AICI Global October 2015

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AICI BOARD OF DIRECTORS President – Jane Seaman, AICI CIP Secretary – Lucy Liang, AICI CIP Treasurer – Chris Fulkerson, AICI CIP VP Certification – Beth Strange, AICI CIP VP Human Resources – Melissa Sugulas, AICI FLC VP Business Development – Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP VP Conference – Cecilia Stoeckicht, AICI CIP VP Education – Keiko Nagao, AICI FLC VP Marketing – Coca Sevilla, AICI CIP Executive Director – Eric Ewald

AICI HEADQUARTERS 1000 Westgate Drive, Ste. 252 St. Paul, MN 55114-1067 Phone: 651-290-7468 Fax: 651-290-2266

VISION IS THE THEME OF THIS ISSUE, INSPIRED BY THE VISIONARY WORK OF SO MANY OF OUR AICI MEMBERS OVER THE PAST 25 YEARS. FROM OUR FOUNDERS TO NEW CHAPTERS, NEW ALLIANCES, NEW EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES, NEWLY CERTIFIED MEMBERS, AND AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE REIMAGINED FROM THE GROUND UP, THE YEAR HAS BEEN FULL OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS. BEHIND EACH AWARD BESTOWED AT CONFERENCE LIES A STORY OF VISION AND SERVICE. HATS OFF AND A HUGE THANK YOU TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU! With this issue, I’m excited to announce a new recurring feature of the magazine, developed as a marketing tool for you to share with your current and future clients. The Master Insights section is designed to highlight the important role you, the AICI image professional, play in helping your clients, corporate or individual, achieve success. Over the coming months, our AICI Certified Image Masters are stepping forward to discuss key concerns that prompt our prospective clients to seek us out. We hope Master Insights will be useful in emphasizing the value you bring to your work as an AICI image professional. Link to the articles in your newsletter, on your website, and in social media. You also can print out copies and use them in your mailings or in-person presentations. The newly minted editorial team also steps on board with this issue. I am so grateful for their help and enthusiasm, and am looking forward to working closely with each of them. To say that the 2015 AICI Global Conference was enriching and exciting and exceeded all my expectations is an understatement. In these pages we have merely scratched the surface of what attendees experienced in Washington, D.C. If you were not able to attend this year, I hope you set your sights on 2017 in Mexico City. SEE YOU THERE! Susan Hesselgrave, AICI FLC Editor in Chief

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The Association of Image Consultants International | 3


Issue 12 EDITOR IN CHIEF Susan Hesselgrave, AICI FLC


ASSOCIATE EDITORS Donna Cameron Shaunda Durham Zakiya Mills-Francois Stefania Rolandelli Joan Van Allen Kathryn Winterle-Illo Thea Wood, AICI FLC

FEATURED CONTRIBUTORS Donna Cameron Shaunda Durham Helen Fulin Hao Christine Greeneisen Susan Hesselgrave, AICI FLC Jinny Ko Liliana Luna Zakiya Mills-Francois Marilyn Neel

Christina Ong, AICI CIM Guilia Sammarco Jane Seaman, AICI CIP Vanessa Simonetti Carolina Tan, AICI FLC Anna Soo Wildermuth, AICI CIM Kathryn Winterle-Illo Thea Wood, AICI FLC

PROOFREADERS Bernie Burson, AICI FLC Beth Yvette Strange, AICI CIP

LAYOUT Limb Design AICI GLOBAL is produced quarterly by Association of Image Consultants International, a nonprofit dedicated to advancing the level of professionalism and enhancing the recognition of image consultants. AICI GLOBAL promotes AICI’s ideas, activities, interests and goals to its members. Responsibility is not assumed for the opinions of writers or other articles. AICI GLOBAL does not endorse or guarantee the products and services it advertises. 2015© Association of Image Consultants International. All rights reserved. No part of this online publication may be duplicated or reproduced without permission from the publisher. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of information included in the magazine at the time of publication, the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising from errors or omissions.

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BUSINESS Five Strategies for Becoming Real....................... 8 Member Spotlight: Patrick Chun....................... 11




Inside This Issue

PRESIDENT’S LETTER................................... 7

So You’re Having an Employee Presentation Problem?.................................... 14 Interview Tips for Hiring Managers.................. 16 Ensure Your Interview Success......................... 18



FEATURE AICI’s Authentic Beauty unCompromised......... 21 Diversity Championed on the Runway.............. 23 Visions for AICI: A Look to the Future.............. 24 AICI Presents The New Academic Membership................................... 26



BETWEEN US First Time: My Experience at the 2015 AICI Global Conference......................... 28 A Constellation of AICI Stars............................. 32 AICI’s IMMIE Bravo Award Goes to Nickolay Lamm.......................................... 33 Chapter Awards................................................. 34 New Award Debuts at Conference.................... 34 Philanthropy Awards......................................... 35 Chapter Member of the Year Awards................ 35 Two New AICI Chapters.................................... 36 AICI’s Newest Certified Image Master: Rossy Garbbez................................................ 36 Upcoming Events.............................................. 37 Introducing the AICI GLOBAL Editorial Team................................................ 38

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ision: the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom! Our AICI founders had a vision of creating a world-class association for image professionals. Cecilia Stoeckicht, our international VP of Conference, had a vision of reigniting our members’ enthusiasm for Conference. Riet de Vlieger, our past VP of Chapter Relations, had a vision of educational bodies and associations having access to our world-class certification programs, and I had a vision that AICI could become the ultimate voice in championing that we are all beautiful no matter our shape, size, sex, creed or color.


For those of us who were lucky enough to attend the global conference in Washington, D.C., we heard consistently from our incredible keynote speakers, Dr. Jennifer Baumgartner, Howard Roberts, Sue Donnelly and Sarah Brummitt, that many individuals, companies and image professionals have given themselves the green light to change their vision in order to reflect the world we live in today. We learned that having a vision helps us see first within ourselves and then allows us to share with others our biggest ideas and tell our stories. It’s our stories that inspire our clients and audiences. Without vision, it’s difficult for us to develop a good strategy or roadmap to move forward. Nelson Mandela so beautifully said, “Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely day dreaming. But vision with action can change the world.” Our founders did create a world-class association that now has the highest qualified image professionals in the world. Cecilia Stoeckicht did reignite our enthusiasm for conference. Riet de Vlieger has opened up our world-class certification program to over 3000 students, and I will see our Authentic Beauty unCompromised program launched on International Image Consultants Day on November 23, 2015. It all started with a vision. There is an abundance of vision to be shared with us all in the pages of this edition of our global magazine. May the words within ignite a new vision within all of us as we each have the ability to change the world.


–NELSON MANDELA The Association of Image Consultants International | 7




“That’s what real love amounts to — letting a person be what he really is. Most people love you for who you pretend to be. To keep their love, you keep pretending — performing. You get to love your pretense. It’s true, we’re locked in an image, an act — and the sad thing is, people get so used to their image, they grow attached to their masks. They love their chains. They forget all about who they really are.”—JIM MORRISON


n their closing keynote session at the 2015 AICI Global Conference, Sarah Brummitt, AICI CIP, and

Sue Donnelly, AICI CIP, challenged us to re-imagine our work and the way we do it. They prompted us to

STRATEGY ONE: TELL YOUR STORY. Own it. Your power lies in your ability to be real. When you reveal yourself, other people will start to recognize themselves in your stories.

throw away “the rules” and “dress outside the box.” In a presentation rich with detail, they offered five strategies to put into practice in our businesses and in our lives. 8 | October 2015 magazine

STRATEGY TWO: FIND OUT WHAT’S REALLY IMPORTANT. The “WHY” of why you’re doing what you’re doing is what will

shape the “what” and the “how.” As Donnelly put it, “Sometimes you get stuck in the mud and you don’t know what’s important. People will tell you ‘You need some M&Ms,’ or ‘You need OREO cookies because OREO cookies will give you the boost you need on your website.’ Or ‘Rice milk. It’s the in thing. It’s the thing of the future.’ Or ‘Celery. How can you go wrong with something

that’s been around forever?’ But nobody knows what you stand for. If your Why was concentrated on health, would you buy all these products? No. Fill your basket based on your Why. This saves you money, time, clarity. And it attracts the right clients because you share the same values.” Think about what you might stop doing. Think about all the things you do now to promote your business (networking, webinars, blogging, etc.) and make a list of the ones that don’t inspire you. Take them out of your “basket.” Brummitt and Donnelly stress that everything you do should fill you with passion. If you dread networking, you shouldn’t be doing that. If you’re not a good writer, why are you trying to do that? STRATEGY THREE: RAISE YOUR VIBRATION! The core principle in this strategy is that we need to be inspired ourselves in order to inspire others. We can increase our inspiration level by paying attention to both our internal and external environments: • Your Working Environment. Clutter keeps you stuck. • Your Companions. Be discerning about the people you come into contact with. Ditch the “drains,” people who suck you dry.

“Are you wearing it because you love it, or because it sticks with the rules you were taught?”

• Your Personal Presentation. You need to think about the clothes that you wear and be inspired, filled with joy and possibility. “We can dress too much by the rules. This is a dictated way of living that is not empowering. Celebrate how [your clients] look, and challenge a few more rules. We need to open our experiences to see why people are doing what they are doing,” Donnelly cautioned. Donnelly shared a story of a client she had early in her practice. The client was a redhead with warm coloring, and she arrived wearing pastel pink. “I just love this color,” the client told her. Donnelly explained that pink was not the most flattering color for the client, and dressed her in colors “appropriate” to her coloration. “I thought I’d done my job,” Donnelly recounted, “but I did that client a disservice. I should have found out why that pink was so important to her.”

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” —C.G. JUNG Brummitt stressed, “What we do is huge. We transform people’s lives. We are not a fluffy ‘nice to have.’ We need to go into our work with a big, big WHY. Get the deepest connection with your clients. So ask yourself, ‘how can I make the deepest connection with my clients today?’” STRATEGY FOUR: FIND YOUR ZONE OF GENIUS.

your zone, the day just whizzes by. To find our own personal zone, we need to go within. We need to create space to have conversations with ourselves where we ask the questions and can listen to the answers. For Donnelly, journaling helps her find those answers. “I get it out,” she says, so she can “let it in.” Your intuition, Brummitt adds, is intimately connected to your body. Pay attention to your gut instinct.

“Standing still is the fastest way of moving backwards in a rapidly changing world.”—LAUREN BACALL STRATEGY FIVE: NEVER STAND STILL Keep moving forward, holding before you your higher purpose, your vision. Your personal calling is as unique to you as your personal fingerprint. Brummitt and Donnelly closed the conference with a rallying cry, “Figure out what you love, then find a way to serve others with what you love to do.”

SUSAN HESSELGRAVE, AICI FLC, is an independent image consultant based in Seattle, Washington. She serves as editor in chief for AICI Global, and is currently writing a book exploring the intersection of values, identity and personal style.

Finding your zone of genius will re—SUE DONNELLY plenish your passion. When you’re in The Association of Image Consultants International | 9

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atrick Chun is a man with a vision. “The writing is on the wall. Image consultants will be at the forefront of the next wave of company success. Companies that are forward-thinking will realize this. It will be the softest of the soft skills — civility, group communications and business ethics — that will make all the difference in company performance.” Chun believes the image industry should be prepared to take a leading role. He cites a recent study conducted by the Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California (FORTUNE, June 10, 2015) that concluded that developing cultural competence and empathy across all levels of their organization were among the top priorities of C-suite executives. This is why he has developed the nonprofit Institute of Image Training and Testing International, IITTI (pronounced “ET”). For Chun, people skills are paramount. “I came from the ranks of engineering, in hi-tech. It’s a very different culture. Management can be very insensitive. I remember, this was way back in the mid-80s, when a co-worker just came into the office one day, after years at that company, and turned his desk upside down, and then left. I was right there. People were re-

“The thing is, technology may have changed, but fundamentally we are still human beings.” ally moved, shocked. He was a nice person, very steady. And then one day, he couldn’t take it. The frustration overwhelmed him. The thing is, technology may have changed, but fundamentally we are still human beings. That hasn’t changed.” Considering his 20+ years running his own highly successful software company, one might think Patrick Chun was the last person to spearhead an initiative that stresses the importance of “soft skills,” the “B” (behavior) and “C” (communication) of image, to the future success of companies worldwide. But he is convinced by his own experience. “My company, Greenwood Canada, had a very low attrition rate. That was because of our company culture. People weren’t ‘plug and play.’ Programmers signed off on each piece of code with their name. …The Fortune 500 companies are winning because of their long history of corporate culture. Soft The Association of Image Consultants International | 11

“Someday soon, there will be a CPO in every company. A Chief People Officer. … Image consultants won’t be coming in for a one-time training on appearance. These will be long-term positions or partnerships with the corporation.” skills are not a sideshow, not a ‘nice to have.’ Soft skills are directly tied to the bottom line.” How important are soft skills to the success of a company? Chun provides a standout example with the online company, “They went from zero to over a billion dollars in revenue in ten years – a blink of an eye. How did they do that? By a commitment to the company culture and brand values. Zappos understands they are a customer-service company. You know how they hire people? They give them seven weeks of paid training. Seven weeks! That’s kind of unheard of these days. And then, at the end of that training, they tell them, ‘If you don’t want to work here, we’ll pay you not to.’ Because they don’t want money to be the reason people hire on. Zappos understands that people who don’t believe in the culture will hurt the bottom line.” And what is Zappos’ tagline, a company only made possible by the evolution of internet technology? Powered by service®. (For a more detailed look at Zappos, see the post at Corporate Culture Revolution.) Chun pays attention to soft skills at home, too. His two daughters, a 6th grader and a sophomore in high school, just like many youth today, interact with their smartphones a lot. “I don’t like it, how it tends to take over. I encourage them to think independently. Our youth are constantly bombarded by messages, some almost subliminal.” He knows what works for his family in terms of “unplugging” and having real-time conversations: “I take them camping in places where there is no WiFi. The week before the AICI Conference we went camping and swimming near Whistler. It’s our tradition to go camping every summer. We have a great time.” The best place to get away from it all? Out in the middle of nowhere, with no cell service! 12 | October 2015 magazine

According to Chun, the image industry will be the next big thing in providing companies with a competitive advantage. “Someday soon, there will be a CPO in every company. A Chief People Officer. This person will provide a synthesis of HR [human resources] and image skills. Right now HR is a second-class citizen. That will change. The CPO will be someone, either an internal position or an outsourced consultant who will, for instance, go to all the important meetings and listen, not to the content of the meeting, but the feel of the meeting. Body language. Interactions. Non-verbal cues. How people are feeling after the meeting.” Image professionals will become the go-to experts in this arena, and their skill set will expand and deepen to encompass aspects such as business ethics and group communications. “Image consultants won’t be coming in for a one-time training on appearance. These will be long-term positions or partnerships with the corporation.”

For more information on how can partner with image consultants, visit the Education resources on the AICI website. By the end of the year, Chun plans to offer a series of videos and white papers that can be used by AICI members to educate and engage corporate decision makers.

SUSAN HESSELGRAVE, AICI FLC, is an independent image consultant based in Seattle, Washington. She serves as editor in chief for AICI Global, and is currently writing a book exploring the intersection of values, identity and personal style.




CHRISTINA ONG, an AICI Certified Image Master, is the founder of Imageworks, a leading corporate image consultancy firm based in Singapore, with a 20-year track record of empowering global brands like Bally, Mercedes, and Citibank for corporate excellence, through her signature Branding Through People® progwrams. She is a sought-after speaker, educator and thought leader in the field, with interviews on radio and TV as well as print media, including Harpers Bazaar, Women’s Weekly, Style, Straits Times and South China Morning Post.


hen was the last time you walked into a retail outlet, restaurant or office, only to be turned off by a carelessly dressed, untrained or disengaged member of staff? Disappointing, to say the least. Is this also happening to customers in your business? Chances are you never really know. Research shows that customers simply take business elsewhere. Worse still, they may complain on social media! Inconsistent service not only impacts bottom line profits today, it erodes the company’s future business. And the problem is even bigger. Not only do front-line teams 14 | October 2015 magazine

fail to deliver the brand’s promise, the same is true all the way up the corporate ladder to leaders.

“brand-worthy?” Would they stand up to being put on a billboard with your brand’s name as the author?

While managers may think the problem lies in who HR is hiring, how they’re interviewing prospects, or even internal training strategies, the problem is often rooted deeper.

2. Do employee training, benefits and advancement opportunities epitomize the brand’s qualities? Does the company treat its employees the way it wants its customers to be treated? Are they missing a key brand message like excellence, respect, fun or safety?

To consistently deliver brand experiences that keep customers coming back for more, start by observing and asking three crucial questions before suggesting ad hoc “image” improvements to front-line employees: 1. Are the company’s internal emails, memos and oral communications

3. Finally, does management believe in the brand promise? How do they demonstrate their commitment to this in the appearance, behavior and communication of employees representing the brand throughout the ranks of the organization?

“The [image training] program we have is tailored to our needs and represents what we stand for, aligning with our brand and the way we do business. It has captured our essence and helped us to create customer-driven employees not only through how they dress, but how they represent our business and most importantly themselves.” – HEAD OF LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT, ANZ SINGAPORE

If any of these three questions resulted in a “no” or “maybe not,” then the problem doesn’t begin and end with your customer-facing employees. That is simply where it’s showing up today because the branding through your people process has failed. An expert image consultant is someone who can help leaders in this corporate dilemma. They are equipped to identify where and how to remedy the root causes of a brand culture that sprouts issues in morale, customer service and public relations. HERE IS WHAT TO SEEK OUT WHEN ENGAGING AN IMAGE CONSULTANT BEST SUITED TO YOUR ORGANIZATION’S NEEDS: 1. INTERNATIONAL EXPERTISE, LOCAL RELEVANCE While the world has become a global marketplace, an image consultant with firsthand experience of the region and culture where

your business operates brings richer insights that will make all the difference. Local relevance impacts change because it brings to life what matters to people, such as specific values attached to service excellence. 2. ACCREDITATION Excellence is best measured through industry benchmarking. Inquire about the consultant’s credentials with professional bodies such as the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI). The resource directory on AICI’s website will also help you locate professionally certified image consultants in your area. 3. PROVEN PROCESS Every brand is unique. That’s why leading image consultants work with their clients in close partnership to ensure sustainable results over time—from customizing their proven branding process around

your organization to fostering team engagement, delivering solutions and engaging in post-training follow-up measures. Following these guidelines, organizations can launch an image management program with clear internal objectives. Your people can turn every service touch point into an opportunity to build a brand culture of excellence. Bridging the gap between lofty corporate brand promises and tangible service excellence through your people adds the polish that builds profits. To learn more about how image consulting can revitalize your organization’s corporate culture and breathe life into every customer brand encounter, visit You can also invite your team to attempt an image and etiquette quiz at

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CHRISTINE GREENEISEN is the founder and president of Search Plus International, serving corporate clients in the automotive, aerospace, biomedical and high tech industries. Here she offers insights from her 30+ years in recruiting on how hiring managers can improve the interview process so they attract and employ the best candidates.

When confirming the interview appointment, include the appropriate dress code for that interview. Why? Different venues, industries or even days of the week can make a difference as to what dress is appropriate.

As the Interviewer, you are the face of the organization. How you dress, communicate and conduct yourself sets the tone and plays a major factor in recruiting best talent.

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Make sure you review the candidates’ resumes ahead of time, making notes on their resumes pertaining to questions you may have. This sends a signal to candidates as to the importance and seriousness of filling the position with the right person.

Be prompt. There may be time constraints (flights, other scheduled interviewer participants, etc.). If you find you are running late or have an unexpected conflict, have another member of your interview team exchange her/his time slot with you. Or have a company representative take the candidate to another room (conference room, etc.), offering refreshments and company materials with an apology for the delay.

Remember that the candidates are interviewing you as much as you are interviewing them! Treat them as a guest with a friendly smile and in a professional, courteous manner. Even if the candidate does not fit the role, you want them to go away thinking, “What a great company, I would like to work there.” Candidates talk. They can be your best advertising tool, or not. Most candidates are a little apprehensive or nervous at first, so take this opportunity to put them at ease. Ask them about their drive/ flight to the company, give them an overview of the company/position, begin the interview by asking about the candidate’s first employer.

Be a good listener. When asking questions, don’t lead the answers – pause and allow them to answer.

Be current on the legality of questions you can ask.

Keep the interview on track! Going off the subject matter or too much storytelling will weaken your ability to assess the person’s abilities and cut into other participants’ scheduled time.

In concluding the interview, thank them for coming in, offer a strong handshake and walk them to the exit or the next interviewer’s office. (And be sure to show them where the restrooms are located.)

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repping for an in-person interview can be overwhelming. With technology, it’s even more difficult because companies can now research YOU online before the interview. ENSURE THAT THE FIRST IMPRESSION YOU GIVE IS YOU AT YOUR BEST: DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Educate yourself about the work and the culture of the company. There is a lot of information available online. Read press releases, and search for photos and articles. OPTIMIZE YOUR ONLINE “BRAND.” Make sure your online presence matches who you are at your best, not your complaints about the world or your colorful social life!

ANNA SOO WILDERMUTH, an AICI Certified Image Master, is president and founder of Personal Images, Inc., specializing in helping corporations and individuals project an executive presence that conveys confidence and success in business and social settings. She served as International President for AICI, 2003-2005, and in 2008 received AICI’s Award of Excellence. She is also the co-author of CHANGE ONE THING: Discover What’s Holding You Back and Fix It with the Secrets of a Top Executive Image Coach.

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DRESS APPROPRIATELY. You might go by the building and see how everyone is dressing as they leave the building after work. Or ask your company contact what they expect for interview attire. WEARING A JACKET IS ALWAYS IMPORTANT. This applies to both women and men. Outside of North America, this will be a full suit for men and a skirt suit for women. Particular to the United States and Canada, if it is a very casual and relaxed organization, men may wear a jacket with a companion pair of pants and women can pair a skirt, dress, or pants with a jacket. MIND THE DETAILS. Men, wear a tie. Women, avoid a low-cut neckline. Jewelry must not be distracting. GROOMING IS CRITICAL. Make sure your clothing is in the best of condition, immaculate and well-fitting. Hairstyles should be conservative, and for men, no facial hair (unless you are interviewing in an art or technology field). Downplay makeup for women. And universally, wear a minimum of scented products (cologne, after-shave, etc.). CONNECT. Offer a smile and a solid handshake, and introduce yourself with direct eye contact: “Hello, I’m Jane Doe. I’m so pleased to meet you.”

IMAGE UPGRADE YIELDS BIG RETURNS “‘Karen’ came to me through a client referral. Karen is a personal banker who handles individuals with $3 to $4 million portfolios. She worked in a Chicago suburb and transferred to the downtown location under a new manager. The new manager was not happy with her appearance or how she interacted with senior leadership. Karen and I worked on all image related issues, from hair to clothing, facial expressions and body language. She also took an assessment to determine her communication style and help her navigate styles different from hers. “ Karen and I worked together for about 20 hours. The change was dramatic. Everyone was pleased, and Karen’s career soared. At a lunch I hosted for Karen and her business coach one year later, I found out she was the year’s top producer (the year previous she had been about to be fired). “

DURING YOUR INTERVIEW: KNOW WHAT YOU WANT. What is your goal in applying for this position? How does this position match who you are and what you want to achieve? KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER. Increasing revenues, managing large projects to completion, solving marketing problems, etc. SPEAK THEIR LANGUAGE. Match the interviewer’s choice of words. AFFIRM YOUR INTEREST. Ask if you can follow up with a call or email within a specific timeframe. AFTER YOUR INTERVIEW: ALWAYS SEND A THANK YOU NOTE IMMEDIATELY. A handwritten note is best if possible. However, if you have poor handwriting, type the note, and sign it by hand. (If the company first contacted you by email, an emailed thank you may be appropriate.)

THEA WOOD, AICI FLC, MBA, is an independent image consultant based in Austin, Texas, and serves as associate editor for AICI Global. She is the co-author of Socially Smart and Savvy

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n the past few years, we have seen a gradual shift in the media as to how people are portrayed. Dove launched its Real Beauty campaign, Macy’s has started to use curvier models in their catalogues, and cosmetic companies are using the mature woman as their face of a product. I admire and support this change in the media. But as an image professional I can also recognize that as much as the media may put this more diverse woman in front of the camera, they are not the ones who actually work with real people on a daily basis. They are not the ones who stand in front of a mirror with a woman who has lost her confidence because of what she sees in the reflection, or the teenager who thinks she sees something ugly, or the gentleman who has lost his selfesteem—all because the media has convinced them that their reflection is not one of beauty.

It is we, image professionals, who pick up the pieces and take our clients by the hand, leading them to see themselves differently. It is the combination of our expertise in understanding body shapes and proportions, our ability to identify style personalities, and our capacity to combine all of this with every client’s unique lifestyle that makes us experts in expressing true beauty—the unique beauty of the individual.Ours is the field of Authentic Beauty unCompromised. There is no one more qualified than The Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) to become the voice of Authentic Beauty unCompromised as AICI represents the highest qualified image professionals in the world. The purpose of the AICI Authentic Beauty unCompromised initiative is to use our global influence to promote projects, products, and messages that reflect that every person—no

“In 2012, Plunkett Research reported that the average American woman is a size 14, and plus-sizes, often classified as 14 to 34, account for 67 percent of the population. A survey of over 5,000 U.S. women by online retailer ModCloth found that “more U.S. women report wearing a size 16 dress than a size 2 and 0 combined,” and “57 percent of U.S. women wear at least some clothing in sizes 16 and above.”

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matter their shape, size, sex, creed, or color—is beautiful. AICI will officially launch the Authentic Beauty unCompromised campaign on International Image Consultants Day, November 23, 2015. At the AICI Global Conference in Washington, D.C., this August, our own Catherine Schuller, AICI CIP, gave an inspiring presentation of one of the first

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projects AICI will be championing: the “Design A Dress” competition. This project will challenge young designers to create a runway-ready dress, designed from concept to runway, to fit and flatter women as they really are. AICI will seek out initiatives that cultivate an inclusive environment in the world of fashion. AICI recognizes the importance of our

collective, global voice and our key role in shaping this goal. With one voice, AICI will champion authentic beauty for all. JANE SEAMAN, AICI CIP, is the founder of Imagine Image Consultancy and co-founder of The International Image Academy (TIIA). She serves as International President of AICI.


he innovative company Alvanon, specializing in scanning technology to improve garment fit for the fashion industry, has now developed a dress form based on thousands of scans of women and proportioned for sizes 16 and above. This will provide designers with a key tool that allows them to design specifically for the larger figure. “I thought the research behind the forms into body shapes was very interesting. The forms have the women’s curves in all the right places, and the way the garments fall on this form is very close to how they would fall on a real body.” —CARLA WOIDT, TEMPERLEY, ALVANON CLIENT

DIVERSITY CHAMPIONED ON THE RUNWAY “Only 5% of all designs are created with plus size in mind.” —CATHERINE SCHULLER, AICI CIP


ormerly a plus-size model for Ford and editor at plus-size magazine Mode, Catherine Schuller, AICI CIP, has been an outspoken advocate of plus-size fashion. But she doesn’t intend to stop there. Schuller’s goal is to create an inclusive fashion environment for all. “Everyone from toddlers to trannies! We started with plus, we’re now going for embracing diversity.” And the fashion shows and media are paying attention. Executive Editor and Co-Founder of NYFW Plus, (September 9-13, 2015) Brandee Joyner, told Manik Mag, a lifestyle magazine for the curvaceous woman, “It’s time for plus-size fashion to be mainstreamed. There’s no reason why more plus-size celebrities shouldn’t be rocking the latest from plus-size designers.” Even the ultimate New York media insider, The New Yorker, exhibits an evolving attitude. “For anyone accustomed to navigating the anxious crowds at uptown Fashion Week, Full Figured Fashion Week can feel like passing from a land of famine into one of plenty. The guests are more racially diverse—there were plenty of white people, but much of the crowd was African-American and Latino— and they come in every shape and size: short women with slim waists and enormous breasts, tall women with narrow shoulders and thick torsos, round women, pear-shaped women, and a few mesmerized men. The atmosphere is celebratory, rather than cutthroat.” (The New Yorker, Sept 22, 2014, “The Plus Side” by Lizzie Widdicombe)

“I’m making it so that everyday fashion shows just treat the runway as a metaphor for life.” —CATHERINE SCHULLER, ABBEYPOST, MARCH 2015

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I see AICI growing stronger via more international members and chapters, giving AICI a stronger global perspective. — HELENA CHENN, AICI CIM

I would like AICI to continue developing a high level of ethics for image consultants. I want AICI to inspire the next generation to have high values and to be seen with respect while changing the lives of others. ­— ROSSY GARBBEZ, AICI CIM AICI will offer easier, affordable access to high-level education through the use of technology worldwide. Members will achieve higher levels of certification to strengthen their position in the industry and in the minds of consumers. Membership will grow through alliances with academic partners, and strong connections made at international conferences will encourage strategic partnerships. — MARION GELLATLY, AICI CIM

AICI will build success at the brand level, without losing the human connection. Members will be stakeholders in a resourceful and valuable community of image professionals who appreciate the value of the important work that they do. ­— DOMINIQUE ISBECQUE, AICI CIP, FOUNDER AICI will evolve image consulting to embrace self-esteem, assessments, personal development, public relations, marketing concerns and much more. I foresee CEOs seeing the value of what has been “missing” throughout their companies and seeking us out. The statistics continue to show that reputations are often built on the basis of a three-second first impression. — DR. JOYCE KNUDSEN, AICI CIM

I believe the international front is incredibly important and we need to include countries like Italy and France. It’s vital that AICI grow and expand through Europe, Asia and Africa. ­— EVA KOECK-ERIPEK, AICI CIM

AICI will experience many changes. Electronics will continue to grow in the running of AICI, as well as in consultants’ businesses. Electronics, however, are somewhat impersonal, and I am concerned about the loss of personal service, the one-on-one consultation. Speaking to one’s client face to face is so important. — CORALYN LUNDELL, AICI CIP, FOUNDER 24 | October 2015 magazine

What I see next is the way image is being accepted in the corporate world. And now we even have the ability with IITTI to assess and measure soft skills. AICI will grow and expand through the young people, through the colleges that are coming on board. Image consulting is basically going to explode in the world. ­— LYNNE MARKS, AICI CIM

AICI will be in universities in every country that has a global presence. AICI image consultants will soon have a fundamental role in many fields, such as professional presence and personal image therapy. They will serve on retainer or as a permanent position in corporations, as well as being the go-to consultants for retailers. — CARLA MATHIS, AICI CIM

For more business opportunities to image consultants, we should offer AICI members more educational opportunities and information directly connected to business. By doing this, AICI’s reputation and influence will be enhanced globally. ­— HITOMI K. OHMORI, AICI CIM

Information and the exchange of new ideas are rapidly coming from the emerging economies and the developing markets. I envision AICI being far more global, possibly decentralized, as we adapt to a wider arena of thought leaders. This will help image consultants be relevant in meeting the diverse needs of a wider clientele. AICI will also play a larger role in helping its members tap into growth opportunities in the global marketplace. — CHRISTINA ONG, AICI CIM

My hope for the future of our industry is that people will think of image consultants like they do an accountant, interior designer or business coach. But the only way that will happen is if we, as an industry, grow together collaboratively. ­— JENNIFER PARKINSON, AICI CIP, FOUNDER

I am so impressed by what I’ve heard here at Conference so far. The vibrancy, the expansion, the direction that we’re going. I love the inclusiveness and diversity: size, race, culture and age. This is the direction I’d like to see AICI continue in the next decade. — ALYCE PARSONS, AICI CIP, FOUNDER

AICI has a bright future if we will respond to the needs of the people and the countries with regard to what we have to share and teach. We must be recognized for providing the most accurate image information on all related topics. ­— JUDITH RASBAND, AICI CIM

I see AICI becoming predominantly international because certification is a high priority in the international world. Hopefully we will have 10,000 members in ten years. Then we will have lots of interest in our services. The biggest challenge is marketing our industry throughout the world. As entrepreneurs we need to join forces as a large group to invest in a major marketing campaign. — ELAINE STOLTZ, AICI CIM

Over the next decade I envision a strong, fiscally sound association with a growing membership. While not forgetting we are a U.S.-based organization, it is important to grow our global presence and strengthen our certification program. ­— ANNA SOO WILDERMUTH, AICI CIM The Association of Image Consultants International | 25





studiantes universitarios de la Carrera de imagen de todo el mundo, podrán gozar de los beneficios de AICI a través de una membresía diseñada especialmente para ellos. El pasado 29 de agosto durante la cena de gala de la Conferencia Mundial de AICI en Washington 2015, se formalizó la nueva membresía académica, en la que estudiantes de diferentes universidades serán parte de la Asociación, teniendo diversos beneficios, entre los que destacan: mayor acercamiento al gremio garantizando su profesionalización en el ámbito de la imagen de acuerdo a estándares internacionales. A través de esta nueva membresía, miles de futuros consultores en imagen, podrán participar de forma activa dentro de la Asociación, lo que permitirá que tengan acceso a nuevos conocimientos y tendencias de la profesión.

Jane Seaman, AICI CIP, Presidente Mundial de AICI comenta que durante los últimos 25 años, AICI se ha esforzado por desarrollar, establecer e implementar los más altos niveles de certificación en el área de Asesoría de Imagen en el mundo, a lo que agrega que la membresía académica es una forma de abrir nuevas oportunidades a los futuros talentos en el área de la consultoría, con programas educativos y certificaciones que les den la visión de nuestra asociación. “La idea de acercar a los estudiantes a la Asociación Internacional de Consultores en Imagen AICI, nace de la necesidad de fortalecer los estándares educativos con los que un egresado se incorpora al ámbito profesional. Mediante una serie de acciones, el estudiante tendrá la oportunidad de aprender e interactuar con expertos de talla internacional” comenta Manolo Trujillo, Coordinador de la Licenciatura en Imagen Ejecutiva y Corporativa de la Universidad Franco Inglés. Por su parte, Hildeberto Martínez, Vicerrector de la Universidad Valle Continental Monterrey y Presidente Saliente de AICI Capítulo México precisó que la membresía académica constituye una gran oportunidad ya que establece un vínculo directo entre el quehacer universitario y la AICI: “Para nuestros estudiantes significa el acceso a educación de calidad, y para nuestro equipo docente se convierte en una guía para impartir cátedra de acuerdo a las competencias básicas de la profesión.” LILIANA LUNA se desempeña como VP Ética y Protocolo de AICI Capítulo México

De izquierda a derecha: Hildeberto Martínez, Vicerrector de la Universidad Valle Continental Monterrey y Past President de AICI Capítulo México; Manolo Trujillo, Coordinador de la Licenciatura en Imagen Ejecutiva y Corporativa del IUFIM y Vicepresidente de Educación de AICI Capítulo México; Mtro. Uriel Galicia Hernández, Presidente del Consejo de administración del IUFIM; Ing. Alain Galicia Pimentel, coordinador de tecnologías de la información del IUFIM.

26 | October 2015 magazine

Victor Vázquez, Tesorero de AICI Capítulo México, firmando como testigo de la Universidad Valle Continental, en la ceremonia de la membresía académica.

Mtro. Uriel Galicia Hernández, Presidente del Consejo de administración del IUFIM; Coca Sevilla, AICI CIP, VP de Comunicaciones de AICI Global y Presidente de AICI Capítulo México




niversity students around the world who are pursuing careers in image consulting will be able to enjoy AICI benefits with a membership designed especially for them. On August 29, during the gala dinner of the 2015 AICI Global Conference in Washington, D.C., the new academic membership was formally introduced. This alliance, founded on AICI international standards, marks a significant milestone in guaranteeing the expertise and credentials of image professionals. Through this new affiliation, thousands of future image consultants will be able to take an active role in AICI, allowing them to have access to the most current knowledge and innovations in the image industry. AICI President Jane Seaman, AICI CIP, stated that during the last 25 years, AICI has strived to develop, establish, and implement the highest certification levels in the image profession, and she added that the academic membership is a way of opening new opportunities for future professionals in the

image industry, providing educational programs and certification that will promote the vision of AICI. “The idea of bringing students into the International Association of Image Consultants was born of the need to strengthen the educational standards with which a graduate enters the professional field. Through a series of steps, the student will have an opportunity to learn and interact with experts of international stature,” explained Manolo Trujillo, Coordinator of the Degree in Executive and Corporate Image of La Universidad Franco Inglés. Hildeberto Martínez, Vice Chancellor of La Universidad Valle Continental Monterrey, added that the academic membership constitutes a great opportunity because it establishes a direct link from university studies to AICI: “For our students it means access to quality education, and for our teaching team it becomes a solid framework of fundamental competencies for the image profession.” LILIANA LUNA is the current VP Ethics and Protocol, AICI Mexico City Chapter. The Association of Image Consultants International | 27





ocas veces en la vida uno tiene la oportunidad de aprender tanto en tan poco tiempo, en primer lugar por los conocimientos y experiencias compartidas por los participantes de todo el mundo; pero mucho más importante, por el ejemplo de sencillez, humildad y sabiduría de vida del equipo humano que dirigió este evento. Conocí personas que han logrado méritos impresionantes y son incluso reconocidas como Gurús en sus respectivos mercados, pero no han permitido que el éxito y la fama los distraigan de su principal misión: DAR. Dar a las personas que lo necesitan las herramientas y orientación para que, a través del mejoramiento de su imagen, logren ser mejores personas y profesionales, proyectando una imagen en perfecta armonía con sus valores y objetivos. Vuelvo a Perú con la sensación incomparable de tener nuevos grandes amigos de todo el mundo, a quienes ofrezco mi casa como suya.


nly a few times in life do you have the opportunity to learn so much in such a short time. This was the case at the AICI International Conference. First because of the knowledge and experiences shared by attendees from around the world, but even more important, due to the example of simplicity, humility and wisdom about life displayed by the team who led this event. I met people who have achieved remarkable success and are recognized as gurus in their respective markets, However, they have not let success and fame distract them from their primary mission: to GIVE. They give people the tools and guidance to improve their image, helping them to become better people and professionals, and to project an image in perfect harmony with their values and goals. I returned to Perú with the unique feeling of having great new friends from around the world, and I look forward to welcoming you, should you visit.

VANESSA SIMONETTI left the corporate sector to become an independent image consultant based in Lima, Peru. Since 2014 she has promoted IITTI standards and certification for professionals, organizing corporate training and workshops for personal image management. 28 | October 2015 magazine



PARTICIPANTS FROM 32 COUNTRIES: this is a united nations conference of image professionals! For me the warm welcome began days before the conference formally opened. As I was exploring the Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel, I was greeted by the President of the AICI Washington D.C. Chapter, the beautiful Cindy Ann Peterson, AICI FLC. The next two days we toured the US Capitol and then explored the National Gallery of Art with Carla Mathis, AICI CIM, co-author of the image industry classic, The Triumph of Individual Style. I enjoyed meeting new friends, some of whom I was already connected with online. Dr. Jennifer Baumgartner opened the conference with a presentation that was inspiring and that challenged “fast-fashion.”

Howard Roberts’ animated and entertaining delivery of his “Brand Your Inspiration to Create Your Own Brand” used the entertainer Madonna as an example of a music icon who has sustained the magic for decades by having a strong brand. I was asked to participate in the “AICI Walks the Runway” fashion show, a new event at the conference. Being a former model helped boost my confidence! It was fantastic to wear the original creation of one of AICI’s talented designers, Delby Bragais, AICI CIP, whose Spring/Summer 2016 Collection was to be showcased at the inaugural Style Fashion Week in New York City on September 10. The CIM Round Table discussions inspired us as we moved from table to table absorbing a rapid flow of valuable information. Thank you to all of our Certified Image Masters and Founders as they shared generously from the heart.

The Association of Image Consultants International | 29

The evening gala was a real showcase of achievements, elegance, beauty, and dancing. Lastly, if you think for a moment that momentum slowed on the last day, you’re wrong: the four-hour session with Sarah Hathorn, AICI CIM, was powerful! I emerged committed to reviewing, analyzing, and applying her principles in my consulting business. Sarah Brummitt, AICI CIP, and Sue Donnelly, AICI CIP, brought the conference to a brilliant close with their thought-provoking “Inspiring Change: Making Over the Image Industry.” We were asked to clarify the “why” in our image business instead of just the “how” and “what.”

So why is the AICI Global Conference worth the cost and 37 hours of flying from Manila to attend the conference? That’s easy to answer: • • • • •

Friendships Professional learning at the highest level Valuable collaborations The certification advantage T he in-person experience of seeing, feeling, being with, and believing in each other and what we do.

I’m truly proud to be part of AICI.

CAROLINA D. TAN, AICI FLC, is the founder and president of Enhance Your Image Training Consultancy. A former model and television host, she is also an alumna of John Robert Powers International and has been its active consultant at the school for 16 years. She was recognized at the AICI Conference Awards Night for achieving her FLC certification in 2015.



he first time I heard about AICI was from a dear friend of mine, Martha Risco, who had been a member of the Association for several years by this time. As a clinical psychologist with an MBA and a banking and finance background, I started working as an image consultant almost by chance. Corporations, both Peruvian and international, began asking me to speak about protocol, etiquette, and human relationships from a psychological perspective. So it was through their books and articles that I first became acquainted with some AICI members. Realizing the importance of certification and talking with Martha, I came to the conclusion that becoming an AICI certified member was the best way to grow as a professional image consultant. When we learned that this year’s conference was in Washington, D.C., and AICI would be celebrating

its 25th anniversary, it took us less than a minute to decide we had to be a part of it! It turned out to be everything we expected it to be! We had a chance to meet and share time and experiences with the BEST image professionals. I had the opportunity to sit and talk with masters Carla Mathis, AICI CIM, Judith Rasband, AICI CIM, Elaine Stoltz, AICI CIM, and Dr. Joyce Knudsen, AICI CIM. The AICI principles of being open, generous, and helping each other in everything we might need definitely proved to be true. When I unfortunately became ill during the conference and needed a doctor, I was accompanied by one of our Washington, D.C., Chapter hosts, chapter president Cindy Ann Peterson, AICI FLC. These ladies are so caring! Attending this conference opened my eyes to the significant difference we can make in other people’s lives by helping them explore and express all the greatness they have inside.

GIULIA SAMMARCO is a senior executive with experience managing institutional and public affairs, corporate image, communications, corporate social responsibility, and press strategies at an international level in finance, telecom, and banking. She has a sincere interest in supporting the economic and social development of her homeland, Perú. The Association of Image Consultants International | 31




his award is named in honor of the late Jane Segerstrom, an AICI Houston Chapter and AICI International Board member, whose vision and association work set the foundation of AICI’s international growth. The Jane Segerstrom Award, first awarded in 1997, is bestowed upon a person who has helped to further our worldwide association/ industry vision. Sue Donnelly, AICI CIP, became the sixteenth recipient of the Jane Segerstrom award for her imaginative approach to expanding the field of image consulting. Sue is known worldwide for her eclectic approach to style and her commitment to sharing her experience and insights with her fellow AICI image consultants. (See the article on page 8 for a taste of Sue’s creativity, and watch for an AICI GLOBAL profile in 2016.)



he Rising Star Award is given to a new member who has achieved accelerated success as a newcomer to the field. Neha Malhotra has been featured in leading newspapers for her active participation in fashion and lifestyle events, corporate workshops and guest lectures. Her workshops in India have been tailored to diverse 32 | October 2015 magazine

audiences, including corporate employees, couture clients and teenage girls. She has leveraged her public speaking skills to grow her business reputation. Additionally, Neha has taken the initiative to connect with all AICI members in India and has enlisted their cooperation to help establish an AICI chapter there.



wards of Excellence are given to members who, over the years, have served AICI in a variety of capacities, demonstrating outstanding commitment to the growth and well being of the entire association. The two recipients this year have contributed to AICI in so many ways a brief description does not do justice to their accomplishments. AWARD OF EXCELLENCE FOR CONTRIBUTION: JOANNE RAE, AICI CIP Joanne Rae came onto the AICI International Board at a very challenging time in AICI’s history, when the administration and financial viability of the organization was in peril. Today, AICI is experiencing a new era, including a strong management company relationship, financial stability, membership growth and a 25th anniversary conference that is an incredible celebration of AICI’s achievements to date. All of this has been made possible because of Joanne’s dedication to AICI. (Read more about Joanne in the

Member Spotlight from the April 2015 issue of AICI GLOBAL.) AWARD OF EXCELLENCE FOR PARTICIPATION: JOSEPHINE LUI, AICI CIP Josephine Lui’s commitment to AICI has been tireless. The current President of AICI Malaysia Chapter, she served on the Board as VP Education and President Elect from 2010 to 2014, and she was voted 2013 Chapter Member of the Year by her fellow AICI Malaysia Chapter members. Josephine has worked diligently to showcase the presence of AICI in Malaysia, including her appearance in 2010 as one of the six international speakers at the Business Network International World Conference in Malaysia.




Nickolay Lamm is a visionary in the truest sense of the word. At age 26, he has already built a significant career as an artist and researcher creating thought-provoking, vividly designed content on the internet. One of his passions is a concern with the negative impact on selfimage of idealized media depictions of the human form. That led to his asking this question in 2013: What if fashion dolls were made using standard human body proportions? His project was discussed by HuffingtonPost, Today, Time, LA

Times, Good Morning America, CNN, CBS, The Daily Beast and even Cosmopolitan!

Nickolay Lamm


am, without a doubt, the worst-dressed person here tonight.” Nevertheless, the young man in denim and sneakers who stepped up to the podium to accept AICI’s Image Makers Merit of Industry Excellence Bravo Award (IMMIE Bravo)* has made an impact on the development of positive selfimage that will be felt by the entire image profession over the decades to come.

Then people started asking, “Where can we buy these dolls?” The visionary became an inventor. On March 5, 2014 Lamm launched a crowdfunding campaign to produce dolls with typical human body proportions. More than 13,621 backers preordered over 19,000 dolls. A mere eight months later, Lammily was born. A beautiful “regular” teenager, she now has her own fans, website and Lammily TV. Lamm says he created “regular Barbie” for one reason, “I wanted to show that average is beautiful.” SUSAN HESSELGRAVE, AICI FLC, is an independent image consultant based in Seattle, Washington. She serves as editor in chief for AICI Global, and is currently writing a book exploring the intersection of values, identity and personal style.

* AICI recognizes outstanding contributions in the field of image by persons or companies outside the association with the Image Makers Merit of Industry Excellence Bravo Award (IMMIE Bravo).

“Some interpreted the crowdfunding campaign slogan “Average is Beautiful” as a message of aspiring to mediocrity or creating a new societal standard. However, I see ‘average’ as inclusive of all of us, not a standard which excludes. I want to show that reality is beautiful, that life is beautiful, and there should be a line of dolls which reflects this fact.”—NICKOLAY LAMM, “THE FUTURE OF LAMMILY” The Association of Image Consultants International | 33




MEXICO CITY CHAPTER: Exemplary achievements in certification, chapter growth and new initiatives to further the vision of AICI, including the launch of academic membership and their selection as the host chapter for the 2017 AICI Global Conference.

HONG KONG CHAPTER: Chapter growth, with membership increasing by almost 200% in one year. MEXICO CITY CHAPTER: Growth for AICI, through the implementation of the academic membership initiative.

CHAPTER AWARD FOR CERTIFICATION MEXICO CITY CHAPTER: Hosting the first FLC Online Proctor (OLP) group test at a chapter MALAYSIA CHAPTER: Hosting the pilot FLC Paper Test in two languages simultaneously

CHAPTER AWARD FOR EDUCATION SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA CHAPTER: Consistently offering a high quality Education Conference, with members coming from around the world to attend




ecipients of the AICI President’s Award are chosen at the end of the President’s term and given to individuals who the President deems to have made a very special contribution to the development and growth of AICI. The 2015 recipients of the newly established award: DELBY BRAGAIS, AICI CIP for the incredible work she did on developing and introducing the FLC live proctor option; introducing the FLC paper exam in Chinese; and achieving the highest number of FLC test registrations in any one year in AICI’s history. RIET DE VLIEGER, AICI CIP for her hard work and determination in implementing AICI City Circles, a new chapter rebate policy and being the seed to our new Academic Membership program. Thanks to all

34 | October 2015 magazine

three of these projects, she has laid the foundations for considerable growth of AICI membership. SUSAN HESSELGRAVE, AICI FLC for her hard work on the AICI GLOBAL magazine. She has raised the professionalism of the publication to an entirely new level, resulting in hundreds of thousands of external hits, attracting new Preferred Partners and exemplifying AICI’s mission to set and promote the highest professional standards for image consultants. MANOLO TRUJILLO for his support and contribution to the successful launch of the new AICI Academic Membership project. He has been an incredible force working behind the scenes to bring this idea to fruition. Building relationships with universities, he has helped open the doors to hundreds of students to be a part of AICI’s educational programs.

AICI GIVES BACK: THE 2015 PHILANTHROPY AWARDS 2015 AICI CHAPTER PHILANTHROPY AWARD AICI Malaysia Chapter donated all profits from their 3rd Educational Conference, plus a contribution from the Chapter, to support PERKIM, a non-governmental organization that works to assist the welfare of patients with ichthyosis in Malaysia. Icthyosis is a skin disease that is in most cases congenital. Victims of the disease find it difficult to secure education or employment, due to discrimination because of their disfigurement. They are also unable to work in very hot environment as they may get heat stroke due to their skin condition. There are over 300 patients with this disease in Malaysia. It is their hope that Malaysians will come to accept them as part of the society.

workforce by providing clothing, coaching and training. During the Chapter’s “Donation Drive” in April this year, the Chapter helped in the collection of suits, other business-appropriate apparel, shoes and accessories for the project.

2015 AICI INDIVIDUAL PHILANTHROPY AWARD Sunny Wang Yun, AICI FLC (AICI Beijing Chapter), is dedicated to helping children and young people from vulnerable social groups. Her philanthropic efforts have

been aimed at promoting their mental health as well as providing practical social skills to have a happy life. During the past two years Sunny gave lectures on various occasions to college students who are from extraordinarily poor families. She coached them, individually and as a group, in how to use dress and image skills to make a difference in their lives. As a volunteer in a local school for deaf and hearingImpaired children, she taught children’s etiquette, a skill not normally provided for this special needs population.

AICI Washington DC Metro Chapter adopted the Dress for Success Project, which helps women get back into the


SILVIA GUERRA, AICI FLC–Guadalajara Chapter SHANNA PECORARO, AICI CIP–New York/Tri-State Chapter KEIKO COUCH, AICI CIP–Tokyo Chapter WENDY CRESPI FRANCO, AICI FLC–Mexico City Chapter SANDRA OTIPKA–Chile-Santiago Chapter CINDY TIEN–Singapore Chapter JOANNE RAE, AICI CIP–Washington DC Metro Chapter CAROL ROBICHAUD, AICI CIP–Canada Chapter DAISY CHONG SACK MOI–Malaysia Chapter Chapter Member of the Year awardees will be featured in the January 2016 issue of AICI GLOBAL. The Association of Image Consultants International | 35






ossy Garbbez, AICI CIM, joins the honored company of Helena Chenn, AICI CIM, Marion Gellatly, AICI CIM, Sarah Hathorn, AICI CIM, Dr. Joyce Knudsen, AICI CIM, Emeritus, Eva Koeck-Eripek, AICI CIM, Lynne Marks, AICI CIM, Carla Mathis, AICI CIM, Hitomi Ohmori, AICI CIM, Christina Ong, AICI CIM, Judith Rasband, AICI CIM, Elaine Stoltz, AICI CIM and Anna Soo Wildermuth, AICI CIM. Rossy is president of Garbbez Consulting Group, as well as 36 | October 2015 magazine

founder and past president of the AICI Guadalajara Chapter. She is also the first AICI member in Latin America to achieve her Certified Image Master certification. She has appeared on Televiso Guadalajara and written for Suit Magazine, Negocios, Vanitips, among others. She is the author of the book, LOGRA TU MEJOR IMAGEN... MUJER, published by Editorial Trillas (2010).




CONSULTORÍA DE GRAN LUJO Larisa Hinojosa, LH Style Coach Thursday, October 8, 2015, 12:00pm CDT — MEXICO-GUADALAJARA For more information, visit: Consultoria de Gran Lujo

HOW TO TAKE THE WORK OUT OF NETWORKING Jim Roman, Business Development Expert Tuesday, October 13, 2015, 12:00pm EDT — NEW YORK For more information, visit: How to Take the Work Out of Networking

INTERNATIONAL IMAGE CONSULTANT DAY: CELEBRATE WITH AICI! Monday, November 23, 2015 Download IICD graphics here: International Image Consultant Day

LA COMUNICACIÓN NO VERBAL, UNA HERRAMIENTA DE PODER Manolo Trujillo, LIEC. Imagen Ejecutiva y Corporativa Wednesday, November 25, 2015, 12:00pm CST — MEXICO-GUADALAJARA For more information, visit: La comunicación no verbal, una herramienta de poder

“PLANIFICA TU ÉXITO” GANA MÁS Y TRABAJA MEJOR COMO CONSULTOR DE IMAGEN Carie Mercier-Lafond, Karysa y Expertos en Imagen Wednesday, December 2, 2015, 12:00pm CST — MEXICO-GUADALAJARA For more information, visit: Planifica tu Éxito

LA VESTIMENTA. SENSACIONES QUE PRODUCEN Y SUS PERCEPCIONES Paty Valdes, AICI FLC Wednesday, January 13, 2016, 12:00pm CST — MEXICO-GUADALAJARA For more information, visit: La Vestimenta. Sensaciones que producen y sus Percepciones The Association of Image Consultants International | 37



EDITORIAL TEAM When I put out the call for volunteers to assist with AICI GLOBAL, I had no idea that there would be so many enthusiastic responses from such highly qualified candidates (including the magazine’s former Editor in Chief, Thea Wood, AICI FLC). It is with pleasure and gratitude that I introduce the new members of the AICI GLOBAL Editorial Team. Starting with this issue, their assistance in producing the magazine is significant. They join me and our proofreaders, Bernie Burson, AICI FLC, and Beth Strange, AICI CIP. — SUSAN HESSELGRAVE, EDITOR IN CHIEF DONNA CAMERON previously worked in film, multimedia, and marketing before establishing and managing a number of programs in the Australian public sector to help marginalized people transform their lives through confidence building, presentation, and employment opportunities. Her initiatives were recognized with two Prime Minister’s Awards. She established Body Map Wellbeing + Style Strategies in 2012 with her sister, Dr. Nadine Cameron. Donna is also the President of the AICI Melbourne Chapter in Australia. SHAUNDA DURHAM is the director of an academic support center that helps develop students’ public speaking and presenting capabilities and is a communication instructor in Northern Virginia. She conducts professional development workshops for students focusing on image, business, and professional communication. Currently pursuing Image Consultant Certification from the Fashion Institute of Technology, she plans to open a consulting business specializing in image and professional development for the diverse college student population. ZAKIYA MILLS-FRANCOIS is the owner and Managing Director of ZM Image Consultants Limited based on the Caribbean island of Trinidad and Tobago. She has over 10 years of experience in marketing, branding, PR, corporate communications, crisis communications, protocol, and events management. Zakiya has many publishing credits to her name, including as a weekly writer for the Consumer Tips Column in the Trinidad Express and Guardian Newspapers from 2004-2007 and as editor of the quarterly professional magazines MILLnet (manufacturing) and BG Life (energy). She is certified by the London Image Institute in Advanced Image Consulting and Professional Development. STEFANIA ROLANDELLI is the mother of twins who, she says, “have taught me to watch the world with curiosity.” Born by the sea in Liguria, Italy, she currently lives in Sasso Marconi, near Bologna. Extensive travelling for her former career in sales taught her to deal with people of all ages, genders, nationalities, personalities, and cultures. Stefania decided to explore the world of image because she is fascinated by its expressive strength and she wanted “to look beyond what I see in order not to judge it, but to attach a meaning to it.” Origami Image Consulting 38 | October 2015 magazine

JOAN VAN ALLEN brings over 15 years of experience managing technology and marketing programs in the corporate sector, as well as considerable experience coordinating corporate, personal, and recreational events to her new career in image consulting. Currently attending the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, she has started her own business, Starlight Total Image. Joan is a food and wine enthusiast who lives on the Fox River northwest of Chicago, Illinois. She is also a local chapter president of the National Association of Professional Women. KATHRYN WINTERLE-ILLO is the founder and president of All Seasons Image Consultants, LLC, located in Medford Lakes, New Jersey, just outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In addition to image consulting, Kathryn is an attorney with the State of New Jersey and a sales associate for a retailer of classic women’s apparel. She and her husband Jim enjoy lakefront living, traveling, and spending time with their two beautiful grandchildren. THEA WOOD, AICI FLC, is Austin’s Signature Stylist as well as the co-host of #Over40Chat on Twitter. She’s also a public speaker and freelance writer who specializes in image consulting for women over 40 in male-dominated industries. Her advice has appeared on local television and radio shows in Austin as well as national media like Fox News Magazine, The Fashion Spot, and Thea hasn’t missed an episode of Project Runway in 14 seasons and still dreams of being a rockstar.

The Association of Image Consultants International | 39


IN AICI GLOBAL MAGAZINE REACH THOUSANDS OF AICI MEMBERS AND OTHER INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS WORLDWIDE AND BOOST YOUR EARNING POTENTIAL. OUR READERS ARE LOOKING FOR: Color Systems Body Styling Training Industry-Related Books & Magazines Multi-level and Network Marketing Opportunities Business Tools Continuing Education Units for AICI certification Health and Beauty Products Professional Development Workshops & Webinars Hotel & Travel Services Website Design and Support Career Coaches Sales Tools Clothing & Accessories CONTACT GIGI JABER AT ADVERTISING@AICI.ORG FOR CURRENT AD RATES AND DEADLINES. NEXT ISSUE: JANUARY 2016




























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