AIC Education, Inc.

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LETTER FROM OUR FOUNDER/CEO 创始人的信 不少教育家相信人可以被分成两类:实用主义者和理想主义者。在我开始陈述之前请不要误解我的意思—— 这并不是把人按苹果橘子那样分类,而更像一组能够分析驱使我们的决定和行为的基础的探索性的问题。 我们通常认为,一个信奉实用主义的人不会去勇敢冒险,一个信奉理想主义的人则总在想法和行动上不断追 求更好,尽管他们常常与大众的观念背道而驰。因此,人们在追逐理想时更愿意承担风险。然而,我们不能 把所有理想主义者都和比尔盖茨相比 - 他对电脑使用体验变革的未来深信不疑并取得了空前的成功。每当你 看到一个成功的理想主义者,背后都会有无数个失败者的背影,而更多的则是从未为理想真正努力和冒险的 灵魂。这些从未为内心理想而不顾一切的真的可以被称为实用主义者么? 所有我见过的学生都向往一所好的大学(不论“好”是怎样定义的)。同样的,所有我见过的家长都对他们 的孩子们抱以厚望。即使是杀手也想设计出一套理想的方案去实施阴谋。最后,是我们对“更好”的不同定义, 而不是我们最初对自我更高的期待,区分了我们自己。在这种共性条件下,我们难道不都是理想主义者吗? 大部分人不会带着这个问题入睡,但是作为一名老师,我会。问题的答案引领我作为老师的义务,也是帮助 学生提高最基础的要求。 如果霍华德 . 夏尔兹在自己的店被银行关停 242 次后放弃了,我们如今就享受不到星巴克的咖啡了;如果 JK 罗琳在多次被出版社婉言拒绝后停止写作,也就不会有后来的《哈利波特》;如果沃特 . 迪斯尼在他的迪斯 尼乐园梦想被否定 302 次后就退缩了,如今遍布全球的迪斯尼乐园也就不复存在。同样,比尔盖茨在通往成 功路上所经历的失败也就不难想象了。人们只看到那些光彩耀人的成功,而谁能体会得到隐藏在他们背后的 努力和信念呢? 纸张、电力、太空探索、弦理论、数学甚至是孙中山先生对民主中华的宏远理想,这些都是在他们时代被看 作“理想”的追求。他们不也是冒着巨大的风险吗?无须置疑,如果你志存高远,你势必会要走一条艰辛的路。 但即使路途艰险,当你克服这些困难之后,你将收获更丰富的知识和不一样的人生阅历。 作为一位老师,你认为我该做些什么?鼓励学生不要冒险去做疯狂的事而要循规蹈矩?还是引导学生去探寻 那些看似遥不可及的梦?如果我的学生失败了,他们就真的一无所获么?绝对不是!纵使是从科学的角度来 看,走在一条更加艰险的道路上也一定会有相应的额外回报。 物理学科中,一条简单的公式 F=MA 阐述了我们对世界运转的基础认识。你就是质量。加速度是你的努力, 并且加速度必须大且持续才能达到一定水平的力。力,好吧,就是进步的产生元素。如果你坚持像上面一样 做的话,我坚信你永远不会因为被看作“中庸”而难受;你也不会因为生来理想但死时现实而沮丧。所以作 为老师,过去的九年中,我总在睡前提醒自己:我的工作就是挖掘出一个自然的和理想主义的你。


Some educators believe that humanity can be divided into two groups of people, pragmatics and idealists. Before I begin please don’t get me wrong, this piece isn’t meant to be research segregating people into apples and oranges, but more like a series of probing questions that analyze the fundamentals driving our decisions and actions, which like the sands on a beach, are numerous. By definition, a pragmatic person is not a risk taker, while an idealistic person thinks and acts toward a better direction, often bearing ideas that go against the grain. Thus, in achieving ideals people are prone to risks. However, we cannot compare all the idealists to someone like Bill Gates, who believes whole heartedly in the transformation of computer usage and succeeded. For every successful idealist you see, there are endless individuals who have failed, and even more that have never tried. Are they then quantified as pragmatics? I have never met a student who did not ambition for a great college (however great is defined). Similarly, I have never met a parent who did not aspire for what’s best for their children. Even murderers fancy the most idealistic plans to carry out their evil. At the end of the day, it is our varying definitions of “better” that separate us, and not our innate aspiration for better itself. Given this commonality, aren’t we all idealists then? Most people don’t go to sleep thinking about this, but as a teacher, I do. The answer guides my obligation as a teacher, which at the most fundamental level entails helping students excel. If Howard Shultz gave up after being turned down by banks 242 times, there would be no Starbucks. If J.K. Rowling stopped after being turned down by multiple publishers for years, there would be no Harry Potter. If Walt Disney quit too soon after his theme park concept was trashed 302 times, there would be no Disneyland. Similarly, you can assume the number of failures Bill Gates experienced in building Microsoft. But these are just the glorifying results of pursuing the highest level of “better”. What about the less visible but equally tangible? Paper, electricity, space exploration, string theory, math, even the first person to ever attend Yale from China, are these pragmatic pursuits for their times? Did they entail high levels of risk? Of course they did, and you are bound to take the hardest route if you aim high, but you see more and naturally learn more along the way. Even though failure looms around the corner, it is through these failures that you elevate your understanding and hone your skill. As a teacher, what do you think I should do? Promote students to ambition the lesser of the “better”, develop a no risk plan and draw an easy route? Or should I inspire students to reach for a galaxy far far away? If my students fail, will they acquire nothing? Absolutely not! Even from a scientific perspective, there are bound to be gains from pursuing the higher and more difficult path. In physics, the simple formula of (F=MA) describes our fundamental understanding of how this world works. You are the mass. The acceleration is your effort, and it must be high and continuous to achieve a certain level of force. And the force, well, that is the nurturing element for progress. If you students stick to the above, I assure you that you students will never suffer the dire consequences of being called mediocre; of being born a natural idealist but die an artificial pragmatist. So as a teacher, for the past nine years before I sleep I remind myself, that it is my job to dig out the natural and idealistic you. And what better way to achieve my greatest force for this world by being able to teach endless mass of students, and promote endless effort among them. So wouldn't my formula be My Force = (MA) to the Nth power? And wouldn't that be yours as well?

张晨 04

CEO/ 创始人 / 老师

Joining a boarding school in the United States invites you into a world of intellectual rigor, endless extracurricular opportunities, and commitment to community, which demands you to stretch to your fullest potential. From the awning fields of rural Vermont to bustling campuses in the heart of Manhattan, each school provides an enclave of academic and personal development. Your days will begin with demanding courses in small class sizes with highly credentialed and caring teachers. However, your time with your teachers extends beyond the classroom; they will be your coaches, activity leaders and dorm parents, and you will form close bonds with these mentors. After classes you participate in a vast array of extracurricular activities, choosing from sports to drama to music to community service. Your evenings in the dorms foster intense community spirit. Additionally, your peers will be some of the best and brightest, inspiring your own growth and providing lifelong friendships.


I know this from personal experience; on a daily basis in my own time at Eaglebrook School and Northfield Mount Hermon my teachers, coaches, peers and the community as a whole saw potential in me and challenged me to exceed expectations. This provided me with the best possible preparation for applying to college and my subsequent time at Williams College. Now as an educator, it honors me to share the opportunity to become part of such special communities and excites me to help you uncover and realize your own potential. In boarding school with unparalleled resources, you may seize the opportunity to develop new passions and explore existing ones. Like students, no two boarding schools are exactly the same. Each is a unique combination of characteristics and values. Some emphasize grit and determination, others focus on community development, some possess strong arts programs, or distinguish themselves with unique activities such as horseback riding, others might excel in athletics. Finding the right fit for you will be critical to your happiness and success at boarding school. However, the ability to realize and develop an individual’s potential is what bonds all boarding schools. On my last visit to the States I had the privilege of meeting with presidents and admissions officers from over thirty boarding schools. While touring state of the art science centers and breathtaking auditoriums, I listened to presidents describe the missions and cultures of their schools, admissions officers talk to about how they craft incoming classes that represent the world’s diversity and talents, and students gush about how much they loved their respective schools. Afterwards, I took the time to introduce them to AIC, the ideals it stands for, and methods we use to give each of you the best possible preparation for life abroad. While these schools encourage and expect individual student achievement, they do not promote a single predefined definition of success. Instead, they believe one must seek to understand the perspectives, points of views, and unique talents held by the different individuals encountered along the way. As a result, achievement and success at boarding schools lead to not a static end, but the uncovering of new possibilities and potentials. By fostering these ideals, boarding school communities are true college preparatory environments, geared towards gaining the most successful rates of admission into prestigious universities and colleges. They uplift students and instill in them the confidence needed to proactively disagree with others, ask questions of themselves, develop their own answers, lead others, choose where and when to act, and explore new passions both during the high school years and at America’s top universities and colleges. The AIC family is excited to mentor students and their families as they embark on the exciting journey of studying in the U.S., and we are ready to provide them with the skills that will allow them to hit the ground running. By taking advantage of your time with AIC and seizing each opportunity that presents itself, you will arrive in the US prepared and ready to face all obstacles head on. I wish you all much more than luck during your high schools years and beyond. Warm Regards, Nicholas Daen


What is the HSSOF Viewbook? The AIC HSSOF Viewbook is a broad introduction to the options for secondary education for Chinese students in the United States. When using the Viewbook, some features should be kept in mind: The Viewbook is selective. We have not tried to cover all boarding and day schools that are known to accept Chinese students. Instead, we included schools that we had the privilege to visit and personally discuss with presidents and admissions officers during our last visit to the U.S. Each school represents different academic climates, student life, locations, and traditions. The description for each school in the Viewbook is brief and systematic. Each description covers basic statistics about the school, relevant to Chinese students, as well as brief sections about a school’s mission, culture, academics, arts, and athletics. There are also lists of schools included to help you decide the criteria you want to play a defining role in your search for a school with the best fit. At-A-Glance The “At-A-Glance” section is designed to help you narrow down your selection pool or identify schools with specific features, programs or characteristics. The “Admission” section will help you keep track of important deadlines and costs, as well as providing you with a general sense of the competitiveness of gaining admission to the respective school.

什么是 HSSOF 美国高中指南? AIC(佳桥教育)HSSOF 美国高中指南全方位向中国学生介绍了美国的中学教育。当使用这 本宣传册时,需要注意以下几点: 这本 HSSOF 有选择的介绍了美国高中。本书中所有的高中学校都是我们去年有幸拜访过的 学校,并且我们与这些学校的校长和招生官进行过深入的交谈。该书中的每所学校都有其独 特的学术氛围和文化传统。 在这本指南中,对每所高中的介绍都是简短且系统的。每所学校的介绍包含该校的简介、文 化、学术情况以及与中国学生相关的信息。 为了让你找到与你最匹配的学校,指南中也还有一些学校的名单,他们可以帮助你决定在选 校过程中哪些标准是更为重要的。 学校一览 “概况一览”这个栏目的主要用意是帮助你缩小选校范围,明确各学校的特点和课程项目。 另外还有一些其他的特点帮你判定学校的文化。所有这些都可以帮助你选择出你更感兴趣的 学校。“招生信息”栏目则会帮助你及时了解所有学校的申请截止时间和相应费用,也可以 让你对学校的招生竞争率有个大致的了解。 06

School Overviews School overviews may seem similar. Most boarding schools will stress the type of learning you will gain outside the classroom. They offer a well-rounded education, character development, top-level academics, small classroom sizes, modern facilities, and a safe and inclusive learning environment. However, this is also where you need to pay special attention. Each school may have one differentiator that makes them unique. For instance, one school might be located near the Berkshire Mountains and value the strength of its boarding program. Another school might be urban and have a more casual residential life. As a student living abroad, these considerations should be just as important as your academic criteria. In general, the private boarding schools described in this book will have small classrooms, a focus on individual student growth, and will attempt for each student to gain the following academic skills: critical thinking and problem solving, effective communication, collaboration, information literacy, creativity, curiosity, and imagination, and personal responsibility. Also take note of the extra-curricular activities described. Some schools are unique in their equestrian programs, while other schools have many different athletic offerings. The best way to see if they offer something you are interested in is to visit each school’s individual website for a more specific search.

学校概述 本书中每所学校的概述可能会有一些相似之处。这是因为大部分美国寄宿学校都比较重视学 生在课堂以外所获得的学习和成长。因此,它们都通过提供全方位的教育环境,顶尖的学术 氛围,开设小班教学,使用现代化设备等方式,努力为学生创设一个能够让他们自由发展的 学习环境和生活环境。 同时,这也是需要你特别关注一点。因为每所学校都有其独有的特点。比如,位于伯克希尔 山附近的学校可能较多的关注学生的寄宿生活,而市区的学校则对此关注较少。在选择寄宿 学校时,除了该校的实力,这些同样要考虑在内。 总的来说, 这本指南中所介绍的寄宿学校都有小规模班级教学,关注学生个人成长,帮助 学生获得学术技能和知识等特点。它们都比较注重培养学生的批判性思考能力、解决问题的 能力、有效的交流沟通、团队合作意识、创造性、想象力、责任感等。与此同时,本书中介 绍的课外项目也要得到重视。有些学校在马术项目方面很出色,有些学校则提供各种不同的 运动项目。如果想要更多的了解这个学校是否提供你所感兴趣的东西,那么最好的选择是浏 览其官网来做更具体的调查。 07

Berkshire School Sheffield, Massachusetts Director of Admissions: Andrew Bogarduss E-mail: Web:

At-A-Glance Founded: 1907 Campus Size: 400 acres Location Type: rural School Type: boarding and day Grades Offered: 9-12

Student Body Total: 386 Male: 58% Female: 42%

Average Class Size: 12 Student Teacher Ratio: 5:1 Full-Time Teachers: 67 Teachers With Advanced Degrees: 59% Number of AP Courses Offered: 17

Admissions Application Deadline: 01/15 Application Fee: $125 Accepts TABS Application: Yes Average Percentile SAT: 65% Acceptance Rate: 30%

Percent International: 18% ESL Courses Offered: Yes

Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $49,900

概况一览 创始年份 : 1907 年 校园面积 : 400 亩 地理位置 : 乡村 学校类型 : 寄宿和走读 年级选择 : 9-12

班级人数:12 全校师生比例:5:1 全职教师:67 高等教师:59% AP 课程:17

国际学生比例 : 18% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 是

在校生信息 总人数 : 386 男生 : 58% 女生 : 42%

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 01/15 申请费 : $125 是否接受 TABS 申请 : 是 平均 SAT 百分段 : 65% 录取率 : 30%

学费 七天寄宿 : $49,900

08 School Profiles

Photos, statistics and text from

School Mission Rooted in an inspiring natural setting, Berkshire School instills the highest standards of character and citizenship and a commitment to academic, artistic and athletic excellence. Our community fosters diversity, a dedication to environmental stewardship, and an enduring love for learning. Overview Berkshire School is a co-ed college preparatory boarding school offering a rigorous academic course of study. Pioneering programs – such as Advanced Math/ Science Research, Sustainability and Resource Management, and the Pro Vita Winter Session – coexist with advanced sections and AP offerings in all disciplines. Berkshire provides a range of artistic and athletic offerings supported by a state-ofthe-art academic building and brand new facilities in athletics and the arts. In this extraordinary setting, students are encouraged to learn, in the words of the school motto, "not just for school, but for life." Academics Berkshire’s academic programs are impressive. Building upon a foundation of core courses, students have the opportunity to explore an intellectual passion or discover a new point of interest. Whether students are studying exponential functions, Sherman’s March, or Shakespeare, Berkshire’s academic core challenges them to maximize their potential and pushes them to achieve more than they thought possible. Berkshire students are also encouraged to take intellectual risks by exploring material outside of the core. Whether in our Aviation Science class, our Independent Study program, our Advanced Math/Science and Humanities Research programs, or our unique Economics offerings, Berkshire students have opportunities for unparalleled growth. Student Life Berkshire traditions include Mountain Day, Winter Carnival, Gracious Living Day, Senior Skip Day, talent shows, jazz cafes, and weekend activities like dances, hypnotists, dodge ball tournaments and open houses. Unique to Berkshire is that students build tradition and generate activity, and as a result, are involved, invested and connected to every aspect of academic and social life. 学校的使命 伯克希尔学校重视学生品格、学术水平、体育技能等方面的培养。该校鼓励多元文化的发展, 努力为学生营造一个良好的学习环境。 学校概述 伯克希尔学校是一所学术严谨,男女同校的大学预科寄宿学校。该校不仅有高等数学、高等 科学、可持续发展和资源管理等创业计划课程,还有各学科的高等课程和 AP 课程。伯克希 尔学校拥有一流的教学环境和先进的教学设备。在这里,学生的学术能力和体育技能都将得 到提高和发展。正如该校校训所说:“我们不仅关注学校的发展,更重视学生的未来。” 学术概况 伯克希尔的学术课程相当丰富多彩。除了学习必要的核心课程之外,学生还可以根据自己的 喜好兴趣自由选择其他课程。不管是数学、诗歌还是文学等其他核心课程,伯克希尔学校都 能给学生提供最大限度挖掘自我的机会,帮助他们实现更多的理想。该校还鼓励学生积极探 索必修课以外的课程,像航空科学、高技数学等,以此促进他们更好的成长。 校园生活 伯克希尔学校有许多传统节日,如高山节、冬季嘉年华、才艺表演、爵士咖啡节等。与其他 学校不同的是,这些传统节气都是由本校学生发起组织的,他们不仅是这些传统节日的发起 者、组织者,还是是参与者、投资者。 Berkshire School 09

Bullis School Potomac, Maryland Director of International Admissions: Wendy Sturges E-mail: Web: At-A-Glance Founded: 1930 Campus Size: 102 acres School Type: day school Grades Offered: 2-12 Average Class Size: 15

Percent International: 9% ESL Courses Offered: No

概况一览 创始年份 : 1930 年 校园面积 : 102 亩 学校类型 : 日制学校 年级选择 : 2-12

Student Body Total: 645 Male: 55% Female: 45% Admissaions Application Deadline: 01/15; Rolling Application Fee: $75 Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $33,705

课堂人数 : 15 国际学生比例 : 9% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 不

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 01/15 申请费 : $75 在校生信息 总人数 : 645 男生 : 55% 女生 : 45% 学费 七天寄宿 : $33,705

10 School Profiles

Photos, statistics and text from

Overview Bullis School provides a student-centered balanced experience in academics, arts, athletics and community service. Bullis uniquely prepares all students to become caring citizens and creative, critical thinkers who will thrive in tomorrow’s world. Academics The Bullis curriculum is designed to promote student achievement, effective teaching practices and to ensure that the School offers a rigorous, relevant course of study that satisfies the mission of the school. The sequenced and aligned curricular activities includes instruction in each of the subject areas listed here, as well as planned courses of study in five key signature program areas involving Science Technology Engineering and Math, Entrepreneurship, Humanities, Visual and Performing Arts and Global Studies. Bullis requires international students to take grade level English as well as an additional English intensive supportive writing class. All other subjects are taken on grade level. They do not offer an ESL program. Student Life and Activities Since Bullis is not a boarding school, our international students have the wonderful and unique opportunity of residing with host families. In most cases, host families are current school families with children enrolled at Bullis. This host family program helps our international students to fully immerse themselves in American culture and family life. As a member of the host family household, each international student is included in family meals, outings and other experiences. Students are involved in all areas of extracurriculars including athletics and arts plus many other activities. The goal of the program is exposure, experience and immersion. 概述 为了保证学生的均衡发展,布里斯学校为学生提供了学术、艺术和体育等多种课程和良好的 社区服务。布里斯学校致力于将学生培养成为有爱心,有创造性,有批判思维能力,并能够 为社会做出贡献的人。 学术概况 为了保证学校的教学质量,布里斯学校规划了一系列严格紧密的课程来促进学生的发展。这 些课程除了包含学科列表中所提到的课程以外,还涉及到科学技术工程与数学、人文科学、 视觉表演艺术等领域的课程。 布里斯学校要求国际学生参加该年级的英语课程以及英语写作课程。其他科目也是如此。该 校不提供 ESL 项目。 校园生活 布里斯学校不是一所寄宿学校,因此国际生可以选择住在寄宿家庭里。这是一个非常棒的机 会,因为这些寄宿家庭大多数都在布里斯学校附近,而且他们的孩子也是布里斯学校的学生。 在寄宿家庭里,国际学生可以很快的融入美国文化,适应美式生活。他们还可以参加寄宿家 庭的各种活动,比如家庭聚会、野餐等。 在布里斯学校,学生还可以参加体育。艺术等各种丰富多样的活动。通过这些活动,学生可 以开拓视野,丰富人生经历。

Bullis School 11

Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall Waltham, Massachusetts Director of Admissions: Lisa Pelrine E-mail: Web:

At-A-Glance Founded: 1828 Campus Size: 39 acres School Type: traditional boarding Grades Offered: 9-12

Student Body Total: 165 Male: 56% Female: 44%

Student Teacher Ratio: 5:1

Admissions Application Deadline: 02/01; Rolling Application Fee: $75

Percent International: 29% ESL Courses Offered: Yes

Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $50,200

概况一览 创始年份 : 1828 年 校园面积 : 39 亩 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : 9-12

师生比例 : 5:1 国际学生比例 : 29% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 是

在校生信息 总人数 : 165 男生 : 56% 女生 : 44%

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 02/01 申请费 : $75

12 School Profiles

学费 七天寄宿 : $50,200

Photos, statistics and text from

Overview Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School (CH-CH) is a college preparatory, day and boarding school that embraces differences in learning style and culture in a richly diverse and supportive community. We challenge young men and women to realize their individual potential, experience academic success, and develop moral strength and personal integrity. CH-CH provides a challenging and supportive academic environment for a diverse student body of about 165 boys and girls. Because of CH-CH's ethnic, cultural, and intellectual diversity, teachers and students teach and live in an atmosphere of mutual respect for differences, while honoring their core values of education, the individual, the community, communication, and success. Whether day or boarding, students, faculty, and staff come together to create a vibrant community of learners to encourage personal growth and rich and lasting relationships. Academics The core teaching philosophy of CH-CH can be summarized as “We teach the way you learn.” They believe that every learner enters a classroom with a unique set of intellectual, personal, and academic strengths. Following this, CH-CH teachers strive to connect the material and skills being taught to those strengths and in doing so extend and further develop students’ overall capacities and performance. They create multiple paths to mastery of the skills and content provided, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to engage with the material in a meaningful and deep way. CH-CH also emphasizes the Skills and Academic Support Program (SAS) and class structures that enable close teacher/student relationships, as well as individual learning. The SAS curriculum focuses on the teaching of academic skills and strategies that may be content specific or geared to academic life in general. Learning specialists possess particular expertise in helping students to enhance their executive functioning skills, including organization of materials and assignments, time-management, and planning and prioritizing. In addition, classes and overall teacher load are kept intentionally small, so teachers can develop the close understanding and relationship with each student to forward their individual learning. Student Life Students pursue interests, bond with classmates, contribute to the community, and have fun with a variety of activities during the class day, which includes a meeting period for student clubs. Clubs include Drama, Student Government, Amnesty International, International Student Organization, Students of Color Alliance, and the Gay/Straight Alliance. 概述 教堂山学校是一所大学预科全日制寄宿学校。该校鼓励学习方式和文化的多样性,鼓励学生参加 社区活动,挑战自我,了解他们自身的潜力,进而获得良好的学术成绩,提高自身的道德品质。 教堂山高中为国际学生提供了一个富有挑战性又不失鼓励性的学术环境。在这个环境下,大家相 互尊重,认同学校的教学理念,尊重个性发展,鼓励沟通交流。不论是走读生还是寄宿生,大家 都共同为营造一个生机勃勃的学习环境而努力。 教堂山学校的友好氛围吸引了一大批国际学生。这些学生相信教堂山学校会尊重每一个学生的个 性,帮助他们实现自己的理想,并能够帮助他们做好本科大学的准备。 学术概况 教堂山高中的教学理念可以浓缩为“根据学生学的方法教”。他们相信每人都有自己在智力,个 人或学术上独特的强项。在此理念下,教堂山高中的老师们致力于将那些根据学生强项而教的材 料与技能连接起来,从而提高学生的总体水平与表现。他们给学生创造了多种掌握知识的办法, 让所有的学生都有机会深入地与学习的材料有意义地互动。 教堂山高中同时也重视 “学术及综合能力互助项目”(SAS program)并着力于打造让师生关系 更紧密的课堂结构和个性化教育。SAS 项目致力于教会学生系统完整而又适用于各种学习需要的 学术能力及对策。学校的教学专家能够有效帮助学生提高学习上的综合行动能力,包括材料组织 能力,时间规划能力以及重要任务优先处理能力。另外,得益于小班化教学,老师们得以与每位 学生建立深入的了解并为每位学生的个性化学习提供帮助。 校园生活 在教堂山高中,学生的日常生活是丰富多样的:追求自己的兴趣爱好,交朋友,为社区做贡献, 参加各种各样的活动。学校还有其他特色活动,比如戏剧、学生会、国际学生组织等。

Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall


Concord Academy Concord, Massachusetts Director of International Admissions: John McGarry E-mail: Web: At-A-Glance Founded: 1922 Campus Size: 39 acres S c h o o l Ty p e : t r a d i t i o n a l boarding Grades Offered: 9-12 Average Class Size: 12 Student/Teacher Ratio: 6:1 Percent International: 10% ESL Courses Offered: Yes

概况一览 创始年份 : 1922 年 校园面积 : 39 亩 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : 9-12

国际学生比例 : 10% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 是 课堂人数 : 12 学生教师比 6:1

在校生信息 总人数 : 363 男生 : 47% 女生 : 53%

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 01/15 申请费 : $100 平均 SSAT 百分段 : 84% 录取率 : 32%

学费 七天寄宿 : $50,075

Student Body Total: 363 Male: 47% Female: 53% Admissions Application Deadline: 01/15 Application Fee: $100 Average Percentile SSAT: 84% Acceptance Rate: 32% Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $50,075

14 School Profiles

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School Mission Concord Academy students are self-motivated, love learning, and are ready to take full advantage of Concord’s academic, artistic, athletic, social, and cultural opportunities. Students see adults as allies who want to help them do their best. Students at Concord get excited about looking through the course catalogue to plan their academic study. They don’t hesitate to try new things. Whether they are starting a new club or conducting an independent project with a faculty advisor, Concord students are innovators with an appetite for adventurous learning. Overview The individuality, diversity, and quality of Concord's faculty and student body make it an exceptional place to live and learn. Life at this boarding and day school demands creativity and curiosity; the people are impassioned and involved. The school is academically demanding. Students participate in a range of artistic, athletic, and extracurricular activities. Large enough to offer 364 students a comprehensive program, it is small enough to provide a caring community. Set in an historic town near Boston, Concord is a vibrant community enhanced by its culturally rich environment. Academics At Concord, students benefit from the richness of human interaction through our small class sizes. In class, teachers and students work in close partnership as they explore a rigorous curriculum. Concord students are encouraged to share, discuss, and dissent as they learn to think with analytical power, imagination, and creativity. The academic program is not one size fits all. Students can - and are encouraged - to discover their passion. Compose a string quartet, study your own DNA, analyze the geometry of sacred art: these are all possible at Concord. At Concord, learning is driven by the desire to do one's best work, not by competition. Concord is a "no prize" school, with no class rank and no academic awards. Our mission is to inspire our students to become lifelong learners who grow into young adults with informed opinions, clear goals, and the confidence they need to embrace the world. 学校的使命 康科德学校的学生热爱学习,有较强的自主学习意识,善于利用和把握学校提供的各种机会 提高和发展自己。该校的学生对各种学术和活动都充满激情,他们敢于尝试,敢于冒险,敢 于面对未知的挑战。 概述 个性化、多样化教学、一流的师资力量和优秀的生源使康科德学校成为一所与众不同的学校。 这里的生活丰富多彩,充满惊喜,学生可以参加各种各样的活动。同时,学校对学术有严格 要求。康科德学校坐落在波士顿附近的小镇,是一个充满生气而又有多元文化的学校。 学术概况 康科德学校实施的是小班教学 , 因此学生能够与老师之间的密切互动,同时还能提高学生人 际交往的能力。康科德学校鼓励学生通过分享和讨论来培养他们的思考与分析能力,想象力 和创造力。学术课程也是个性化的。学校鼓励学生去发现他们的激情:撰写弦乐四重奏,研 究自己的 DNA,分析艺术中的几何。康科德是一个“无奖”的学校,没有班级排名和任何 学术奖项。我们的使命是激励我们的学生成为终身学习者成长为年轻的成年人与知情的意见, 明确了目标。 Concord Academy 15

Cushing Academy Ashburnham, Massachusetts Director of Admissions: Adam Payne E-mail: Web: At-A-Glance Founded: 1865 Campus Size: 165 acres School Type: traditional boarding Grades Offered: 9-12 Percent International: 33% ESL Courses Offered: Yes Average Class Size: 12 Student/Teacher Ratio: 8:1 Admissions Application Deadline: 02/01; Rolling Application Fee: $100 Acceptance Rate: 48% Student Body Total: 445 Male: 57% Female: 43% Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $52,350 概况一览 创始年份 : 1865 年 校园面积 : 165 亩 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : 9-12 课堂人数 : 12 学生教师比 : 8:1 国际学生比例 : 33% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 是

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 02/01 申请费 : $100 录取率 : 48%

在校生信息 总人数 : 445 男生 : 57% 女生 : 43%

学费 七天寄宿 : $52,350

16 School Profiles

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Overview As a private coeducational secondary school founded in 1865, Cushing continues to uphold traditions and values that stand the test of time. Cushing’s classic setting, warm community, excellent athletics and arts programs, and well-rounded approach create an enriched academic environment that encourages students to thrive and discover their personal strengths. Yet at the same time, as a key launching point for young men and women entering a transforming world, Cushing offers something both radical and inevitable: the chance to experience novel learning formats, focus on subjects that matter, engage on a personal level with the issues arising in the world, and emerge prepared for leadership in the 21st century. Academics Cushing Academy’s college preparatory program is designed to ensure that our students are comfortable in environments that evolve—and equipped with the skills and knowledge to become confident leaders in the 21st century. Through a combination of solid foundation courses and innovative targeted programming, Cushing creates a learning experience that is transformative for every student, at every level. Cushing’s ESL program reaches far beyond the classroom, offering a variety of support services for international students, such as an international advisor, assistance in making travel and visa arrangements, and guidance in the college applications process. Most international students are involved with the popular International Association, which plans a variety of activities such as the annual international night dinner, festive Lunar New Year celebrations, and entertaining off-campus excursions. Student Life Cushing is home to one of the most highly respected visual arts programs in secondary education, offering college-level instruction and facilities. We support many kinds of artistic expression, including architectural design, glass work (stained glass, fused glass, molded glass, and more), painting and drawing, photography, pottery and sculpture, silversmithing and jewelry fabrication. 概述 库欣中学成立于 1865 年,是一所男女同校的私立中学。库欣中学一直坚持着自身的传统和价值观。 学校以古典的环境,温馨的社区,出类拔萃的田径和艺术项目以及丰富的学术环境著称。该校鼓励 学生发现自己的优势,帮助他们茁壮成长。 同时,库欣中学提供的不仅是一些固有的理念,还有是一些全新的思考方式:新颖的学习形式,从 个人的层面上参与到世界范围内的各种问题,培养学生的领导力等。 学术概况 库欣中学的大学预备课程是设立在一定的基础之上的,以确保学生在舒适的环境中,发展技能和知识, 在 21 世纪成为自信的领导者。坚实的基础课程通过与创新的,目标明确的方案相结合,无论在任何 层面上,库欣中学都创建了具备变革能力的学习历程。 库欣中学的 ESL 课程也有着不同凡响的教育效果,使该项目的教育范围远远超出了课堂,为国际学 生提供了各种支持和服务,如国际顾问协助安排旅行和签证事宜以及在大学申请过程中的指导。大 多数国际学生都参与其中,例如广受欢迎的国际协会以及各种活动,如一年一度的国际晚餐,农历 新年庆祝活动和校外游览。 校园生活 库欣中学拥有高水平视觉艺术项目,并提供本科水平的指导和设施。学校支持多种艺术表现形式, 包括建筑设计、玻璃工艺、绘画和绘图 、摄影、陶器和雕塑、银器和珠宝制造等。 Cushing Academy 17

Episcopal High School Alexandria, Virginia Director of Admissions: Scott Conklin E-mail: Web:

18 School Profiles

At-A-Glance Founded: 1839 Campus Size: 130 acres School Type: traditional boarding Grades Offered: 9-12 Percent International: 7%

概况一览 创始年份 : 1839 年 校园面积 : 130 亩 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : 9-12 国际学生比例 : 7%

Student Body Total: 440 Male: 50% Female: 50%

在校生信息 总人数 : 440 男生 : 50% 女生 : 50%

Admissions Application Deadline: 01/15 Application Fee: $60 Average Percentile SAT: 70% Acceptance Rate: 42%

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 01/15 申请费 : $60 平均 SSAT 百分段 : 70% 录取率 : 42%

Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $47,850

学费 七天寄宿 : $47,850

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Overview Founded on a tradition of honor and the pursuit of self-discovery, Episcopal High School (EHS) engages students in a challenging college preparatory education. At EHS, character is nurtured through traditions of honor and excellence. The 130-acre campus, just outside of Washington, D.C., affords access to all the artistic, cultural, and scholastic resources of the nation's capital. Episcopal offers an extraordinary boarding school experience and exceptional college preparation that emphasizes selfdiscovery, independence, and productivity, preparing graduates to succeed at some of the finest colleges and universities in the nation and to lead full lives with honor and purpose. Academics EHS’s academic program prepares students for success in college and beyond by providing a rigorous liberal arts education enriched by technology and hands-on learning. Students are challenged by talented faculty in small classes that encourage quality interactions. A variety of teaching methods are used that incorporate current pedagogy and reflect a diversity of learning styles. Students and faculty work together in a learning community to make the most of each subject, whether engaging in lively classroom discussion and debates, analyzing the meaning behind a poem or work of art, or working together to make a scientific discovery. In addition, learning doesn't stop at the classroom door. Teachers take full advantage of the many opportunities in the Washington, D.C. area to enhance classroom work. Students might read "Macbeth" and then see it performed on stage, or study environmental science in the lab and then carry out fieldwork on the Potomac River. Student Life The EHS experience is rooted in self-discovery. Living in dorms with classmates and teachers as neighbors facilitates the creation of formative, lifelong friendships. The experience starts with academics and moves outward to the arts, athletics, school trips, community service, and unstructured time for just hanging out. Each year, EHS fields 43 interscholastic teams (including 25 varsity and 18 JV teams) in 15 different sports. More than 375 students per year participate on these teams. Additional athletic offerings include kayaking, rock climbing, dance, group fitness, cross training, and strength training. 概述 圣会高中历史悠久,注重培养学生的品质。该校紧靠华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,占地 130 亩,拥 有一流的教学资源。圣会高中为学生提供了各种大学预备课程,帮助学生做好在美国大学学 习的准备,同时也为学生未来的人生做好了铺垫。 学术概况 圣会高中通过提供严谨的文理课程和先进的实践教学模式为学生在大学和未来的学习生活奠 定了基础。圣会高中实施的是小班教学,学生可以与老师有密切的互动,同时老师在课堂上 使用的教学也是多种多样的,既有传统的教学法,又有先进的现代教学法。圣会高中的学术 氛围浓厚,不管是在课上还是课外,学生随时可以与老师探讨各个学科的问题。老师也会充 分利用该校的优势丰富学生的知识。 校园生活 圣会高中的教育理念是发现自我。老师和学生可以建立长远的友谊。除了课上学习,该校还 有各种丰富的活动。每年,圣公会高中在 15 项运动中培育了 43 支校际队伍(包括 25 支代 表队和 18 支资浅代表队)。每年,300 多名学生将参与到这些队伍中。其他的的运动项目 包括皮船,攀岩,舞蹈,健身,交叉训练和力量训练。

Episcopal High School 19

Foxcroft School Middleburg, Virginia Director of Admissions: Gina Finn E-mail: Web: At-A-Glance Founded: 1914 Campus Size: 500 acres School Type: girls-only boarding Grades Offered: 9-12

Student Body Total: 160 Male: 0% Female: 100%

Average Class Size: 12 Student Teacher Ratio: 6:1 Teachers With Advanced Degrees: 82% Number of AP Courses Offered: 17

Admissions Application Deadline: 02/01 Application Fee: $150 Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $49,400

Percent International: 20% ESL Courses Offered: No

概况一览 创始年份 : 1914 年 校园面积 : 500 亩 学校类型 : 女孩寄宿 年级选择 : 9-12

课堂人数 : 12 学生教师比 : 6:1 高级教师人数 : 82% AP 课程数量 : 17

国际学生比例 : 20% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 不

在校生信息 总人数 : 160 男生 : 0% 女生 : 100%

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 02/01 申请费 : $150

学费 七天寄宿 : $49,400

20 School Profiles

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Overview Foxcroft School provides a residential learning experience for girls in which academic excellence, leadership, responsibility, and integrity are our highest values. Founded in 1914, Foxcroft School is a college-preparatory boarding and day school for girls in grades 9-12. The school is located on 500 acres in Middleburg, Virginia, 50 miles west of Washington, D.C. In addition to its natural beauty, the campus provides a setting for environmental studies, hiking, riding, cross country, and sledding when it snows. Academics Foxcroft offers a robust college preparatory academic program which prepares young women for a future that demands intelligent responses, highly developed skills, and firmly rooted character. The central components of a Foxcroft education are intellectual; the academic curriculum is designed to challenge each student to develop analytical ability, critical thinking, and communication skills, and rigorous independent thought. Foxcroft educates each student to seek the confidence and character to meet her future with integrity, high purpose, and a sense of accomplishment. Student Life Since the founding of Foxcroft in 1914, horsemanship, and the responsibility that goes along with it, has been an integral part of the Foxcroft experience. From the School’s founder (and first riding instructor), Charlotte Haxall Noland, to the current Director of Riding, Kate Worsham, all of Foxcroft’s riding instructors have promoted the philosophy that riding helps develop character and the ability to make good decisions. Foxcroft’s comprehensive riding program is tailored to meet the needs of a diverse group of girls possessing varying abilities, from first-timer to experienced horsewoman.

概述 福克斯克罗夫特成立于 1914 年,是一所女子大学预科寄宿和走读学校。优秀的成绩、领导 力和责任感是我们最看重的品质。该校位于华盛顿特区以西 81 公里的弗吉尼亚州的米德尔 堡,占地 500 亩。除了独特的自然风光外,该校还为徒步旅行、骑马、越野等户外活动提供 了场所。 学术概况 福克斯克罗夫特学校为学生提供了一个强大的大学预科学术项目,来帮助她们做好应对大学 挑战的准备。 该校的课程旨在帮助学生挑战自我,培养他们善于分析问题的能力、批判性思维和沟通技巧, 让她们充满自信的迎接未来。 校园生活 自福克斯克罗夫特成立以来,马术以及随之而来的责任已成为该校生活经历中不可分割的一 部分。从学校的创始人夏洛特。诺兰(第一骑术教练)到现任马术总管凯特 • 沃什姆,该校 所有的马术教练都秉承了这一理念:马术能够帮助人们培养性格,做出理性的决定。福克斯 克罗夫特全面的马术项目适合拥有不同能力、不同背景的女生,无论她是新手还是有经验的 骑手。 Foxcroft School 21

Grand River Academy Austinburg, Ohio Director of Admissions: Christina Townsend Hartz E-mail: Web:

22 School Profiles

At-A-Glance Founded: 1831 Campus Size: 200 acres School Type: all-boys boarding Grades Offered: 9-12

概况一览 创始年份 : 1831 年 校园面积 : 20 亩 学校类型 : 男生寄宿 年级选择 : 9-12

Average Class Size: 10 Student Teacher Ratio: 5:1 Full-Time Teachers: 35

课堂人数 : 10 学生教师比 : 5:1 全职教师人数 : 35

Percent International: 12% ESL Courses: Yes

国际学生比例 : 12% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 是

Admissions Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $100 Acceptance Rate: 90%

招生信息 申请截止日期 : Rolling 申请费 : $100

Student Body Total: 120 Male: 100%

在校生信息 总人数 : 120 男生 : 100%

Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $43,600

学费 七天寄宿 : $43,600

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Overview For decades, Grand River has been helping young men discover, rediscover and realize their potential. Within a caring and structured environment, Grand River strives to help boys excel academically, morally, socially and physically. With a high percentage of the student body making the honor roll, students discover that they are capable of doing well in the classroom. Grand River has 101 boys for 101 different reasons. Grand River Academy is a place where boys can be themselves, reinvent themselves, rediscover their passions, and get on the college prep track. Grand River’s boarding school atmosphere is a special place for growth. The ‘outside the classroom’ experience is just as valuable as the classroom experience. The Residential Life Program focuses on community building, forging friendships and teaching young men how to navigate adolescence. Because of this focus, students learn how to be independent and responsible 21st century citizens. Academics We take pride in helping our boys realize their full potential. Grand River Academy’s academic philosophy aims to help each young man learn how to learn. This process of learning is reflected in each class. Study skills, time management techniques, notetaking strategies and test preparation methods are taught and reinforced in all aspects of our boarding school environment. For us, it is not just about getting our boys into a college or university; it is about developing the attributes needed to be successful, ethical and capable citizens. Student Life Each dormitory has a large common room for lounging or watching TV. Dorm parents live in apartments attached to the dorms. Students have access to the dorm parents at all times. Fostering a sense of community is paramount to our residential life efforts. It is common for dorm parents to celebrate the birthdays of “their” boys, have dorm parties, game nights, and sometimes let the boys stay up after lights out to watch their favorite sports team play. 概述 格兰德中学致力于帮助学生发掘其自身的潜力。格兰德学校有着良好的学习氛围,注重培 养学生的学术水平、道德素质、社交能力和体育技能等。学生在课堂上的表现非常优秀, 因此,每年都有很多学生被评为优秀学生。 格兰德河流中学是一所男子寄宿学校,目前有 101 个男生。他们选择格兰德学校的原因各 不相同,但共同的一点是,在格兰德,学生可以尽情展示自我,发现自我并为以后的大学 生活做好准备。格兰德学校的寄宿制为学生自身的发展提供了良好的环境。该校认为课外 活动与课上学习同样重要。格兰德中学的的教学理念旨在帮助学生树立集体意识,教会学 生怎样建立友谊,怎样度过青春期。正是因为这一理念,格兰德的学生学会了如何成长为 一名独立又有责任感的公民。 学术概况 我们为能够帮助我们的孩子充分发挥他们的潜力而感到自豪。格兰德河流中学的办学理念 旨在帮助每一个年轻人学会如何学习。而这一学习过程体现在每一堂课中。在我们格兰德 河流寄宿学校里,孩子们将会学习并强化学习技巧、时间管理技巧、记笔记策略及应试方法。 对我们来说,我们要做的不仅仅是让我们的孩子进入学院或者大学,我们更重视培养孩子 成为一个成功的,有道德,有能力的公民。 校园生活 学生的每间宿舍都有一个大型的公共活动室供学生休息或看电视。陪读的家长可以住在连 着学生宿舍的公寓里,学生可以随时去父母那。努力培养学生的社区意识是我们社区生活 的至关重要的一部分。陪读的父母经常为他们的孩子庆祝生日,举办宿舍聚会、通宵玩游戏, 有时候在熄灯后,还让孩子收看他们喜爱的体育节目。

Grand River Academy 23

Hebron Academy Hebron, Maine Director of Admissions: Noah Love E-mail: Web:

At-A-Glance Founded: 1804 Campus Size: 1500 acres School Type: Traditional Boarding Grades Offered: 9-12 Average Class Size: 12 Student Teacher Ratio: 6:1 Teachers with Advance Degrees: 32%

Student Body Total: 247 Admissions Application Deadline: Feb 1 Application Fee: $100 Acceptance Rate: 65% Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $49,900

Percent International: 12% Dress Code: casual

概况一览 创始年份 : 1804 年 校园面积 : 1500 亩 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : 9-12

课堂人数 : 12 学生教师比 : 6:1

国际学生比例 : 12% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 是

在校生信息 总人数 : 247

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 02/01 申请费 : $100

学费 七天寄宿 : $49,900

24 School Profiles

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Overview Hebron is first and foremost a family, enabled by the small size of the community and the immense opportunities that spring from such an intimate, unique atmosphere. Head of School John King remarks, "Hebron Academy is known for its friendly, supportive environment that encourages young people to reach their potential. Here, teachers encourage students to reach for something more than they thought possible, students are comfortable trying new things and seeking help and guidance from their teachers, everyone is encouraged to be actively involved in the school community, and each person can and does make a difference." Academics Hebron Academy's academic mission is to create the most effective environment, use the most effective teaching practices, design the most effective assessments, and provide the most effective feedback, all with the primary aim of inspiring and guiding students to become self-motivated learners adept at thinking critically and creatively, working collaboratively, and communicating with purpose and confidence. Course offerings range from entrepreneurship to calculus, from digital media to music theory, and from philosophy to environmental science, rounding out a vibrant and challenging college preparatory curriculum. English language learning for non-English speakers is also offered, and the school has an Academic Guidance Center and College Counseling Office dedicated to individual needs. Student Life The Community Life Team along with residential faculty is committed to planning activities for students throughout the year, including special events, sports tournaments, activities in the dorm, and a full slate of choices for the weekends. The Community Life Team consistently enlists the help of students in compiling a batch of fresh and engaging fun options for all, including weekend trips, concerts, professional sporting contests and more. These activities are in addition to the wide array of existing student plays and concerts, student organization activities and interscholastic competitions. 概述 希伯伦学校所在的社区较小,但有着丰富学习机会和独一无二的学习环境。希伯伦学校更像 一个大家庭,就像该校校长所说的“希伯伦学校因其友好的氛围而著称。我们鼓励学生发掘 他们的潜力。在这里,老师鼓励学生尝试他们认为不可能的事情,在老师的帮助下,学生可 以自如的尝试新事物。我们鼓励每个人都积极地加入这个团体中来,每个人都能在这里获得 变。” 学术概况 希伯伦学院致力于创造最有效的学习环境,通过最有效的教学方法,设计最有效的评估方式, 提供最有效的反馈来激发和指导学生主动学习,能熟练地进行批判性和创造性思考,并能与 人自信的交流。该校的课程涉及多个领域,从企业管理到微积分,从数字媒体到乐理,从哲 学到环境科学,为学生提供了一个有活力和挑战性的大学预备课程。学校还为不以英语为母 语的学生提供专门的英语课程,并且设立了学术指导中心和大学咨询办公室来满足个人需求。 校园生活 社区生活组和宿舍老师全年都会为学生精心准备各种活动,包括运动联赛 、宿舍活动和周 末活动。社区生活组在组织新的活动时一直会让学生参与到组织的过程中,包括周末旅行、 音乐会、职业运动比赛和其他活动。这些活动进一步丰富了学生的课外活动。 Hebron Academy 25

The Hotchkiss School Lakeville, Connecticut Director of Admissions: Kenneth Craig E-mail: Web: At-A-Glance Founded: 1891 Campus Size: 827 acres School Type: Traditional Boarding Grades Offered: 9-12

概况一览 创始年份 : 1891 年 校园面积 : 827 亩 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : 9-12

Average Class Size: 12 Student Teacher Ratio: 6:1 Teachers with Advanced Degrees: 63% Number of AP Courses: 21

课堂人数 : 12 学生教师比 : 6:1 高级教师人数 : 63% AP 课程数量 : 21

Percent International: 12% ESL Courses Offered: No

国际学生比例 : 12% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 沒有

Student Body Total: 597 Boys: 50% Girls: 50%

在校生信息 总人数 : 597 男生 : 50% 女生 : 50%

Admissions Application Deadline: 01/15 Application Fee: $100 Average Percentile SSAT: 87% Acceptance Rate: 18%

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 01/15 申请费 : $100 平均 SSAT 百分段 : 87% 录取率 : 18%

Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $47,950

学费 七天寄宿 : $47,950

26 School Profiles

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School Mission The Hotchkiss School strives to develop in students a lifelong love of learning, responsible citizenship, and personal integrity. We are a community based on trust, mutual respect, and compassion, and we hold all members of the community accountable for upholding these values. The School is committed to mastery of learning skills, development of intellectual curiosity, excellence and creativity in all disciplines, and enthusiastic participation in athletics and other school activities. We encourage our students to develop clarity of thought, confidence and facility in expressing ideas, and artistic and aesthetic sensitivity. We expect all members of the community, in and out of the classroom, to subject their views and actions to critical examination and to accept responsibility for them. We hope that our graduates will leave Hotchkiss with a commitment to service to others and to environmental stewardship, and with a greater understanding of themselves and of their responsibilities in a global society. Academics Academics at Hotchkiss reflect our mission to inspire a lifelong love of learning in each and every student. Asked what most defines the learning experience, our students and faculty quickly arrive at the word “rigor.” Everyone works hard, but at the end of the day, there’s a feeling of exhilaration. As one student says, “You get rigor, but more important, you get fascination.” Our average class size is 12, and the learning environment is intimate, interactive, and inclusive. By design, the academic program at Hotchkiss is both flexible and broad: each student works closely with an advisor to plan a balanced program of study. Since we know our students well, we can guide them in the direction that best fits their interests, ambitions, and passions. We offer a curriculum designed to prepare students for the rigors and rewards of college, community, and life. Student Life Hotchkiss has recognized the importance of combining academic pursuits with a strong athletic education. Assisting our student-athletes in becoming physically self-assured and mentally self-confident is a chief goal of our department, as these qualities not only improve performance on the playing fields but in all the other areas of campus life. As you develop your athletic skills, you will be coached by Hotchkiss faculty members and will play in facilities that are second to none. At Hotchkiss, your teachers are your coaches; due to this special arrangement you will be able to form doubly close bonds, which will benefit you at the individual and team levels. The high standards governing the classroom experience carry over to the gymnasium, fields, rink, and pool, and make for exciting, rigorous play. 学校的使命 霍奇科斯学校致力于培养学生诚实的品质、对生活负责任的态度和终身学习的意识。霍奇科 斯重视培养学生的求知欲、创新能力以及参加活动的热情以及学习技能的掌握。该校鼓励学 生培养清晰的思维、自信的自我表达和高雅的的艺术美感。霍奇科斯学校期望每一位学生能 够对自己的所作所为负责,谨言慎行,希望每一位学生毕业后能够热衷服务他人、回报社会。 学术概况 霍奇科斯的教育理念反映了我们培养每位学生终身热爱学习的使命。每当我们的学生和老师 被问到在霍奇科斯学习的最大感受是什么时,他们第一反应是“严格”。所有的学生学习都 很辛苦,可是最后大家都感到兴奋。就像一位学生所说的:“虽然学习严格,但重要的是我 们也感受到了学习的魅力”。霍奇科斯的教育课程广泛而又有弹性,每位学生会和他的指导 老师一起制定一个均衡的课程表。因为我们深入地了解我们的每一位学生,我们能够帮助他 们选择一个适合自己的兴趣、目标和爱好的课程。通过我们的课程,学生会更好的应对以后 大学、社会和生活中的困难和荣誉。 校园生活 霍奇科斯认可学习和体育锻炼同样重要。我们体育活动的目标是帮助我们的学生从一名运动 员变成身体健康,自信向上的人。这不仅会提高学生的运动能力,也会提高他们其他方面的 能力。在参加训练时,你会得到霍奇科斯老师的指导,并且在一流的设施环境中进行训练和 比赛。 The Hotchkiss School 27

Kent School Kent, Connecticut Director of Admissions: Kathryn Sullivan E-mail: Web:

At-A-Glance Founded: 1906 Campus Size: 1200 acres School Type: Boarding & Day Grades Offered: 9-12

Student Body Total: 565 Male: 52% Female: 48%

Average Class Size: 12 Student Teacher Ratio: 7:1 Full-Time Teachers: 35

Admissions Application Deadline: Jan 15 Application Fee: $125 Acceptance Rate: 90%

Percent International: 29% # AP Courses: 25

Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $51,800

概况一览 创始年份 : 1906 年 校园面积 : 1200 亩 学校类型 : 寄宿和走读 年级选择 : 9-12

课堂人数 : 12 学生教师比 : 7:1 全职教师人数 : 35

国际学生比例 : 29% AP 课程数量:25

在校生信息 总人数 : 565 男生 : 52% 女生 : 48%

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 01/15 申请费 : $125 录取率:90%

学费 七天寄宿 : $51,800

28 School Profiles

Photos, statistics, and text from

Overview Kent's school motto is Simplicity of Life, Directness of Purpose, and Self-Reliance. It is the guiding words prompting self-sufficiency and instilling in students self-motivation and initiative. If students want to start a new club or do an Independent Study Project, the Kent community will assist and applaud them. Yet there is still a strong community at Kent, and despite how intelligent and ambitious Kent students are, they also work together. Students don't have a sense of competing against each other; they feel they're on the same team. Academics Kent offers a wide range of interesting and challenging courses. There's Screenwriting and 20th Century Capitalism. One can study Genetics or Meteorology. A Kent student can read Homer in the original Greek or practice conversational German by critiquing German films. And most of Kent courses have accelerated, honors and AP options, in order to match the student’s level of difficulty to their level of ambition. Students also design their own courses as a Major Independent Study Project. One student studied behavioral development in her grade-school-aged dance students. Another focused on American socialism and its quick rise and fall. The local history of Kent itself has been a student's project, as has developing algorithms and writing computer programs to solve puzzles. Student Life and Activities The Arts flourish at Kent, with strong programs in the visual arts, drama and music. The variety of courses is rich—Sculpture, Digital Imaging, Orchestra, and Music Technology to name a few—and they are supplemented by extracurricular arts activities, such as Bell Ringing or singing in a cappella groups, or even the spring musical, which combines efforts from the whole arts department. All of the art faculty are professional artists, and in addition to their own experience and enthusiasm, they have access to a wide range of high-tech assistance. Arts instruction takes place outside the classroom, too. Visiting artists, performers, and alumni are invited to campus to present lectures, master classes, demonstrations and seminars. 概述 肯特中学的校训是:崇尚质朴,明确目标,自力更生。在这一校训的指引下,该校培养了一 届又一届拥有独立自主、积极主动品质的学生。如果学生想办一个俱乐部或开展一项研究, 肯特中学会为他提供各种帮助和支持。尽管这里的每一位学生都雄心勃勃 , 聪颖机智 , 但在 肯特这个具有强大凝聚力的团队里,学生不会互相竞争,互相攀比,他们依然团结协作,一 起学习,一起成长。 学术概况 肯特中学向学生们提供了一系列有趣而具有挑战性的课程。 在这里,学生们可以学习编剧 和 20 世纪的资本主义,可以研究遗传学或气象学。在这里,学生们可以阅读以希腊原文方 式呈现的荷马的著作,或通过评价德国电影来练习德语会话。在肯特中学,大部分学生都可 以选择加速课程,荣誉学位课程和 AP 课程。为了配合学生的学习进度和学习目标,学生也 可以设计自己的课程作为一个主要的独立研究项目。有的学生通过观察学生的舞蹈练习活动 研究行为的发展。有的学生将美国社会主义运动以及它短时间内的兴衰当作研究重点。肯特 中学利用已经开发的算法和编写计算机程序来解决问题,这一类学校自身的历史发展也已经 被学生当作研究项目。 校园生活 肯特中学的艺术蓬勃发展,在视觉艺术、戏剧和音乐等领域开展了很多项目。该校的课程种 类极为丰富:雕塑、数码影像、乐团、音乐技术还有其他课外艺术活动,如编钟、无伴奏合 唱团、音乐会等。所有的艺术教师都是经验丰富,对教学充满热情的专业老师,他们将高科 技手段广泛应用到课堂教学中,帮助学生更好的理解艺术。肯特中学还邀请客座艺术家、表 演家和校友作为嘉宾来校开展讲座,进行艺术指导艺术指导。 Kent School 29

Lawrence Academy Groton, Masachusetts Director of Admissions: Robert Olsen E-mail: Web:

At-A-Glance Founded: 1792 Campus Size: 100 acres School Type: traditional boarding Grades Offered: 9-12

Student Body Total: 399 Boys: 52% Girls: 48%

Average Class Size: 12 Student Teacher Ratio: 8:1 # of AP Courses: 8

Admissions Application Deadline: Jan 15 Application Fee: $100 Acceptance Rate: 50%

Percent International: 13% Dress Code: formal

Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $54,750

概况一览 创始年份 : 1792 年 校园面积 : 100 亩 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : 9-12

课堂人数 : 12 学生教师比 : 8:1 AP 课程数量:8

国际学生比例 : 13% 着装要求:正式

在校生信息 总人数 : 399 男学生 : 52% 女学生 : 48%

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 01/15 申请费 : $100 录取率:50%

学费 七天寄宿 : $54,750

30 School Profiles

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Overview An academically demanding curriculum combines traditional teaching with student-centered learning through seminars, projects, and independent study opportunities. Signature programs, which encourage hands-on learning, include the Ninth Grade Program, Combined Studies Course, Winterim, and the Independent Immersion Program. Extensive offerings in dance, drama, music, and visual arts; a competitive sports program; a warm community environment; international diversity; daily advisor meetings; wireless dorm e-mail and Internet; a radio station; and a recording studio enhance the program. Academics The teachers at Lawrence Academy offer you a real opportunity. We want you to graduate knowing who you are. In order to discover who you are, you must figure out what the world means to you, what you think about art and literature and current world events. As you go off to college, we want you to feel confident in your intellectual strength; we want you to be an independent, creative thinker. We want you to share the sense of accomplishment of the senior who said, "I came to Lawrence a hockey player, and I left a person," or another senior who said, "Lawrence Academy has helped me develop into me." Student Life Beginning in the Ninth Grade Program, amazing things happen in the arts at Lawrence Academy because you are encouraged by both teachers and your classmates to take constructive risks. Focused on fundamentals and free at LA to explore, you learn how to express what you feel and think about the world while learning the interpretive, technical, and expressive skills you need to create meaningful works of art. We also believe that athletics help students understand the rewards that come with hard work and play, as well as the importance of working with teammates to find both group and individual success. 概述 劳伦斯中学通过开设以学生为中心的研讨班、研究项目等为学生提供了丰富的独立学习的机 会,营造了严格的学术氛围。该校鼓励学生培养自主学习的能力,开展各项活动,如九年级项目、 综合学习项目、冬季课程、独立融入计划等项目来丰富学生的课外生活。除此之外,劳伦斯 中学有众多课程,如舞蹈课、戏剧课、音乐课、视觉艺术课、体育课等,该校还有其他设施, 如会议室、覆盖无线网络的宿舍、学生电台、录音棚等。 学术概况 劳伦斯中学的老师能够为您提供一个真正了解自己的机会。我们想让你们在毕业的时候明白自 己是谁。为了能够发现你自己,你必须弄清楚这个世界对你的来说意味着什么,你对艺术和文 学有什么看法,你对当前的国际事件有什么看法。在你去上大学之前,我们希望你们能够对自 己所拥有的知识力量充满信心。我们希望你们成为一个独立的,有创造力的思考者。我们希望 你们能够当你们分享你们作为一名学长的成就感时会说:“我来到劳伦斯时只是一名曲棍球球 员,而当我离开时,我是一个独立的人”或者“劳伦斯中学帮助我成为真正的我” 。 校园生活 进去九年级后,你会发现在劳伦斯中学的艺术课上会发生很多惊人的事。因为不管是老师还是 同学都在鼓励你有选择的去冒险。劳伦斯中学重视基础,在这里你可以自由探索,学习怎样 表达你自己的想法和你对世界的看法,同时还可以学习创造有意义的艺术作品所需要的专业 知识,专业技术和表现技巧。我们还相信,体育锻炼能够帮助学生理解付出才有回报的含义, 同时也能让学生明白团队合作对团体和个人成功的重要性。

Lawrence Academy 31

Léman Manhattan Preparatory New York, New York Director of Admissions: Amina O'Kane E-mail: Web:

At-A-Glance Founded: 2005 Campus Size: 200,000 square-foot School Type: traditional boarding Grades Offered: preK-12

Student Body Total: 506

Average Class Size: 16 Student Teacher Ratio: 10:1

Admissions Application Deadline: Dec 1 Application Fee: $100

Percent International: 28% Dress Code: formal

Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $69,500

概况一览 创始年份 : 2005 年 校园面积:200,000 平方英尺 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : preK-12

课堂人数 : 16 学生教师比 : 10:1

国际学生比例 : 28% 着装要求:正式

在校生信息 总人数 : 506

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 12/01 申请费 : $60

学费 七天寄宿 : $69,500

32 School Profiles

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Overview Offering “world views from every classroom” is at the heart of Léman Manhattan’s mission. Founded in 2005, Léman Manhattan gives students a truly international educational experience with curricular and co-curricular opportunities to collaborate with the Meritas Family of Schools around the world; and Léman Manhattan’s international boarding program adds a dimension not found in any other New York City private or public school. With sister schools in Switzerland, Mexico, China and throughout the United States, the opportunities for learning with fellow students via exchanges, seminars and workshops are numerous. Academics Located in the heart of New York’s Financial District, Léman offers spacious state-of-the art facilities to nurture a love of learning. In addition to well-resourced classrooms, each campus boasts a library, swimming pool, technology and science labs, art studios, as well as cafés providing students with wholesome, satisfying fuel for learning. As an International Baccalaureate Candidate School, Léman Manhattan is preparing to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, recognized domestically and internationally as the standard of excellence in preparing for post-secondary education. Student Life Léman Manhattan features a vibrant fine arts education in music, theater, and visual art. At every grade level, students are challenged to become critical thinkers as artists and creators, and to apply creative strategies to everyday situations. Our programs not only train students in the craft of each art form; they also train students to become individuals within each art form. The goals of Léman Manhattan’s Athletic Program are to improve each student’s physical fitness, to develop his or her motor skills, to encourage good sportsmanship and to help each student’s social and emotional development. These goals are achieved by providing a variety of athletic opportunities designed to enable each athlete to find his or her areas of interest. 概述 莱蒙曼哈顿学校成立于 2005 年,其教学理念是注重学生世界观的培养。该校通过开设本校 课程和与其他学校合作的课程,让学生真正体验到国际教育。莱蒙曼哈顿的国际寄宿项目在 纽约是独一无二的。因为该校与瑞士、墨西哥、中国的学校建立了合作关系,为学生提供了 广泛交流和学习的机会。 学术概况 莱蒙曼哈顿学校位于纽约的金融区。该校拥有先进的设施,为学生的学习和生活提供了良好 的环境。此外,该校的每个校区都设有图书馆、游泳池、技术和科学实验室、艺术工作室、 咖啡厅等,为学生提供健康便捷的生活和学习环境。作为一所国际学校,莱蒙曼哈顿提供际 IB 课程,这在美国和国际是得到公认的。 校园生活 莱蒙曼哈顿学院拥有一个充满活力的艺术教育体系,包括音乐,戏剧,视觉艺术。在每个年 级,学生都面临着成为有批判意识的思想家,艺术家,创造者的挑战,同时还要学会将创造 性的策略应用于日常生活中。我们学校不仅训练学生每一种艺术形式的工艺技巧,我们还培 养他们成为每一个艺术形式里的独特的人。 莱蒙曼哈顿学院体育运动的目标是提高每个学生的体质,培养他们的的运动技能,培养学生 良好的体育道德,并帮助每个学生的社交发展和情感发展。莱蒙曼哈顿学院通过提供多种旨 在使每个学生找到他们兴趣所在的运动机会来实现这一目标。 Leman Manhattan Preparatory School 33

Linden Hall Lititz, Pennsylvania Director of Admissions: Katherine R.Rill E-mail: Web:

At-A-Glance Student Body Founded: 1746 Total: 250 Campus Size: 47 acre Girls: 100% School Type: all-girls boarding Grades Offered: 5-PG Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $40,750 Average Class Size: 11 Student Teacher Ratio: 7:1

Admissions Application Deadline: 12/01 Application Fee: $100

概况一览 创始年份 : 1746 年 校园面积 : 47 亩 学校类型 : 女生寄宿 年级选择 : 5-PG

课堂人数 : 11 学生教师比 : 7:1

申请截止日期 : 12/01 申请费 : $100

在校生信息 总人数 : 250 女学生 : 100%

学费 七天寄宿 : $40,750

34 School Profiles

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Overview Founded in 1746, Linden Hall is the nation's oldest independent boarding and day school for girls. Linden Hall believes they are the nation's finest college preparatory all-girl school in the United States. Here one can find a supportive environment where curricula, culture, character, and conditioning unite and students become leaders - in the classroom and in life. Every year, Linden Hall enrolls the top students from all corners of the world. The school’s international student program represents 16 nations, creating a diverse student body. While these students experience American life and culture, they are receiving what we believe is the best all-girl, college preparatory education this country has to offer. Internationl Program Linden Hall’s international program includes a comprehensive ESL curriculum that serves students from the intermediate to advanced English proficiency level, English tutorial classes, trips to major urban centers – Philadelphia, New York City, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., fall/spring break travel programs to other U.S. and European destinations, global Community Council and Model U.N. to promote cross cultural exchange and understanding. Student Life Cliques, bullying, and risky behaviors are not found at Linden Hall. Upper school students mentor middle school students to promote inclusion. Girls who attend single-sex schools outscore their co-ed counterparts on the SAT by an average of 28-43 points. 100% of Linden Hall grads go on to higher education. Single-gender education aids in academic and social development. Linden Hall’s intensive counseling approach results in 100% acceptance to the finest schools (Ivy and Tier One). Families can expect an organized, personalized college counseling program in grades 9-12. Equal effort is provided to all students, not just top-ranked students. 概述 建立于 1746 年的林顿女子中学 (Linden Hall) 是全美最老的独立女子住宿学校。林顿中学自 信他们是全美最优秀的女子高中之一。在林顿中学充满着鼓励的环境中,课程,文化,性格 汇聚一堂,促进学生成长为课堂内外的领导者。 林顿中学每年都会录取世界各地的优秀学生。国际学生来自 16 个不同的国家,创造了一个 丰富多样的学生群体。在这些国际学生体验美国的生活与文化的时候,他们也在受到我们认 为是全美国顶级的女子中学教育。 国际项目 提供完善的 ESL 课程来帮助国际学生达到进阶的英文水平。提供额外英语辅导,提供去大城 市旅行的机会 – 包括费城,纽约,巴尔的摩,华盛顿 DC, 秋 / 春假时提供前往其他美国或 欧洲地点旅游的机会 , 提供全球社区协会与模拟联合国以提倡不同文化直接的交流与理解。 校园生活 林顿中学不存在任何的拉帮结派或欺凌其他同学。高年级学生会积极帮助低年级学生融入学 校的生活。研究证明,读女校的学生比读混合学校的学生的 SAT 平均分数要高 28-43 分。 林顿中学的学生 100% 继续获得高等教育。单性教育在学术上是有益处的。林顿中学高强度 的升学辅导让他们的学生 100% 进入最好的学校(常青藤以及其他的一流学校)。学校从 9-12 年级都会提供完善的个性化辅导。

Linden Hall 35

Loomis Chaffee School Windsor, Connecticut Director of Admissions: Lisa Parsons E-mail: Web:

At-A-Glance Founded: 1874 Campus Size: 300 acres School Type: traditional boarding Grades Offered: 9-PG Average Class Size: 11 Student Teacher Ratio: 5:1 International Students: 15%

概况一览 创始年份 : 1874 年 校园面积 : 300 亩 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : 9-PG

在校生信息 总人数 : 650

36 School Profiles

Student Body Total: 650

Admissions Application Deadline: Jan 15 Application Fee: $160 Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $49,220

课堂人数 : 11 学生教师比 : 5:1

申请费 : $160 是 否 提 供 ESL 课 程 : 是 国际学生比例 : 15% 申请截止日期 : 01/15 学费 七天寄宿 : $49,220

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Overview The mission of The Loomis Chaffee School is to advance the development in spirit, mind and body of boys and girls drawn from diverse cultural and social backgrounds and to inspire in them a commitment to the best self and the common good. Academics There are Saturday classes held every other Saturday. With an average class size of 11 and a student faculty ratio of 5:1 students are guaranteed individual attention. That of the 160 faculty members 19 are alumni indicates a strong school pride. Among the faculty, 70% have an advanced degree. Students may choose between 180 courses and independent studies, which include 19 Advanced Placement classes and 38 advanced-level courses. No ESL courses are offered. In addition to a traditional core curriculum, Loomis offers courses in Arabic, Chinese, economics, linear algebra, microbiology, molecular biology, and existentialism. Student Life In addition to core arts classes, Loomis offers videography, filmmaking, animation, and graphic design. The school has a heavy emphasis on athletics, All students participate in interscholastic, intramural or daytime athletic programs. Interscholastic varsity and junior varsity competition for boys and girls is offered on 55 teams in baseball, basketball, cross country, field hockey, football, golf, ice hockey, lacrosse, skiing, soccer, softball, squash, swimming/diving, tennis, track, volleyball, water polo, and wrestling.

概述 卢米思查菲学校致力于提升来自不同文化和社会背景的学生的身心素养,激发他们做最好的 自己并投身公益。 学术概况 每周六,学校会提供课程。我校每堂课平均学生人数为 11 人,师生比为 1:5,这些保证了 每个学生都能得到个人化的关注。在 160 名教职员工中,有 19 位曾就读于我校,说明我校 学生有极强的荣誉感。教师中的 70% 有高等学历。学生可以从 180 门课程中选择,这些课 程中包括 19 门 AP 课程,38 门 A-level 课程。学校不提供 ESL 课程。在传统核心课程的基 础上,我校还提供阿拉伯语,中文,经济,线性代数,微观生物学,分子生物学和存在主义 的课程。我校还提供阿拉伯语、中文、经济、线性代数、微观生物学、分子生物学等课程。 校园生活 除了核心艺术课程,我校还提供摄像、电影制作、卡通片绘制和图表设计的课程。学校非常 重视体育运动。所有学生需参与学校的运动项目。该校校级代表队和初级代表队共 55 支队伍, 如棒球队、篮球队、越野队、曲棍球队、橄榄球队、高尔夫球队、冰球队、长曲棍球队、滑 雪队、足球队等等。 Loomis Chaffee School 37

Mercersburg Academy Mercersburg, Pennsylvania Director of Admissions: Anna Crouch E-mail: Web: At-A-Glance Founded: 1893 Campus Size: 300 acres School Type: traditional boarding Grades Offered: 9-12 Average Class Size: 12 Student Teacher Ratio: 5:1 Teachers With Advanced Degrees: 74% Number of AP Courses Offered: 22

Student Body Total: 430 Male: 51% Female: 49% Admissions Application Deadline: 01/31 Application Fee: $100 Acceptance Rate: 47% Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $48,825

Percent International: 22% ESL Courses Offered: No 概况一览 创始年份 : 1893 年 校园面积 : 300 亩 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : 9-12

课堂人数 : 12 学生教师比 : 5:1 高级教师人数 : 74% AP 课程数量 : 22

国际学生比例 : 22% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 不

在校生信息 总人数 : 430 男生 : 51% 女生 : 49%

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 01/31 申请费 : $100 录取率 : 47%

学费 七天寄宿 : $48,825

38 School Profiles

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Overview An independent college-preparatory school in south-central Pennsylvania, Mercersburg Academy offers a rigorous academic program to 430 boarding and day students from 30 states and 34 nations. In small classes, students and faculty work eye to eye and mind to mind, as they deepen their understanding of their subjects—and of themselves. Academics Our most fundamental objective is that every student graduate mastering a formal set of 21st-century skills. None, though, truly qualifies as brand-new, because Mercersburg has emphasized intellectual curiosity and communication skills and taking responsibility for one’s actions since its founding. However, with the infusion of experiential and challenge-based learning into everything we do, we are retooling these classic skills for optimal application in this dynamic new century: critical thinking and problem solving, effective communication, collaboration, information literacy, creativity, curiosity, and imagination, personal responsibility and accountability. In the classroom – whether around a Harkness table, on a stage, or in the pool – the focus is not about teaching to the text and asking students to regurgitate information. Today it’s about experiential learning, truly engaging students in every class, ensuring they apprehend and retain the knowledge, but most importantly that they can transfer that knowledge on call—thereby achieving real autonomy and mastery. Student Life Outside the classroom, students immerse themselves in theater, sports, music, competitions, and camaraderie. Mercersburg is a place of transformation. Students transform themselves—as they prepare to transform their world. Mercersburg graduates go on to the nation’s top colleges and universities; alumni include Rhodes scholars, Olympians, and a Nobel laureate. 概述 作为一个宾夕法尼亚州中南部的私立的大学预备学校,马塞伯格学院为来自 30 个州和 34 个国家的 430 名住宿及走读生提供严格的学术项目。学生和老师能够在小课堂范围内一对一 沟通和工作的同时加深对这个科目甚至是对自身的了解。 学术概况 我们最根本的目标是让每一位从这里走出去的学生都系统的掌握了 21 世纪必备的技能。但 是这些技能并不是完全崭新的,因为摩尔西斯堡自从建立的那天起,就一直强调好奇心、沟 通能力和责任感等核心品质。 随着越来越多的体验式教学,我们也在重塑这些核心的品质以便于让他们在新世纪里得到最 彻底的应用,比如批判性思维、团队合作能力、创造力、好奇心、想象力、个人责任感等。 在课堂里—无论是围着圆桌,在舞台上,或者在泳池里—我们关注的从来不是照本宣科,让 学生们记住所有的事实。当下的学习更多是体验性的,真正让学生参与进课堂里,保证他们 理解并吸收知识。但最重要的是,学生们可以把知识转化为应用—从而真正的发现自我,理 解并管理自我。 校园生活 而在课堂之外,学生则投身于戏剧、体育、音乐、竞争和友谊之中。马塞伯格是学生人生的 一个转折点。在这里,学生在为改变世界做准备的同时改变他们自己。马塞伯格的毕业生都 进入了国家顶尖的学院和大学,并且校友包括了罗兹奖学金获得者奥运会选手和诺贝尔奖获 奖者。

Mercersburg Academy 39

Miller School of Albemarle Charlottesville, Virginia Director of Admissions: Sam Hale E-mail: Web:

At-A-Glance Founded: 1878 Campus Size: 1600 acres School Type: traditional boarding Grades Offered: 8-12 Average Class Size: 10 Student Teacher Ratio: 6:1 Teachers With Advanced Degrees: 82% Number of AP Courses Offered: 17 Percent International: 30% ESL Courses Offered: No Admissions Application Deadline: 01/31 Application Fee: $100 Acceptance Rate: 47% Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $47,185

概况一览 创始年份 : 1878 年 校园面积 : 1600 亩 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : 8-12

课堂人数 : 10 学生教师比 : 6:1 高级教师人数 : 82% AP 课程数量 : 17

学费 七天寄宿 : $47,185

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 01/31 申请费 : $100 录取率 : 47%

40 School Profiles

国际学生比例 : 30% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 不

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Overview Miller School of Albemarle (MSA), a coeducational day and boarding college preparatory school for students in grades 8-12 and post-graduate, first opened its doors in 1878 with 33 students. Girls first enrolled in 1884, making MSA one of the nation’s oldest coeducational boarding schools. In 2011-2012, MSA entered its 134th year with 160 boys and girls from around Virginia, around the nation, and around the world. The school is situated 12 miles west of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia on a gently rolling campus of 1,600 pristine acres, including an 11-acre lake. Proud of being a small school with small classes, MSA boasts a rigorous academic college preparatory program and a unique “mind, hands, and heart” curriculum. There is an emphasis on character, honor, and individual responsibility; arts education; community service; and athletics for both boys and girls. Academics The curriculum at the MSA combines rigorous coursework with individualized attention and support. Students are challenged to reach their full potential as learners, building not only content knowledge but also creativity, problemsolving abilities, and analytical skills. MSA has a wireless campus and new laptop requirement. A full spectrum of courses, including many honors sections and thirteen Advanced Placement options, provides the flexibility to meet each student’s individual needs while preparing all students for college success. Student Life The MSA athletic program embodies the spirit of the School’s mission by educating the mind, hands, and heart through healthy and balanced athletic competition and team membership. For well over a century, MSA student-athletes have competed with integrity, determination, and spirit, leading teams that honor the traditions and high standards of our institution in each athletic endeavor. 概述 米勒中学是一所男女合校制的大学预备学校,提供 8 到 12 年级以及毕业后课程,招收寄宿 和走读生。1878 年建校的时候招收 33 名学生。作为美国最古老的男女合校之一,米勒中学 于 1884 年开始招收女生。2008-2009 学年时米勒成立 131 周年,从弗吉尼亚州、美国其它 各州以及世界各地招收了约 150 名学生。学校位于弗吉尼亚州的夏洛特维尔西面 15 英里, 占地 1600 英亩,风景优美,学校还有一个 12 英亩的湖泊!米勒中学实行小班授课的教育 方式,注重学生思维、实践和内心世界的全面发展。在米勒中学,教育的最终目的是磨练学 生的意志,培养他们的正义感、责任感、身体素质以及社区服务意识。 学术概况 米勒中学要求学生的课程和作业要充分体现个性化和人文主义。学生要充分发挥其潜力,发 展和提高对知识内容的理解能力、创造力、解决问题的能力和主观分析技巧。米勒中学拥有 无线网络设备和全新的便携式电脑。学校提供着一系列完整的课程设计,包括许多荣誉项目 和 13 个大学先修课程。米勒中学通过提供灵活的课程学习与规划,来满足学生的个性化需求, 保证学生们在未来的本科阶段所取得的成功。 校园生活 米勒中学通过健康和平衡的竞技比赛和团对合作来培养学生的思维方式、实践能力和意志力, 体现了该校的教育使命。一个多世纪以来,米勒中学的学生运动员都秉承诚信、决心和坚持 的原则,带领团队在实践中努力实现体育精神。 Miller School of Albemarle 41

Milton Academy Milton, Massachusetts Director of Admissions: Paul Rebuck E-mail: Web:

At-A-Glance Founded: 1798 School Type: traditional boarding Grades Offered: K-12

概况一览 创始年份 : 1798 年 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : K-12

Average Class Size: 14 Teachers With Advanced Degrees: 78% Number of AP Courses Offered: 6 Percent International: 8% ESL Courses Offered: No

课堂人数 : 14 学生教师比 : 7:1 AP 课程数量 : 6 国际学生比例 : 8% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 没有

Student Body Total: 675 Male: 53% Female: 47%

在校生信息 总人数 : 675 男生 : 53% 女生 : 47%

Admissions Application Deadline: 01/15 Application Fee: $100

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 01/15 申请费 : $100

Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $47,250

学费 七天寄宿 : $47,250

Located just eight miles south of Boston, Milton Academy engages faculty and students in intense and challenging preparation for college and for life in an environment that stimulates and supports extraordinaryintellectual and personal growth. Day in and day out, in and out of class, faculty connect vitally with students – setting sights high, bringing opportunities to light, tackling big questions, affirming students’ individuality, and building their confidence and skill. Not only do they succeed at the most competitive universities in the country, Milton graduates' awareness, creativity and competence empower them to fully commit themselves to meaningful endeavors of all kinds, throughout the world.

42 School Profiles

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Academics For more than 200 years, Milton has developed confident, independent thinkers in an intimate, friendly setting where students and faculty members understand that the life of the mind is the pulse of the School. A gifted and dedicated faculty motivates a diverse student body, providing students with the structure to learn and the support to take risks. The Milton community connects purposefully with world issues. Students graduate with a clear sense of themselves, their world, and how to contribute. Being smart and interested at Milton is easy, fun and normal. Classrooms have about 14 students, and learning is discussion based, not lecture based. Faculty give your work thorough commentary and respectful responses. They look for analysis, critical thinking, and skill in expressing ideas. You are likely to find new areas of study that fascinate and inspire you. APs are not the only advanced course work. A wealth of courses allows you to take your study as far as you wish. Faculty know you well, want you to succeed, help you outside of class, and challenge you to meet higher expectations. Student Life At Milton, you do not have to choose whether you want to be an intellectual, a musician, an athlete, a performer or an artist. You can be all of these; one of the best things about Milton is that there is no limit to the way you define your identity. Top-notch athletics are a Milton tradition. Milton is a member of the Independent School League (ISL). Interscholastic teams (15 each for boys and girls at numerous levels) compete against Andover, Groton, St. Paul’s, and Noble & Greenough, among others. Art thrives at Milton: extraordinary facilities; talented students; faculty who are also artists and performers; a campus culture that promotes the arts. 概述 米尔顿高中位于波士顿以南,这里的教师和学生一直处于紧张的学习和生活环境中,努力为日后的 大学生活做好充分准备。为了促进学生的进步和发展,米尔顿高中提供了与众不同的学习环境,帮 助学生获得非凡的智慧,并在学校的支持下不断成长。无论在课堂上还生活中,老师都会密切关注 学生,帮助他们开阔视野,指导他们抓住机会,提高他们解决问题的能力,帮助他们树立信心,提 高他们的技能。米尔顿高中的毕业生不仅能在全美许多极具竞争力的大学中表现优异,他们还具有 很强的认知能力、创造力和竞争力,这使他们在任何环境下都能够获得成功。 学术概况 两个世纪以来,米尔顿高中在这个温馨友好的学习环境里培养了一代又一代自信独立的思想者。该 校的老师才华横溢,热爱教育,认真帮助学生做好学习规划,激励他们不断挑战自我老师们的教育 技能和教育热情也给学生们带来了极大的鼓舞。米尔顿高中一直关注世界的变化和发展,因此,该 校的毕业生都具有较强的自我认知,关注社会发展动态,愿意为社会做贡献。在米尔顿,要想成为 一名有智慧、有探索精神的人是一件非常简单的事情。因为,该校实行小班授课制,每堂课大约有 14 名学生,每一次的学习是建立在讨论的基础上,而不是单纯的授课和灌输知识。老师会为每一位 学生书写深入全面的评估并对他们提出一些建议。该校的学生追求高超的分析能力、批判性思维和 表达思想的技巧,并对新的研究领域充满探索热情和激情。在米尔顿高中,除了大学预备课程,该 校还有其他丰富的课程帮助学生扩展学术的深度。老师们对每一位学生都十分了解,他们会在学习 上和生活中鼓励学生不断挑战,帮助他们获取成功。 校园生活 米尔顿高中的最出色的地方就是从不会限制学生的发展方向,学生不必过早的定位自己的职业生涯, 他们可以自由学习各项技能。体育竞技是米尔顿高中传统的优势项目。米尔顿高中是独立学校联盟 (ISL)的成员,与安多弗、格罗顿、圣保罗和诺布尔格里诺等学校经常展开校际体育比赛。该校设 施完善,为学生的课外活动提供较多的场所,如篮球场、室内田径场、健身中心、溜冰场以及其他 户外运动场所。在米尔顿高中,艺术文化同样也在蓬勃发展:完善的设施,才华横溢的学生,作为 艺术家和表演家的指导老师,以及洋溢着艺术气息的校园。所有的学生都需要完成为期一年的艺术 学习。学生可以在周末观看朋友的演出,感受爵士乐队的魅力,欣赏戏剧作品,观看舞蹈表演等。

Milton Academy 43

Northfield Mount Hermon Gil, Massachusetts Director of Admissions: Meta Dael E-mail: Web:

At-A-Glance Founded: 1879 Campus Size: 1565 acres School Type: traditional boarding Grades Offered: 9-12

Student Body Total: 650 Male: 52% Female: 48%

Average Class Size: 12 Student Teacher Ratio: 7:1 Teachers With Advanced Degrees: 65% Number of AP Courses Offered: 24

Admissions Application Deadline: 02/01 Application Fee: $100 Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $49,700

Percent International: 25% ESL Courses Offered: Yes

概况一览 创始年份 : 1879 年 校园面积 : 1565 亩 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : 9-12 课堂人数 : 12 学生教师比 : 7:1 高级教师人数 : 65% AP 课程数量 : 24

在校生信息 总人数 : 650 男生 : 52% 女生 : 48% 招生信息 申请截止日期 : 02/01 申请费 : $100 学费 七天寄宿 : $49,700

国际学生比例 : 25% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 是

44 School Profiles

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Overview At Northfield Mount Hermon (NMH), the motto is education for the head, heart, and hand. That means NMH offers students an exceptionally balanced, multidimensional academic experience. NMH is a secular co-ed boarding and day school for 650 students in grades nine through 12 and a postgraduate year. Every day at NMH, expert and compassionate teachers, coaches, and advisors support each student. Classes are small and extended to allow for in-depth exploration. Students take three major courses each semester, which allows for six challenging college-preparatory courses per year. Academics NMH’s academic program is both whole and wholesome: it pushes students to explore their intellectual boundaries, awakens students to the needs and opportunities of the world, and prepares students for a more meaningful life. NMH’s College Model Academic Program (CMAP) not only helps teachers provide the richest possible educational experience, it also gives students a glimpse of what college will look like. By taking three major courses each semester, students spend more time in class with teachers, which allows for deeper discussions, more hands-on projects and increases understanding of the course material. NMH’s wide range of courses in all their academic departments are tough, fascinating, meaningful, and yes, often downright fun. Combined with an informed and personal college counseling process, an NMH education not only prepares students for college, it challenges them to broaden their view of the world while ever refining their image of self. Student Life NMH’s 61 sports teams and more than a dozen performing arts groups keep students busy after classes, as do a multitude of student-led clubs and organizations and volunteerservice projects. Every student participates in the school’s work program, which could mean they do chores on the farm, lead tours of the campus for visitors, clean up in the dining hall, or help out in campus offices. This helps students stay invested in the NMH community, gives them a taste of the real world, and deepens their educational experience.

概述 美国北野山高中的教育目标是致力于培养学生的智力、思维、人格以及实践能力,为学生的发展提 供了均衡的、多方面的学习机会。北野山高中是美国著名私立学校之一,也是一所世界闻名的寄宿 制大学预备学校。学校目前有 600 多名寄宿和走读生,提供 9 到 12 年级以及毕业后课程。北野山 高中环境优美,在这里,学生既可以努力学习,又可以在老师的帮助下不断提高自己的技能。该校 实行小班授课的教学模式,学生每学期可以选择 3 门核心课程,每学年可以选择 6 门大学预备课程。 学术概况 北野山高中既重视学生在知识方面的掌握,又注重他们道德修养方面的培养。该校鼓励学生扩大自 己的知识范围,激励学生努力抓住身边的每一个机会,帮助学生获得更有意义的生活。北野山高中 的大学模式学术计划(简称为 CMAP)不仅丰富教师的教育经验,还为学生提前做好了本科学习的 准备。每学期有 3 门核心课程,学生可以有机会与老师展开深入的讨论,亲身实践并且加深对于课 程内容的理解。北野山高中为学生提供了许多既具有挑战性,又具有趣味性课程。北野山高中不仅 将高中教育视为本科学习的准备阶段,而且还将其对学生的辅导范围扩大到大学课程的学习层面, 使学生不断了解自我,完善自己的价值观和世界观。 校园生活 北野山中学拥有 61 个运动队和十几个艺术表演团体,学生可以在课余时间参与其中。每个学生都 可以参与到学校的各种活动中,这意味着他们可能会在农场做杂物、带游客参观校园、在食堂进行 清洁工作或在学校的办公室里帮忙处理事务。所有这些活动都有助于学生融入于北野山高中这个团 体,让学生了解现实中世界。

Northfield Mount Hermon 45

Phillips Academy Andover Andover, Massachusetts Director of Admissions: Jim Ventre E-mail: Web: At-A-Glance Founded: 1778 School Type: traditional boarding Grades Offered: 9-12 Average Class Size: 13 Student/Teacher Ratio: 5:1 Full-Time Teachers: 219 Number of AP Courses: 24 Teachers With Advanced Degrees: 78% Percent International: 8% ESL Courses Offered: No Student Body Total: 1143 Male: 51% Female: 49%

概况一览 创始年份 : 1778 年 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : 9-12

在校生信息 总人数 : 1143 男生 : 51% 女生 : 49%

Admissions Application Deadline: 02/01 Application Fee: $70 Average Percentile SSAT: 94% Acceptance Rate: 14%

课堂人数 : 13 学生教师比 : 5:1 全职教师人数 : 219 高级教师人数 : 78% AP 课程数量:24

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 02/01 申请费 : $70 平均 SSAT 百分比:94% 录取率:14%

Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $44,500

国际学生比例 : 8% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 没有

学费 七天寄宿 : $44,500

46 School Profiles

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Overview Phillips Academy, a residential secondary school, seeks students of intelligence and integrity from diverse cultural, racial, socioeconomic and geographic backgrounds. The school’s residential structure enables faculty to support students in their personal, social, and intellectual development. The academic program fosters excellence in all disciplines within the liberal arts tradition. Faculty members guide students in mastering skills, acquiring knowledge, and thinking critically, creatively and independently. The school strives to help young people achieve their potential not only intellectually, but also artistically, athletically, and morally, so that they may lead responsible and fulfilling lives. Academics Andover's academic program offers a strong and broad foundation in the arts, humanities, mathematics, and natural sciences. The Academy's extensive and rigorous curriculum, along with its varied approach to teaching, not only prepares students superbly for college but instills in them a lifelong love of learning. Student Life Andover students can choose from more than 50 sport, dance, and exercise options at every level of instruction. In addition, each year Andover fields 65 interscholastic teams competing in 21 different sports. Athletic facilities include two ice rinks, an indoor swimming pool, a diving pool, basketball and squash courts, a weight and exercise room, dance studios, indoor and outdoor tracks, tennis courts, and football, soccer, softball, and baseball fields.

概述 安多佛菲利普斯学校是一所私立寄宿制男女合校高中,该校希望学生有较高的智慧、诚信的 品格和多元文化背景。学校社区式的环境使得教职员工能够有充分的时间和空间促进学生在 个人品质、社交能力和智力方面的发展。该校既重视传统的文理学科,又重视学生的学术能力。 在教师的指导下,学生不断提高掌握技巧、获取知识的能力,培养自己的批判性思维和创造 性思维。该校不仅重视学生在智力方面的发展,还重视他们在艺术、体育和道德方面的发展。 学术概况 安多佛菲利普斯学校为学生提供了艺术、人文、数学和自然科学等丰富的课程。该校课程严 谨,要求严格,不仅为学生做好了上大学的准备,还使他们逐渐养成了终身学习的习惯。 校园生活 安多佛菲利普斯学校拥有丰富的体育活动,学生可以自由选择他们喜欢的体育活动。每年有 65 个校际团队在该校举办赛事。该校体育设施完善,有滑冰场、室内游泳池、潜泳池、篮球场、 壁球场、举重器械室、舞蹈工作室、室内和室外田径场地等等。 Phillips Academy 47

Salisbury School Salisbury, Connecticut Director of Admissions: Peter Gilbert E-mail: Web: At-A-Glance Founded: 1810 Campus Size: 725 acres School Type: all-male boarding Grades Offered: 9-12 Average Class Size: 12 Student Teacher Ratio: 4:1 Teachers With Advanced Degrees: 60% Percent International: 20% ESL Courses Offered: No Student Body Total: 309 Male: 100% Female: 0% Admissions Application Deadline: 02/01 Application Fee: $100 Average Percentile SAT: 54% Acceptance Rate: 39% Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $49,750 概况一览 创始年份 : 1810 年 校园面积 : 725 亩 学校类型 : 男生寄宿 年级选择 : 9-12 课堂人数 : 12 学生教师比 : 4:1 高级教师人数 : 60%

48 School Profiles

在校生信息 总人数 : 309 男生 : 100% 女生 : 0%

国际学生比例 : 20% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 没有 学费 七天寄宿 : $49,750

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 02/01 申请费 : $100 平均 SAT 百分段 : 54% 录取率 : 39%

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Overview An all-boys classroom is one with less distraction. The teacher, male or female, is able to foster confidence and promote growth. Open discussions result where boys challenge themselves and each other. Boys become confident risk-takers in the arts as well as in the sciences. Perhaps he will write a poem for our literary magazine or design and edit a Faulkner web page. Also, he may enroll in one of our ten lab science classes or become active with the solar or electric car. Academics At Salisbury, seventeen honors level and advanced placement courses are available for students seeking a more challenging curriculum. Many required courses also offer sections at a more moderate pace. Students get plenty of individual attention, with a student to teacher ratio of 4:1 and 60% of the faculty holding advanced degrees. Typically twelve students fill a class. ESL classes are not offered. Student Life Athletics play an important role at Salisbury. Because it is all boys, there are often more levels of each team available. With over 90% of the students boarding, the director of student activities provides numerous activities, including organized dances with girls’ schools. Within the last decade they have renovated or newly built all of their academic and athletic buildings, ensuring excellent facilities.

概述 赛理斯伯瑞中学是一所美国私立高中男校,在这里学生可以更专注地学习,并在老师的帮助 下更自信的成长。开放的学习环境能够使学生不断挑战自我,让他们无论是在人文学科还是 在自然学科方面都变得更有信心去挑战和探索。赛理斯伯瑞中学的学生多才多艺,他们有的 会为学校的文学杂志写一首诗,有的会编辑和整理学校的网站。此外,学生还可以参加学校 的十大实验科学课之一,学习和研究太阳能车辆或电动车辆。 学术概况 在赛理斯伯瑞中学,不仅有许多必修课程帮助学生进行对知识有更扎实的理解,还有 17 个 荣誉项目和大学预备课程帮助学生完成一系列更具挑战性的课程。该校班级规模平均为 12 人,师生比为 4:1,60%的教师持有高级学位,这些使得这里的每一位学生都会得到老师的 重视和关注。然而,赛理斯伯瑞中学不向母语为非英语的学生提供 ESL 课程。 校园生活 该校对于体育项目也是极为重视的。因为在男子高中,多层次的团队体育竞技更会激发学生 的运动热情。超过 90%的学生选择寄宿方式在学校学习和生活,这也能使学校为学生提供 更多的课外活动。该校已经重新装修所有的教学楼和体育馆,确保为学生提供一流的设施。

Salisbury School 49

Springside-Chestnut Hill Academy Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Director of Admissions: Kathleen Tkac E-mail: Web: At-A-Glance Founded: 1861 (CH), 1897 (S) Campus Size: 62 acres School Type: day (housing for IS) Grades Offered: Pre-K to 12

Student Body Total: 1100 Male: 53% Female: 47%

Average Class Size: 15 Student Teacher Ratio: 8:1 Teachers With Advanced Degrees: 60% Number of AP Courses Offered: 10

Admissions Application Deadline: 01/15 Application Fee: $50

Percent International: 15% ESL Courses Offered: Yes

Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $30,390

概况一览 创始年份 : 1861/1897 年 校园面积 : 62 亩 学校类型 : 走读(为国际学生提供住宿) 年级选择 : Pre K-12

课堂人数 : 15 学生教师比 : 8:1 高级教师人数 : 60% AP 课程数量 : 10

国际学生比例 : 15% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 是

在校生信息 总人数 : 1100 男生 : 53% 女生 : 47%

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 01/15 申请费 : $50

学费 七天寄宿 : $30,390

50 School Profiles

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Overview SCH Academy is one of the largest independent day schools in Philadelphia, with over 450 boys and girls in the high school. Our students pursue academics and extracurricular activities with enthusiasm—they can be robotics engineers, cross-country runners, filmmakers, and orchestral musicians all at the same time. SCH Academy is a day school offering housing to our international students through a partnership with International Education Opportunities (IEO). IEO helps international students work through every step of the admissions process with an SCH representative, Kathleen Tkac, International Student Coordinator. International students live together in a lovely historic house with dedicated house parents, evening tutoring sessions, and homecooked meals. Academics In the fall of 2012, SCH Academy launched the Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, a program that complements our rigorous core academic curriculum with a business and innovative mindset that has earned the attention of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and incorporates Stanford University’s design thinking model. For the last decade SCH Academy has been recognized as a leader in science education. Annually, our students win top honors in science fairs and academic science contests throughout the city. The school’s robotics program and the 8 robotics teams for students of all ages are annual winners of some of the most prestigious awards and tournaments in the country. Student Life The school is located in a charming, historic section of the city of Philadelphia that provides access to the cultural opportunities of the 6th largest city in the United States, but with a village feel that allows our students to walk easily to school, into the village of Chestnut Hill, and to the nearby Fairmount Park system.

概述 斯普林赛德板栗山学院是费城最大的全日制学校之一,全校共有 450 名学生。该校的学生对学术和 课外活动充满激情,他们可能成为未来的工程师、运动员、电影制作人、音乐家等。斯普林赛德板 栗山学院是一所全日制学校,同时通过与 IEO 合作也向国际学生提供家庭寄宿。IEO 与斯普林赛德 板栗山学院、国际学生调解员一起帮助国际学生录取过程中的每一环节。国际学生的宿舍楼历史悠久, 非常美丽。在学生宿舍楼里有为父母提供的宿舍,老师学生可以在这进行晚间辅导,学生还可以在 宿舍楼里做一些家长饭菜。 学术概况 在 2012 年秋季,SCH 学院首次推出了“创业领导中心”的项目。这个项目是对我们核心学术课程 和创新思维教育的一个补充。该项目获得了宾夕法尼亚沃顿商学院和斯坦福大学的重视。在过去的 十年 SCH 学院已被确认为科学教育的领导者。每年,我们的学生在整个城市的科学展览和学术科技 竞赛中都能赢得最高荣誉。学校的机器人项目和 8 个机器人团队为各年龄段的学生,他们是每年在 该国的一些最负盛名的奖项和比赛的优胜者。 校园生活 SCH 学院坐落在历史悠久,景色迷人的费城。费城是能让你体验到美国文化的六大城市之一,但同 时又能让你感受到美式村庄的美丽。在这里,不管是步行去学校,还是去附近的栗山或者菲尔芒特 公园散步都很方便。

Springside-Chestnut Hill Academy 51

St. James School Hagerstown, Maryland Director of Admissions: Ben Douglas E-mail: Web:

At-A-Glance Founded: 1842 Campus Size: 672 acres School Type: traditional boarding Grades Offered: 8-12

Student Body Total: 675 Male: 52% Female: 48%

Average Class Size: 11 Student Teacher Ratio: 7:1 Full-Time Teachers: 67 Teachers With Advanced Degrees: 44% Number of AP Courses Offered: 14

Admissions Application Deadline: 01/31 Application Fee: $115 Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $39,000

Percent International: 18% ESL Courses Offered: No

概况一览 创始年份 : 1842 年 校园面积 : 672 亩 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : 8-12 在校生信息 总人数 : 675 男生 : 52% 女生 : 48%

课堂人数 : 11 学生教师比 : 7:1 高级教师人数 : 44% 全职教师:67 名 AP 课程数量 : 14

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 01/31 申请费 : $115

52 School Profiles

国际学生比例 : 18% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 没有

学费 七天寄宿 : $39,000

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Overview Founded in 1842 by the leaders of the Oxford Movement in the Episcopal Church, St. James School remains faithful to our history identity as a Church School, maintaining the spiritual witness and discipline of regular corporate Anglican worship, and continuing our attention to the spiritual and moral formation of our students. As an Episcopal school, St. James welcomes students and faculty of all faiths, supporting each in our common pilgrimage of life. In educating students, St. James seeks to develop and nurture all their talents and intelligences, challenging them to grow academically, athletically, artistically, socially and morally in the context of a close and supportive residential community. Academics St. James offers a substantial and appropriate college preparatory program in small classes maintained by a low student to teacher ratio. They require a rigorous core curriculum in English, math, science, history and language, with additional electives in each discipline. Both rigorous and supportive, the academic program stimulates and challenges students to develop their strengths and to cultivate and improve skills in other disciplines. All students are grounded in the basic skills and content of traditional liberal arts and sciences. AP courses are offered for able and interested students who wish to pursue subjects in greater depth. Electives are offered to upper-form students for enrichment and the exploration of new interests. Student Life St. James also requires full participation in athletics and offers a broad program for interscholastic competition in three seasons, which emphasizes team participation and individual athletic development. They also require participation in the arts, offering opportunities for academic study in art and music, as well as opportunities for extracurricular participation and performance in drama, visual art and instrumental and choral music. 概述 圣詹姆斯中学成立于 1842 年,是由牛津运动圣公会领导人创立的。学校一直忠实地坚持该 校教会学校的地位,定期与圣公会交流,重视培养学生的精神和道德。作为一个天主教学校, 圣詹姆斯中学欢迎有信仰的学生或教师加入该校,互相扶持,一起朝圣。在教育方面,该校 一直努力培养学生的才华和智慧,激励他们在这个协作紧密、相互支持的团队里不断成长。 学术概况 圣詹姆斯中学实行小班授课,为学生们提供了扎实的、适宜学生不断发展的大学预备课程。 学校为学生制定了严格的核心课程规划,除了英语、数学、科学、历史和语言等必修课之外, 还有其他的选修学科,为学生提供一个良好的学习环境。该校的学术课程的要求非常严格, 同时也支持和鼓励学生开展各种各样的学术项目,激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助他们发挥自己 的长处,培养和提高学他们的学习技能。所有的学生以传统的人文学科和自然学科的作为基 本技能。学校还提供大学先修课程,供有能力和兴趣的学生追求更深入的知识和学习能力。 圣詹姆斯中学还为有探索精神的学生提供更多的选修科目。 校园生活 圣詹姆斯中学在体育方面为学生展开一系列丰富的体育项目和三个赛季的校际比赛。学校一 直强调团队的参与和个人的能力发展。他们还要求学生积极参与艺术活动。除此之外,圣詹 姆斯中学还为为学生提供许多课外活动的机会,如戏剧表演、视觉艺术、合唱团等。

St. James School 53

St. Mark’s School Southborough, Massachusetts Director of Admissions: Elise Morgan E-mail: Web:

At-A-Glance Founded: 1865 Campus Size: 250 acres Location Type: rural School Type: traditional boarding Grades Offered: 9-12

概况一览 创始年份 : 1865 年 校园面积 : 250 亩 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 位置类型:田园 年级选择 : 9-12

Average Class Size: 10 Student Teacher Ratio: 5:1 Number of AP Courses Offered: 20+

课堂人数 : 10 学生教师比 : 5:1 AP 课程数量 : 20 门以上

Percent International: 20% ESL Courses Offered: No Student Body Total: 347 Male: 51% Female: 49% Admissions Application Deadline: 01/31 Application Fee: $100 Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $50,975

54 School Profiles

国际学生比例 : 20% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 没有 在校生信息 总人数 : 347 男生 : 51% 女生 : 49% 招生信息 申请截止日期 : 01/31 申请费 : $100 学费 七天寄宿 : $50,975

Photos, statistics and text from

Overview St. Mark's School educates young people for lives of leadership and service. Founded in 1865 as an intentionally small residential community, the School challenges its students to develop their particular analytic and creative capabilities by both inspiring their academic and spiritual curiosity and kindling their passion for discovery. St. Mark’s values cooperation over self-interest, and encourages each person to explore his or her place in the larger world beyond campus. Academics The School’s outstanding faculty — 75 in number — guides 347 students through a rigorous curriculum and a full program of athletic, artistic and spiritual activities, fostering a close and supportive community. St. Mark’s engages and motivates its’ talented and diverse student body by emphasizing academic excellence, developing values and character, and serving to the larger community. Class size averages 10 students with a student– faculty ratio of five to one. St. Mark’s offers more than 20 Advanced Placement courses, as well as independent study opportunities which range from working on the school's prizewinning electric vehicle to reading Luke’s Gospel in Ancient Greek. Graduates leave St. Mark’s exceptionally prepared to succeed at the highly selective colleges and universities to which they gain acceptance. Student Life Residential life at St. Mark’s is simply the experience of being part of a close community of students and adults living together in the process of learning. But it is also a part of the educational program through which students grow toward being balanced, confident, and responsible persons who know themselves, respect and care about others, and contribute to the communities of which they are a part. Essentially, residential life at St. Mark’s consists of the opportunity to build important relationships, to develop confidence and learn to take responsibility for one’s self, and make a meaningful contribution to one’s communities. Our school motto — Age Quod Agis — represents our commitment to giving our best in doing what we do.

概述 一直以来,圣马克中学都以培养学生的领导力和服务意识为教育目标。该校成立于 1865 年,是一个 拥有学生住宿设施的小型社区。圣马克中学通过开展具有启发性的学术项目来激发学生对知识的好 奇心,点燃学生探索未知领域的激情。除此之外,学校也重视学生对知识的分析能力和创新意识。 圣马克中学重视团队合作,并且鼓励每个学生去探索校园之外的世界。 学术概况 圣马克中学拥有优秀的师资力量,75 名教职员工通过严格的课程规划和一系列丰富的体育、艺术和 教会活动来引领和指导着 347 名学生,从而形成了一个紧密联系的团队。圣马克中学重视学生优异 的学术能力、自我价值和人格的发展,激发一批又一批才华横溢的学生在这个充满多元化色彩的校 园不断超越自我。在圣马克中学,班级规模平均为 10 名学生,学生与教师的比例为五比一。此外, 学校还提供了 20 多个大学先修课程以及学生独立研究的机会,从对电动车辆进行研究,到研究以古 希腊语呈现的《路加福音》,各种各样的学习和发展机会使圣马克中学的学生提前做好了未来本科 学习的准备。 校园生活 在圣马克,住宿生活同时也是与老师、同学一起学习的经历。这也是一种教育活动,通过这种教育 让学生们得到均衡的发展,让他们更自信,更有责任感,让他们了解自己,学会尊重、关心身边的人, 为社会做出贡献。圣马克的住宿生活给学生们提供了很多机会帮助他们去建立人际关系,树立自信, 学会承担责任,为自己身边的社区做出有意义的贡献。该校的校训是:尽最大的做你该做的事情, 这是我们对追求卓越的承诺。

St. Mark’s School 55

Vermont Academy Saxtons River, Vermont Director of Admissions: David Hodgson E-mail: Web:

At-A-Glance Founded: 1876 Campus Size: 515 acres School Type: traditional boarding Grades Offered: 9-12

Average Class Size: 10 Student Teacher Ratio: 7:1 Teachers With Advanced Degrees: 50% Number of AP Courses Offered: 16

Student Body Total: 228 Male: 58% Female: 42% Admissions Application Deadline: 02/15 Application Fee: $100 Average Percentile SAT: 65% Acceptance Rate: 50% Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $48,275

Percent International: 23% ESL Courses Offered: Yes

概况一览 创始年份 : 1876 年 校园面积 : 515 亩 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : 9-12

课堂人数 : 10 学生教师比 : 7:1 高级教师人数 : 50% AP 课程数量 : 16

国际学生比例 : 20% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 是

在校生信息 总人数 : 228 男生 : 58% 女生 : 42%

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 02/15 申请费 : $100 平均 SAT 百分段 : 65% 录取率 : 50%

学费 七天寄宿 : $48,275

56 School Profiles

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Overview Vermont Academy looks for candidates that are unique, yet there are a few traits they all have in common: They are active participants with a generous spirit. They all want to be successful academically, athletically, creatively, and socially, and they are eager to become the best they can be --confident and independent learners. They like to be involved in small classroom discussions, where they know their voice is heard. They like to participate in sports and activities where their contributions are recognized. Most importantly, they want to be an integral part of a community, where they are valued for who they are and what they have to offer. They may be scholars, athletes, or artists when they arrive, but when they graduate they are all three. Academics VA has always embraced the concept of having students actively participate in a class as opposed to learning passively. VA believes that if a student is positively engaged and participating either verbally or physically in class, real learning takes place. Whether it is building and programming your own robot in Physics, or tapping maple trees in late winter to retrieve sap, VA students use their hands while stimulating their minds. This is a model that crosses all disciplines and has been adopted by all departments. English students practice public speaking, language learners put on skits in the target language, and history students participate in state-wide competitions where they defend their research in front of a panel of judges. Every year VA consciously ponders the possibilities that lie beyond the traditional four walls of the classroom and works with students in more progressive methods that encourage and stimulate different types of learners. Student Life VA’s impressive array of athletic offerings and outdoors programs focus on this type of experiential education. After the last class of the day, even more learning takes place on the fields and in the forests of their 500+ acre classroom. Their ski hill is busy in the winter with skiers practicing their jumps; their trails are full of runners, bikers, and nordic racers preparing for their next meets; and their varsity and junior varsity athletic teams compete weekly against teams from all around New England. From dawn to dusk, VA students are busy and engaged in a variety of academic and athletic activities that challenge their brains and force them to engage with one another and with nature.

概述 佛蒙特高中期待与众不同的学生,但这些与众不同的学生又有共同的特点:他们慷慨大方而又充满 活力;他们既希望自己在学术、体育和社交方面取得成功,又不断追求卓越、自信和独立;他们希 望在小班课堂环境中得到关注,又希望在体育活动方面被认可。最重要的是,他们希望成为这个集 体不可分割的一部分,并希望这个集体中因他们的贡献而感到自豪。在来到佛蒙特高中之前,这些 学生可能只会一种本领,但当他们离开时,他们掌握的是多种技能。 学术概况 佛蒙特高中一直坚信只有学生积极地参与课堂才是真正的学习。无论是在物理课上造机器人还是在 深冬提取枫树汁,学生都应该用他们的双手去亲身实践,而这也是一个被广泛认可的原则。每年佛 蒙特高中都再思考如何超越传统的教学模式,用更先进的方法鼓励同类型的学生。 校园生活 佛蒙特高中有一系列令人印象深刻的运动项目和户外活动。在一天的课堂学习结束后,学生还要参 加户外学习,比如在滑雪场练习跳跃、跑步、骑自行车等。他们每周还和来自新英格兰各地的大学 及初中队伍进行比赛。从黎明到黄昏,佛蒙特高中的学生都很忙,各种学术活动和体育运动促使他 们不断提高自己,学会如何与他人、与自然相处。

Vermont Academy 57

The Webb Schools Claremont, California Director of Admissions: Leo Marshall E-mail: Web:

At-A-Glance Founded: 1922 Campus Size: 70 acres School Type: traditional boarding Grades Offered: 9-12

Student Body Total: 410 Male: 52% Female: 48%

Average Class Size: 15 Student Teacher Ratio: 8:1 Number of Faculty: 54 Teachers With Advanced Degrees: 84% Number of AP Courses Offered: 15

Admissions Application Deadline: 01/15 Application Fee: $75 Acceptance Rate: 25% Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $51,515

Percent International: 22% ESL Courses Offered: No

概况一览 创始年份 : 1922 年 校园面积 : 70 亩 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : 9-12

课堂人数 : 15 学生教师比 : 8:1 全职教师人数 : 54 高级教师人数 : 84% AP 课程数量 : 15

在校生信息 总人数 : 410 男生 : 52% 女生 : 48%

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 01/15 申请费 : $75 录取率 : 25%

58 School Profiles

国际学生比例 : 22% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 沒有

学费 七天寄宿 : $51,515

Photos, statistics and text from

Overview The mission of The Webb Schools is to provide an exemplary learning community that nurtures and inspires boys and girls to become men and women who: think boldly, mindfully, and creatively, act with honor and moral courage, lead with distinction, serve with a generous spirit. The entire school community is dedicated to preparing our students to be leaders in both their public and private lives. Webb aspires to personal and community integrity through action characterized by the virtues of honesty, responsibility, respect, fairness and compassion. In the end, Webb graduates will have developed the desire, skills, and courage to take risks, to be passionate, to empathize, and to engage the intellect, the imagination, and the heart in their own individual endeavors and for the greater good. Academics At Webb we focus on giving students a broad-based liberal arts education where learning happens through authentic discovery and rigorous scholarship. We work to prepare students, not just for entry into the most selective colleges and universities in the country and around the world, but also for the rigors of leading in a fast-paced, fluid global community where personal integrity and moral courage are paramount. Student Life At Webb, the day isn't over when the last class ends: it's time for afternoon activities. Every Webb student participates in an afternoon activity, whether it's playing a sport, taking part in a stage production, building a robot with the Gaulbots robotics team, helping to organize a community service project, or working with fossils at the Alf Museum. Afternoon activities allow students to explore a wealth of athletic, intellectual, and artistic possibilities outside the classroom. Each activity is led by a teacher with a strong personal interest in that subject or discipline, which also gives students a unique opportunity to bond with their teachers. By the time they graduate, most Webb students have a diverse portfolio of extracurricular activities.

概述 韦伯中学的宗旨就是为学生们提供一个模范的学习环境,培养并鼓励学生走向成熟,成为勇敢、谨慎、 富有创造力,正直、追求卓越并能够慷慨的为社会服务的人。该校致力于帮助学生成为他们所在领 域中的领袖。韦伯中学强调个人以及集体的正直,并通过诸如诚实、责任感、尊重、公平和热情来 体现我们这种品质。韦伯的毕业生们在走出学校的那一天就会拥有承担风险的渴望及勇气,会成为 热情、充满好奇心、想象力的个人,并会为了超越自我的目标而去努力。 学术概况 该校学风严谨,注重培养学生的文理教育,通过让学生亲身体验来获得知识。该校的教育目标不仅 是帮助学生做好进入美国乃至世界上最顶尖的大学的准备,更是为了让他们在这个快节奏的社会中 成为勇敢的领袖。 校园生活 当最后一节课结束的时候这一天并没有结束:下午活动才刚刚开始。每一名学生都要参与下午的活 动,下午的活动目的是让学生们发掘自身在运动、智力和美学方面的可能性,在课外找到自己的热 情。每一项活动都有一位老师指导,这其实也是一个能促进师生感情的机会。在学生们毕业的时候, 绝大多数韦伯学子的履历上都会有着大量各种各样的课外活动。

The Webb Schools 59

Westminster School Simsbury, Connecticut Director of Admissions: Jon Deveaux E-mail: Web:

At-A-Glance Founded: 1888 Campus Size: 200 acres School Type: traditional boarding Grades Offered: 9-12

Average Class Size: 12 Student Teacher Ratio: 5:1 Teachers With Advanced Degrees: 70% Number of AP Courses Offered: 23

Student Body Total: 390 Male: 53% Female: 47% Admissions Application Deadline: 01/15 Application Fee: $150 Average Percentile SSAT: 70% Acceptance Rate: 28% Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $49,500

Percent International: 13% ESL Courses Offered: No

概况一览 创始年份 : 1888 年 校园面积 : 200 亩 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : 9-12

课堂人数 : 12 学生教师比 : 5:1 高级教师人数 : 70% AP 课程数量 : 23

在校生信息 总人数 : 390 男生 : 53% 女生 : 47%

招生信息 申请截止日期 : 01/15 申请费 : $150 平均 SSAT 百分段 : 70% 录取率 : 28%

60 School Profiles

国际学生比例 : 13% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 没有

学费 七天寄宿 : $49,500

Photos, statistics, and text from

Overview Westminster School enjoys a reputation as one of the finest college-preparatory schools, and certainly one of the very top small boarding schools, in the country. The challenging academic program, grounded in the liberal arts tradition, prepares students in grades 9-12 and postgraduate for academic success and the rigors of college while cultivating in them a love of learning that becomes a lifelong habit. Westminster School is a diverse, close-knit community of 86 faculty and 390 students (twothirds boarding, one-third day students) from across the country and around the world. Nearly one third of the students receive financial aid from the more than $3.7 million awarded each year. Westminster School, on its 200-acre north-central Connecticut campus, is a place where scholarship, citizenship, sportsmanship and leadership thrive. Academics The Westminster course of studies grounds students in the traditional liberal arts and sciences. They also offer an array of electives that provides opportunities to explore academic interests in greater depth. For those interested in and qualified for even greater academic rigor, there are Honors courses and a full slate of 23 Advanced Placement offerings. Westminster challenges and stretches their students, and a dedicated, skilled, and caring faculty supports, guides, and works closely with the young people in their classrooms. Small classes and abundant opportunities for extra help ensure close personal attention to each student. Student Life From the playing fields to the stage, Westminster students are active participants in an afternoon program that brings balance, enjoyment and competition to their lives. To balance the academic program, all Westminster students participate in an afternoon program every day, during each trimester of the school year. The emphasis is on athletics; however, the afternoon commitment can include drama, stagecraft, dance, community service or another independent study project.

概述 威斯敏斯特中学在美国一直拥有着很高的声誉。 这所学校是全美能够提供最优秀的大学预备课程的 高中之一,也是美国顶尖的小型寄宿学校之一。学校以传统的人文学科为基础,为学生开展着具有 挑战性的学术计划,帮助 9-12 年级的学生和高中毕业生既能够准备好迎接紧张的大学生活,也能够 在未来的学业上获得成功。威斯敏斯特中学重视培养学生对学习的热爱,使学习和思考成为陪伴学 生一生的习惯。 威斯敏斯特中学是一个具有多元化,具有紧密联系的团队和社区。这里拥有来自于全国各地和世界 各地的 86 名教师和 390 名学生(其中寄宿生占总人数的三分之二,走读生占其总数的三分之一)。 学校每年会向学生提供超过 370 万美金的经济援助,每年近三分之一的学生都会获得这项财政支持。 威斯敏斯特中学一直以来关注于培养学生的学术能力,公民意识,体育精神和领导能力。威斯敏斯 特中学占地约 200 英亩,学校位于康涅狄格州的中北部, 学术概况 威斯敏斯特中学为学生在传统的人文学科和自然学科上打下了扎实的知识基础。同时,学校也为学 生们提供一系列学习选修课程的机会,使有兴趣的学生能够更深入地探索学术领域。对于那些有着 更高目标的学生,威斯敏斯特中学也在一直开展着荣誉项目和 23 个大学先修课程。威斯敏斯特中学 从古至今一直鼓励自己的学生去不断迎接新的挑战。在课堂上,学校的老师们一心一意致力于教育 本身,通过灵活的教育方式和无微不至的关怀来支持,引导,并紧密地与学生进行合作。小班教学 的授课方式使威斯敏斯特中学能够密切关注于每一个学生,给予每一个学生丰富的学习机会。 校园生活 在威斯敏斯特中学,从体育的竞技场到艺术表演的舞台,每天下午这里的学生都会积极地参与课外 项目。在那里,学生们感受着均衡的学习和课外生活,享受着艺术和体育竞技带给他们生活的乐趣。 为了均衡繁重的课业学习,在每个学期,所有威斯敏斯特中学的学生每天都会参加一个午后课外项目。 这个课外项目以体育活动为主,同时也包括戏剧,舞台艺术,舞蹈,社区服务和其他独立的研究项目。

Westminster School 61

Winchendon School Winchendon, Massachusetts Director of Admissions: Ellyn Baldini E-mail: Web:

At-A-Glance Founded: 1926 Campus Size: 326 acres School Type: traditional boarding Grades Offered: 8-12 Average Class Size: 7 Student Teacher Ratio: 7:1 Teachers With Advanced Degrees: 25% Number of AP Courses Offered: 6 Percent International: 50% ESL Courses Offered: Yes Student Body Total: 250 Male: 53% Female: 47%

Admissions Application Deadline: 01/15 Application Fee: $100 Acceptance Rate: 60%

Tuition 7-Day Boarding: $52,000

概况一览 创始年份 : 1926 年 校园面积 : 326 亩 学校类型 : 传统寄宿 年级选择 : 8-12 在校生信息 总人数 : 250 男生 : 53% 女生 : 47% 国际学生比例 : 50% 是否提供 ESL 课程 : 是

62 School Profiles

课堂人数 : 7 学生教师比 : 7:1 高级教师人数 : 25% AP 课程数量 : 6 招生信息 申请截止日期 : 01/15 申请费 : $100 录取率 : 60% 学费 七天寄宿 : $52,000

Photos, statistics and text from

Overview The Winchendon School, a coeducational multicultural community, provides collegebound students of good character and promise with the essential study skills and learning strategies that propel each student to achieve academic success. Winchendon believes that people, not facilities, provide a really great education. Winchendon is an intimate community of 250 students and approximately 80 educators and other adults committed to supporting and learning from each other. Winchendon teachers are excited about and really good at what they do. They have put the ‘fun’ back in fundamentals. This leads students to be engaged and develop the confidence to succeed. Academics “The Winchendon Way” is a commitment is to small classes, individualized support, daily and weekly written feedback, clear expectations, constant interaction with teachers, consistent structure, and a purposeful focus on building skills and strategies.Many schools offer different aspects of multicultural education. Winchendon strives to “live it” perhaps like no other school in the Northeast. The student body is truly diverse. One unique element of the Winchendon program is that every student and teacher at Winchendon is participating in Global Dynamics, an interdisciplinary journey that incorporates the history, art, literature, science, current events and economics of various regions. This year’s learning expedition started with the countries in Western Asia this fall and will move on to the countries of the Pacific Rim for the second semester. Winchendon students graduate with a global awareness and the ability to live and work successfully with people from around the world. Student Life There are the other wonderful aspects of The Winchendon School; highly competitive athletic teams, new arts facilities, an 18-hole Donald Ross-designed golf course, extensive technology, a beautiful setting close to Boston and all of the other features of a great boarding school.

概述 温彻顿中学是一所拥有多元文化的男女合校,该学校致力于培养追求顶尖名校的优秀学生,提高他 们的学习技巧和学习策略,以便帮助他们获得学术上的成就。温彻顿中学认为能给学生提供优质教 育的并不是精良的硬件设施,而是老师人性化的教育理念。学校只有大约 250 名学生和 80 名上进、 有责任心教职人员,为学生提供了一个非常亲切且精致的学习、生活环境。另外,对工作热情而专 业的温彻顿老师们力求寓教于乐的教学模式,让学生在学习的过程当中体会生活的乐趣,这种理念 使得温彻顿的学生们能更好的融入生活,热爱学习,同时建立起追求成功的自信与勇气。 学术概况 “温彻顿式”教学的特色是学校采用小班教学,对学生有个性化辅导,老师和家长、学生之间有定 期反馈,共同努力帮助学生明确目标;温彻顿中学希望学生和老师们互相都能有深入的了解,并建 立长期稳定且友好的师生关系,使学生能在轻松愉快的环境里有目标性的学习和生活。很多学校对 于多元化教育有着不同的见解,而温彻顿中学跟其他在东北部的学校不一样的是,他们强调“享受”。 在温彻顿中学,学生群体的多元化体现在各个方面。非常特别的是,每一位温彻顿的老师和学生都 会有幸参加一次国际旅行,旅行本身是一个跨学科的游学项目,在旅途中,学生会接触到世界各地 不同的历史、艺术、文学、科学、时事和经济相关的内容。今年秋天,学习之旅会从神秘美丽的西 亚国家开始,到明年春天,也就是下半学期时,学生们又能到到太平洋沿岸地区去领略岛国海洋文化。 不管何时何地,具有国际化视野的温彻顿学生们都能凭借着突出的学术能力和良好的品格,在全世 界的优秀人才中脱颖而出。 校园生活 除了上面提到的几点,温彻顿还有体育队、全新的设施、高科技设备、高尔夫球场以及其他的设备。 这些都让温彻顿中学成为了最好的住宿制学校之一。

The Winchendon School 63

Asheville School, Diana Song It is hard to find where to begin. I’d say that coming to the States for high school has had a significant effect on my life and is one of the best choices I’ve made so far. Life is all about making choices. There are no good or bad choices, the difference is just how much you regret them later. I don’t have any regrets. I love my high school a lot, although it requires a lot of work both in and out of class. The precious experiences I have benefited from make it worth it. I have met so many people, have had chances to try things I had never even thought of before, and learned to think about who I am. Americans think about who they are a lot. One of the most impressive things to me was the election last year. Our school invited two guest speakers to give us a model presidential debate so that we could clearly understand what was going on. When they talked about whether America should follow the way of Europe, one of them said: “If we are going to become Europe, who’s going to be America?” This made me think that the election is a time when all Americans get together and think about their identity. There are many international students in the schools here. It is interesting to meet more people from different backgrounds and cultures. Knowing a diverse group of people makes me think more about who I am. The other thing I really appreciated what that I had chances to try new things after I got here. My school has two hours of required activities every day and there are many options. I did equestrian and absolutely loved it. Horses are now my favorite animas and I’m really obsessed. I played basketball on the JV team. Although we never won a single game, everyone had fun. I tried cross-country and convinced myself that there are some things I cannot do no matter how hard I try. I skied for the first time and really enjoyed it. There are also many activities that bond people together like school traditions, games, and prom. The school I go to has a small number of students. The small community makes it possible for me to get to know people better. Before I came to the States, I always heard people saying that math and science classes in America are easy. But when I got here, I realized that the courses here are actually more challenging. The work here requires a lot of critical thinking and legitimate effort. I benefited a lot from many of the classes. Going to high school in America is an excellent experience. I am really fortunate to have had a chance to come. 64 Students Speak

One of the oldest boarding schools in the U.S. and part of the Ten Schools Admissions Organization, the Hill School is proud of its history and traditions. Besides its academics and athletics, which are typical of a prep school, Hill sets itself apart by upholding long-lasting traditions such as seated meals, family nights, and a strict dress code (shirts and ties for boys and shirts and blazers for girls). If you value innovation and creativity, Hill is not necessarily a bad place. Yet if you cherish tradition and history, Hill is definitely your choice. From international students’ perspectives, however, Hill stands out among amazing boarding schools with its unique host-family policy. Each international student at Hill will be automatically assigned to a volunteer family who will host you during your study at Hill. This program is free of charge, yet full of meaning. During school breaks such as Thanksgiving and long weekends, international kids can live with their host families and really get to know American culture firsthand. If I could name one thing about Hill that has influenced and helped me the most, I would point to this host-family program.

The Hill School 65

Hello! Sweet greeting from a senior! Wow, almost free! I’d like to start with the uniqueness and warmth of my school. Every teacher here, especially senior teachers, contributes as much as they can to the school. Moving to the history of my school, I’ll share as much as I know. Our school has moved three times. The third time happened the year I came here, because a hurricane destroyed the old campus. I did not live in the old campus in Springfield, Massachusetts, but began my life in the new campus in Granby, Massachusetts. In the past, my school was a high-ranked girls’ school. It shares Harvard’s motto and school colors. That is why almost all the senior teachers here graduated from both great undergraduate and graduate schools, including Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Dartmouth, and Stanford. Also, many alumni and parents of students, especially students who have been here for more than five years, graduated from good schools. So the strong academic tradition can be seen easily. I do not know why it seems that the school is falling gradually; it’s probably not true. Our teachers teach a range of courses, so you have a pretty good chance to take some of their courses. Do not be afraid of taking a great but difficult course for fear of hurting your GPA; AP and Honors Courses can add extra points to a weighted GPA. You should keep this in mind, since GPA is very important, but do balance your losses and gains. I try to take as many high-level courses as I can, but I do not take are because it is hard to get an A. Recently I wanted to change my schedule and add an art class since I am a senior with only a semester left, but my counselor recommended not to do that because colleges might not like it. So, if you come as a freshman or sophomore, try art classes because they are a unique experience. Because of my high-level schedule and hard work, I had the highest weighted GPA in my class in junior year. My favorite class is AP Statistics, which is very useful in life, and my favorite teacher is Mr. Shelburne. He teaches AP Statistics and is the coach of our math team, which I have been a part of for two years. The math team has selective tests, is made up of six Chinese team-members, and I am the captain. One special thing is that I never danced before, but I joined the dance team here, partially because of my desire to make up the regret that I did not take are. The dance teacher is nice and my team-mates are nice, so I have no worries. A couple of other points: class sizes are small (eight to twenty students) and classes are enjoyable; teachers are close to students if you are open up to them. Also, you can go extra help and they will help you. If there were fewer Chinese students, more of us would probably get closer to both native and other international students; however, because our school changed into an international school last year, it is not hard to make friends here if you are open to them. The MacDuffie School, Kelly

66 Students Speak

Enough of academics! Now let me talk about something fun. We have clubs: photo, magazine, and volunteer; sports: soccer, basketball, lacrosse, tennis, Frisbee, and cross country; and activities: plays, speaker series, mountain day, candle night, boarding student trips, and trips to the movies, the mall, and ski resorts for boarders on weekends. If you are interested in any of these, you can join them; if not, you can start a new one. I was in the photo club. While the club advisor always took us to somewhere beautiful or interesting to take pictures, she did not really teach us to take photos. However, we were happy. Every student belongs to an advisor group with about six advisees. Advisor meetings usually happen twice a month. In my school, a teacher can have many identities: he can be a science teacher, a sports coach, a residential assistant, and the head of school all at the same time. Students are divided into different groups in terms of academics, sports teams, or housing halls, but each group has an advisor, leader, coach, or guidance counselor. The food in the cafeteria is not very good, even though the food is kind of international (and I bet it is better than American public high schools, where they usually have pizzas and hamburgers). We have rice! We sometimes have porridge in the morning, although it is more like pao fan. You can order Chinese food if you want; there is a Chinese restaurant around, or you can sign out, call a cab, and go to other places to eat and play during the allotted time. I want to talk about something more generally. Basically, active kids can flourish at my school. Here there are opportunities (even though not numerous), and here there are the nutrients (even though part of them are not the best), but it is the time to test your caliber, how much you can seize, digest, learn, and master before you go to college. I have to say the MacDuffie School is neither a top school nor a bad school. If you have the desire to learn, come and learn. If you are Chinese, think a second, because here are many Chinese (60 out of 200 students). The admissions officers are trying to admit fewer Chinese students and more international students from other countries. Over one and a half years, I gradually fell in love with my school. So many of my perspectives changed, from details to points of views. Lastly, I want to emphasize what I think is the most important point of learning in America. I use learning but not studying since everyone who is new here must be learning in all aspects of life. This land and culture offer plenty of opportunities to fail and plenty of opportunities to succeed. Do not believe that what another person gained or lost here is what you will gain or lose, that what another person became is what you will become; your future depends almost entirely on your choice. I made efforts to change my schedule into a more challenging one at the beginning of my junior year, right when I arrived, and I believe that you can make efforts to change whatever you want. Just be confident and brave.

The MacDuffie School 67

Northfield Mount Hermon Unlike most typical New England preparatory schools, there is a dramatic shift in attitude at Northfield Mount Hermon. NMH was different from the very beginning. D.L. Moody, the founder of Northfield Seminary for Young Ladies and Mount Hermon School for Boys, founded the schools for people who had limited access to education because they were poor. Moody’s commitment to education to those who were unable to afford it produced remarkable diversity among students. At NMH, I have classmates from France, Morocco, Afghanistan, and even from places I have only seen on the world map. You can also find all kinds of different people, including preppy lacrosse players, math geniuses, classical musicians, and hippy dancers. People don’t label kids. You can be a field hockey player who also does theater and robotics club without being defined by those activities the way you might be at another school. In recent years, our school has emphasized diversity. We have diversity day, GSA gatherings, and other cultural fairs. I’d call my school a stir-fry rather than a melting pot because students can retain their own flavors as long as they want. Our strongest sports are basketball (National Prep Champs) and wrestling (New England Champs). Alternatively, if you are an artist or a musician, you can’t miss the amazing Rhodes Arts Center. Another factor that distinguishes us from other from other boarding schools is the manual labor required of all students known as the workjob. It all ties back to our motto, “Education for the HEAD, HEART, and HAND.” Students work four hours a week helping in the dining hall, on NMH’s farm, in the library, in computer labs, or giving tours on campus. In workjob, I learned to appreciate people’s work, no matter how trivial it is. I think this is a very important lesson to learn for most Chinese kids. Our class dynamic centers around student participation, especially in humanities and English classes. My sophomore year humanities teacher would literally not speak a single word for the whole period. She would sit in the corner of the classroom and record our participation on her little seat chart. It was intimidating; I was so scared when I first had English class with all native speakers. That said, this class dynamic forced me to speak and later cemented my confidence and furthered my love of learning from different perspectives. At NMH, I have been able to form close relationships with the faculty. I used to be reluctant to share my quirky side, but I’ve become more comfortable with myself. I’d say the most valuable thing I learned in the past three years at NMH is how to connect with others. I

think this is an essential ability, especially for young people who study and learn in a foreign country.

68 Students Speak

Stuart Hall School by Connie Zhang Stuart Hall School is an Episcopal private boarding school located in the small and tranquil city of Staunton, Virginia. The school is a five minute walk to the downtown area where there are book shops, a post office, banks, movie theaters, and restaurants. The school also offers a bus to Walmart every Wednesday, so life here is pretty convenient. However, the downside of being inside a city is that it limits the size of the campus. The school is about 8 acres (32, 375 square meters). The school organizes weekend activities for boarders very often. Some these activities are: laser tag, ice skating, shopping trips to Tyson’s Corner and an Asian market, trips to King’s Dominion Amusement Park, homecoming dances, and mixers. Stuart Hall used to be an all-girls boarding school but has recently become a co-ed day school for students in grades Pre-K through twelve, and a girls’ boarding school for students in grades eight to twelve. This means all the students enrolled in the boarding program (most of them international students) are girls, but there are boys during the day. For now, the boy to girl ratio for grades nine through twelve is 21 to 104. A boy international student will have to find a host family on his own if he wants to study at Stuart Hall School. There are currently over 30 Chinese girls in the school, which means it’s easy to find someone who speaks Chinese. The good part about this is that as a new student, you will never feel lost because there’s almost always someone who understands the situation and can explain it to you. Even though that’s not always the case, the bad part of this is that you might have fewer chances to practice your English as you get used to staying around your Chinese friends all the time. Stuart Hall School has a very strong art program. Recent Art Emphasis Program graduates have been accepted to top fine arts colleges like Rhode Island School of Design, Parsons School of Design, and the Art Institute of Chicago. The Math Emphasis Program and the Science Emphasis Program will start next year. Students and faculty have very close relationships and a lot of trust in each other. All around campus, there are plenty of opportunities to explore your potential whether it’s in academics, sports, arts, or leadership.

Stuart Hall School 69

Wilbraham & Monson Academy by Mamie Mei Wilbraham & Monson: a day and boarding private high school with no religious affiliation, 400 students and over 200 years of history. Wilbraham is a small town in Massachusetts, located a one to two hour drive from Boston and a three hour drive from New York City. Wilbraham has four distinct seasons. The campus is really pretty in the fall and spring, but winters can be harsh, with temperatures between -10 to -20 degrees and a lot of snow. The school’s dining hall is good compared to other high schools. We have stir fry ever week and white rice every day. If you do not want to go to the dining hall, you can also order Chinese food from off campus. L i k e m a n y private high schools, students have to play sports after school every day. Practices are usually from three to five p.m. and games are on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Many sports are competitive and tough. Sports teams include: cross country, track, tennis, soccer, volleyball, basketball, swimming, baseball, rugby, lacrosse, softball, football, golf, and dance. Wilbraham’s classes are small. Most teachers are really accessible and nice to international students. Many teachers graduated from Harvard University, Columbia University, the University of Pennsylvania, Middlebury College, Yale University, and other top schools. Most of them have master’s degrees, and some of them have doctoral degrees. If you have questions, you can make appointments with your teachers or go to office hours, which they have every day. Personally, I think Wilbraham’s English and history departments are better than the math and science departments.

70 Students Speak

Freshmen or new transfer students usually will get a triple or double room at first. Every senior has a single room. Dorm conditions definitely are better than most Chinese high schools but they seem not worthy of the high tuition fee. Every room has a heater. Every floor’s lobby has a water fountain, a TV, a microwave oven and a refrigerator. There is no AC because you do not need it. The girls’ dorms are better than boys’ dorms since the boys’ dorms are older. We call Wilbraham a “global school” because it has many international students. However, half of the international student body comes from China and Korea. You can hear Korean and Chinese everywhere around campus. The school offers transportation to international students. During the weekends, the school runs shuttles to nearby malls, nice restaurants, dance parties, or Boston. Wilbraham is a really safe town, and you do not have to worry about crime. Wilbraham has really strict rules on drugs and smoking. The school has a number of other rules: students have to be in dress code everyday (such as wearing a blazer and dressy shoes); if boarding students want to stay off-campus during weekends or vacations, their parents have to fax the school permission; students have to sign out or in with dorm parents whenever they want to leave campus. Students sometimes complain that the rules are too annoying. Some people also think the school’s location makes their lives boring. For me, the school’s rules are actually a kind of protection. I don’t care about the location too much. The overall academic environment is a little bit laid back, but, frankly, it depends on the student. Many students each year go to top schools, but some students go to community colleges. Many Chinese students are working really hard here.

Wilbraham & Monson Academy Continued

Wilbraham & Monson Academy 71


AIC 品牌认识

学生的第二个家 对我们的学生来说,AIC 不仅仅是一个公司,还是第二 个家。AIC 学生们长时间的呆在办公室里并不是一件稀 奇的事情。事实上,在申请阶段,北京的十七名学生长 达一个星期晚上睡在办公室里,因为他们非常喜欢与老 师们一起度过的时光。

鼓舞人心的目标 我们的目标简单而纯粹—通过赋予学生们激情来帮助他 们实现梦想。这个目标有我们的老师发起,并将由师生 共同见证。我们引导学生的激情,学生的成功便是我们 追求的目标我们所要做的不仅仅是一家咨询公司。

掌握领先的技术 这是一个科技的时代。我们始终认为科学技术是二十一 世纪教育进步的脊梁。通过研究开发软件,我们将最初 旨在帮助学生申请的工具改进成为了一个可以引导并记 录学生成长的系统,从而可以帮助各个层次的学生。从 2011 年开始,AIC 尝试着通过我们开放的网络平台来分 享各个系统以帮助更多中国学生获得教育机会。

研究与开发优势 我们优秀的师资力量为我们的研究提供了充足的技术支 持。因此,我们可以开发出先进的教育系统来让我们的 课程更有效率。

重新为成功定义 AIC 学子不仅在大学录取上成功。在过去 7 年中,8 名 AIC 学生在大学二年级之前便开创了自己的公司;一名 学生在毕业前出版了三本书;若干学生参与了知名教授 的课题。这些都验证 AIC 出色的教育质量。




历史 一切从 2003 年由麻省理工学院举办的一次 50K 创业比赛开始,我们的商业理念由此发展并 在这个比赛中获得了高度赞扬。这个具有创新性和开拓性的商业理念,历时近一年来的发展, 启发了许许多多有潜力为教育咨询业带来革命性改变的专家们。 最初的计划只是在 3 个州测试我们的项目,我们第一个工作室成立于 2004 年。七年之后, AIC 在新泽西州的公司继续运作,200 多名学生拿到了最适合他们的大学的录取通知书。 2007 年 4 月,通过东英金融公司(一家香港的投资银行)投资优质教育,我们在中国深圳 开了第一家分公司,这标志着我们的中国计划启动。在过去四年,我们在中国 9 个城市推广 我们的计划,每年为中国和美国学生提供奖学金。



在每个城市,我们的新学员都是慕名而来。事实上,中国一半的分公司都是由家长开办的。 超过 500 名已进入美国顶尖大学的学生和家长加入了我们的网络,为未来的学生提供了一个 非常重要的社会实践和职业选择的机会。

展望未来,AIC 已完成了网络技术升级,我们的教学研讨会和创新的公益性夏令营活动,将 会更适应中国学生的需求。所有这一切,是我们萌生了发展私立寄宿高中的计划,我们要成 为中国特色教育的典范。随着每年在研发上的投入,我们在教育中的创新将使 AIC 保持竞 争优势。 73

OUR TEAM 佳桥美方顾问团队由世界级名校毕业生 组成。对教育的热忱、对美国大学文化的 深刻理解、以及创意的写作能力是佳桥对 应聘者的基本要求,最终录用率低于 2%。 从西部的斯坦福大学、加州大学系统到东 部的常青藤名校,佳桥顾问所拥有的人际 和信息网络都将为你的申请提供前所未有 的强力支持。

AIC's consultants are hand-selected from the world's top institutions. Our acceptance rate for staff members is less than 2%.




下面的学校录取 的毕业生被


For AIC Scholar of the Future Students Studying at U.S. High Schools

The Cambridge School of Weston Boston College Boston University Case Western Reserve University Johns Hopkins University Tufts University University of California - Berkeley University of California - Los Angeles University of California - Davis University of California - San Diego

Emma Willard College Carnegie Mellon University Case Western Reserve University Cornell University Johns Hopkins University MIT University of California - Berkeley University of California - San Diego University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign Wellesley College

Lake Forest Academy Hamilton College Haverford College

Northfield Mount Hermon Bryn Mawr College Colgate University Davidson College Emory University New York University Trinity College University of Michigan University of Richmond Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison The Webb Schools (California) Harvey Mudd College MIT The University of Chicago Wellesley College


Boys Schools ( 男校 ) Archbishop Riordan High School Army and Navy Academy Avon Old Farms School Blue Ridge School Bridgton Academy Camden Military Academy Cardigan Mountain School Carson Long Military Academy Chamberlain-Hunt Academy Chaminade College Preparatory School Christ School Church Farm School Eaglebrook School Fishburne Military School Fork Union Military Academy Georgetown Preparatory School Grand River Academy The Greenwood School Hampshire Country School Hargrave Military Academy Hillside School The Kiski School Marine Military Academy McCallie School Missouri Military Academy Mount Michael Benedictine School The Phelps School Riverside Military Academy Robert Land Academy St. Albans School St. Andrew's College St. Francis High School St. John's Military School St. John's Northwestern Military Academy St. Stanislaus College-Preparatory Salisbury School South Kent School Subiaco Academy Trinity-Pawling School Valley Forge Military Academy Woodberry Forest School The Woodhall School

SCHOOL LISTS 9-12 7-12 9-12, PG 9-12 9-12, PG 7-12, PG 6-9 6-12 7-12 6-12 8-12 7-12 6-9 7-12, PG 6-12, PG 9-12 9-12, PG 6-12 3-12 7-12, PG 9-12 9-12, PG 8-12, PG 9-12 6-12, PG 9-12 7-12, PG 7-12 6-12 9-12 5-12 9-12 6-12 7-12, PG 7-12 9-12, PG 9-12, PG 7-12 9-12, PG 7-12, PG 9-12 9-12

San Francisco, CA Carlsbad, CA Avon, CT St. George, VA North Bridgton, ME Camden, SC Canaan, NH New Bloomfield, PA Port Gibson, MS St. Louis, MO Asheville, NC Exton, PA Deerfield, MA Waynesboro, VA Fork Union, VA North Bethesda, MD Austinburg, OH Putney, VT Rindge, NH Chatham, VA Marlborough, MA Saltsburg, PA Harlingen, TX Chattanooga, TN Mexico, MO Elkhorn, NE Malvern, PA Gainesville, GA Wellandport, Ontario Washington, D.C., DC Aurora, ON, Canada Athol Springs, NY Salina, KS Delafield, WI Bay St. Louis, MS Salisbury, CT South Kent, CT Subiaco, AR Pawling, NY Wayne, PA Woodberry Forest, VA Bethlehem, CT

Girls Schools ( 女校 ) 9-12 Academy of the Holy Family 9-12 Annie Wright Schools 7-12 The Bishop Strachan School 9-12 Buffalo Seminary 9-12 Chatham Hall 9-12 Dana Hall School 9-12, PG Emma Willard School 9-12, PG The Ethel Walker School 9-12 Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy 9-12, PG Foxcroft School 8-12 Garrison Forest School 7-12, PG Grier School 9-12 Havergal College 8-12 The Hockaday School 5-12, PG Linden Hall 9-12 The Madeira School 9-12 Miss Hall's School 9-12 Miss Porter's School 8-12, PG Oldfields School 9-12 Purnell School 8-12 St. Margaret's School 7-12 St. Margaret's School 9-12 Saint Mary's School 9-12, PG St. Timothy's School 9-12 Salem Academy 9-12 San Domenico School 9-12 Santa Catalina School 7-12, PG Stoneleigh-Burnham School 9-12 Westover School


Baltic, CT Tacoma, WA Toronto, Canada Buffalo, NY Chatham, VA Wellesley, MA Troy, NY Simsbury, CT La Canada Flintridge, CA Middleburg, VA Owings Mills, MD Tyrone, PA Toronto, ON, Canada Dallas, TX Lititz, PA McLean, VA Pittsfield, MA Farmington, CT Sparks Glencoe, MD Pottersville, NJ Tappahannock, VA Victoria, Canada Raleigh, NC Stevenson, MD Winston-Salem, NC San Anselmo, CA Monterey, CA Greenfield, MA Middlebury, CT

The data below are intended to serve only as informal reference points for comparing schools on specific criteria and not as definitive benchmarks as to which school is better than another for you. There are a number of even more important criteria, which cannot be presented through ordered lists - such as schools' educational approach and quality of life. The data below should serve as only some of the many variables you should consider when evaluating schools.

SSAT AVERAGES (SSAT 平均 ) Average > 85% Choate Rosemary Hall Deerfield Academy Georgetown Preparatory School Groton School Indian Springs School Middlesex School Milton Academy Phillips Academy Andover Phillips Exeter Academy St. Andrew's School, DE St. Paul's School The Hotchkiss School The Thacher School Woodside Priory School (Priory) Average 75% - 85% Cate School Concord Academy Hill School Lawrenceville School Linden Hall Midland School St. Albans School St. George's School St. Mark's School The Governor's Academy The Loomis Chaffee School The Madeira School The Taft School Verde Valley School Average 65% - 75% Asheville School Berkshire School Blair Academy Brooks School Colorado Rocky Mountain School Cranbrook Schools Emma Willard School Episcopal High School Hawai'i Preparatory Academy Holderness School Kent School Lake Forest Academy Lawrence Academy Millbrook School Miss Hall's School Miss Porter's School Northfield Mount Hermon Peddie School Portsmouth Abbey School Stevenson School Stoneleigh-Burnham School Tabor Academy The Ethel Walker School Westminster School Westtown School

SAT AVERAGES (SAT 平均 ) Average > 2000 Choate Rosemary Hall Concord Academy Deerfield Academy Groton School Lawrenceville School Linden Hall Middlesex School Milton Academy Mount Michael Benedictine School Phillips Academy Andover Phillips Exeter Academy Saint John's Preparatory School St. Paul's School The Hockaday School Thomas Jefferson School

Average 1800-1900 Annie Wright Schools Asheville School Blair Academy Canterbury School Carlbrook School Dana Hall School Ekklesia Mountain High Foxcroft Academy Hill School Holderness School Lustre Christian High School Maharishi School McCallie School Mercersburg Academy Portsmouth Abbey School Saint Andrew's School Salem Academy Salisbury School South Kent School Southwestern Academy Sparhawk School St. Anne's-Belfield School The Bolles School The Hun School of Princeton The Webb School The Episcopal School of Texas Western Reserve Academy Westover School Woodside Priory School (Priory)

Far from Metro Area (> 60 Miles) Berkshire School Cushing Academy Grand River Academy Kent Academy Miller School of Albemarle Northfield Mount Hermon Vermont Academy Close to Metro Area (< 30 Miles) Episcopal High School Bullis School Chapel Hill – Chauncy Hall Concord Academy

Lawrence Academy Leman Manhattan

Average 1900-2000 Cate School Cranbrook Schools Emma Willard School Georgetown Preparatory School Grier School Indian Springs School Miss Porter's School Oak Grove School Oregon Episcopal School Saint James School St. Andrew's School, DE St. George's School St. Mark's School St. Stephen's Episcopal School Stevenson School Suffield Academy The Athenian School The Loomis Chaffee School The Taft School The Thacher School The Webb Schools Westminster School

Most Sports Offered Ashville School Berkshire School Bullis School Choate Rosemary Hall Concord Academy Deerfield Academy Episcopal School Grand River Academy Hebron Academy Lake Forrest Academy Lawrence Academy Mercersburg Academy Miller School of Albemarle Milton Academy Miss Porter’s School Northfield – Mount Hermon Phillips Exeter Academy Salisbury School The Loomis Chaffe School The Taft School Vermont Academy Westminster Academy

Mercersburg Academy Milton Academy Miss Hall’s Schools Miss Porter’s School Salisbury School St. Marks School The Loomis Chaffee School Westminster School

Schools with ESL Programs Berkshire School Chapel Hill – Chauncy Hall Cheshire Academy Cushing Academy Fay School Foxcroft School Georgetown Prep School Grand River Academy Hebron Academy Hillside School Kent School Lake Forrest Academy Lawrence Academy Linden Hall Northfield – Mount Hermon Oakwood Friends School Ross School St. Anne’s – Bellfield School Tabor Academy The Ethel Walker School The Hun School of Princeton The Knox School The MacDuffie School The Marvelwood School The Putney School The Winchendon School Vermont Academy

Most Extracurrricular Activities Offered Phillips Exeter Academy Berkshire School Choate Rosemary Hall Concord Academy Cushing Academy Deerfield Academy Episcopal High School Hebron Academy Kent School Lake Forrest Academy


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地址:郑州市中原区中原中路 220 号裕达 国贸西塔 15 层 1502 室 电话:0371-67003082/67003067

地址:成都市人民南路三段 1 号平安财富 中心 0601 室 电话:028-85017129/85017139 传真:028-85017159

地址:杭州市西湖区教工路 18 号欧美中心 1 号楼 C 区 709 室 电话:0571-87031365

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