A I D A N D e s i g n
P o r t f o l i o
It’s not about having time it’s about making time
To Explore The Space... For Living LIVING QUARTER 07
For Living CABIN 21
For Visiting MUSEUM 30
For Relaxing PARK 34
For Passing TRANSIT 38
For Experiencing LIGHT HOTEL 44
For Lighting NATURAL LIGHT 55
To Explore The Space...
For Living
- Living quarter
Liivng space is always regular, it seems that there is a rule that for living space to follow. Indeed, square or retangle space is user friendly. However, it is really boring of the space. Therefore, I would like to use a special operation concept to run this design. Trying to design an interesting living spatial quality to the living spaces in this project.
The original design is three layers, three floors. However, because the celling height is just reach 2 m height, it is too low for people stay inside. Therefore, convert three layers to two layers, the middle layer change to the floor of the upper layer. After decrease the layers from three to two, the celling height will be 3 m height. This height will be acceptable for people to live inside. But the outlook have a sharply change after become two layers. From the view of the outlook, it looks like the middle floor cut the whole building at middle. There will not be the layers outlook. Therefore, I would like to keep the original three layers out look but make some changing inside. Three layers outlook, two layers inside.
Different spaces, different height 2.5m height is an acceptable heigh for human standing inside
X is NOT same as Y ONE space, TWO height
Grid for ground layer and top layer
Grid for middle layer
6 1 ground layer plane and block 2 ground layer plan space plan 3 top layer plane and block 4 top layer plan space plan 5 middle layer plane and block 6 middle layer space plan
1 conceptual model 2 conceptual model 3 side view of conceptual model 4 detail of conceptual model 5 operation concept model explosion 6 conceptual model
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
All Rooms 14
Floor Plan
Side Elevation
Front Elevation
To Explore The Space...
For Living CABIN
For Living
- Cabin
By using massing and envelop way to build up a space. Acting others object to design may create something interesting spatial quality. For the design, I would like to strengthen the connection between interior space and exterior space. To let the people inside can feel more about the environment around them. Not just only a huge glass, is really connecting outside fromm indoor.
Form is about making, and leads to the exploration of the making of space
Massing & Envelop is to transform or simplify, not just COPY
Envelop From FORM Making To
Toe process of produce MASSING models to represent the stones involves: simulation, simplification of the complex form and justification with aesthetic sense
SPACE Making
Cutting the foam ramdomly, and then combine them together with a new combination to develop an unique group of spaces. Then use those special spaces to design the mood that is based on that interest form of spaces. This make the design become more special and have more characteristic of the original reference object.
Form making through the manipulating of the envelop and through the making of the envelop, it makes Space
The design pay attention on the relationship between interior space and exterior space. Not only the light effect of the sunlight, is also how to let people to enjoy the outer environment even stay inside the cabin. The cabin is using massing and envelop way to build up. Therefore, the shape of the design like the reference object, stone. The space inside is special, not regular, but interesting. As for the interection with outside. I have designed a moving celling at the upper floor. When open the window, the people inside can sit down and look around outside, or they can climb up to the roof top of the cabin. Sitting or standing at a upper place to view and feel the environment around. This will strengthen the connection of in and out.
To Explore The Space...
For Visting MUSEUM
For Visiting
The project space is a museum, the function of museum is used for showing exhibits. Exhibits are the main characters of this design need to reach. Therefore, exhibition area and the path is very important for the design. I would like to use some tricks to strengthen the function of exhibition. By using the curiosity of human beings. Attracting vistors to see another exhibits while seeing the thing in front of them. To get the interest of the sight of the vistors for all the exhibits in the museum.
The whole design use transparent materials to build up. One is glass, another is frosted glass. The space is a museum, this is used for showing exhibits. Exhibits are the main characters of The whole design use transparent materials to this design need to reach. Therefore, exhibibuild up.and One glass, another is frosted tion area theispath is very important for theglass. The whole design use transparent materials to design. I would like to use these two transparent The space is a museum, this is used for showbuild up. to One is glass, another isoffrosted glass. materials strengthen the function exhibiing exhibits. Exhibits are the main characters of The a museum, thisofistransparent used for showtion. space By usingisthe effect of view this design need to reach. Therefore, exhibition ing exhibits. Exhibits are the main will characters of and non-transparent. Semipermeable lead thisvistor’s design need toAttracting reach. exhibition area and the path is very Therefore, important the dethe curiosity. vistors to for see area the path verythese important for the deanother exhibits while the thing front sign. and I would like toisseeing use twointransparent sign. I would like towhile use people these are twowatching transparent of them. It is because materials to strengthen the function of exhibition. materials to strengthen function of exhibition. the claer exhibit, the otherthe exhibits at another By the effect of view of and By using using the effect of the view of transparent transparent other rooms will become background with and lead the anon-transparent. blur view. This willSemipermeable get the interest of will the sight vistor’s curiosity. Attracting vistors to of the vistors. vistor’s curiosity. Attracting vistors to see see ananother exhibits while seeing the thing in front of other exhibits while seeing the thing in front of them. It is because while people are watching them. It isexhibit, because areatwatching the claer thewhile otherpeople exhibits another otherclaer rooms will become theexhibits background with a the exhibit, the other at another blur view. This will get the interest of the sight other rooms will become the background with of a the vistors. blur view. This will get the interest of the sight of the vistors.
To Explore The Space...
For Relaxing PARK
For Relaxing
The is always a connection between park and green plants. Green plants always give people a relaxing feeling. In this just using plane and block to build up space project, Instead of using green plant, I would like to focus on the spatial quality to make the relaxing atmosphere in the design of this park.
The design concept of this park is that, try to build up the relaxing atmosphere if abandon the most common element of a park, green plant. I tried to mainly use the natural elements rock and water to build up the park with a little bit transparent materials, glass. The outcome mood is a bit cool but interesting. Because the planes and blocks would not place very close, so that there will not let people feeling a great pressure. The space between the blocks are enough for people to have a small group garthering, This park woud really give people an special view for to feel a no grass park.
To Explore The Space...
For Passing TRANSIT
For Passing
This design project is mainly focus on the path. Therefore, I have to think about how to give the maximum experience to the visitors when they pass through this short space,
The design concept of this transit is to let people feel a big different when passing this transit. Therefore, I deisgn one side of the opening is very high, wide and very bright. On the opposite side of the opening, It is very low, narrow and dark, the celling height is just about the height of an adult. Also, there is a curve inside the transit. This let people at the opposite opening can just see a little bit light from the other opening and cannot see the whole path of the transit. This keep the design a little bit mystery. And the path inside do not just going up or down. Even the people go inside from which opening, they will also go up and down to experience this transit.
To Explore The Space...
For Experiencing LIGHT HOTEL
For Experiencing
- Light Hotel
A place that is just for people to feel the natural light. To let people to have a better environment to experience different types of natural light, I would abandon the common building shape of the hotel. I would pefer to create a space that is more like a big installation art space.
There is different types of room for people to experience different type of light. Direct sunlight, reflection of the light, non- direct sunlight, narrow space but strong light, light that is through many reflection, strong ligh, soft light, etc. Even it is a hotel, the space would not just build upward. The irregular placement of the room that create many public space for people to gathering. Because this light hotel is all use sunlight to light up. Therefore, most of the room would design very open to absorb more sunlight. The let the hotel more bright.
To Explore The Space...
For Lighting
- Natural Light
The inspiration is the element from the natural. The design was developed from the fusion of two natural elements: water and wood. wWater is ever- changing and elusive. However, wwwwwwOn the contary, the characteristic of the wood is specific and hard. This project tried to combine these two elements together and placed them into the design that table out meaning of natural feeling and create magical effects of form and light.
This project is a green project. The target is mainly using recycle materials to make the light. As for this target, I would like to design a light that can create some natural feeling to people when lighting up in the room. Therefore, I will use the natural elements like grass, water, tree, etc as the main element to design the light. By using recycle materials with natural elements as theme to build up a light that can remind people that how beautiful of the natural are if they see this light or can feel some of the natural element with light up in their room.
The design is formed by different size of a smae irregular basic form. The basic form is develop from the shape of drop of water and the hard of wood. Combing these two elements and then come out a new form. Using many basic forms to form the light and also peform a great variety as well as the flow of the water. This make the light looks like more vaility. Also, the light bulb of the design was chose to use LED light bulb. It is because the light can be more focus, to enhance the sense of hierarchy of the light. And the main point is, LED lamps offer a long service life and high energy efficiency. Therfore, it is more correspond with idea environmental protection. Suitable with the name ‘ natural light’. More environmental protection.