P1/P2 Visual merchandising EBook By Aiden Holmes-Reilly
Contents page: Page 1… Types of outlets and Techniques and purpose Page 2… Techniques and purpose Page 3… Marks and spencer (P1) Page 4… Marks and spencer (P1) Page 5… TOYS R US (P1) Page 6… TOYS R US (P1) Page 7… Fenwick (P1) Page 8... Fenwick (P1) and Conclusion (P1) Page 9… Types of goods and Marks and spencer (P2) Page 10… Marks and Spencer (P2) and TOYS R US (P2) Page 11… TOYS R US (P2) Page 12... Fenwick (P2) Page 13… Conclusion (P2)
Visual merchandising- Visual merchandising is the way in which a store and its merchandise are presented, in a way that is visually appealing so that it attracts customers to the store. Types of outlets
Department store- A department store is a large store that has multiple departments under the same roof, for example health care and clothing. Malls- A mall is a large building that contains many different shops that sell different things, an example of a mall is Stratford Westfield. Speciality store- A speciality store is a store that focuses on a specific type of product rather than a range of different products, an example would be a sports store that only sells sports clothing and equipment. Supermarket- A supermarket is a large store that stocks and sells a range of groceries and household products. Hypermarket- A hypermarket is a huge store that sells a wide range of different products and is usually located outside of major cities. Franchise- A franchise is a store and a brand that can be bought for a fee, once the fee is paid the individual that paid will be provided with everything needed to market their store. Discount store- A discount store is a store that sells a range of products for a price lower than other retail stores. Warehouse store- A warehouse store is a large warehouse that sells a wide range of products at a highly discounted price, most warehouse stores require a membership to be able to shop there. Factory store- A factory store is a large retailer that sells large amounts of stock that are sold straight from the manufacturers for a discounted price. Cash and carry- This is when customers pick up large amounts of goods and pay the full amount there and then.
Techniques and purpose
Horizontal merchandising- Horizontal merchandising is when products are displayed in a horizontal way. Horizontal merchandising is used to make the customer look at a whole range of products because all products are on the same level the customer will look from side to side and the more products that customers view, the more likely it will be for them to buy something. Vertical merchandising- Vertical merchandising is when products are displayed in a vertical way. Vertical merchandising is used to display popular products in the customer’s field of vision, customers will then look up and down and view more products which means they are more likely to purchase one of the products on display. Micro merchandising- This is when products are placed in a specific way to attract customers, e.g. assortment, location of store and quantity. End-cap- This is when products are placed at the end of the isle so that customers are more likely to see the products and purchase them. Cross merchandising- This is when products that are relevant to each other are placed on the same display or shelf to increase sales of these items. Themed display- A themed display is a display that a retail store would create that is based on a specific theme to attract customers to the store. An example of a themed display would be a Christmas themed display during December.
Using of fittings and fixtures- Retail stores use fittings and fixture within their stores to grab customer’s attention so they are more likely to purchase something within the store. Softline fixtures are fixtures that are soft to touch such as clothing or children’s teddy bears. Hard-line fixtures are fixtures that are hard to touch such as TVs and fridges. Placing of dummies- Most stores use dummies to demonstrate specific products to customer within their stores. The placement of dummies means where the dummies are placed within the store and what they are doing or wearing. This is important because the way in which dummies are placed and used can attract customers to purchase items from the store. AN example of this is in a clothing store dummies would be placed around the store wearing specific outfits which could attract customers to buy the outfit as they can see how it looks on. Fragrance of store- This simply means how the store smells. This is important because if the store smells nice then customers are likely to have a more pleasant shopping experience meaning the chance of them purchasing something would be higher. Types of furniture- This means the types of furniture that stores use. If the furniture is nice and/or suits the theme of the store, then customers will have a pleasant shopping experience because nothing looks out of place meaning they would be more likely to purchase something from the store.
Marks and spencerMarks and spencer is a supermarket that sells a wide range of foods and household products. Horizontal merchandising: The Image below shows a window display used by Marks and spencer. This is an example of horizontal merchandising, Marks and spencer use this because it creates a simple focal point and field of vision for potential customers passing by, which means that it is very easy and doesn’t take time to view all products on display. The ease of this means that customers have a pleasurable shopping experience as products are displayed in a crisp and smart way so customers don’t have to look all over the place to view products. Marks and Spencer also use horizontal market to direct customer’s eyes to popular or pricier products which is a very clever way of getting customers to buy more.
Themed display: The image below is a themed display used by Marks and Spencer’s during Christmas time. You can see that they used a theme display as it is a toy factory with toys that they sell also part of the display. The theme is Christmas and the fact that they have added toys to the display fits the theme as children are likely to want toys for Christmas presents. They have put a very well put together themed display as the colours match and the theme is consistent throughout which creates a very eye catching effect.
Pyramid merchandising: As seen from the picture below Marks and Spencer use pyramid merchandising. This is an example of pyramid merchandising because you can clearly see how Marks and Spencer have made different levels to the display with less items in the upper parts of the display. they use this technique to focus the customer’s eyes because of the different levels with different products on each. Marks and spencer also use pyramid merchandising to ensure that their displays are not bland and boring. The top level of Marks and spencer’s pyramid display is what would first attract customer’s eyes from there as they look down they will down at the range of products below, this means that customers are more likely to buy at least one of the products because of the attractive display.
Vertical merchandising: This image is an example of how Marks and Spencer use vertical merchandising. In the image below you can see that Marks and Spencer use vertical merchandising to display belts. This is vertical merchandising because belts are displayed vertically and would draw customer’s eyes to look up and down the display at the different products meaning they would be focused on the range of products and be likely to purchase something.
TOYS R US- TOYS R US is a speciality toy that specialises on children’s products, games and toys. Themed display: As you can see from the image below TOYS R US used themed display. It is an example of themed display as it is themed to one products (sky landers). The whole shop window is based on the same theme which shows that they are using themed display as the large sign and paper cut outs all display the same theme which attracts customers because it lets them know that the store is possibly doing a promotion on a specific product.
End cap: The image below shows that TOYS R US use end cap ion their stores. This is end cap because it is a set of products placed at the end of the aisle so that customers see it first and are more likely to purchase one of the products on display. This is a clear display of end cap because you can see that both of the aisles contain specific products that are most likely new or on promotion and because they are at the end of the aisle they are more likely to get the attention of the customers and be purchased.
Vertical merchandising: The image below is an example of how TOYS R US use vertical merchandising in their stores. The display below is a promotion for my little pony. As you can see TOYS R US have organised the display so that their most expensive products are at the bottom of the display, this is because customers will first look at the top of the display work down to the bottom. This is an example of vertical merchandising because it keeps customers focused on the most expensive products and means they will be more likely to purchase a product. TOYS R US have used this because it keeps customers focused on a smaller range of products so that they stay interested in the displayed products
Cross merchandising: The image below shows how TOYS R US use cross merchandising to market a range of children’s dolls and accessories. This is cross merchandising because TOYS R US have put products that relate to each other in the same section and display. Cross merchandising is used by TOYS R US because it means customers are focused on one type of product and they may buy multiple items of relevance to each other meaning that TOYS R US would make more profit.
Fenwick- Fenwick is a large UK based department store that sells many different brands of clothing, jewellery, household goods and more. Placement of dummies: The image below shows a set of dummies inside Fenwick. You can clearly see that Fenwick have used the placement of dummies for effect as they have been placed in a specific way to look as natural as possible. The dummies in the image below are also wearing specific clothing that matches as this is likely to attract customers to buy the whole outfit as they can see how it looks on.
Types of furniture: The image below shows that Fenwick use a specific type and style of furniture in their stores. The image clearly demonstrates how Fenwick are using classy furniture to make customers feel more at home and more privileged to be shopping within their store. The image shows how Fenwick use a one type of furniture for a specific effect.
Power of one: The image below shows how Fenwick use the power of one. The display of a single dummy in Fenwick’s clothing department shows that they are trying to draw customers attentions to only one product at the specific time to increase the likelihood of a customer purchasing the dress. The fact that Fenwick’s have placed this display in a fully white room that has high lighting exasperates their use of the power of one for this display.
Power of three: The image below demonstrates how Fenwick use the power of three outside one their stores. This is a clear demonstration of the power of three as the display has three vocal points which are each dummy, because there is three vocal points customers will stay focused on rather than having their attention drawn away meaning they are more likely to purchase one of the three outfits being displayed.
Conclusion: In conclusion retail outlets use different visual merchandising techniques to draw customer’s attentions to their products and increase the chance of them buying something, therefore increasing the outlets profit.
Types of goods•Impulse goods- Impulse goods are goods that are not essential and purchased without prior thought. •convenience goods- Convenience goods are goods that are purchased out of habit and can be easily picked up by customers, these goods are usually inexpensive •search and compare lines- This is when customers find a product or products that appeal to them online directly from the retailer or on alternative sites that compare prices against other retailers. •speciality goods- Speciality goods are goods that are so different and special that customers go out of their way to purchase them. •complementary merchandise placement- These are goods that go well or have to be purchased with another good. •seasonal goods- Seasonal goods are goods that are usually only available during a specific season or goods that are in short supply apart from in a particular season. Marks and spencer: Seasonal goods: The image below shows how Marks and Spencer use seasonal goods, the image is of a Halloween display and all goods on display would only be sold during the period of Halloween. The visual merchandising technique used for these goods is themed display as Marks and Spencer have created a Halloween themed display to go with the products they are selling during the Halloween period.
Impulse goods:
This image taken from a Marks and spencer petrol station demonstrates how they use impulse goods within their stores. The goods are placed within the line to pay meaning that customers who are waiting to be served are likely to be impulsive and pick something up meaning Marks and spencer make more profit. The visual merchandising technique used here is horizontal merchandising as the products on display are in horizontal rows which would make it easier for customers quickly glance at the range of products and impulsively purchase something.
Convenience goods: Tis image shows how Marks and spencer using convenience goods. This is clearly convenience goods as many people have the habit of picking up drink when they shop. The visual merchandising technique used for this is horizontal merchandising as the drinks are in horizontal rows which makes it easier for customers to purchase one.
TOYS R US: Seasonal goods: This image shows that TOYS R US stock seasonal goods during Christmas time. This is shown in the image as there is Christmas toys and items that would only be sold during Christmas time. The visual merchandising technique used here is cross merchandising as all the products in this seasonal display are related to each other and Christmas.
Speciality goods: This image shows how TOYS R US use speciality goods within their stores. The image below shows an Xbox one display which is a product that customers go out of their way to purchase because it’s the best console on the market so customers want it. The visual merchandising technique used here is themed display as all the products are used in cohesion with the console.
Complimentary merchandise placement: This is an example of how TOYS R US use complimentary merchandise placement to encourage customers to buy more than one product. This is complimentary merchandise placement because it is a display of dolls and outfits for the dolls so they are products that must go with each other. The visual merchandising technique used here is cross merchandising as the products on display all relate to one another.
Fenwick: Impulse goods: The image below is of the makeup department in a Fenwick store. The image clearly shows the use of impulse goods as goods have been placed on shelfs in front of the tills so customers waiting in line will be likely to buy something from these shelfs whilst waiting to pay. The visual merchandising technique used here is cross merchandising as all products on the shelfs relate to each other.
Convenience goods: This is an example of complimentary merchandise placement as in wine department in Fenwick they sell wine glasses to go with the bottles of wine that hey sell in this department. The visual merchandising technique that they use here is cross merchandising as every product on display are relevant to each other.
Seasonal goods: This is an example of seasonal goods at Fenwick because the items on display are only sold during the Easter period. The visual merchandising technique used is themed display as the products and display are all based around the theme of Easter which could encourage customers to purchase something as the products are only available for a short time.
Conclusion: In conclusion different retail outside use different types of goods partnered with specific visual merchandising techniques to encourage customers to purchase their goods.