ASM 2014 Booklet #1

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A MESSAGE FROM OUR MCP Dear Delegates, Hope you open up this booklet full of joy and energy. Every time we gather for a conference, I believe we get together for a reason bigger than ourselves; our network becomes stronger towards our ambition. ASM 2014 is almost the last conference we have as a MCEB Wave for this network but the very first of the year and GEN 2014. It is the conference where we CHOOSE to ACT, where planning is over, the ambitions have been set and it is time to make those dreams into reality. This conference is a great opportunity to keep building our ambition and belief TOGETHER in order to accomplish and fulfill our promise to generate Young Leaders Protagonist of Change. Weather you are an EB or an empowered TMP/TLP, you will come not talk about what is going on, but to influence and change our environment into a much more bigger and better one. With this I close this invitation letter, invitation to a new chance to work for a better AIESEC, a new chance to create the future we believe in. Hope MCEB Wave can see you all in Buenos Aires to Challenge once again our limits and Lead action! Let's create a conference to remember and grow like never before!! In the end, a conference is never a conference without their most valuable asset, the Delegates :) See you really soon!!! Lu On behalf of MCEB Wave 13.14

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E 800 ARS E F (+ 50 ARS de damage fee*)

¿Qué es el Damage Fee? Se cobra para el caso de que existan roturas o daños en el lugar de la conferencia. En el caso que la conferencia cierre sin daños, se procederá a realizar los reintegros. El mismo se realizará por Entidad a través del Extracto y luego cada entidad realizará los reintegros correspondientes de sus miembros.

Ya que sabes las fechas, el lugar y el fee …

INSCRIBITE ACÁ DEADLINE: 22/02 1) Antes de sacar los pasajes de bus por favor esperen a que les llegue un correo oficial del OC anunciando que fue aprobada su inscripción. Esto sucederá luego del deadline una vez que los LCPs aprueben a los asistentes inscriptos de sus entidades. 2) Al inscribirse están aceptando que podrán ir a la conferencia y que abonarán el fee. 3) En caso de inscribirse fuera del deadline establecido. Se cobrará un late fee de 50 ARS.

OC CONTACT OCP: Federico Cer贸n OC Delegates: Paula Martinez OC COMM: Juliana Olcese OC Agenda & Materials: Sebasti谩n Romero OC Finance: Bruno Lima

ASM 2014 #IswaitingforYOU

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