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- ! "#$%" !- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN AL-FARABI KAZAKH NATIONAL UNIVERSITY _____________________________________________________________

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PROGRAM International Scientific-practical conference "THE STUDY, PRESERVATION AND PROMOTION OF INTANGIBLE ASSETS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF KAZAKHSTAN'S KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY" dedicated to the Independence Day Kazakhstan in the framework of the state program "THE INTELLECTUAL POTENTIAL OF THE COUNTRY" December 11, 2013

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Dear ___________________________________________________________! We invite you to take part in the international scientific-practical conference "The study, preservation and promotion of intangible assets in the development of Kazakhstani knowledge society", dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which will be held December 11th, 2013 at the Faculty of Journalism of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi within the frame of the state program "The intellectual potential of the country". Organizing Committee Republic of Kazakhstan, 050040, Almaty, Al-Farabi av., 71, The Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, tel: +7 (727) 377-33-40 (ext.1351)

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10-15 min. 5-7 min. 3-5 min. 22

28. S.J. Baikenov, Master of Education majoring in Drawing and Fine Arts at KGPI, Kustanai "The art of pedagogy” 29. Z.K. Sadvakasova, Master of Laws, Lecturer, Department of International Law, KazNPUnamed after Abay–“Key issues in the formation of the intellectual nation of republic of Kazakhstan” 30. T.E. Zhabelova, Ph.D., assistant professor of international law atKazNPUnamed after Abay "The national education and the peculiarities of its politics” 31. B.B. Bibaeva, a primary school teacher at the secondary school named after M.V. Lomonosov, Zaysan;S.S. Sarkytpek, a high school teacher 35, Ust- Kamenogorsk – “The usefulness of lesson-presenting in the primary classes” 32. S. Kartaeva, RhD Doctoral Faculty of Journalism 1stcourse atKazNU named after al-Farabi– “At information space:the clash of South Ossetia and Georgia” 33. N.S. Amanzholova, biology teacher at Ainabulakhigh school, Zaysan district, EKR –“Why do I and my school need the changes?” 34. E.Sh. Akhmetov, KazNU named after al -Farabi–“Legislation text of John Austin approach to evaluate some examples of performatives” 35. M.S. Zhaksybayeva, gymnasium 43 named after K.Nurgalieva, Ust- Kamenogorsk – “From the experience of the application of technology of thinking approach in tests for the history of Kazakhstan” 36. A. Nursadykova, Head of the Training Division of the school 43 named after K.Nurgaliev, Ust- Kamenogorsk, B.Bibaeva, a high school teacher named after M.V. LomonosovZaysan – “The peculiarities in the communication between pupils” 37.A.K. Serikbayeva, high school teacher,E.K;S.S. Zhanseit, teacher at school 43named after K.Nurgaliyev, Ust -Kamenogorsk – “Future of our nation is educated generation”


Organizing committee Chairman: G.M. Mutanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician, Rector of the KazNU named after al-Farabi. Vice-Chairmen: M.M. Burkitbayev, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, First Vice Rector of KazNU; T.S. Ramasanov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Vice Rector for Research and Innovation Activities of the KazNU named after al-Farabi; Z.A. Mansurov, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Director of Institute Combustion Problems of KazNU; O. Abdimanuly, Ph.D., Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Journalism. Committee members: G.S.Sultanbaeva, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Print and Electronic Media; S.K. Kozybaev, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor; L.S. Akhmetov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor; S.I. Nurgozhina, Ph.D., S.M. Medeubek, Professor, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Publishing and Design; N.T. Shyngysova, PhD, Professor, Head of the UNESCO Chair of International Journalism and Public Relations. G.T. Maykotova, PhD, Associate Professor, Deputy, Head of the Department of Print and Electronic Media for Science and Innovation and International Relations.


4 %# € " : * – ? – #   ‚ & : "

; ÂŤ 2015 % Âť  & " & % % %  ; S % " # ; @ % @ – : $ , " , %~ ; € , ,  & ‚ . *** 5 %# : 5 ÂŤ/ – 8 % – # Âť: " " $ & ' % ' ; T % ' G # & % % # " & ÂŤH " 2015Âť; .% % - # " # & % $ ; ) V % & K % & " – H % & B : % " , " " # $ , G # -# G ; T , " " # $ # % % & : ' ' . *** Topics Sessions: Triad “Knowledge - Science – Innovationsâ€?: the transition from the postindustrial society to knowledge societies; Design and implementation of communication strategies and communication challenges in the implementation of the development “post Kazakhstan 2015â€?; Academic Impact and scientific innovational motivation in the performing goals of the international decade of rapprochement of cultures; From the Silk Road - to the Kazakh Renaissance: accumulation, preservation and promotion of the visual, information and digital assets; The study, preservation and promotion of intangible assets of the Kazakh people: the present and the future.


Relations, KazNU named after al -Farabi–“The media's role in maintaining the nation's intellectual� 3. G.S. Sultanbaeva, Ph.D., professor, head of the print and electronic media, KazNU named after al -Farabi–“Intellectual values and issues of Renaissance of Kazakhstan� 4. M. Karipbayuly, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Journalism of the KazNU named after al -Farabi–“Channel and stagecraft� 5. K.N. Mysaeva, assistant professor of UNESCO, International Journalism and Public Relations, KazNU named after al-Farabi – “Journalism and the ways of using statistical researches in the field of media� 6. J. Abdizhadilkyzy, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Journalism of the KazNU named after al -Farabi– “Intertalant in television journalism - a special way of relationships� 7. A. Mekteptegi, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Journalism of the KazNU named after alFarabi – “Changing the alibi – Changing the brain of the Kazakhs� 8. A.A. Kurmanbayeva, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Journalism, KazNU named after alFarabi – “The national idea – the future of the Kazakhstan� 9. G. Uzbekova, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Journalism, KazNU named after al-Farabi – “Encyclopedic publication activities in the country to increase an intellectual potencial� 10. G.T. Maykotova, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Journalism, KazNU named after al Farabi– “Opportunities of the globalization in the formation of the intellectual nation� 11. R. Zhaksylykbaeva, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Journalism, KazNU named after alFarabi- “National means in the spiritual world, in the press� 12. J.A. Nogaybaeva, PhD, Senior lecturer of the Faculty of Journalism at KazNU named after al Farabi – “The sense of patriotism – the sense of well-bringing� 13. A. Edigenova, Ph.D., Associate professor of SU named after Shakarim,Semey – “The concepts of the preparation, education of the qualified specialists� 14. R.S. Abdieva, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Journalism, KazNU named after al -Farabi – “The explanation about edition work� 15. C.O. Simbaeva, PhD, Senior lecturer of School “Orleu� Ust-Kamenogorsk - “The history of Nogay literature�. 16. A.B. Alimzhanova, lecturer, Department of Journalism, KazNU named after al -Farabi – “The system of electronical media� 17. S.S. Nurzhanova, senior lecturer, UNESCO International Journalism and Public Relations – “The value and the quality of media information� 18. D. Baygozhina, professor at the Faculty of Journalism, KazNU named after al -Farabi – “The informational policy of the government and the media� 19. K.S. Abdihalyk, PhD, associate professor of KazWPU – “Kulteg n� 20. A.M. Tayymova, director of the secondary school ’35, Ust- Kamenogorsk – “The major capital of the country is the qualified education� 21. J.A. Shayanbaeva, director of school-gymnasium ’43, Ust-Kamenogorsk “Orleu�; R.S. Cheketaeva–“The pioneer of news - K. Nurgaliyev� 22. B. Omarova, lecturer, Department of Journalism,KazNU named after al -Farabi – “The importance of the polugraphical materials and its description� 23. G.B. Bakauova, Senior lecturer atKazNPU named after Abay – “Education - Science – Innovation� 24. G.M. Kokkozova, teacher atKazNPUnamed afterAbay– “The triple law of the market� 25. K.A. Zhunusova, Senior lecturer at ATU; J.A. Kanapiyaeva, teacher at AMKKK – “The importance of the new technology in the field of education� 26. T. Manas, 3rd year student of historical faculty of KazNUnamed after al -Farabi – “Kazakhstan – 2050� 27. N. Danaeva, 1st undergraduate course of KazNU named after al -Farabi – “The importance of the development of potencial of the intellectual nation� 19

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Breakout session of the conference in Kazakh language Moderator:G.S. Sultanbayeva, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Venue: Assembly Hall named after T. Kozhakeev, Faculty of Journalism

H G # 9


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1. S.S. Musataev, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of Political Science, KazNU named after al -Farabi–“Theoretical questions of formation of Kazakh patriotism� 2. N.T. Shyngysova, PhD, Professor, Head of the UNESCO International Journalism and Public 18


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Farabi, “Kanysh and Smagul: the conservation and promotion of the creative heritage of Alash” 13. A.A. Musinova, PhD Lecturer, Department of Journalism, Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, “Myths and Legends of the Opera” on cultural and cognitive channel “Madeniet” 14. E.R. Kogai, Ph.D., assistant professor of Russian philology, Russian and world literature, Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, “Concept” tree (Terek) "In the picture of the world of the Kazakh people" 15. L.P. Noda, Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Journalism, KazNUnamed after al-Farabi“The intellectual potential of the nation: Problems and Solutions in the Media” 16. O.P. Lozhnikova, Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Journalism, Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, “Peculiarities of national model intellectual nation in Kazakhstan” 17. G. Rakhimzhanova, Philology. – “From the Silk Road - to the Kazakh Renaissance: accumulation, preservation and promotion of the visual, information and digital resources” 18. R.M. Ukubaeva, teacher, Aktobe – “Potential students in competitive education” 19. B.V. Dzhanesova, professor of economic disciplines, B.N. Dzhaparova, Professor of economic disciplines “Tarlan”, Aktobe – “Post-industrial society, as a pledge of economic development” 20. B. Omarova, Senior lecturer, Department of Journalism, KazNU named after al –Farabi, “The history and development of book art” 21. G.M. Nurpeisova, Senior lecturer at ATU, G.K. Tekeeva, Senior lecturer at ATU, R.D. Elibaeva, PhD, associate professor SKSU named after M.Saparbayeva, Shymkent – “Innovative methods Russian language teaching in non-linguistic audience” 22. A.B. Ordabaeva, lecturer, Department of International Law of KazNPU named after Abay – “The modern concept of legal protection of the dignity and integrity of the individual” 23. N. Ibragimov, Senior lecturer, Department of Journalism of Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi– “Kazakhstan TV by the Numbers” 24. N.S. Tagviashvili, assistant professor of IOC (KAU) – “Implementation of communication strategies in the implementation of development programs” post Kazakhstan 2015” (for example, channels “Madeniet” and “Bilim”) 25. K.A. Zhunusova, Senior lecturer, J.A. Kanapiyaeva AGKTK teacher – “Modern organizational forms of training” 26. N.V. Titlyanova-Chaikina, graduate VyatGGU – “Comparative analytical characteristics of the first periodicals in Kazakhstan and Russia” 27. L.V Baev, a graduate student VyatGGU, Kirov, Russia – “Problems of study and promotion of spiritual literature as a translator of intangible assets of the Kazakh people. The relevance of the research” 28. J.C. Kenzhembetova, graduate of the Kazakh Academy ofLabour and Social Relations – “Modern trends in the development of science and education: Kazakhstan and international practice” 29. R.D. Shamsharkhan, student of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay – “Innovational ways of helping children by doing their homework” 30. S.J. Baikenov, Master of Education majoring in Fine arts and drawing, teacher at KGPI, Kustanai – “Pedagogy of art: the nature and functionality” 31. J.A. Ergalieva, teacher at theKazNU named after al-Farabi – “On some peculiarities of the state information policy in the conditions of the development of the intellectual potential of the country” 32. Z.T. Bolatbaeva, Lecturer, Department of Russian and Kazakh languages,KazATU named after S.Seifullin, Astana – “On the triad: Knowledge - Science – Innovations” 33. U.I. Nazarov, Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi – “Specific PR pharmaceutical companies” 16

Procedure of the Conference 900 - 1000 -Registration of the members of the international scientific-practical Inauguration 1000 – 1010 - M.M. Burkitbayev, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, First rector of theKazNU named after al -Farabi. 1010 – 1015 - O. Abdimanuly, Ph.D., Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Journalism. 1015 – 1020 - V. Samek, Representative of the United Nations Department of Public Information Republic of Kazakhstan 1020 – 1025 - S. Karpov, Specialist Communication and Information UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty 1025 – 1030 - M. Buharbayev, Senior Editor RTRC of radio "Kazak" Presentation video tutorial in Kazakh UNESCO "Fundamentals of video production" Plenary session 30


10 – 10 - A. Okay, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Journalism of the University of Istanbul, Turkey, “Strategic Communication in the Transition from the Post-Industrial Society to Knowledge Societies”. 1045 – 1200 - Z.A. Mansurov, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Director of Institute Combustion Problems of KazNU named after Al-Farabi, “Some questions of science the development of higher education and science”. 1200 – 1215 - L.A. Mosunova, Vyat GGU, Doctor of Psychology, Head Chair of publishing and editing, Russia, “On the problem of preservation of value of fiction” 1215 – 1225 - M. Chemrek, Associate Professor, Director of the Research Center at the University AhmetYasssaui Leather, Turkey, “Opening resourcefulness from the Information Society to the research community” 1225 – 1235 - A. Aljaz, PhD, Chief Editor of the newspaper “KazakhstanZaman” “Major problems of editions of Kazakhstan” 1235 – 1245 - J. Kenzhalin, “Kazakh newspapers», Chief, Chairman of the board of editors, "Spiritual values Kazakh press" 1235 – 1300 - N.K. Sahov, Director of the Center of Expertise and the Office of Management internal policy Almaty, “Almaty city” G.S. Sultanbaeva, Doctor of Political Sciences, Chair of the print and electronic media; S.N. Velitchenko, Candidate of Philology Presentation collegiate monograph “Intellectual capital - the basis of the development of law and education”. A.S. Aripbaev, 3rd year student of the Faculty of Journalism of the KazNU named after al -Farabi - the presentation of the project “Historical and semantic atlas of People of Kazakhstan” A. Akim, 3rd year student of the Faculty of Journalism – “Kazakh Notion”Student Scientific Expedition - based technology research of humanitarian values 1300 – 1400 – Break


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