1 minute read
Keep It Rolling!
Momentum for the Foundation for Packaging Education continues to pick up steam. Th e Independents Cup Golf Tournament at the AICC Spring Meeting in April in Palm Desert, California, brought approximately $30,000 into the foundation’s coff ers. Th e fi rst annual foundation fundraising event, November 8–11 at Kiawah Island, South Carolina, is close to being fully booked (www.packaginged.org).
If you have not already pledged to be a donor, with the end of the year rapidly approaching, why not sign up and make your tax-deductible contribution now? Visit www.packaginged.org. In so doing, you are investing in your own success. Th e funds received by the foundation go to ensuring that employee training programs for those already engaged in the paper-based packaging industry—those who work for you—will continue to be developed and made available to AICC members. Th e bulk of these training programs are provided by AICC through its newly christened Packaging University (formerly AICC’s Packaging School). More than 100 courses in English and Spanish are already available for every team member of every AICC member company.
Packaging University’s off erings are expected to grow by at least 10 courses a year. As part of AICC’s ongoing eff orts to expand education, additional courses are expected to be made available from sources outside of AICC through partnerships. AICC is also looking to develop certifi cation programs. Th is can bring uniformity to the expectations you can have about those seeking work or coming to work for you.
Th is is important work being done by your Association. Th at is why we need your support through the Foundation for Packaging Education.
Please consider making a pledge today. You’ll be glad that you did. Visit www. packaginged.org to donate.