GCDP YiAA idea creation

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GCDP session ”EP Toolbox” Creating a storage site (my@ wiki or google pages) with information about matching processes, how to guides, explanations and country guides for raised EPs in Your Impact, Africa and documents (but can also be useful for other EPs). Purpose of the toolbox: Create an easily accessible storage space for documents and how to guides for EPs. Make EPs more independent, don’t need to ask us all questions Content of the page:  Contact information of PMs & VPs (Camilla)  How to search myaiesec.net (Camilla)  Document explanations: (Camilla)  XPP  AN  Country pages (Jens – Africa, Andreas – Asia)  Practical information (vaccines, visa etc.)  About country  LC introduction  EP reference  Projects  TN opportunities (project)  Abbreviations list (Andreas)  Matching flow/process guide (Jens) Next steps:  Gather information we already have in dropbox folder. Start creating pages. (Deadline for finished page 31st. January)  Choose LC representative in team (deadline ca. 15th February)  Create team Facebook page (Andreas)  Send email to VPs/ OGX responsible in all LCs with explanation (Camilla)  Decide on myaiesec.net wiki vs. google docs

Selection process -

Ongoing selection, contact EP within 1 week of application. Interview within two weeks. Try to sign EP at interview. 3 days to decide (call in 3 days). Raise immediately (if possible) or have guide for EP to self raise. (EP buddy responsible) Office time with matching help On interview: show the database and show a specific TN/project and suggest as project to apply to (based on country preferences, partner projects and job preference of EP)

Realized EPs -

Social integration of EP in LC before and after the internship o Social events, parties



o OPS (go out after OPS) o Homecoming seminar (informal, experience sharing) o Invite EPs to share their experience on LC meetings, conferences. Use them on info meetings, conferences Blogg, article to tell about experience Membership

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