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EDITOR’S NOTE Dear Readers, The year is now coming to a close with the arrival of December. December is a month that is synonymous with the festive period of Christmas and the New Year. As you gear up for parties and celebrations to usher in these two occasions, we have come up with several articles in this issue of The Tribe to aid in your preparation. Meanwhile, what is The Tribe without a dose of AIESEC-related stuff? Fear not, there is plenty of AIESEC-related information in here for all you AIESECers out there as well! As with all things in life, the end of something always marks the beginning of another, and likewise, The Tribe is no exception. The fourth issue of this magazine is presented to you by a whole new editorial team. If you had thought for an instant that a new team means a completely revamped The Tribe, not to worry, we have stuck mostly to the old format with the usual favourites like the agony column still intact. This is my first time doing editorial work, and it has been an enriching, albeit challenging journey thus far. My team and I have spent much effort in getting this whole magazine up, and we hope you will enjoy reading this as much as we enjoy bringing this to you. Cheers, Dawn Lim Chief Editor


SPECIAL THANKS TO: CHIEF EDITOR CONTRIBUTORS Sharon Tan Clarissa Chia Joshua Ng Dawn Lim Our LCP, Khalil, All EBs who contributed,

Jackie Ng

Mei Suan

Jia Rui

All exchange participants and CEEDer who shared with us their stories, and Ex-Editor Derek Tan for his kind advice



TRIBAL HAPPENINGS / Exchange Spotlight – GCDP@ Bocskai István Gimnázium Hajdúböszörmény / An Interview with a CEEDer / Departmental Updates – ER & GTS


6 8 14

SPECIAL FEATURE - CHRISTMAS / Christmas Party Essentials / Gifts for Christmas 2012

16 19

ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURE / Yummy Yuletide Eats / Movie Highlights

23 27



EVENT HIGHLIGHTS / Oct Induction 2012- Reminiscence of Induction from an OC Member / ASYD 2013 – A Note from the OCP

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A MESSAGE FROM THE LCP Dear fellow tribesmen, The festive season is here again! A time to celebrate, cherish and reflect on the past year as we look forward to the year ahead. And for AIESEC in SIM as an LC it serves a similar purpose. Perhaps I should share abit on where we were a year ago today. Our LC was much smaller, only a third of our population today, we were slowly starting to get into the feel of things as quite a number of departments were restructured, the tribal culture was introduced and the LC as a whole was exploring new possibilities. Then came NLDC 2011! Our LC really came together as one big, tribal family as our LC showcased our tribal culture, retained our skulling championship, performed admirably throughout the conference and fully embraced our unique tribal identity. With our LC at a high, we pushed forward with Recruitment in January 2012 alongside the inaugural AIESEC in SIM Youth Dialogue 2012. Both were a phenomenal success and we established ourselves firmly as a force to be reckoned with in SIM and in AIESEC Singapore. One could say it was a defining period for us. Today our LC is in a very different position. We are recognised as a full LC and as the LC others look up to. We are no longer small nor are we starting out. Our LC has developed quite significantly, yet we have retained our unique tribal culture and we continue to seek new possibilities everyday. In short, given the level of progress we have experienced in this year and especially in the last 6 months, our LC is at a unique stage of development. Two paths stretch out before us: i) We can push on forward in the next few months and reach heights unimaginable just a year ago, or ii) celebrate our successes and then bid farewell to AIESEC. Why do I mention the second path? With the level of effort and commitment that we have put in, it is natural to feel burnout, to lose that motivation and perhaps to lose your way in AIESEC. Everyone goes through this in AIESEC. The cyclical process of life is replicated in AIESEC. But just as in life, we cannot give up now. While we have experienced incredible progress, my team and I have never forgotten the purpose of AIESEC in SIM: empowering SIM students to become leaders.



A MESSAGE FROM THE LCP As such, we have created as many opportunities as we can for you, our members, to experience the growth you seek and to empower others around you. If you are feeling burnout, it is a good thing. It means you have pushed yourself to take up as many opportunities as you could. And I strongly encourage everyone to continue to push yourself and carve out your path in AIESEC. But burnout is not a reason to bid farewell. Instead, it merely indicates you are in need of rest. Rest all you want and come back stronger- that is my message to you. As an LC we must continue to push on. For if our predecessors had given up and left, our LC will not be where we are right now. So it is clear that we should push on to achieve greater heights. But just as in life, we need a break from time to time and this festive season can serve as our break from AIESEC. Sometimes, we can get too absorbed with AIESEC and have no time for family or friends. And sometimes we forget why we joined AIESEC in the first place. The festive season can serve as a platform for us to reconnect not just with our family and friends, but also with our purpose to join and continue in AIESEC. As it is with life, AIESEC provides us with a limitless sea of opportunities and experiences: every AIESECer will find something of relevance to him/her and carve out his/her unique path in AIESEC. So take this time to reflect on your own personal journey thus far in AIESEC, how it has changed you, the experiences you have had, the friends you have made, the self-discovery you have had. And if AIESEC has not had any impact on your life thus far, then I ask you: What are you going to do in the next 3 months in AIESEC to generate the impact you seek? Muhammed Khalilullah S A Local Chapter President



EXCHANGE SPOTLIGHT GCDP@Bocskai István Gimnázium Hajdúböszörmény My internship in Hungary was too short. That’s the first thing that crossed my mind when it was over. I loved my GCDP in Bocskai István Gimnázium. Combine that with AIESEC, it was the ultimate AIESEC experience: truly life-changing. The idea of traveling alone to a foreign place where the cultures are unknown is very exciting for me. I just didn’t know what to expect. When I first arrived, there were some cultural differences but we just laughed them off. I was blessed with really hospitable host families who treated me like their own family member. The school I interned at was great. The teachers were really hospitable and helpful. The students were friendly and determined. I actually kind of felt like I was an exchange student. I loved the interactions and classes. It was even better because there were Polish and German students from their sister schools who spent a week in Hungary. I had such great fun with them, in and outside of the classroom. The internship made me gain gazillions of friends. I had good fun with AIESEC LC Debrecen and other interns from really diverse countries. It’s just amazing how quick strangers can turn into good friends. I went to Vienna with six other interns I just met. How it happened would demonstrate one of AIESEC’s best characters: connecting people from all over the world. My GCDP was in Debrecen (second largest city in Hungary). I was connected with one of interns in Budapest through my senior in middle school. He asked if I wanted to join the AIESEC interns in Budapest to Vienna. I was like, “let’s go!” So from Hajdúböszörmény (Debrecen), I went to Budapest then to Vienna. The crazy thing was, although we just met and regardless of diverse nationalities, we could click right away and had an amazing adventure exploring Vienna. There were: Taiwanese from Seattle, Turkish, Indonesian from Singapore (me), American, Brazilian, Taiwanese and Romanian.



EXCHANGE SPOTLIGHT The GCDP changed my perspective about the world and the people. The world feels smaller and other countries faraway are not so foreign anymore. The cultures of the world are amazing. Travelling alone to a foreign continent and exploring it helped me grew. I felt that after the internship I am more certain of who I am as a person, of the destinations I want in life, more prepared and more independent.

I just love being a citizen of the world. The people you meet when you travel are amazing. Everyone I met was really friendly (it doesn’t always happen though; my friends say I was really lucky). The AIESEC friends, the locals, other tourists and friends I visited; we would just say hi, ask about where the other person comes from and so on, and just like that conversations would ignite. Exchanging stories and joking and partying or doing other fun stuff. I may have just met someone but we could talk about a variety of topics ranging from politics, financial crisis, awesome programmes for presentation to Gangnam Style. I’m so thankful to AIESEC (especially AIESEC Singapore) for giving me the chance of a lifetime. I had such a great time in Europe. And dude, I will be back. Don’t hesitate to go on GCDP. It’s amazing!  Felicia Liando




We conducted an e-mail interview with Daeun Cho, an AIESEC-er from Korea who came to Singapore recently for her Ceedership (an exchange to do AIESEC work). Read on to find out more about her experience! It’s a pleasure to be able to carry out the interview with Daeun, who gave us a really cute and lively account of some really interesting incidents!



AN INTERVIEW WITH A CEEDer 1. Can you share with us some background information about yourself? (e.g. which country and school did you come from, what is your course of study, information on the Ceedership etc): My name is Daeun Cho, and I’m from the Republic of Korea. I’m an English Language and Literature student from Seoul Women’s University. I was the Ceeder of AIESEC Singapore, especially the SIM LC. For about 5 weeks, I stayed at Redhill and Clementi. I was offered home stay in Redhill while in Clementi, I lived in a rented house. My job was to research and contact companies, and where needed, have a meeting with SIM AIESEC-ers as well. 2. What made you choose Singapore for your Ceedership? I am a member of ICX, especially in PBoX. As an ICX-er, I wanted to know about the secret to improvement of AIESEC Singapore, because I heard that you guys are the best in ICX side. I wanted to get a lot of things from Singapore, so I chose here for my Ceedership.



AN INTERVIEW WITH A CEEDer 3. Share with us your Ceedership experience e.g. what were some of the activities or events that you were involved in? I participated in AIESEC SIM’s July LCM and National planning. In my case, I could get a lot of things like the differences between AIESEC Korea and AIESEC Singapore, for example. I also hanged out with ICX members and went to lots of places with them.

4. What have you learnt from the Ceedership? I could find the weakness of AIESEC Korea, and get special experiences like networking event and joining your LCM and National Planning. In addition, it has also expanded my horizon. For example, I no longer discriminate people. 5. What were some of the expectations that you had before embarking on the Ceedership? Were those expectations met? All the expectations that I had were totally satisfied. In fact, all the activities surpassed my expectations. What was the best thing was that we became friends quickly (I love you guys )! I also love those sessions (Singapore business etiquette session, networking session etc) that I got to attend. However, due to the speed at which things were carried out, I wished you could provide some material on the qualities and knowledge that Ceeders should possess if you are ever going to organise another Ceedership! 



AN INTERVIEW WITH A CEEDer 6. Did you experience any culture shocks during your time here? Of course, I was shocked by Singapore clubs’ law. In Korea, smoking is allowed in the club but in Singapore, it isn’t! I really liked it  Oh and hmm also, the kind of jokes is really different from where I have lived. You guy are…too open-minded. I was perplexed several times by your jokes. I have never thought of myself as a conservative person, however, after I heard your jokes, I was seriously concerned: “am I conservative person?” T.T

7. Share with us an interesting or memorable anecdote that you can remember from your stint here? -1. Colourful dancing fountain! : About a few days after we arrived in Singapore, some members-Aaron, Huiyi, Estelle and Jane brought Jisu and me to a food court for dinner. Suddenly, Aaron said he wants to show us a fantastic fountain. He went to the fountain several times before and after our dinner in order to check when it works. He later found out that the fountain works at 6’o clock. After 6’o clock, Aaron brought us to the fountain. Oh, it was amazing! Hip-hop and electronic music were being played. At that time, it was really…funny to see Aaron’s enthusiasm to show us the fountain…. Hehe  -2. Girls’ talk! : A few days after we moved to the rented house, Huiyi and Jane slept with us. Oh! Aaron was there also. But he was in the other room, don’t imagine so far away  With Soju and some snacks, we talked about a lot of things ranging from men, love story, how to appear not drunk etc. We were drunk at that time, especially Jane, who drank too much. She made us unable to sleep at night. She was lying between us. Since she was drunk, we could hear what she said and it was quite funny! What a girls’ talk….ha. The most important thing is that the next day was National Planning Day, so Jane had to wake up early…hahahahahahahaha. Fortunately, she woke up early because of Aaron’s alarm. However, unfortunately, Aaron saw our figure…while we were sleeping! Oh!



AN INTERVIEW WITH A CEEDer -3. Fred: We were introduced to him by Huiyi. At first, we just thought to ourselves “oh, cute guy is here.” However, whenever we went somewhere far away from our house, he suddenly appeared with kindness. When we went to the Botanic garden, he appeared with a car. Oh, it was not a surprising thing to us. Men can drive a car, sure. But the problem is, when he was driving, he looked very handsome and gentle. In the car, Jisu and I were about to fall in love with him…the situation was really hilarious.



AN INTERVIEW WITH A CEEDer -4. Naked man: Kekekekekekekekekekekekeke, this is a really, really funny story! On the second day after we have moved into the new place, we were happy to be able to use the refrigerator! So at night after we went back home, we went out shopping for food. After the shopping, and after we finished eating, I went out of our room to head to the refrigerator. But to reach the refrigerator, I had to pass the living room. In the living room, two guys were using the computer. I was about to pass the living room but I couldn’t because…one guy was naked (only the upper body). I went back to our room and closed the door quietly, before telling Jisu, “One guy is naked now! I can’t pass the living room!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh” She replied excitedly, with suddenly bright eyes, “Oh really? I want to see too!!!!!!!!! I will go out! Is there anything that I need to bring to the kitchen?” I then gave her the stuff. She went out and came back to the room with a red face, telling me “Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! What a good body he has!!!!!!!!!! ”…… I was perplexed… but she was so funny, I laughed with her. Even till now, I still cannot stop laughing whenever I think of this incident!!!

8. Any advice for AIESEC-ers who are about to go on a Ceedership or exchange? Thoroughly prepare what you are going to do at your destination, like a pre-study. Unless you do so, it will be difficult for both you and your host LC to do work.


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DEPARTMENTAL UPDATES External Relations November: -Cold-calling exercise where Loan came down to share her cold-calling experiences. After which, members will do the calling and raise meetings.

-Company Meetings where corporates share with us tips and advices in the workforce other than meeting agenda -Framework for the synergies has been created and teams are working hard on it now -GTS-ER: Signed contract with Lava IP International Pte Ltd to introduce their clients for our GIP -IYP-ER: In talks with East Asia Institute of Management (EASB) and James Cook University (JCU) for GCDP expansion -TM-ER: Training-needs identified with content from member development framework and quality control by Governance Team -YM-ER: Suitable industries identified for recruitment partner -FIN-ER: Areas of funding identified with drawn-up proposal -ER House Gathering



DEPARTMENTAL UPDATES Global Talent Supply October: - Realised first intern, Angela from China, for the term with our long-term TN Partner, Philips. - Rolled out new ICX structure. Objectives of the new structure are to ensure that each member is engaged in functional work and is able to understand how the other processes of ICX work, and to create an ICX handbook that would aid the members in decision making.

November: - ICX Team Presentations, each team presented research on their field of work. Ex-VP of ICX graced the event and provided feedback. The team will continue to re-evaluate and improve their presentation on subsequent meetings. - Intern reception for Mindy from Ipoh, Malaysia. She is interning at UBS, a national GEP partner. Sourced for her accommodation and oriented her with Singapore. This was the first time the team worked with a GEP partner. - Found another match with Philips, with the ideal realisation of the TN in late December to early January.



CHRISTMAS PARTY ESSENTIALS People, we know that preparing for a Christmas party can be quite a headache, but to make life easier for you guys, here’s a party-planning checklist and some of our recommendations! 1. Decorate the Place What is a Christmas party without Christmas decorations? The very first step would be to decorate the room. We recommend heading over to IKEA where there will be a whole selection of decorations, ranging from wreaths to scented candles, for you to choose from.

But for you guys who want to spruce up the place without burning a hole in your pocket, Daiso would be the place to go! Over at Daiso, each and every item costs only $2 and you’ll definitely be able to find practically everything you need over there! But here’s a small tip if you want to save even more, do your research on the usual price of the items you need lest you overpay for things that cost much lesser than $2! Not sure what to buy? Here’s a list of decorations that we feel you can’t do without: Christmas tree Bells Christmas socks Christmas hats Lamps LED lights



CHRISTMAS PARTY ESSENTIALS 2. Background Music A party is never complete without good music! To get into the Christmas spirit, music also plays a vital role. You can easily get all these songs from iTunes at only US$0.98 to US$1.28 per song. We suggest including these classic Christmas carols in your playlist: Deck The Halls Jingle Bells White Christmas Silent Night All I Want For Christmas Rockin Around The Christmas Tree Jingle Bell Rock A Holly Jolly Chirstmas Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer I Want A Hippotamus For Christmas 3. Food For a Christmas party, log cakes and turkey are the definite must-haves on your dining table. Log cakes are aplenty during the Christmas period where you can find them at almost every bakery in town. But if you don’t mind shelling out a bit more cash this festive season for a delectable log cake, we recommend these options: D24 Durian Christmas Log Cake ($68+) Goodwood Park Hotel 22 Scotts Road Singapore 228221

Ice Cream Log Cake ($53) Swensen ION Orchard, 2 Orchard Turn, #B1-31 or any other outlets Tel: 6884 5967 Tel: 6730 1867 / 1868



CHRISTMAS PARTY ESSENTIALS Chocolate Pear log cake Small ($52.50) Laurent Bernard Chocolatier The Pier at Robertson Quay, 80 Mohamed Sultan Road, #01-11 Tel: 6235 9007

To include turkey in your Christmas feast, you no longer need to be a culinary genius or to be adept at cooking. All you have to do is pick up the phone, give the caterer a ring and voila, you’ll have a turkey on your dining table! That’s it, simple and hassle-free. We have listed two options for you: Meat the Butcher 615 Bukit Timah Road Singapore 269716

Select Catering 36 Senoko Crescent, Singapore 758282

Tel : 6465 1651 Fax : 6465 1652 Email : Open daily from 10am to 7pm Website:

Tel: 6852 3333 Website:

4. Games Lastly, don’t forget to prepare games for your guests too! Games are always helpful in getting people hyped up and energetic. Just make sure these games are easy to pick up and everyone would be able to participate! Some suggestions we have would be card or board games.



GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS 2012 In the season of giving, finding a perfect gift can be a pretty daunting task for some, but fret not! We have come up with gift ideas that could ease some of your pre-Christmas stress. Who says shopping for Christmas gifts would be hard? 1. Food Gifts The perfect gifts for foodies! Need we say more?

Potato Chip Chocolate [Original] - $15 from Royce Chocolates

Fruit Bar Chocolate - $15 from Royce Chocolates

2. Stationery Gifts

An apt gift for friends who are still schooling. Who wouldn’t love to receive new and pretty stationeries?

Recycled Paper Note Pocket Book Size – Muji $3.30 from Muji


60Color with Paper Tube - $39 from


GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS 2012 3. Travel-Easy Gifts Perfect for AIESEC-ers! Gifts that make travelling around the globe a little easier.

BlueLounge Mini-Dock Charger - $20 from

Violight Sonic Travel Toothbrush $14.95 from

4. Bath and Beauty Products Bath and beauty products for people who smell like they need them. Oops, kidding! Who wouldn’t love a change of shower products, and a refreshing and nice-smelling change at that!

You’re a Star Gift box - $ 128.00 / 1kg from Lush


Calacas Shower Jelly – $13/ 100g from Lush 20

GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS 2012 5. Gift Cards Not sure what exactly to get your friends? An alternative to buying gifts, just top up these gift cards with some cash and your friend can buy anything he/she wants! Worry no more about whether your friends will like your gift!

Starbucks Gift Cards

6. Advent Calendars Advent calendars are special calendars used to count the days in anticipation of Christmas. Advent calendars take the form of a box, with 24 or 31 compartments, each filled with a small gift (can be sweets, chocolates or a toy). Each calendar window is opened everyday leading up to Christmas.

LEGOŽ Star Wars™ Advent Calendar - US$24.98 from Lego e-store



GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS 2012 7. Kitchenware Our darling mums would love these, also a really good gift for a friend who loves to cook!

Professional Heart Springform Cake Pan - £7.50 Marks & Spencer e-store


6 Star Cupcake Cases- £6.00 from from Marks & Spencer e-store


YUMMY YULETIDE EATS Fancy some delicious food to chomp on during the Christmas season with your loved ones? Why not splash out on a good meal during this once-in-a-year festive season? Here are some places (in no special order) that we have been to and love! 1.

Taratata Bistrot Address: 35A Keong Saik Road, S089142 Telephone: 6221 4506 Website: Head to Taratata, a restaurant with intricate Parisian-styled interiors, for a romantic ambience and an open-concept dining experience. It offers an array of French classics such as Escargots, Duck Confit, Steak Tartare made by 2 French chefs at an affordable price. (By affordable, we mean more affordable than flying to France to have an authentic dish prepared by the French!)



YUMMY YULETIDE EATS Know what’s great? It is made affordable for us, students on a budget, who might want to splurge a little for the occasion. We say their great service and weekly specials are definitely worth a visit!

3-course Set Lunch from $30++ Ala Carte Lunch from $8++ If you are up for something more special and Christmassy than their usual set lunch, they also offer the Christmas Set Menus (3-Course) which are available from 23 – 25 Dec at $68++ per pax! 2.

Basilico Address: Regent Hotel 1 Cuscaden Road, S249715 Telephone: 6725 3232 Website: Basilico Restaurant’s ala-carte dishes and buffet spread emphasises on fresh, seasonal and authentic Italian cuisine. The restaurant space may look small at first sight but that is because the indoor seats are tucked away out of sight such that the main focus of the restaurant would be the wide range of food on display.



YUMMY YULETIDE EATS Do not let the seemingly small restaurant space fool you for this restaurant serves up a comprehensive menu of Italian dishes, much more than the usual fare of spaghetti or pizza that we normally come across. Considering that it is located at one of the most luxurious and grandiose hotels in Singapore, its weekday buffet lunch is surprisingly priced at a reasonable $42++ per pax. Meanwhile, the Sunday Brunch is slightly pricier at $80++ per pax (free-flow Foie Gras on a Sunday morning, anyone?) Buffet Lunch (Weekday) at $42++ Sunday Brunch (without Free-Flow Wine) at $80++ As the saying goes, “the way to a man’s (or woman’s) heart is through his (her) stomach,” if you are looking to impress your date, you can’t go wrong with this place!





The Shepherd’s Pie Pick-up Location: Blk 3015, Bedok North Street 5 Shimei East Kitchen, #06-05 S486350 Telephone: 6789 0707 Website: Instead of heading out, perhaps you have plans to have a cosy Christmas celebration with your friends and family this year? Shepherd’s Pie offers a spread of 9” x 9” pies with many varied ingredients. What’s even better is that these pies are Halal, so our Muslim buddies can savour them as well! The pies can serve 4 – 6 portions, a pretty sizeable amount that can be cut into 16 pieces, if you’re having a potluck! They offer options of beef, chicken, lamb and veggie pies from $25.90 at a delivery charge of $3 - $5 (if you live in the East, or better yet, no delivery charge if you collect it yourselves at their pick up location!) Not sure which pie you should try? We recommend the Black Pepper Chicken pie, our personal favourite! Shepherd’s Pie from $25.90 Last order at 8.30pm While shepherd’s pies sound perfect for the Christmas season, they also make a great and healthy late-night snack for any period of the year!



MOVIE HIGHLIGHTS Getting tired of the tedious party-planning or thinking of giving those Christmas parties a miss this season? Why not head to the movies to enjoy a good movie and some quiet time alone with your loved ones? We have rounded up some must-watch movies that may pique your interest! Rise Of The Guardians is an actionpacked movie suitable for all ages. The story is based on Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Sandman and the main character Jack Frost. These characters join forces to fight the evil spirit Pitch to protect children all around the world. For anyone looking for an adventure with a whimsical touch of fairy tale, look no more, just catch this movie! Director : Peter Ramsey Cast: Chris Paine, Alec Baldwin, Hugh Jackman Release Date : 22 November Hotel Transylvania is a lighthearted movie about Dracula, who owns a resort in a secluded place where monsters and his family can be protected from humans. But his world was turned upside down on one fateful day when a human chanced upon the hotel‌

Director : Genndy Tartakovskv Cast: Adman Sandler, Andy Samberg, Kevin James Relase Date : 6 December 2012



MOVIE HIGHLIGHTS This movie needs no introduction, by now everyone must have already heard of the Twilight Saga movies. But for all those AIESEC-ers who have always thought of the whole series as being too emotional and moody for them, don’t be too quick to dismiss this last instalment in the series. Expect to see some heartstopping action scenes this time! This movie shows Bella’s newfound life as a vampire and the birth of her daughter, Renesmee. You will witness how the Cullens fight their own kind and protect the new addition to their family from danger.

Director : Melissa Rosenberg Cast: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner Relase Date : 22 November 2012



SHARE YOUR SORROW Dear Aunt Agony, I am a Year 1 student who listens diligently in class and managed to score well for all my tests and projects. Just recently, my exams results were released. However, I did not score as well as I expected. Deep inside my heart, I knew I could have done better if I had managed my time well. During my study period, distractions were everywhere. I have tried several ways such as going to the library for self-study. It just did not work for me. I knew I needed to focus but I just could not. Cheers. Year 1 student

Dear Year 1 student, Do not be disheartened by your exam results. Every student goes through the same feelings, when hard work does not get the reciprocal results we expect. You said you know you can do better if you manage your time well, so try and do that, and stick to the timetable you set for yourself diligently!( Hint : gCal might be useful!) Distractions are part and parcel of a student’s study life and it can be really hard to focus. Since self-study does not work for you, why not find a friend or two who are willing to study with you? You can push each other towards achieving better results, not to mention help each other when either of you face problems with your school work. You seem to have your priorities in order, and that is good. Keep it that way! Do not be afraid of asking people to study with you, if that is a concern of yours. Most people would jump at the chance to study with someone else. With that said, good luck for any other coming tests, projects or exams! Always remember: “No student knows his subject: the most he knows is where and how to find out the things he does not know.” Anonymous Advisor


SHARE YOUR SORROW Dear Aunt Agony, I took up a degree due to my parents’ expectations, but I always feel unhappy during school. I can’t help but feel stressful every single day, and I don’t really know where exactly the stress is coming from. I keep thinking that university is very difficult, in fact, it really is very difficult to me. In RMIT, everything is so fast-paced, I really don’t know how to cope with it. Can you give me some suggestions on how to overcome all these? T Dear T, I’m sorry to hear that! Perhaps the cause of your stress is linked to your parents’ expectations of you. It is never easy when what you want to do is in conflict with what your parents want for you. For a start, you can always talk to them about it. Otherwise, instead of focusing on the negative side, why not treat your degree as a new experience and new challenge? Do the things in school that interest you, and it will turn out to be an enjoyable journey! It is always tough keeping up with school work. As a student, you have to juggle multiple aspects of your life at once and it can be very tiring. If you really cannot cope with your school work, talk to your lecturers whenever you find that you do not understand something. Lecturers are very willing to help most of the time. Alternatively, you can try talking to some of the AIESECers who are taking a similar degree. Try to manage your time as best as you can. While it might be tempting to focus completely on school work, do try and take a break once in a while and go out, be it with friends or on your own, or you might end up feeling burnt-out! Anonymous Advisor


OCT INDUCTION 2012 Reminiscence of Induction from an OC Member

I can clearly remember the planning process of Induction and how it had taken place during the month of October 2012. The actual Induction was held at Ulu Pandan from 9am to 10pm. Our theme was Fairytales with the intention of life being a continuous learning process, and that when we face unavoidable and uncontrollable obstacles just like in Fairytales, we should persevere and not give up. The Induction team was led by OCP Frederick together with the VPs and team members from Marketing, Operations as well as Stakeholder Relations & Finance. It was a period of time whereby we had late-night meetings through Whatsapp and Skype, contributing ideas and trying to come up with conclusions. It was also the period of time that we got to know each other better and bond as a team. Soon after several meetings and weeks of preparation, we had our dry run and then the actual Induction. It was our honour to be able to invite Mr Gaurav Julka, one of the MCs from India Mumbai to host this event. We were glad as we welcomed 18 MEP and 3 GCDP members to join us during this recruitment as they split into the different Fairytales groups of Little Mermaid, Jungle Book, Aladdin and Cinderella during the Induction. To engage the inductees, allow them to have a better understanding of AIESEC's values and how we work, we planned out the briefings, roll calls, games ranging from dry to wet, sugar cubes and not forgetting the reflection sessions. Time flies, Induction had come to an end. I believe both the OC team and the inductees had fun and have learnt or gained something along the way. Thinking back, Induction was my first time in AIESEC to be in the OC team. The experiences I have gained and the friendships built are of significance to me, and are something I will always remember. This Induction is definitely one of the happiest moments I have had in AIESEC. Indeed, the event had ended but not the friendships! Two weeks from the day of Induction on Melvin’s birthday, we had a post-Induction outing. We celebrated both events at 2D1N Soju Bang, a Korean restaurant located at Tanjong Pagar. We sat from dawn to dusk as our talks and laughter filled the air. It was a memorable moment, and I look forward to more of such moments to come in the near future â˜ş



ASYD 2013 A Note from the OCP As Abraham Maslow once said, “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.” The education we receive in school is a “hammer” that our lecturer bestows upon us. Our degree is a license to certify the use of the “hammer” in the working world. However, the environment in the business landscape is constantly changing. External factors such as socio-economical, political and environmental issues, all affect the business landscape to the extent that companies have to satisfy all stakeholders’ needs. As an undergraduate, we use to wonder at times whether our degree is sufficient enough to ensure our survival in the corporate world. Initially, I thought so. However, it wasn’t long before I was proven wrong. Being a management and marketing student, I was impressed with all the big models used by researchers and theorists. The research being done for semester projects and case studies on big multinational companies covered the students in a delusional blanket of confidence, making them think that they were sufficiently equipped for the corporate world. All this was shot down when I did my internship as a business development executive in a small-medium enterprise. In just a short two-month stint as an intern, it struck me that the theories and models learnt in school aren’t the essential tools required in the corporate world. It just equips you with the language jargon used in the related field when more importantly, what’s needed to perform in most of the fields are the right attitude and soft skills.

During this period, I was also in AIESEC. I wasn’t that involved in AIESEC however, until I met two other interns from AIESEC. One was from Romania while the other was from Costa Rica. These two people were the ones who changed my perspective of AIESEC and also enlightened me on how AIESEC would benefit me if I get more involved and contribute greater towards it. After being utterly convinced by them, I remember being on the way home that night, thinking about what I want to gain from AIESEC and how I should go about doing it. As a result, I started getting more involved in AIESEC ever since that day.



ASYD 2013 A Note from the OCP

What is AIESEC? When faced with this question, most AIESEC-ers would usually say, “oh.. AIESEC is the world’s largest youth organisation blah blah blah…” In a way, yes, it’s correct. But yet in a way, no, that is only a superficial definition of AIESEC. What is AIESEC then? With 60 years of producing entrepreneurs and providing companies with top international youth talents who go on to take up managerial and top leadership positions, AIESEC has been constantly championing youth leadership and development around the world. What is AIESEC? With over 15,000 exchanges around the world, AIESEC endows individuals with the spirit to unite in the quest for change and development, in the quest to impact the environment and the world they live in. Through all my interactions with AIESEC-ers from around the world and through all the activities I’ve done, it struck me that this is what AIESEC really is. The potential that AIESEC has, is so great that AIESEC could even take over the world~! Okay, I may be getting too excited here. But the point is, not all AIESEC-ers see this and as such, I want to embark on this quest to engage more youths into this organization. When the application for AIESEC in SIM Youth Dialogue (ASYD) Organising Committee (OC) came along, it dawned on me that this is a platform to start getting people involved in AIESEC. It starts here. So I applied to be part of the OC. So what is the purpose of ASYD?

Well, as mentioned earlier, having only a “hammer” is not enough to survive in the corporate landscape, the objective of ASYD 2013 is to inculcate SIM students with the relevant skills and knowledge today, to prepare them for tomorrow. Through this dialogue, delegates from SIM as well as other universities will be able to engage our distinguished speakers in an interactive setting with our dual track.



ASYD 2013 A Note from the OCP The first track is a “soft skill” track whereby delegates will be able to pick up essential skill sets relevant for the corporate world, but not found in academic settings. The second track is the “current to future business landscape” track. This track enables the delegates to go into their field of interest and engage speakers on their life stories, gain advices and tips in the related fields as well as the direction it is moving to towards the year 2020. ASYD 2013 therefore, provides a platform for delegates to be inspired and impacted to take that step and make a change in their life to better prepare and equip themselves for the future.

Contact us:

Lesner Chua Committee President ASYD 2013





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