Global Paid Educational Program

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General Details The Global Internships Program is your launching opportunity to a successful career while working in a multicultural environment. Professional and personal development will be your main focuses! Improve your skills and upgrade your professional experience by working in international companies, organizations or institutions from all over the world on areas such as: education, marketing or IT. Bring diversity in your development process, challenge your perspectives and change things your way. Our programs are: Impact the world by working in a global environment, in sub-areas such as child learning, student learning and adult learning.

Customize the world with new perspectives by bringing diversity in different markets from emerging countries.

Experience working with new technologies, programming and web development in cutting edge IT businesses from all over the world.

Global Education is the perfect development opportunity for you as a young person, passionate about teaching! You are challenged now to make a difference in the education of others, bringing your direct impact in the global environment. Also you will gain professional experience by implementing non-formal methods of teaching, creating a diverse learning environment for young people.

The program fits you if you are: • a student or a recent graduate • a young teacher • an excellent English speaker • keen on working in an international environment

You will learn how to

• Open your mind regarding other cultures; • Increase your performance by finding solutions easily • Take advantage of the relations you make with people from other cultures and learn new things • Contribute to others development by And if you have knowledge in: sharing • your experience and knowledge • teaching English • development of personality and character • Develop your adaptability skills; • Be constant in your actions and future • cultural interaction decisions; • consultancy education and career • Experience in specialized institutions or NGOs; Time and place for you to go • Apply non-formal methods of education • Develop your teaching skills Experience 3 to 12 international months in • Increase your persuasion skills countries like: India, China, Poland, Turkey, • Increase your presentation and public Czech Republic, Ukraine, Russia, speaking skills Columbia or Brazil.

What you will gain

• Support for reintegration when returning home.

• International work experience AIESEC’s involvement at your • Theoretical and practical knowledge • Meaningful impact on your personal and destination professional development • New multicultural perspectives • Support in finding accommodation; • New international relations in your network • Providing a salary or providing • Free access to a lot of different trainings accommodation and meals; and preparation seminars • Reception activities; • Friends from all around the world • Support the search for information about

AIESEC Romania’s involvement in your experience

the country and documentation; • Support the cultural adjustment.

How you are responsible for your experience

• Support in creating an international CV; • Support in interviews and negotiations for the opportunities; • Internship fee (that depends from city to • Intercultural preparation for the internship; city) • Virtual support from AIESEC during the • Costs of passage internship; • Documentation: Passport, Visa and Insurance.

Opportunity Language Education Department

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Job description: Work as an English teacher; Deliver classes to teach students from 3—12 years; Participate school’s teaching training.

Language: English(Required)

Payment: Salary in US $650

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Other details: Internship duration between 2626 weeks; Total working hours: 35/week; Degree: Bachelors

Internship in CHINA

Skills and background required: • Introductory Teaching(Preferred) • Child (Youth) Education(Preferred) • Internet User Skills(Preferred) • PC User Skills(Preferred)

Opportunity Kindergarten Educational Institution Teacher

Job description: • •

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Teaches English to children Help the staff to take care of children supported by a supervisor; Sing English songs and play games with children; Will learn Japanese culture through communicating with children; Language: English(Required) Japanese(Preferred) Payment: $600

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Other details: Free accommodation; Medical insurance provided; Internship duration: 12 weeks Working hours: 40/week

Internship in WASEDA, JAPAN

Skills and background required: • Foreign Languages Education(Preferred) • Child (Youth) Education(Preferred) • Internet User Skills(Preferred) • PC User Skills(Preferred)

Opportunity English-Spanish Teaching

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Job description: Support students in improving their English language; Facilitating speaking English in conversation classes; Organizing English conversation clubs; The intern will be presenting the lessons, teaching and communicating with students

Language: English(Required); Spanish(Preferred). Payment: $450

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Other details: The interns will live with Turkish families; Working hours 40/week;


Skills and background required: • Child (Youth) Education(Preferred) • Foreign Languages Education(Required) • Advanced Teaching(Required)

Opportunity English Teacher – AIESEC University

Job description: Conduct language classes in groups of 10-15 people on different language levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced); Responsible for checking language knowledge of the students systematically by conducting tests and exams.

Language: Excellent English (Required)

Payment: $700

Other details: Personal Workspace, Internet Access in LC office, all facilities needed for the workshops (flipcharts, markers, screens, projector) will be provided. Working hours: 40/week


Skills and background required: • Introductory Cultural Preparation • Linguistics • PC User Skills • Internet User Skills • Language Teaching • Presentation Skills

Opportunity Language teaching

Job description: Delivering English lessons for young and adult people; Make country presentations for students: history, culture, traditions, geography, modern art, human rights, soft skills, career orientation; Prepare lessons and content in Internship in KRASNOYARSK, RUSSIA advance.

Language: Excellent English (Required)

Payment: $500

Other details: Working hours 40/week

Skills and background required: • Foreign Languages Education • Child (Youth) Education • Introductory Teaching • Internet User Skills • Presentation Skills • Language Teaching

Eager to apply? Follow the next steps: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Complete the application form: Send your CV at Go through selection process(interview) Create your own account on the platform (you have 3 days trial period) and pay the first installment of 60 euro. 5. Apply for the internships you find suitable 6. Get accepted for an internship (also called getting matched) and pay the second installment – 70 euro. 7. Now you’re set for an amazing experience with AIESEC!

Contact Florina NeamĹŁiu Specialized Unit President Educational Internships E-mail:

Laura NiculaĹ&#x; VicePresident International Internships E-mail:

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