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Recruitment Guidelines

Recruitment Guidelines AIESEC is the world's largest student-run organization. We exist in 124 countries and our main activity is developing leadership for young people through membership and international exchange opportunities.

When you are on a info stand you have to sell. So here’s how:

with your solution.

Situational Questions

– Know the person, find touch points and involve them

Problem Questions

Implication Questions

NeedPayoff Questions

Recruitment Guidelines Situational Questions

Problem Questions

Implication Questions

Relates problems, Develops the Questions to dissatisfactions of the consequences of the understand the buyer that YOU CAN buyer´s problem. Builds situation of your SOLVE. the necessity for potential client. Ex: What are the main problems solution. Open questions. of not having free time for you? Ex: How is this free time Ex: What do you usually /Really? What are the problems do in your free time?/ What do you want to be whe you grow up?

you see in not knowing yet, what you want to do in the future?

impossibiliting you to live your life?/ Is it easy to be stdying something that you don’t even kow if you like or want?

NeedPayoff Questions Close the SALE Ex: What do you think

about being part of an international organization that will include you on a team that will help you improve your time management skills? /

Recruitment Guidelines If you are a NGO why do I have to pay to go on a internship? Even though we are a NGO, we have online platforms to support as well as the international that define us. These infrastructures require financial maintenance to maintain. Why would I join you instead other organization? Because we’ll provide you a full experience of personal and professional self-development like no other organization, based on:

Recruitment Guidelines (About OGX GCDP products) Isn’t that like erasmus? NO! Erasmus is an European opportunity for students to go abroad study (and party). What AIESEC provides is the opportunity for you to go abroad and work on projects that impact social issues. Empower communities by developing the people and enabling them to develop a more sustainable and healthy future. We’re not competitors, actually, what we recommend is that people who go on erasmus can apply to our Volunteer Abroad program before starting the Eramus experience. How long does it take between me signing up and starting the internship? For our Volunteer Abroad Program, the process is super fast and between 1 to 3 weeks you can easily find an internship and be accepted. For our Work Abroad Program, if you are proactive researching and applying for internships than between 1 to 3 months. In which countries do you have opportunities? AIESEC is an international organization, present in 124 countries. From these the ones we recommend you to go are: Work Abroad: Czech Republic, Belgium, India, Colombia, Venezuela, Hungary. Volunteer Abroad: Can give any example.

Recruitment Guidelines Find Touch Points and Involve the Person “I don’t have time” What do you study? Do you kow that our member Z is also from your course and he’s managed to do both. Actually he developed his time management so much that now he’s even director of one of our areas in the executive board here? - Give examples of members that have similar course requirements and that are able to do eveything. “I’m not from management, Sorry!”? You're not? AWESOME! we are looking for people from all the backgrounds! Did you know that currently in our national team we have people from Sciences leading us and working in marketing and sales? When they join AIESEC they found out that they were also willing to experience different things besides science. Let's say that in the end, AIESEC helped them to discover what do they really want to do in life. -1st make sure that people understand that we’re open to every background -focus on a specific experience similar to the one the person is going through and showcase

Recruitment Guidelines IMPORTANT People are like sheeps. When you are in infostands don’t forget to always have your subscription paper written with some names. Even if they’re fake, it will give more confidence to people to subscribe, because they are not the only ones to do it.

Recruitment Guidelines

enables young people to gain relevant skills for their future careers by working within a global environment within small to medium sized businesses, multinational corporations, and NGOs with internships ranging from 2 to 18 months.

-Personal strengths and weaknesses awareness - Personal network of people from different countries and different cultures - Professional working experience abroad - Understanding the corporate world from the inside - Professional development in specific fields - Adaptation to the new living and working environment - Improving future chances of employability and work success

Recruitment Guidelines

is an intensive international volunteer abroad experience that enables you to work on projects that impact social issues. Empower communities by developing the people and enabling them to develop a more sustainable and healthy future.

-Personal strengths and weaknesses awareness - Personal network of people from different countries and different cultures - Entrepreneurial outlook development - Opportunity to make a real impact on society - International team work experience - Project work experience - Adaptation to the new living and working environment skills - Communication skills (both interpersonal and cross-cultural)

Recruitment Guidelines

Any doubts feel free to contact us:

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