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Build Better Board.

Precison & Durability Saves


be accountable to those standards. Th is can even include attitude if the effort is expended to defi ne target attitudes behaviorally (aka operational defi nitions).


KPIs help every team and individual keep score and track their own performance. When the requirements are clear, and performance is measured by them, management and improvement are simplified.


Every team member has a communication pathway by which to be heard. This is best accomplished when it is direct rather than channeled through a supervisor. The ability to identify issues, share improvement ideas, and ask questions is key to engagement.


Team members get credit for their ideas. Th is may include a gain-sharing fi nancial reward. Sustainable programs always include a personal thank-you.

These are offered as observations on common ingredients to secret sauce. Yours will likely include caffeine; mine has high-fructose corn syrup. When a company has the secret sauce, it is evidenced by a purposeful energy and enthusiasm rather than a frenetic pace and frustration seen elsewhere. It has adopted a way of doing things that is consistently deployed regardless of the challenges of the day. It has owned an “our way.”

Scott Ellis, Ed.D., delivers training, coaching, and resources that develop the ability to eliminate obstacles and sustain more eff ective and profitable results. He recently published Dammit: Learning Judgment Th rough Experience. His books and process improvement resources are available at workingwell.bz . AICC members enjoy a 20% discount with code AICC21.

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