Executive Board Application - 2017 AIESEC in Ecuador
Dear applicant, During your AIESEC experience, you have been able to meet wonderful people that surely have taught you what leadership is all about. Right now, you are probably feeling all the nerves about the decision you are about to make, and we want to tell you it is completely normal.
MC Ignite Message
Dig deeper, you will also find excitement. Think about it, you will be part of the fearless generation, that took the challenge of becoming part of the Executive Boards of AIESEC in Ecuador. The growth and evolution of your Local Committee is right at the grasp of your hands. Meeting new people and taking on new challenges, will be something you will get used to. But also, this is the opportunity to develop the next generation of leaders of AIESEC in Ecuador. It is time to give back to your members, whatever it is you received that made you apply for EB.
Once again, ยกCONGRATULATIONS! You are the living proof that being fearless is not about not feeling fear, is about acting despite of fear!
Process App Launch November 16
Deadline November 22, 16:00
Interviews November 23, 24
To be a nominated applicant you must get a score of at least 80%
Application (30%) LCP 2017 interview (40%) MCVP interview (40%)
Assembly Nov 28 – Dec 03
Application document must be sent in PDF format
Send your application pack to: http://bit.ly/EBapp2017
Application document must be named as: “EB2017_Application_LocalCommittee_NameSurname.pdf” [e.g.: EB2017_Application_Galapagos_IgnacioPérez.pdf]
APPLICATION DOCUMENT The application is divided in 4 parts: • • • •
PART I: Profile PART II: AIESEC Experience PART III: General questions PART IV: Specific questions
The entire application document must be maximum 10 pages in minimum font size 10 points. We expect 1 PDF only. *Late applications won’t be received. No exceptions
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS The following requirements don’t have to be attached in the application document, they must be uploaded in the application link:
Video: A 3 minute Youtube video with your motivation to apply, goals and main strategies for the area you are applying for
Personality test: PDF with the result of your https://www.16personalities.com/
Endorsement letters: 1. From a person you have led 2. A person that has led you 3. A co-worker. The letters must be signed.
*Before you finish your application, check the application link
Application PART I: Profile
PART II: AIESEC Experience
-Full name -Date of birth -Place of birth -AIESEC email -Educational background -Phone & Skype
-Main roles and responsibilities in AIESEC -Conferences and learnings from them -Functional experience (Areas of expertise and results)
General Questions
Why do you want to be a LCVP?
What do you plan to get from the experience and how is this aligned to your career plan?
What does leadership mean to you and how will you guarantee Leadership Development in every experience? (your team, the EPs, the Trainees)
Why does AIESEC exist? Based on analysis, how can AIESEC in [your LC] be more relevant in the society?
Stop - Start - Continue of your LC
Specific Questions
Make a SWOT of the current state of the financial processes in your entity. With that analysis in mind please state 3 priorities to implement during the term in 2017. Present a monthly timeline showing your entity’s plan in: • • •
Finance in the Customer flow Legal necessities. Financial obligations regarding the national compendium.
How will you ensure the sustainability of your entity beyond 2017?
Do a SWOT Analysis of oGV in your LC. What needs to happen in your entity in order to deliver more than 100 oGV exchanges in one year?
Explain the main bottlenecks that you have in each stage of the customer flow and define 1 clear strategy per bottleneck to solve them.
Define how will you guarantee the value delivery of oGV experiences for 2017 based on the following aspects : • Area structure. • Projects and co-delivery with cooperations • Volume management. (year goal)
What does customer centric mean for iGV? How would you improve the experience of each of our stakeholders? Note: Remember to explain the tools and activities required to do so, and how would you measure their results.
How do you increase sales volume on iGV? Note: In your strategy please include at least 8 specific actions and numerical objectives For the following question, you will have to plan 100 exchanges in iGV during your period with different scenarios: • Divide the goal by presenting a monthly timeline on where would you approve, realize and complete the experiences of your Trainees. • Divide the goal for each national project you would run during your term. Be sure to mention organizations (public & private) you would like to work with in order to fulfill it. • What are the main cooperations (LC-LC) you would like to work with as LCVP? How would you guarantee the cooperations success? Divide the exchange goal for each cooperation you want to work with.
Talent Management
How does Talent Management contribute to both oGV and iGV?
Create the induction plan for new members during their first 2 months in AIESEC.
How will you ensure good tracking, transition and evaluation of processes in the LC and which tools will you implement?
Choose and explain 3 key priorities for your term as LCVP Talent Management. Please be specific on how is that a focus, how is it going to happen and what are the expected outcomes of the actions.
What are your goals for TM regarding Number of Members, Productivity, Retention Rate, Membership Distribution, Team Minimums Implementation & IXP and how will you achieve them?
Application document
• • • •
10 Pages Only 1 PDF General questions Specific questions
Video •
Video uploaded on Youtube
Endorsement letters • • •
Someone I have led Someone that has led me Co-worker
Personality test •
1 PDF with the results
If you have any question concerning to the application or the questionnaire please contact your LCP 2017 or the MCVP OD to this mail: maria.campos@aiesec.net
Recommendation: Check the requirements TWICE, check your links and video more than once and don’t be afraid to ask. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness.
If your dreams don’t scare you they aren’t big enough