CCP Application National Conference AIESEC en Ecuador
Application Availability: From the election announcement until the conference delivery and transition. Important: The CCP of the conference CANNOT be an EB Member 2017
DDL: 29/05/2017 18:00 Requirements: Application form in PDF format Language: English or Spanish Application link:
General Questions 1. Mention your main roles and achievements in AIESEC. 2. What is your main motivation to be CCP? 3. What is your main contribution to a national congress and your CC Team?
Specific Questions 1. How would you ensure that every single member of the entity participants in the event? 3 Main Strategies.. 2. What would be your measure of success of the conference? 3. Mention 3 priorities of your role as CCP. 4. Make a 1:00 minute video inviting AIESEC in Ecuador to the national conference. Uploaded to YouTube and paste the link in the application..
MC Ignite A national conference is very important for the entity, because it enables members to receive important knowledge, share experiences and most of all connect with the network. The CCP is the main responsible of guaranteeing that all those objectives are met, therefore is a challenging role that requires great compromise. Its an honor o represent your entity in the national conference, remember the experience is for EVERY member of AISEC in Ecuador. Its an amazing opportunity.
For more information If you have any questions and doubts you can contact us:
Lina Ricardo Rosa Espinoza
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