TTM Booklet America's Summit

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1. MX report  Likes growth  Reach growth  Power of storytelling 2. Drivers  Content Strategy  Implemenation & Team Roles  TtM – Empowering the membership 3. TtM Framework  Agenda + Session outlines 4. International Cooperation Proposal  3 stages: Content Creation, Social Media Management, Results tracking 5. Examples of TtM outputs


The way we measure whether a brand is well positioned or not in social media is through a series of indicators that can be summed up into Likes, Reach and Engagements. In order to report the positioning of the AIESEC brand in Mexico through Facebook – our predominant channel to reach youth – we’ll focus on the growth of Likes and Reach, where Engagements are also present. These indicators allow us to understand how many people follow our brand, how many people come across it, and how many people interact with it too.



 The likes growth in AIESEC México Facebook fan page has had an exponential growth of 7,971.83 likes average per month.  The growth has been continuosly, and it reflected a breakthrough since the social media strategic framework was executed by the entity in January.  More likes means, more followers around the country which means impacting directly: Being accesible for everyone, anytime, anywhere.



AIESEC Mexicos’s fanpage is currently the entity page with the most amount of followers, harnessing the biggest number of interactions as well.

The page encountered a steep growth from Q1 and Q2 of 2016 due to a strategic content framework developed by the national team.


 The reach growth in AIESEC México Facebook fan page is due to the placement of a flexible, structured and strategical content grid per week.  The growth has been continuous, and reflects a breakthrough since the social media strategic framework was executed by the entity in January.  Mexico’s outstanding reach is due to the creation of content that provides value to people, where instead of pushing a sale, we tell stories through our projects.







CONTENT STRATEGY We discovered that if we create our own content we would shape our own brand voice, and we will be recognized as unique as we are. We taked about travelling with purpose, trending topics, discovering new places, and youth & corporate topics

TEAM ROLES & IMPLEMENTATION Our NST was divided into Video Team, Blog Team, Visual Team and Social Media Team, being composed of 25 members. The cannels we used were Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, aligned with the same brand voice.

EMPOWERING MEMBERSHIP To empower our membership, we created a series of TtMs.



Train the Marketers is a summit designed thinking exclusively of pairing conceptual knowledge on how to tell stories, with the use of audiovisual and multimedia communication tools. The video below tells the story of how TtM is changing AIESEC Mexico.



The agenda of TtM focuses on how to tell stories and provides the right tools to do so. It extends itself for two days, where in the first day all the knowledge is transmited, concluding with a 3 exercise. The second day consist exclusivelly of a field exercise where the dlegates create a multimedia piece of communication.


As previously demonstrated, in the past term, Mexico has learned immenselly about how to manage Digital Marketing, being it a fundamental element in the growth of our entity. We strongly believe that it is our duty to transmit this knowledge to Americas, so that we can grow faster and stronger as one unity region. For that matter, we propose a framework ot Train the Marketers For Americas, that can be included in our Regional Congresses. The framework would consist of two stages:

Americas Summit Chile

Americas Conference Peru

TTM Agenda Showcase you story

TTM Agenda Showcase you story TTM Agenda Grow your Channels


Dora Salemi CEO - DSM MKT Italian by birth, she has form in Marketing between Italy and Netherlands working in international teams and comes to Mexico to found DSMKT and to provide asesory, quality and a multicultural state en each digital project.

TTM Conference Team

Zé Vieira MCVP B2B AIESEC in Mexico Zé Vieira is in his second MC term, after being MCVP Marketing in AIESEC Denmark of the term 15.16. Originally from AIESEC Portugal, Zé has a bachelor in Communication Sciences, having majored in Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication.

TTM Conference Team

Juan Urdaneta MCVP DM AIESEC in Mexico Colombian by birth but MexiCAN by heart. Graphic Designer by career but Digital Marketer by heart. Is passionate about photography, video and storytelling. Co responsable for the breakthrough growth in Social Media in AIESEC in Mexico for the past semester.

TTM Conference Team

Andrea Camacho Video Director AIESEC in Mexico She has been Showcasing Manager for AIESEC in Canada. MexiCAN passionate and a storyteller by nature, one of the responsibles for the huge success of AIESEC in Mexico Video Team and actual responsible for generating the most amazing storytelling content for Mexico’s Network.

TTM Conference Team


DS Marketing is a unique Digital Business Lab in Mexico founded and run by AIESEC Alumni. We provide great experiences to our talent by empowering them in helping us become the strategic partner of our customers, contributing to their success and taking businesses to another level together. @DSMarketingyConsultoria DS Marketing y Consultoria @DSMKT

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