AICI Global July 2015

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JULY 2015

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AICI BOARD OF DIRECTORS President – Jane Seaman, AICI CIP Secretary – Lucy Liang, AICI CIP Treasurer – Chris Fulkerson, AICI CIP VP Certification – Beth Strange, AICI CIP VP Human Resources – Melissa Sugulas, AICI FLC VP Business Development – Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP VP Conference – Cecilia Stoeckicht, AICI CIP VP Education – Keiko Nagao, AICI FLC VP Marketing – Coca Sevilla, AICI CIP Executive Director – Eric Ewald

AICI HEADQUARTERS 1000 Westgate Drive, Ste. 252 St. Paul, MN 55114-1067 Phone: 651-290-7468 Fax: 651-290-2266

AUGUST 28, THE SECOND DAY OF OUR AICI GLOBAL CONFERENCE IN WASHINGTON, D.C., WILL MARK THE ANNIVERSARY OF ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL MOMENTS IN AMERICAN HISTORY. This is the day when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in front of a sea of people and proclaimed, “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal’.” Many of our AICI members will be arriving from countries around the globe and perhaps visiting our nation’s capital for the first time. So it seems necessary and appropriate to add to this issue some living history (see pages 14-15) as a counterbalance to the cornucopia of dazzling monuments and museums that awaits your arrival. Embedded in the story of every monument in this city is a mission. A mission that inspired others to action, a mission that bore results: acts of bravery or visionary planning or devotion. As you read the personal stories in this issue, I hope that you will be inspired to reflect on your own personal mission. How might you weave your mission into your image consulting career? What can you share with others at the Conference? Each of us has our own inspiring story that we can use to empower our work. And what of the American mission? American society struggles daily to live up to the ideals set forth in the Declaration of Independence. As a nation, we have not yet achieved Dr. King’s dream. But we carry the torch. Because we do believe in what we cannot yet see. PROUD TO BE AICI! Susan Hesselgrave, AICI FLC Editor in Chief

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The Association of Image Consultants International | 3


Issue 11 EDITOR IN CHIEF Susan Hesselgrave, AICI FLC MANAGING EDITOR Thea Wood, AICI FLC VP COMMUNICATIONS Coca Sevilla, AICI CIP VP BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Imogen Lamport, AIC CIP FEATURED CONTRIBUTORS Delby Bragais, AICI CIP Pamela Judd, AICI CIP Liliana de Luna Susan Hesselgrave, AICI FLC Debra Lindquist, MA, AICI CIP Lynne Marks, AICI CIM Catherine Scholze Jane Seaman, AICI CIP Karen Tsuo, AICI CIP Nadia Valdivieso Thea Wood, AICI FLC PROOFREADERS Bernie Burson, AICI FLC Beth Yvette Strange, AICI CIP LAYOUT Limb Design AICI GLOBAL is produced quarterly by Association of Image Consultants International, a nonprofit dedicated to advancing the level of professionalism and enhancing the recognition of image consultants. AICI GLOBAL promotes AICI’s ideas, activities, interests and goals to its members. Responsibility is not assumed for the opinions of writers or other articles. AICI GLOBAL does not endorse or guarantee the products and services it advertises. 2015© Association of Image Consultants International. All rights reserved. No part of this online publication may be duplicated or reproduced without permission from the publisher. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of information included in the magazine at the time of publication, the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising from errors or omissions.

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FEATURE President’s Letter.................................................................7 AICI Reaches Out to the Future..........................................8 Telling Our Story...............................................................10 From the Emancipation Proclamation to Today: 150 Years of Struggle for Equal Rights............................14 Member Spotlight: Sue Jacobs...........................................16 The Power of Pro Bono.....................................................21

Inside This Issue





COMMUNICATIONS Executive Presence...........................................................23



CONFERENCE Global Conference Speakers.............................................25 Catapult Your Career at Conference..................................26




Fabulous at Any Size..........................................................29 Seven Decades of American Style......................................30



BETWEEN US AICI City Circles:The Shortest Distance Between Two Points.......................................................36 AICI’s Newest Certified Image Master: Sarah Hathorn.................................................................38 Certification News: AICI Malaysia Chapter Hosts Paper FLC Exam.............................................................38 Upcoming Events..............................................................39

The Association of Image Consultants International | 5


he official definition of a mission statement is “a formal summary of the aims and values of a company, organization, or individual.” The mission of the twelve incredible women who started AICI in 1990 was to “be first and best.” The mission of Liliana de Luna, who wrote the winning entry in our Telling Your Story campaign, was to overcome perceived and/or real prejudice around age and gender. AICI’s mission is to establish and promote the highest professional standards for image consultants in appearance, behavior and communication. As the words came for this first paragraph and I re-read them, my heart soared. Sometimes words can seem so simple, yet there is a quiet but enormous power within them! Our founders in 1990 said we were to be the first and become the best, and we are. Liliana, like many of us, had to overcome prejudice about our role and our gender, and we did. AICI set out to establish and promote the highest standards in our industry. With 12 AICI Certified Image Masters, 91 AICI Certified Image Professionals and 145 AICI First Level Certified (and in 2014/2015 we have had the highest number of FLC applications on record), we have achieved being the first, best and highest qualified image professionals in the world.


It’s an incredible achievement and I am so proud to say I am part of this extraordinary AICI family. But we didn’t get here because of an “I” or a “me.” We got here thanks to a “we”: thousands upon thousands of dedicated volunteer hours from our pioneer founders, all our past international presidents, international board members, chapter presidents, chapter board members, committee members and other volunteers. We are where we are today thanks to you all. If our founders had not come together, our journey would never have begun. If we had not continued to come together in chapter and conference events, our journey would have ended. I am an independent image consultant but I am not an island. I thrive on the energy of my fellow image professionals, I soar to success on the education and knowledge they pass on, I expand my circle of influence with every fellow AICI member I connect with, and my credibility grows with every AICI success. Mother Teresa wrote, “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot, together we can do great things.” Together, we have already achieved great things, but there is so much more we can do if we continue to come together. I am deeply honored that I will stand side by side with our original founders, many of our past presidents, the past and present International Board, my AICI colleagues and friends and our Ewald management team to celebrate 25 years of achievement at the 2015 AICI Global Conference. Will you stand with us? I hope to see you there because we have much to celebrate!

ONWARDS AND UPWARDS, JANE The Association of Image Consultants International | 7





he AICI 2015 Global Conference will feature a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn all day long from a unique gathering of the pillars of our industry, the Certified Image Masters (CIM) and Founders of AICI. AICI’s mission is to set and promote the highest professional standards for image consultants in appearance, behavior and communication. Over the past twenty-five years that mission has brought us from the Founders, twelve incredible women who started AICI, to an association of over one thousand members in over thirty-two countries. Until recently, our growth, dynamism and the influence of our membership on implementing professional standards within the image profession seemed to be an insider’s secret, only truly recognized and understood by AICI members. But in 2014 we were to learn that the word was out! AICI’s reputation as the leader in development and international certification of image professionals is now being recognized outside of our organization. This is thanks to a quarter century of our members’ quiet steadfast dedication and untold volunteer hours. Over the past twelve months, a number of universities in Mexico who offer image consulting as 8 | July 2015 magazine

a university degree have shown interest in having access to AICI’s training and accreditation. In March 2015, I embarked with a team of colleagues from AICI Mexico City Chapter -- Coca Sevilla, AICI FLC, Hildeberto Martinez, AICI FLC, Victor Vazquez and Manolo Trujillo -- on an expedition across Mexico. Our goal was to learn more about these exemplary universities in the cities of Pueblo, Mexico City, Toluca, Guadalajara and Monterrey.

At each of these institutions, we had the opportunity to meet with administrators, stakeholders and faculty. All of them were extremely enthusiastic about the prospect of being a part of AICI. Collectively, they felt that having the ability to offer their students access to AICI tele-classes, webinars, FLC certification, local chapter events, conferences and AICI global networking would enhance their overall curriculum.

As well as meeting with university administrators and faculty, we also met with many of their students. They too, were excited at the prospect of having access to AICI. The majority showed extreme interest in having an opportunity to undertake their FLC certification prior to graduation. At the end our tour, the members of the project team were unanimous in their conclusion. We felt we needed to develop a new category of AICI membership that would capture the essence of what this project was aiming to accomplish. Our goal is to make available to students within the image industry and fellow image professionals AICI’s education and FLC certification programs, which have become recognized as the ultimate

image qualifications globally. The project team felt the category “AICI Academic Membership” encompassed all we were trying to achieve.

honored to play a role in preparing them, to ensure the highest standards within our industry are cultivated and upheld for yet another twenty-five years.

In April 2015, the AICI Membership voted to accept this new category and we are now under negotiations with the universities to make this category a reality.

Jane Seaman, AICI CIP, is the current AICI International President. Her image consulting practice, Imagine Image, is based in Houston, Texas. She also is cofounder of The International Image Academy, offering professional image consultant training programs.

What struck me most about all the incredible people I met and had the honor of spending time with is that this is our future: the universities in Mexico are cultivating our future image professionals. They are bright, witty and enthusiastic. They truly represent the essence of AICI’s three pillars of image: appearance, behavior and communication. They are the future of the image profession and AICI would be

Jane Seaman, AICI CIP, is the current AICI International President. Her image consulting practice, Imagine Image, is based in Houston, Texas. She also is co-founder of The International Image Academy, offering professional image consultant training programs.

The Association of Image Consultants International | 9



TELLING OUR STORY LAUNCHED IN JANUARY 2015, THE “TELLING OUR STORY” CONTEST INVITED AICI MEMBERS TO SHARE A PERSONAL STORY OF HOW THEIR WORK HAS IMPACTED THEIR CLIENTS’ LIVES. Sponsored by the International Image Academy, the winner of the contest receives free registration for the 2015 AICI Global Conference. All participants receive a Certificate of Participation, and future issues of AICI GLOBAL will feature the best of the powerful stories submitted.




his story started in 2005 when a 64-year-old man called me to work on an expansion plan for his own business. He had worked on it for 30 years and wanted to conduct business in Mexico. A whitehaired, skinny man with a little hunch to his shoulders, his thinking was linear and direct, and he was sometimes quick-tempered, perhaps due to his career as an engineer. An old-fashioned man, he thought that women should earn less than men and their professional potential was, at most, as a middle manager. Strangely enough, for this project he had decided to hire a 24-year-old woman, naïve and without that much experience, to help him on such an important project. Months went by, and with some shouting, stress, and a lot of stamina, I conducted sessions to train him in public speaking, personal and corporate crisis management, speech writing, personal image, and public relations. A year later, after a great effort, he was the candidate to chair one of the most important associations of the industry. Nine months after that, he was president of the main industry chamber, which gathered national and foreign associations. 10 | July 2015 magazine

Seven years passed, and with some problems along the way, his company became the most important bio-tech lab in Latin America, with a strong presence in local and international media. He was also recognized as one the 300 most important people in Mexico. Without a doubt, this is a story that teaches us the value of an image consultant. Every story has a beginning and an ending, and this was no exception. After several years of working together, we decided one day that it was the time to end the project. Maybe forever, maybe for a period of time. However, in our last meeting he was full of gratitude, and both of us, with tears in our eyes, were aware of his huge transformation as the result of all those years that we worked together. The young naïve woman had become his ally to help him reach his goal of achieving a powerful public image. Today, I am an independent consultant. LILIANA DE LUNA is the current VP Ethics and Protocol, AICI Mexico City Chapter.



a historia empezó en el año 2005, cuando un hombre de 64 años me llamó para trabajar con un plan de expansión de su propia empresa, a la que había dedicado más de 30 años y que deseaba fuera conocida en el mercado mexicano. Un hombre de cabeza blanca, tez clara, cuerpo delgado y ligeramente jorobado; Su formación como ingeniero, lo hacía una persona relajada pero iracunda cuando alguien se oponía a sus ideas. Educado por la vieja escuela, pensaba de forma decidida que las mujeres debían ganar menos y no aspirar a un puesto mayor al de gerente. Lo curioso era, que para iniciar su vida pública había decidido contratar a una mujer de tan sólo 24 años de edad, que ante sus ojos era inexperta e inocente, sin conocimientos suficientes para poder apoyarlo en una tarea tan dirigida.

Toda historia tiene un inicio y un final, y ésta no fue la excepción. Luego de varios años de trabajo arduo, un día decidimos que era tiempo de dar término a la rutina, de forma temporal o permanente, aún no lo sé. Sin embargo, en una conversación llena de agradecimiento y con lágrimas en los ojos, ambos reconocimos la gran transformación que nos trajeron estos años de convivencia y de reto continuo. La mujer ingenua e inexperta, se había convertido en su aliada para llegar al objetivo de tener una imagen pública reconocida. Hoy soy consultora independiente. LILIANA DE LUNA se desempeña como VP Ética y Protocolo, AICI Mexico City Chapter

Los meses pasaron, y entre gritos, desesperación y muchas ganas de dar a conocer su esfuerzo profesional ante los ojos de las autoridades y de la competencia, se desarrollaron sesiones de entrenamiento para hablar en público, estructuración de discursos persuasivos, imagen personal relaciones públicas, manejo de crisis personal y corporativa. Un año después de un gran esfuerzo, fue nominado a presidir una de las asociaciones más importantes que agrupaban a los socios mexicanos de la industria. 9 meses adelante fue elegido presidente de la cámara de toda la industria, incluyendo nacionales y extranjeros. 7 años adelante, atravesando algunas vicisitudes, se convirtió en el laboratorio biotecnológico más importante de América Latina y con mayor presencia en medios nacionales e internacionales, destacando la imagen de su Presidente como uno de los 300 personajes más influyentes de México. Sin duda, una historia que enseña el valor de tener un consultor en imagen de forma adjunta.

The Association of Image Consultants International | 11


Ann Lindsay, AICI FLC

Vanessa Simonetti

Raquel Aragon

Dina H. Loomis, AICI FLC

Jane Smith

Diane Ballos

Kelly Machbitz, AICI CIP

Elaine Stoltz, AICI CIM

Catherine Bell, AICI CIP

Daphne Magna, AICI FLC

Carolina D. Tan

Beth Borés

Neha Malhotra

Cherrise Tan

Wendy Buchanan

Ale Marroquin, AICI FLC

Nadia Valdivieso Rolleri

Jessica Cascante Saborio

Carla Mathis, AICI CIM

Alheli Valerio

Liliana de Luna

Colette Michelle, AICI CIP,

Ana Vasquez

Rosario Galindo, AICI CIP


Nelly Villarroel, AICI FLC

Jainee Gandhi

Atsuko Mikami, AICI FLC

Ginny Villegas

Kayoko Ikuko Kozu, AICI CIP

Ernest Moore

Peggy Rose Webster

Carmina Iturriaga

Beatriz Ocanto

Jacqueline Whitmore

Olen Juarez-Lim, AICI FLC

Hitomi Ohmori, AICI CIM

Thea Wood, AICI FLC

Dr. Joyce Knudsen, AICI CIM

Cindy Ann Peterson, AICI FLC

Saeko Yamazaki, AICI FLC

Katherine Lazaruk, AICI FLC

Marian Rothschild, AICI FLC

Ferial Youakim, AICI CIP

Debra Lindquist, AICI CIP

Lorena Saca, AICI FLC

Yiran Zhenhua Xu, AICI FLC

12 | July 2015 magazine

Meet Diane Craig in Person

AICI 2015 Global Conference Washington, DC, Aug. 27 – 30, 2015

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Our Next Executive Presence Certification Training Program Toronto Canada, Sept. 21 – 25, 2015 Contact Michelle for details: 1-416-967-1221 Ext. 107 To learn more click here



150 YEARS OF STRUGGLE FOR EQUAL RIGHTS 1863 - THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln officially issued the Emancipation Proclamation, one of the most important documents in American governance. While popular opinion in the North heralded Lincoln as the “savior of the Union,” President Lincoln actually considered the Emancipation Proclamation to be his most important legacy. “I

never, in my life, felt more certain that I was doing right, than I do in signing this paper,” he declared. “If my name ever goes into history it will be for this act, and my whole soul is in it.” (source: The Civil War Trust) The Emancipation Proclamation paved the way to the end of slavery, but it only applied to the states in rebellion. It wasn’t until the passage of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution on December 6, 1865, that slavery was abolished throughout the United States.

1963 - DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DELIVERS HIS “I HAVE A DREAM” SPEECH On August 28, 1963, 250,000 people gathered in Washington, D.C., to “March for Jobs and Freedom.” Better known today as the March on Washington, the famous protest took place on the 100th anniversary of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. Though there were

14 | July 2015 magazine

TWO SPECIAL EXHIBITS IN WASHINGTON, D.C., DOCUMENT THESE WATERSHED MOMENTS AND THEIR AFTERMATH IN AMERICAN HISTORY. 2015 marks the 150th anniversary of the assassination of President Lincoln. One of the most intimate portrayals of President Lincoln’s death can be experienced in an allnew Newseum exhibition entitled President Lincoln is Dead, running through January 2016. In honor of the 150th anniversary of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, the Newseum presents a series of New York Herald special editions dated April 15, 1865. All seven editions will be displayed together, starting with the 2 a.m. edition that featured the first Associated Press announcement that Lincoln had been shot. Learn the chronology of this tragic event in a way impossible until now with this one-of-a-kind exhibit.

Amendment to the Voting Rights Act, and the struggle for equal rights continues to this day. The Newseum exhibit 1965: Civil Rights at 50 explores the dramatic civil rights events of 1965, from the historic march from Selma to Montgomery (Alabama) to the signing of the Voting Rights Act by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The fight for voting rights peaked in a violent clash between peaceful protesters and police that came to be known as “Bloody Sunday,” after state troopers and deputies armed with clubs and whips beat and trampled protesters as they attempted to cross Selma’s Edmund Pettus Bridge.

Maria Bryk/Newseum

many prominent speakers that day, the march will always be synonymous with Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. (Watch the last five minutes of that speech here.)


555 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Getting there

The Newseum is located between the White House and the U.S. Capitol and adjacent to the Smithsonian museums on the National Mall. The closest Metro station is Archives. Hours

9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily PHOTO CREDITS: Public Domain (Library of Congress, U.S. National Archives, U.S.I.A.)


$22.95 for adults (19 to 64)

Resources compiled by Susan Hesselgrave, AICI FLC

2015 is also the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act. It was a hundred-year journey from the 13th

“No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until ‘justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream’.” – DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR., AUGUST 28, 1963 The Association of Image Consultants International | 15




ICI’s Global Conference is something I look forward to for many reasons. Not only do I get to participate in rich educational experiences that help me grow my image business, I also have the opportunity of meeting many amazing people who not only work in the image industry and related fields but also shape their clients’ buying decisions as well as those of the public at large. London, Ontario is a mid-sized Canadian city about two and a half hours away from Toronto. With a population of 475,000, London is no small town, so it’s certainly too big for everyone to know your name … unless you have the mission and the moxie of Sue Jacobs. “I’ll be out somewhere, shopping or whatever, and somebody will come up to me and say ‘Hi, Sue!’ I’ll be drawing a blank until they say, ‘I just saw your show again the other night. It’s still running.’ That show was so much work, but it really tied me into the community. Over the course of the series, we incorporated eighteen different London businesses in the show. People know me now.” Sue Around The City, a series of six half-hour “makeover” segments that Jacobs produced in 2012 for Rogers TV™ (one of the two local television stations in London) didn’t materialize out of thin air, though. Jacobs was already putting herself out there, mounting successful fundraising events for local charities. “I had already done seven different live fashion events for local organizations, like Make-A-Wish, with my ‘Sue in the City’ concept. The station producer [from Rogers TV™] approached me directly about creating the show because we had worked together on one of these local charity events.” 16 | July 2015 magazine

Image Design – Photographic Art by Craig and Amanda


Image Design – Photographic Art by Craig and Amanda

Jacobs credits much of her community visibility to her commitment to be a champion for smaller charities that are “under the radar” of the public’s awareness. She believes it is her mission to serve others in this way, using her talents as an image consultant to amplify the impact of organizations like My Sisters’ Place.

“If you can showcase what you can do and marry that with what you believe in, it’s totally genuine, and people feel like they really know you.” “If you can showcase what you can do and marry that with what you believe in, it’s totally genuine, and people feel like they really know you. And people know I deliver. Anything that has to do with children or empowering women, I’m in.”

Image Design – Photographic Art by Craig and Amanda

“Volunteering or making a commitment to causes that are true to your heart, that you are passionate about is key. Not to say that it isn’t a lot of work. It is. But the benefits are huge. It helps others see their value, and the impact they can have by taking part. It changes lives. And it feeds your soul.” Jacobs just wrapped up hosting the third annual Handbags for Hospice on June 10, a signature fundraiser for St. Joseph’s Hospice that she helped develop from its beginning in 2013. “I’m exhausted,” she admits. “But it’s worth it.” Speaking in front of an audience can be daunting for many, but it is something that Jacobs was comfortable with well before launching her image career. Her prior career was in education, with specialties in special needs and librarianship. That, coupled with an extensive background in psychology, led her to a variety of teaching and leadership opportunities. It was as a teacher, in fact, that it really hit home for her how large an impact image has on credibility and effectiveness. The Association of Image Consultants International | 17


’ve always been amazed at Sue’s tireless commitment and passion to help people, not only in her community, but also globally. Soon after starting her business, she began to organize fundraisers, not as a strategy to move her into the public eye, but to truly make a difference. We discussed how she would stage the event, who she would involve ... no detail was overlooked. When it was show time, Sue’s magnetic personality, sense

“I just knew we [teachers] could be doing better. I always made a point of dressing professionally, put together, every day. And it mattered. I remember, it was my 4th grade class. I got to school one day towards the end of the year and before they go into the classroom all the kids line up in two lines, boys here, girls there. And that day the boys are all excited, saying ‘Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs. Jacobs! Look at the girls!’”

of humour and enthusiasm always touched the audience in a deep way, resulting in the growth of her business over time. “

The school administration thought so, too. “One year, the principal called me aside and she said, ‘The parents cannot identify the younger teachers from the students, and I’m sick of it. Can you help?’”


She laughs. “Just like boys, wanting to spoil the surprise!” “So I look over at the line of girls, and every single one of them was carrying a little purse and had some jewelry on and a pretty outfit. They’d planned it all out. And I thought, ‘Wow, they really do notice.’ Teachers are such important role models, in every way.”

Thus began her unofficial career as an image consultant. But it was after a perspective-altering trip to Japan that she decided to make it official. “I was so impressed with the Japanese women. How meticulous they were in their appearance. Returning from visiting my daughter in Japan, that first step onto North American soil convinced me that women here were short-changing themselves in how they presented themselves. They could and needed to do better. I knew I could help, and I wanted to. A year later, with encouragement from my teacher administration friends and family, I had moved on and started my own business. It was a perfect fit.” Jacobs’ community volunteer efforts have opened other business doors as well. Following one of her early fashion fundraisers, she was approached by an administrator in the Continuing Studies program at the University of Western Ontario who had been in the audience, asking her about the possibility of designing and teaching a course on image and wardrobe for their program. It was a natural for Jacobs. “I love teaching. I put together an eight-week course, learning modules for each week. Module 1 was on your professional presence. I told them, ‘Do not dress down. How you’re showing up is how you’re

18 | July 2015 magazine

perceived.’ I saw the students in the course change from week to week. They’d be sitting taller, prouder. They became more visible.” Jacobs taught the course for three terms, and then became so busy in her practice that she had to give it up. “They don’t pay you much, but it gives you huge credibility. Of course you don’t promote your business in the class – that’s a no-no. But out of the approximately 20 students in each term, probably 60 percent of them either became clients or referred clients to me down the road.” Later, Jacobs connected with Brescia University College, an all-female college within the University of Western Ontario. Jacobs knew how to get her foot in the door to build a lasting relationship. “I initially participated in an evening called Female Entrepreneur Showcase, where I met and connected with many students. That led to my being asked to be on a panel of experts, helping graduates ready themselves for interviews and transitioning from being a student to the real world.” That led to the Director of Alumnae Services asking her to collaborate on a Dress for Success program aimed at third-year and graduating students. The success of the program has led to it becoming an annual event. She could not be more thrilled.


was really impressed with the community service Sue was providing and I saw all the work she was putting into it. When I questioned her about how her efforts were funneling back to her business, I was so surprised at her answer: it wasn’t. So we rolled up our sleeves and I helped her tweak her message so the audience was clear that she was inviting them to be her new clients. She was nervous but followed through and what a difference! It’s great to do good work in the community, but when you’re growing a new business, it’s important to be able to parlay that exposure into a wider client base. Sue has become an absolute expert at creating that flow. It’s a win-win!” — BRENDA KINSEL, AICI CIP

“I have made many new friends in the students. I get such a kick out of them sending me Facebook messages from all over the world. Warms my heart. Our work as image professionals is far reaching.” She didn’t do all this on her own. Role models were important to Jacobs both in life and business. “I have had two role models who taught me how to be successful in business: my father and my husband. It is all about selling you, not your product. People buy you. Finding out what that means personally takes time. In my opinion before your business can grow, the way you want it to grow, you must know who you are and what your uniqueness is. That’s the only way to attract your ideal client.” Jacobs has a well-established business now, Personal Style Image and Wardrobe Consulting, but she is quick to caution that it didn’t happen quickly. It took time, she says, to figure out who her target market was and how to reach them. The Association of Image Consultants International | 19

Image Design – Photographic Art by Craig and Amanda

“I accomplished this gradually, with the help of two image professionals who I hired as mentors and are now treasured friends: Catherine Bell [AICI CIP] and Brenda Kinsel [AICI CIP]. “Aligning myself with audiences where the potential for future business was good was not only prudent, it changed the trajectory of my business. “Some of my early presentations were unpaid. I chose them carefully. I got in front of causes I cared about, that were important to me, businesses that could support and engage my services. Being true to yourself is difficult, especially when you want and need clients, but in the end holding true to your values, your ethics and standards wins out.” For Sue Jacobs, sticking to her sense of mission has aligned brilliantly with marketing her business. “It took some time, I have moments where I stumble, we all do. I continue to learn and strive to be the best I can be, my way, on my terms. I could not have dreamed of a better, more fulfilling career. I am proud to be in such esteemed company. Image consultants. People committed to being the best they can be.” It’s hard not to agree with Jacobs.

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“It is all about selling you, not your product. People buy you. Finding out what that means personally takes time. In my opinion before your business can grow the way you want it to grow, you must know who you are and what your uniqueness is.” THEA WOOD, AICI FLC, MBA, is an independent image consultant based in Austin, Texas, and serves as managing editor for AICI Global. She is the co-author of Socially Smart and Savvy. Photos by Image Design – Photographic Art by Craig and Amanda




ro bono is a Latin phrase that means doing professional work without payment or at a reduced fee for the public good. Why should image professionals offer complimentary or low-cost services? There are four powerful reasons to choose public service. 1. PROPEL YOUR PROFESSIONAL GROWTH Pro bono service is the perfect opportunity to develop your skills and strengthen presentations in a low-stress environment. You can receive valuable feedback while trying out a new training topic or testing a service for the first time. Practicing with “freebies” prepares you for future high profile and profitable clients. 2. OPEN NEW DOORS TO LEADERSHIP Creating pro bono relationships gives you the chance to meet top leaders from worthy and influential organizations. For example, my volunteer work with HR/NY’s University Relations committee enabled me to connect with role models across many fields, such as career services, training, and diversity. Try serving as a volunteer on a board of directors or team. It is rewarding and instantly increases your credibility. 3. WIDEN YOUR REACH Online recognition is a key benefit of pro bono work. Consider blogging for a nonprofit or actively supporting charitable initiatives to make an impact while expanding your visibility. This fall, Image Impact International is launching Mentoring Leaders 4 Impact with the widely established, college student-run nonprofit In online profiles, we will showcase our volunteers for their fantastic support of student leaders!

4. ENHANCE YOUR APPEAL TO CUSTOMERS Giving your time and talents to a cause makes good business sense. According to Kim Gordon in, “Customers who visit your website and see your advertising want to know that you share their desire to make the world a better place by supporting an important cause. If your business or brand doesn’t stand for a cause, consumers may turn to your competitors.” Authentic pro bono choices can make you stand out from the competition and help you to attract clients. REASONABLE LIMITS? Should you always say yes to pro bono requests? When should you say no? It is important to set limits. Image professionals deserve to be fairly compensated for their expertise. One approach is to establish monthly or quarterly parameters for pro bono work. This gives you flexibility and a gracious way to politely say no if you have reached your quota. Pro bono work is a powerful way to increase professional skills, meet influential leaders, expand online visibility, and attract clients when you balance requests within reasonable limits.

Pamela Judd, AICI CIP, is the President of Image Impact International, a global philanthropic nonprofit community of trainers. Pro bono educational activities include College 2 Career 2 Community Impact, Mentoring Leaders 4 Impact, Global Civility Awareness, and Disability + S.T.Y.L.E. To find out more contact juddpamela@ or visit The Association of Image Consultants International | 21

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HOW TO LOOK, ACT AND SPEAK We can all pick out the image consultants with presence. They have a definite aura about them. Some people have had natural capacities since childhood, but the vast majority of us need to learn skills to exude presence. There are several elements of presence. One is the art of being powerful: purposeful and intentional. The challenge is to look and act as if nothing about you is accidental or left to chance, and yet you seem natural, not contrived. The second element is to be clear on your values. Your appearance, habits, speaking style and actions then become congruent with what is important to you. You walk the talk. The third element is approachability. As image consultants we want to appeal to a wide variety of people in our target market. ESTABLISH PRESENCE WITH YOUR SPEAKING STYLE GAZE. When speaking in public, use steady eye contact and rest your gaze for two seconds on at least one different individual on all sides. Eye contact with a friendly smile can help create a trusting relationship with the whole audience. GESTURES. “Speaking with your hands” is a common trait but can be a pitfall. Waving your hands indiscriminately detracts from your message. Practice well defined gestures. If you are making a few points at one time, help people follow by counting each point on your fingers. TIMBRE. Voice quality can enhance your presence. If you have a high-pitched voice, find a lower tone in

your range, as a high voice can denote uncertainty and inexperience. Practice in the lower tone until it becomes natural. Voice classes will also help. ENUNCIATION. Clearly pronounce your words and alternate your pace. Use a fast pace for enthusiasm, medium for information sharing and slow pace for emphasis. BREVITY. Don’t ramble on, especially about yourself. Be ultra sensitive to “deer in the headlights” expressions and fidgeting. It’s up to you to be more interesting than the message on their smartphone. DICTION. Cut out clichés and exaggeration. Don’t use scatological language or jargon. Use precise language and you will sound more clear and original. Presence, the art of being present, is to listen to and be with people in such a way that they experience our engagement and genuine interest. Image consultants with presence see the best in others. The more we value the good traits in our clients rather than seeing them as a big problem, the more we empower them and the more we increase their confidence . . . with better results.

Lynne Marks, AICI CIM, is President of London Image Institute. She is co-author of The Perfect Fit: How to Start an Image Consulting Business and author of Skinny Bits: Wisdom for a Flourishing Image Business. She has twice served as International President of AICI and has received both the AICI Award of Excellence for Education and the AICI IMMIE award (Image Makers Merit of Industry Excellence) award. The Association of Image Consultants International | 23


WHY NOW IS THE BEST TIME TO GET YOUR FLC CERTIFICATION FLC Test investment cost now lower by 50% From a prior investment cost of $545, the FLC test now costs $275.

Introducing the technologically advanced LOP (Live Online Proctor) This is an internet-based test that allows anyone with a computer to take the test from anywhere in the world. Unlike our current FLC computer-based test, the LOP will allow any applicant to schedule and take the test using their computer from their home office or preferred location, anywhere in the world. There is no need to travel to a testing center to take the test. This means convenience and valuable savings in travel expenses. Moreover, there is no waiting time for test results, as applicants will know their test outcome right after taking the exam.

Return of the FLC Paper Test The FLC Paper Test can now be run during Chapter Education Days, subject to compliance to certification guidelines. Moreover, the FLC Test will now be offered during the AICI International Conferences once more.

Two application tracks now open for FLC Certification There are now two application options open to applicants. Both have their pros and cons, so all applicants are advised to evaluate which one works best for them.

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OPTION 1: Binder First, Test Second

OPTION 2: Test First, Binder Second

This involves submitting your FLC Binder first, and upon approval by the assigned FLC Reviewer, you may sit for the FLC Test.

This option allows the applicant to sit for the FLC Test as a first step. Upon passing, the Binder may then be submitted to the assigned reviewer.




國際双年會提供了一個最好的自我提昇和進修專業的機會. 你 會享有以下經歷和收獲: AICI

1) 2) 3)

與同行和資深人士砌磋, 學習和互相觀摩 在展覽中尋找到專用教材,書藉, 商品甚至商機 增廣見聞,開濶視野,學習國際社交. 禮儀. 提昇自身國際型象.

形象設計專家 左谷蘭 The biannual AICI Global Conference will provide you with the best opportunity for professional selfimprovement and learning.You will experience the following benefits: 1) Observe and learn with peers and seniors members/colleagues. 2) Find suitable materials, books, merchandise and even business opportunities in the exhibition. 3) Broaden your horizons, open your mind and learn international protocol and social etiquette. Most importantly, enhance yourself with international perspectives. KAREN TSUO, AICI CIP, AICI SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA CHAPTER

Asistir a la convención global me llenó de crecimiento en muchos aspectos. Desde convivir y aprender de las grandes autoras de los libros con los cuales aprendí y me inspire para apasionarme de esta profesión. Como el networking que se crea el cual me ayudó a visualizar mis metas y trabajar en ellas. Regrese a mi empresa con ganas de trabajar para mi capítulo, promocionando a AICI como una asociación profesional, además me llené de conocimiento, materiales nuevos, y fuerza de compartir a mi gente lo que me transmitieron mis colegas y amigas de todo el mundo. I grew in many ways from attending the global conference. I was able to learn in person from the great authors of the books I had studied and that had inspired me with passion for this profession. There were great networking opportunities, which helped me visualize my goals and work on them. I returned to my company eager to promote AICI professional membership and work for my chapter. I returned with new knowledge and materials to share with my people all that my colleagues and friends worldwide gave me. LOREN MESCHOULAM, ESTILO BY LOREN, AICI GUADALAJARA CHAPTER

26 | July 2015 magazine

I attended my first AICI Global Conference in May 2013, in Arizona. It was such an exciting conference and I got a lot out of it. I made some connections with other members and took some amazing workshops that helped me further my education in image consulting. Attending the conference in 2013 helped me gain the necessary credits to earn my FLC the following year. I recommend everyone attend conference to gain their own unique experience. MELISSA SUGULAS, AICI FLC, MELISSA SUGULAS STYLE, AICI NEW YORK/TRI-STATE CHAPTER

Mi experiencia en las conferencias de AICI fueron increíbles. Tuve la fortuna de conocer muchos consultores alrededor del mundo y uno de ellos fue Sarah Hathorn. Al haber atendido a la conferencia, me puso en contacto con ella dónde contraté sus servicios como coach y mentor y esto provocó que mi nuevo negocio creciera en muy poco tiempo y me posicionara fuerte entre los corporativos en México. Empezamos la relación en 2012 y al día de hoy formo parte de su empresa Illustra Business Coaching como Coach Asociado para Latinoamérica. Definitivamente ir a la Conferencia, te brinda oportunidades de educación y de lograr hacer negocios con otros expertos en la industria a nivel mundial. My experience attending the AICI conference was incredible. I had the good fortune to meet many people from around the world and one of them was Sarah Hathorn. Going to conference put me in contact with her, where I hired her as a coach and mentor. Thanks to her coaching, my new business grew quickly. We started our relationship in 2012 and now I am an associate coach for Latin America for her company, Illustra Business Coaching. Definitely, going to Conference presents you not only with great education opportunities but also great possibilities to collaborate professionally with other experts. ALE MARROQUÍN, AICI CIP, IMAGEN Y PROTOCOLO DE NEGOCIOS, AICI GUADALAJARA CHAPTER

The conference is the only place you can connect with the worldwide image industry. However, it was a very local connection forged at the conference that has proved most productive for me. Bess Heitner, a jewelry designer from New York City, exhibited at Conference. Her high quality jewelry is perfect for many of my clients. Beth is extremely accessible as she lives very close to me. I went all the way to conference to meet someone who lives next door. ANNIE BRUMBAUGH, AICI CIP, AB WARDROBE WORKS, AICI NEW YORK/TRI-STATE CHAPTER










APRIL 2015

The Association of Image Consultants International | 27

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he average American woman in 2015, according to WebMD, is 5’4”, has a waist of 34-35 inches and wears a size 12-14 dress.

Image consultants today have more clients in need of clothing in the 14-20+ size range. And while one can spend hours debating the health impacts of this trend, our job is to support our clients and to help them look and feel their absolute best. Not only is this important for their emotional well-being, studies have shown that healthy self-image leads to healthier life decisions. We truly can impact the lives of the people we serve. When styling plus-size women, there are several special considerations. STRUCTURE. Flattering a curvy frame requires a combination of structured garments that support the shape of the body and good fitting lines that provide the correct amount of space for the curvy areas of the body. Jackets and vests are great choices because they visually nip in the waist and provide shape. FABRICS. There are two aspects of fabric to consider. Hand refers to the stiffness of the fabric. Using stiffer fabrics in jackets and bottoms while using fluid fabrics for tops or dresses will provide the perfect combination, giving the body shape as well as providing flow over troublesome areas such as the stomach and thighs. Fiber content. Plus-size women often perspire more easily than their misses-sized sisters. This can be a true challenge for the traveling professional because she

sweats while dashing to the next meeting or airplane, then gets miserably cold while sitting in the airconditioned space. The best fiber choices are natural ones: cotton, the superfine wools, silk, rayon and linen. Avoid polyester and acetate if possible. Polyester not only increases sweating, it also traps odor. What about the wicking fabrics in sportswear? Sorry, they still increase sweating and odors! FITTING LINES. Garments designed for plus-size women need to have fitting lines. These can be cleverly hidden within style lines, but they have to be there. Princess lines are a great choice because they can visually narrow the width of the body and can be manipulated to fit the bust, waist and hips. Darts are also effective. Ideally, tops will have both horizontal and vertical (either French or waist) darts to provide good fit at the bust and across the stomach and hips. Darts or princess seams in pants and skirts are a must-have to fit and flatter the derrière and lower back. DESIGN. Was the garment designed specifically for the plus-size woman, or was it merely graded up from misses sizes? Designers cutting specifically for plus sizes design the garment on a plus-size model and mannequin, and they assess style lines, fit and proportion specifically for that body. The end result is much more flattering.

Catherine Scholze is the owner and designer of Catherine Scholze Designs and a Preferred Partner for the 2015 AICI Global Conference. The Association of Image Consultants International | 29





special exhibit at the Hillwood Museum will be of particular interest to AICI members attending the AICI Global Conference this August. The museum’s tagline is “Where Fabulous Lives” and fabulous it is indeed. Set within 25 acres of gardens and woodlands, the museum that Marjorie Merriweather Post bequeathed includes the most comprehensive collection of Russian imperial art outside of Russia and a distinguished 18thcentury French decorative art collection. Her personal collection of commissioned Cartier jewelry was

featured in a special exhibit there last year. Ingenue to Icon will include more than 70 gowns, dresses, and ensembles worn by Marjorie Merriweather Post, from the first part of the century to the 70s. This is the first exhibition at Hillwood to present Marjorie Post’s full range of style. Post was well known for her strong sense of personal style and appreciation of beauty and craftsmanship in all things. The exhibit documents not only the evolution of American style, but how fashion reflected the changing perception and definition of American women.

Marjorie Merriweather Post, ca. 1935 Photographer: John Alfred Piver. Courtesy Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens 30 | July 2015 magazine

“Marjorie Post lived an extraordinary life, throughout which she played many roles, from a young Edwardian bride, to a high-profile business and society figure, to independent grande dame. She was always aware that how she presented herself, particularly through her dress, not only reflected her personality, but also projected her role to society.” –K ATE MARKERT, HILLWOOD EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

INGENUE TO ICON: 70 Years of Fashion from the Collection of Marjorie Merriweather Post Exhibit Dates

June 6 to December 31, 2015 Address

4155 Linnean Avenue, NW, Washington, DC Getting there

Metro: VanNess/UDC, Red Line (20 minute walk) Hours

Tuesday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Mondays Admission

Suggested Donation: $18 FROM RESIDENCE TO MUSEUM What is now the Hillwood Museum started out as Marjorie Merriweather Post’s residence. It was her divorce in 1955 from her third husband, Joseph Davies, that spurred Post to buy the Hillwood mansion. Davies was demanding a fortune in return for the Washington mansion they lived in. “Being a good businesswoman, she thought that price was a little high, and she wanted some leverage,” explained her granddaughter and former museum president, Ellen Charles, to The Washington Post. Ellen Charles served as the board president of the museum for 25 years, stepping down in 2014. She was the last Post descendant to head Hillwood, taking over from her mother in 1989. Under Charles’ leadership, Hillwood was transformed from “a very fancy house full of very fancy stuff” into a world-class museum that attracts 70,000 visitors a year. Her grandmother’s style was overwhelming to Charles as a young woman. “She was so grand and she was a perfectionist. You were afraid you were going to stumble sometimes.” Yet it was Post’s perfectionism that translated into her impeccable sense of style.

Post wanted to “jazz up” her granddaughter’s party outfits. “Dearie, you need some jewelry,” she would say, holding out diamonds or emeralds. Ellen Charles remembered the thought of wearing the elaborate jewelry “was horrifying. Not the cost of it, just the size of it.”

The Association of Image Consultants International | 31


THE POST FORTUNE: Treasure in a Cereal Box In 1895, C.W. Post, Marjorie Merriweather Post’s father, singlehandedly created the breakfast foods industry. He was the inventor of the very first manufactured breakfast product, Postum, a patented beverage of wheat berries, bran and molasses, as a “nutritious alternative” to coffee. In 1989, the first commercially packaged breakfast cereal was debuted: Grape-Nuts. Grape-Nuts made him a millionaire. And in 1904, Post invented cornflakes. Initially branded with an unpopular name, the cornflakes were rebranded in 1908 as Post-Toasties and sales soared. The successful rebrand resulted in over $2 million net profit in just one year. Source: Marjorie Merriweather Post - A Biography by Kenneth Lisbee

Left: Evening Dress, Callot Soeurs, Paris, ca. 1907, Turquoise silk moiré, turquoise cotton moiré, orange/gold silk crêpe, orange tulle, turquoise/gold silk cotton floss, turquoise/gold silk ribbon cord, beading. Courtesy Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens Right: Evening Ensemble, Thurn, New York City, ca. 1927, Red silk crêpe, melon silk charmeuse, organza, lace. Courtesy Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens

32 | July 2015 magazine

Born in 1887, Post came of age during a time of turbulence and political transformation for American women. In 1900, women were not deemed “persons” under the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, and had no separate legal standing. By the end of the 20th century, American women had gained the vote, reproductive rights, property rights and roles in the offices of government. What they had not gained, however, was true equality in the workplace. Paychecks and promotions, however, were never a concern for Marjorie Merriweather Post, who at the time of her inheritance of the Post fortune at age 27 became the wealthiest woman in the United States. American 20th century style opens with the new feminine ideal of the “Gibson Girl.” Post epitomized this trend: upswept hair and high fashion gowns on a young woman who was educated, worldly and independent. When Post married Edward Bennett Close in 1905, she entered East Coast high society in earnest. A wardrobe makeover was called for. She called upon Parisian couturiers, fine department stores, and New York custom fashion houses to ensure that she was wearing the latest and most coveted styles.

In the “Roaring Twenties,” hemlines rose and women were liberated from the corseted look of the turn of the century. Progress and prosperity were the anthem of the times, and the Art Deco influence could be seen in architecture, decoration and fashion. In the 1930s, now married to her third husband, Joseph Davies, Post’s style evolved to the glamour of Hollywood, characterized by sensuous fabrics and close draping of the figure. Throughout the 1940s, the Davies continued to entertain in grand style, and Post, as an ambassador’s wife, was called upon frequently to host diplomats, Supreme Court justices and senators. Her style during this period was the epitome of confident elegance. Christian Dior’s “New Look” was extremely popular and brought Paris back to the forefront of fashion. The 1950s ushered in a return to the romance of rich detail and texture. In a portrait by English portrait painter Douglas Chandor, Post wore a gray silk faille evening gown attributed to African American designer Ann Lowe, who was known for elaborately worked, swirl-like motifs. A year later, Jacqueline Bouvier popularized Ann Lowe’s fashions when she chose a wedding gown by the designer. (See sidebar.)

AN ICONIC DRESS AND NEAR DISASTER Ann Cole Lowe (1898–1981) was the first African American to become a noted fashion designer. The dress she made for Jacqueline Bouvier is one of the best-remembered bridal gowns of all time, and was the catalyst for Lowe’s ascent from “dressmaker” to sought-after fashion designer. But it almost didn’t happen. The dress which Lowe had designed and fashioned of silk chiffon taffeta was destroyed (after almost eight weeks of work) just ten days before the wedding, due to a flooding of Lowe’s workroom. Also ruined were nine of the bridesmaid dresses (only five gowns of the total order were spared). Fortunately, the supplier had enough material to make it possible to replace the ruined gowns…if Lowe and her staff could manage to recreate them in those remaining few days. They worked day and night, completing the wedding dress (cutting, sewing and all) in eight days flat. However, Lowe ended up losing money in excess of $2000 on the project.

Left: Evening Dress detail, Ann Lowe (attr.), New York, 1952, Waffle weave silk faille. Courtesy Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens Right: Toni Frissell [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The Association of Image Consultants International | 33

Post was divorced from Davies in 1955 and began her residence at Hillwood. Her manner of dress from this point on was classic: mature and elegant. Post favored New York-based Czechoslovakian designer Oldric Royce and commissioned dresses from him for the remainder of her life. When she liked a certain style, she would order the same design with variations. The wedding dress Post commissioned for her 1958 marriage to her fourth husband, Herbert May, is very similar to the short day dress pictured. Through seven decades of change, Marjorie Merriweather Post raised the bar for American high society, seeking out designers who were at the forefront of the times and introducing fashion concepts from abroad into the sometimes stodgy East Coast upper class.

Dinner dress, Oldric Royce, Inc., New York City, ca. 1960, Yellow silk acetate, nude silk organza, green net. Courtesy Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens


SUSAN HESSELGRAVE, AICI FLC, is an independent image consultant based in Seattle, Washington. She serves as editor in chief for AICI Global, and is currently writing a book exploring the intersection of values, identity and personal style.

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The Association of Image Consultants International | 35




You may have heard about the new AICI City Circles. You may now be an active member of a City Circle. You may be asking, “What is a City Circle?”


ICI City Circles are AICI’s solution for either a) members who wanted to participate in AICI but didn’t have a regional chapter, or b) members who lived in a chapter’s region but were too far away to actively participate. They are citycentric organizations that act autonomously in how they operate their programs and requirements (if any). The group simply needs to send a semi-annual report to the International Board informing them of circle activities. Rather than trying to jumpstart a regional AICI chapter, establishing an AICI City Circle would be a first step to creating a recognized AICI presence in your area.

“There were existing groups that were not official, so everyone wasn’t aware of them. We decided that we needed a stepping stone toward a chapter,” said Riet de Vlieger, AICI CIP and VP Chapter Relations. “We now have seven City Circles: Houston, Dallas, Spain, Korea-Busan, Mexico-Monterrey, Columbia-Bogota, and Peru-Lima. Spain had their first conference in Barcelona this past June.” AICI City Circles also resolve the challenges that some regional chapters faced such as low membership numbers, vast geographic expanses and struggling leadership participation. As a former Southwest Chapter board member who had to hold two offices to keep the chapter compliant

“We decided that we needed a stepping-stone toward a chapter.” —R IET DE VLIEGER, AICI CIP, VP CHAPTER RELATIONS 36 | July 2015 magazine

to association requirements, I personally witnessed the challenges of running a chapter whose members were spread across a vast geographical region. Chapter charity and education events resulted in poor attendance because no matter which city hosted the event, many members had to drive three to six hours (or fly) to attend. Many had a hard time paying for the event plus the travel expenses like gasoline, airfare and/or hotel rooms. Add to that the introduction of online continuing education, and the incentive to travel to chapter events waned. Since dissolving the Southwest Chapter, Houston and Dallas have formed separate AICI City Circles. All that’s required is a minimum of four members and one “connector” or liaison to the International Board. AICI City Circles have a presence on the AICI website, by providing a link to the City Circle’s website or Facebook page which are setup and maintained by each AICI City Circle.

De Vlieger said that forming an AICI City Circle is easy to do online: >> Visit the AICI City Circles page. >> Fill out the AICI City Circle request form. Once approved, AICI sends a welcome packet to the new AICI City Circle, including a customized logo, so that it can be published on the City Circle’s website or Facebook page.

THEA WOOD, AICI FLC, MBA, is an independent image consultant based in Austin, Texas, and serves as managing editor for AICI Global. She is the co-author of Socially Smart and Savvy.






arah Hathorn, AICI CIM, CPBS joins the honored company of Helena Chenn, AICI CIM, Marion Gellatly, AICI CIM, Dr. Joyce Knudsen, AICI CIM, Emeritus, Eva Koeck-Eripek, AICI CIM, Lynne Marks, AICI CIM, Carla Mathis, AICI CIM, Hitomi Ohmori, AICI CIM, Christina Ong, AICI CIM, Judith Rasband, AICI CIM, Elaine Stoltz, AICI CIM and Anna Wildermuth, AICI CIM. Sarah is the CEO of Illustra Consulting and Illustra Business

Coaching. A Master Trainer at the London Image Institute and former senior executive for Macy’s, Sarah has 30 years of experience imparting executive presence ABC skills to advance leaders. Attendees at the AICI Global Conference in August will have the opportunity to learn from her directly, as she will be leading an intensive and interactive session, “Increase Corporate Clients to Totally Supercharge Your Business.” She will share the secrets of her

consultancy’s rapid ascent and ongoing success. She will also reveal the exact same marketing steps, systems, and up-leveling strategies she uses to get her foot in the Fortune 500 door and then form scalable, dynamic, long-term relationships. This session was designed specifically for those AICI members desiring to break into the corporate market for bigger revenues and greater career acceleration. Congratulations, Sarah, on your achievement!




write this as I wait at the Kuala Lumpur Airport for my flight back to the Philippines, having spent the past four days in Malaysia. In my capacity as AICI VP Certification, it has been a very gratifying trip. I am happy to report that the AICI Malaysia Chapter has successfully hosted the pilot FLC Paper Test, with an astounding 26 participants taking the exam, from several different countries in Asia. (The 38 | July 2015 magazine

minimum headcount required for a chapter to mount an FLC Exam is only 15.) This is the first time in AICI history where an AICI FLC Exam was conducted simultaneously in two languages: English and Chinese. This is the first time a Chinese version of the FLC paper test has been available, as it was developed just this year. 2015 has been a banner year for AICI FLC certification, kicking off

with AICI Mexico City Chapter successfully hosting FLC testing for an entire group, using the Live Online Proctor (LOP) with 15 participants taking the exam. Additionally, AICI Washington DC Chapter and AICI Malaysia Chapter held their own unique “FLC Bootcamps” to help those interested in obtaining their FLC certification. DELBY BRAGAIS, AICI CIP, CPC is the outgoing VP Certification on the AICI International Board.



LISTFUL THINKING: USING LISTS TO BE MORE PRODUCTIVE, HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL, AND LESS STRESSED Paula Rizzo, The List Producer and author of Listful Thinking July 15, 2015, 8:00pm EST — NEW YORK It seems simple, but using lists can have huge returns if you do it right. What do Sir Richard Branson, Martha Stewart, Sheryl Sandberg, Ellen DeGeneres, and Madonna have in common? Each is a list maker, and history shows us that change creators make their to-do lists and check them often. In this one-hour teleclass, you will learn how to: • Save money • Save time • Reduce stress • Be more organized • Become more productive For more information, visit: Listful Thinking: Using Lists to be More Productive, Highly Successful, and Less Stressed

IMAGEN CORPORATIVA Y MARCA PERSONAL EN EL SECTOR BANCARIO-FINANCIERO Kalena de Velado, 14 de Agosto, 2015, 12:00pm CDT — MEXICO–GUADALAJARA La clase esta orientada a propocinar un conocimiento general sobre la importancia de alinear la marca persona, la imagen corporatival y el estilo profesionai, de acuerdo a la experiencia vivida como asesora de imagen en el sector empresarial. Lo que aprenderá: • Reflexionar sobre las oportunidades en el sector empresarial • Compartir experiencias a lo largo de 20 años en el sector financiero bancario • Conversar sobre las perspectivas en un entorno global • Conocer otras experiencias similares en otros paises y regions For more information, visit: Imagen corporativa y marca personal en el sector bancario-financiero

AICI 2015 GLOBAL CONFERENCE August 27–30, 2015 — WASHINGTON, DC Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel For complete conference details and to register, visit: AICI Global Conference The Association of Image Consultants International | 39


IN AICI GLOBAL MAGAZINE! REACH THOUSANDS OF AICI MEMBERS AND OTHER INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS WORLDWIDE AND BOOST YOUR EARNING POTENTIAL. OUR READERS ARE LOOKING FOR: Color Systems Body Styling Training Industry-Related Books & Magazines Multi-level and Network Marketing Opportunities Business Tools Continuing Education Units for AICI certification Health and Beauty Products Professional Development Workshops & Webinars Hotel & Travel Services Website Design and Support Career Coaches Sales Tools Clothing & Accessories CONTACT IMOGEN LAMPORT AT IMOGEN@AOPI.COM.AU FOR CURRENT AD RATES AND DEADLINES. NEXT ISSUE: OCTOBER 2015




















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