Oc applications for accelerate 2017

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OC Applications for Accelerate are here! AIESEC in Lebanon

What is Accelerate? Accelerate is AIESEC in Lebanon’s annual spring national conference occurring from the 24th until the 26th of March. It aims to prepare our AIESECers for the summer peak, downscale some new strategies, and focus on growth hacking for the sake of our entity’s growth and performance upscaling.

What is an Organizing Committee? An organizing committee (OC) is a team within AIESEC that is specialized in event management and organization for a specific event/conference. An OC team is composed of its Organizing Committee President (OCP), Organizing Committee Vice Presidents (OCVPs), and Teamsters if needed. They tackle the logistics, finances, marketing and communication etc. behind multiple aspects regarding the back office organization and planning of the event.

Why join an OC team? Being on the OC for a conference is an amazing experience. The skills gained include but are not limited to: communication skills, oral and written skills, time management, event management, change management, and problem solving skills. All of these contribute to personal growth, and aside from the skills gained, being on the OC exposes you to different LCs and increases your belonging to the AIESEC culture.

Expectations? AIESEC is a leadership committee, so we expect you to lead by example. This includes punctuality, commitment, innovation, and teamwork. Expect it to be a challenging but fulfilling experience, it will be fun but there will be plenty of hard work. Most importantly expect to create amazing experiences, stories, and drive AIESEC in Lebanon closer to 2020.

Positions ● ● ● ● ●

OCP OCVP Logistics OCVP Delegate Servicing OCVP Marketing and Communication OCVP Sales and Sponsorships

Note: - Late applications will not be accepted - If you have any inquiries make sure to contact any of the KickStart OC and Conference Manager :) - OCVP will be interviewed by both CM & OCP - Teamsters may be selected

General OCVP Responsibilities ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Attend weekly OC meetings from the time of selection until the conference. Attend OCVP transitions immediately after selection. Attend OC day after transitions. Be on hand at all working hours during the conference. Be ready to assume any role if an emergency takes place during the conference and the OCVP responsible is not present or available. Write a conference report to document the experience as OCVP. Attend and facilitate transitions for the OCVP of your position for the next conference. Always be punctual and lead by example in front of the delegates.

Main Responsibilities: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●


Planning and conference preparation (timeline, action plan). Recruit and lead the OC team before and during the conference. Tracking, coordinating and evaluating the team’s activity on a weekly basis, tracking their development. Planning, tracking and executing the budget of the conference Tracking the promotion of the conference and registration of the delegates Ensure the organizational and logistical needs of the conference Ensure the effective run of the conference Coordinate with the MC (mainly appointed conference manager) & the conference chair Coordinate with the venue Tracking the execution of breaks and parties Post evaluation of the conference

OCP is the leader, ready to support and nurture his team for the sake of the conference.

Role: OCP is a person whom is the final responsible for the organization of the conference in terms of the organizational goals of the project through the OC team

Key Performance Indicators: % of OC plan realized % of conference budget achieved Retention rate of OC members Level of satisfaction of stakeholders involved

Main Responsibilities: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

OCVP Logistics

Contact potential venues for the conference. Keep in contact with the venues and constantly email them. Be prepared to visit suitable venues when the time comes for selection. Work with OCP to find the cheapest options for the conference. Work with OCVP Sales and Sponsorships to secure food and snacks for the conference. Work with OCVP Delegate Servicing to secure food with dietary restrictions for the conference. Work with OCP for communication to provide for the needs of the MC/Faci before the conference. Communicate with the MC/Faci to ensure all their needs are met throughout the duration of the conference. Prepare all the materials needed for the conference beforehand. Contact transportation for delegates to and from the venue.

OCVP Logistics is the wild card, ready to do anything and everything at any time.

Role: Responsible for finding the venue, food, and materials for the conference as well as ensuring the technology.

Key Performance Indicators: # of venues contacted per week # of complaints from the MC/Faci # of restaurants contacted # of time delays # of venues visited

Main Responsibilities: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

OCVP Delegate Servicing

Work with the OCVP MarComm on the creation of the delegate booklet. Work with OCVP Logistics to collect name tags, badges, and other materials regarding the delegates. Prepare sugar cubes. Work with OCVP Logistics to ensure delegates needs (dietary restrictions) are met. Always be on hand for any delegate problem and make sure it is dealt with smoothly. Work with OCP and OCVP MarComm on special events and fun spaces. Coordinate the check in at the beginning of the conference. Make sure all the delegates are in their sessions on time. Coordinate with LCPs/Chief Delegates regarding payments, registration, and arrival times. Work with OCVP MarComm on creating challenges.

OCVP Delegate Servicing is the host of the conference, taking care of everyone’s needs.

Role: Responsible for creating experiences through special events, fun spaces, and answering to delegate issues.

Key Performance Indicators: # of delegates registering # of problems solved # of problems documented # of people attending special events # of responsiveness for the challenges

OCVP Marketing & Communication

Main Responsibilities: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Work with Delegate servicing to co-create the delegate booklet. Document the conference. Take promotional videos and pictures for OCVP Sales and Sponsorships. Keep delegates updated on social media by creating and managing social media content. Work with OCVP Delegate Servicing to excite delegates for special events. Work on a national campaign for the conference with the conference manager. Work on conference branding with the conference manager. Co-create emails along with OCVP Delegate s]Servicing that will be sent to the delegates. Create conference video. Create teaser videos. Responsible for the events page on Facebook. Create “Thank You” posts for sponsors with OCVP Sales and Sponsorships and OCP. Keep the delegates updated on social media during the conference.

OCVP MarComm is the local voice of the conference showcasing the potential of what we have.

Role: Responsible for the excitement, proper communication and cascading the information about the conference to the delegates.

Key Performance Indicators: # of challenges completed # of posts on social media per week # of followers for the events page # of shares on promotional videos # of likes increased on AIESEC Lebanon Facebook page

Main Responsibilities: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

OCVP Sales & Sponsorships

Contact potential sponsors. Visit sponsors for meetings. Work with OCP and BD to create a list of potential sponsors to contact. Work with OCVP MarComm on showcasing sponsors on social media. Work with OCVP Delegate Servicing on ludic spaces. Work with OCVP Delegate Servicing and OCP on getting sponsors for special events. Keep good relations with sponsors and ensure long-term interest in AIESEC conferences and events. Keep sponsors updated on conference. Work on touchpoints after conference. Work with OCVP MarComm to create “Thank You” posts and emails for sponsors. Co-create a sales template with BD and OCP.

OCVP S&S is the genie of the conference, making all our sponsorship dreams come true.

Role: Responsible for attaining potential sponsors to ensure an added value for the delegates and a sense of excitement.

Key Performance Indicators: # of sponsors contacted # of meetings held # of touchpoints held with each sponsor # of sponsorships secured # of sponsorships maintained for future conferences

Application Timeline Jan 27th

Application Release


Application Deadline

Feb 2nd

Feb 3rd

Feb 6th

OCP Interviews OCP Position Announcement

Feb 7th

OCVP Interviews OCVP Position Announcement

Note: - Late applications will not be accepted - If you have any inquiries make sure to contact any of the KickStart OC and Conference Manager :) - Transition for each position will occur directly after recruitment

Shiiiil w adim, lak akid OC ! OCP: http://bit.ly/2k6OPHG OCVP: http://bit.ly/2jCjUjc

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