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AIESEC Norge Constitution & Compendium Last Updated 19.01.2012 (after UNITE 2012 legislation)

AIESEC Norge Constitution & Compendium – July 19th 2007

CONSTITUTION ............................................................................................................................... 4 1

CONSTITUTION ...................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9

AIESEC NORGE ......................................................................................................................... 5 THE AIESEC WAY ...................................................................................................................... 5 MEMBERSHIP ............................................................................................................................. 5 AIESEC NORGE ......................................................................................................................... 6 THE LEGISLATIVE MEETING OF MEMBERS ............................................................................................. 7 FINANCES ................................................................................................................................. 7 AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION AND DISSOLUTION ......................................................................... 8 GENERAL PROVISIONS................................................................................................................... 8 REGISTERED OFFICE ..................................................................................................................... 8

COMPENDIUM ................................................................................................................................. 9 2

THE STANDING ORDERS OF AIESEC NORGE ....................................................................... 10 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11


ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ........................................................................................... 14 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4


GENERAL ................................................................................................................................ 16 MCP ELECTIONS: PROCESS ......................................................................................................... 16 MCP ELECTIONS: VOTING ........................................................................................................... 16 MCP ELECTIONS: BALLOT COUNTING PROCEDURE ............................................................................... 16 MCVP SELECTIONS: PROCESS ...................................................................................................... 17 MCVP SELECTIONS: SELECTION COMMITTEE..................................................................................... 17

MEMBERSHIP ....................................................................................................................... 18 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8


NATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD ....................................................................................................... 14 MEMBER COMMITTEE ................................................................................................................. 14 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ................................................................................................................ 14 NATIONAL ADVISORY GROUP (NAG) .............................................................................................. 15

ELECTION AND SELECTION PROCEDURE ............................................................................ 16 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6


CHAIR ................................................................................................................................... 10 ROLL CALL .............................................................................................................................. 10 QUORUM ................................................................................................................................ 10 VOTING ................................................................................................................................. 10 MINUTES ................................................................................................................................ 11 REPRESENTATION...................................................................................................................... 11 MOTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 11 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE .............................................................................................................. 12 POINTS OF ORDER ..................................................................................................................... 12 CONDUCT OF MEETING ........................................................................................................... 13 STANDING ORDERS ................................................................................................................ 13

AIESEC NORGE MEMBERSHIP ....................................................................................................... 18 APPLICATION TO BE A MEMBER ...................................................................................................... 18 MEMBERSHIP CRITERIA ............................................................................................................... 19 MEMBER IN ALERT..................................................................................................................... 19 PROCEDURE FOR MEMBERSHIP REVIEW ............................................................................................ 21 REMOVAL OF MEMBERSHIP ........................................................................................................... 21 INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP ............................................................................................................ 21 ALUMNI CRITERION ................................................................................................................... 21

FINANCIAL REGULATIONS ................................................................................................... 22 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6

GENERAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................. 22 MEMBERS FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS ................................................................................................ 22 MC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................... 24 MC BUDGET ............................................................................................................................ 24 GENERAL REGULATIONS FOR MEMBERS IN DEBT TO MC ......................................................................... 24 MC REPORTS ........................................................................................................................... 25

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AIESEC Norge Constitution & Compendium – July 19th 2007

6.7 7

NATIONAL MEETINGS .......................................................................................................... 26 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6


LC FINANCIAL REGULATIONS ......................................................................................................... 25

DEFINITION OF NATIONAL MEETINGS .............................................................................................. 26 DEFINITION OF SCALDS ............................................................................................................. 26 LEGISLATIVE MEETING OF MEMBERS ............................................................................................... 26 CONFERENCE BIDS ..................................................................................................................... 26 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES ..................................................................................... 27 PROFIT, LOSS AND REVENUE SHARING ............................................................................................. 27

EXTERNAL RELATIONS ......................................................................................................... 28 8.1 8.2

MC COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL .................................................................................................... 28 PRINCIPLES FOR NATIONAL EXCHANGE PARTNERSHIPS .......................................................................... 28

A FINANCE MODEL AND PROCEDURES ........................................................................................ 30 B PROCEDURES FOR MINUTING................................................................................................... 34 C ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 35 D CURRENT MOTIONS AND MANDATES ....................................................................................... 36 E TRAVEL COST SHARING FOR LEGISLATIVE MEETINGS ............................................................ 41 F NATIONAL SALES AND REVENUE DISTRIBUTION ..................................................................... 42 G REVENUE SHARING FOR NATIONAL CONFERENCE SALES ....................................................... 43 H REVENUE SHARING FOR MC EXCHANGE................................................................................... 44 I RESERVE FUND REGULATIONS .................................................................................................. 45

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AIESEC Norge Art. 1. Art. 2.


The name of the organization shall be AIESEC Norge. The association is registered as AIESEC Norge, org. number 971 349 816

The AIESEC Way Art. 3.

What is AIESEC: AIESEC is a global, non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Its members are interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion, national, ethnic or social origin.

Art. 4.

What we envision: Peace and fulfillment of humankind's potential.

Art. 5.

Our impact: Our international platform enables young people to explore and develop their leadership potential for them to have a positive impact in society.

Art. 6.

The way we do it: AIESEC provides its members with an integrated development experience comprised of leadership opportunities, international internships and participation in a global learning environment

Art. 7.

Our Values: Activating Leadership We lead by example and inspire leadership through actions and results. We take full responsibility for developing the potential of other people. Enjoying Participation We have a dynamic environment created by active and enthusiastic involvement of individuals. We enjoy being involved in AIESEC. Striving for Excellence We aim to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we do. Through creativity and innovation we seek to continuously improve our results. Living Diversity We seek to learn from the different ways of life and opinions represented in our multicultural environment. We respect and actively encourage the contribution of every individual. Acting Sustainable We act in a way that is sustainable for our organization and society. Our decisions take into account the needs of future generations. Demonstrating Integrity We are consistent and transparent in our decisions and actions. We fulfill our commitments and conduct ourselves in a way that is true to our ideals.


Membership Art. 8.

Members can be local AIESEC chapters (Local Committee, LC) organized as an association supporting AIESEC in following its goals and purpose. Volunteer students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education run an LC in part-time and are not paid. In this document,

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the term “member” refers to LCs, whereas the term “individual member” refers to single members within these LCs.


Art. 9.

Prior to being admitted as a Member, any applicant must fulfill the requirements set out in the compendium.

Art. 10.

The organization and all its entities shall be represented nationally by one common name. That name shall be AIESEC Norge

Art. 11.

Membership review and approval of new Members happens according to compendium.

Art. 12.

Admission, expulsion or removal of the membership shall be decided through the procedures set out in the compendium. Decisions will only be valid upon ratification of at least two-thirds of the present voting Members.

Art. 13.

Any Member may resign at any time by giving four weeks notice to be delivered in writing to the Member Committee, which shall so inform the legislative meeting of Members.

Art. 14.

A Member who resigns or is expelled/removed shall forfeit the right to any part of the assets of the organization. The member shall also return all assets belonging to the organization at their cost.

Art. 15.

A Member who resigns or is expelled/removed may not utilize the AIESEC name for any purpose, activities or communication.

Art. 16.

Cs may enforce their own membership criteria for their individual members which are consistent with the national compendium.

AIESEC Norge Art. 17.

The organization shall be administered by AIESEC Norge‟s Member Committee (MC) consisting of a President (MCP), and a number of Vice Presidents, all physical persons.

Art. 18.

If AIESEC Norge is incomplete it still retains all of its powers.

Art. 19.

The Member Committee President elect (MCPe) shall be voted by the Members of AIESEC Norge including the Member Committee but excluding extensions, at UNITE.

Art. 20.

The Member Committee Vice Presidents (MCVPs) are selected by the MCPe with the advice of a Selection Committee as outlined in compendium.

Art. 21.

Individuals can be re-appointed but shall not serve for more than 2 consecutive terms on the AIESEC Norge Member Committee. It is however permitted to serve as MCP for one year after 2 years in other positions, with a total of 3 years.

Art. 22.

AIESEC Norge‟s MC shall have full power of management and administration, subject to the prerogatives of the legislative meeting.

Art. 23.

All the deeds committing the organization shall be signed by the MCP or another member of AIESEC Norge‟s MC who has been given the right to bind the organization legally. Only the National Executive Board can give such rights.

Art. 24.

The President of AIESEC Norge shall be responsible for carrying out the decisions of the legislative meetings and for co-coordinating the work of AIESEC Norge.

Art. 25. a. b.

The President will cease to hold office: By her/his death; By her/his retirement;

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c. d. e. f. g. h. Art. 26.



Because he/she is declared bankrupt or applies for a temporary moratorium; By the appointment of a guardian over her/him; By removal from office by the court in the cases provided for by Norwegian law; At the end of her/his term. By her/his removal from office by the legislative meeting of members for important reasons By her/his resignation as approved by a legislative meeting of members Any member of AIESEC Norge‟s MC shall cease to hold office as set forth under Art. 25 and also by dismissal by the President.

The legislative meeting of members Art. 27.

Members admitted to voting statute shall together with the Member Committee constitute the legislative meeting of Members of AIESEC Norge, which comes together on occasions as outlined in the compendium.

Art. 28.

Additional sessions of legislative meetings may be convened on request of the MCP or at least two thirds of the association‟s voting Members.

Art. 29.

The legislative meeting of Members shall have all powers for the performance and execution of the purposes of the organization.

Art. 30.

Any appropriate question or business may be brought before the legislative meeting of Members without prior notice thereof.

Art. 31.

Legislative meetings shall validly be held if at least two-thirds of the organization‟s voting Members are present or represented by proxy.

Art. 32.

Only full Members shall be entitled to vote at legislative meetings. Each Member shall have one vote (refer to section 5). If there are no full member LC, together all LCPs (members in alert and extensions) have veto power on the motions presented if 100% of LCPs decide it during legislation.

Art. 33.

A Member may be represented at the legislative meetings by another member. No Member shall hold more than one proxy.

Art. 34.

The decisions of the legislative meetings shall be carried by a simple majority vote of all voting Members present or represented, except if the Constitution or Standing Orders provide otherwise.

Art. 35.

Legislative Meetings shall be presided over by a Chairperson elected by the Members if requested by one of the voting members. The Chairperson shall neither vote nor take part in the discussions of the meeting.

Art. 36.

Legislative Meetings can be held virtually if special circumstances deem it necessary.

Finances Art. 37.

The capital of the organization will be formed by income from partners and activity, grants, subsidies, gifts, legacies contributions, of members and other contributions.

Art. 38.

The organization‟s financial responsibility shall be limited to assets and members shall not be personally liable.

Art. 39.

The use of funds and the bookkeeping of the MC shall be governed by the organization‟s financial regulations as stated in the Compendium.

Art. 40.

The fiscal year of the organization shall extend from 1st of July to 30th of June.

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Art. 41.

Annually AIESEC Norge‟s outgoing MC shall submit the accounts of the closed financial year according to compendium.

Art. 42.

The proposed budget for the incoming MC team shall be proposed for legislation according to compendium.

Art. 43.

AIESEC Norge shall keep filed records of its financial operations for a period of ten years.

Amendments to the constitution and dissolution Art. 44.

Any proposal regarding amendments to the constitution and dissolution shall emanate from AIESEC Norge‟s MC or two of the organization‟s Members.

Art. 45.

AIESEC Norge‟s MC shall advise the Members of the organization at least two weeks in advance of the date of the legislative meeting, which will deliberate, on such a proposal.

Art. 46.

AIESEC Norge‟s MC is charged with the authority of amending the Constitution and dissolving the association.

Art. 47.

Amendments to the constitution can only be made with the prior consent of the Legislative Meeting of Members.

Art. 48.

Approval for the organization to be dissolved shall be granted by a ¾-majority vote of all Members of the organization including the MC but excluding extensions.

Art. 49.

Approval for an amendment to the Constitution shall be granted if it receives a 2/3-majority vote of all Members of the organization including the MC but excluding extensions.

Art. 50.

Amendments to Constitution are only eligible to be carried given that they are presented in English.

General provisions Art. 51.

The constitution and compendium must comply with the International Compendium of AIESEC as set forth by the International Legislative Meeting of AIESEC. The International Compendium takes precedence to the compendium of AIESEC Norge, with the notable exception of anything regulated in Norwegian law.

Art. 52.

Anything, which is not provided for by the present Constitution, shall be settled according to the provisions of the Norwegian Law.

Art. 53.

The Constitution always takes precedence over the Compendium.

Registered office Art. 54.

The registered office of the organization shall be in the municipality of Oslo, and is at present at AIESEC Norge Sandakerveien 114B 0484 Oslo It may be relocated to any other address by a decision of AIESEC Norge‟s MC.

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The Chairperson is selected by the Member Committee and ratified by the meeting.


If the Chair is so affected by or interested in any motion as to render it advisable, in the opinion of the Members, that he/she vacates the Chair during the discussion of that motion. It shall be permissible for Members to move, second and vote upon a motion that he/she vacates the Chair during the discussion. If the motion is carried, the MCP shall temporarily conduct the meeting.


The Chairperson shall be the sole interpreter of the Standing Orders. MC shall be the final interpreter of the provisions of the Compendium, apart from standing orders and except in cases where they are interested parties, the Chairperson shall make the final ruling.


The Chairperson shall neither vote nor take part in the discussion of the meeting.


At the start of the session, the Chairperson shall inform delegates of those procedures related to the functioning of the meeting.

2.2 2.2.1 2.3 2.3.1


Roll Call The Chairperson shall at the beginning of the meeting take a roll call. Quorum The quorum for Plenary Session at any legislative meeting shall be two-thirds (2/3) of all entities with the right to vote present or represented by proxy. Voting


For the remainder of this section, the term “full Members” refers to LCs with full membership status and MC.


Voting shall only be by full Members. Each voting Member shall be entitled to one vote.


Voting is done by consecutive roll call voting.


Proxy voting at Legislative Meetings shall be permitted. Such proxy representation shall be in writing and submitted to the Chairperson of the meeting.


Should the individual issuing the proxy wish it to be valid on only certain questions, such limitations are to be contained in the proxy. Disagreement concerning the interpretations of such limitations shall be settled by MC.


Proxies shall not be used to propose or second a motion.


Only voting Members can receive a proxy vote. No Member may receive more than one proxy.


In voting, motions shall be carried by a simple majority, unless the Constitution or Standing Orders provides otherwise. The casting of votes shall be in the following order: Votes for, against, abstentions.


If the numbers of votes for and against a motion are equal, the MC‟s vote shall be regarded as deciding.


In case the MC abstains, a motion receiving an equal number of votes for and against shall be considered not carried.

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Members abstaining shall be considered as non-voting except in the case of election procedures, or if otherwise specified.


For the purpose of the Compendium simple majority shall be defined as follows: Simple majority is when more votes are in favor of the motion than against it.


The MC vote is exercised by the MCP or in his or her absence an MCVP as chosen by the MCP.


The LC vote is exercised by the LCP or in his or her absence another LC member as chosen by the LCP.


If required by any of the voting members present, a decision on any Motion, Amendment or Mandate shall be taken by ballot. The chairperson acts as vote counter and the vote is secret.




For minutes taken during legislative meetings the procedure outlined in Appendix B shall be adopted.


The minutes should be made available for members of AIESEC Norge within two weeks of the legislative meeting.




MC and all Members including extensions shall be allowed to attend and speak at all sessions of the legislative meeting.


Observers and guests of the legislative meetings shall only be heard with the permission of the meeting.




No Motion or Amendment shall be open for discussion until it has been seconded, but the proposer shall have the right to speak on a Motion in order to find a seconder.


No matter shall be discussed unless it concerns an approved subject on the Agenda, except at the discretion of the Chair.


A Motion shall only be open for discussion or Amendment after the proposer and seconder have been given the opportunity to speak in support of the Motion.


No Motion or Amendments, which has been accepted by the Chair, shall be withdrawn without the consent of the meeting. Neither shall any addendum be added to a Motion once accepted without consent.


The following forms of legislation shall be allowed at legislation meetings: Motions - which remain indefinitely in the Compendium unless amended or deleted by subsequent legislative meetings. One Year Motions - which are binding until the legislative meeting one year from the one at which the motion was passed. Two Year Motions - which are binding until the legislative meeting two years from the one at which it was passed. Mandates - to a recognized body of the Association binding for a specified period of time, to perform a function outside the ordinary course of duty. The mandate must be discussed with and accepted by the body.


Voting entities shall have the right to propose or second motions, mandates and amendments.

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No Amendment shall be moved which, by the Chairperson's ruling, rescinds, negates or destroys the original motion.


No other Amendment shall be moved until the first Amendment has been disposed of, but notice of further Amendments may be given.


If an Amendment is rejected; other Amendments may be moved on the original motion. If an Amendment is carried, the Motion as amended shall become the motion and shall be the question to which any further discussion may be moved or upon which the final vote is taken.


The proposer of the Motion, but not Amendment, shall have the right to reply directly before a vote is taken.

2.8 2.8.1

Order of precedence That the Chairperson shall allow the following Procedural Motions to be put when there is already a proposition on the floor, in the following order of precedence: a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

That the motion now be put A Motion to postpone or adjourn the matter to a specified later meeting A Motion to refer matter to a committee or sub-committee for investigation for report A Motion to limit the debate to a certain specified time period That a matter lies on the table A Motion of no confidence in the Chair A Motion to adjourn the meeting to a later specified date


Motions provided for by clause a), e), f) must receive a majority of two thirds (2/3) of the votes cast i.e. excluding abstentions.


If the motion "That the Motion now be put" has been seconded, no further discussion of the original question shall be allowed but a member may give notice of his/her desire to speak further on the original question. If the Motion is carried, only the proposer of the original question under discussion shall be allowed to speak before the original question is put to the vote.


If the Motion "to limit debate to a certain specified period of time" is carried, the Chairperson shall draw up a list of those wishing to make their first speech on the subject and allow each one an equal proportion of the specified period. The proposer shall be allowed five minutes to sum up before the original Motion is put to a vote.


Should any procedural motion under Section 2.9.1 be defeated, ten minutes (10) shall elapse before such a motion may be proposed again, unless the Chair is of the opinion that the circumstances have materially altered in the meantime.


Points of order In addition to discussion on a Motion, the Chairperson shall allow the following points in order of precedence: a) Point of Order b) Point of Personal Explanation c) Point of Information to Somebody d) Point of Information from Somebody


A point of order must be heard at all times and the Chairperson shall give his/her ruling before the Motion is further discussed. Points of order shall deal with the conduct of procedure of the debate. The member rising to put the point of order shall prove one or more of the following: a) b) c)

That the speaker is addressing an issue that is not relevant to the current topic That he/she is using unparliamentarily language That he/she is infringing upon the Constitution or Standing Orders

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2.10 Conduct of meeting 2.10.1

A speaker shall direct his/her speech directly to the Motion or Amendment under discussion. If no definite Motion or Amendment is before the meeting, the speaker shall direct his/her speech strictly to the point on the agenda under discussion.


Every member shall address himself/herself solely to the Chair.


No member shall be allowed to speak more than once on a Motion, as long as a member who has not spoken on that Motion desires the floor. No member shall speak for longer than ten (10) minutes at one time without permission of the meeting.


The Chairperson shall have the right to make a speakers list and close it according to his/her discretion.

2.11 Standing orders 2.11.1

Standing Orders may be changed at any legislative meeting provided there is a 2/3 majority of quorum at the meeting.

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National Executive Board


The National Executive Board consists of the MCP and the LCPs, each representing their committees. If the President is prohibited from participation, a substitute shall be appointed.


Legislative Meetings of Members, as described in 7.3, take place in the National Executive Board.


In NEB meetings, non-members of the Board can be invited to provide information on particular matters. These individuals may be granted speaking rights, but never voting rights.


Legislation may not be made retrospective.


Member Committee


The Member Committee shall have full powers of management and administration, subject to the prerogatives of Legislative Meeting. The MCP is the final decision maker within the MC.


The Member Committee shall regulate financial accounts as it may think proper and in the best interests of AIESEC Norge


The Member Committee shall put all finances belonging to AIESEC Norge in any recognized Bank except such sum by way of interest as may be fixed by the Member Committee from time to time.


The Member Committee may invite any person, in view of their standing, knowledge and experience as special invitees, to attend Legislative Meetings.


The Member Committee shall appoint advocates/attorneys to file or defend any suit or other legal proceedings whenever necessary and to fix remuneration of such services.


The Member Committee shall take necessary steps in case a legal suit is filed against a particular LC, and the expenses for the same shall be borne by the LC.


The term of the Member Committee is July 1st to June 30th. However, it is also obligatory for the incoming and outgoing MC teams to participate in the transition process that have to be done until 15th of July. The MCP elect is under obligation to participate at International Presidents Meeting. MCVP elects are expected to participate at EuroXpro, but not obligated to.


The numbers of MC positions should be approved by NEB within 2 weeks prior to releasing the application for MC elections.


The MC can, based on priorities in their year plan, choose to open national positions for certain areas, if these are not covered sufficiently by the members of the MC. If these positions are paid, they should be approved by the National Executive Board.


Board of Directors


The Board of Directors (BoD) consists of 5-7 members, none of which may hold any other position in AIESEC Norge.


Its members are appointed for a period of three years. A member can be re-elected for a maximum of one period of three years. If a member would like to continue after being re-elected, they can only do so after a hiatus of minimum 3 years. 2 members should be revolving from the BOD every year.


Two members shall form a Nomination Committee, which will nominate candidates for membership. The BoD will select the required number of candidates to the Board. The candidate will then have to be approved in a Legislative Meeting in order to become a member of the BoD.

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One BoD member shall take the role of Chair. The BoD will itself nominate this person, and the selection will be ratified at a Legislative Meeting.


All the members of the BOD should be registered in Brønnøysundregisteret. The Chair shall be officially registered as „Styreleder‟ (Chairman of the Board) of AIESEC Norge. He/She is also encouraged to participate in the Global Council of Board Chairs (GCBC).


The BoD shall meet a minimum of 4 times during one financial year. The Chair of the BoD summons to meetings. A quorum of 2/3 and a minimum of 3 individuals present is required for a meeting to commence. Any member of AIESEC Norway can be invited to the meetings, and may be granted speaking rights.


The role of the BoD is to hold the Member Committee accountable to their goals and financial results on behalf of the Members. They should also contribute to the continuity and sustainability of the organization.


The BoD will work according to instruction enclosed as an appendix to this compendium.


The BoD may update the National Executive Board on the MCs performance at its own discretion, but the MC should then also be informed of the contents of the update.


The BoD may suggest the dismissal of the MCP, should they not have confidence in the person filling the role. This should be a last resort after other attempts at improvement are made. The matter shall then automatically be addressed at an extraordinary Legislative Meeting, organized as soon as possible, and within two weeks after the suggestion is made. In such cases, the BoD Chair may contact the Local Committee Presidents directly to inform them of the situation.

3.4 3.4.1

National Advisory Group (NAG) The National Advisory Group shall convene to give input and advice to The Member Committee, using their professional experience for the growth and development of the organization. Its role will be: a) b)

Providing guidance, referrals, and advocacy in order to increase AIESEC Norge‟s progress and sustainable development Contributing to long term continuity for AIESEC Norge operations


The members of the NAG are appointed by the Member Committee President.


Each member of the NAG will serve a one-year term that can be renewed. This term can be extended by invitation of the Member Committee President.


The NAG shall not have any decision-making power, or legal and financial responsibility for the operations of AIESEC Norge.

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Any member of AIESEC is eligible for the MC of AIESEC Norge.


Candidates must put themselves forward within the deadline set by the MC, no later than one week before the election date.


MCVP candidates have the right, but are not required, to be present during the elections. MCP candidates are required to be physically present.


Voting happens according to the provisions given on Legislative Meeting of Members, but all individual members within each entity take part in voting and the entityâ€&#x;s vote is decided by majority vote within the entity.


Only full members of an LC are allowed to vote within an LC to determine the LCs vote. An LC is allowed to vote only with a minimum of 5 full members present for the entire election.


MCP Elections: Process


The Election process consists of speeches of maximum 10 minute duration by the candidates, a question & answer session and a final speech of maximum 3 minutes. The candidates will appear in randomized order for the main speech, and in reversed order for the final speech.


Unsuccessful MCP candidates have the opportunity to step down to an MCVP position. MCP candidates are not required to inform anyone about their intention of doing so before the MCP election is over.


For the rest of this section voting entity refers to any full member or member on alert as well as the MC.


MCP Elections: Voting


Voting for MCP shall be conducted by secret ballot.


The ballot shall be counted in secret and the results announced after the balloting.


All candidates are listed in alphabetical order by surname with boxes beside each name.


Ballots shall be dropped into a ballot box by the representatives of each voting entity, according to the roll call of the chairperson.


Before Individual Voting in an LC each EB facilitates a compulsory discussion on all MCP candidates based on their competencies. Voting within each entity happens by majority voting. The president has a double vote in the case of a tie

4.4 4.4.1

MCP Elections: Ballot counting procedure Each voting entity can vote: a) b)

The name of one of the candidates Abstention

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A majority of votes is required to be elected as MCP


In case more than half of the voting entities vote abstention, no candidate is elected.


The votes are counted by two vote counters elected by the legislative meeting of members.


If no candidate achieves simple majority, a new round of voting will be conducted between the two candidates with the largest amounts of votes.


In case of a draw, there shall be a new round of voting. In case of a draw in the second round, the vote of the Member Committee acts as a tipping vote.


If one or more votes are incorrectly filled the chair shall announce a new round of voting.


In case no MCP candidate is elected, new round of applications will be announced. MC VP confidence voting will still take place but selection of the MC team will take place only when an MCP has been elected.


MCVP Selections: Process


The Selection process consists of speeches of maximum 5 minutes duration by the candidates. The candidates will appear in randomized order. After this, the selection process continues in the Selection Committee


If not all VP positions are filled after the ordinary elections, the process continues with MCP elect opening applications for new rounds.


After the MC VP Candidate speeches, the LCs will give a confidence vote to the MC VP candidates. Only the candidates receiving vote of confidence by simple majority can proceed to the selection Committee.


MCVP Selections: Selection Committee


A selection committee shall be developed to advice the MCPe on the selection of MCVPs from the selection pool.


The Selection Committee as a minimum consists of the MCP, MCPe, one external and one LCP of a full member LC. Additional members may be selected. The MC makes a suggestion for the composition of the Selection Committee, and this is subject to approval by NEB before the elections begin.


All candidates should be interviewed by the Selection Committee. The information obtained during these interviews shall be treated as confidential, and may not be shared with anyone who has not been part of the Selection Committee.


The final decision on selection of MCVPs is made by the MCPe based on advice from the Selection Committee.

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5 MEMBERSHIP 5.1 5.1.1

AIESEC Norge membership Full Members:

University of Oslo (National Planning Conference 2011) AIESEC Trondheim ( UNITE, 2012) 5.1.2

Members in Alert:

AIESEC NHH (UNITE 2012) BI (UNITE 2011) 5.1.3

Extension Members:

University of Bergen (Virtual legislation, October 2011) 5.2

Application to be a Member


Any Body of Students can run AIESEC activities in co-operation with a Member even if it is not a Member.


Any Member that has lost its membership may not be reconsidered as a Member before all debts owed to the Association are paid.


Applications for AIESEC Norge membership should contain the following elements: a) b) c) d) e)

Assessment of potential to realize TNs in the local business environment Assessment of potential to realize EPs from the local university environment Assessment of availability of funding from university, government and business Letter of support from local university List of members who are willing to commit to leadership positions for the minimum duration of one year


Applications for AIESEC Norge membership shall be accepted at Legislative Meetings of Members.


Applications for AIESEC Norge membership are approved by a majority vote by the legislative meeting.


On approval the Member will gain extension status.


An extension Member is not a voting Member.


Exchange results created by an extension member should count towards that extension alone.


All extensions should have one entity which is mandated to be the “extending entity”


Extending entity‟s role: a) b) c) d) e)

Support the extension with all the resources necessary (knowledge, human and financial resources) Communicate regularly with the extension Assessment of availability of funding from university, government and business Have the individual members and exchanges of the extension LC counted in extending LC fees Deliver reports of the extension progress to NEB and MC when demanded

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An extending entity can withdraw the support for an extension. In this case the extension has 6 months to find one extending entity to support it or it will be automatically disbanded. Membership Criteria


The membership criteria define the minimum criteria for an association to join and stay in AIESEC Norge. For an association to gain and keep membership of AIESEC Norge, they must fulfill the membership criteria listed below.


Membership Criteria have to be fulfilled twice a year between 1st January – 30th June and 1st July – 31st December. Membership criteria are checked twice during the year; a) b)

LCP Meeting check UNITE check


Responsibilities towards the national network between 1st July and 31st December (checked in UNITE): a) To realize 1 TN and 1 EP b) To have no debt with MC c) Hand in an annual financial report, before ScaLDS d) Update the individual membership list and submit it on time e) Have 1 representative in each legislative meeting: LCP meeting, ScaLDS and Excel f) To submit SONA Q3 and Q4 until the deadline set g) To maintain compliance with IXQPS and absence of violations towards the IXQPS according to the global Exchange Quality Board (XQB) h) To use AIESEC‟s brand according to AI guidelines. i) Have an LCP. j) To Act in compliance with the compendium of AIESEC Norge


Responsibilities towards the national network between 1st January and 30th June (checked in LCP meeting): a) To realize 1 TN and 1 EP b) To have no debt with MC c) To hand in a year planning and budget at LCP meeting (following the MC template released beforehand) d) Update the individual membership list and submit it on time e) Have 1 representative in each legislative meeting: UNITE and ACHIEVE f) To submit SONA Q1 and Q2 until the deadline set g) To maintain compliance with IXQPS and absence of violations towards the IXQPS according to the global Exchange Quality Board (XQB) h) To use AIESEC‟s brand according to AI guidelines. i) Have an LCP. j) To Act in compliance with the compendium of AIESEC Norge


Responsibilities towards the national network during both periods a) b) c) d) e) f)

5.4 5.4.1

To have, as a minimum, one representative or be represented by proxy at every legislative meeting To be free of debt To hand in a year planning and budget at LCP meeting (following the MC template released beforehand) To use AIESEC‟s brand according to AI guidelines. Have an LCP. To Act in compliance with the compendium of AIESEC Norge

Member in Alert If a Member fails to fulfill membership requirements, the Member will become a Member in alert.

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For all Members in alert the following must occur: a) b)

A Member on alert is liable to have an action plan to fulfill all membership criteria at the latest two weeks after the Legislative Meeting where they were downgraded The Member in alert must report to every Legislative Meeting on progress in relation to the plan and the membership criteria


The Member Committee will be responsible to track the implementation of this action plan continually


A Member in Alert is not a voting Member.

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Procedure for Membership review


2 weeks before 30th June and 31st December all LCs must report their status in relation to all membership criteria.


Change of membership status happens at LCP Meeting and UNITE.


If a full Member is not living up the membership criteria during the specified period – the member will be downgraded to Member in Alert immediately and will not have voting rights at the next legislative meeting.


Removal of membership


A member who is acting in conflict with The AIESEC Way or in conflict with the Compendium can be removed from the association through a 2/3 decision at a legislative meeting.


At the legislative meeting where removal of membership due to actions in conflict with The AIESEC Way or the Compendium the Member in question has the right to attend and defend his case, but not to vote.


A member that has maintained a member in alert status for two years will automatically be put up for removal, and this shall be voted upon in the Legislative Meeting of Members.

5.7 5.7.1

Individual Membership A full member is any individual who is studying or has graduated in the last two years that fulfils these criteria: a)

Been approved in the selection process for new members,


Completed a full induction to AIESEC,


Is active in one of stages of the AIESEC experience flow


Is registered to myaeisec.net in the right stage


Paid the membership fee


All the criteria legislated in 5.6.1 are National minimum criteria for giving full membership to an LC Member but the LCs can also add to this criterion if they wish to do so.


Membership review of giving full membership status should be done at least two times in one year as stated below.

5.8 5.8.1


Between 0-4 weeks before MCP elections


Between 0-4 weeks before EB elections

Alumni Criterion An Alumni is a person who has left the organization and fulfils one of the following criteria: a)

Has been a full member for at least 6 months; and


Has been on an AIESEC exchange and/or has had an AIESEC Leadership Role

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General financial management


All the incomes related to exchange of AIESEC in Norway, both locally and nationally, are invoiced from the MC office and later transferred to the LCs.


The financial year is from July 1st until June 30th.


By the 5th of each month, MC will generate an “LC balance� containing: a) b) c) d) e)



Total LC performance on the month Total income generated by LC exchange performance in the month (splited by destinated to LC and MC) Total amount MC needs to transfer to LC Total amount LC needs to transfer to MC Balance of LC income and fees payment

With the LC balance, MC will transfer or invoice LCs the balance money accordingly. The payment should happen maximum 5 days after the LC balanced for the month is released Members Financial Obligations


Members shall be responsible for contributing funds to MC under the following categories: a)

Affiliation Fee (AF)


Service Fees (SF)


Exchange Management and Revenue Fee (EMF)


Extensions shall contribute only with the Exchange Management Fee (EMF)


When an extension becomes a full member LC, it benefits from lower Affiliation and Service Fees for a certain point of time as follows: a) b)

6.2.4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6.2.5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1st, 2nd and 3rd month: pay only 25% of own AF and SF 4th, 5th and 6th month: pay only 50% of own AF and SF

Affiliation Fee (AF) The AF consists of a fixed part and a variable part as defined in Appendix A. The AF fixed part shall cover MC administration costs and costs incurred as part of AI membership criteria as defined in Appendix A. The total amount of AF fixed part for the next MC financial year shall be approved at ACHIEVE. The AF variable part shall cover all AI fees. The fees for the country, as defined by the International Financial Model shall be presented at ACHIEVE. The AF is to be paid by the 5th of every month. The AF per LC shall be calculated according to the guidelines in Appendix A. Service Fee (SF) The SF shall cover costs of services provided by the MC to LCs, including parts of MC administration costs related to delivering services. The total amount of SF for the next MC financial year shall be approved at ACHIEVE. Services are paid for and provided within the MC financial year. The SF is to be paid by the 5th of every month The MC services covered through SF are specified in Appendix A. The AF per LC shall be calculated according to the guidelines in Appendix A.

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6.2.6 1. 2. 3.

Exchange Management and Revenue Fee (EMRF) EMRF is a variable amount paid to MC according to Exchange and Revenue performance. This fee is paid monthly The ERMF is calculated each month based on the guidelines in Appendix A.

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MC Financial Management


A Management Team shall be created every year for the purpose of managing the finances of MC.


The Management team shall consist of the MCP and the VPF as a minimum


Management team shall meet every month to review the monthly report, the budget situation, the cash flow and the expense priorities for the following month.


The MCP and the VPF shall have power of veto on all expenditures


Any allocation of fundraising done by MC, over 10% of the approved budget, shall be approved by a simple majority of voting member in any legislative meeting.


MC shall report the budget versus actual figures and any updates to the budget to members on a quarterly basis.


MC budget


The budget is the basis for the administration of all income and expenditure and for the audit.


MC shall present budget information for the following financial year at ACHIEVE, also putting up for approval amount paid by members in Affiliation Fee and Service Fees.


Changes in the budget may be approved at any legislative meeting.


General regulations for members in debt to MC


Any member with debts that excess of 2000 NOK, has to sign a repayment contract with MC at every legislative meeting, will be automatically downgraded to status “member in alert” and will have all its LC transfer frozen until the debt is paid.


At any legislative meeting, any member who fails to fulfill the repayment contract will be automatically have its status changed to member in alert and an automatic motion to remove it‟s membership will be presented.


In case membership is removed from a member, all its debits will be paid divided by the other members. The different members contribution will be decided by NEB at an legislative meeting.


In the event that an LC‟s liquid resources are depleted to the point of the LC having only one month of reserves left, an extraordinary meeting of the NEB shall be called by the representant of that LC to discuss measures to be taken in the LC and in AIESEC Norge to prevent bankruptcy of the LC in question

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MC reports


At UNITE the MC is required to present a bi-annual report. The bi-annual report must contain a profit and loss statement and a balance sheet.


The MC shall have an annual external audit done by an external auditor. It is the MC‟s responsibility to facilitate this external audit and provide the auditor with all information needed to complete the audit.


AIESEC Norge is also required to present an Annual Report. The Annual Report must contain an audited profit and loss statement, an audited balance sheet, a Directors‟ report, an Auditor‟s report as well as a statement of the granting of discharge for the MC. The report should be done in accordance to Norwegian law and generally accepted accounting practice.


The Annual Report shall be signed by all members of the MC.


LC financial regulations


LCs shall have an operating budget, bokføring and as well as produce cash flow statements.


LCs who fail to present a proper bokføring monthly to MC at the agreed deadlines, will have their LC transfer frozen until the situation is solved with the MC.


The fiscal year of the LCs is the 1st of July until the 30th of June.


At UNITE, LCs are required to present a bi-annual report. The bi-annual report must contain a profit and loss statement and a balance sheet.


After the end of the financial year LCs are required to present an annual report. The annual report must contain a profit and loss statement and a balance sheet.


The annual and bi-annual report needs to be ratified by a legislative meeting according to section 7.3.


The LCP and LC VP chosen to be responsible for financial matters in all LCs has a right of veto on all financial decisions concerning non-budgeted costs during the budget year.

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Definition of National Meetings AIESEC Norge shall have the following National Meetings every year. a) b) c) d)

7.2 7.2.1


LCP Meeting in July Excel in October/November UNITE in January ACHIEVE in March/April

Definition of ScaLDS ScaLDS, Scandinavian Leadership Development Seminar, is a regional conference organized through cooperation between AIESEC Norge and AIESEC in Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden. Legislative Meeting of Members


AIESEC Norge shall have five Legislative Meetings of Members every year. These take place at LCP Meeting, ScaLDS, Excel, UNITE and ACHIEVE.


LCP meeting shall contain the following elements: a) b)


ScaLDS should contain the following elements: a) b) c) d)


Membership Review Ratification of MC and LC Bi-annual Reports and half year budgets Ratification of Selection Committee for MC elections

ACHIEVE shall contain the following elements: a) b)


Approval of the Member Committee plan and Member Committee budget Ratification of LC annual reports Approval of MC Annual Report and closed accounts of preceding financial year Discharge of the Member Committee of the preceding financial year

UNITE shall contain the following elements: a) b) c)


Membership Review Ratifying Board of Director members for the upcoming financial year

Signing employment contract for the MCP Mandating the MCP to sign employment contracts with the MCVPs

Conference bids


Mandate to host ACHIEVE should be given at ACHIEVE, but no later than Excel.


Mandate to host Excel should be given at UNITE, but no later than ACHIEVE.


Mandate to host UNITE should be given at ACHIEVE, but no later than ScaLDS.


Bids must be submitted to the Members of AIESEC Norge at least 2 weeks prior to the appropriate Legislative Meeting.


The Legislative Meeting can postpone any decision regarding conference bids due to special circumstances.


A valid conference bid should contain the following headings: a)

Name of OCP

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b) c) d) e) 7.4.7

List of OC Members Site description Plan for external relations Financial projections

Organizing national conferences is a responsibility that should be shared by the Local Committees. If no LC bids for a conference, the host will be decided by voting within the


National Executive Board.

Organizing Committee Responsibilities


There should be a compulsory Organizing Committee Finance responsible.


An Organizing Committee cannot charge more than 200 NOK per day as delegate fee for a National Conference. This does not include ScaLDS. The maximum delegate fee for a semi-catered conference (no accommodation covered) is 150 NOK per day per delegate.


Profit, Loss and Revenue sharing


All profit or loss from a conference budget goes to the hosting entity of the conference


Conference revenue is shared according to Appendix G

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MC communication protocol


The Member Committee company list are the ones which are handled by the MC in the CRM system.


The Member Committee company list includes the companies that the MC will manage, handle and are responsible for directly.


Local Committees will not be allowed to approach or contact any companies mentioned on the Member Committee company list through any kind of formal or informal channel without approval from the Member Committee.


Any Local Committee can approach local Branches of any of the Member Committee companies only after approval from the MC VP ER


Before contacting any companies the CRM system should always be checked. If an LC wants to contact companies that are outside the LCs region, the LC has to get approval from all entities within that region before approaching the company.


All Global Partners are automatically part of the Member Committee company list


In the case of a Local Committee acquiring a lead in a company interested in National Products, clear cut communication will have to be sent to the Member Committee and the appropriate next steps will be completely managed by the Member Committee.


In the case of the Member Committee acquiring any lead with a Local Committee company clear-cut communication will be sent to the Local Committee and the next steps will lie at the discretion of the Local Committee.


In the case of Local Committees requiring support from the MC Companies under any segment, a detailed proposal will have to be sent to the Member Committee, after which the Member Committee will review the viability of the proposal and take the appropriate next steps.


If a company which hasn`t been contacted in 6 months or more, any of the entities wanting to contact the company should have approval from the account manager.


In the case there is a conflict with a company or companies between different entities, that matter will be taken into discussion and the following parameters will be analyzed. a) b) c) d) e) f)

Current state of relation with the company Relationship History with the company Plan of Action with the company for the year Audit of the services provided to the company Client Servicing Processes Potential for national leverage


If an account manager is no longer a member of AIESEC, the appropriate LC VP is automatically responsible for the account.


The current CRM system is the Sales Management System. (SMS)

8.2 8.2.1

Principles for National Exchange Partnerships MC Exchange Revenue Sharing

Revenue sharing and guidelines concerning Exchanges Raised, Matched and Realized by the MC is governed by Appendix H

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If the MC has given an account for the LCs to Match and Realize, this account will still be considered as an MC Company who we can approach for different products. If an LC wants to approach this account for reasons other than Intern servicing, an approval must be taken from the MC.


While servicing Interns of MC Companies, LCs cannot approach companies for re-raising of Internships unless it is approved by the MC. Re-raising will be the responsibility of the MC.


Any company or organization raised by the MC which realizes 5 or more interns in one year is qualifies as a National Exchange Partner.

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A FINANCE MODEL AND PROCEDURES AFFILIATION FEE (AF) Description 1. The fee is paid as a contribution to the national association. It includes the use of AIESEC brand and AIESEC information systems for Members. 2. It covers essentials, such as some MC employee costs, general running costs, office rent and infrastructure costs,, AI fees and other Membership Criteria Costs 3. The Fee is paid by all members monthly 4. The fee contains one fixed part, which is equal for all members, and one variable part, which is member specific. The variable part covers the AI fees. The AF Fixed Part covers: Type of Cost MCP employee costs MCVPF employee costs Accounting Auditing Brand Registration Office rent and infrastructure costs One IC Conference Fee One IPM Conference Fee One Travel Expense to IC One Travel Expense to IPM

% Covered by the AF in the budget 100 % 100 % 50 % 100 % 100 % 50% 100% 100% 100% 100%

The AF Variable Part covers: Type of Cost AI Fees (including TCS Fees)

% Covered by the AF in the budget variable % per LC

This part is calculated closely in accordance to the calculation of AI Fees for AIESEC Norway and should aim to follow any international compendium changes:

Where: A= B= C= D= E= d= e= X= Y= Z=

Total Travel Cost Sharing (TCS) Fees paid by AIESEC Norway Total Fee paid to AI for being an AIESEC country Total Fee paid to AI for number of LCs in the country Total Fee paid to AI for number of Exchanges Realized in the country Total Fee paid to AI for number of Individual Members on myaiesec.net in the country Number of Exchanges Realized by LC for previous calendar year according to myaiesec.net Number of Individual Members in the LC registered on myaiesec.net at time of counting by AI (1st of April for 2010) Total number of LCs in the country (currently 4) according to myaiesec.net Total number of Exchanges realized in the country for previous calendar year according to myaiesec.net Total number of Individual Members in the country according to myaiesec.net at the time of AI count

The MC covers costs incurred for their own Exchange (d) and members (e) according to the formula:

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SERVICE FEE (SF) Description 1. The fee is paid to support MC services to LC 2. The fee is paid by all members monthly 3. The fee covers the following costs Type of Cost Other MC Employee costs MC Facilitators fees for national conference MC Facilitators travel for national conference National Conferences pre-meeting costs ScaLDS country fee MC travel for ScaLDS LC Visits

% Covered by the SF in the budget 50 % 100 % 80 % 50 % 100 % 80 % 100 %


The fixed part of the affiliation fee is split evenly among members The variable part of the affiliation fee is calculated for each individual member The service fee is split evenly among members

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EXCHANGE & REVENUE MANAGEMENT FEE (ERMF) Description 1. The fee is paid to the MC by LCs according to their Exchange performance and revenue. 2. LC Extensions receive only 25% of their due revenue for performance. 3. Please consult Appendix H on MC Exchange (TNs and EPs) 4. Please consult Appendix I regarding the Reserve Fund. 5. The following table states the Suggested Retail Price (SRP) of Exchange products. Entities are free to vary their prices, taking into consideration that the share of revenue for the ERMF for the MC and the share of revenue for the reserve fund remains fixed as stated, independently of price variations. No price competition is permitted between entities.

Revenue Item Type 1 Revenue Item Type 2 Revenue Item Type 3




Reserve Fund

100 % 100 % 100 %

70 % 60 % 80 %

20 % 30 % 15 %

10 % 10 % 5%

Total Amount:*

MC revenue share (20%) 0,800,-

Reserve Fund share (10%) 0,400,-

Type 1

TN Signing Fee TN Matching Fee


LC revenue share (70%) 0,2800,-

TN Monthly Fee





TN Extension Fee





TN Cancellation Fee





EP Raising Type C**





EP Raising Type D**





EP Raising Type E**





Total Amount:*

MC revenue share (30%) ** 960,-

Reserve Fund share (10%) 320,-



Type 2

EP Raising Fee Type A**


LC revenue share (60%) 1920,-

EP Raising Type B**



* Total prices are before VAT (currently 25%). VAT charged remains with the MC, as it is the MC which is VAT obliged. ** Please see table below for EP fee specifications and reimbursement policies. Type 3 Total Amount: LC ER Revenue (not National Conferences) LC Partnership Deals


LC revenue share (80%) 80 %

MC revenue share (15%) 15 %

Reserve Fund share (5%) 5%


80 %

15 %


Type 3 Revenue Sharing No entity can enter into agreement which requires delivery on the part of another entity without the prior written consent and agreement of that entity. This includes an agreement on the financial revenue distribution between selling and delivering entity. If the delivering entity is different than the LC selling, the LC part of the revenue will be distributed to the delivering entities according to the specific agreement.

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See Appendix F for National Sales and Revenue Distribution. See Appendix G for any sales related to National Conferences. School deals and agreements are retained in full by the LC having such a deal unless something else is specifically agreed. EP Types specification What:


Raising Period

Quick Match Reimbursement Policy

EP Raising Fee Type A

Standard EP fee: Applied to all regular Eps


EP receives: 500,- from MC if matched within 35 days of payment of EP fee. LC receives: 250,- from MC if EP is matched within 35 days of payment of EP fee

EP Type B

Member EP fee: Any current member of AIESEC who has been member for full previous 2 quarters [Q4+Q1]

RA: Quarter 2 only [April-June]

EP receives: 500,- from MC if matched within 30 days of payment of EP fee. LC receives: None

EP Type C

LR EP fee: Anyone who has previously completed a full LR in AIESEC.


No reimbursement policy

EP Type D

Current EB+ current and past MC fee: Applies to current EBs+MC who have been in position since the beginning of term. EP status put on rejected if person quits EB or MC position during term. LCPs and MCPs: All current and past Ps

RA: Quarter 1 only [JanuaryMarch]

No reimbursement policy


No reimbursement policy

EP Type E

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B PROCEDURES FOR MINUTING The following are the procedures for minuting referred to in Section 2 (Standing Orders) of the Compendium. These procedures are to be used for the taking of minutes at all legislative meeting. 1. General. At the top left-hand corner on the first page, the following information shall be given: • Title of meeting • Place of Meeting. • Date of Meeting. 2. Time of commencement The time at which the Chairperson declares the Session open shall be recorded in the first sentence of the minutes. 3. Roll call A list of members present at the commencement of the Session shall appear at the beginning of the minutes. Members subsequently joining the Session shall be recorded in the minutes. 4. Items of the agenda Agenda items, to which discussion relates, shall be clearly indicated through setting out discussion points in serial number. 5. Motions a. Numbering All motions shall be clearly numbered. The motions shall be numbered in consecutive order, starting from the start of the session and the prosoer stated alongside. 6. Amendments Amendments proposed to motions shall be included in the minutes. They shall be clearly headed: Sample: AMENDMENT TO MOTION 1 Proposed by: C 7. Procedural motions These motions only refer to the conduct of the debate and include any motion referred to in 2.9 of Section 2 (Standing Orders) of the Compendium Sample: MOTION (PROCEDURAL) Proposed by: E 8. Voting Voting for every motion happens by a show of hands unless a specific motion is passed to vote on another motion by secret ballot. If after discussion on a motion the National Executive Board unanimously agrees with the motion, the motion can be passed by acclaimation without putting it to vote 9. Closure of session The time at which the Chairperson declares the Session closed will be recorded in the final sentence of the minutes. 10. Approval of Minutes The minutes from the last legislative meeting should be approved on the start of the next legislative meeting.

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Assessment Centre AIESEC International Congress Committee Congress Committee President Development Traineeship Executive Board Educational Traineeship Exchange Participant Global Exchange Partnership International Congress International Legislative Meeting Web based online system for the management of AIESEC‟s activities. International Presidents' Meeting International Exchange Quality Policies & Standards (National) Legislative Meeting Local Committee Local Committee President Leadership Development Seminar Member Committee Member Committee President Member Committee Vice President Management Traineeship National Advisory Group National Exchange Partnership National Plenary Organizing Committee Organizing Committee President President of AIESEC International Project Manager Review Board Selection Committee Supervisory Group Steering Team National Presidents‟ Meeting Trainee Nominee Technical Traineeship Vice President External Relations Vice President Talent Management Vice President Exchange Vice President Corporate Relations Working Group Exchange Quality Board Exchange Growth Board Talent Management Unit

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D CURRENT MOTIONS AND MANDATES Unknown time motions  Motion to elect Harald Korn as the Chair of the Board of Directors of AIESEC Norway  Motion to appoint Morten Halleraker as a member of the Board of Directors of AIESEC Norway  Motion to appoint Camilla Nyhuus Christensen as a member of the Board of Directors of AIESEC Norway  Motion to appoint Benedicte Omre-Qviller as a member of the Board of Directors of AIESEC Norway  Motion to appoint Svein Larsen as a member of the Board of Directors of AIESEC Norway  That the powers of LCP in LC Trondheim are allocated to the MC for the year 2010-11. The steps taken by the MC are to be reported to NEB on a minimum monthly basis. During the year an LCP shall be elected for the 2011-12 year  (Virtual Legislation November 2010) To change the name of National Conference 2 and legislative meeting, held in January every year to UNITE  (Virtual Legislation November 2010) To change the name of National Conference 3 and legislative meeting, held in March/April every year to ACHIEVE  (Virtual Legislation November 2010) That a governance and legislation subcommittee be established where all the LCPs of Member LCs (Full members and member in alert) and the MCP are part. This subcommittee will elect an LCP chair and meet once a month. The main tasks of the committee will be to work with the National compendium and issues concerning National governance and legislation, including preparing legislation.  (UNITE 2011) That the Extension LC of AIESEC UiS be disbanded. One year motions  That the price for RA EPs that are currently in leadership role be 1199 + VAT (total 1499 NOK) if they sign the contract, pay the bill and get the form online in the system from 7th January 2010 to 31st March 2010.  (UNITE 2010) That Andreas Sung Unstad, Elena Culai, Hege Faanes and Raluca Samsonov be granted rights to sign partnership contracts regarding exchange, income generation and external involvement in our activities until 30th of June 2011.  (UNITE 2010) That Rolf Ingar Schmachtenberg be granted the permission to sign binding agreements for AIESEC Norway until the 30th of June 2011  (UNITE 2010) The Extension LC of UiS are given UNITE 2011 as the final deadline to achieve official Member Status. If this is not the case there will be an automatic motion for disbandment of the Extension.  (ScaLDS 2010) MC budget 2010-11 All amounts are in Norwegian Kroners unless otherwise stated: Cost budget Cost Type Category Proposed Affiliation Related Costs Employee Costs MCP and VPF AIESEC Norway 174 721,07 Office Rent and Infrastructure Costs 75 460,00 Accounting 57 000,00 Auditing 30 000,00 Fee and Travel for ILMs 20 400,00 AI Fees 84648,47 Service Related Costs Other Employee Costs AIESEC Norway 178 387,73 LC Visits and related costs 20 000,00 Faci Fees for Nat Conf 12 000,00 Faci Travel for Nat Conf 16 000,00 Nat Con Pre-meeting Costs 1 800,00 ScaLDS country fee 8 500,00 MC ScaLDs Travel 7 500,00 MC budget costs Travel Conferences and Seminars 35 700,00 Project and Operational Costs 41 255,00 (previously named Branding and Representation) Office Related Costs 12 800,00 FK project costs 1 041 000,00 FK additional salary costs 198 824,83 EVS costs (non-salary) 23 658,00

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LNU costs MC full salary Jan- Jul Fk repayment MAD Project 07/08 Allocation for future losses on claims EP fast Match reimbursement

72 62 544 36 48 2 803

TOTAL Sum Costs

979,00 300,16 209,00 000,00 125,00 268,26

The MC budget costs related to EP Fast Match reimbursements are regulated according to Appendix A in the AIESEC Norway compendium according to LC performance on EP raising and matching. Revenue budget Income Type MC activity

ERMF (LC activity)

LC fees

Category TN Signing and Matching Fees TN Monthly Fees ER sales FK grant EVS Other Funds and Grants Alumni Donations Other Incomes TN Signing and Matching TN Monthly Fees EP signings LC ER sales Affiliation Fees Service Fees

Proposed 52 000,00 205 088,28 225 000,00 1 595 800,00 163 152,00 76 820,00 0,00 0,00 11 200,00 67 900,00 143 920,00 23 400,00 371 584,45 149 393,87 3 085 258,60

TOTAL Sum Revenue

For the year 2010-11 the following numbers will be used for the calculation of the AI fees 2009


Incoming X

Outgoing X






















MC (+UiS)










 

Total Affiliation Fees payable by LCs nationally is: 371 584,45 NOK Total Service Fees payabale by LCs nationally is: 149 393,87 NOK (ScaLDS 2010) That AIESEC Norway commits to participate at a joint conference with Sweden and Denmark, to be arranged in the Copenhagen/Malmö region between the 27th of January and the 30th of January 2011. This conference shall replace ACHIEVE as a national meeting for the year 2010-11 as defined in 7.1.1 and for all other purposes stated in the AIESEC Norway compendium. The following legislative items shall therefore be moved to this meeting: a) Membership Review b) Ratification of MC and LC Bi-annual reports and half year budgets c) Ratification of Selection Committee for MC elections” AIESEC Norway does not accept any financial liabilities related to the hosting of this conference unless explicitely legislated by NEB. The delegate fee may be up to but not exceeding 200,- NOK per day of the conference, a maximum of 800,- NOK. The delegate fee for Norwegian delegates may be set higher than for other delegates up to this limit (800,- NOK) due to the lack of financial liability on the part of AIESEC Norway. AIESEC Norway accepts that the number of delegates participating from Norway may be limited by the hosting entities due to capacity, but not below 60 delegates Orakel Regnskap is ratified as the authorised public accountant for the term 2010-2011. Every MC quarter the NEB meet to review MC`s budget, focus areas and results

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  

 

 

(Virtual Legislation November 2010) To have National Planning Conference from the 30th June to the 3rd of July 2011 obligatory for all EB elect members and MC elect members. Venue and host will be decided at a later legislative meeting. (Virtual Legislation November 2010) To allow the MC to make a formal bid for ScaLDS 2011 and for AIESEC Norway to take the full responsibility and financial liability for the conference given a financial liability on part of the other countries of up to 4000 € (Virtual Legislation December 2010) That the service fees 2010-11 be increased by a total of 48000,NOK. This amount is to be split evenly by the four member LCs, BI, NHH, Trondheim and UiO in monthly installments of 2000,- NOK per LC for the 6 months from January through June 2011. The money will go towards paying Andreas Unstad and Hege Faanes a stipend for the same period of time for working full time for AIESEC Norway. (UNITE 2011) That the MC 2009/10 be discharged on basis of the final annual report and audited year result (UNITE 2011) That the following people who tok part in the MC 11-12 selection panel during UNITE 2011 are ratified. Andreas Unstad, MCP elect. Rolf Schmachtenberg MCP current, Kristian Gundersen LCP of AIESEC NHH and Sergio Schüler, Election Chair and External representatives. The selection panel took its duties with the explicit agreement of NEB in advance without a formal legislative decision. (UNITE 2011) That 20 000,- NOK be added to the MC budget expenditures for 2010-11 for investments into restarting AIESEC Trondheim. This money will be invested directly from the MC and not affect LC fees for the 2010-11 year. (ACHIEVE 2011) That the following preliminary MC budget 2011-12 be approved:

Affiliation Fees

Service Fees

MC budget outside fees

Item MCP and VPF Employee Costs Office rent and infrastructure costs Accounting Auditing Brand Registration Fee and travel ILMs AI Fees LC Visits and related Costs Faci fees for National Conf Faci travel for National Conf Nat Con Pre-meeting costs ScaLDS country fee MC ScaLDS travel Other Employee Costs Travel, Conferences and Seminars Projects and Operational costs Office related costs EVS sending costs 100% Salaries Jan - Jun

2011-12 kr 167 301,36 kr 85 300,00 kr 57 000,00 kr 30 000,00 kr kr 20 000,00 kr 86 655,82 kr 20 000,00 kr 16 800,00 kr 20 000,00 kr 2 520,00 kr 4 150,00 kr 9 000,00 kr 182 615,76 kr 45 140,00 kr 46 180,00 kr 12 800,00 kr 7 680,00 kr 66 192,92



879 336,86

Total Affiliation fees payable by LCs nationally for 2011-12 term is: 369 033,73 NOK Total Service fees payable by LCs nationally for 2011-12 term is: 157 567,88 NOK”  (ACHIEVE 2011) That the following numbers will be used for calculation of the AI fees of AIESEC Norway Feb 1st – Jan 31st 2010 Entity Exchange Members BI 1 11 41 NHH (-UiS) 1 14 45 TRO 1 6 16 UiO 1 24 32 MC (+UiS) 0 18 5 Total 4 73 139  (ACHIEVE 2011) That LC Affiliation fees be reduced by a total of 20 766,72 NOK for the months of May and June 2011 due to the MCP no longer being paid full time by AIESEC Norway due to selection for AIESEC International. This reduces the LC fees by 2595,84 NOK per month per each of the four LCs.

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    

(ACHIEVE 2011) That Andreas Sung Unstad be granted the permission to sign binding agreements for AIESEC Norway until 30th of June 2012. (ACHIEVE 2011) That the powers of LCP as well as financial and legal control in LC Trondheim are transferred back to the LC from the MC through its own plenary following the establishment of a compendium and by 31st of May 2011 by the latest. Upon this, the MC will be discharged from its duties in the direct management of LC Trondheim. (ACHIEVE 2011) That Beata Danowska, Elisabeth Stava, Elisabeth Weckner, Meda Corovei, Daria Kogut and Diana Draganescu be given the right to sign partnership agreements regarding Exchange, Income generation and external involvement in our activities until 30th of June 2012 (ACHIEVE 2011) Orakel Regnskap is ratified as the authorised public accountant for the term 2011-12. (ACHIEVE 2011) That the dates of EXCEL 2011 be 29th of September – 2nd of October 2011. (ACHIEVE 2011) That the dates of UNITE 2012 be 12-15 January 2012 (ACHIEVE 2011) That the dates of ACHIEVE 2012 be 31st of March to 3rd of April 2012 (Saturday – Tuesday)

Two year motions  None Mandates  NHH and Trondheim are mandated not to pay UNITE loss 2008 and University of Oslo and BI only share loss up to 15000 NOK as stated in the compendium for the hosting LC.  All LCs are mandated to contribute a total sum of NOK 80,000 to the AIESEC Norway budget for 20082009 before June 30th, 2009. This Loss is split in the following way: BI – NOK 9480 UIO – NOK 31460 NHH – NOK 22000 Trondheim – NOK 17060  Mandate MC to host Achieve 2010, using OC from any LC LC  NHH is mandated to host EXCEL 2010 on the condition that they submit a feasibility report by 7th November, 2009 and the MC finds the report satisfactory.  EXCEL 2010 dates be 23-26th September 2010  Mandate NHH to be the extending LC of extension UiS. NHH will not have the individual members and exchange of UiS counted on their fees. AIESEC NHH is in no way financially responsible for UiS. The MC assumes such responsibility  To appoint MCP, LCP of UiO and LCP of BI as members of the Governance Subcommittee, chaired by the Chairman of the BoD  Mandate current Ebs to: - Stay in charge as EBs until 30th of June - Make changes in the compendium to change the LC EB cycle from 1st of July to 30th of June  To mandate NHH to design Guidelines on the reserve fund, including criteria and purpose of the fund and how LCs may apply for the fund by 15th of June 2010.  ACHIEVE 2011 dates be 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th of April 2011  The MC to present the final 2009-10 annual report and closed accounts by Excel 2010 as required by AIESEC Norway compendium section 7.3.3c. The discharge of the MC 2009-10 as specified by section 7.3.3d will follow the approval of such a report during Excel 2010 or at a later virtual legislation  To mandate the LCs of NHH, UiO and BI to provide a minimum of 1 member each for the organizing committee of the joint conference with Sweden and Denmark in January 2011. The members of the organizing committee would not pay delegate fees and have the conference covered, and will be expected to be at the conference a few days before it starts as requested by the hosting entity. Travel costs are not covered.  To mandate LCs of BI and UiO to evaluate the possibility of their LC hosting National Conference ACHIEVE 2011 and report on such possibility to the MC by the 15th of September 2010.  (UNITE 2011) That AIESEC UiO be mandated to host ACHIEVE 2011. UiO have until the 1st of March to define and inform NEB whether they will host a full scale conference or a minimum services conference of only session location and basic food.  (Virtual Legislation November 2010) That Kristian Gundersen be appointed chair of the governance and legislation subcommittee for the year 2010-11  (UNITE 2011) That the governance and legislation subcommittee be mandated to propose a motion on how the Board of Directors role should be incorporated in the compendium of AIESEC Norway by ACHIEVE 2011.

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        

(Virtual Legislation November 2010) That AIESEC BI, AIESEC NHH and AIESEC UiO be mandated to elect an LCP for the 2011-12 term by February 21st 2011 (Virtual Legislation November 2010) That AIESEC BI, AIESEC NHH and AIESEC UiO be mandated to elect a full EB for the 2011-12 term by March 25th 2011. In addition to an LCP a full EB is defined as a VP OGX, VP ICX and VP F as a minimum (ACHIEVE 2011) That the MCP be mandated to sign employment contracts with all the MC VPs (ACHIEVE 2011) That AIESEC NHH be mandated to host EXCEL 2011. (ACHIEVE 2011) That AIESEC NHH present a full proposal for OCP, venue proposal, budget and sales projections for EXCEL 2011 by June 1st 2011, to be ratified at National Planning Conference 2011. (ACHIEVE 2011) That AIESEC BI be mandated to host UNITE 2012. (ACHIEVE 2011) That AIESEC BI present a full proposal for recruitment of OCP and, venue proposal, budget proposal and sales projections for UNITE 2012 by August 1 st 2011, to be ratified at ScaLDS 2011 (ACHIEVE 2011) That AIESEC UiO be mandated to host ACHIEVE 2012. (ACHIEVE 2011) That AIESEC UiO present a full proposal for OCP, venue proposal, budget and sales projections for ACHIEVE 2012 by September 25th 2011, to be ratified at EXCEL 2011.

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E TRAVEL COST SHARING FOR LEGISLATIVE MEETINGS The travel costs are shared between the LCPs for Legislative Meetings during LCP meeting. This is a provision so that all LCPs of members can attend all the legislative meetings. Tickets beyond reasonable cost shall be removed from the calculation. Each LC pays 1/5 of the total travel cost, and then the LC receives the full amount of the LCPs travel cost back. The MC administers the TCS. Example: Travel cost for LCP meeting in Oslo: Trondheim 600, UiS 800, University of Oslo 0, BI 0, NHH 400 Total TC = 1800. Cost per LC = 360 The Balance for LCs: Trondheim receives 240, UiS receives 440 and NHH receives 40 BI and University of Oslo pay 360 In that way all LCs pay 360 totally for their LCP to attend a legislative meeting

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F NATIONAL SALES AND REVENUE DISTRIBUTION Any revenue generated through MC ER sales or National Partnerships is in full (100 %) to the MC budget. Selling Entity MC

Percentage of Revenue Retention 100 %

No entity can enter into agreement which requires delivery on the part of another entity without the prior written consent and agreement of that entity. This includes an agreement on the financial revenue distribution between selling and delivering entity.

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G REVENUE SHARING FOR NATIONAL CONFERENCE SALES Revenue in this section refers to the revenue of any sales in relation with a National Conference. It does not refer to the surplus of the income of a conference. Any surplus or loss from a National Conference Budget is received or incurred solely by the Conference Hosting Entity. No entity can enter into agreement which requires delivery on the part of another entity without the prior written consent and agreement of that entity. In specific this means:  No LC may therefore sell agenda time without the prior written agreement of the agenda delivering entity which is the MC.  No LC or MC may sell non-agenda products without the prior written agreement of the Conference Hosting Entity. Agenda Time: Agenda Delivering Entity (MC)

40 %

Selling entity (LC or MC)

40 %

Conference Hosting Entity (LC or MC)

20 %

The part of the revenue of Conference Hosting Entity obliges it to deliver standard branding and hosting of partners in relations with agenda time. Non Agenda Conference Sales: Selling entity (LC or MC)

60 %

Conference Hosting Entity (LC or MC)

40 %

This refers to any conference product related to the conference where no agenda time is included. Partnerships delivered during National Conferences In cases where conference products are a part of a partnership, the partnership selling entity has to define the extent of the financial revenue which is tied to the conference products. The entity which has to deliver the conference products must agree to the revenue division before such a partnership may be signed. Examples include but are not limited to:  Local partners where branding at National Conferences is sold as part of the partnership  National partners where branding and/or agenda time at National Conferences is sold as part of the partnership

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H REVENUE SHARING FOR MC EXCHANGE Incoming Exchange: Matching Entity (LC or MC) 0%

Servicing Entity (LC or MC) 0%

LC Reserve Fund

TN Raising Fee

MC (selling entity) 100 %

TN Matching Fee


100 %



TN Monthly Fee

70 %


25 %


TN Extension Fee

100 %




TN Cancellation Fee

100 %





* These 5% only go to the LC Reserve Fund only if an LC is the Servicing Entity. The Matching entity is responsible for matching the TN to an appropriate EP. The servicing entity is responsible for VISA application, Residence Permit and Social Number upon arrival, Accommodation, and servicing of the Intern while in Norway. The MC as selling entity may withhold parts of the TN Monthly Fee if an LC as a servicing entity does not meet its obligations according to the structure below. The MC is obliged to notify the LC prior to such action, and give the LC two weeks to deliver the service. The fee may not be withheld in retrospect after the service has been delivered. Obligations of Servicing Entity Visa Application

Part of LC monthly fee that may be withheld (total 25%) Up to 5 %

Residence Permit upon arrival

Up to 5 %

Accommodation Services

Up to 10 %

Servicing of Intern while in Norway

Up to 5 %

Exchanges raised by the MC will be counted as realized by the MC, independent of who is the matching and servicing entity. Outgoing Exchange:

EP Raising Fee

MC (Recruiting entity)

Delivering Entity (LC or MC)

LC Reserve Fund

80 %

20 %


Any Reimbursement to the EP for quick matching comes out of the Recruiting Entities part. The Recruiting Entity is responsible for Recruitment, Interview, EP Review board and IXPQS The Delivering Entity is responsible for Induction to AIESEC, Cultural Preparation, EP education on database and matching, Raising EP Form on system, provide an EP Buddy to the EP and provide practical information before realization to the EP. The MC may withhold parts of the Delivering Entity Fee if an LC as a servicing entity does not meet its obligations according to the structure below. The MC is obliged to notify the LC prior to such action, and give the LC two weeks to deliver the service. The fee may not be withheld in retrospect after the service has been delivered. Obligations of Delivering Entity Induction, Cultural Preparation and provide practical information before realization EP Database and matching education, Raising EP form, EP Buddy

Part of monthly fee that may be withheld Up to 10 % Up to 10 %

Outgoing Exchanges will be counted as realized by the Delivering Entity unless otherwise agreed.

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I RESERVE FUND REGULATIONS The Reserve fund is a fund jointly owned by the member LCs (Full members and Members in alert) of AIESEC Norway. The use of the fund is at the discretion of NEB. LCs or Extensions may apply for a loan or a grant from the fund. All Member LCs (Full Members and Members in Alert) have a vote in the distribution of the Reserve Fund. This is independent of whether the Member has voting rights in regular legislation. Extensions and MC do not have voting rights. Decisions on the fund are made with 2/3 majority of the voting LCs.

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