Lda goal setting guide

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How to guide your EPs through Goal Setting based on LDA


Outline ❏ ❏ ❏

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Introduce AIESEC as an organization (AIESEC Way) Explain the LDM (4 qualities)and how we develop leadership in youth. Be prepared to connect the LDA results with the LDM Analyze the LDA results. Prepare final results and an explanation for each quality while leaving space for the EP to reflect and comment on them Help the EP select one quality they wish to improve the most and the reasons behind it. Help the EP make a personal SWOT Help set 3 objectives for the EP to develop while on exchange Use SMART goals method to How can AIESEC support the EP on his/her experience? (What are their expectation towards AIESEC Lebanon’s role in the process? Make personal connections)

Some Guidance and Clarifications to Utilize


c n e s s E r u O

s e i t i l a u Q 4

How to Start?

Here you can find the basic topics to discuss with your EPs, as well as some guiding questions for you to ask them. Feel free to add or change anything that makes the LDA goal-setting process more comfortable for you to facilitate + easier for the EP to understand. Make sure to come prepared, and finally…. KICK ASS AN AMAZING OPS

Take the LDA Test on EXPA and check the results

What do you see in your results? Take notes

Time to share the results, analyze and reflect on each part

Personal SWOT â??

Assess yourself under each of the following head topics


The goal is to uncover what sets you apart from other people. What do you and others see as the qualities that make you stand out?


Turn the tables and get real about the things that you are not so good at, or the areas where you can improve your current performance. We list our weaknesses so we can reduce or manage them, so they don’t stand in the way of our goal achievement and personal development.


Identify the elements that you build on or take advantage of, that will improve your chances of success. This is best done by setting aside some time and brainstorming in an attempt to uncover new and innovative ideas that may not have occurred to you before.


Analyze the things you can derail your success. Although threats can’t be directly controlled, they can be planned for, and that’s why it’s not important to identify as many of them up front as possible. The more you know about them, the less likely you are to be « blindsided » by something unexpected.

Which quality do you want to develop the most? What is the reason behind that ❏

Which is your strongest quality? How to improve it even more?

Set 3 objectives you want to do on your exchange to develop them

Exchange Plan â?? Make an action plan for your goals






❏ Make sure you’re setting SMART goals to make your exchange effective and efficient

Share your conclusions with your AIESEC team and get some inputs if you need ❏

Take ownership. You are the only one that can take care of your own development! Use your exchange wisely ;)

Kind s Reminder ❏ ❏ -

OPS should always happen, even if it is a one-EP type of OPS Make sure to communicate the OPS goals to: The HE of each EP, you can document them if the EP is okay with it (take a picture) - The EP to make sure the HE checks them out and follows through on leadership development ❏ Always follow up with the EP & HE on the goals set ❏ Assure your EP that it is okay if at a certain point during the exchange, the goals seem like they need to be adjusted. They can do it with the HE.

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