKPhi主办了书法课;我 们和Lambda一起庆祝中秋节。AKPhi和Lambda是两个 以亚洲人为主的兄弟会和姐妹会。我们还和韩国学 生联合会的同学们共赏元宵节的第一轮明月,品尝 传统美食,去Defy Gravity公园参加各种活动。 正是我们对中国传统文化的价值的信念激励着我们 不断地创新,做得更好。我们的不懈努力也让我们 成为了非主流群体中的主流群体。有的时候,我看 着CSA如此快速地成长,扩大影响,我甚至忘了这其 实是一个非常年轻的组织。在过去的一年里,我们 的活动也吸引了许多非国际生。大家的支持不仅增 长了我们的信心与信念,也验证了我们的努力为大 家带去了许多新颖独特的经历,而非仅仅是免费的 食物。 随着中国留学生群体的逐渐扩张,CSA也成为了一 个越来越有影响力的组织,我们也开始承办越来越 大的活动。在杜克,我们不懈地努力成为更好的自 己,成为非主流群体中最有代表性的主流。这也意 味着更大的挑战在等着我们,毕竟只有自己知道这 样的认可是来之不易的。但是,这也意味着机会: 我们的声音是无可替代的。作为CSA的主席,我深感 荣幸能目睹和领导中国学生联合会的成长与转变, 我也将永远感激这个让我自由表达我对杜克,对我 的中国学生同胞,对中国传统文化的热爱的平台。
tasting transitional foods from both cultures and later going to Defy Gravity, an indoor trampoline park for some extra fun. A belief that the culture we represent deserves a stronger reputation on campus than one that is for “free food” pushed us to continue to work hard. And indeed, many of our achievements and observations indicate that the population we represent is becoming a majority - or a majority in the minorities, to be precise. Sometimes I tend to forget how young this organization still is, impressed by the growth of its influence and members. In the past year, a lot of our events have attracted people who are not international or Chinese-affiliated, a result that boosted our confidence as it indicated we do produce unique opportunities for cultural learning, and we are not just about free food. The increasing Chinese population has made it hard to keep the organization in a family style; the local attractions have created new desires; the organization is mature enough to hold even larger events for even greater influence. At Duke, we are constantly improving ourselves to become one of the majorities in a group of minorities. This means challenge - the recognition both within and outside of the organization does not come effortlessly. But it also means opportunities - our voice is not replicable, and indeed many school programs have worked to have our needs expressed and protected. It was a unique pleasure witnessing and guiding the growth and transition of CSA as the president, and I will always be thankful for having this platform to express my love for Duke, my fellow Chinese students, and the Chinese culture in general.
College Introduction
Claremont Consortium: Claremont Mckenna, A College Close-up Interview with Caroline Lu / Claremont Mckenna College, Class of 2016
Q: What is the strength of Claremont McKenna College? A: Claremont McKenna College has really strong economics and government departments. To understand why, let’s take a look at the history of the College(the following paragraph is written by a CMC alumni who graduated in 1996): “It was only founded in 1946, making it the youngest of its peer institutions. It was founded as a men’s college and turned coeducational in 1976. The original students of CMC, known as the Pacesetters, were primarily World War II veterans returning to attend college on a GI Bill. The founding president of CMC, George Benson, also had a military background and experience in World War II. The experiences of the founders of the school - and the young men who first enrolled - framed a philosophy and education that was focused on government and economics and the proper role of each in building a civilization. Today, government and economics remains a core focus of the College, but its resources and diligent focus on a broader liberal arts education has resulted in high-quality departments across the school including: literature, history, psychology, math, sciences, foreign languages, and philosophy, among others.”
Q: What is the social life like at Claremont McKenna College? A: There are weekly parties on Thursdays called TNC (Thursday Night Club). There are also parties on Fridays and Saturdays, which tend to be a little bigger/themed. Some of the student favorites include toga parties, Monte Carlo, and Halloween. The student government, ASCMC, has $250,000 a year to play with, and they focus on making the parties epic. Alcohol is always provided at the parties, and some parties have amazing raffle prizes, such as trips to Vegas or even Scotland! In fact, last Thursday at snack time (10:30-11:30pm every Monday-Thursday, free snacks are provided in our dining hall), people who showed up in plaid shirts were eligible to enter the raffle to win a trip to Scotland because CMC’s founder, Donald McKenna, is Scottish and the Student Alumni Association sponsors this annual event to celebrate Donald’s birthday. ASCMC also subsidizes other student activities, such as trips to pro-sports games and music festivals. Last year, I went to the Getty museum, Little Tokyo, Santa Monica, and many other places on school-sponsored trips. The tickets to Disneyland, Six Flags, and other theme parks are always available for purchase at a heavily subsidized rate. One of the all-time favorite trips is Ski-Beach day on which we ski in the mountains in the morning and then chill on the beaches at sunset. One can really take the most advantage of our geographical advantage for being close to both the beaches and snowy mountains. There are many levels of ASCMC involvement, from super-busy presidents to more laid-back senators. For the most part, people don’t need a Greek life at CMC because they never have to search for a party.
采访对象: 陆楚园 / 克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院 2016届
问:克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院的优势在哪儿? 答:克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院的经济学和政府学非常强。为了解释得更清楚些,我们有必要了解一下这所学院 的历史(下面两段是由1996年毕业的一个克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院校友写的): “克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院成立于1946年,是同类学院中最早的一所大学。最初是一所男子大学,后来在1976 年开始男女兼收。克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院最早的一批学生,即著名的排头兵,是为了遵守《美国军事法》而 回来上大学的二战老兵。克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院的创始人,乔治.本森 也有一定的军事背景和二战经历。创始 人的经历和第一批入校的年轻人共同创建了哲学和教育,主要侧重于政府学和经济学以及这两者如何构建 文明。 如今,政府学和经济学仍然是这所学校的核心专业,但是这所学校的资源和对文科教育的重视产生了高质 量的院系,主要包括:文学、历史、心理学、数学、科学、外语、哲学等。” 问:克莱蒙特麦克纳学院的社会生活怎么样? 答:学校每周四都会有聚会,我们称之为“周四夜总会”。当然,周五和周六也会有聚会,但是规模可能 会大并且会有相关的主题。最受学生欢迎的有长袍聚会、蒙特卡洛聚会和万圣节聚会。克莱蒙特麦肯纳学 院的学生会每年有25万美元的活动经费,他们主要用来举办聚会。聚会上会提供酒,而且有些聚会上还有 抽奖活动,比如去拉斯维加斯之旅甚至是苏格兰之旅!上个周四的点心时间(每个周一至周四的10:30— 11:30,我们餐厅会提供免费的点心),穿着格子衬衫的人可以参加抽奖活动赢得去苏格兰之旅的大奖,因 为克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院的创始人唐纳德.麦肯纳,是苏格兰人,所以学生校友会赞助了这项年度活动来庆祝 唐纳德的生日。 克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院学生会同样也资助其他的学生活动,比如参加职业体育赛事和音乐节的活动。去年,
Q: What are some of the classes you have taken in college? A: CMC has a really strict general education(GE) requirement so that every student takes more than 12GE classes in order to graduate. The GE requirement ranges from classes in history and American politics to languages and science. It’s the core of CMC’s liberal arts education. For freshman year, one needs to take Freshman Writing Seminar and Freshman Humanity Seminar which aim to develop one’s writing and critical thinking skills. My FWS class is one of the most difficult classes I have taken in college, but it’s also one of my favorite classes. The class is tough--about 200 pages of reading per week and a paper due EVERY SINGLE CLASS. The comment I wrote shortly after I took the class: It’s the class in which students get to know each other very well because each one needs to talk substantially during every class meeting. My classmates and I also became close because the class kicks all of our asses. The normal greeting between my FWS classmates and I always starts with, “Have you started reading yet?” There is a strong mutual sympathetic feeling that binds us because the reading assigned each time is simply crazy. The professor is also so dedicated that he grades your paper every time and requires you to go to his office to talk with him one-to-one once every week. I got a C- on my first paper, but I ended up getting a B+ in the class. At the end of the semester, my professor took the whole class to his house and spent a night reading poetry there—sounds like Dead Poets Society right? The other class that I liked a lot is a basic acting class I took at Pomona last semester. Basic Acting teaches fundamental knowledge about theater which includes voice, relaxation, imagination, text, etc. Knowledge about theater is so deep and rich that one could spend a lifetime studying it. The professor is a world-class actor who is also a great person. Someone describes him as a “god,” that ten minutes of conversation with him would change your life. Obviously, it’s exaggerated, but I would say the professor’s mere presence in the studio makes the whole atmosphere different. He is just such a great actor. Nevertheless, acting on stage also has a really high requirement for language fluency, especially precision of pronunciation and accent, which anyone who is anon-native speaker needs to put a lot of time into. I also took two semesters of Spanish which I am going to continue next semester, and it’s an enjoyable experience to me.
我去了盖蒂博物馆、小东京、圣塔莫尼卡和学校赞助的许多其他地方。我们可以在受赞助的情况下,很容 易用低价买到去迪斯尼、六旗主题乐园和其它主题公园的票。最有趣的一次旅行是滑雪沙滩日,我们上午 在山上滑雪,日落时在海边乘凉。你可以最大程度地利用学校的优越的地理位置,因为它靠近海滩和雪 山。 学生会有各种各样的活动,有的活动很忙,有的活动比较闲散。大多数情况下,学生不需要加入兄弟会, 因为他们从来没必要为聚会发愁。 问:在大学里,你上过哪些课程? 答:克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院有很严格的通识教育要求,所以为了毕业,每个学生都会上12门以上的通识教育 课程。通识教育要求范围从历史课、美国政治课到语言课和科学课。它是克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院文科教育的 核心。对大一的新生而言,他们必须修《新生写作课程》和《新生人类学课程》,旨在培养学生的写作和 批判思维能力。《新生写作课程》是我在大学上过的最难的课程之一,但是也是我最喜欢的课程之一。这 门课要求很严—每周有近200页的阅读量,而且每上完一节课就得完成一篇论文。 上完这门课后,我写过一段简单的评论:这门课可以让学生之间很好地相互了解,因为每次班会都会要求 学生充分地发言。我同学和我关系也变得亲密很多,因为我们“共患难”过。我《新生写作课程》的同学 经常会用如下的话语跟我打招呼,“开始阅读了没有?”因为每次布置的阅读任务都会让我们抓狂,所以 我们同学之间会有一种同病相怜的感觉。当然,教授也很敬业,他每次都会给你的论文评分,并要求你每 周一次去他办公室跟他单聊。我这门课的第一篇论文得了C-,但是期末结束的时候我得了B+。学期末的时 候,我们教授把全班人都邀请到他家里,花了一个晚上在那儿读诗—听起来是不是有点像死亡诗社? 我比较喜欢的另一门课程是我上学期在波莫纳上的《表演基础》课。《表演基础》课主要教一些戏剧的基 础知识,包括声音、放松、想象力、文本等。戏剧知识博大精深,一辈子都学不完。这门课的教授是一个 世界级的演员,人很好。有人将他称之为“上帝”,因为只要跟他交谈十分钟,就可以改变你的一生。很 明显有夸张成分,但是我不得不说,教授一出场,整个气氛都变了。他真的是一个好演员。然而,在舞台 上表演也确实需要流利的语言,特别是标准的发音和口音,非本地口音就得花很多时间来训练。 我也修了两学期的西班牙语,我打算下学期继续学,这种学习经历让我很开心。
US Teacher Bio
• Alena Shish • • Morgan Aveni • • Randall Telfer •
Alena Shish - Shenzhen
Name: Alena Shish Nickname: N/A Chinese Name: 许丽娜 Hometown: Green Brook, NJ School/Graduation year: Middlebury College/2014 Major(s): Chinese major, French minor Favorite food: I grew up eating Russian food; my favorite Russian food has to be borscht. My favorite Chinese food is cilantro-pork dumplings (香菜猪肉 饺子). Different languages you speak: English, French, Russian, and Mandarin Books/TV Shows/Movies you enjoyed most: Books: Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, the Harry Potter Series, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, The Count of Monte Cristo and anything by Jane Austen TV Shows: Modern Family, New Girl, The Mindy Project, Colbert Report, Jon Stewart, Big Bang Theory, Friends, How I Met Your Mother, So You Think You Can Dance Movies: The Pink Panther, The Matrix, A Walk to Remember, and Inception Favorite/most memorable academic class: Modern China through Literature (in translation). Great discussions and taught by my favorite professor in college. Sources of inspiration: the determination and passion of those around me. Ideas of a perfect day: Sitting outside (somewhere in the mountains) on a breezy day reading a good book. Identify yourself in 3 words: linguaphile, energetic, reflective Where have you travelled before: France, Spain, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Italy, London, China, Thailand, Ukraine, and Canada. Something about you that others might not know: I’m huge hip-hop music fan!
Morgan Aveni - Chengdu NAME: Morgan Aveni NICKNAME: 安浩然 HOMETOWN: Anniston, Alabama (USA) School/Graduation Year: Swarthmore College/2012 Major(s): Political Science, Classical History Favorite food: Sichuan-style hotpot, 麻婆豆腐,冒菜,串串. I seriously believe that Sichuanese food is not only the best in China but among the best in the world. Different languages you speak: English, Mandarin, and enough Sichuanese to carry a simple conversation. As part of my studies in classical history, I also learned to read Ancient Greek. Books/Television shows/Movies you enjoyed most: Books: Too many to name, but some of my favorites include: Infinite Jest, The Corrections, East of Eden, Catch-22, Anna Karenina, Fortress Besieged (围城) TV Shows: I don’t watch a huge amount of tv, but House of Cards was great. Curb Your Enthusiasm is also an old favorite; Movies: I have lots of favorites, but one of my “new” favorites is Chungking Express. It has a lot of the qualities that I look for in great movie (and, for that matter, a great Personal Statement): the film has a really creative, distinctive style but doesn’t take itself too seriously. It also offers an intimate window into other people’s lives – but without coming across as self-indulgent or sappy. Favorite/most memorable academic class: During my junior and senior years, I took part in two “directed readings,” which allowed me to essentially design my own course work in conjunction with a professor of my choice. Every week, I would meet one-on-one with my adviser to discuss my progress and receive constructive feedback on my ideas. Each of these classes culminated in a written thesis at the end of the semester. Source of inspirations: The only book that I’ve ever reread several times is The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius. I literally take a copy wherever I go. It is a cross between a diary and a work of philosophy, written by one of the Roman Empire’s greatest emperors. The work is intensely personal, but his “meditations” on how to lead a good life, especially in the face of adversity, are as meaningful today as they were nearly 2000 years ago. Ideas of a perfect day: Wow, that’s tough for me to say. But the one commonality that all my favorite activities share is that they all involve some sort of challenge. I don’t respond well to boredom – I’m happiest when pushing myself to expand or improve in some way. Identify yourself in three words: thoughtful, focused, self-driven Where have you travelled to before: China, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Canada, the U.K., Italy, Greece, Turkey Something about you that others might not know: Between the ages of 2 and 4, I lived in Wuhan while my father served as a Fulbright lecturer at Wuhan University. In many respects, my early childhood was more Chinese than Western.
Randall Telfer - Wuhan Name: Randall Telfer Nickname(s): Randy, 小陶, 桃子, and (unfortunately) 桃桃 Chinese Name: 陶澄逍 Hometown: Avon, Connecticut School/Graduation Year: Hamilton College, (Bicentennial!) Class of 2012 Major(s): Chinese, World Politics Favorite food: A simple bowl of pasta Different languages you speak: English (sometimes I question this), Mandarin (the more I learn, the less content I am with my ability), and Spanish (needs a lot of brushing up!) Books/Television shows/Movies you enjoyed most: I really enjoy reading biographies, or anything that allows me to learn from the life experience of others. I also enjoy studying philosophical texts (in 白文) such as the Daodejing (道德经) and the Analects (论语). Love The Cosby Show, and as for film, my favorites are ones that make me think and/ or laugh. Also, I am known for doing silly impressions of movie characters such as Mrs. Doubtfire (call me if you want to prank call a friend). Favorite/most memorable academic class: Either HIST 333W: Philosophical Masters of Ancient China, or GOVT 360W: The Politics and Theory of Place and Space. Source of inspirations: Those who have the gift of both knowledge and passion for what they do in life, including many of my teachers, classmates, professors, and coworkers throughout the years. Ideas of a perfect day: Getting up bright and early, enjoying the outdoors, learning something (and remembering later what the heck it was), making others laugh, and spending quality time with family. Identify yourself in three words: Sentimental, shy, strange. Where have you travelled to before: Only parts of the U.S., China, the U.K., and the depths of wry humor. Something about you that others might not know: I am a fourth-generation student of Yip Man (叶问), under whom Bruce Lee studied Wing Chun (咏春) martial arts. On a (somewhat) related subject, I have not eaten any sweets or junk food in over ten years. (Also, I realize that I overuse parentheses after (and only after) I finish writing stuff) (Telfer, 216).
什么是5E夏令营: 5E夏令营是佳桥教育 (AIC Education)组织的,意在加强不同学生的交流,来帮助学生们发觉自己的非营 利性活动。它承载了佳桥高质量办学理念,致力于通过加强不同学生的交流来帮助更多学生发掘自我。在 两周的活动期间,当地学生们会通过与来自全国各地的学生交流而吸收很多课堂内外的知识,领略不同地 方的不同风貌,扩大自己的交际范围;习惯了大城市的学生们会通过与当地学生一同生活的经历,收获一 种全新的、非凡的旅行和体验。在夏令营中,城市学生将会挑战自己的极限,承担起作为自己学弟学妹榜 样的责任,探访少数民族村落,对农村取得更深入的了解。此外,同学们还从环保和合作的角度出发开展 各种实践活动。每时每刻大家都能在心理和生理上受到挑战,但与此同时每一位同学也必将获得独一无二 并且终身难忘的体验。
5E的精神: 5E夏令营的名字包含了五个相互影响的元素: ——平等参与 (Equality) 5E夏令营以平等为基础,以此打破不同背景学生之间的隔阂。 ——交流共享 (Exchange) 在丰富的活动中,以平等的心态拉近学生之间的距离,带给营员们更好的交流效果。 ——能力锻造 (Enrichment) 相互熟知的营员们通过挑战性的活动和任务提高团队合作能力,领导能力,适应能力与创新能力。 ——重审环境 (Environment) 经过充分的交流, 双方营员们都将以一种全新的视角看待周围的自然,生活以及人文环境,拓展 世界观的深度和广度。 ——发掘自我 (Empowerment) 个人能力的提升使营员们意识到自己能够影响世界,世界观的拓展使营员们将会影响世界。5E的理 念在夏令营的每个活动里都能得到充分的体现。
5E Reflection Author: Jonathan Hsieh (Nanjing) “Hey what’s up!” No response. Just a hint of a smile. I couldn’t tell if they were amusedby Andy and me because we were speaking English, orour (in contrast) immense paleness, but whatever we did, they’d simply look over, smile mysteriously, and whisper among themselves. Due to their shyness, the local students didn’t make communication easy at first, but I nevertheless remember feeling disappointed in our students: at the canteen, everybody self-segregated. We’d come all this way, through wind, rain and endless plane delays, andsure, I’d expected a transition period, but no one seemed to be making the first move to engage the younger, local students. Perhaps, I should’ve been slower to judge. I’m not sure exactly when “the barrier” broke, but by the 3rd day, everybody was mingling together. I credit the counselors in large part for designing activities that really encouragedinteraction, but it also took much boldness on the part of all the students to begin communicating. During the speech activity, city campers were asked to help local campers write a speech on any topic. I was especially impressed by the locals’passion: they shared about their dreams of being teachers in impoverished areas, or future graduates of China’s best colleges. One student discussed how chasing chickens was like love. I was also astonished by the wisdom of the city campers, who put the spotlight on their younger compatriots, and gave them continuous encouragement. The sedan chair challenge was another of my favorites.Each group had to construct a sedan chair from materials found around campus; it was deemed “successful” if it could transport 120 kg (or 2 counselors) roughly 50 meters. During this challenge, I learned firsthand about my shortcomings as a handyman: I could only hopelessly fumble the
tangled strings that local girls deftly weaved; I couldn’t wield a knife to precisely cut bamboo, as could our resident carpenter, Yang Di; and I left my art skills behind in the hand-painting days of kindergarten, so Chen Yubin and Daiyuntook ownership of painting the beautiful flowers that adorned our sedan chair. As the oldest person in camp, I was altogether useless to our team, but I felt pride in our students for cooperating so smoothly, and being able to draw on everyone’s strengths. Throughout the two weeks, countless other activities left impressions in my memory: dancing across bunk beds trying to chase a rogue moth in the dark, attempting (successfully) to play ball in the pouring Yunnan rain, impromptu English lessons with Andy and the local boys, trips to the local market, where we ate pig’s head and 1 kuai mangoes together, and much more. Trips like 5E make the world feel naturally and paradoxically bigger and smaller. I think of all the students, the cities they are from,and the storiesthat make them unique. They make me want to see the world and explore its vastness. Yet,cliché as it might be, in our differences, we are all the same: off-key singers at 5E Voice, awkward dancers at the talent show, giggling pranksters playing Truth or Dare, and overzealous card-players in the dorm. In the end, I think this is the beauty of 5E and why I’m so thankful for my two weeks there: this opening of worlds, newfound understandings, discoveries of empathy and trust, and bonding through treksto the squat toilet late at night. After my two weeks in Yunnan,I am amazed by the ambition of the counselors (rising freshmen and sophomores in college), willing and able to take responsibility for 60+ strangers. I admire our city campers for taking the leap in new environments. And I will cherish the local students for their open hearts and big dreams. Through 5E, I see how empathetic exchange can reap powerful benefits. These benefits may not be quantifiable, in terms of college graduation rates, or increased economic prosperity, but the ideas and encouragement shared are sure to last. Even today, endless streams of messages on Wechat and QQ of city and local campers, continuing their communication and support of one another is testament to this reality. Thanks again 5E, and here’s to another great year next summer!
5E的思考 作者:谢博恩 “嗨,你们好!”没有应答,只有一丝浅浅的微笑。我不知道这是因为我和Andy在说英语,还是我 们看上去略显苍白。不管怎样,他们只是望着我们,交头接耳,带着略带神秘的笑。 当地学生比较害羞,刚开始和他们交流并不顺利,期间我曾对学生们感到失望:在食堂里大家都是分开来 坐。我们这么一路赶过来,风雨交加,飞机晚点,我希望大家有个适应期,但似乎没人愿意主动接触当地 年幼的学生们。或许,我不应该过早地下结论。 我不知道什么开始这种隔阂开始消失了,到了第三天,大家都围坐在一起交谈。我非常感谢指导老 师组织了一些活动促进大家的交流,但这也离不开全体学生的大胆参与和交流。 在演讲活动中,来自城市的营员需要帮助当地学生写一篇演讲,题材不限。当地学生的热情让我印象颇 深:他们分享自己的梦想,有的希望能到偏远地区当老师,有的想进入中国顶尖大学。有个学生阐释了老 鹰捉小鸡的游戏传达了爱的主题。城市营员的智慧也让我倍感惊异,他们把所有精力都放在年幼的小伙伴 身上,并给予他们持续不断的鼓励。 轿子挑战赛是我另外一个很喜欢的项目。每组要从营地里找出各种材料来制作轿子,如果轿子可以 在承受120千克(或两个指导老师)的重要的前提下,前行50米,即视作成功。在挑战赛过程中,我意识到 自己手工方面的不足,我只能笨手笨脚地摆弄这些当地女孩们轻而易举就能搞定的绳索。我也不能像当地 的木匠杨迪一样,精准地用刀割着竹子。我早就忘了在幼儿园时期学的那些手工绘画。陈玉斌和戴云负责 画轿子上的精美的花朵。我虽是营地里最年长的,却显得一无是处,但对学生之间的通力协作以及能发挥 各自所长而感到骄傲。 活动为期两周,其中给我留下深刻印象的事情数不胜数:夜里在双层床上跳舞捉飞蛾,顶着云南的 暴雨打篮球,和Andy以及当地学生们即兴教授英文课,结伴去当地集市,把猪头和芒果混在一起吃,这样 趣事多如牛毛。 5E这样的活动一切显得那么自然,世界是那么大,又是这么小。我想,正是这些学生,他们所在的 城市,他们身上所承载的故事,让他们变得如此与众不同。这激发了我探索世界,开阔视野的愿望。尽管 我们有所不同,但在本质上却是一样,这听起来或许有点老套:5E好声音上那些跑掉的歌手,达人秀里不 伦不类的舞者,真心话大冒险里不停偷笑的搞怪者,以及宿舍里狂欢的打牌者。我想,这正是5E的魅力之 所在,并欣慰于我在那儿的两周:开放的世界,新颖的理念,情感和信任的挖掘,以及夜晚长途跋涉跑到 厕所。 我在云南的两周,指导老师(带领大一大二的)的决心让我印象颇深。他们愿意并有能力照顾六十 多位的陌生人。城市营员们能在新环境中迅速适应的能力也让我感到惊叹不已。我也非常珍惜当地学生的 坦诚相待以及他们的宏伟志向。 5E让我看到这种感同身受的交流可以孕育出丰硕的果实。从大学的毕业率,或是经济方面的利益 来看,这些好处是不可估量的,他们之间的相互交流和鼓励会一直维持下去。即便是现在,城市和当地营 员在微信和QQ上无处不在的信息交流正维系着他们的沟通,这就是佐证。再次感谢5E,希望明年会更加美 好!
5E声音 作者:葛松玮 5E 2014 城市营员 “由于对方机场天气原因,您乘 坐的MU5781 次航班延误,预计起飞时 间……“这是第一次接触5E的印象。 “Hey 你是5E的嘛?”机场的人来人往,5E却迎来 自己第一次的汇聚,有些人迟疑地望着这 边,我们就会这样搭讪。 “如果学校门可以就开进去,不行就停在路边了——嗝~~”话唠司机一路狂谝,伴着有力的打嗝 声,我们来到了民中,——“啊…! 脑袋……”一切麻烦的开始都源于这句话,我的脑袋磕在了上铺的床 上,看不见伤口却不停流血让人格外恐慌,210 5E Counselor拙劣的绷带和哈姐不停的问候让我第一次感觉 到了5E的温暖。”起床了起床了!!在楼下集合!!带你的小伙伴去吃早饭八点钟楼下集合,,,“不管 是翰文还是哈姐还是合唱,每天每天….最最害怕听到的声音,但是是Counselor最最操劳的表达。 “我今年有六十四场演唱会……蒋老湿终于有了男学员靳老湿要开腥了” 5E好声音,这里有加拿大普通话 版的童话有表现力超强的 Bad Romance,也有不讲理的难忘今宵企图强行结束好声音,有风吹麦浪也有春 暖花开,无论什么人唱什么歌都是五合乡传出最美丽的声音。 “星星!!!”民中就是这么惊喜不断让人沉醉,漫天无际的星星,谁看到都忍不住叫出声来,“ 爱我你怕了吗(微笑)“听说八卦永远是5E最传统的项目,“辣一夜,里没有拒绝我,第二夜,里伤害了 我!!”成熟偶尔风趣幽默的大叔故事总是很多……直到…… “Camp中你最想和谁一起看星星?!”大叔 被残忍的推向JM,一脸享受,嘴上说着不愿意身体却很诚实,那天的感恩Seminar让人特别意外,伴着壮汉 的惨叫我们体会着各自那份来自未知的感谢,但,所有的故事都会有个结尾。 “如果离开了这里不要说再见,我说还会见”这样的歌词总能特别打动人,故事的结局是离别, 不舍与难过,我们带给了民中什么我不清楚但民中却能让我们如此动容,分开后的大家有人水土不服有人 怀念早餐的饵丝,民中将自己深深的烙在每个人的脑海里,但这不是5E最后的声音——“么么哒!!可惜 了……烦人~”我们依然会在说话中带出几句熟悉的话,那曾经是每天的日常,似乎一切都未曾来过,生 活依旧,可是,我们偶尔也会想起,蹲在地上洗碗的你。We are family,一生5E人。
在5E的那些天 ——记5E的那些人 作者:张家绮5E 2014 城市营员
来5E的初衷之一,便是 出于对大山处世界的好奇。 我向往那里的景,更好奇那 里的人。偏远地区的他们, 是否也有着“希望小学”宣 传画主人公那样纯洁通透的 眼神?是否也有着贫苦动人 的身世?是否也有着对未来 的无限向往和憧憬?怀着各 种猜想我来到了腾冲五合乡 民族中学,走进了他们的世 界。
扬扬 扬扬是除了搭队伙伴外交集最多的当地营员。未认识她前,听说她是新初三年级组的第一,未见其 人,便已肃然起敬。她睡我对面床铺,床上满是课本,每天晚上都能看到她勤奋苦读的身影。真正交集的 开始是睡前的闲聊。怀着我一向对优等生的敬意以及好奇,开启了话匣。了解到她出生傣寨,读书一直很 好,只是初二半年落空了年级第一,其他时候几乎稳坐年级第一把交椅。她活泼开朗,为人随和。她说以 后想考去北京上海,想走出县城,想去更远的地方。扬扬是按我心中角色设定出现的人:努力,上进,有 远大的理想。她的努力和踏实的确让我敬佩。而更深一层的感动源于一次夜聊。简单聊了聊各自的学业生 活后,她突然沉默了下来。“姐姐,我觉得你们好幸运啊,都可以出国读书。”她懵懂的大眼睛盯着我, 话语中满是真诚与羡慕。突如其来的感叹使我心头泛起一丝愧疚。我们的确比起这里的学生拥有许多客观 条件上的优势,而我自己的努力却真真切切不如她半分。这当真是俗不可耐的领悟,但亲身感悟代替了说 教时,她一句艳羡之语却成了我最好的激励。临走,她红着眼睛,抱了抱我,坚定地对我说,未来她一定 会实现自己的梦,同时也献上了她最真挚的祝福。那双眼闪着泪光,那样摄人心魄,好像可以反射全世界 的光亮。 ——我们终将踏上各自的旅程,而5E,是我们彼此最好的加油站。
夏影 14天来交往最频繁的自然是结队小伙伴夏影,来自昆明寻甸县的初二学生。起初,简单的交流并 没有加深我们互相之间的了解,直到两次搭档活动——演讲比赛和给未来的自己写封信。接到任务后我并 没有太多想法,反倒是夏影十分激动的主动与我讨论演讲主题和内容。“主题我都想好了!我决定写梦 想!”老生常谈的话题,深刻却老套。我在脑海中大胆猜想着她的梦想,思来想去,总是离不了将来离开 乡村,去大城市闯荡的宏伟蓝图。“我的梦想是以后去大山深处当老师,然后40岁后回家开一个首饰店平 平淡淡过日子。因为我觉得很多大山深处孩子们没有老师,很可怜。”这跟我的猜想是在南辕北辙,总觉 得她的梦想太值得推敲。外面的世界很大啊,你不想出去看看么?大城市会有更多的机会,难道你不想闯 一闯吗?说不定你有更好的前途,更优越的生活啊……看着她真诚的眼神和坚定的语气,千言万语终究没 有道出。“你没有想过去更大的城市么?”她眨了眨眼困惑地望着我,“嗯…… 好像没有哎,那里真的就 好么?”我无言。 夏影的梦想很大程度上改变了我曾经对偏远地区孩子们的固有想法。而更让我另眼相看的,是之后 她写给未来自己的信。写信的过程并不如演讲那样顺利。咬了半天笔杆后她仍想不出什么内容。她没有对 未来太多天马行空的想象,没有对未来宏图的长远规划,我几乎想出了所有这个年龄女生可以有的幻想, 都没能成文。最后,她终于想到了自己的一个夙愿:“我觉得除了当老师好好过日子之外,我还有一个梦 想就是可以一直单纯善良下去,不要被这个社会改变。”我心头一颤,各种滋味涌上心头,有感动,有心 酸,更多的,是一种共鸣,因为四年前的自己写下过如出一辙的愿望。这一次,我没有过多的干涉和顾 虑,而是真心为她喝彩,被她感动。 遇见夏影前,我总是希望能把自己浅薄的眼界尽可能最大化地传递给当地的学生,激励他们。而经 过深入的交流和了解,我想这种所谓的引领并不一定是真正的帮助。每个人都有自己想走的路,没有人有 权利在别人的道路上留下自己的风向标。谁说出人头地,闯荡世界是每个人的梦想?谁说这样的抱负才称 得上伟大?我们随波逐流,有太多既定的束缚与认知,却忽略了最质朴的愿望。不是所有人都能隔绝于喧 嚣,安守于平淡。 平凡的夏影,给了我不平凡的感动。 一生志愿只要平凡快乐,谁说这样不伟大呢?
AIC x The Supply Summer Immersion Program By William Wu Translated: Wendy Yin AIC is constantly looking to bring intellectually stimulating and life-changing summer programs to our students. We have teamed up with The Supply, a non-profit organization focused on eradicating the slums epidemic in Africa through the power of education. This exclusive partnership allows AIC students in China to be the only students in China who attend The Supply’s High School Summer Immersion Program. 佳桥一直在寻找一些能给学生启发思考能力和改变人生的暑假项目。所以我们与The Supply组织合 作,它是一个致力于通过教育来根除非洲贫民窟疾病的非营利组织。这个独有的合作关系让佳桥学生成为 唯一的能够参加The Supply高中生暑期沉浸式教学的中国学生。
This past summer, through an extremely selective process, highly motivated and curious AIC students embarked on a service-learning trip to Nairobi, Kenya for nine days. Students were put into teams to complete a challenge – coming up with a viable project proposal to improve living conditions in the slums community – with the chance to win $10,000 USD in seed funding to see their proposal come to life. In addition, the program invited accomplished social entrepreneur guest speakers to hold seminars and workshops; students not only gained insight into effective leadership and the urgency of creating positive change within the slums, the challenge also had them work together in teams to think critically about how to solve real-world problems in addition to flexing their entrepreneurial muscles. Moving forward, we hope to connect more AIC students who are interested in The Supply’s mission to attend service-learning programs to get a better sense of the problems affecting the world and how these students can be future leaders through getting first-hand experience in battling such problems. 过去的这个暑假,通过极其严格的筛选,一群有着高昂的斗志和充满好奇心的佳桥学子踏上了肯尼 亚首都内罗毕的九天服务性学习之旅。学生们被分成了小组来完成一项挑战—提出能改善贫民窟的生活条 件的可行性的项目计划书,这样就有机会赢取一万美金作为实现项目的种子基金。另外,这个活动还邀请 了成熟的社会企业家作为嘉宾发言人来主持研讨会。学生们不仅收获到了对有效领导力的深刻理解还了解 到了贫民窟不断完善和改变的紧迫性,这个挑战也让他们紧密团结在一起来思考如何解决现实世界的问题 而不仅仅是展示自己的创业激情。以后,我们希望将更多的对The Supply使命感兴趣的佳桥学子联合起来 参加这个服务性学习项目,这样他们对于影响世界的难题有了更好的认识,而且通过和这些难题做斗争的 经历对于成为将来的领导者有了更好的了解。
AIC Update
2014 COLLEGE FAIR On July 5th, AIC Beijing was busy preparing for AIC’s annual College Fair! We gathered all of our US teachers from around the country to represent their alma mater. We invited Professor Dick Yue from MIT to speak to parents and students about leadership and what it takes to be accepted to a school like MIT. He was very popular and many students stayed behind to ask him questions. We hope to see some future MIT students come from this! In total, we represented over 30 top colleges and universities. AIC alumni and students also chipped in to represent their school and answer questions about the application process, their colleges’ environments, and academic opportunities.
在七月5号,北京佳桥教育紧锣密鼓的准备了一年一度 的AIC College Fair(大学园游会)为此,我们聚集了 佳桥教育全国各地的美方老师来到北京来代表他们各自 的母校。我们邀请了来自MIT的Dick Yue教授为学生和家 长讲解Leadership(领导才能)以及被MIT录取需要做些 什么等一系列问题。Yue教授当天十分受欢迎,即使在 会后也有许多留下来询问的学生和家长。由此,佳桥教 育希望能够看到更多的录取MIT的学生!在College Fair 上,佳桥教育总共展出了30余所顶尖大学和学院。佳桥 教育的校友和学生也纷纷加入,代表他们各自的学校并 且对申请过程,校园环境,学术性的机会等问题进行一 一解答。
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