AICI Global April 2016

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AICI BOARD OF DIRECTORS President – Jane Seaman, AICI CIP Secretary – Lucy Liang, AICI CIP Treasurer – Chris Fulkerson, AICI CIP, FFS VP Certification – Joanne Rae, AICI CIP VP Conference – Cecilia Stoeckicht, AICI CIP VP Education – Keiko Nagao, AICI CIC VP Business Development – Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP VP Marketing – Coca Sevilla, AICI CIP VP Human Resources – Melissa Sugulas, AICI CIC Executive Director – Eric Ewald, CAE Assistant Executive Director – Gigi Jaber

AICI HEADQUARTERS 1000 Westgate Drive, Ste. 252 St. Paul, MN 55114-1067 Phone: 651-290-7468 Fax: 651-290-2266

UNCONVENTIONAL. EXTRAORDINARY. REVOLUTIONARY. “A lot of business ideas are born from the same mentality. We make assumptions about what people want based on what we think we know to be true, rather than on what could be. We resist trying to deviate too far from the expected norms because the price of failure feels too high. We choose safety over the extraordinary. We do the done thing because that’s what has the least chance of being an outright failure.” — Bernadette Jiwa, Meaningful: The Stories of Ideas That Fly In this issue you will find stories of image professionals who challenged conventional thinking about who an image consultant is, those an image consultant serves, or how an image consultant works. They reimagined their practice in ways that suited the clients they encountered. In many cases, the inspiration comes from their personal life story, such as for Stefania Rolandelli and her experience suffering from an eating disorder. For Ginger Burr, an initial “no” turned into a rewarding and profitable “yes.” For business innovator Hue & Stripe, invention was sparked by a “pain point.” Why should it be so hard to find the right dress in the right color? The result is a tool that might revolutionize how you conduct your business. The world is changing, perhaps faster than we can manage. So the answers may lie not in doing it all well, or even doing it all, but in finding the facet of your business that you connect with in a special way, and then taking a path that is uniquely yours. We know that one size does not fit all! Our profession is needed now more than ever, as individuals from all walks of life and different parts of the world struggle with personal identity and a balanced life in the maelstrom of these forces of change. My hope is that you will find inspiration for yourself and your business in these pages. Susan Hesselgrave, AICI CIC Editor in Chief

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Issue 14 EDITOR IN CHIEF Susan Hesselgrave, AICI CIC


ASSOCIATE EDITORS Donna Cameron Shaunda Durham-Thompson Zakiya Mills-Francois Stefania Rolandelli Joan Van Allen Thea Wood, AICI CIC

FEATURED CONTRIBUTORS Donna Cameron Susan Hesselgrave, AICI CIC Pamela Judd, AICI CIP Carla Mathis, AICI CIM Susanna Murray, Psy.D.

Judith Rasband, AICI CIM Stefania Rolandelli Jane Seaman, AICI CIP Thea Wood, AICI CIC

PROOFREADERS Bernie Burson, AICI CIC Kimara Lagace

LAYOUT Limb Design AICI GLOBAL is produced quarterly by Association of Image Consultants International, a nonprofit dedicated to advancing the level of professionalism and enhancing the recognition of image consultants. AICI GLOBAL promotes AICI’s ideas, activities, interests and goals to its members. Responsibility is not assumed for the opinions of writers or other articles. AICI GLOBAL does not endorse or guarantee the products and services it advertises. 2016© Association of Image Consultants International. All rights reserved. No part of this online publication may be duplicated or reproduced without permission from the publisher. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of information included in the magazine at the time of publication, the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising from errors or omissions.

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FEATURE The Recovery of Self: Eating Disorders and Image Consulting Part 1: Rediscovering Myself...................... 8 Part 2: A Delicate Role............................. 12 Working with Religious Clients ...................... 14 Expressing the Woman Inside ........................ 16 Expressive Image Therapy.............................. 20 Empowering Clients with Disabilities............. 23 What Does a Vegan Wear?............................... 25

Inside This Issue

PRESIDENT’S LETTER................................. 7



MASTER INSIGHTS The Psychology of Style.................................. 28



BUSINESS A Horse of a Different Hue.............................. 30 Member Spotlight: Caleela McEniery.............. 34



BETWEEN US FLC Name Change Announced....................... 36 Upcoming Events............................................ 37 AICI International Board Candidates............... 38

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or this edition our incredible editorial team set out to explore some of the unconventional “niches” that consultants have been able to serve. As they delved further into their journalistic investigations, an interesting and compelling subtext began to emerge in all of the stories: the success of the consultant resided in their ability to see their client as authentically beautiful, as “normal and acceptable” in their own right. Across the spectrum of clients, the desire to be seen as attractive, acceptable and beautiful was a universal need. The ability to serve a client’s particular needs rests in our capacity to see the client’s authentic beauty, uncompromised, and without prejudice. Beauty is inherent in revealing ourselves to each other, and we bring out the beauty in another by truly seeing them as perfectly whole just as they are. If we, the consultant, can truly see our client’s beauty then we can help them embrace it and express it.


The Authentic Beauty UnCompromised campaign is for AICI to speak that truth. It’s our role to voice that ‘perfection’ is not the sole aspect of beauty and that we each come from a unique mold with something wonderful to offer. Our goal as consultants is not to make people seem younger, more beautiful or to cover flaws, but to have people abundantly confident and comfortable in their own skin. At the 2015 AICI Global Conference, we heard Sarah Brummitt and Sue Donnelly proclaiming that we can make a choice not to stick to the “old rules” – rules that said disability was a liability, rules that pushed us towards eating disorders, rules that locked us into strict gender identities, rules that dictated one way is right and all other ways wrong! We, as a profession, can open our arms and embrace a larger reality to empower individuals and play a role in creating a kinder world. I encourage you, take a moment, read and ponder the inspiring stories in this issue of our AICI GLOBAL magazine. I am so proud to be part of an association that quietly, maybe too quietly, touches the lives of so many people in such an uplifting way. I think this wonderful quote from Elaine Dalton sums it up: “If you desire to make a difference in the world, you must be different from the world.”


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traordinario è il mondo visto alla luce del sole, ma ho dovuto raccogliere tutto il mio coraggio per affrontare le mie paure e gestire tanta confusione e tanta immensità dopo essere stata rinchiusa per ben 12 anni nel tunnel dell’anoressia/bulimia dove ho perso i confini del mio corpo e ho misurato tutto nella mente. Non è una malattia, ma un vero e proprio disordine che nasce nell’anima, imprigiona la mente e annulla il corpo. Non voglio parlare del perchè: molti già ne parlano e ognuno ha la sua storia. Qui con voi vorrei parlare della rinascita che non si riduce al singolo gesto di afferrare una forchetta, ma si tratta di liberare e ricostruire un’identità che è strettamente legata a delle sensazioni, a delle emozioni, a dei sogni che deve riuscire ad esprimere attraverso la sua immagine che è fatta anche del suo corpo.

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Io il mio corpo non lo trovavo, sembra assurdo, ma era così; vestirmi era un incubo perchè non riuscivo a capire quale fosse il confine tra la mia pelle e il tessuto, e i colori mi spaventavano perchè erano più forti di me. Per non commettere errori con me stessa mi rifugiavo nella mia divisa, jeans e maglia entrambi neri, ma non mi arrendevo: io ero di più e volevo imparare il linguaggio che mi permettesse di raccontarmi in maniera autentica e coerente. UN PERCORSO DIFFICILE Non mi bastava la moda in sè, non mi bastavano i consigli degli amici, non mi bastavano i complimenti delle commesse, non mi bastava il “mi piace,” o il “non mi piace.” Volevo il perchè di quell’armonia talmente intima ed esclusiva che si creava tra chi ero e ciò che indossavo

oppure l’esatto contrario, ossia quella sensazione di fastidio ed intolleranza, in primis verso me stessa, perchè mi sentivo soffocare da ciò che indossavo.

E quando sono riuscita a dare un senso al mio percorso ho deciso di farne la mia nuova professione perchè ci credo, credo fermamente nella trasformazione totalizzante che abbraccia la persona per quello che è, rispettando il suo sè più autentico, fortificando i suoi sogni e i suoi obiettivi e valorizzando il suo aspetto.

Io il mio corpo non lo trovavo, sembra assurdo, ma era così; vestirmi era un incubo perchè non riuscivo a capire quale fosse il confine tra la mia pelle e il tessuto, e i colori mi spaventavano perchè erano più forti di me.

Da lì è nata la mia instancabile ricerca di chi mi potesse aiutare a dare una risposta al mio bisogno di capire e per caso, nell’estate del 2011, ho trovato un brevissimo articolo su un giornale che parlava di consulenza di immagine: mi sono messa subito in gioco e ho affrontato questa nuova sfida con me stessa non da cliente, ma da studentessa perchè volevo avere la piena libertà di sperimentare su me stessa ciò che mi veniva insegnato, letteralmente provarlo sulla mia pelle, davanti allo specchio e dentro il mio armadio.

UN TOCCO DELICATO Quando e come la nostra figura di consulenti di immagine gioca un ruolo importante nella vita di queste persone straordinarie?

Sicuramente nel momento della loro rinascita, quando accettano di guardarsi allo specchio alla disperata ricerca di qualcosa di bello. In quel momento devono avere la sicurezza che chi le accompagna nel loro cammino sappia ascoltare i loro silenzi, i loro sguardi e i loro gesti.

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Sicuramente nel momento della loro rinascita, quando accettano di guardarsi allo specchio alla disperata ricerca di qualcosa di bello. In quel momento devono avere la sicurezza che chi le accompagna nel loro cammino sappia ascoltare i loro silenzi, i loro sguardi e i loro gesti. Ci si deve mettere in sintonia con loro, con i loro tempi, con le loro esitazioni, con le loro paure irrazionali; dobbiamo lasciarle libere di provare, sperimentare, sbagliare. Un po’ per volta e non tutto insieme perchè altrimenti si sentirebbero sopraffatte e sconfitte perchè vivono la loro immagine a livelli talmente intimi da conoscerne il fascino e il potere forse più di noi. Facciamoci raccontare cosa vedono e cosa provano, facciamoci guidare nel gioco dei “se” che apre ad infinite possibilità e riflessioni, non isoliamoci in regole e tecnicismi, non focalizziamoci troppo sul corpo, non cerchiamo di convincerle, non guardiamole con i nostri occhi, lasciamo che il loro sguardo abbia la libertà di tradurre

in parole i pensieri e le emozioni che le travolgono mentre osservano colori, tessuti, abbinamenti, accessori. Non cadiamo nell’errore di lasciarci sfuggire il “secondo me” o “se osservi bene” oppure “guardati” o “prova” o “non è possibile”, non facciamo paragoni, non esaltiamo la loro magrezza, lasciamole sbagliare nella scelta della taglia, lasciamole pasticciare con il trucco, lasciamole libere di esprimersi perchè è l’atto più liberatorio e sincero che ci permetterà di avvicinarci a loro. STEFANIA ROLANDELLI, Fashion Feng Shui® Facilitator e Corporate Image Consultant, lavora a Bologna, in Italia, e fa parte del team editoriale di AICI Global.



xtraordinary is the world if you can see it in the sunlight. But I have had to take my courage in both hands in order to face my fears and manage such immense self-confusion after having suffered with anorexia/bulimia for 12 years of my life, a period when

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I lost the boundaries of my body and I measured everything in my mind. This is not an illness, but a real disorder that issues from the soul, traps the mind and wipes out the body. I

do not want to write about “why.” Many people already talk about it and we all have our own story. My words here focus on the recovery that does not end with the mere gesture of picking up a fork, but must continue by rescuing and pulling together an identity which is bound to feelings, emotions and dreams that must be expressed in an image that also consists of a physical body. I could not find my body. It may sound strange but it was so. Getting dressed was a nightmare because I could not feel the border between my skin and the fabric, and I was scared by colors because they were stronger than me. In order not to make any mistakes with myself, I found refuge in my uniform: black jeans and black top. But I did not want to give up. I was more than that uniform, and I wanted to learn the language of clothing that enabled me to tell my story authentically and consistently. A DIFFICULT PATH I was not satisfied with fashion for the sake of itself, I was not happy with the suggestions of my friends, even the courtesy of the shop assistants did not work for me. Just saying “I like it” or “I don’t like it” was not a compelling reason for me. I wanted to understand what caused such an intimate and exclusive harmony between who I was at my core and what I was wearing… or the direct opposite, the feeling of irritation and intolerance, mainly against myself, because I felt suffocated by what I was wearing.

myself not as client, but as student. Because I wanted to be free to test on myself what I was taught, literally try it on my own skin, in front of the mirror and inside my closet. When I succeeded in attaching this meaning to my path, I decided to make it my new profession because I believe in its power. I firmly believe in the all-absorbing transformation that embraces an individual as she/he is naturally—fulfilling her/his authentic self, empowering her/his dreams and goals and enhancing her/his beauty. A GENTLE TOUCH When and how can we, as image consultants, play this important role in the lives of these extraordinary people? Certainly we can help when they are recovering, when they are ready to look at themselves in the mirror, desperately striving for something beautiful. In that moment, they must be sure that whoever walks with them is able to listen to their silence, to their eyes and to their gestures.

I could not find my body. It may sound strange but it was so. Getting dressed was a nightmare because I could not feel the border between my skin and the fabric, and I was scared by colors because they were stronger than me.

This is how I started my untiring search for someone who could help me answer my need to understand. By chance, in the summer of 2011, I ran into a very short article about image consulting. I immediately put myself on the line and answered this new challenge to

We have to be attuned to them, with their timing, with their hesitations, with their irrational fears. We must let them be free to try, to experiment, to make mistakes. This happens little by little, and not in one go. Too fast, and they could feel overwhelmed and defeated because they inhabit their own image so deeply, they are aware of its appeal and of its power far more than we.

Let them tell us what they see and feel, let them guide us in the game of “if” that opens to endless possibilities and reflections. Do not box ourselves into rules and technicalities, do not focus on the body, do not try to persuade them. Do not look at them with our eyes, let their eyes be free to put into words the thoughts and

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the emotions that carry them away while they look at colors, fabrics, combinations, accessories. Do not overstep by letting slip “in my opinion,” or “if you look closely,” or “look at you,” or “try,” or “it is not possible.” Do not make comparisons; do not emphasize their thinness. Let them make mistakes when choosing size, let them mess about with make-up, let them be free to express themselves… because this is the more liberating and true act that will help us getting closer them. STEFANIA ROLANDELLI, Fashion Feng Shui® Facilitator and Corporate Image Consultant, is based in Bologna, Italy, and serves as associate editor for AICI Global.

Certainly we can help when they are recovering, when they are ready to look at themselves in the mirror, desperately striving for something beautiful. In that moment, they must be sure that whoever walks with them is able to listen to their silence, to their eyes and to their gestures.


In the United States it is estimated that there are 10 million women and 1 million men suffering from eating disorders. This means that the possibility that among your clients you have women or men with these issues is rather high.


e are often used to picturing eating disorders as an illness characterized by extreme thinness, self-caused vomiting and the desire of being thinner. To be honest, these are only stereotypes that do not explain the complexity of a disorder connected with food and body. Eating disorders split into three main typologies: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating. Individuals suffering from anorexia often have a twisted perception of their physical image and see themselves fatter than how they really are, and they go through a strong rejection of food. Bulimia is characterized by eating excessive amounts of food, often between meals, and subsequent

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behavior aimed at expelling the ingested food and calories (vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, etc.). Binge eating is characterized by compulsive overeating, without purging. According to statistics, in the United States only a very small percentage of anorexia/bulimia patients receives appropriate treatment, because it is not easy for these patients to admit to have an eating disorder and embark on a therapeutic treatment. On the other hand, 43% of binge eating patients ask for help. Perhaps because excess weight is a less censured topic from the point of view of mental health and can also be linked to other organic diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular problems, high cholesterol levels, respiratory diseases, etc.).

Notwithstanding the long duration of the therapeutic and rehabilitative treatment, patients who suffer from eating disorders can recover with the right intervention. It is essential to go to qualified centers and/or professionals, who work as a team, so that a multidisciplinary plan of support is guaranteed, having various professionals involved: psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, nutritionist, expressive therapist and family therapist. The therapeutic aids do have to complement each other so that the patient can work on different aspects besides the psychological and nutritional, finding new expressive channels in arts therapy and body techniques. At the same time it is necessary for many patients to also involve their family in a therapeutic family intervention. Although the eating disorder manifests itself in dysfunctional dietary habits and a confused perception of the self physical image, both food and body are only signs that imply a deeper discomfort bound up with the relationship with self and others. The image consultant plays a very delicate role when entering into the intimate world of the client, a world of desires, fears and mental representations of self. Therefore it is necessary to be conscious, as professionals, of encountering the distinct possibility of working with individuals who have a difficult relationship with their body image.

It could be very useful to cooperate with a psychotherapist, assisting as image consultant, focusing on the creative and expressive resources of the client. It is essential that the image consultant never invade the heart of the psychological discomfort of the client, in order not to be assailed with problems that must be solved in a therapeutic environment. In the United States it is estimated that there are 10 million women and 1 million men suffering from eating disorders. This means that the possibility that among your clients you have women or men with these issues is rather high. However, unless we are confronted with visibly serious obesity or with severe thinness, it is quite difficult to understand who suffers from these disorders. When in doubt it’s better to refrain from passing comments and even compliments on the physicality of the client because the latter could interpret them as judgments.

When in doubt it’s better to refrain from passing comments and even compliments on the physicality of the client because the latter could interpret them as judgments.

The most important thing is to avoid opinions or advice, such as, “You would look great if you gained some weight,” “You’re right, you’re a little bit overweight, why don’t you try to go to a dietician or to start gym?” These clients need to be supported in their work with their own image and with their own closet. This means that it’s always good to listen to their desires, and also to their fears. Give them the possibility to freely experience their own image through colors and fabrics, without forcing them, indeed we should let them free to march to their own beat.

SUSANNA MURRAY, PSY.D., is a licensed psychologist and image consultant based in Pesaro, Italy. She specializes in fashion psychology and personal image communication. She can be reached at |

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ften stereotypical images come to mind when we think about people who adhere to religious dress codes. Those preconceptions can get in the way of recognizing that among adherents of virtually every faith, there are individuals wanting and needing our services as image consultants.

enth Day Adventist also. For them, they prefer to work with me as I am familiar with their specific needs.”

“When you study image consulting, makeup and jewelry play a major part in the ‘complete’ look. When working with SDA clients, I get to be very creative in that I show clients how they can look their best without excessive makeup or any jewelry.”

While she has ties to the SDA community, Mills-Francois draws a distinction between her professional role and her church membership. “When doing business, there is the respect that I am working, so our personal connections don’t play any role in our professional dealings.”

Zakiya Mills-Francois, an AICI image consultant based in the Caribbean, works with Seventh Day Adventist Christians and is a Seventh Day Adventist herself. She has a polished, gracious and inviting presence. It was only after she mentioned the restrictions around makeup and jewelry in this interview that I realized in all our in-person conversations at the AICI International Conference last August, I had never noticed her restrained personal use of accessories.

She credits her positivity and poise with attracting her clients to work with her. “Many individuals have expressed that I’ve encouraged them to want to look and feel their best, because of how I project my own self image. They therefore feel very confident that I can transform them from ordinary to extraordinary without compromising their principles.”

Her religious affiliation definitely plays a role in her ease in working with religious clients. “They want to look their best without looking overdone or flashy. Most of them believe in natural beauty and want to enhance what they have naturally. SDA Christians approach me directly when they find out that I am a Sev-

Working with SDA clients has forced Mills-Francois to rethink some of her training. “When you study image consulting, makeup and jewelry play a major part in the ‘complete’ look. When working with SDA clients, I get to be very creative in that I show clients how they can look their best without excessive makeup or any

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jewelry. When I dress my SDA clients, even though they are not wearing any earrings, necklaces, rings, etc., they are amazed at how ‘complete’ they look without those items.” “Seventh Day Adventist clients differ in that they do not believe in the use of makeup, jewelry or wearing of immodest wear. The only major difference with my other clientele is that my SDA clients are not concerned about the different makeup color options, as they prefer a natural look. Surprisingly though, the other clientele that I attract, that are not SDA, also want a more natural look and modest way of dress. I guess I attract a particular type of client based on the way that I am.” She brings her entire skill set to working with SDA clients. “I love working with these clients because it brings out my creativity with fabric choices and clothing styles. We work heavily on behavior and communication skills also so that they have a complete package. In looking at them, it will not stand out that they are not wearing jewelry or wearing excessive makeup.”

She relishes the challenge of bringing them to the realization that they can look and feel extraordinary without compromising their principles. I asked Mills-Francois if there were any particular difficulties in working with SDA clients. “I don’t have any difficulty, but clients sometimes feel overwhelmed by the compliments that they get after their image improvement sessions. Although the changes are subtle, the way they carry themselves is so different that people take notice. This can be overwhelming for someone who previously never wanted to be noticed.” However, she noted, they soon get comfortable with their new look and the compliments that follow!

SUSAN HESSELGRAVE, AICI CIC, is an independent image consultant based in Seattle, Washington. She serves as editor in chief for AICI Global, and is currently writing a book exploring the intersection of values, identity and personal style.

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hen Ginger Burr started her image consulting business 29 years ago, hardly anyone knew what an image consultant did. Women didn’t naturally think of hiring an image consultant. “People thought that only wealthy people and celebrities would use this type of service.” But a “regular” clientele is what Burr was targeting for her business. So it was by happenstance that she became aware of the need for image consulting services among transgender women. “I first started working with transgender clients 29 years ago. Right at the start of my career. Not by design.

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Let me explain. When I started, I didn’t know anything about how to get the word out… I had no clue about how to market my business. I had placed an ad with WGBH (our local public TV station’s magazine). I didn’t really get any results, but the one thing that came out of that ad, was one person called me. She explained her situation as a transgender woman, saying ‘I don’t know how to dress. Can you help me?’ I was just starting out, and I didn’t think I would be able to serve her well. This hadn’t been a part of my training! So I told her, ‘No, I’m sorry, I don’t know how to do that.’ Well, a couple of weeks later she called me again. And this time, she convinced me that maybe I could help her. I said,

‘Yes, but realize, I’ll be learning right along with you.’ The first thing we did was color analysis and makeup. And I realized right away, she resembled every other client I had worked with. Her issues, her desires were the same as all my clients. To look attractive and feminine, and feel comfortable in her clothes.” Burr notes that it was a very different climate in the United States for transgender individuals back then. “A lot of the transgender clients, when they called, they wouldn’t give me real names, or a phone number, and there were no email addresses. Once in awhile they would get very fearful and not call back. They were very, very, very brave souls. They didn’t know what they were walking into. The world was not trans-friendly. And at the beginning, I did not go forward looking for more transgender clients.”

The timing of working with an image consultant is critical for transgender clients. “I’ve had clients come to me, they think they’re ready, they buy the makeup and the clothes, and then a few weeks or months later, someone in their family makes a comment, and they panic and they throw it all away. You don’t want that to happen. They’re vulnerable. [This setback] can be devastating for them. Because they’ve dreamed of this for so long.”

“And I realized right away, she resembled every other client I had worked with. Her issues, her desires were the same as all my clients. To look attractive and feminine, and feel comfortable in her clothes.”

But her awareness of the need for her services grew. “About five years after that first client, I thought, this is a population of people who have nowhere to turn.” She formulated a strategic marketing plan to specifically reach out to transgender clients. “I started researching gender therapists and voice coaches in my area. I sent them all a letter, explaining what I did and how I could help. Within a week, I had heard from every single one of these professionals. The responses were very positive: ‘I will be happy to share your information, you’re exactly what we’ve needed.’ I started getting referrals from the therapists and the voice coaches.” Burr notes that not only were therapists a great avenue to reach transgender clients, this was also an effective screening method. “It was more possible that the people who were coming to me were ready.” “Because sometimes people [coming to me on their own] were not. There were so many other issues going on for them. It was too early in their transition, or there were medical, psychological, family, or legal things they were dealing with.”

“I always ask if they have a gender therapist. And then I ask them to give me a little bit of history. 90 percent of my transgender clients are over 40, with many in their sixties and seventies. I do have a couple of younger clients in their twenties. They’re usually coming to me because of their mothers, who are worried about them being out there, the hate crimes that happen in college.”

Questions Burr asks are very familiar ones, but the answers tell her where a potential client is in their journey: Do you have a wardrobe? Are you dressing (in women’s clothing)? Do you regularly do your makeup? What about your hair? Do you shop in stores or only online? “I also ask, have you started hormones? Because that makes a difference.” She explains that it is important to determine what her client is looking for. “I ask, what is your goal? Is it to feel feminine, look attractive, or is it to ‘pass.’ Those are very different goals.” Burr usually starts with a makeup session, as it gives her the opportunity to meet them in person. “When I can see them, it gives me volumes of information. Some don’t want to send pictures to me.” The makeup session is low key, private and gives the client a chance to interact with her. Burr will also do a color analysis if the client has already decided on what hair color and style she likes, has purchased the wig, and is wearing it regularly. Transgender women are navigating a path that can be very unfamiliar and confusing. “They may be dressing

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way too young. Or way too matronly. They often go to their interpretation of what femininity is, which can be exaggerated and media-driven. For instance, the idea that all women love shopping, or chatting. They are just learning what the experience of being feminine really is.”

“They may be dressing way too young. Or way too matronly. They often go to their interpretation of what femininity is, which can be exaggerated and media-driven.” Shopping with her transgender clients is something Burr really enjoys. “I take them the same places I shop with everyone else. The time it gets more challenging is when someone is six feet tall. There is actually near me a place where I can take my clients to find breast forms, any extra padding they want. And get them really beautiful wigs. I take my clients anywhere I want to take them.” She is, however, sensitive to the special concerns her transgender clients often face. “One client I have needs to maintain a fairly low profile. I shop with her at home.” Expressing oneself can have consequences for employment, family members and social circles. “There are other people involved in all of these decisions.” Burr is enthusiastic about her work with her transgender clients. “There is a club here called the Tiffany Club. This is a private group for transgender people, where they can feel safe. I did a presentation there a million years ago. I was talking with the woman who invited me to speak there, and she said, ‘Be careful, you’re going to think we’re normal.’ ‘Too late,’ I told her. ‘I already do.’” “I automatically see the woman inside,” she concludes. “While this is a vulnerable clientele, I find the work rewarding and fun. The transformations can be remarkable.” If you want to work with transgender people, Burr stresses, “You do have to feel really comfortable with this community.”

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“I automatically see the woman inside.”

SUSAN HESSELGRAVE, AICI CIC, is an independent image consultant based in Seattle, Washington. She serves as editor in chief for AICI Global, and is currently writing a book exploring the intersection of values, identity and personal style.

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t the 2015 AICI Conference, each Certified Image Master was invited to the podium to share something of how she became involved in the image industry. There were shared memories of youthful interests in image-related topics, hobbies, or concerns, along with the strong desire to help others with image problems. Faces from my own youth arose in my mind. I remembered Allan, a boy who was slow of speech, wore shabby clothing, and was always left out. I could see Corrine, a girl whose locker was next to mine, who wore mismatched clothing, and was not asked out on dates. Then there was Sue, who was overweight, whose clothes didn’t fit, and who was continually teased. I had

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wanted to help them, but how? Then I did not know how. When I heard my name called and walked to the conference podium, I was to the point of tears with the weight of emotion welling up in my chest and throat. I still hurt for those people, but now I knew how to help. And at that moment, in front of so many of you, I realized overwhelmingly, the degree to which I am doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing with my life. I’d come to AICI Conference 2015 to present a brand new avenue for image consultants and image management services, expressive image therapy. This is a new field of image expertise I have defined

and developed to help those whose image, image attitude, or image issues prevent them from taking part in life fully or effectively. A NEW MODALITY Expressive image therapy is the newest modality to join the expressive therapies already being offered and practiced in mental health treatment. You may be familiar with art therapy, music therapy or drama therapy, among the expressive therapies now practiced to achieve therapeutic goals. Major goals in expressive image therapy are to improve or restore a client’s ability to function effectively and to increase his or her sense of personal well-being,

with potential to speed the process of psychotherapy. BEYOND TRADITION While talk therapy is the standard mode of expression in psychotherapy and counseling, expressive image therapy incorporates new forms of self-expression, namely clothing and grooming. This is an action-oriented method of communication, adding the hands-on, everyday action of dressing and grooming to the process of psychotherapy. Client experiences are very memorable and sensory-driven in nature, be it visual, tactile, or auditory—allowing the brain to establish new, more productive, and corrective patterns of thinking and behaving.

For some mental health clients, self-expression through dress and grooming may be a corrective experience on its own, much as we experience with our current image consulting clients. For all, the experience of clothing selection, styling, dressing, and grooming can energize clients, allowing them to more fully concentrate on issues, adaptive behaviors, and goals. Seldom used as the primary form of treatment, expressive image therapy assists clients in moving beyond their preconceived perceptions or beliefs about themselves by experiencing new ways of communication and practical ways to try out creative solutions and transformation. Added to that, it’s a lot of fun!


n expressive image therapy, clients are guided by a licensed

image therapist or certified image specialist in the use of clothing and accessories, grooming, and body language, including etiquette, to: RE-DIRECT attention and focus INCREASE self-awareness and exploration EXAMINE thinking and feelings WORK OUT emotional conflicts EXAMINE behavior BETTER MANAGE behavior INCREASE self-esteem or sense of self worth REDUCE anxiety and emotional stress INCREASE social skills IMPROVE reality orientation

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Expressive image therapists and specialists are agents of change. We invite and encourage clients to engage in a process of selfexploration and self-expression with the objective of communicating thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and experiences in ways not always accomplished with words alone. Dress and grooming become additional modes of communication. The process enhances the clients’ ability to quickly communicate in creative and unique ways that are relevant, authentic, and effective. Image therapists and specialists enable clients to practice positive image management, a life skill they need to be prepared and productive adults. LEARN, GROW, SERVE As yet, expressive image therapy is virtually unknown in colleges, universities, wellness and mental health treatment centers. The time is right, however, for AICI members to

learn more and to implement this approach into programs dealing with negative body image, depression, anxiety disorder, stress disorder, defiance disorder, eating disorders, obesity, bariatric recovery and more. Image consultants can work with the physical, psychological, social, and artistic aspects of dress and grooming as a natural way to fill basic needs while developing a healthy body image and self-concept, leading to increased self-confidence. Expressive image therapy is an art and a science, a creative collaboration between the specialist and the client. Expressive image therapy requires the applied knowledge of visual design in dress and grooming, human development, physiology and anatomy, personality development and attitude formation, verbal and nonverbal communications, as well as psychological counseling theories and techniques.

Through the use of accurate principle-based concepts and cutting-edge materials, dynamic presentation style, and fun and engaging interactive exercises, expressive image therapy completes the “whole” of expressive therapies currently available. It will ultimately elevate the credibility of the entire image industry.

JUDITH RASBAND, AICI CIM, is the founder of Conselle Institute of Image Management, a post-secondary school granting certification in image management with expressive applications in the form of 16 therapeutic interventions. To learn more about expressive image therapy, contact judith@ See also, www.



In an immersive week-long retreat setting, my clients have achieved remarkable breakthroughs. This can result in profound transformation, as was the case for this client, who told me, tears in her eyes, “I’ve been feeling so bad

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about myself, overwhelmed by my weight, weighed down, sinking, drowning. But because of this retreat, gradually I’ve felt myself rising. I can see the light above me. Seeing myself in the mirror, looking so nice, I feel like I’ve broken through. Out in the light I feel like myself,

only better—even pretty. I feel like going places, being with people again, and knowing I look nice, great! Now that I know what to look for among the clothing styles I have to choose from, I feel I’m in control of how I look and I love the way that feels!”





Working with disability communities is a core purpose of Image Impact International, a global nonprofit organization.


eople with disabilities are a growing demographic. In the United States, nearly one in five adults is disabled. Students with disabilities, such as ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders), as well as disabled veterans are enrolling in higher numbers at colleges and universities than ever before. Worldwide, the annual disposable income of people with disabilities, plus their friends and families, is estimated at $8 trillion. Consumers with disabilities are intensely loyal and passionately promote brands that meet their needs. Despite these compelling statistics, comprehensive courses that provide training on the subject of image and disability are nearly impossible to find. Our needs analysis research also found that 68% of the image professionals surveyed were not aware of resources for people with disabilities.

In the United States, nearly one in five adults is disabled. Top barriers facing people with disabilities center on communication, image, and resources. Image Impact International (III) surveyed image professionals and discovered that everyday challenges for clients with disabilities include: COMMUNICATION CHALLENGES • Fitting in socially and developing career opportunities • Employers making judgments about abilities and not offering opportunities because they “don’t look like everyone else” • Loss of self-confidence and lack of self-esteem IMAGE (WARDROBE/DRESSING) CHALLENGES • Dressing comfortably and appropriately for business in clothes that fit properly • Finding stylish garments that stand up to the demands of the disability • Having the ability to shop and handling store and fitting room accessibility issues RESOURCE CHALLENGES • Looking for quality, long-lasting products and accessories that offer a variety of style options • Lack of clothing resources and mobility-friendly (easy to put on) choices

• Support while seeking out new products and services to fit a new body or lifestyle HOW CAN IMAGE CONSULTANTS EMPOWER CLIENTS WITH DISABILITIES? Image consultants can provide resources, strategies, and solutions to empower clients with disabilities to achieve their goals. Image Impact International created the training Disability + S.T.Y.L.E. to reduce prejudice and discrimination often experienced by people with disabilities. We bring image and disability education professionals together to collaborate on curriculum. Topics covered: See the Real Me, Transform from Invisible to Invincible, Your Communication Style, Leaders for Tomorrow and Empower Your Brand. To impact your world and become part of our volunteer leadership team visit

PAMELA JUDD, AICI CIP, is President of Image Impact International, a global philanthropic non-profit community of trainers. To get inspired, involved, and make an impact, contact her at or visit

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ometimes there are those moments in life where a bright line separates the past from the future. In that moment, assumptions fall away and the status quo is no longer acceptable. For Ginger Burr, founder of Total Image Consultants, such a moment occurred 11 years ago when she decided to become a vegan. She didn’t realize immediately how her decision to adopt veganism would impact her business. Her motivation for adopting veganism sprang out of her lifelong passion for helping animals. Burr describes it this way: “It was an overnight conversion. I’ve

always been interested in nutrition. I was doing a nutritional cleanse with my partner, and I started reading a book about food that nobody talks about, Plant Roots, by Rex Bowlby. What it described to me was horrifying. I could not go on eating any kind of food that caused that much suffering.” What she didn’t think about in that moment was fabric and fashion. “It didn’t occur to me that it would translate into my clothing choices. I had a moment of panic, ‘OMG, this also affects my business! What am I going to wear?’ But I thought wool was itchy, I was never fond of silk. I did have my fair share of leather. What was I going to do

about shoes, handbags? I had to look good for my clients!” Except for the leather, she hadn’t been wearing any animal-derived fabrics. She decided she was going to make it work. “I made it an adventure, instead of deprivation.” She remembers it was harder a decade ago, finding fashionable choices. There are many more choices now. Most of Burr’s clients are not vegan. She is practical when talking about her commitment to veganism. “What’s happened is I’ve been helping to raise awareness. Some clients have decided to make more conscious

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choices. Most people are not purging all [animal fabrics].” She happily reported that for the most recent photo shoot for her website, she asked her seven models to wear only vegan-friendly outfits. Everyone agreed readily. “I do wrestle with the conflict every single day. I had to make a decision early on: in order to keep my business, I either would have to help people buy those [animal] fabrics, or else I would have to give up my business. I couldn’t make a living just serving vegan clients. I always breathe a sigh of relief when spring comes, and we don’t have to deal with wool and cashmere!” Vegans do seek her out, though. As soon as she had her conversion,

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she had her website SEO’d for “vegan image consultant.” She didn’t notice an immediate impact, but says that interest is growing. “Right now, there is so much focus on plant-eating, that people often forget about the clothing and beauty products. It’s a process, for people to realize that veganism is a philosophy, not just a nutritional plan.” About 15 percent of Burr’s clientele have vegan leanings and are committed to some action in terms of their wardrobe choices. Burr has come to terms with the inherent conflicts between her philosophy and her profession. “I have two passions in my life, one is veganism and helping animals, and the other is empowering women. Sometimes they conflict.

I believe veganism is the way the world is heading, although probably not in my lifetime. So I’ve made a choice to keep the ability to make an impact.”

SUSAN HESSELGRAVE, AICI CIC, is an independent image consultant based in Seattle, Washington. She serves as editor in chief for AICI Global, and is currently writing a book exploring the intersection of values, identity and personal style.



he beating heart of Mexico City is Zócalo – the Plaza de la Constitución (Constitution Square) – where the country’s first constitution was proclaimed in 1813. Measuring some 240 meters in each direction, it’s one of the world’s largest squares and was laid out almost immediately after the conquest of the former Aztec city of Tenochtitlán on which it stands. In the early colonial period, the square served a variety of purposes, including as a bullfighting arena and market, while today, it’s used for festivals, parades, and demonstrations. Dominated by three of the city’s most visited tourist attractions – the National Palace, the Metropolitan Cathedral, and the Templo Mayor with its Aztec relics – Zócalo is the perfect place from which to begin exploring.

AICI CITY CIRCLES COLOMBIA-BOGOTA | Gilda Fuentes: ECUADOR-QUITO | Nadia Valdivieso, AICI CIC: JOHANNESBURG | Laura Dougherty: MONTERREY | Hildeberto Martinez, AICI CIC: PERU-LIMA | Martha Rico Gonzalez Vigil: THAILAND-BANGKOK | Apailuck Tantrabadit:

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AICI CERTIFIED IMAGE MASTER CARLA MATHIS provides image consulting for both individuals and groups. Her landmark book, The Triumph of Individual Style, is used in design schools in the USA and internationally, and has become a key resource for the personal image industry. Carla is co-founder and instructor of the Style Core Institute and has trained a network of 300+ stylists worldwide. She is a founding member of both the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) and Colour Designers International (CDI), the two preeminent professional associations in the field. Carla is based in Los Angeles, California.


lothes are opportunities. Different looks have different psychological effects. Getting dressed gives us a chance to express different dimensions of ourselves. Indeed, our life is a kaleidoscope of possibilities.

support and even change your life? Or are you seeing sameness? Same color, same style, no style really?

What outfit has “you” written all over it?

What outfit do you put together when you want to express the core of who you are? Are you excited about what you see hanging in your closet? Is every piece like one of those shimmering pieces of glass in the kaleidoscope — ready to create a pattern that can

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Is your closet full of color like your vibrant personality? Or is it smooth and creamy like honey and cream over strawberries? It could be warm and rich like polished antique wood and brass.

What words would you use to describe how you feel and how you want to be perceived? These words can

help you create intriguing, fun, or powerful looks. When you put words to your “looks,” you are playing with the Psychology of Style. What outfit has “you” written all over it? This is often a favorite stand-by outfit that, when you wear it, you always get compliments and also feel most like yourself.

If you can’t figure out what the outfit is saying about you, then it probably should not be in your closet.

What do you choose to wear when you want to stand out in the crowd? A “wow” outfit turns heads for the best reasons: it nails the dramatic look and yet we still see and experience you, not the clothes. If you’re looking forward to a romantic encounter, what do you have in your closet that says you are a woman and approachable, yet strongly yourself? There are times when you want to be quietly understated, when it wouldn’t be appropriate to be in the spotlight. What outfits support this look, yet remain elegant and intriguing rather than dowdy, dreary, or boring?

Thinking conceptually about your wardrobe in this way is the key to using the Psychology of Style to your best advantage. It’s also fun. What do you wear when you want to play? When it’s time to let out your wild side? We all have so many different dimensions to our personality. Clothing is like those little colored pieces of glass in the kaleidoscope. Twist your wardrobe and put new patterns together to express all the colors that are you.

Take a closer look at your closet. Try on outfits you tend to wear when you are feeling low, or excited, or happy. Look in the mirror. Is this a “you at your best” outfit? Is it a dramatic or romantic outfit, or is it playful, quietly elegant, or an outfit you wear when you want to take charge? If you can’t figure out what the outfit is saying about you, then it probably should not be in your closet. The Psychology of Style is a reality we all live with every day. The outfit you are wearing right now is saying something about you. Get up and stand in front of a full-length mirror. This might be a little scary, but it’s important that we start to look objectively at what we are communicating about ourselves through our clothing choices. The reality is, everyone else who encounters you today is looking objectively. They might not be able to articulate what they are seeing, but believe me, they feel it. This feeling, this sense of who a person is, is something we all do when we come in contact with each other. What are your clothes saying about you? What’s the first impression? Be honest. If it is in line with how you’re feeling right now, with what you want to say about yourself, then bravo! You are using the Psychology of Style to your best advantage. If you’re not sure, or your look is saying something that isn’t in sync with you and your needs, then jot down a few notes, take a fulllength selfie and email them to yourself.

The Psychology of Style is a reality we all live with every day. The outfit you are wearing right now is saying something about you.

What do you wear when you need to be propped up? You haven’t had enough sleep, or you are getting over the flu, or are grieving the loss of a loved one. Wearing dull, flowing clothes that drape heavily can keep you in the pit of depression, while other fabrics and construction details can literally prop you up and keep you going.

Turn the prism of your wardrobe and imagine what you could be wearing. Let the world know who you are. There’s no one like you. Celebrate what makes you special.

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signed up for the Hue & Stripe service after meeting their team last year at the AICI International Conference in Washington, DC. After running through a rough demo with co-creator Jeremy Penrod, I realized that this unique online tool would be a productive addition to my suite of client services and tools. Hue & Stripe is my go-to online lookbook that I can share with private clients or with the general public through social media. Better yet, when someone buys garments

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featured in any one of the catalogs/ lookbooks, I receive a five percent commission from participating affiliate retailers. It’s a win-win concept about which I asked Penrod to elaborate. HOW AND WHEN DID THE H&S CONCEPT GET DEVELOPED? The concept for Hue & Stripe was born while Jeremy and Sierra Penrod were engaged to be married in 2011. Sierra was looking for seven bridesmaid dresses in “slate blue” and “blush.” The difficulty

of that apparel hunt was shocking to Jeremy, who had up to that point never experienced the pain of looking for specific women’s apparel. Jeremy, who has a master’s degree in Information Systems, soon got to work creating a world-class apparel search software, which he launched in 2013. (This technology is still available for free use at and can be a great help in finding bridal party dresses!) It wasn’t long after the launch of that stylists, image consultants, and color

analysts from around the world began reaching out and requesting additional features. Jeremy soon enlisted his close friend (and best man at his wedding) Craig Nordstrom, who had recently graduated from the Marriott School of Management, to help. Together they decided to leave TheDressSpot. com and co-found Hue & Stripe. They then went to work creating an entirely new platform and community for experienced image professionals in the modern age. WHAT IS THE MOST POPULAR FEATURE AND WHY? Hue & Stripe offers different things for different types of image professionals, so there is no single feature that objectively qualifies as the “most popular,” but one of the most loved tools in the Hue & Stripe toolbox is the ability to place an app on a client’s phone or tablet

that links directly to their online Closet. That simple and powerful feature has helped clients as old as 80 to easily work with their stylist remotely and have access to their stylist-curated lookbook with the touch of a finger. It’s been wildly well-received by clients of all types, and makes an image professional look like a technology genius. (Plus, it helps keep the image professional on the client’s mind.) WHAT’S THE MOST EFFECTIVE STRATEGY TO MAKING MONEY WITH THE SERVICE? Hue & Stripe is not an employer, but instead enables you to enhance your own offerings and evolve your services. We’ve seen consultants use Hue & Stripe to do everything from raising their base rates, to offering “on demand” styling services, to restructuring their services to include having greater

access to an image consultant. Those with large (or loyal) social media audiences or a large newsletter list can additionally earn money from commission using the Catalogs feature. We’ve seen many consultants make hundreds of dollars from a single Catalog with the proper social media promotion. The best way to make money with Hue & Stripe, though, is to use all the tools available to you well, and then charge what you’re worth. Far too many image professionals are undercharging! Hue &Stripe makes it easier for clients to see your value. WHAT PROBLEMS DOES H&S SOLVE FOR IMAGE CONSULTANTS? Hue & Stripe solves three major problems for consultants. 1. M ANAGING CLIENT WARDROBES Pinterest,

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Polyvore, other apps, emails, or even physical binders take far too long to assemble, are clunky and hard to organize, often not self-branded, and are difficult to build on for long-term client relationships. Hue & Stripe streamlines the entire thing while also enabling mixing in professional recommendations, building lookbooks from Closet items, and more. And this can all be done from home as well as in person. 2. E ARNING AFFILIATE COMMISSION In this day and age, everyone knows they should be earning commission for online client purchases, but it can be timeconsuming to apply to (if you’re even accepted into) each retailer’s program, and then to manage affiliating links before sending them out. With Hue & Stripe, you can forget about it entirely. We simply replace all your suggested items with affiliated links that earn commission from virtually every retailer affiliate program available—even the exclusive ones. Clip from anywhere on the web— we’ll handle it. 3. S TYLIST-SPECIFIC SMALL BUSINESS TOOLS Too many consultants are bogged down with billing headaches, acquiring and storing client information, and other small business processes that eat up un-billed hours. So Hue & Stripe comes with a streamlined Client Management system (including Invoicing, a Client Questionnaire that feeds straight into a Client Details sheet, and more), that saves hours.

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PLEASE SHARE A STORY ABOUT THE COMPANY OR CLIENTS THAT STILL GETS YOU EMOTIONAL (WHETHER FUNNY OR TEARFUL). Two years ago, when Hue & Stripe was only a concept on a whiteboard in The Dress Spot headquarters, we began looking up image consultants to see if we could learn more about what the image industry might need. We reached out to about 20 or so “strangers” who didn’t know us, and we didn’t know them. But an amazing thing happened. They turned out to be fantastic. They quickly began to work with us to build Hue & Stripe. We owe so much to dozens of amazing individuals in this industry. While we were working to build them the perfect tools for work with their clients, they donated hours upon hours to helping illustrate their perfect situations so we could turn around and create it. They patiently suffered through bugs and incomplete features in the early days, and we’ll never forget that. You all know who you are! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for guiding the first steps of our journey into this industry and making it such a wonderful experience.

WHAT CAN WE EXPECT TO SEE FROM HUE & STRIPE IN THE NEXT YEAR? Last year was all about creating the perfect wardrobe management tools, this year is all about building a helpful community. In January, we launched a monthly community webinar series where we bring in a rotating panel of experienced image professionals to discuss a topic voted on by the community. Past topics have included “How can I gain more clients,” and “How do I differentiate myself from Stitch Fix and other box subscriptions” for example. We also launched a private Facebook group to better enable Hue & Stripe members to network and get help from colleagues in a friendly and constructive venue. We think that everyone in the image industry can use a mentor on a topic they’re looking to improve – and so far the community response has been fantastic. Look for in-person networking meetups, community calls, and more this coming year. Apart from growing our community, we’ll also be making big strides in expanding the Client Management tools to be even more customizable to fit any potential workflow.

HOW MANY SUBSCRIBERS DO YOU HAVE? At the start of 2016, Hue & Stripe had just recently hit the milestone of having 100 active image professionals in our community. We’ve continued to grow even more each month since.

THEA WOOD, AICI CIC, MBA, is an independent image consultant based in Austin, Texas, and serves as associate editor for AICI GLOBAL. She is the coauthor of Socially Smart and Savvy.




The Brand Institute at Chapman provides intensive education in Brand Management leading to certification as a Brand Consultant. As a Chapman Certified Brand Consultant, you will be prepared to work with individual and corporate clients to develop recognizable and winning brands.

THE BRAND INSTITUTE CURRICULUM INCLUDES: Brand Discovery • Brand Identity Establishment • Brand Design Brand Deployment • Brand Integrity • Brand Maintenance Let’s Get to Work—How to Succeed in Business

Earning my Brand and Image certification at Chapman “Institutes gave me the competitive edge to attain the prestigious position of Women’s Sale’s Manager at Dolce & Gabbana’s Global Flagship Store on Fifth Avenue in New York City. I’ve succeeded in this role because of the credibility and education in Brand and Image principles I received through the Institutes’ elite programs. With enthusiasm, I highly recommend the Brand and Image Institutes at Chapman.

- Lindsey Neduchin , Sales Manager,

Dolce & Gabbana, New York City, USA


INSTITUTE As a Chapman Certified Image Consultant, you will be prepared to work with individuals, companies, and organizations seeking to refine their images to have a greater influence on others and in the marketplace.

THE IMAGE INSTITUTE CURRICULUM INCLUDES: Personal and Professional Image Management Wardrobe and Dress for Men and Women • Grooming Verbal Communication • Color Evaluation Nonverbal Communication • Etiquette and Protocol Image Integrity • Live Client Practicum Let’s Get to Work—How to Succeed in Business








ancy yourself as a mining engineer? What about a mining engineer transitioning into the role of an image consultant? Caleela McEniery has been there and done just that. Now of Outstanding Image, based in the Hunter Valley region in Australia, McEniery spent 30 years working in the male-dominated industry of mining as an engineer. Her roles included mine planning, exploration manager, dragline engineer, capital acquisition and coal quality engineer. Surrounded by noise, dirt, and very large equipment, she climbed the industry ladder on a number of gold, iron ore, coal and bauxite mine sites around Australia.

“My target market is women in mining, engineers and resource sector professionals who have thought ‘I’m a professional, but I don’t know how to dress myself.’”

Her work uniform was standardissue cotton drill trousers and shirt, complete with steel-capped safety boots; it was always men’s clothing as women’s work-wear was unavailable. “It certainly took the stress out of wondering what to wear to work,” she says.

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“Everyone on site wore the same thing. Only the color and branding changed from company to company. However, I only wore my khaki bauxite mine uniform for a week. I spent the next six years ‘out of uniform’ in dark green cotton drill, much to the mine manager’s irritation!” And why did Caleela refuse to wear the khaki uniform? Because even before she trained as an image consultant, she knew khaki wasn’t right for her. “I just looked sick in [that color],” she said. “And I wasn’t prepared to go to work looking unwell for six years straight!”

Her coloring is cool, and as the khaki uniform was yellow-based, the color didn’t do her any favors. Clearly born to transition into her role as an image consultant, McEniery’s color radar was already strongly attuned. Eventually, as more women began to work in the mining and building industries, companies finally

began manufacturing work-wear for women. Prior to that, McEniery and many other women had to fit their female bodies into men’s clothing. The clothes were cut straight, had no tapering and no darts, and most of it was cut overly large in relation to the female body. We all know how uncomfortable ill-fitting clothing can be and how it restricts our freedom of movement, not to mention our self-image. It took a long time for the manufacturers to catch up to the reality of women working in these traditionally male industries. The final 15 years of McEniery’s mining engineer career saw her consulting to the resources industry while expanding her expertise. It also expanded her wardrobe. Changing from a site-based role to consulting shifted the focus from working at the “pointy end” of mining to the strategic, financial and feasibility phases of mining. Although her domain was still “no nonsense” and male-dominated, the shift gave her a degree of flexibility in what she wore. The safe and practical “hivis” (high visibility) work-wear and steel-capped safety boots were only required when visiting mine sites. The rest of the time she wore trousers and shirts. However, unaccustomed to considering what to wear for over 30 years, McEniery says getting dressed became a big issue once she decided to leave her mining career behind. “I realized I was an adult woman who didn’t know how to dress herself,” she admits. So she enrolled in an image consulting course. McEniery knew very little about image consulting before her training, but she was drawn to the profession. She is a lifelong people watcher and lover of clothing design and self-expression. She enjoyed following style blogs. With image consulting, she found she was able to express a different side of herself, beyond what had been permissible in her mining career. She’s discovered she has a creative, dramatic sartorial style, and a key color for her is hot pink. It’s not unusual now to see her in unusual designer pieces, a far cry from the standard issue cotton drill and safety boots. McEniery has chosen to merge her passion with her experience. “I’m working with my tribe. My target market is women in mining, engineers and resource sector professionals who have thought ‘I’m a professional, but I don’t know how to dress myself.’”

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“In my opinion, image is about the process of loving the skin you’re in.”

“Having experienced that myself after leaving my uniform behind, I’m helping those in a similar situation. I want others to experience the same liberation and excitement as I did in truly expressing my personality through my style. Until I left my mining ‘uniform’ behind, I didn’t appreciate the drag it had on me subconsciously. “My greatest reward when working with clients is seeing them transform themselves, and love the outcome. In my opinion, image is about the process of loving the skin you’re in.”

she says. “It wasn’t until I leapt that I truly realized my skills and experience were immediately transferable to image consulting. I’m providing a simple, practical solution to problems. I believe this approach works with any client. Understanding who they are and what they want is the key to providing any service.” Any regrets, Caleela? “None. While my hi-vis gear never dates, it is good to get out of it!”

Personality is paramount. Helping clients understand their personality and how it aligns with their style aspirations is McEniery’s primary goal. “The rest is education about the technical nuts and bolts of image.”

DONNA CAMERON is the co-founder of Body Map wellbeing + style strategies, along with her sister, Dr. Nadine Cameron. Current president of the AICI Melbourne Chapter in Australia, she also serves as associate editor for AICI GLOBAL.

So how does one make the leap from mining engineer to image consultant? “Switching roles is not that hard once you realize you have many transferable skills,”



or the last few years — and more so at the AICI Global Conference in Washington D.C. last year — we have heard from many members that the designation FLC (First Level Certification) does not translate well into their languages. Your AICI International Board brought several suggestions and submissions for a name change and we finally have it! The new name is CIC (Certified Image Consultant). It is easy to translate and has a much higher regard in all languages. It also aligns with our current advanced designations of CIP (Certified Image Professional) and

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CIM (Certified Image Master). Our team at the AICI headquarters will change all of our documentation, with a goal to have everything completed by April 1, 2016. If you would like a new AICI Certificate with the new designation “CIC,” please contact Jessica Gill at As long as your certification is current, we will be happy to replace your certificate for you. DOWNLOAD THE NEW LOGO HERE.



MAKING OVER YOUR IMAGE BUSINESS Sue Donnelly, AICI CIP, LFIPI & Sarah Brummitt, AICI CIP, FFIPI Tuesday, April 5, and Tuesday, April 12, 2016, 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST— NEW YORK AICI CREDITS: 0.3 AICI CEUs (must attend both dates) | COST: $180 AICI Members/$234 Non Members The pace of change today is unprecedented. Sixty-five percent of children aged five or less will work in a job that does not yet exist. Sixty percent of the revenue of one of the most successful companies in the world (Apple) is generated with products that are less than four years old. Our world is becoming a global village where age, gender and income are beginning to merge. The roles of women, and the way we shop, are continuing to transform like never before. For more information, visit: Making Over Your Image Business

PRESENTACIONES DE ALTO IMPACTO con Coca Sevilla, AICI CIP 14 de Abril, 2016, 12:00pm CST — MEXICO-GUADALAJARA ¿Sabías que, de acuerdo a estudios, más del 90% de las presentaciones al frente resultan aburridas o flojas? Sólo un 3% es evaluada como efectiva o de alto impacto. Es por ello que adquirir una metodología adecuada resulta fundamental para hablar de manera convincente. Actualmente, una presentación es una de las herramientas más poderosas para conseguir que las cosas se concreten. No importa si se trata de cautivar a un cliente, motivar a un equipo durante una capacitación o mostrar una propuesta durante una consultoría en imagen. For more information, visit: Presentaciones de Alto Impacto

AICI TELECLASS: LA PRESION POR EL ÉXITO: APRENDER DE LA FELICIDAD LABORAL Y EL FLOW Betsy Martinez Montero 9 de Mayo, 2016, 12:00 pm CST — MEXICO-GUADALAJARA Lo perfecto es enemigo de la felicidad y la presión por ser exitosos es el principal motivo de nuestra infelicidad, por ende, debemos aprender a vivir con la Felicidad y el Flow. Para esto es necesario: 1. Aprender a fallar, sino siempre fallaremos al Aprender. 2. Replantear la ecuación del éxito. 3. Descubrir la frontera líquida entre el perfeccionismo y el optimalismo.. For more information: La Presion por el Éxito: Aprender de la Felicidad Laboral y el Flow

THE FIRST AICI ASIA CONFERENCE Hosted by AICI Hong Kong Chapter Friday and Saturday, July 15-16, 2016 COST: HKD4,500 Members/ HKD5,300 Non Members Package includes course fees, tea breaks and lunch, excludes accommodation, translation and other miscellaneous expenses. Please email Thomas Koon: or Luxua Xia: for registration.

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the greater Seattle area. She also works as a freelance writer and editor.

Riet de Vlieger, AICI CIP, is a Senior Image Consultant, published author, speaker and image trainer in The Netherlands.

Susan holds a degree in philosophy from the University of California, Berkeley, as well as advanced certificates in creative fiction and non-fiction writing. She is currently writing a book on the intersection of culture, style and personal identity.

After a career as a speech therapist, Riet started working as an Image Consultant in 1999. She has worked with thousands of women, personal and corporate, on public persona, image and personal branding. Riet is co-founder of a Dutch non-profit organization to empower girls in their confidence and beauty. Riet has served on the AICI International Board as VP Chapter Relations, 2011-2015. She was a recipient of the 2015 AICI President’s Award.

SECRETARY SUSAN HESSELGRAVE, AICI CIC Susan Hesselgrave, AICI CIC, serves as Editor in Chief for AICI GLOBAL, AICI’s quarterly magazine. She was a recipient of the 2015 AICI President’s Award. Prior to entering the field of image consulting in 2012, she worked in brand positioning, with a focus on competitive intelligence research and brand strategy. An independent image consultant, she serves clients in

38 | April 2016 magazine

VICE PRESIDENT CONFERENCE CECILIA STOECKICHT, AICI CIP Originally from Brazil, Cecilia Stoeckicht started her career as an architect, transitioning to image consulting in the early 1990s. Instead of designing houses, she began creating personal style blueprints and formed Image Atelier, Architects of Personal Style. Cecilia has been extensively involved in philanthropic initiatives, having worked with victims of domestic violence and at-risk teenage girls by counseling them on image and self-esteem as well as how to prepare for the workforce. She is currently a coordinator of WomenHeart of New Castle County, a support group for women living with or at risk of heart disease. Cecilia has been a member of AICI since 1998 and since then has served at the chapter level and as VP Membership on the International Board of Directors. Currently she is serving as VP Conference, having coordinated the successful 2015 AICI Global Conference in Washington, DC.

VICE PRESIDENT BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT LUCY YAN LIANG, AICI CIP Lucy Liang is the founder and President of IDEO Image, and AICI Shanghai Chapter. She served on the AICI International Board as Secretary, and served Beijing Chapter as President 2007-2010. Lucy holds a Master’s degree in Management from University of Surrey in England. After she moved to the United States, she graduated from New York Fashion Institute of Technology majoring in Image Consulting, and was professionally certified by AICI and NYIRC (New York Image Resource Center). She currently lectures on image consulting in Fashion College of Dalian University of Light Industry & Technology, Monitane Institute of Make-Up and Hair Dressing in China. Lucy is the author of three books published in China. Her weekly radio show “In Fashion” on Chinese American Voice Station was one of the most popular local programs.

VICE PRESIDENT HUMAN RESOURCES LILIAN BUSTAMANTE, AICI CIP Lilian Bustamante, AICI CIP, is President and Founder of the Professional Development and Personal Image Training Company. She holds an MBA from the Catholic University of Chile. Prior to introducing image consulting to Chile and launching her own company 15 years

ago, she worked for IBM in sales. The company she directs serves more than 250 large companies from government and the private sector. Lilian has been a columnist for some of the largest newspapers and magazines in Chile. She also has prepared many Image students through the training she has been given since 2008. Lilian founded and is the Past President of the ChileSantiago Chapter of AICI. She is the ambassador for the Spanish-speaking countries on the International Image Training and Testing Institute (IITTI) project.

VICE PRESIDENT EDUCATION DR. HYERI KIM, AICI CIP Dr. Hyeri Kim serves as the CEO of Daheuin Group. She also works as a writer and editor. She majored in Image Management Social Education and is the youngest of only three people to hold this degree in Korea. She developed the Personal Program of Image Management (PPoIM) and analyzed the effect of this program. With a great deal of work and effort, Hyeri was able to found the AICI Korea Busan Chapter, which was announced and launched at the AICI Global Conference in 2015. She serves as President of the growing chapter, with a current membership of 20 people.

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IN AICI GLOBAL MAGAZINE REACH THOUSANDS OF AICI MEMBERS AND OTHER INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS WORLDWIDE AND BOOST YOUR EARNING POTENTIAL. OUR READERS ARE LOOKING FOR: Color Systems Body Styling Training Industry-Related Books & Magazines Multi-level and Network Marketing Opportunities Business Tools Continuing Education Units for AICI certification Health and Beauty Products Professional Development Workshops & Webinars Hotel & Travel Services Website Design and Support Career Coaches Sales Tools Clothing & Accessories CONTACT GIGI JABER AT ADVERTISING@AICI.ORG FOR CURRENT AD RATES AND DEADLINES. NEXT ISSUE: JULY 2016





























JULY 2015

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