AICI Global January 2017

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AICI BOARD OF DIRECTORS President – Jane Seaman, AICI CIP President-Elect – Riet de Vlieger, AICI CIP Secretary – Gail Morgan, AICI CIC Treasurer – Chris Fulkerson, AICI CIP, FFS VP Certification – Joanne Rae, AICI CIP VP Education – Dr. Hyeri Kim, AICI CIP VP Business Development – Lucy Liang, AICI CIP VP Marketing – Coca Sevilla, AICI CIP VP Human Resources – Lilian Bustamante, AICI CIP Executive Director – Eric Ewald, CAE Assistant Executive Director – Gigi Jaber

AICI HEADQUARTERS 1000 Westgate Drive, Ste. 252 St. Paul, MN 55114-1067 Phone: 651-290-7468 Fax: 651-290-2266

ONE GLOBAL VOICE. When I was the Associate Dean for a doctoral program at a graduate university several years ago I had to do an extensive amount of international travel. I conducted a student session in Amsterdam, presented a paper in Melbourne, worked with students in Cambridge, and participated in a human development intensive in Teotihuacan, right outside Mexico City, the location of our 2017 AICI Global Conference. Regardless of where I traveled, whether national or international, one thing remained true…we had one voice. As an institution we were collectively made stronger by the diversity of our students. In this, our first issue in the new year, we’re starting our countdown to the AICI Global Conference in Mexico City. Our theme, One Global Voice, speaks to our collective ability to impact the image industry as outlined by our president, Jane Seaman, AICI CIP in her article Shaping the Future of Image Consulting. In order to advance our industry and profession, we must first ensure to advance ourselves, including our knowledge, skills, practice, and global awareness. That starts with setting your intention to attend our international conference in May. Attending conference this year will provide you with a unique opportunity to gain a global perspective of our industry through the Mexican culture. You’ll advance your image practice through workshops and by locating resources and mentors. One of our CIMs, Sarah Hathorn, addresses the key ways to find the right business coach for you. In addition, attending conference will help you gain clarity on the direction, and potential expansion, of your business like our Member Spotlight image consultant, Michelle Augenstein. In order to develop one voice, we have to first hear and listen to the voices of others. I’m not only excited about our upcoming conference, I’m excited to be stepping in as the new AICI Global Magazine Editor-in-Chief. Susan Hesselgrave, AICI CIC did a phenomenal job leading this magazine into a true global brand and I’m appreciative of the clear and focused path she laid before me. Susan and the editorial team were committed to the highest standards of AICI, and I’m both in awe and fired up to step up to the challenge. Together we’re proud to be AICI, proud to be one global voice.

Comments about the magazine?

Dr. Carol Parker Walsh Editor in Chief

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Issue 17 EDITOR IN CHIEF Carol Parker Walsh, JD, PhD, FFSF, AICI CIC



FEATURED CONTRIBUTORS Donna Cameron Wendy Crespi Franco, AICI CIP Sarah Hathorn, AICI CIM Jane Seaman, AICI CIP


LAYOUT Limb Design AICI GLOBAL is produced quarterly by Association of Image Consultants International, a nonprofit dedicated to advancing the level of professionalism and enhancing the recognition of image consultants. AICI GLOBAL promotes AICI’s ideas, activities, interests and goals to its members. Responsibility is not assumed for the opinions of writers or other articles. AICI GLOBAL does not endorse or guarantee the products and services it advertises. 2017© Association of Image Consultants International. All rights reserved. No part of this online publication may be duplicated or reproduced without permission from the publisher. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of information included in the magazine at the time of publication, the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising from errors or omissions.

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FEATURE Shaping the Future of Image Consulting........... 8 AICI Global Conference Speaker Spotlights...................................... 12 The History of Fashion in Mexico................... 17

Inside This Issue




MASTER CLASS Top Notch Coaching to Boost Your Market Success & Profitability.................... 21



BETWEEN US Member Spotlight: Michelle Augenstein......... 24 New AICI Board Secretary: Gail Morgan......... 27 Celebrating International Image Day.............. 33

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n 2007, having completed a fabulous two weeks of training, I returned home with my head spinning and heart full of excitement about the new adventure I was about to embark on as an image consultant! Roll on three months and I was struggling, it began to seem so daunting to reinvent myself all alone. Six months in I was truly questioning my decision to take this path, but my trainer and mentor convinced me to attend the AICI Global Conference. In my past life I had overcome being a single, professional woman in the Middle East to achieve a senior executive role. I survived two Middle East wars, but the thought of showing up at a conference with over 200 professional image consultants scared the life out of me! But I told myself “onwards and upwards” and packed my suitcase at least thirty times and headed off to my very first AICI conference. I arrived at my destination airport and had been instructed to look for the hotel courtesy bus. As I was collecting my rather LARGE suitcase, an extremely well-dressed lady approached me and asked, “Are you going to the AICI conference?” Maybe it was the three-inch heels, pencil skirt and buttoned blazer that were the tell-tale signs, but either way it was a very warm welcome, and from that moment on my love affair with the AICI family began. Yes, the educational programs I attended at my first conference reignited my excitement for the industry. They also gave me the tools to actually take my thoughts and put them into practice. I was provided with reference books, action plans and insights from the world’s best, and much of what I learned I still use today. But my ultimate reward for attending my first conference was the people I met and the life-long friendships I made. Hearing the stories of other image consultants and how they overcame their initial doubts, all of a sudden I was no longer alone. Now I had the most amazing global network of individuals to turn to and since my very first conference, each time I have turned and asked for assistance or advice, my wonderful AICI family have always responded with an unconditional offer of help. Thanks to all the incredible educational programs I have since attended at conferences and the ever-expanding global network of image professionals I have met, my business has gone from strength to strength. I wake up every day and love what I do, and I do it thanks to all the amazing people I met and learned from at the AICI global conferences.


Jane 2008, AICI Conference

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have been very lucky in my life to have traveled to 68 countries and visited 133 cities around the world, and with all that I have experienced and seen, choosing Mexico City as our venue for conference 2017 was an easy decision. So let’s face the “elephant in the room” so to speak. I live in the United States, so yes I heard all the stories about Mexico and how it was not safe to visit. Having visited 133 cities around the world, I can hand-on-heart say this could be said about numerous cities and a number of them right here in the United States. I am sure if I asked our AICI family members around the world that if they had friends visiting some of their countries’ major cities, are there things and places you would advise them not to do? I guarantee you their answer would be yes. For 16 years I travelled the world as a single woman, but I consider myself an intelligent woman with the ability to use my common sense. Did I go roaming in areas outside of the main hustle and bustle of the city

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on my own, no. Did I get into street taxis, no; I used town cars or got the hotel to organize a taxi for me. Did I tour in groups, yes. Did I take the advice of the locals of where to go and what to eat, yes. I have a very, very real passion for our AICI family and I would never put any of them in harm’s way. So let’s talk about the amazing Mexico City and everything it has to offer as a venue for our global conference in 2017. I first got to visit Mexico City in 2015, and in all my travels I had never come across a city of such contrast and contradictions! Nestled in between the incredible wealth of historical and beautiful architectural buildings was a new, vibrant and modern city. Obviously, I am not alone in my love for this incredible city. The New York Times made it their No. 1 city to visit this year, and their restaurant critics raved about the food scene and in a more recent issue, they identified Mexico City as an up and coming city for fashion and design. So much so that Mexico City now hosts Mercedes-Benz Fashion

Week, which was held in the midcentury bastion Sheraton Maria Isabel Hotel, which looks out at the famous Ángel de la Independencia monument, the same hotel where our AICI Global Conference will be.

The New York Times made it their No. 1 city to visit this year, and their restaurant critics raved about the food scene and in a more recent issue, they identified Mexico City as an up and coming city for fashion and design.

Mexico City is the perfect weave of old and new with both remaining respectful of each other. So it seemed very appropriate to have it be the venue of conference 2017, as it is time for AICI to weave its own future by still maintaining the incredible foundations on which it was built, but incorporating new and modern threads of inspiration to inspire a new generation of image professionals and the future of the image industry.

Mexico City is the oldest capital city in the Americas, another thing we have in common; history and change! It is believed the first clothes were worn 170,000 years ago and, just as Mexico City has had to adapt to the changing times, we too need to adapt to the effect the fashion industry is having on our environment as it has become the second largest polluter in the world. As the largest association of image professionals, we have the power to become “Una Voz Global,” a global voice in helping to lead change in manufacturing by the fashion industry and helping to influence who and what our clients purchase. At the opening of our conference 2017, you will hear the compelling story of how Stacy

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Flynn had her eyes opened to an industry she was a part of, and how she took on the challenge to make a change. For those of you who will join us in the amazing Mexico City in May 2017, you will come to understand when I say Mexico City is a place of “contradiction”! Sitting in Mexico City and having the incredible opportunity to watch this magnificent collision of old and new was also the inspiration behind our AICI Authentic Beauty unCompromised project. Just like Mexico City, the image industry is currently colliding with views of what is deemed beautiful. To some it’s the ancient spires of the Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City, to others it’s the avant-garde architecture of the very modern Soumaya Art Museum. In the image industry, to some it’s the digitally corrected images of perfect individuals on the pages of fashion magazines. To others it’s our natural form, our imperfections, our disabilities, or the wrinkles that tell our life stories. To close our conference 2017, you will hear another incredible, personal story from Mindy Scheier and how her own personal experience of living with a son who faced physical disabilities led her to become an ambassador in the fashion industry that is changing the way top fashion designers design clothes.

uniqueness in educating the highest qualified image professionals in the world. So it seemed very appropriate that these ground-breaking universities and AICI should join forces. As a result, we currently have over 3000 AICI Academic members within Mexico. These bright, vibrant individuals are passionate about the industry; they are the future, but we can offer them the solid advice and experience of the past to ensure they maintain the integrity of the industry. I’ll say it again: just like Mexico City, a beautiful collision of old and new working in harmony together.

Mexico is unique in so many ways, but one in particular is its vision in education and the image profession, for it is one of very few countries that offers three- to four-year university programs that focus on all aspects of the image industry.

Mexico is unique in so many ways, but one in particular is its vision in education and the image profession, for it is one of very few countries that offers three- to four-year university programs that focus on all aspects of the image industry. AICI again mirrors Mexico in its

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Thirty-four incredible educational sessions to choose from, three globally recognized unique keynote speakers, an international fashion show, a wide variety of vendors, welcome, award and gala receptions and countless hours to spend time with the world’s best and the future of the image profession, all within the walls of an historical hotel surrounded by the exotic sounds, sights and tastes of Mexico City. It’s the perfect combination. See you in Mexico City. JANE SEAMAN, AICI CIP, is the current AICI International President. Her image consulting practice, Imagine Image Consultancy, is based in Asheville, North Carolina. She is also cofounder of the International Image Academy, offering professional image consultant training programs.

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tacy Flynn, CEO and co-founder of Evrnu, is a thought leader and environmental activist in the field of sustainable and reusable fashion. She’s a true pioneer and is changing the future of the apparel industry. Andrew Morgan, director of the movie The True Cost noted in regard to the fashion industry, “I can think of no other industry today that so clearly forces us to face the implications of globalization, human rights, women’s rights, and the environmental collision course we’re on.”

Evrnu is working to reimagine how we make and buy apparel. It’s not recycling or upcycling as we know it, but rather recycling garment waste to create renewable and beautiful fibers. 12 | January 2017 magazine

Second to oil, the fashion and textiles industry is the largest pollutant in the world. It’s depleting extreme amounts of water, and produces toxins that been known to poison women and children. The sobering facts were explored in the January 2016 issue of AICI GLOBAL. What makes this such a challenging endeavor is that as a society we love new clothes as demonstrated by the growing level of worldwide garment consumption. Stacy’s company, Evrnu, is working to reimagine how we make and buy apparel. It’s not recycling or upcycling as we know it, but rather recycling garment waste to create renewable and beautiful fibers.

Stacy Flynn is a textile and apparel specialist with an MBA in Sustainable Systems and a BS in Textile Development and Marketing. She is a global systems specialist with an intimate understanding of global textile and apparel supply chains. Stacy will provide valuable insight on how we as image consultants can support sustainable practices in our

global marketplace. This is a presentation you do not want to miss. WE ARE HONORED TO HAVE THIS TEDX TALK PRESENTER AS A KEYNOTE SPEAKER AT OUR GLOBAL CONFERENCE THIS MAY.




or those who attended the 2015 International Conference in Washington, D.C., you will recall one of the highlights was keynote speaker Howard Roberts, marketing guru. His dulcet English accent, worldliness wit, insight and charisma had us all captivated. The good news? He’s agreed to return to us in 2017! Yes, Howard Roberts will again be one of our keynote speakers at our International Conference in Mexico City.

While his focus will re-main on marketing he’ll discuss encompassing sustainable fashion and authentic beauty as global ambassadors to expand the image profession.

If you’ve not heard of him or missed him in 2015, let me give you a taste… Howard Roberts moved to New York in 2011 to become Executive Strategy Director for Grey Group, following 20 years in the London. He was a leader in the advertising scene working for Publicis, TBWA, Bartle Bogle Hegarty, the employee-owned cooperative St Luke’s, and Saatchi & Saatchi. He’s also worked with Renault, Unilever, The British Chancellor and the UK Inland Revenue, LEGO, IKEA and Absolut vodka, just to name a few.

To further demonstrate the breadth and versatility of Howard Roberts, he frequently speaks to both UK and US university students about branding. He’s been a ‘muse’ for French artists at Hermès, followed road-building crews around Europe, helped Elton John’s AIDS Foundation, spoke at the Bollywood Awards in Dubai, and accompanied the London Mayor to Beijing to speak to Chinese business leaders in the Great Hall of the People in Tiananmen Square. At our conference this year he’ll be presenting on a slightly different topic. While his focus will remain on marketing, he’ll discuss how we can encompass sustainable fashion and authentic beauty as global ambassadors expanding the image profession.

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Sustainable fashion remains a topic of interest to AICI having been featured in AICI GLOBAL focused on in our January 2016 issue. We also launched our Authentic Beauty Uncompromised campaign in April

2016. demonstrating that AICI is ahead of these global conversations. DON’T MISS HOWARD ROBERTS AT OUR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN MEXICO CITY!



n those rare occasions two separate and distinct worlds come together and create something beautiful and unique. Mindy Scheier was a recipient of this gift. Following a successful 20 year career designing for Macy’s International Concepts collection and styling for Saks Fifth Ave in New York, Mindy become a mother. Her son Oliver was born with a rare form of muscular dystrophy called Rigid Spine Muscular Dystrophy. Due to his muscle weaknesses, Mindy’s son experiences considerable challenges dressing himself. Her experiences with her son coupled with a career in fashion inspired Mindy to create ‘Runway of Dreams’. is the authority on adapting mainstream clothing for the differently-abled children and teens community. Mindy Scheier’s work has changed the landscape of fashion by demanding an all-inclusive industry. Runway of Dreams has three core functions: 1. RESEARCH anecdotal data from her target community on clothing functionality and challenges. 2. D EVELOP modification specs for mainstream clothing. 3. P RODUCE a new line of clothing in collaboration with top brands, such as Tommy Hilfiger, for the differently-abled community. Adaptive clothing, as such, is not new phenomenon. However, what Runway of Dreams does differently is collaborate with existing mainstream designers to ensure her line is available to everyone. Don’t miss hearing Mindy’s incredible story at the AICI Global Conference and prepared to be inspired to change the world.

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Runway of Dreams is the authority on adapting mainstream clothing for the differently-abled children and teens community. The initiatives of Runway of Dreams have been featured in The Wall Street Journal, honored on The Thrive Network and praised in the South China Morning Post, and numerous other outlets.

DONNA CAMERON is the co-founder of Body Map wellbeing + style strategies, along with her sis-ter, Dr. Nadine Cameron. Currently president of the AICI Melbourne Chapter in Australia, she also serves as associate editor for AICI Global.




The English translation by Alheli Valerio, Guadalajara Chapter, can be found on page 18.


s bellísimo estudiar la historia de la moda en México, ya que cuenta con una riqueza cultural enorme. La cultura mexicana cuenta con una gran y preciosa herencia en indumentaria. Hoy en día, pocas culturas de nuestro país siguen utilizando la vestimenta que los caracteriza, pero aún encontramos distintos lugares donde podemos apreciar cada una de las prendas que los distinguen y hacen especiales. Tal es el caso del estado de Chiapas, uno de los estados más ricos culturalmente.

comienza a ser inspirada por las grandes estrellas y sus diseñadores. Ramón Valdiosera fue uno de los primeros diseñadores de moda mexicanos, quien vestía a Dolores del Río y María Félix; dos actrices muy reconocidas a nivel nacional e internacional.

En los años 40s vemos en auge a una figura muy importante para el mundo de la moda, Frida Kahlo; quien construyó una personalidad a través de su forma de vestir.

Nuestra cultura ancestral tuvo un parteaguas con la llegada de los españoles a México. Al pasar de los años cada día nos fuimos haciendo más “europeos” en la forma de vestir y durante muchos años estuvimos muy influenciados por sus modas. Hasta la entrada del 1900 y la época de oro del cine mexicano en los 30s; cuando la sociedad

Las mujeres mexicanas querían ser y verse como ellas, además de tener su estilo de vida, que ya sabemos que era muy pasional. En los años 40s vemos en auge a una figura muy importante para el mundo de la moda, Frida Kahlo; quien construyó una personalidad a través de su forma de vestir.

Portaba indumentaria de las diferentes regiones de México y algunas piezas creadas por ella misma. Este tipo de ropa le permitía esconder la cortedad y delgadez de su pierna derecha, afectada por la poliomielitis. Además, le permitió vindicarse como una

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mujer independiente, sin prejuicios, y orgullosa de sus orígenes culturales. Intervino algunas de sus prendas, utilizaba telas españolas de algodón y sedas francesas para diseñar su ropa, dándole un estilo indígena. Hay un traje con el que se identifica a Frida, el vestido de tehuana. Éste fue pieza preferida en el guardarropa de la pintora y se tiene especial interés porque, con él, la artista se inmortalizó, tanto en su obra como en imágenes fotográficas Actualmente contamos con algunos diseñadores que han llevado el nombre de México a nivel internacional. Macario Jiménez es uno de ellos que, desde los 90s, ha impulsado la moda mexicana y ha llegado muy lejos. Lo que más lo caracteriza es una elección excepcional de telas y un diseño atemporal – romántico. También tenemos a Benito Santos y a Kris Goyri, dos artistas importantes con creaciones espectaculares. Finalmente, Pineda Covalin es una de las marcas más reconocidas de nuestro país, ya que une la cultura con la moda actual. Mezcla estampados y temáticas que representan la diversidad de México (como por ejemplo mariposas monarcas, gallos de pelea, calendario azteca y códices mayas), con sedas espectaculares y cortes para la mujer moderna. La historia de la moda en México ha sido tan diversa, tan llena de cultura, color y textura, que muchos diseñadores internacionales se han inspirado en ella para sus creaciones. Así, nuestra riqueza y herencia ha llegado a cada rincón del mundo con el gran orgullo de ser 100% mexicanos.



t is beautiful to study the fashion history in Mexico, since it has a huge cultural richness. The Mexican culture has a great and precious dress heritage. Nowadays only a few cultures of our country are still

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WENDY CRESPI FRANCO, CIP es una consultora en imagen pública y socia fundadora de Crespi & Consultores desde junio de 2008. Escribió el libro ¿Qué me pongo? y está por publicar su segundo libro. Es la creadora y desarrolladora del Seminario de Imagen Personal y Ejecutiva impartido a nivel multicampus del ITESM con más de 33 generaciones exitosas. Fundó el Centro de Estudios y Gestión de Imagen desde 2015.

using the customs that characterize them, but we still find different places where we can appreciate each of the garments that distinguish them and make them so special, such as Chiapas State which is one of the culturally richer states of Mexico. Our ancestral culture had a breakout with the arrival of Spaniards to Mexico. Years passed by and each day we became more “European” in the way we dress, and for several years we were highly influenced by their fashion. Early in the 1900s and the Mexican golden cinema era of the 30s, society started to be inspired by the great

skinny right leg that was affected by polio. Clothing also allowed her to project herself as an independent woman, without prejudice, and very proud of her cultural roots. She designed some of her own garments using Spanish cotton and French silk, but always using an indigenous style. There is a special suitoutfit that identifies Frida, the tehuana dress. This was the favorite dress in the painter´s wardrobe and there’s special interest in it, because she used it to immortalize herself wearing it in her self-portraits and in several pictures. Actually, we have some designers that have brought the name of Mexico to an international level. Macario Jiménez is one of them. Since the 90s, Macario has boosted Mexican fashion and has gone very far. He is recognized by his exceptional choice of fabric and a timeless design with a romantic touch. We also have Benito Santos and Kris Goyri, two important artists with spectacular creations.

Our richness and heritage have managed to arrive in every corner of the world, proudly being 100 percent Mexican. movie stars and their designers. Ramón Valdiosera was one of the first Mexican fashion designers. He dressed Dolores del Río and Maria Félix, two actresses very well known at the national and international levels. Mexican women wanted to be and look like them. They passionately yearned to have their lifestyle. During the 40s we see a very important figure for the fashion world: Frida Kahlo, who built a personality through her dressing style. She used to wear attire from the different regions of Mexico; she even created her own gowns. These kinds of clothes allowed her to hide her short and

Finally Pineda Covalin is one of our more recognized brands in our Country since she has a special way to fuse our culture and actual fashion. She mixes prints and subjects that represent the diversity of Mexico (for example, monarch butterflies, fighting roosters, the Aztec calendar, and the Mayan codex) with spectacular silk fabric and special fit to the modern woman. Mexican fashion history has been so diverse, so full of culture, color and texture, that many international designers have used it as an inspiration for their creations, so our richness and heritage have managed to arrive in every corner of the world, proudly being 100 percent Mexican.

Wendy Crespi Franco, CIP is a public image consultant, and partner and founder of Crespi & Consultants since June 2008. She is the author of the book What Do I Wear? and is about to publish her second book. She is the creator and developer of the Personal and Executive Image Seminar used in several campuses at the ITESM with more than 33 successful graduating classes, and she founded the Studies and Management of Image Center since 2015.

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AICI CERTIFIED IMAGE MASTER SARAH HATHORN is one of only 13 people in the world who have earned the Certified Image Master designation. As the Founding CEO of Illustra Consulting and the Illustra Business School, she has coached and developed hundreds of image consultants in more than 35 different countries. She also served as a Master Trainer with the London Image Institute and ImageAsia, and is in high demand as an internationally-distinguished executive coach, corporate consultant, and keynote speaker.


have spent many years teaching within the image industry and coaching image consultants worldwide. But there is one complaint I hear the most from image consultants who come to me for help. They feel that their careers have gotten stuck in the mud. They take numerous courses to learn the technical components of image. They put in the hours and work very hard. Still, success and higher income continue

to elude them. I am very familiar with that feeling of being stuck in a rut and unable to grow a lucrative image consultancy. I was in that same position myself, once. So what’s missing? In my experience it’s expert coaching and mentoring. Fortunately for me, I gained access to some of the world’s top business coaches. They helped me not only avoid pitfalls and gain traction, but succeed and soar.

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WHAT ARE THE SIGNS YOU MAY NEED A BUSINESS COACH? Has your career hit a plateau? You know you can market your services to a new niche and perhaps a different target audience of individuals or companies. You believe there are people out there who are willing to pay more. But how do you reach them? You need to attract those ideal clients who recognize your value, so you can start charging substantially higher fees. You need more repeat business, and stronger referrals. But you need help to get your foot in the door, and leverage your know-how and experience. You want to illuminate the blind spots in your branding, and take intelligent shortcuts that won’t shortchange your progress. WHAT CAN A GREAT COACH DO FOR YOU? Are you breathing your own exhaust fumes, sitting in gridlock instead of getting into the fast lane? Maybe it is time to seek out a business coach who knows

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your industry and your unique challenges. You want a collaborative partner who runs a business that looks like the one you want to build for yourself. You want someone to enlarge your vision, strengthen your mindset, and align your business goals with your personal dreams. A great coach will help you set clear and achievable business goals. They will clarify your focus and hold you accountable for hitting your benchmarks. They will help you draw up a game plan and stick to it, so you can quickly move from where you are now to where you want to go in 2017. WAS THEIR SUCCESS BORN FROM THE CHALLENGES YOU FACE? I believe it’s important to select a coach who has walked in your shoes. They overcame the same challenges in their own image consultancy journey. You want to find someone who is approachable, and who supports you 100 percent. But they also push you to get out of your comfort zone. They are honest with you, they illuminate your blind spots, and they pro-

pel you beyond your own perceived limitations. They understand from experience that theoretical success does not pay the bills. You want a coach who has been down in the trenches and figured out how to succeed – and make real money - beyond his or her wildest dreams. Your coach is in a partnership with you. They only measure their success when you succeed. CAN THEY GET YOU OUT OF YOUR CURRENT STALEMATE? A great coach should shake up your thinking and help you develop the confident mindset of playing a much bigger game. They need to identify where you are held back, and then offer you practical tools and insights to accelerate you to a much higher level. Find yourself a great coach with a proven track record and you will also get the keys to their whole body of work. You’ll have access to all of their new marketing ideas and content. They’ll fuel your business with solution-oriented creative ideas that keep fueling you onward and upward. DO THEY JUST TALK THE TALK OR ACTUALLY WALK THE WALK?

can try to follow industry trends. They establish themselves as the trendsetter.

A great coach will help you set clear and achievable business goals. They will clarify your focus and hold you accountable for hitting your benchmarks. They will help you draw up a game plan and stick to it, so you can quickly move from where you are now to where you want to go in 2017. With the guidance of that kind of great coach, [...] you can finally get unstuck and achieve the level of success that you fully deserve.

With the guidance of that kind of great coach, you can produce new and different signature programs and build multiple income streams. Your business can transform from stagnant to dynamic. You can quickly assert yourself as the go-to professional for businesses and individuals who are willing to pay you top dollar in exchange for your uncommon value. You can finally get unstuck and achieve the level of success that you fully deserve. SEEK THE HELP YOU ENVISION I recommend that you take full advantage of opportunities such as the upcoming AICI Conference in Mexico City, to begin searching for a coach who will be an ideal fit for you in 2017. We all need coaches, which is why every professional athlete hires them. If you have any questions about any of this, or want any tips or recommendations from me, please feel free to let me know. After all, I view your success as my success, because as image consultants we are all in this together!

They don’t promote themselves as an image coach without investing in coaching for themselves. That’s inauthentic! Committed coaches strive to reinvent themselves constantly, by learning from the best coaches in the world every time they get a chance, in order to stay relevant and future-forward. A great coach has developed their own teachable point of view. Your coach comes to you with their own unique model for change and progress. They are a thought leader, and they surround themselves with industry innovators. They don’t play wait-and-see just so they

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hen most individuals think of image consulting, whether practitioner or consumer, the first thought is wardrobe stylist or personal shopper. Although the business of image extends to encompass appearance, behavior, and communication, many consultants do not extend their practice beyond the A. Michelle Augenstein is not one of those consultants. I have the distinct pleasure of working with Michelle on the board of the AICI SFBA Chapter. She’s currently serving double duty as the chapter’s Treasurer and VP of Education/Programs. Her eye for detail and commitment to excellence to her work on the board explains her success in her business, The Corner Office Image, a small boutique image practice Michelle owns in Oakland, California. This sentiment is echoed by her friend and colleague, Sarah Hathorn, AICI CIM: Michelle provides tremendous value to her clients through her executive presence consulting work. She builds a trusting relationship with her clients, giving them great insights, tips and strategies to dramatically improve. She’s one of the top professionals in our industry, and that’s why she continues to have long-term clients who choose to work with her over and over again.

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Putting our board duties aside for a moment, I sat down with Michelle and interviewed her about her life, practice, and her involvement in AICI. Here’s what she shared. Q: WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR BUSINESS? A: My business is focused on helping professionals develop and project a leadership brand. My clients are typically performing at high levels of competence and effec-tiveness in their current roles or have just been promoted into a new one. However, at a certain point, what they’ve relied on – be it talent, skills, training/ education – isn’t enough and they, or their company, have identified the need to develop a new set of expanded talents and greater leadership skills to be successful at the next level. I offer workshops and individual coaching programs in the areas of personal branding, interpersonal skills, relationship building, presentation skills, body language, and vocal and visual impact. Q: WHAT DID YOU DO PRIOR TO BECOMING AN IMAGE CONSULTANT?

to be surrounded by city lights. I felt like a city mouse living in a country mouse’s body. I moved to Washington, D.C. for my first professional job after college. Emulating the successful women of the 90s, I dressed the best I could; suits, pumps and a sharp attaché case. As an intriguing result, I discovered I had credibility beyond my ability. I sought out successful role models in my industry and soaked up the knowledge they had to share. Opportunities came. I moved up the ladder.

“Michelle provides tremendous value to her clients through her executive presence consulting work. She builds a trusting relationship with her clients, giving them great insights, tips and strategies to dramatically improve. She’s one of the top professionals in our industry, and that’s why she continues to have long-term clients who choose to work with her over and over again.”

In the city, moving up in my career—I was finally becoming the real me. It felt wonderful. My tenure at Wardrobe for Opportunity further deepened my understanding of the power of image and executive presence as I watched the transformation made by the thousands of clients who came through our doors each year. I knew that helping others look, feel and project their very best was what this former country mouse was called to the city to do.

A: I spent my early career on the East Coast as a senior leader in the property manQ: WHY DID YOU JOIN AICI? agement and corporate A: After spending over 18 housing industries. After years working within company moving to California, I became teams and community-based the Executive Director of SARAH HATHORN, AICI CIM organizations, the transition Oakland-based Wardrobe for to solopreneurship was Opportunity, a non-profit that jarring – it’s isolating to be in business by myself. AICI provides professional attire and career support to lowprovides the community, camaraderie and connection income job seekers to help them get jobs, keep them with colleagues I need to stay motivated and spark and build careers. inspiration. Within AICI I have the opportunity to Q: WHY DID YOU SWITCH TO IMAGE CONSULTING? learn about breaking news in our industry, learn best practices, and meet and brainstorm with others who A: I grew up in an extremely rural part of are also looking to share and learn new information. Pennsylvania. I was surrounded by cattle but yearned

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Q: HOW DO YOU DEFINE/USE “IMAGE” IN YOUR CORPORATE PRACTICE? A: I think of the ABCD’s of image (Appearance, Behavior, Communication, and Digi-tal Presence) as the four wheels on a car; for optimal performance each has to be calibrated to and aligned with the others. No one tire is more important than the others and none is useful without all the rest. As such, my work in the corporate arena isn’t effective unless we evaluate and fine-tune every aspect of an effective image. Q: WHAT’S MOST ATTRACTIVE TO YOU ABOUT ATTENDING CONFERENCE THIS YEAR? A: I’m excited about the upcoming conference in Mexico City! In our increasingly borderless economy, it is critical to expand our understanding of what constitutes an effective image across borders and cultures to help our clients compete on a global stage. While chapter events and education conferences foster more intimate community, the international conference ignites something much bigger – it connects us to the limitless possibilities of the work of image. The programming slated for this year’s event so far has something for everyone. Q: WHAT ARE TWO TO THREE THINGS CONSULTANTS CAN DO TO IMPROVE AND EXPAND THEIR BUSINESS? A: The best advantage I gave myself upon launching was hiring a business coach. Hands down, it was the best investment I’ve made

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in my business to date. A good business coach is really a success partner – someone who gives freely of their knowledge and lessons learned along the way, who helps you cut through negative self-talk, set ambitious goals and designate accountability guideposts. A coach will propel you to think beyond your initial, limiting instincts. If a business coach seems out of reach, I recommend forging strategic relationships with fellow image consultants who practice in a similar niche of the market. Schedule weekly mastermind or accountability calls with one another. Share what you’re doing, talk about how your clients are responding to new initiatives, edit each other’s copy, share your forms/agreements and tweak for your own businesses, attend different workshops and then debrief and teach one another what you learned, offer sincere constructive feedback and welcome theirs in exchange, give your knowledge to one another freely. I have a weekly mastermind call with a fellow image colleague and it’s a treasured time I look forward to and grow from each and every call. Q: WHY DID YOU BECOME ACTIVE AS A LEADER IN AICI? A: Honestly, I became active in AICI because the programming that was typically offered didn’t speak to my ABCD approach to image. The activities and programs seemed geared almost exclusively to the stylists and wardrobe consultants among us. I felt strongly that if I wanted to see expanded content in our programming, then it was upon me to help bring it to life. Beyond that, it’s heartening to witness the ded-ication and care my fellow board members bring to the job of

serving our chapter members; the spirit of giving back and lifting one another up is strong.

Michelle’s practice represents a growing expansion of services provided by the next generation of image consultants. She’s a leader in her community and in our profession. As Sarah Hathorn noted, “She is always so giving and a great leader for AICI. She thinks outside the box to really help AICI become more innovative in the future. She’s a great leader for our industry and a valuable asset to have on our board.”

DR. CAROL PARKER WALSH, JD, PHD, FFSF, AICI CIC, is an award winning bestselling author, columnist, image strategist, international speaker, and television personality. She’s the founder of Evolve Image Consulting, LLC, a personal and professional development company that educates entrepreneurs, professionals and women of influence on developing an empowering presence and confident image. She serves as editor in chief for AICI Global and president of the AICI San Francisco Bay Area Chapter.




Gail Morgan’s appointment as our new Secretary of the AICI International Board, continues AICI’s goal of bringing a globally diverse board of directors. shopper and runs her own style training company, Study in Style. She’s passionate about helping other inspiring image consultants become successful and mentors them to find their niche in this amazing industry.


ail Morgan, who is based in a beautiful part of the UK, not far from London, is an sought after and successful image consultant and trainer. She has extensive experience as a personal

Her practice extends beyond training new image consultants to consulting with individual clients, corporations and the media. Gail is also a qualified NLP Master Practitioner and MBTI Step I & Step II Practitioner. Combined with her career in retail management, Gail has been working in the image industry for over 20

years. She served as the President of The Federation of Image Professionals International (FIPI), been an Assessor for the FIPI/City & Guilds Masters’ Award in Image Consultancy, was a Consultant/ Fashion Advisor in three branches of the John Lewis Partnership, and awarded the ‘New Business Person of the Year.’ Impressive! Gail is honored to accept the role of Secretary and excited to add her European perspective to AICI. Fluent in both English and French, Gail brings tremendous talent to her new role. Congratulations, Gail.

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UPCOMING EVENTS AICI WEBINARS FOR CEU’S WEBINAR: MAKING OVER YOUR IMAGE BUSINESS Sue Donnelly AICI CIP, LFIPI & Sarah Brummit AICI CIP, FFIPI Wednesday, 18 January & Monday 23, January, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST — NEW YORK AICI CREDITS: 0.3 AICI CEUs | COST: $180 AICI Members/$234 Non-Members In this session we look at finding purpose, evolution and choice to help accelerate your business. It doesn’t matter what you do; it’s why you do it that counts. One size doesn’t fit all; this session will give you ideas to take away so that you can pursue, excel and evolve. For more information, visit: Making Over Your Image Business

TELECLASS: DIFERENCIAS EN LA ETIQUETA DE ORIENTE Y OCCIDENTE Cynthia de la Garza Tuesday, January 24, 2017, 12:00 PM, CST — MONTERREY, MEXICO Registration deadline is January 23 La diversidad cultural puede provocar malos entendidos entre las personas. Para lograr comnicarnos de una manera clara y trabajar en armonía es necesario comprender las diferencias culturales que influyen en nuestra manera de pensar, desenvolvernos y relacionarnos. For more information: Diferencias en la Etiqueta de Oriente y Occidente

WEBINAR: BE SPECTACULAR™: 3 SIMPLE STEPS TO MAGNIFY PROFITS WITH EYEWEAR CONSULTATIONS Wendy Buchanan Tuesday, January 31, 2017, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EST — NEW YORK AICI CREDITS: 0.15 AICI CEUs | COST: $90 AICI Members/$117 Non-Members This webinar will focus on arming you with “specs appeal” to boost your image consulting business with eyewear consultations, attract new clients and increase your referrals. With 3 out of 4 people in need of prescription lenses, eyewear has become a common component of personal style and image. The bespectacled need YOU and this webinar will give you Optical Savvy, examples of the 5 Spec Styles and Fitting Tips for face shapes and facial features, helping you stand out from your competition and attract a circle of new clients. Add Eyewear Consultations to your list of services and your clients will have one more reason to engage with you every season or every year. For more information: Be Spectacular™

TELECLASS: EL ASESORAMIENTO DE IMAGEN Y SUS REGLAS - CÓMO Y CUÁNDO FLEXIBILIZAR LOS PRINCIPIOS María Pínola Wednesday, February 22, 2017, 12:00 PM, CST — BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA Registration deadline is January 21 Cómo y cuando flexibilizar los principios de ilusión óptica aplicados al asesoramiento de imagen. Analisis de diferentes casos prácticos y como adaptar las reglas a cada cliente. For more information: El Asesoramiento de Imagen y Sus Reglas The Association of Image Consultants International | 33



REACH THOUSANDS OF AICI MEMBERS AND OTHER INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS WORLDWIDE AND BOOST YOUR EARNING POTENTIAL. OUR READERS ARE LOOKING FOR: Color Systems Body Styling Training Industry-Related Books & Magazines Multi-level and Network Marketing Opportunities Business Tools Continuing Education Units for AICI certification Health and Beauty Products Professional Development Workshops & Webinars Hotel & Travel Services Website Design and Support Career Coaches Sales Tools Clothing & Accessories CONTACT GIGI JABER AT ADVERTISING@AICI.ORG FOR CURRENT AD RATES AND DEADLINES. NEXT ISSUE: APRIL 2017






















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