Period 6 the economist

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Presidential Problems Presidential Problems Make America Safe Again Make America Safe Again We Want Prewar America We Want Prewar America Back Back What Normalcy did for What Normalcy did for America in the America in the 1920’s 1920’s


Deregulation Is it good?

Jacob Norris Aiden Petersen Alexander Nelson Cole Tuttle

Table of Contents Pg. 5……………………..Turns Out, Deregulation isn’t so Great. Pg. 6…………………...Political Cartoon for Deregulation. Pg. 8……………………..We Want Prewar America Back. Pg. 9……………………..What Normalcy Did For America In the 1920’s Pg. 10……………………..Make America Safe Again. Pg. 11…………………...Kellogg-Briand Pact Political Cartoon Pg. 13…………………....Presidential Problems Pg. 14…………………….Presidential Problems (cont.) Pg. 15………………….. Vote for Coolidge! Pg. 16……………………...Bibliography

Republican Presidents: Good?

Have the Republican Era presidents of the 1920s been effective?

Associationalism promotes big business, and former presidents Harding and Coolidge also believe in this idea. President Hoover has been and is trying to use

Yes, they have. They have allowed our country’s citizens to return to a normal life before The Great War, allowed industries to flourish, and helped eradicate poverty. The decrease in regulations by republican presidents

associationalism to eradicate poverty. So far, this idea has helped everyone. With more money starting at the top, it has been moved down to the middle and lower class and reduced poverty in the U.S.

allowed businesses to

flourish. When the businesses are deregulated they

President Harding made normalcy. Normalcy

are able to make more products for cheaper prices in

affected the America in the 1920’s. Normalcy means

both materials and labor. The decrease in costs for

the return to life as it was in prewar America.

labor allowed the companies to make more products

President Harding had a speech to say to us as he was

for cheaper. Which allows for more profit, which can

running for office. It was a pompous style he called

be given to the employees, it’s great for everyone.

“Bloviating.” His inauguration began the Republican

Overall there decrease in regulation is great for all


employees. The Economist believes that our presidents of the Our president Herbert Hoover, who was

1920’s have been effective, particularly by instating

elected in 1928, was and is seeking to decrease and

normalcy, allowing industries to flourish, and, by

eventually get rid of poverty in America. He

doing so, helping eradicate poverty.

encourages “associationalism”, which means bringing leaders together to improve economic efficiency.

Turns Out, Deregulation of Businesses Isn’t so Great By Aiden Petersen

Deregulation is bad for this country and it’s getting

One example right now is that Ford, Chrysler and General Motors

worse. The creation of deregulation is making it so workers aren’t

manufacture 83% of the cars, which means they’re monopolizing

getting paid enough, it allows companies to have monopolies, and

the U.S. right now. Having monopolies means that companies can

it could lead to a stock market crash.

sell their products for a higher price, have workers work for a

Deregulation doesn’t benefit the working class people. When there is deregulation there isn’t much protection for

lower price, and have them work in worse conditions; that isn’t good for anyone except the large companies.

workers, causing the large corporations to get all the money and

Deregulation could cause the stock market to crash. If

leaving the working class people to be paid very little money for

the stock market crashed, it could cause a long economic

the long hours they have. From 1921 to right now, you needed

downturn which would heavily damage the country. We’re

about $2,500 for a family to live decently, but now, the problem

currently at risk of a stock market crash because of our large

is that more than 50% of the families live off of $15,000 or less, a

oversupply of products, and since we don’t have very many

bit more than half that. It may seem like everyone is happy

regulations the banks have a lot of money invested in the stock

because of the economic boom, but the problem is that most of

market, and that money is people’s money. If the market were to

the unskilled workers are being left out of the boom, and the

crash all the banks would lose the money that people have in the

unskilled workers are a large portion of the people in the United

banks. That means that people would lose all of their money


because of a stock market crash. If we had regulations in Deregulation can create monopolies. Since we are

currently deregulating companies right now, there are monopolies

preventing banks from investing in speculative stock not of this would be possible.

since we aren’t enforcing the Clayton Antitrust Act, which basically prevents monopolies.

Overall, a lack of regulations hurt the working class people, it can help monopolies, and it could lead to a devastating stock market crash. Will you vote for a democrat at the next election?

← Stocks Falling


Help Me...

I’m gonna be rich!

We Want Prewar America Back Jacob Norris President Harding wanted to go to

Why we thought that it is really a

the life as it was before WW1. All of us

fabulous century, Many of us reacted to

wanted normalcy and so did president

this unsetting new elements of the era by

Harding. Normalcy means the return to

affecting a kind of romantic cynicism. So

life as it was in prewar America. President

our women could be free and have their

Harding had a speech to say to us as he

own rights. People all around america

was running for office. It was a pompous

loves this new idea of president Harding.



America wants a fabulous century, then

inauguration began the Republican Era, as

that is what normalcy is trying to do. As

many americans wanted to be part of the

the time went on americas society is


getting better and we are getting more








Harding's concentration on world affairs would be replaced by a focus by a property at home.


What Normalcy Did For America In The 20’s Jacob Norris

The life during the roaring twenties, the

The speech behind this is really the

twenties changed the world so much

thing that set normalcy in place. Harding

because people have invented lots of

said to us “America's present need is not

different things as in the car, airplane,

heroics, but healing.� This is so popular

electricity, telephones and the telegraph

people around the world were wanted to

and musical style as in Jazz. Houses had

come to america when they heard this.

electric lights, telephones on the wall,

President Harding cut taxes big time so

flushable toilets, and built in bathtubs.

people can get what they need and have a

This decade what known as the lawless

good home. Taxes went from 42% to 23%

decade, the flapper era, and the jazz age.

as he is serving his time as president.

But not everyone was able to enjoy the

When Harding entered the white house he

good times. Crop prices went so low

would open the front gates, remove the

priced that many u.s farmers went

blinds and he was welcoming the public.

bankrupt because they were not making

He is a very nice president.







confidence in america that even our poor people thought their life was going to get better.

Make America Safe Again! By Cole Tuttle Right now America is a world power.

Presidents Harding and Coolidge want isolation.

America, despite being the most powerful country, is

Ways to do that was by not joining The League Of

trying to be isolated from other countries’ issues and

Nations. This isolated them from most of their issues.

economic problems. The U.S has made other

Both of the President's wanted war debts and

countries pay off war debts to get their money back.

reparations to be paid for as soon as possible so they

And the U.S is also trying to avoid world problems

wouldn’t have to deal with it anymore. They were

the best they can. The U.S is also trying to even out








The U.S avoided foreign entanglements with

American’s foreign policy goals of the republican

other countries. The countries all agreed on laws on

presidents make America safer.

the country’s navy. They limited them to a certain

America’s effort to get everyone’s debts

amount of ships they could have. We limited the

diminished was phenomenal. The system they used

amount of the bigger more important ships but there

was very sophisticated . An american banker Charles

is no limit on smaller ships. America also found out

Dawes came up with the plan to get all the countries

Japan was using a lot of money on their air force. The

to finish paying their war debts. His plan was for U.S

U.S started putting more money into our air force so

banks to loan money to Germany so Germany can

it was more even.

pay war reparations to France and Great Britain.

By getting debts payed, being isolated, and

When France and Great Britain had the money they

avoiding foreign engagements. The foreign policy

paid the $11 billion they owed to U.S lenders so they

goals of the Republican Presidents has made America

could have their money. This system helped the U.S,

a safer place.

France, and Germany. Dawes Plan (picture to the left)

Kellogg-Briand Pact Political Cartoon


Presidential Problems Alexander Nelson The

Also, the infamous Sacco and Vanzetti trial in


1920 was unfair. Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti

overreacting to the Red Scare, the fear of Soviets (“Reds”),

were Italian immigrants who were both anarchists and

and have made bad decisions involving immigrants and

friends, were arrested on May 5, 1920 for the murder of a

radicals. They have had many issues with treating

Massachusetts paymaster and his bodyguard. While the

immigrants and radicals fairly, and have allowed the

bullets that killed the two men came from the same type of

government to take away these U.S. citizens’ civil liberties

gun Sacco was carrying, there was no solid evidence that

by “bringing them to justice”, such as in the Sacco and

showed it was his gun. In fact, there was hardly any

Vanzetti trial. Let’s face it: our presidents made mistakes.

evidence tying them to the murders at all, yet despite this

For one thing, they are too afraid of radicals and

flimsy evidence, they were still convicted, and were soon

immigrants, and overestimate their power. A “Warfare on

executed. There was no way the guilty verdict could have

Reds” poster from several years ago refers to the

come from anything but bias against anarchists and against

communists or “Reds” as “mostly all criminal”, simply

immigrants in this country.Other immigrants and radicals



were treated unfairly as well, and the police overstepped

native-born Americans. Anarchists are groups of radicals

their boundaries when they treated them this way. For

who were and are treated unfairly. Most radicals here in the

example, Mitchell Palmer, Attorney General, launched a

U.S. are peaceful, and they make up just 1% of the U.S.

campaign against subversives (people who were going to

adult population, and yet people still overestimate them

overthrow the government).

U.S. citizens, America has a problem. Republican











and associate them with violence, which many Americans have done ever since the Chicago

Haymarket Bombing

of 1886.

Symbol of the Soviet Union Bartolomeo Vanzetti (left) and Nicola Sacco (right).

However, the police overstepped their boundaries while attempting to find signs of violent activity. They would enter into immigrant and/or radical meetinghouses, homes and businesses without warrants and take files without permission. 6,000 ended up being arrested, while the only evidence of violent activity they ever found was 3 pistols. Also, Leonard Wood, who was a United States Army officer, gave an address several years ago saying, “There is no room for the red flag. It is opposed to everything we stand for.” This shows how differing political views were thought of as hostile and “un-American.” Our Republican presidents, since WWI, have been unnecessarily harsh with the immigrants and radicals of this country, while they are still U.S. citizens, and have the same rights the rest of us have. In the Sacco and Vanzetti trial, it was shown how anti-immigrant and anti-radical so many people in this country really are. In this decade, our Republican presidents and the government in general has been overstepping their boundaries and mistreating anyone with differing, “un-American” political views. We must stop this overreaction to the Red Scare in order to improve this country.

This decade has been filled with unfair, anti-communist emotions, as portrayed by this poster.

Presidential campaign ad (Alexander Nelson)




Works Cited Aiden Petersen: Hart, Diane, Bert Bower, and Jim Lobdell. History Alive! Palo Alto, CA: Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2002. Print. Investopedia. "What Caused the Stock Market Crash of 1929 That Preceded The Great Depression?" Investopedia. N.p., 21 Apr. 2015. Web. 20 Oct. 2016. Lindop, Edmund, and Margaret J. Goldstein. America in the 1920s. Minneapolis, MN: Twenty-First Century, 2010. Print. LuĚˆsted, Marcia Amidon, and Jennifer K. Keller. The Roaring Twenties: Discover the Era of Prohibition, Flappers, and Jazz. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. N.d. Laissez-faire Cartoon. Web. 24 Oct. 2016. N.d. Political Cartoons. Web. 24 Oct. 2016. N.d. Writing off a Worthless Stock. Web. 24 Oct. 2016. "Prosperity for Whom?" Editorial. 28 Feb. 1925: n. pag. Print. Speech upon the Acceptance of the Nomination of the Democratic Party to Run as President of the United States. By Al Smith. 22 Aug. 1928. Performance. Alexander Nelson: Hart, Diane, and Bert Bower. "Understanding Postwar Tensions." History Alive!: Pursuing American Ideals. Palo Alto, CA: Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2008. 287-97. Print Lusted, Marcia Amidon. The Roaring Twenties. N.p.: Nomad, n.d. Print. Wood, Leonard. "Americanization Must Be Taken Up Earnestly and Systematically." Editorial. Address 1920: n. pag. Print. "Warfare on "Reds"" 1920s: n. pag. Print. Cole Tuttle: Klein, Christopher. "Warren G. Harding's Steamy Love Letters Unsealed." A&E Television Networks, 29 July 2014. Web. 26 Oct. 2016. MtViewMirror. "U.S. in Isolation." Mountain View Mirror. Mountain View Mirror, 09 Dec. 2014. Web. 26 Oct. 2016. ThingLink. "The Dawes Plan by Megan Loos." The Dawes Plan. Thinglink, n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2016. Jacob Norris: "History Alive! Pursuing American Ideals." History Alive. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Nov. 2016. Http:// "The Economist, What? By Ebun Asagbe - Olori Supergal." Olori Supergal. N.p., 03 Aug. 2016. Web. 01 Nov. 2016. N.p., n.d. Web. "Return to Normalcy." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 01 Nov. 2016.

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