AICI April 2015

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APRIL 2015

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AICI BOARD OF DIRECTORS President – Jane Seaman, AICI CIP Past President – Kimberly Law, AICI CIP Secretary – Lucy Liang, AICI CIP Treasurer – Joanne Rae, AICI CIP VP Certification – Delby Bragais, AICI CIP VP Chapter Relations – Riet M. de Vlieger, AICI CIP VP Education – Keiko Nagao, AICI FLC VP Member Communications – Coca Sevilla, AICI FLC VP Conference – Cecilia Stoeckicht, AICI CIP VP Fund Development – Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP VP Marketing – Clare Maxfield, AICI CIP VP Membership Development – Melissa Sugulas, AICI FLC Executive Director – Eric Ewald AICI HEADQUARTERS 1000 Westgate Drive, Ste. 252 St. Paul, MN 55114-1067 Phone: 651-290-7468 Fax: 651-290-2266 Comments about the magazine?


THE AICI 2015 GLOBAL CONFERENCE WILL BE SO DIFFERENT FROM WHAT YOU’VE EXPERIENCED AT PRIOR CONFERENCES, WE’VE DEVOTED AN ISSUE TO IT… AND EVEN SO, WE RAN OUT OF PAGES! WHETHER YOU HAVE BEEN TO EVERY AICI CONFERENCE IN THE PAST 25 YEARS OR YOU ARE A FIRSTTIMER, WE ARE CERTAIN THIS YEAR’S CONFERENCE WILL EXCEED YOUR EXPECTATIONS AND INSPIRE YOU. I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THERE! Innovations are coming to these pages as well. In this issue of AICI GLOBAL we introduce the first contribution of what we hope will be many Preferred Partners – AICI member businesses who have stepped forward to support AICI’s mission with a financial commitment. Conference Sponsorships are also available. See the story on page 16 to learn why becoming a Conference Sponsor is a solid marketing investment. July’s issue will showcase the best of the stories submitted by AICI members in the Telling Our Story campaign. As image consultants, we impact our clients’ lives in deeply transformative ways. Sharing the power of our work with the world not only strengthens our commitment, it allows us to help an ever-widening circle of people. And there’s more! In the October issue we will unveil a new recurring magazine feature that you will be able to share directly with your clients. We want AICI GLOBAL to not only provide valuable business development advice, we want to support you in marketing your business. With this new client-facing resource, you will be able to leverage your AICI membership, enhance your professional standing and share the prestige of AICI certification in a tangible way with your clients. And if you are still wondering how to print, clip or share the digital magazine, see the “how to” article on page 37. AICI GLOBAL is a great place to volunteer (and obtain those leadership points needed for certification). Would you like to join the AICI GLOBAL editorial team? If you are a natural with details and follow-through, I need you! Total time commitment for this new position is only 3 to 5 hours per quarter. If you are more interested in writing, we are also looking for reporters-at-large to cover conference events. Let’s talk! (English does not need to be your first language. Multilingual submissions are welcome.) Please email me at Proud To Be AICI! Susan Hesselgrave Editor-in-Chief The Association of Image Consultants International | 3


Issue 10 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Susan Hesselgrave MANAGING EDITOR Thea Wood, AICI FLC VP COMMUNICATIONS Coca Sevilla, AICI FLC VP FUND DEVELOPMENT (ADVERTISING) Imogen Lamport, AIC CIP FEATURED CONTRIBUTORS Susan Hesselgrave Imogen Lamport, AIC CIP Lynne Marks, AICI CIM Jane Seaman, AICI CIP Coca Sevilla, AICI FLC M. Cecilia Stoeckicht, AICI CIP Thea Wood, AICI FLC PROOFREADERS Bernie Burson, AICI FLC Beth Yvette Strange, AICI CIP LAYOUT Limb Design AICI GLOBAL is produced quarterly by Association of Image Consultants International, a nonprofit dedicated to advancing the level of professionalism and enhancing the recognition of image consultants. AICI GLOBAL promotes AICI’s ideas, activities, interests and goals to its members. Responsibility is not assumed for the opinions of writers or other articles. AICI GLOBAL does not endorse or guarantee the products and services it advertises. 2015© Association of Image Consultants International. All rights reserved. No part of this online publication may be duplicated or reproduced without permission from the publisher. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of information included in the magazine at the time of publication, the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising from errors or omissions.

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CONFERENCE Your VIP Invitation..............................................................6 President’s Letter.................................................................7 Powerful Saturday: Celebrating 25 Years of Mission and Mastery.......................................8 Designing a World-Class Conference.................................12 A Fashion Force Converges at the AICI Global Conference........................................16

Inside This Issue





BUSINESS Executive Presence...........................................................19 The Independent Mentor..................................................20



CERTIFICATION AICI Mexico City Chapter Ushers in a New Era for AICI..........................................23 AICI Washington D.C. Offers FLC Preparation Workshop.............................................29



BETWEEN US Member Spotlight – Joanne Rae........................................30 Meet Your AICI Management Team: Ewald Consulting...........................................................33 Maximize Your Marketing with AICI GLOBAL...................37 Upcoming Events..............................................................38

The Association of Image Consultants International | 5


Your AICI VIP* Invitation

Join Us for a Pre-Conference Special Event *Valued AICI Image Professional!


n Wednesday, August 26, 2015, I invite you to join me for a very special trip to the National Gallery in Washington, D.C., where you’ll have an opportunity to participate in a unique event that will have you walking in the shoes of Carla Mathis, AICI CIM, back in the 90s! Published in 1994 and authored by Carla Mason Mathis and Helen Villa Connor, The Triumph of Individual Style was unique. All of the photographs that accompanied the information about line, design and body shape were of actual paintings and sculptures from Washington’s top galleries, the majority of which came from The National Gallery of Art. Following this unique adventure into the past, we’ll lunch together in a garden with the sounds of fountains in the background and hear directly from Carla the incredible story of how the pictures from The National Gallery ended up in the pages of her book. And there’s more! The day does not end there. After lunch we’ll be heading off to one of Washington, D.C.’s top shopping malls for an AICI 2015 Conference VIP Shopping Experience! We’re not going to give away all the surprises that await, as you’ll have to be there to experience it, but we can promise it will be very special! Once we’re all shopped out, it’s on to the iconic and breathtaking Lincoln Memorial, where we will stand in the shadow of this great man and watch the sun set on the nation’s capital. Finally, it’s back to the hotel for an End of the Day surprise! I hope you’ll join me.

Jane Seaman

AICI International President

Contact to reserve your place for this event. Don’t wait, as the number of participants is very limited.** **EVENT RESERVATIONS ONLY AVAILABLE TO CONFIRMED CONFERENCE REGISTRANTS.


n February, I had the pleasure of attending the AICI San Francisco Bay Area Chapter (SFBA) Education Days. I was honored to be part of a CIM review panel, the final step to becoming a Certified Image Master. Congratulations, Sarah Hathorn, our newest AICI CIM, for your wonderful professional achievement. Sincere thanks to Helena Chenn, AICI CIM, Marion Gellatly, AICI CIM, Delby Bragais, AICI CIP, and the SFBA board for playing such important roles in making this happen. The weekend continued to be a great success. Being a creative person is one thing. Being surrounded by, inspired and taught by creative people is a formula for the most valuable synergy one can imagine. As always, I returned from San Francisco armed with incredible new ideas and practices that I could use to further develop my business and expertise. Many thanks to Marjory DeRoeck, AICI CIP, Carolyn Woodworth, AICI FLC, Elena Daciuk, president of the AICI San Francisco Bay Chapter, and the entire team.


Now take that thought of 30 creative image professionals in one place and expand it to 300 creative minds! Mind-boggling, isn’t it? In just six months we’ll have the opportunity to share our ideas, best practices, dreams and goals with our fellow image professionals from around the world. It will be a tsunami of creativity. I wish I could share my excitement about every activity that is planned for our conference in August, but I don’t have the space here! So please, right now, CLICK HERE: Conference Schedule at a Glance. You’ll discover incredible keynote speakers who will bring a whole new perspective on how we see things. Not one, but two gala dinners. A fashion show and over 16 hours to interact with exhibitors who will be offering a wonderful array of services and tools to help build your business. A vast variety of CEU-accredited educational programs led by some of our most highly qualified AICI members. I promise you, this will be a unique event, one of the most amazing in the history of AICI. You, yes you, will have the opportunity to sit and discuss the image business with some of our very distinguished Founders of AICI and all of our prestigious Certified Image Masters from around the globe. Finally, our AICI 25th Anniversary Gala is not to be missed. I can hardly wait…

SEE YOU IN WASHINGTON, D.C.! JANE The Association of Image Consultants International | 7





he AICI 2015 Global Conference will feature a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn all day long from a unique gathering of the pillars of our industry, the Certified Image Masters (CIM) and Founders of AICI.

2015 Conference venue, the Renaissance Arlington Capital View. During a delicious lunch at the hotel (we needed to taste the food!) we let our imagination fly high, wondering how to make this a unique conference to celebrate AICI’s 25th anniversary.

Many consultants new to the industry will have their first opportunity to meet these remarkable image professionals. And for many seasoned members, we realized, the founders only exist on the history page of the AICI website. Now you will meet them in person. Attendees will gain a new appreciation of the depth of expertise held by our Certified Image Masters. Whether you are a brand new member, an FLC or a CIP, you will be educated and inspired by the Powerful Saturday presentations.

How would each one of us envision the perfect conference? We had a blank slate and, as does a puzzle, the thoughts came together one by one, piece by piece, creating the vision for Conference 2015.

A DREAM IS BORN In April 2014 the Conference Executive Committee met for the first time in Washington, D.C., to visit the

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We revisited the feedback from you, our members, and started redesigning the conference: make it allinclusive; bring back the FLC pencil test; provide a split-payment plan to give members greater flexibility to attend conference. In addition, we knew we wanted to celebrate our founders and the diversity of today’s AICI. Do you know the sensation when a light bulb turns on in your mind? Drafting the conference schedule, we asked ourselves, “Why not dedicate a full day to

the Founders and our Certified Image Masters?” This Powerful Saturday would spotlight these amazing image professionals, and the presentation stage would be theirs for the entire day! To implement this idea, the first step was to locate the founders. Jane Seaman, AICI President, has worked tirelessly to search out and personally invite them to attend. We are thrilled to say that many of them have confirmed their participation. Then another question popped up: “How to let conference attendees experience and gain from their expertise and knowledge?” Borrowing shamelessly, we developed an idea from the “Image TED Talks,” adapted to a roundtable format. Powerful Saturday attendees will meet in the morning in rotating small-group sessions with each of our founders and CIMs. The afternoon will feature master classes taught exclusively by Certified Image Masters, each one of them a legend in the image industry.

The AICI 25th Anniversary Celebration will continue into the evening with a formal gala awards dinner and fun afterwards. Let’s celebrate in “Capital” style! We will honor our Founders for their vision and perseverance and celebrate with them the AICI of today, a truly global association. We are still planning the details of the gala, but attendees can expect their taste buds to “travel around the world” with delicious dishes from countries represented at this year’s conference. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. started his most famous speech with the words, “I have a dream.” The 2015 Conference Executive Committee humbly uses them as well. AICI’s founders had a dream, and we are working nonstop to carrying that dream forward. At the 2015 Conference, you can become a part of the dream. M. Cecilia Stoeckicht, AICI CIP, serves as VP Conference and is a member of the AICI New York/ Tri-State Chapter. She is the founder of Image Atelier, Architects of Personal Style. The Association of Image Consultants International | 9





The Vice President of Conference job description might go something like this:


andidate must have strong communication skills, be able to organize multiple tasks and projects simultaneously, be detail oriented, perform under pressure, and create events that are compelling and entertaining.”

AICI is fortunate to have found a true leader for the job: Cecilia Stoeckicht, AICI CIP, from Greenville, Delaware. Stoeckicht was born and raised in Brazil and began her career as an architect. After relocating to the United States, she transitioned to image consulting and started Image Atelier, Architects of Personal Style. “Instead of designing houses, I began creating personal styles,” Stoeckicht says. Architectural skills seem a natural fit for planning and executing the many facets of a complex international event. Stoeckicht offered a behind-the-scenes view of the process and revealed some innovations we will see at the AICI 2015 Global Conference in August. 12 | April 2015 magazine


What changes can members expect to see compared to past conferences? And which popular activities from 2013 will we see again?

CS: Now that our conference happens every other year, the Conference Executive Committee redesigned the format of the conference, with several big changes:

>> For the first time ever, we are offering an allinclusive conference. Previously, advanced workshops were not included in the conference fee. Now, for AICI-certified members only, they will be offered at no additional cost.

>> There are going to be some truly amazing keynote speakers at this conference. For example, you will hear Dr. Jennifer Baumgartner, bestselling author of You Are What You Wear: What Your Clothes Reveal About You, and Howard Roberts, the Executive Strategy Director at Grey Group and a leading brand expert, who speaks on branding at universities throughout the U.S. and UK.

>> I’m also excited that we are going “green!” No more bulky conference manuals. All of the conference information will be in a downloadable app. There’s more, but we’ll keep some secrets for when attendees arrive!

“We are definitely a ‘boutique’ conference, and every consultant at the conference is a powerful ‘influencer,’ wielding a lot of purchasing power when you consider their clientele and audiences.” >> The FLC (and FLC ESL) pencil exam is returning! The FLC exam is 3 hours long, the FLC ESL is 5 hours long. The FLC ESL will be administered in English, and is reserved for those who speak English as a second language. And the cost of the exam has been significantly lowered for candidates from $545 (US) to now only $275.

>> We now will have four full days of concurrent sessions, including offering sessions in Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Portuguese, in addition to English.


As VP Conference, what are the biggest challenges in coordinating such a large event?

CS: One of the biggest challenges is to transform the vision into reality. We want our attendees to leave the conference wishing the time had not passed so quickly and already looking forward to our conference in 2017. We have an incredible team from Ewald supporting us, and their experience and guidance make things much easier. The Association of Image Consultants International | 13

Q: What advice would you give to new members attending Conference for the first time? The first conference I attended was in 1998 in Miami Beach. They needed extra help at the reception desk, and not knowing anyone, I decided to volunteer and met many people. So my advice is don’t be shy, get involved, and don’t be overwhelmed by the extra excitement around you. The fact that we now are meeting every other year, “old-timers” will have two years of catching up to do! If you are a newcomer, it may seem like some are ignoring you. Don’t get intimidated! Each of us was a first-timer once, and we love to “talk shop.” So reach out. The conference is the opportunity to develop new friendships and open doors for new endeavors. The conference team will be there to assure everyone will have a great time. Reach out to us if you need any assistance. Take advantage of the exhibition time to meet vendors and renowned trainers in our industry. Get involved. There are plenty of volunteer opportunities still available: as a monitor for the concurrent sessions; assisting with the gala event; or helping with the fashion show.

The second biggest challenge is Sponsorship. Believe it or not, for some companies our conference does not seem big enough for them to commit as sponsors. It has been an interesting process to educate prospective sponsors on the benefits of being in front of 250+ image consultants from around the world. Today the world is without frontiers. You can buy from U.S. companies without moving from your desk in Britain, Italy or Australia. It has been necessary to enlighten them. The AICI Global Conference is not about quantity, it is very much about quality. We are definitely a “boutique” conference, and every consultant at the conference is a powerful “influencer,” wielding a lot of purchasing power when you consider their clientele and audiences.


What experiences in coordinating the event stand out as highlights for you?

CS: The friendships I’ve developed working on a project like the conference is what I truly treasure. The international board is spread around the world, and despite the distance, when we participate in conference calls we have some laughs, and we support each other. The conference is not the work of one person but many. When creative minds are put together, you cannot imagine what flourishes. Thea Wood, AICI FLC, MBA, is an independent image consultant based in Austin, Texas, and serves as managing editor for AICI Global. She is the coauthor of Socially Smart and Savvy.

14 | April 2015 magazine

Start doing what you love. Become a professional image consultant with our intensive, AICI accredited classes. Take one class or all five ~ it’s up to you.





16 | April 2015 magazine

ICI’s Global Conference is something I look forward to for many reasons. Not only do I get to participate in rich educational experiences that help me grow my image business, I also have the opportunity of meeting many amazing people who not only work in the image industry and related fields but also shape their clients’ buying decisions as well as those of the public at large. AICI Conference attendees are influential and diverse! We have members who write books and blogs. Many are regularly interviewed on television and radio shows. A great many are sought out by newspapers and magazines to comment about fashion and the retail industry and to provide insights on style trends and what to purchase.

“If you’ve got a great product or service that would appeal to the professional shoppers and personal stylists of the world, the AICI Global Conference is an ideal showcase.” Brenda Kinsel, AICI CIP. National media presence has included THE OPRAH


Our members’ clients are seen in boardrooms, on campaign trails, and walking the red carpet. Some of our members directly influence what TV celebrities and politicians (even first ladies) purchase, plus many of us provide personal shopping services. As a collective, we influence millions of people in what they purchase each year for their wardrobes. Hundreds of image consultants will converge at the Renaissance Arlington Capital View this August and spend days “talking shop.” We’ll discuss how we work, what products and services we use and find useful, training courses we’ve done, tools we love, and new technology aimed at our industry. We share our knowledge and expertise freely, and as an important part of the AICI conference experience, we have ample time in the schedule to devote to talking with exhibitors about their products and services. In my experience there is nothing quite like touching, seeing, and using a tool or product in person. I get to really know how incorporating it is going to benefit

Eva Koeck-Eripek, AICI CIM. Hosts her own

WEEKLY TELEVISION SHOW, now in its 12th year. Clients include


my business. As a professional shopper, I love the opportunity of being able to “go shopping” with the exhibitors right there at the conference! And of course, I always share the great products or services I’ve discovered at conference with my many blog readers. The world has become so much smaller these days, with many products and services available online. So even though I live in Australia, I order items globally that suit my business and personal needs. The ability to experience them in person at the AICI Global Conference makes those buying decisions so much easier when I’m back home in my office. If you’ve got a great product or service that would appeal to the professional shoppers and personal stylists of the world, the AICI Global Conference is an ideal showcase. Please contact me at imogen@ to explore this opportunity. Find out more about sponsorship and exhibiting here.

Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP. Her blog attracts

MORE THAN ONE MILLION READERS annually, with 500,000 in the U.S. alone.

Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP, is an image consultant based in Melbourne, Australia. She writes the style blog, Inside Out Style, which attracts many readers from around the world. She also serves on the AICI International Board and is the coordinator for Conference sponsors and exhibitors. The Association of Image Consultants International | 17

18 | April 2015 magazine





e can all pick out the image consultants with presence. They have a definite aura about them. Some people have had natural capacities since childhood, but the vast majority of us need to learn skills to exude presence.

There are several elements of presence. One is the art of being powerful: purposeful and intentional. The trick is to look and act as if nothing about you is accidental or occurs by happenstance and yet you seem natural, not contrived. The second element is to be clear on your values. Your appearance, habits, speaking style and actions then become congruent with what is important to you. You walk the talk. The third element is approachability. As image consultants we want to appeal to a wide variety of people in our target market. ESTABLISH PRESENCE WITH YOUR LOOK ATTIRE. Tailored attire cuts a credible figure, especially if the outfit has constructed style lines such as a collar and lapels and is fashion-forward, not exaggerated or too safe. Details are important: fabrics should move with us and enhance our shape. Our colors need to inspire our clients to try out colors in their palette. HAIR. Healthy hair in a designed cut, rather than a grown-out style, can vastly enhance our presence. As image consultants we want to appeal to a wide variety of people in our target market. Keep the color within

the natural range, with no roots showing (credibility detractor). Leave the creative green or blue to the art and fashion students! GROOMING is very important. A disheveled appearance and a poor fit will detract from your presence. Attention to detail in your appearance conveys the message that you also attend to important details in other areas of your life and business. GOOD POSTURE is crucial. The social psychologist Amy Cuddy has done research on the ability of “power poses” to increase the levels of confidence hormone in women (testosterone), and decrease the stress hormone (cortisol). [See her TED Talk here.] Before an event requiring confidence and presence, the worst thing you can do is to huddle over your smart phone or cross your arms. To practice power poses, stand up straight and stretch your arms up and out for two minutes, as if you were running victoriously through the finish line. You’ll be a Wonder Woman!

Lynne Marks, AICI CIM, is President of London Image Institute. She is co-author of The Perfect Fit: How to Start an Image Consulting Business and author of Skinny Bits: Wisdom for a Flourishing Image Business. She has twice served as International President of AICI and has received both the AICI Award of Excellence for Education and the AICI IMMIE award (Image Makers Merit of Industry Excellence) award. The Association of Image Consultants International | 19


“I’d just like to say how much this means to me. I emailed every personal stylist in the state I could find, and you’re the only one who responded.”





amille”(name changed for privacy) and I were sipping iced tea and talking about her dream of becoming a professional stylist when she dropped this bomb on me. A twentysomething who is just getting started on her own, Camille is smart and motivated. Camille knew that talking to other professionals in the field would give her insights that could help her build her business. Easier said than done. We know Camille is right to reach out to those who have more experience. So how should we, as image professionals, consider unsolicited requests for free business advice? 20 | April 2015 magazine

A mentor, by definition, is acting as a wise advisor, a trusted guide, especially to a younger colleague. The word “mentor” is trending in business circles, especially since Sheryl Sandberg’s book, Lean In, with a message of mentorship as vital to women’s career success, topped the New York Times and bestseller lists in 2013. When working in the corporate world, your mentor will likely be a supervisor, an associate in another department or a consultant who your employer hires. Some companies even have full-time mentors on staff so employees can move up the ranks rather than take their talents elsewhere. You may even have more than one mentor. There is a built-in hierarchy that makes

When asked to dispense advice to other image consultants, we struggle with the following questions:

finding a mentor more logical and, theoretically, accessible. After all, everyone is working as a team so your success ultimately contributes to everyone’s success. In the world of independent image consultants, the waters are vast but shallow and murky. Vast because image consultants work in most major cities internationally. Shallow because there aren’t a lot of us. Murky because most image consultants typically don’t own or work for bureaucratic companies that benefit from mentorships, so finding a mentor is like finding lost treasure. We also work in a fairly new industry in which success depends upon personal branding, relationships and demand.

1. 2.

What advice could I give? I’m not really an expert…


I s it sensible to take time out to mentor when I barely have enough time to run my own business?


ill my “student” take my W advice and use it to steal my clients?

hy give advice for free when W all my coaches tell me to monetize, monetize, monetize?

1. Yes, You Are…an Expert If you’re an AICI member and have been in the business for more than a year, then you’re definitely an expert in one way or another. Especially in the eyes of a rookie. Don’t doubt your strengths, and focus on them as mentor-worthy gems.

2. You Never Know What You Might Gain Many IC’s supplement their income with webinars, classes, telecasts, etc. Mentoring isn’t meant to replace those revenue streams. Yet, it could very well increase them. By sharing a few helpful points on a The Association of Image Consultants International | 21

Set expectations up front. Perhaps you’re willing to give at most 45 minutes a month for three months. Great! Any rookie would be thrilled to get that type of personal attention to answer questions. It also builds your reputation as a leader, which brings more recognition and business down the road.

4. Openly Explore Potential Conflicts of Interest

personal level, you could indirectly prove that your paid programs are invaluable. That pupil could sing your praises to others and suddenly, word of your programs has spread. However, remember that mentoring is about caring. It’s not meant to be a lead generator. So it’s best to go into a mentoring relationship with a giving attitude that doesn’t expect monetary returns.

Worrying about a rookie stealing your clients is fearbased reasoning. Do you have a strong relationship with your clients? Do you possess skills that can only be replicated by experience or special training? Do you have a niche that is consistent with your brand? Chances are, your path is different than your pupil’s path. Feel them out, ask them to define these things for themselves. If you feel for any reason that there’s a conflict of interest, you can kindly say it’s time for them to find another mentor. In my experience, the questions my students had were very specific in solving a particular problem — “Should I do my own bookkeeping?” Where’s the threat in that? So go ahead and “lean in!”

3. Define Your Time Investment Running your own consulting business takes a lot of time and effort, so when you mentor, it’s up to you to choose how much time you want to put into it.

Thea Wood, AICI FLC, MBA, is an independent image consultant based in Austin, Texas, and serves as managing editor for AICI Global. She is the coauthor of Socially Smart and Savvy.

Mentor Yourself >> Join AICI so you can meet other image consultants and receive professional training. >> Define your “dream job” as an image consultant. There are a million ways to do it… >> Make a list of business activities you like and don’t like to do. Outsource the ones that you don’t like — tax returns, for example. >> If you want to work for yourself, write a business plan that outlines how you’ll make money. Visit the Small Business Administration for examples. >> Read books by AICI members and experts in the areas you love as well as areas of inexperience. 22 | April 2015 magazine





n 26 February 2015, the Mexico City Chapter conducted a live administration of the AICI First Level Certification (FLC) exam via the technology of Live Online Proctoring (LOP) of Castle Worldwide, our testing facilitator. Fourteen AICI members participated in the exam, and I am thrilled to announce that over 90% passed. This historic moment for AICI was only possible through teamwork and a great amount of effort on the part of many people.

TRACIE HICKMAN and the entire Castle Worldwide team for their flexibility, professionalism, advice, and support in the months leading up to the exam and on the day of the exam itself.

I’d like to thank a number of those people specifically:

JANE SEAMAN, AICI CIP, for her inspirational leadership and vision, and for standing by me during this entire project as she has always done. DELBY BRAGAIS, AICI CIP, for her conviction and enthusiasm in fulfilling her role as VP Certification to the maximum, inspiring and supporting members around the world to become certified. The Association of Image Consultants International | 23


omar el examen en el grupo de Certificación ha sido una gran experiencia, como cuando estás jugando en un equipo de futbol, volleybal o del deporte que más te guste. Sabes que tienes una meta y el coach o los coaches están detrás de ti para apoyarte, guiarte y motivarte cuando lo necesitas. El apoyo recibido no solamente fue para los temas de estudio. El apoyo anímico entre nosotros y el apoyo de los organizadores fue crucial en todo momento.”

“Taking the certification test in a group has been a great experience, like when you’re playing on a soccer or volleyball team. You know you have a goal and the coaches are right behind you to support, guide, and motivate you when you need it. This support was not only for the test. The setting, the support between the participants, and the teamwork of the organizers were so valuable during the whole process.” — R AUL NAVA SECRETARY OF THE BOARD, AICI MEXICO CITY CHAPTER

EWALD CONSULTING for their reliable, speedy, and professional service resolving problems and helping in any matter they could address.

MY BOARD OF DIRECTORS at the Mexico City Chapter, especially Manolo Trujillo, VP Education and Victor Vasquez, Treasurer, for believing in this project and for their enormous support, including hours upon hours of service in organization and logistics. Finally, I thank the FLC CANDIDATES who placed their trust in us, spent many hours preparing, and travelled to take the test together as a group here in Mexico City. The group FLC test via Live Online Proctoring was an enormous success here in Mexico City. To put into perspective the success of this initiative, when members receive their certifications at the AICI Global Conference in August, we will more than triple the number of certified members in the country, and we already have a list of candidates who are ready to join the second wave and take advantage of this great opportunity to take the 24 | April 2015 magazine


“To put into perspective the success of this initiative, when members receive their certifications at the AICI Global Conference in August, we will more than triple the number of certified members in the country.” exam as a group, in their own language, and in their own chapter. It is a pleasure to work with such professional people as all of you and in such a wonderful association as AICI. The step we have just taken was huge, and we’re going for more!

COCA SEVILLA, AICI FLC President, AICI Mexico City Chapter VP Communication, AICI International Board of Directors

resentar el examen FLC en México fue una experiencia de alto nivel, práctica y muy recomendable. La asistencia del Capítulo México desde los preparativos hasta el examen fue de manera personalizada y profesional. Siempre que tuve dudas sobre el examen o los mails de Castle Worldwide, Norma Portilla, Manolo Trujillo y Coca Sevilla estuvieron ahí para apoyarme atendiendo los asuntos al instante. El lugar del examen fue óptimo por sus instalaciones, una ubicación céntrica y asistido de un traductor por cualquier contra tiempo. Me sentí confiada y satisfecha porque estaban preparados para cualquier contratiempo, pendientes de cada uno de nosotros y echándonos porras. Felicito al Capitulo Ciudad de Mexico por esta gran iniciativa y el profesionalismo con el que abordaron desde los preparativos hasta el último momento del examen.”

“Participating in the FLC exam hosted by the AICI Mexico City Chapter was an experience of such high-caliber. Chapter assistance with the process, from preparation through the exam, was personalized and professional in manner. Whenever I had questions about the exam, Castle Worldwide, Norma Hatch, Manolo Trujillo, and Coca Sevilla were there to address issues instantly. The test location was optimal, with great facilities, a central location, and staffed with a translator for all in the timed exam. I felt confident and taken care of, because the team was prepared for any mishap. I congratulate the Chapter for taking on this initiative and for their professionalism throughout.” — MONICA BRAVO BERENTSEN AICI MEXICO CITY CHAPTER MEMBER

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a sido una grata experiencia presentar este examen. Una prueba no sólo de conocimiento sino también de trabajo en equipo, dedicación y compañerismo.Con una gran líder como Coca Sevilla se hacen posible alcanzar los más bellos objetivos.”

“It was a great experience to participate in the FLC exam. This experience was a test not only of knowledge but also of demonstrating teamwork, dedication, and fellowship. With a great leader like Coca Sevilla, it has become possible to reach our highest goals.” —N ORMA ANGÉLICA ACOSTA VP MEMBERSHIP, AICI MEXICO CITY CHAPTER


n mi particular experiencia, la organización fue excelente. Enunciaré los puntos más importantes del capítulo AICI Ciudad de México al aplicar el examen de certificación: Comenzó a tiempo, la logística fue clara y concreta, el equipo organizador fue amable y dieron una asesoría personalizada. Fueron profesionales y efectivos. Gran integración de los candidatos que fuimos de otros lugares. Vivo en Guadalajara pero me siento parte del Capítulo ciudad de México.”

“Team AICI Mexico City Chapter: Excellent organization and execution! Application of the examination on time. Clear and concrete logistics. Team spirit among the Chapter leadership. Personalized advice. Great integration of those coming from outside Mexico City. I live in Guadalajara, but I feel like I am now a part of Mexico City Chapter!” ­— CECI CHALITA AICI MEMBER

26 | April 2015 magazine



WHY NOW IS THE BEST TIME TO GET YOUR FLC CERTIFICATION FLC Test investment cost now lower by 50% From a prior investment cost of $545, the FLC test now costs $275.

Introducing the technologically advanced LOP (Live Online Proctor) This is an internet-based test that allows anyone with a computer to take the test from anywhere in the world. Unlike our current FLC computer-based test, the LOP will allow any applicant to schedule and take the test using their computer from their home office or preferred location, anywhere in the world. There is no need to travel to a testing center to take the test. This means convenience and valuable savings in travel expenses. Moreover, there is no waiting time for test results, as applicants will know their test outcome right after taking the exam.

Return of the FLC Paper Test The FLC Paper Test can now be run during Chapter Education Days, subject to compliance to certification guidelines. Moreover, the FLC Test will now be offered during the AICI International Conferences once more.

Two application tracks now open for FLC Certification There are now two application options open to applicants. Both have their pros and cons, so all applicants are advised to evaluate which one works best for them.

OPTION 1: Binder First, Test Second

OPTION 2: Test First, Binder Second

This involves submitting your FLC Binder first, and upon approval by the assigned FLC Reviewer, you may sit for the FLC Test.

This option allows the applicant to sit for the FLC Test as a first step. Upon passing, the Binder may then be submitted to the assigned reviewer.

The Association of Image Consultants International | 27

Learn more about your EP Certification opportunities

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Our Next Executive Presence Certification Training Program Toronto Canada, Sept. 28 – Oct. 2, 2015 Contact Michelle for details: 1-416-967-1221 Ext. 107 To learn more click here 28 | April 2015 magazine





esponding to its members’ growing interest in obtaining FLC certification, Washington D.C. Chapter (WDC) has developed its own WDC FLC Certification Boot Camp. The full-day workshop will cover preparation for the FLC exam, core competencies, a practice exam, lunch, an expert panel and a session on creating the FLC portfolio, as well as providing supplies needed for the portfolio. The in-person workshop will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on April 18, 2015. The “boot camp” was the brainchild of AICI Washington DC Chapter’s President and VP Education, Cindy Ann Peterson, AICI FLC, and Joanne Rae, AICI CIP. They envisioned the workshop as a bonus offering for chapter members. Peterson and Rae will be serving as workshop faculty also. “We are excited about offering this as a member benefit to our WDC chapter members,” says President Peterson. “We want to help our members get certified. This will give them a jumpstart on the process. For

our own chapter members, attendance is free. Seating is very limited, so our chapter members have first priority, but we are happy to have AICI members from other chapters attend if there is still space available. The cost to non-chapter attendees, space permitting, is only $40.” AICI VP Certification, Delby Bragais, AICI CIP, is thrilled at the Washington D.C. Chapter’s initiative. “I am looking forward to sharing the WDC Chapter’s ‘boot camp’ format as a model for other chapters. Right away, I think it will be of great interest to the AICI Malaysia Chapter, as they have an upcoming education conference this June where they will be hosting the administration of the FLC Paper Test. Their FLC test event will be serving as a pilot for offering the FLC Paper Test in additional chapters. I am so excited to see chapters taking the lead in facilitating their members’ certification.” For more information and to register: WDC FLC Certification Boot Camp.


BE RECOGNIZED AT CONFERENCE To be acknowledged at the AICI Global Conference in August, FLC Binder submissions should be approved and FLC Tests should be passed by the end of June 2015. Learn more here.

DEADLINE: JUNE 30, 2015 The Association of Image Consultants International | 29






oanne Rae, AICI CIP, is reminiscing about her husband, their two daughters and herself, when they moved as a family in 1995 to the United States from South Africa. However, it soon becomes apparent that “adventure” and “derring-do” are natural strengths of this woman.

insight that Joanne brings to serving her clients.

“I was quite timid at that time. Moving from one country to another is daunting, and having worked in South Africa until the day before we flew to the United States, and then nothing, as I was not allowed to work for the first five years of living here…I became quite lost for a while, and had to find my mojo again.”

“It took me some time to gain the confidence I have now. I went to work for a large retailer when they opened here in Richmond, Virginia, and that really helped me understand the American customer and their spending habits. And I realized working there that there really was the discretionary income out there to support me [as an image consultant].”

Momentarily, it is hard to imagine this accomplished image consultant, founder of Younique Image Consulting, LLC, co-founder of The International Image Academy, former Board Secretary of the AICI Washington D.C. Chapter and current VP Finance on the international board of AICI, as being adrift and needing to find her confidence again. But then, isn’t that the process that all of us go through at some points in our life, as we reinvent ourselves? In fact, the experience of being a foreigner in the U.S. is an important aspect of the empathy and 30 | April 2015 magazine

“At first I struggled because people did not understand my accent – they kind of glazed over. It’s a very specific ‘look’ that is very noticeable – they stop listening and just go off to some faraway place.

It wasn’t a quick path to success and it was one “baby step” at a time, Joanne says. “I did everything on the cheap…so it took a few years to join AICI, for financial reasons. I joined in 2005 and wrote the first FLC exam offered at the conference in Atlanta, Georgia. I made such great friends there. We are still in touch. AICI has allowed me to expand my thinking and add new dimensions to my business.” When asked to name the key thing she did to make her business successful, Joanne didn’t hesitate.

“My mom is my hero. She’s always willing to push herself a little harder and out of her comfort zone in order to grow. I’m in awe of the strength it takes to start all over, to leave a career behind and build a new one, and to grow it into something that is not only meaningful but helps others to learn to grow themselves. We all strive to have lives and careers that are not only personally fulfilling but make a real difference in the lives of those we work with. My mom has done that. I can only hope to build a career, help raise a family and inspire my own children the way my mom has inspired me.” — KERITH RAE, DAUGHTER “I stopped listening to the advice of the so-called [business] experts on the minutia of running a business. ‘You have to get a PO box,’ ‘you have to get a separate phone line,’ ‘get a loan to get yourself up and running.’ Guess what? I started this business on my allowance that I got from my husband. Remember, I was not allowed to work yet in the U.S. I got $45 every two weeks. I became really creative with that small amount and that is how Younique Image was born and grew.”

me to be on the AICI International Board of Directors. I have learned so much… “I worked very diligently to learn the responsibilities of this role. I identified areas that we were falling short and made suggestions. This role has grown me

She encourages new image consultants to persevere and be patient. “Don’t give up, keep moving forward even if it is small baby steps. Sometimes a card you handed out two years ago will bring a phone call that you never expected. Never give up! Always talk about your business – not yourself, but your business. If your mouth is not open, your doors are not open. I talked about what I love to do and that enthusiasm is what really attracted people to Younique.”

“Always talk about your business – not yourself, but your business. If your mouth is not open, your doors are not open.” — JOANNE RAE And Joanne has continued to evolve her business. “In the past 14 years, I’ve rebranded three times. Right now I’m going through a period of softening. I guess that happens, as we get older. So my business branding is softening too.” Sometimes it is the things we don’t know how to do that make us grow. When asked about her role as VP Finance on the AICI International Board, Joanne laughed. “I really took this position not having any background in finance at all. I will be forever grateful to Cynthia Bronson, AICI CIP, and Marva Goldsmith for pushing The Association of Image Consultants International | 31

“We had a very sudden resignation of our management company…because of that change, we had to change the date of this upcoming conference, and that incurred significant unforeseen costs. And we had to research and select a new management company. All of these events came at us at once and it looked pretty bleak. I learned more in those three months than I can describe. We weren’t even sure we could afford a new management company. But we chose wisely, and with careful guidance from them [Ewald Consulting] and super-tight budgeting… we have managed to keep our heads above water! I am very frugal, as you can imagine, and I have certainly brought that to the Board, curbing any and all unnecessary spending. It does not always make me popular, but it is best for AICI.” Clearly that experience of starting her own business on $22.50 a week has served AICI well. Frugality doesn’t get in the way of accomplishing her goals, though. Joanne isn’t one of those people that are content with standing by and doing nothing. “You can effect change only if you are willing to step up. I have seen more growth and positive change in AICI in these four years as VP Finance than ever before. This International Board of Directors is so dialed in to the needs of the membership, and they are working very hard to listen and make things better for AICI as a whole. AICI is on a path to greatness – hang on because it is going to be a fantastic ride!” Now that’s a call to action worthy of a Musketeer.

as a person, and I encourage all AICI members to consider getting involved and serving on their chapter boards, and also the international board.” Joanne came onto the AICI International Board at a very challenging time in AICI’s history.

Susan Hesselgrave entered the field of image consulting in 2012, following a career in brand research and marketing. She serves as editor-inchief for AICI Global, and is currently writing a book exploring the intersection of values, identity and personal style.

“Today, AICI is experiencing a new era of a wonderful management company relationship, financial stability, increases in new member applications and renewals, exciting new fund development projects and a 25th anniversary conference that will be an incredible celebration of AICI’s achievements to date. All of this has been made possible because of Joanne Rae’s dedication to AICI.” — JANE SEAMAN, AICI CIP, AICI INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT

32 | April 2015 magazine



AICI MANAGEMENT TEAM As we approach the AICI 2015 Global Conference in August, plans are being carried out in fastidious detail by our professional management team. It takes many hands and years of shared expertise to put together an international event of this magnitude. Meet the talented individuals at Ewald Consulting who are translating the vision and plans of the AICI International Board and Conference Committee into the smoothly choreographed reality that you will experience this coming August in Washington, D.C. A heartfelt thanks to each of them for their behind-the-scenes wizardry! AICI’S NEW EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

ERIC EWALD Eric joined Ewald Consulting in 1994 and is a partner with the firm. He earned his MBA from the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota, where he was a double major in entrepreneurship and strategic management. Eric is the General Manager of Ewald Consulting’s Chicago office and is Ewald’s lead facilitator for governance workshops and strategic planning engagements. Eric is a BoardSource Certified Governance Trainer. He joined this select group of expert trainers after completing a rigorous application and certification process and is now certified to deliver BoardSource’s signature nonprofit governance trainings. Eric’s experience over 22 years in association management includes governance practices, strategic planning, finance, membership development and lobbying. He served as Chairman of the Midwest Society of Association Executives (MSAE) Board of Directors in 2011–2012 and is an active member of the American Society of Association Executives and the Association Management Company Institute. He earned his Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation in 1999.


> Eric financed his entire undergraduate education by working in Alaska each summer processing salmon. > He lived in Hungary for a year teaching high school English. > He is a competitive downhill ski racer.

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GIGI JABER Gigi joined Ewald Consulting in 2014. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in secondary education and has extensive experience as an executive assistant to senior-level executives, working on various projects. Gigi has previously worked with nonprofit organizations and loves being able to contribute her strengths and skills to helping such organizations grow their business. She had the opportunity to live abroad in the West Bank and calls it a wonderful experience. Gigi is fluent in Arabic and Hebrew. She does a great deal of volunteer work with organizations that focus on bringing peace to the Middle East and absolutely loves devoting her spare time to that.


> Most people do not know that Gigi is a licensed makeup artist and received her certification in Beirut, Lebanon.


AMANDA EWALD Amanda received her first paycheck from Ewald Consulting at the age of 10 for stuffing envelopes. She graduated from envelopes to a variety of internships during high school and while attending St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota. She graduated from St. Olaf with a BA degree in economics and a concentration in finance and management. Amanda became the first third-generation Ewald to work full-time at the company when she was hired in 2007 as Operations Manager.


> Amanda likes to spend time with family (including her husband and dog). She enjoys running, cooking, reading and fishing.


CHRIS SWANSON Chris Swanson joined Ewald Consulting in 2006. Previously, she worked at Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis.

FUN FACTS: > Chris is a licensed massage therapist. (Good to know if you are getting stressed out about your AICI Certification Portfolio!) 34 | April 2015 magazine


ERIN BABARSKIS Erin joined Ewald Consulting as a Meeting Planner in 2014. She received her Certified Meeting Planner designation in 2014 and has been planning events for over 10 years. She has experience planning events in both the corporate and association worlds, previously holding positions at Foley & Lardner LLP and the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS). She is an active member of the MPI Chicago Area Chapter and currently co-chairs the Annual Awards Recognition Gala Committee. Erin is a graduate of DePaul University with a BS in management and marketing. She is married with two children, and resides in the suburbs of Chicago.


> Erin is a dancer of traditional Irish dance.


PAUL HANSCOM Paul joined Ewald Consulting in 2004. Previously, Paul worked in project management and implementation for various companies, nonprofits and government institutions, including the Bretton Woods Committee, the Customer Relationship Management Unit of the International Trade Administration, and the Latin American Network Project of Casa de la Paz. He is experienced in monitoring and evaluation, strategic planning, sponsorship development and volunteer engagement. Paul holds an MA degree in international development from the American University and a double BA degree. Paul serves as adjunct faculty in the Business Administration Program at Saint Paul College, St. Paul, Minnesota. His writing on membership development and stakeholder analysis has been published in Nonprofit News and AssociationsNow magazine. He has served on the board of directors for the Midwest International NGO Network, Corcoran Neighborhood Organization, and the Saint Anthony Park Community Council. Paul has been a featured speaker at state, regional, and national conferences, presenting on volunteer engagement and board leadership. Paul earned the designation of Certified Association Executive (CAE) in 2008 and in 2011 he received the CAI National Rising Star Award.


> Most people don’t know that Paul speaks Spanish and has spent time living, studying and vacationing abroad in 10 different Spanish-speaking countries.

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KATHIE PUGACZEWSKI Kathie joined Ewald Consulting in 2005 and served previously as the Vice President of Communication and Technology. She has more than 25 years of association management experience, with a focus on technology/data platform strategy, marketing communications, conference management, continuing education and certification programs. Before joining Ewald Consulting, Kathie worked for the Midwest Association of Association Executives (MSAE) as Marketing Director and the Builders Association of Minnesota as Executive Vice President. She has a Bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Minnesota and completed the Institute for Organization Management at the University of Notre Dame. In December 2003, she earned her CAE designation. In March 2009, she earned her Certified Meeting Planner (CMP) designation.


> Kathie has run three marathons and dozens of half marathons. She writes a blog and lives with her two best friends — Molly, a Samoyed, and Lily, a golden retriever.


EMILY FAIRALL Emily graduated from Northern Illinois University with a Bachelor of Arts in communication, with an emphasis in media studies. She was on the executive board of the Public Relations Student Society of America and interned at various companies in Sycamore during her time as a student.


> Emily loves movie and television trivia.


JESSICA GILL Jessica joined Ewald Consulting in 2006. She has been involved in marketing and desktop publishing, website development, database management, event planning, member and committee relations, and program development for a variety of our association clients. Jessica is a graduate of Carroll College in southwest Montana with BA degrees in communications and public relations. She is involved in the Helena Young Professionals group (HYP) and the Montana Society of Association Executives.

FUN FACTS: 36 | April 2015 magazine

> Jessica is a giant fan of the TV show, Dr. Who.


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3 STEPS TO CREATING AND DELIVERING EFFECTIVE WEBINARS Cathy Liska, Center for Coaching Certification AICI Credits: .1 AICI CEUs COST: $180 AICI Members/$234 Non-Members April 9, 2015, 11:00am EST — NEW YORK In this AICI CEU Webinar session, you will: • Use PowerPoint tips when creating PowerPoint presentations • Apply content tips when developing presentations • List considerations when choosing a technology for online classes • Name the 6 tips for engaging an audience For more information, visit: 3 Steps to Creating and Delivering Effective Webinars

PRINCIPIOS BÁSICOS DE LOS TEXTILES … QUE TODO PROFESIONAL DE LA IMAGEN DEBE CONOCER Karina Deninotti, Be Who April 10, 2015, 12:00pm CST — MEXICO–GUADALAJARA La clase está orientada a proporcionar un conocimiento general sobre los textiles partiendo de las fibras y los hilados. Se tocará el tema de los procesos de acabado, los cuales son escenciales a la hora de considerar cualidades, costos y durabilidad de las telas. Se hablará de las nuevas tecnologías textiles, actuales y venideras. Lo que aprenderá: • Poder diferenciar las fibras naturales de las artificiales. • Valorar las ventajas y desventajas de las mismas. • Reconocer el valor final, según los diferentes procesos de acabado. • Informarse de las novedades en la industría textil. For more information, visit: Principios Basicos de los Textiles 38 | April 2015 magazine

THE ART OF CLOSING THE SALE Linda Barrett, All the Buzz April 16, 2015, 12:00pm EST — NEW YORK Getting in front of a potential customer is one thing. Walking away with the sale is another. Learn tips and techniques to closing the sale, and even increasing your sales price through upselling. We will share information about how to win over your prospect, recognize buying signals, prepare for and present your offer, and look for opportunities to add value. We will also talk about the major mistakes many salespeople make and how to avoid them, why listening is more important than talking, and how to get your prospects to practically talk themselves into the sale. You Will Learn: • What to bring and how to present your offer • When do I ask for the order? How to tell when the prospect is ready to buy • Why you should never discount; increase your sale instead • Common mistakes salespeople make and how to avoid them • Overcoming fear of rejection For more information, visit: The Art of Closing the Sale

The Association of Image Consultants International | 39


IN AICI GLOBAL MAGAZINE! REACH THOUSANDS OF AICI MEMBERS AND OTHER INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS WORLDWIDE AND BOOST YOUR EARNING POTENTIAL. OUR READERS ARE LOOKING FOR: Color Systems Body Styling Training Industry-Related Books & Magazines Multi-level and Network Marketing Opportunities Business Tools Continuing Education Units for AICI certification Health and Beauty Products Professional Development Workshops & Webinars Hotel & Travel Services Website Design and Support Career Coaches Sales Tools Clothing & Accessories CONTACT IMOGEN LAMPORT AT IMOGEN@AOPI.COM.AU FOR CURRENT AD RATES AND DEADLINES. NEXT ISSUE: JULY 2015




















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