Mexico YouthSpeak Movement Guide

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AIESEC in Mexico YouthSpeak Movement 2015 Campaign Guide #1 Tamara Hombrebueno, Na=onal Vice President Marke=ng Natalia Pachón, Na=onal Vice President Customer Business Development, YS Responsible Arianna Campos, MCB YouthSpeak

The Way the World will be Shaped by 2030 Depends on Us

YouthSpeak Survey, run by AIESEC, is a global youth insight survey by youth for youth. It aims to gather youth perspec=ve about present and their vision for the future, because the future depends on what we do today.

This September, the United Na=ons adopted the new global agenda for sustainable development. The UN members states, governments, business, experts and leaders commiTed to address 17 global goals in the next 15 years for a beTer world. To make this world a reality, we also need young people.

The sustainable development goals (SDGs or global goals) are a new, universal set of goals, targets and indicators that United Na=ons member states will use to frame their agendas and poli=cal policies for the next 15 years. For more informa=on about the global goals, visit:

“Being a youth-­‐led organiza=on that believes leadership and taking ac=on is the key, we believe taking an ac=ve role upon the global agenda is youth leadership today.” -­‐ Ana Saldarriaga, Global President AIESEC Interna=onal

“Our job is to listen to youth and answer their calls… We cannot just make speeches saying we should listen to young people – we have to actually hear from them.” -­‐ Ban Ki-­‐moon, UN Secretary-­‐General

This is why we need to all speak up. This is not just any survey, but a m ove m e n t m e a n t t o s h i n e a spotlight on the issues that maTer, create awareness and generate ac=on. In order to be a purposeful AIESEC in Mexico, we need to empower the youth of our country to speak their voice and get involved in the issues of our communi=es and of the world.

YouthSpeak Movement 2015 1. Inspire, Engage, Act 2. YouthSpeak 2015 Timeline 2. How to Get Started -­‐ NaDonal Campaign 3. YouthSpeak Ambassador Opportunity 4. YouthSpeak Business Hunter Opportunity

YouthSpeak Survey 2015 Inspire

Inspire young people in your communities with the YouthSpeak survey and the overall essence of YouthSpeak Initiative. We want to generate a movement of young people who want to share their opinion, join the community and feel a part of something bigger - the global youth voice.


After inspiring young people and creating a local movement, engage them to fill out YouthSpeak Survey. Let’s take their global youth voice and translate it into data. Turn it into insights to generate powerful discussions and valuable information on the state of Mexican youth opinion and what opportunities exist to overcome challenges.


How it All Connects

It is not enough to speak up, but we turn our opinions and passion into action. Make sure this part is included in the communication of the overall survey and align your social media campaigns with AIESEC programs and other calls to action.

YouthSpeak Movement Timeline October Survey LAUNCH




1.000.000 responses! Collect 20,000 Responses!


March Preliminary Report

YouthSpeak Forum CONAL ‘16

Our goal as AIESEC in Mexico is to collect 20,000 responses for the survey to help us understand youth opinions across the country. We would like to focus on students from 18-25 years old and of higher education. This enables us to focus on our core stakeholder. YouthSpeak this year also aims to inspire young people to take action on issues that matter to them after filling out the survey. As we collect responses, we will take the data and insights to develop a YouthSpeak Forum in CONAL 2016 that is aligned and relevant for the needs of country. The Forum will be held on Friday, January 8 2016.

3 Steps to Get Started 1.

Complete the Survey yourself:


Take a picture with a plain background with the Global Goal you care about the most. Use the template, and make sure you post it on social media. Then, tag 3 friends to get them to complete the survey too!

Use the following hashtags: #YouthSpeak



All materials and templates can be found: HERE

Full Job Descrip=on: HERE

Applica=on Link: HERE

Full Job Descrip=on: HERE

Applica=on Link: HERE

Resources The YouthSpeak Movement 2015 Folder

QuesBons? Tamara Hombrebueno, MCVP MarkeSng Natalia Pachón, MCVP CBD, YouthSpeak Responsible Arianna Campos, MCB YouthSpeak

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